What foods contain vitamin D. Solar vitamin D: what foods contain it and in what quantity

Vitamins are very important for human health. For example, if you want to have strong hair and nails, sharp eyesight, then consume foods that contain vitamin A, and ascorbic acid for general strengthening of the body. Vitamin D (or calciferol), which is responsible for growth, should also occupy an important place in the diet.

What is it?

Vitamin D is a cyclic unsaturated high molecular weight ergosterol compound that is fat soluble. This property allows it to accumulate in fatty tissue and liver. That is why the human body always has a certain supply of vitamin D - it is used as needed.

Calciferol performs several important functions in the body. This helps in the absorption of dietary calcium and phosphorus and maintains them at proper levels, suppressing the release of parathyroid hormone, that is, the one that causes bone resorption. Vitamin D also promotes the body's absorption of magnesium and normal heart function, participates in the formation and growth of bones, and accelerates the elimination of harmful lead.

The appearance of calciferol in the human body in a natural way is associated with its production under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The amount of sunlight needed to synthesize it in sufficient quantities varies and depends on age, skin color and health problems. But the volume of this vitamin in the body is determined not only by the process of synthesis under the influence of UV rays. Its supply can be increased. To do this, you need to eat foods containing vitamin D.

It should be taken into account that if the body lacks calciferol, vitamin deficiency develops. But at the same time, excessive sunbathing and a monotonous diet, including only foods containing vitamin D, can lead to hypervitaminosis. Next, we will talk about the signs of such conditions.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Calciferol deficiency occurs when the body depletes its reserves. This happens if a person does not consume foods rich in vitamin D in adequate quantities or does not consume them at all. Some people may have no symptoms of vitamin deficiency despite low calciferol levels. But there are still general signs indicating that the body urgently needs to replenish vitamin D reserves:

  • feeling tired;
  • general muscle weakness;
  • joint pain;
  • muscle cramps;
  • weight gain;
  • restless sleep;
  • low concentration;
  • headaches;
  • bladder problems;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

What diseases can vitamin D deficiency cause? A lack of calciferol in the body can provoke the development of diseases such as:

  • osteoporosis and osteopenia;
  • hypertension;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • gout;
  • infertility;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • depression and seasonal affective disorder;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • periodontal disease;
  • psoriasis.

Symptoms of vitamin D hypervitaminosis

This condition is even more dangerous. When there is an excess of calciferol in the body, calcium accumulates in the blood and solid salts are deposited.

The manifestation of signs of vitamin D hypervitaminosis depends on the degree of it.

I degree of intoxication is accompanied by mild poisoning without toxicosis, which causes symptoms:

  • nervousness;
  • constant thirst;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sweating;
  • stopping weight gain;
  • constipation;
  • frequent urination;
  • pain in joints and muscles.

II degree of intoxication, which is characterized by an average degree of poisoning with moderate toxicosis, manifests itself:

  • losing weight;
  • periodic vomiting;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • a decrease in magnesium levels in the blood.

III degree of intoxication is characterized by a severe form of poisoning with severe toxicosis, which has the following manifestations:

  • sudden weight loss;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • physical inactivity;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • pale skin;
  • the appearance of periodic seizures;
  • high blood pressure;
  • systolic murmur;
  • attacks of arrhythmia;
  • cold hands and feet;
  • shortness of breath;
  • bacterial infections (eg, pancreatitis, pneumonia, myocarditis, pyelonephritis);
  • depression of the central nervous system.

Group of vitamins

It is necessary to understand that vitamin B is not one substance, but a whole group of biologically active components that are characterized by the activity of sterols. Some of them are produced under the influence of sunlight, while others enter the body only with food.

Today the group consists of five substances: D2, D3, D4, D5, D6. The names begin with two, since vitamin D1 does not exist in its natural form, and it can only be obtained through chemical synthesis.

Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, appears under the influence of UV radiation on certain types of fungi. Cholecalciferol (D3) enters the body with food from animal products. Dehydrocholesterol (D4) is found in human skin, and there, under the influence of sunlight, is synthesized into vitamin D3. Replenishment of sitocalciferol (D5) and stigmacalciferol (D6) reserves is associated with the inclusion of wheat grains and other plant products in the diet.

Requirement for calciferol

The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States has determined the required daily dosage of vitamin D in micrograms (mcg) and international units (IU).

What foods contain vitamin D?

In order to maintain the required level of calciferol in the blood, it is necessary not only to take sunbathing, but also to eat properly. You should include food supplements and foods containing vitamin D in your diet. The former provide the body with the necessary amount of calciferol and are recommended for both adults and children. If you don't want to constantly think about what foods contain vitamin D and whether you are eating enough of them, then taking supplements is the best option. They are especially relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the vitamin reserves created in the body in the summer run out.

It is recommended that children take calciferol supplements for several days after birth. Adults between 20 and 60 years of age should use them as needed. But older people are recommended to take supplements year-round.

But the best option for maintaining a healthy body is to make it a rule to consume foods containing vitamin D. The list of them is quite large and varied. However, not everyone can answer the question of which products contain vitamin D. And even more so, very few people know how much calciferol is present in a particular ingredient. This can result in vitamin deficiency or hypervitaminosis. So in what quantity and in what foods does vitamin D contain? We'll talk about this later.

Animal products

Products containing vitamin D (table)


Amount, mcg per 100 g

Fish oil

Cod liver

Atlantic herring

Fish (sea bass, mackerel, salmon, tuna, eel, flounder)

Sprats in oil

Bifidolact dry; milk mixtures (dry)

Egg yolk


Beef liver

Liver (pork, poultry)

Cheddar cheese

Powdered milk

Milk cream

Cow's milk

Powdered milk

Products of plant origin

The list of foods containing vitamin D is not limited to fish, liver, milk and sour cream. Plant sources of calciferol are cereals, nettle, horsetail, alfalfa, parsley, algae, yeast, mushrooms, vegetable oil, white cabbage, citrus fruits, nuts. In these products, the dose of vitamin is not such a shock, so the danger of developing hypervitaminosis is much less.

To cover the daily requirement of calciferol, it is enough to eat a little parsley, dill or vegetable oil. Be healthy!

  • Calcium is one of the most important elements that takes part in the “construction” and maintenance of the skeletal system of our body. Everyone knows that it is found in dairy products. What about plant-based foods? What vegetables and fruits contain calcium and is it possible to get it this way? I would like to say right away that there is not much of this mineral there.

    Speaking about calcium, we inevitably come to the need to talk about (calciferol). It is the main regulator of both the content and metabolism of calcium in our body. If we don't have enough calcium, the problem is that we don't get enough of the so-called "sunshine vitamin." This is what people often call it. Thus, it is not entirely fair to talk about calcium separately, without the “sunshine vitamin”.

    Plant sources of calcium

    What vegetables and fruits contain calcium? Let's look at the table:

    Product mg per 100 g
    Spinach 100
    Chinese cabbage 77
    Leek 60
    Green onion 52
    Broccoli 47
    Sorrel 44
    White cabbage 40
    Dried figs 162
    Dates 65
    Dried apricots 55
    Raisin 50
    Prunes 43

    As we just found out, such fruits and vegetables exist in nature, but since there is much more calcium in other foods, it is better to eat foods of animal origin to obtain it.

    The role of vitamin D and calcium

    Calciferol regulates the processes of exchange of phosphorus and calcium in the blood. It is thanks to them that teeth and bones grow, and the skeleton becomes strong. These substances also give us muscle strength. Almost one hundred percent of calcium is used to maintain these functions. Vitamin D “directs” calcium to the right places in our body. Most of it goes into bones and muscles, and about one percent goes to nourish nerve cells. It would seem that this is not enough, but this is far from the case. If our nerves lack this percentage of calcium, the body will take the deficiency from the bones, which will ultimately lead to their weakness and fragility.

