Injections for intracranial pressure. Intracranial pressure: how to reduce

Intracranial hypertension is caused by an excess of cerebrospinal fluid in one or another part of the brain. The fluid puts pressure on brain structures, such as the ventricles, causing discomfort to the patient in the form of headaches.

This pathological condition requires drug treatment with tablets and other dosage forms. Otherwise, it can cause complications: epilepsy, blindness. Treatment in adult patients and young patients should be carried out under the supervision of physicians.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

High intracranial pressure occurs due to various etiological factors, but its manifestations in patients are almost identical.

With increased ICP, the patient is concerned about:

  • Intense headache. It intensifies in the evening and at night. It causes inconvenience during sudden movements (bending, turning the body), while coughing.
  • Regular weakness and fatigue.
  • Decreased physical activity, constant lethargy.
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Pain radiating to the cervical spine.
  • Unreasonable irritability.
  • Causeless and constant nausea. In severe clinical situations, vomiting is observed.

With high intracranial pressure caused by serious pathologies, the patient experiences:

  • Fainting phenomena.
  • Swelling in the face, eyelids. They also affect the optic nerve.
  • Problems with visual reflexes. So, there may be no reaction to light from the pupil.
  • Partial cases of deterioration or loss of vision.
  • Deviations associated with hearing. A person is bothered by tinnitus, a decrease in the quality of hearing.
  • Convulsive phenomena and paresis. They often cause partial paralysis.

Diuretics to reduce intracranial pressure

Most often, to lower intracranial pressure, doctors prescribe tablets that have a diuretic effect. They eliminate swelling, reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid, thereby reducing its pressure on the ventricles of the brain.

Which pills to take are determined by the attending physician depending on the cause of the pathology.

List of effective diuretics against high intracranial pressure:

MedicinesTherapeutic properties and features
"Lasix", "Furosemide"Both diuretics are used to achieve a rapid medicinal effect.
The positive result from intravenous administration of Lazex is noticeable within 5 minutes.
Furosemide tablets are completely absorbed by the intestines: the effect occurs within an hour.
"Hypothiazide"Used in hypertensive patients. Recommended for use in small doses. In addition to liquid, it removes K from the body, so its use is combined with taking Asparkam or Panangin.
"Diakarb"The medicine has a weak diuretic effect, so you should not count on quick results. Blocks the activity of carbonic anhydrase in the brain and in the renal apparatus. Reduces the production of cerebrospinal fluid. Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract without problems, it is eliminated from the body within 24 hours.
The course of treatment is long, application is carried out according to the scheme.
The drug is not recommended for use in people with:
liver failure;
diabetes mellitus
Not for use in pregnant women.

"Glycerol" for intracranial hypertension- a very popular remedy. This osmotic diuretic eliminates excess fluid in the intercellular space. Often used in neurology.

It has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of children with the following pathologies:

  • Increased intracerebral pressure;
  • Edema of the brain;
  • Hydrocephalus.

The basis of “Glycerol” is glycine dissolved in physiological solution. The product is available in a 200 ml dark glass bottle and is used internally.. It begins to act literally 10 minutes after administration, and the maximum therapeutic result occurs after 1-1.5 hours.

Indications for use:

  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Convulsive syndromes.
  • Glaucoma (to reduce high intraocular pressure).

An analogue of "Glycerol" is "Mannitol". It is used in a hospital setting for skull injuries, administered by drip.

"Treximed", according to the instructions for use, is a very strong diuretic. It relieves swelling and prevents its reappearance.

Doctors recommend combining Eufillin with diuretics. It activates kidney function.

Vasodilators to reduce intracranial pressure

Vasodilator tablets are appropriate when you need to achieve several goals at once in a short time:

  • Reduce cerebrospinal fluid pressure;
  • Expand the lumen of blood vessels;
  • Normalize blood circulation in the brain area.

Magnesia, as a representative of vasoactive drugs, helps to dilate blood vessels, improve their function, and eliminate spasms.

Injections using nicotinic acid allow you to dilate blood vessels within a few minutes. Specialists administer from 2 to 4 ml of solution intramuscularly for the proper medicinal effect.

Tablets against headaches with increased intracranial pressure

How to get rid of headaches with the help of tablets and how to treat increased intracranial pressure with this symptom? Selective β-blockers cope best with this task.

