At what age should a puppy be vaccinated? When to vaccinate puppies: pet vaccination schedule

The first vaccination for a puppy will reliably protect your four-legged pet from most serious diseases that pose a danger at his age. In addition, timely administered medications help the growing body quickly get stronger and develop the necessary immunity. Therefore, if you decide to have a four-legged friend, be sure to check with the breeder what vaccines the baby has already received.

The first vaccination for a puppy will reliably protect your four-legged pet from most serious diseases that pose a danger at his age.

Vaccinations are given to pets throughout their life, which allows them to develop lasting immunity to diseases. Animals acquire resistance to some diseases even after they have been ill. Strong natural immunity is given to a puppy from its mother at birth. However, it does not last long: as soon as milk volumes decrease, the protection begins to weaken. When the owner switches the pet to another food, the question arises about when to give the puppies the first vaccination.

Vaccinations are given to pets throughout their life, which allows them to develop lasting immunity to diseases.

To get the answer to this question, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian. However, you can adhere to the generally accepted standard: most breeders give the first vaccination at 6-8 weeks. After 2-4 weeks, you should return to the clinic for revaccination. As a rule, at the first visit to the veterinarian, the doctor draws up a detailed schedule in which he prescribes at what age and what vaccinations puppies need to receive during 1 year of life.

At 6 months the dog is vaccinated against rabies and several other diseases. If your pet's teeth are changing at this time, administering medications is strictly prohibited. The doctor will tell you how many months the procedure can be performed.

When your pet turns one year old, a comprehensive vaccination should be carried out. The veterinarian will administer these same medications annually to the dog throughout its life.

Vaccination of puppies (video)

What vaccinations does a puppy need?

Typically, owners worry not only about when their puppies should be vaccinated, but also about which vaccines are required. Each region has its own list of infectious diseases from which it is imperative to protect your beloved pet.

When your pet turns one year old, you should undergo a comprehensive vaccination.

However, there are several ailments for which vaccination against is mandatory in all parts of our country.

  1. Rabies is a dangerous disease that leads to severe suffering and death of a dog. When bitten by an infected animal, it can be transmitted to humans. The rabies vaccine must be given every year. As a rule, vaccination is easily tolerated and does not cause complications.
  2. Distemper is an infectious disease that also causes death. The vaccine is easily tolerated by the puppy, but in rare cases it can cause lethargy and loss of appetite. The illness goes away without medical attention within 2-3 days.
  3. Parvovirus gastroenteritis is an intestinal disease that causes complete dehydration of the pet's body. The vaccine is given for the purpose of prevention and is tolerated without complications.
  4. Leptospirosis is another infectious disease that can also cause death. Vaccination is carried out for preventive purposes and does not cause complications.

Depending on the characteristics of the area of ​​residence, the first vaccination may include other vaccinations. Your doctor may consider it necessary to administer medications to protect against:

  • piroplasmosis;
  • coronavirus enteritis;
  • canine parainfluenza;
  • Lyme disease;
  • viral hepatitis.

Today, not only single vaccines are widespread, but also complex vaccinations. The latter are more preferable because they protect puppies from several of the most common diseases at once.

How to prepare an animal?

Before you vaccinate your puppy, you need to make sure that he is completely healthy. It is strictly prohibited to vaccinate sick four-legged friends - this can lead to dangerous complications. If symptoms of illness appear, the administration of medications should be postponed until the animal has fully recovered and become stronger.

How to get vaccinated?

Only a specialist should vaccinate your dog. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself at home, especially if the person has no experience with such manipulations. Another important rule: when visiting the clinic, the owner should not be nervous, since excitement can be transferred to the animal, making it disobedient and restless.

The doctor selects the required injection site depending on the type of drug. Typically, vaccinations are given in the scruff of the neck or in the thigh muscle. Each injection given must be included in the dog’s passport. This is necessary so that the owner knows when to come to the clinic next time.

Vaccinations for puppies (video)

Consequences of vaccination

Each puppy's body is unique and individual. It happens that some children feel slightly unwell after vaccination. An undesirable side reaction may manifest itself in the form of:

  • increased body temperature;
  • drowsiness and lethargy;
  • decreased appetite;
  • apathy and passivity.