    Where is the “sunshine vitamin” found?

    First of all, it is important to obtain it naturally - during beneficial sun exposure. Also in products of animal and plant origin, too. But in a small dosage. It is mainly formed in our body when we are exposed to the sun for 10 to 30 minutes daily.

    Vitamin D is found in potatoes, cabbage, spinach, other greens, nuts and grains, as well as in those fruits and vegetables that ripen in early spring and early summer. In fact, there isn't much of it there. These products contain other beneficial substances, of which there are much more.

    Most vitamin D is present in fish products, milk, cottage cheese, and with their constant consumption, calcium is absorbed in the body most optimally. This prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.

    If you take small “sunbathes” in the morning, when exposure to radiation is safest, vitamin D will be absorbed by the body much better. Together with those products that contain it in much greater quantities than fruits - milk, cheese, cottage cheese,...

      Parsley, sunflower (and vegetable oil as well), dill, walnuts, pumpkin, sprouted wheat, oats, corn, barley (and some other cereals), potatoes (a little), nettle, dandelion leaves (a little), horsetails and alfalfa.

      Nevertheless, vitamin D is found in small quantities (unfortunately, I have no data) in some vegetables: spinach, cabbage, parsley, potatoes. In addition, in oats, as well as in nettles, dandelion grass, alfalfa and horsetail. I can’t say anything about fruits, but there are so many of them that it is possible that among them there is a carrier of this vitamin.

      Found in pistachios, fish, especially dried fish, sesame seeds, nuts, etc.

      Vitamin D is found in some fruits and vegetables, but not in trace amounts:

      • in corn;
      • pumpkin seeds;
      • vegetable oil.

      Most vitamin D is found in foods such as

      • herring;
      • mackerel;
      • halibut liver;
      • cod liver;
      • egg.
    • First of all, we get vitamin D from the rays of the sun, and in this case, if there is a lack of vitamin D in the body, we often need to be in the sun.

      But still he exists.

      This is in the greenery of plants: parsley, dill, dandelion.

      Cabbage, citrus fruits, corn, or corn oil.

      And also in cheese and cottage cheese, in fermented milk products, in butter and vegetable oil, in fish oil and fish, in raw egg yolk, seafood.

      Vitamin D will be better absorbed if the body has high-grade fats and more morning ultraviolet rays.

      It is still better to get vitamin D not from fruits and vegetables, but from sunlight or butter. For any healthy person, the norm of sun per day is 30 minutes on the face, and butter - for adults - up to 60 grams during epidemics and up to 30 grams on normal days. For children - gradually, by the age of three - up to 15 grams.

      Vitamin D is found in some vegetables and fruits, but in very small doses. These are potatoes, parsley, alfalfa and horsetail; this vitamin is contained in nuts, seeds, and cereal grains. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and is found mainly in animal products, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, fermented milk products, butter and vegetable oil. There is a high content of vitamin D in sea fish, especially fatty varieties, mackerel, mackerel, and salmon. Cod liver is one of the most valuable suppliers of this vitamin. Vitamin D plays an important role in the absorption of calcium in the body. This is important for the strength of skeletal bones, teeth, and the prevention of such a dangerous disease, especially for women, as osteoporosis.

      Of course, there is more of this vitamin in other products, especially butter, but it is also found in vegetables and fruits. In no large quantities, but there are vegetables and fruits such as cabbage, corn, barley, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, lemon and grapefruit, and greens (in addition to the usual ones, in nettles and dandelions).

      Vitamin D (D) is necessary for the body, as it improves the functioning of the immune system, is important for the normal functioning of muscles and nerves, and is also necessary for the absorption of calcium.

      Vitamin D is found in parsley, potatoes, cabbage, oatmeal, citrus fruits, nettles, dandelion greens, vegetable and butter, raw yolks, fermented milk products, cheese, cottage cheese and seafood. This vitamin is also produced under the influence of exposure to the sun.