They disrupt the supply of nerve impulses, due to which the lumen of the vascular wall decreases. Thus, part of the blood is forced to move along the periphery of the vessel, as a result of which cerebral edema is eliminated.

Drugs that have shown the greatest effectiveness:

  • "Atenolol";
  • "Acebutolol";
  • "Anaprilin";
  • "Bisoprolol";
  • "Carvedilol";
  • "Coriol";
  • "Metoprolol";
  • "Nebilet";
  • "Nebivolol";
  • "Talinolol";
  • "Tenor"
  • "Egilok".

However, some of the above agents also block α1 receptors.

Therefore, they are not recommended to be used for:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Heart blocks;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Bradycardia;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Psoriasis.

Tablets belonging to the group of Ca channel blockers can relieve headaches. Tablets that reduce signs of increased intracranial pressure eliminate pain during physical activity.

Such remedies are applicable to middle-aged and elderly people:

  • "Amlodipine";
  • "Verapamil";
  • "Diltiazem";
  • "Isoptin";
  • "Cordafen";
  • "Cordaflex";
  • "Corinfar";
  • "Nicardin";
  • "Nimotop";
  • "Nifedipine".

Other medications used to reduce intracranial pressure

How to reduce high blood pressure with pills that will not only normalize it, but also improve memory and restore performance? Neurometabolic stimulants, such as Nootropil or Piracetam, can solve this issue.

They eliminate cognitive impairment and also help improve concentration. Among their representatives: “Pantogam”, “Phenotropil”.

To treat intracranial pressure, not only pills that reduce pressure are used, but also those drugs that can reduce the load on the brain. These include drugs based on amino acids.

In a short time they facilitate the work of the brain:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Citrulline";
  • "Cerebrolysin".

Correction of cranial pressure is carried out using vascular drugs that improve cerebral circulation: Cinnarizine, Cavinton.

Tablets that lower intracranial pressure, from the group of ACE inhibitors, act quickly when dissolved. "Captopril" or "Capoten" reduce excess fluid in the cavities of the brain. Do not use together with Furosemide due to the risk of developing heart failure.

Video: Intracranial pressure: signs of pressure, treatment of pressure.

Herbal-based soothing tablets are also suitable for treating high blood pressure. “Novopassit”, “Valerian”, as well as “Motherwort” tincture - These drugs help cope with anxiety.

B vitamins are prescribed twice a year. They improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

Low intracranial pressure: which pills will help?

What to drink if your blood pressure is not high, but low?

  • "Askofen";
  • "Regulton";
  • "Pyramein";
  • "Saparal".

What medications do doctors recommend taking for intracranial pressure in adults? This question interests many people now. It is observed mainly in newborns; this diagnosis can be made by a neurologist. This disease does not pose a particular danger to life, but you should not avoid examination if the doctor insists on it.

But there are cases when such a manifestation may indicate the presence of serious diseases.

If an adult experiences high intracranial pressure, it is imperative to consult a doctor. After all, at this age this phenomenon does not occur by chance. If the disease is detected and diagnosed in time, then it is possible to relieve the patient of unpleasant symptoms, as well as prevent the occurrence of serious problems in the body.

In medical practice, it is noted that usually cases of such a disease are not a pathology and a person does not require specific treatment, since such a manifestation of pain can occur due to a simple change in the conditions of the external and internal environment.

In order to be 100% sure about the need for drug treatment, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations and be sure to visit a neurologist. These procedures will help identify the source of the disease, without which treatment cannot be prescribed.

Treatment of intracranial pressure

In order to prescribe the correct ones, the doctor needs to make an accurate diagnosis, and if there is a pathology, then you need to find out what causes constant hypertension. And only then will treatment be appropriate. Intracranial pressure may increase due to diseases such as:

  1. Infectious diseases that can affect the nervous system through bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms (neuroinfections).
  2. Types of disease that can cause inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).
  3. Inflammatory process of the membrane of the brain, as well as the spinal cord (meningitis).
  4. The occurrence of dropsy of the brain (hydrocephalus).
  5. Traumatic brain injuries.
  6. Poor blood circulation in the brain (strokes and micro-strokes).
  7. Development of a brain tumor.

