Prophetic dreams and nightmares, stories about people's terrible dreams. About the section dreams: Scary dreams, stories from people

The adults strictly forbade us from going there, because the drivers might not notice us and cover us with sand. But the forbidden fruit is sweet! All the kids in our area wanted to do just that, they just dreamed of wandering around and playing in this sandy mound.

The story, again, did not happen to me. But I’ll tell you, as usual, in my own words... ...I was seven years old then. My family received a long-awaited apartment and very soon moved there to live. The house was new, brick - just a sight for sore eyes!

In the courtyard there is a brand new children's playground with a bunch of all kinds of slides and carousels. And behind the house there was a vacant lot, which had not yet been built up with anything. In the middle of the vacant lot stood a huge lilac bush. When other kids and I started playing hide and seek, its fluffy branches certainly became a hiding place for one of us...

When I was 13 years old, my grandfather, my father’s father, died. His name was Vasily. This was the first person in my family that I lost. At that time, I was very afraid of the dead and could not stand the sound of funeral music, so I deceivedly refused to go to my grandfather’s funeral in the village. My father, who had left earlier, was very upset that I did not come to say goodbye to my grandfather, because he loved me very much. Later, when the feelings subsided a little, I regretted my action, but it was no longer possible to change anything.

After I turned 16, I started having intrusive dreams. I dreamed about them two or even three times a week. In these dreams, I came to the village, as usual on the weekend, to visit my grandmother, my grandfather was not in these dreams. The events that took place in these dreams were always either sad or nightmarish, but they always ended with the same thing - I COULD NOT LEAVE!

I don’t know if it was a long time ago or not, but the story is frightening. My uncle lives in the village, and I visit him once every three months: work doesn’t allow me time to come often. My uncle has a wife - Eva, or rather Evangelina. So they live together for about 2-3 years, in perfect harmony, and, more often than not, when my uncle is late at work, Eva and I happily drink tea in the kitchen and gossip about all things feminine. We talked about everything, then it came to dreams, which Eva and I really believed in.

So, I tell her a dream that I somehow had from Monday to Tuesday. I'm standing on the bank of the river. Not even rivers, but lakes. The branches of a tree were spread out above me, but it was without leaves, despite the summer weather. It was already dark, and I was standing by this lake and looking at its mirror-like surface, when I saw some kind of movement (reflection) in the lake. There was something behind me. And suddenly I suddenly fall into the lake, flopping around with my arms and legs: in vain, I can’t swim out. When I was almost choking, I heard a heart-rending girlish scream... And I woke up all in a cold sweat, thanking life that this was a dream.

I go to bed. The bed is absolutely clean and fresh. The pose is as relaxed as possible. So, wait for me, dream. Wait. Wait like Hachiko.

The Secret History of Dreams [The Meaning of Dreams in Different Cultures and the Lives of Famous Personalities] Robert Moss

Dreams in stories, stories in dreams

I dreamed that I spoke to Roger Caillois in French before I became acquainted with his work, and then I found all his books in memory of my dream. I discovered that he was a highly gifted French dream explorer and literary adventurer, a fan of surrealism, a student of games and myths, and a traveler in the world of stones and minerals. He published an excellent anthology, “Adventure in Dreams,” in which he offered many interesting ideas and analyzed the relationship between dreams and reality. The anthology consists of three parts. The first part is an entertaining introduction in which Caillois describes two fundamental approaches to dreams: for those who want to receive interpretations of dreams, and for those who want to enter the dream space themselves to explore it (which is much more interesting and educational).

Next, the author introduces his reader to a selection of dream stories from classical Chinese texts; Many of them are influenced by Taoism, particularly with regard to ideas about the journey of the soul. In one Chinese tale, a man on his way home is surprised to hear his wife having fun with strangers inside a temple. He takes a stone and throws it, breaking the plates on the tables and scattering the feasters. Returning home, he sees that his wife gets out of bed and, laughing, tells him about her funny dream in which she was having fun with strangers in the temple, and then someone interrupted their fun by throwing a stone that broke the dishes. “This,” Po Hsing Chen concludes, “is an example of how the spirits of sleeping people can meet with a waking person.”

In another Chinese fairy tale by Po Sung Ling, “The Painted Wall,” written long before Alice Through the Looking Glass and the film What Dreams May Come, a man named Chu gets inside a painting and marries the beautiful girl he admired while looking at it. Hearing the screams of his comrades and returning back, he sees that the girl in the picture now has a bunch of ribbons woven into her hair, like a married woman. How is this possible? The priest replies: “The reason for the visions lies in the people to whom they come.”