The above symptoms do not pose a serious danger and, as a rule, go away without medical help within 3 days. It is not recommended to disturb a sick puppy. There is no need to provoke him to play, force him to eat or drink. But bowls with food and clean water should always be nearby. If the animal's condition does not improve, it should be shown to a veterinarian. It is possible that the vaccinated pet was sick during vaccination, and the vaccination caused even more damage to the weakened body.

Another unpleasant situation that many owners of four-legged animals encounter is the formation of a subcutaneous lump at the injection site. The defect occurs if the doctor incorrectly performed the procedure and introduced the medicine into the intercutaneous space. In mild forms, the formation in the dog resolves on its own. In severe cases, if the defect does not disappear, but, on the contrary, grows, you cannot do without medical help. In some cases, surgery is required, in others it is possible to take medications. It all depends on the complexity of the case.

In some situations, owners notice that the puppy’s behavior has changed significantly after vaccination. The baby experiences constant drowsiness, suffers from shortness of breath and profuse salivation, and his skin has acquired a bluish tint. All of these symptoms are a sign that the animal has developed an allergic reaction to the components of the vaccine. This simply cannot be done without medical intervention. And delay and lack of timely assistance can lead to the death of the animal. It is necessary to call a doctor as soon as possible, and before he arrives, give the puppy any antiallergic drug intended for humans.

Puppies are a source of endless joy and happiness for owners. These babies need human care and attention. A mandatory element of care is regular vaccination. If you take proper care of your four-legged pet and regularly visit the doctor, you will raise an intelligent, loyal and devoted friend.

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When should a dog have its first vaccination? When should a puppy have his first vaccination?

The usual time for the first vaccination for puppies is at the age of 2 months. At this point, the effect of maternal antibodies has weakened and vaccinations will be effective. However, special vaccines for puppies allow early vaccination, at the age of 3-4 weeks. Such vaccines should be used in conditions of increased risk of infection for the puppy: if it is not possible to exclude contact with dogs or street objects until immunity is formed.

What vaccinations do puppies get?

If we talk about early vaccinations, these are vaccinations against kennel cough and diseases that are very dangerous for puppies, such as plague and parvovirus enteritis.

How many vaccinations does a puppy need to have?

To form reliable immunity, the puppy is vaccinated at least 2 times: at the age of 2 months and after 2-3 weeks.

What vaccinations does a puppy need to have at 2 months?

At 2 months, a dog is usually vaccinated against canine distemper, viral hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis and leptospirosis. The second vaccination of the puppy against the listed diseases is done after 2-3 weeks, at the same time the puppy receives the first vaccination against rabies. The dog's immunity will be formed 2 weeks after the second vaccination.

What annual vaccinations do dogs get? What vaccinations does a dog need after one year?

Routine annual vaccinations for dogs are given to protect against canine distemper, viral hepatitis, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis and rabies. Vaccinating a dog at one or two years of age is no different from vaccinations every subsequent year.

How often should a dog be vaccinated? What is the frequency of vaccinations for dogs?

The standard vaccination frequency is 1 year. However, pay attention to the instructions for the specific vaccine used; in some cases, the duration of the vaccine may be longer. Therefore, the answer to the question “When should a dog be vaccinated?” depends on the type of vaccine used.

Do adult dogs need vaccinations?

The immune system of adult dogs is stronger than that of puppies. But this does not mean that adult dogs do not need vaccination, since the likelihood of the disease does not disappear, but only decreases. Remember that rabies vaccination for dogs is mandatory at any age.

Do older dogs need vaccinations?

The answer to this question depends on the condition of the particular animal. Diseases that appear with age may be contraindications to vaccination. If there are no contraindications, the dog needs to be vaccinated.

Additional materials:

How to properly vaccinate a puppy

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Having become the proud owner of a puppy, you begin to understand the entire ABC of caring for a dog. These are, and, of course, the rules of vaccination. In our article today, we will tell you what you need to know about vaccinating your pet, when and what vaccinations a puppy needs to have, and which vaccines are best to choose for this. Are you ready? Then, let's begin...