      Vitamin D, like most other vitamins, is primarily found in fruit peels.

      Its greatest quantity found in fruits And vegetables, ripening in spring or early summer, however, not in our temperate climate, but much further south. Therefore, if we talk specifically about fruits containing sufficient amounts of vitamin D, then it will only be citrus fruits - grapefruit and lemon, and vegetables, first of all , all types of cabbage, pumpkin seeds, and also cereals: corn, barley, wheat, sunflower seeds.

    It is useful for everyone to know which foods contain vitamin D3. Ultraviolet rays help human skin obtain vitamin D, which enters the body with food. And in the cold season, in the absence of sun, in addition to taking pharmaceutical medications, this is how you can replenish your supply of these vital substances.

    What is vitamin D3 for?

    The Latin word "vita", meaning "life", is the basis of the term "vitamins". Indeed, without these substances normal life activity is impossible. If there are not enough of them in the body, then various disturbances in the functioning of organs occur. The same applies to vitamin D3, which is called cholecalciferol.

    This vitamin is responsible for the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. Many organs and systems need it. Among them:

    1. Bones and bone tissue. Vitamin D3 is responsible for calcium-phosphorus metabolism, for the body's absorption of magnesium, which is necessary for bone and tooth tissue. If there is enough of this vitamin in the body, then both teeth and bones become stronger.
    2. Cell growth and renewal. Vitamin D3 takes an active part in this process. In addition, according to medical research, it is able to prevent cancer cells from developing, which will prevent the appearance of various tumors. If a patient with psoriasis takes this vitamin, the skin manifestations inherent in this disease are reduced.
    3. Immune system. The required amount of vitamin D3 in the body can help the bone marrow function properly. Namely, the bone marrow produces immune defense cells.
    4. Internal secretion organs. This vitamin normalizes insulin production. This keeps glucose at the proper level.
    5. Nervous system. Its impulses are transmitted within the body due to normal calcium levels. And vitamin D3 is responsible for this component, that is, it serves as protection for the nerve membranes. It is not for nothing that it is prescribed for various disorders of this system.

    An adult needs to take 600 IU (international units) of cholecalciferol per day, children - 400, pregnant women - 1500. You can use various pharmaceutical drugs to ensure that the body receives the required amount of vitamin D3.

    The pharmaceutical industry produces them in the form of capsules, tablets, and oil solutions. One of the most popular is Vigantol. By taking it, you can normalize the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus. The cholecalciferol content in it helps relieve children from rickets. Vigantol is prescribed to children as a prophylactic agent.

    Frequently used ones include Minisan and Aquadetrim. The first of them contains 400 IU in one tablet, and the second - 500 in one drop. You can take them after reading the instructions for use.

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    What foods should you include in your diet to normalize vitamin D3 levels?

    Some people have been familiar with the taste of fish oil since childhood. This product contains vitamin D3 in much higher quantities than any other. That's why it is so often prescribed to children. A lot of cholecalciferol is also found in sea fish - halibut, herring, cod.

    Vitamin D3 is found in butter and vegetable oil, fermented milk products, and chicken yolks. Fresh milk contains cholecalciferol, but phosphorus (also contained in milk) does not allow it to be absorbed at the required level, so the body will receive the vitamin, but in small quantities.

    Oatmeal, potatoes, and parsley contain cholecalciferol. But, like any plant food, its quantity is not enough. Therefore, diseases that indicate a lack of vitamin D3 are common among vegetarians. And this affects a person’s health: fatigue too quickly, constant desire to sleep, lethargy.

    Since vitamin D3 is responsible for regulating normal calcium levels, the diet requires foods that contain both cholecalciferol and calcium. You can prepare them using the following products:

    • kefir, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese - natural;
    • sea ​​fish, especially fatty varieties;
    • milk - goat and sheep;
    • liver of many animals.

    The table shows some foods and the amount of vitamin D3 in them.



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