The third and largest part of “Adventures in Dreams” is devoted to the consideration of short novels, the basis of which were dreams. As all good writers know, many dreams, although they come in the form of a complete story or script, are quite difficult to turn into a good novel. Beginning with a story that takes place in a dream may alienate some potential readers, since the actual experience is often more interesting. This is why most fantasy novels never use the word “dream.” Caillois searched with great zeal for those stories in which the dream is an integral and most exciting part of the plot.

One of my favorite pieces is a story with a twist; in the collected works it is called “Far” and is written by the Argentine writer Julio Cortazar. In this scary story, the heroine Alicia Reyes dreams again and again in great detail of a sad woman in torn shoes on a bridge in winter Budapest; people beat her, she is unhappy and lonely. Once married, Alicia convinces her husband to let her go to Budapest, where she has never been before. While walking, she finds herself next to the bridge she saw in her dream. In the middle of the bridge stands a sad woman in torn shoes. They hug, and Alicia feels indescribable joy. When they open their embrace, the woman begins to scream in horror - because she sees the figure of Alicia Reyes quickly moving away in the opposite direction, and her hair fluttering slightly in the wind... They switched bodies.

I also really like the story “The Boy in the Bush” by Rudyard Kipling, who was well aware of the possibilities of dreams. A boy and a girl who have never met in the real world begin to spend time together in their dreams. They become involved in adventures that often begin in the bush near the ocean. Over the course of many years, their meetings and adventures continue in this parallel world, which challenges all the laws of familiar reality. Several decades after their first meeting, they meet in the real world, get to know each other and get married.

I don't know what exactly inspired Kipling to write this tale, although perhaps I should have found out more about it, because at one time I lived in East Sussex, in a house that was located near the area where Kipling conceived his tale "Puck from the Puka Hills." I know that the main idea of ​​"Bush Boy" - that in dreams we can live another life with other people - is quite true and, if understood better, could change our usual ideas about reality. I know this because one of my sisters and I started dating in the dream space when we were about nine years old, more than thirty years before we met in real life; Since then, we have experienced more than one joint adventure in parallel realities.

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Stories You have already prepared your speech. It is educational and makes listeners think, encouraging them to take action. But there is no feeling in it, no soul, no passion that can excite people, that is, there is no “rod on which everything rests” and thanks to which - everyone knows this

Every person dreams periodically; This is a normal phenomenon that nature has laid in us. Sometimes dreams can have much more meaning to a person. We are talking about prophetic dreams that allow you to predict the future or help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

We will tell you about five famous prophetic dreams that changed history or led humanity to new knowledge. You have probably heard about some of these people, and now, perhaps, you will become more attentive to your own night visions.

Story one - Dmitry Mendeleev's dream

This great Russian scientist became famous throughout the world as the genius who came up with the periodic system of chemical elements. Of course, before and after him there were many people who tried to make their own table or improve an existing one. He made a splash in the world of chemistry, and this became possible because he saw an approximate model of a table in a dream.

Story two - the sinking of the Titanic

There is ample evidence that the sinking of the largest ship of the early twentieth century was foreseen by many people. For example, one rich American woman dreamed that a ship sank. She was waiting for her daughter from Europe, and she never returned due to the crash.

What is quite interesting is that almost 20 flight tickets were returned. People motivated their actions by the fact that they were afraid of dying in a crash. This was nonsense, since the creators of the ship said that it was impossible to sink it. However, most people from this “twenty” also dreamed that this terrible disaster would happen. This fact proves that prophetic dreams can even be collective.

Story three - a look into Lermontov's past

Mikhail Lermontov, a famous writer known throughout the world, once in a dream saw a mysterious person who appeared to him in order to suggest the right way to solve a mathematical problem. The method turned out to be correct, and the person actually existed, but was already dead. It was the great mathematician Napier.

We learned about this thanks to the portrait of Napier drawn by Lermontov. Scientists have proven that they could not know each other, so it really was a prophetic dream.

Story four - electric genius Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a scientist working on the problem of transmitting electrical signals and energy through the air. At the beginning of the 20th century, these studies seemed like crazy, but over time they recognized him as a genius of unprecedented proportions. Tesla himself claimed that his genius lay in his rich imagination: he developed most of his theories after seeing their concept in a dream.