Modern veterinary practice recognizes mandatory vaccination of dogs against the following diseases:
  • carnivore plague,
  • parvovirus enteritis,
  • infectious hepatitis,
  • adenoviral infections,
  • parainfluenza,
  • rabies,
  • leptospirosis.

All these diseases threaten the health and life of your pet, therefore, your dog must be vaccinated against the above diseases.
What you need to know about vaccinations... As a rule, a vaccinated dog will not get sick from all the diseases for which it was vaccinated. However, if she has direct contact with a sick animal, then there is a possible risk of infection, however, the disease will be transferred in a mild form, without complications and will not lead to death.
So, when should you start vaccinating your puppy?

According to veterinarians, the most optimal time for the first vaccination of a puppy is its age of 2 months. It is not necessary to vaccinate earlier, since the puppy’s immunity is still “working”, which he received from his mother. Therefore, veterinarians call the period 2 months. However, it is necessary to vaccinate a puppy before 4 months, and take a break from 4 to 6 months, since puppies replace teeth during this period, and since this process occurs differently in each breed of dog, in order to exclude the possibility of complications after vaccination, it is better to postpone vaccination for this period.

If you decide to vaccinate your pet later, after 6 months, this is not a fatal mistake, however, all this time you will be exposing the life and health of your puppy to the threat of the above diseases, which he can become infected with during one of your walks or contact with an infected person. animals. As statistics show,

unvaccinated puppies at this age are very difficult to tolerate the above diseases and the likelihood of death among them is quite high.

However, before taking an animal to a veterinary clinic for routine vaccination, it is necessary to undergo preliminary preparation. Since vaccination should only be carried out on a healthy animal, and if at the time of this procedure the puppy is already sick, it will not protect your pet from all the consequences of the disease, you must be absolutely sure that your puppy is healthy. For this, it is recommended (if you decide to vaccinate from 2 to 4 months) from 1.5 months of age to place the baby in quarantine - to exclude the possibility of contact with other animals and to walk with the baby in “ecologically friendly” places (outside the city, for example), carry out deworming (treat worms).
If you have followed all these recommendations, and your puppy is healthy, his body temperature has remained within normal limits for the last 3 days, he has a good appetite, and he behaves actively - you can go for vaccination. If you are not sure about one of the characteristics of the condition, vaccination should be postponed.
Where to vaccinate? Of course, in a veterinary clinic. And, although today you can purchase a vaccine against one or another disease at every veterinary pharmacy, only a veterinarian should vaccinate a dog and only in a veterinary clinic, in order to avoid possible complications. In addition, after such vaccination, you will be able to put a mark in your veterinary passport stating that the animal has been vaccinated.
We have already said that

The first vaccination is carried out between 2 and 4 months. The second vaccination will be carried out after a certain period of time, which is specified in the instructions for the vaccine, and the third vaccination will be carried out after 7-8 months, when the puppy’s teeth change.

In other words, your pet should be vaccinated three times before the age of 12 months.

After vaccination, you must adhere to the following recommendations for two days - avoid walking in open areas, contact with other people's dogs, as well as contact with strangers (a person can be a carrier of a disease dangerous for the puppy), maintain the same diet, avoid stressful situations for the dog, and under no circumstances warm the injection site with a heating pad or wet it with water (even if there is a slight swelling or thickening at the injection site - this is an individual reaction of your puppy’s body, which will pass very soon). Immunity after vaccination is developed over the course of 3 weeks, and during this time your puppy is still defenseless against dangerous infections and diseases, therefore, you should not forget about precautions during this time.
For more information about vaccinating your puppy, you can contact your veterinarian at your nearest veterinary clinic. There you can consult on all your questions regarding the vaccination schedule.
Shevtsova Olga

Video about puppy vaccination:

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A dog is a wonderful companion, friend, hunting assistant, and guard. Every owner wants his dog to be healthy. There are diseases that a dog can contract on the street from sick animals or their feces. Also, pathogens can enter the dog’s body from the owner who is the carrier of this disease. They will help you protect yourself and your dog from many diseases. timely vaccinations.

Many of the diseases that vaccination can protect against are fatal to the dog and dangerous to its owner. Among the most common infectious diseases are viral hepatitis, parainfluenza, and some others. You can get a recommendation from your veterinarian about what vaccinations your dog needs.

Vaccination should be carried out within the specified time frame; the puppy has antibodies in its blood from its mother’s milk, which last up to 1.5 months. Then the defense weakens. At this moment the first vaccination is needed. It is necessary to protect your pet from dangerous diseases as early as possible, but you cannot vaccinate too early, as an immune response may not be formed.

Vaccines have a long-term effect they form active immunity. Be sure to check the expiration date before vaccination; expired vaccines do not work. Storage conditions must also comply with the instructions.

  1. Monovalent vaccines. Consist of antigens of one disease.
  2. Polyvalent vaccines. They form immunity against several diseases. It is better to use them for adult dogs to support already developed immunity. They are more difficult for dogs to tolerate than monovalent ones.

What to choose - ours or imported ones?

Modern domestic vaccines receive quite high ratings, but most veterinarians give preference for high-quality foreign vaccines, which are time-tested. Among them are the Nobivak and Eurican brands. As a rule, veterinarians do not consult with the owner about which vaccine to use. The only question that arises is price. The veterinarian does not explain the mechanism of action on the dog’s body.

What are vaccines for?

  • Against the plague It is better to vaccinate with a domestic vaccine; there have been cases of the disease after an imported one. “Vakchum”, 668-KF, EPM are Russian anti-plague drugs.
  • "Cultural rabies phenol vaccine" - vaccine against rabies for dogs.
  • Parvovac is a vaccine against parvovirus enteritis and viral hepatitis.

Foreign suppliers offer a large number of options to choose from multicomponent vaccines.

For puppies Vaccinations are given against rabies, adenovirus, parainfluenza and parvovirus enteritis, distemper. For young dogs, they are revaccinated against the same diseases and also vaccinated against leptospirosis. For rabies adult dog vaccinated in accordance with the vaccination schedule. The need for vaccination against giardiasis, Lyme disease, and coronavirus enteritis depends on the area where you live and the type of employment of the dog.


Its difference from a vaccine is that it gives short-term passive immunity. They contain ready-made antibodies. Serums are used for treatment, not for disease prevention.

Preparation for vaccination and its cost

  1. Observe the dog's condition. Vaccination is given only to healthy animals. The puppy needs to monitor the condition of its stool and mucous membranes for a week before vaccination.
  2. before each vaccination.
  3. Avoid walking with the puppy before vaccination, do not let them into the hallway, and remove dirty shoes.
  4. Provide proper and nutritious nutrition for your dog.
  5. Interval between vaccinations must be at least 3 weeks.

Should I vaccinate at home or in a clinic? This question worries many owners. The clinic stamps it and the procedure is cheaper. Sometimes the rules for storing vaccines are not followed. The ideal option would be to call a trusted doctor at home from a good clinic. The veterinarian can take the passport with him and stamp it at the clinic. A puppy that is vulnerable to infection will be safe in a calm environment.

After vaccination, do not wash the dog, do not tire it, and let it sleep more. Feeding should be complete. Limit contact with other dogs. You cannot walk with the puppy for 2 weeks after vaccination.

How much do dog vaccinations cost? In Moscow calling a veterinarian to your home vaccination will cost from 500 to 2500 rubles, depending on the vaccine. In veterinary clinics the cost of vaccinations for dogs ranges from 300 to 1000 rubles, on average 500 rubles.

Vaccination schedule for dogs

What vaccinations are given to dogs and when? Puppy's first vaccination carried out against enteritis or against hepatitis. A bivalent vaccine can be used. Revaccination is carried out after 10-14 days. This vaccination is easily tolerated. After two weeks, stable immunity is developed. A year later the vaccination is repeated.

At 2.5 months vaccination against plague is carried out. You cannot walk your puppy for 3 weeks after vaccination. The puppy is vaccinated again at 6-7 months, when the growth of permanent teeth ends.