Story five - music in Paul McCartney's dreams

The leader of The Beatles heard the melody in one of his dreams. She seemed so beautiful to him that he did not dare to appropriate it for himself until he checked that other musicians had it. It was a prophetic dream because he actually wrote it first. This melody formed the basis of the song “Yesterday”. There were many similar stories among the great musicians of modern and recent history.

Some writers saw images of future heroes in their dreams. As history shows, dreams have played a very important role in the world of science, music and literature. Prophetic dreams many great people have changed the future and present forever. We wish you good luck, only pleasant dreams, and do not forget to press the buttons and

16.02.2016 01:10

Many people have experienced a feeling like déjà vu. Masters of esotericism attribute magical properties to this phenomenon.

The events took place in 2015.

One day, one beautiful summer, we flew to Turkey to visit our uncle. My mother, sister and grandmother and I have been dreaming about this trip for a long time. And for how long I haven’t seen my beloved uncle. Moreover, I missed him very much.

Well, actually, the road was not easy, there were passports, documents, a flight and sleepless nights on the way to him. Everything was fine, we arrived successfully. When we arrived, he met us at the exit and we immediately headed to Ayvacik - this is an island where not many people live, a place where you can relax in peace from the bustle of the city and where the Aegean Sea, which plays one, but a very terrible role in our lives, but more on that later.

When we arrived, of course, we started swimming, diving and splashing in the sea under the rays of the sun, we had a good time and every evening our family had games. Everything seemed to be going as usual, but when I went to bed on one of these beautiful days, I dreamed that someone was going to die soon and that someone was an older person. The next morning I woke up, of course, not without a state of shock. But I decided that I no longer believed in everything otherworldly, so I didn’t attach any importance to this dream. In the following nights from that moment on, I periodically began to have such dreams more often. The next night I dreamed that the man’s death was approaching and would soon reach him. I woke up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, but tried to calm down and went back to sleep. This morning I decided to tell one person about this - my sister. She also became worried and began to be wary of what would happen in the future.

Hours passed since then, I thought about it for a long time, I realized that this was not just a dream and that I didn’t just dream about it every night. I assumed that perhaps it should be my mother, but I thought about it and remembered one more detail; the dream clearly stated that this would be the oldest person in the family. Then I realized that it was about my grandmother. I understood, but decided not to tell anyone else about it, you never know, they won’t believe you, you never know they’ll take you for a schizophrenic, after all, I once tried to warn about other important things, but they never believed me, so I realized that even this since no one will understand me seriously. So I decided to keep quiet in the following days.

And then, again, night... This night was special, then in a dream an incomprehensible silhouette of a man came and said that she would die, but he never said who, I long ago understood who he was talking about...

The dream has passed. Morning has come. And this morning was special, this morning everything was perfect, everyone had breakfast and we went to the market for groceries and other important matters. Grandmother refused, as always, because of her sore and swollen legs. She was left alone. We left.

Time passed, we returned home in the evening at 18:00, before that I felt something was wrong in the car, I began to hesitate, but after a while we arrived and began to lay out the purchased things and gifts for my grandmother, after all, it was supposed to be her birthday in three days. And some time passed, while my sister was putting away her shopping, I began to look for my grandmother, I looked, we looked, another hour passed and we really began to worry like never before. But I didn’t know what was happening, it was as if someone had possessed me, someone in my body furiously snatched the lantern from my mother and ran to the beach. As a result, as I approached, I saw a hand, parts of the body and ran faster, I came! It was my grandmother, she was 300 meters from our rented house. Part of her body lay on the shore, the other, in the sea, she was turned over facing the sky, I realized that she had fought for a long time to swim to the shore and there, she could no longer stand it and died.

And it was night, nothing was visible, at the time we arrived it was even darker, but she went swimming, as it turned out, two hours before our arrival, and at that hour it was already quite dark. She never did this, there was a lock on the gate and we took the key for ourselves. However, the lock was open. How? We never found out. The gate was small, but the grandmother could not climb over it with such legs and weight, and somehow she managed! After a while, we transported her to Russia and buried her in Khirino.

Several weeks have passed since then. I remembered how three days before the New Year I also had a dream about a death in my family, and on the same day my aunt died in a car accident. She died long and painfully, as the doctors said.

Also, a couple of months ago, when my mother and I were in St. Petersburg, I dreamed of the cemetery where my grandfather would be buried. In October, he underwent coronary bypass surgery, the result was terrible, his body was mutilated beyond recognition and he was buried in the Perpechensky cemetery.

The other day I had a dream again. It's about my father...



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