At 8 months Vaccinate your dog against rabies. It can be done from 6 months, but due to anti-plague revaccination, it can only be done at this age. How often should my dog ​​be vaccinated against rabies? The next vaccination should occur 12-13 months after the previous one.

Repeated vaccination for most diseases is carried out every year.

Puppies are given polyvalent vaccinations against a wider range of diseases. The owner is simply obliged to protect his pet from the most dangerous diseases.

Veterinarians can offer their vaccination options. The most popular is presented below. For convenience, a table is provided.

Video about dog vaccination

Watch the video where experienced breeders give their vaccination recommendations.

Owners most often have questions regarding the timing and manufacturer of the vaccines. Also, many people are confused about the schedule of when to get vaccines. It is best to find a good veterinarian who will treat your dog and give all vaccinations. Then you can get timely and competent advice. Share your experience vaccinating a dog.

Without false exaggeration, dog vaccination helps curb viral epidemics, preserves the health of millions of four-legged friends and prolongs the active life of pets. Vaccination is the only way to protect your dog from dangerous diseases, not all of which are treatable. What diseases should all dogs be vaccinated against? What vaccination rules should the owner remember?

Dogs are vaccinated to create lasting immunity to a specific disease. With a 90% probability, a vaccinated dog, when faced with a virus against which active antibodies work, will not get sick at all. Or with a 10% chance of getting sick, but suffering from a mild illness and recovering quickly. Unfortunately, the lifespan of antibodies is limited, so vaccinations must be done regularly.

The immune system forms antibodies when it encounters a virus. But this is quite a serious burden on the body, so the vaccine “deceives” the immune system and does not cause illness. The vaccine does not contain the virus itself. The liquid contains only its fragments sufficient to recognize the strain - shells, dead virus, weakened to an inactive state, etc. Even vaccination against rabies in dogs, a formidable and always fatal disease, does not pose a danger. After vaccination, your pet will not get sick, this is simply impossible.

Main enemies:

  • rabies;
  • plague;
  • leptospirosis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • parvovirus enteritis.

These are the viruses against which it is advisable to vaccinate your dog on a schedule, regularly. Mandatory – plague, rabies, viral enteritis, parainfluenza, etc. Babies are vaccinated with childhood vaccines at six weeks of age. This vaccination can be skipped if the puppies are born from a healthy immune bitch and grow up in perfect cleanliness without contact with street clothes/shoes, etc.

If you find a dog, do not rush to get vaccinated. Perhaps the foundling has already been vaccinated. To find out if this is so, donate blood to determine the level of antibodies.

Read also: Folk remedies for flea protection in dogs

The first adult vaccination is given to puppies between 8 and 12 weeks of age. Then they are vaccinated again (re-vaccination) after 21 days. The rabies vaccine is administered once, with revaccination once a year (read more in a separate article). The second adult vaccination is given after changing teeth, and then annually. Adult dogs are vaccinated once a year, at regular intervals. This is a quick and almost painless procedure, the vaccines are comprehensive - your pet does not need to endure a bunch of injections.

Vaccination rules

For dog vaccination to be effective, the vaccination schedule should not “float”. From adolescence, you need to adjust the schedule so that vaccination occurs in the middle of summer or winter (dry or cold - there is a minimum of viruses on the street). Remember the date and try to stick to it. Please note that vaccination should not coincide with the hunting period for bitches.

It is not advisable to vaccinate pregnant or recently given birth bitches. Girls are vaccinated at least a month and a half before mating or a month after cessation of lactation. In some cases, this rule may be broken, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Three weeks before and three weeks after vaccination, be sure to undergo quarantine - walk only in clean places, do not overcool your pet, do not communicate with strays and unfamiliar pets. Another mandatory rule is deworming 10 days before vaccination (canikquantel, milbemax, drontal by weight). By X-Day, your pet should be absolutely healthy, in a great mood and not tired. Otherwise, annual vaccination of dogs loses its meaning - weakened by illness, stress or overwork, the immune system simply will not respond to the vaccine. Those. in fact, the dog will be vaccinated, but immunity will not develop.

Make sure that the doctor fills out the veterinary passport correctly. The designated pages must bear the date, signature and seal. Check for stickers.



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