With constant increased intracranial pressure, the following occurs:

  • regular headaches;
  • nausea;
  • visual impairment;
  • Loss of consciousness often occurs.

If you have at least one of these signs of the disease, then you should think about it. But in order for the doctor to determine the treatment style, you need to specifically lower the pressure. Using this method, you can make sure that hypertension was caused by some disease. And only after this is effective treatment prescribed: pills, injections, etc.

With the correct diagnosis, the doctor selects drugs that can not only lower intracranial pressure, but also directly eliminate the very cause of the problem.

Effective Treatments

The most common medications are:

  1. Diuretics.
  2. Sedatives.
  3. Vascular agents.
  4. Medicinal herbs.
  5. Diet therapy.
  6. Manual therapy.
  7. Physiotherapy.
  8. Invasive procedures.

Some remedies can only alleviate the patient’s condition, others are aimed at the root cause of the disease. If we consider medications in more detail, we can note that the treatment process mainly occurs through tablets.

These products include Diacarb. It is able to reduce intracranial pressure in both children and adults.

Diuretic drugs direct their activity to reduce excess fluid in the patient’s kidneys. To take such a drug, you need to consult with a specialist so that many side effects do not occur later.

Do not forget about a drug such as Glycerol, which removes fluid from the body, which helps reduce blood pressure. This drug is taken once a day.

The medicine “Magnesia” is a vasodilator and antiarrhythmic agent.

It is used even after a hypertensive crisis; it becomes an indispensable remedy for relieving high blood pressure and cerebral edema.

Some specialists use a certain treatment regimen in medical practice.

Firstly, the use of nootropic drugs that can improve memory and have cognitive functions. These medications include tablets and injections:

  • "Nootropil";
  • "Piracetam";
  • "Pantogam";
  • "Phenotropil".

Secondly, medications that can improve blood circulation in the brain:

  • "Sermion";
  • "Cinnarizine";
  • "Cavinton".

Thirdly, homeopathic medicines, as well as a complex of vitamins.

With the help of such means it is impossible to completely get rid of this disease, but it is quite possible to alleviate the condition. If you believe folk recipes, then it is written that tinctures of valerian, mint and motherwort, hawthorn, and eucalyptus help to cope with the disease very well. But it is worth remembering that traditional methods are not a complete replacement for medications.

Some of the most popular folk remedies include:

Compress made of alcohol and camphor oil. The ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. You should soak your scarf in this product and apply it to your head before going to bed. Then wrap it in cellophane and tie a scarf on top. In the morning, wash your hair.

Mulberry decoction helps very well. To do this, you need to take 20 g of twigs, which are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for 30 minutes. The decoction should be drunk before meals.

Take the clover inflorescences and place them in the jar right up to the neck. Everything needs to be poured with vodka and left for 14 days. Then take 10 ml per glass of water.

Inhalation can be used. To do this, take 30 pieces of bay leaves and pour a liter of boiling water.

Take lemon and garlic in equal quantities. All ingredients need to be ground. The resulting mixture is poured with 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for 24 hours, take 30 ml before bedtime.

Before going to bed, rub warmed lavender oil into your temples. Take lavender and add olive oil. You need to insist for 20 days in a dark place. Then strain and mix in equal quantities with Kalanchoe juice. The resulting mixture is instilled into the nose using a pipette or you can take 1 tablespoon.

Many claim that drinking birch sap every day will help cope with intracranial pressure. Take equal amounts of mint, hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and eucalyptus. Then you need to add 0.5 liters of vodka and 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture. We insist everything throughout the day and take 20-25 drops at a time.

Take 3 tablespoons of nettle and string and add to a liter of hot water. You need to drink a glass of infusion before meals.

Plantain will become indispensable in the treatment process. To do this, you need to take 50 g of grass and add 0.5 liters of water. Boil for 10 minutes, take a glass 4 times a day.

A bath with the addition of linden decoction helps very well. To do this, take a bucket of boiling water and 4 cups of dried linden flowers. This bath must be taken in a sitting position.

You can take 1 glass of poplar and add 2 glasses of water. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Everything is infused for an hour and then filtered. Take 1/3 of a glass.

Take motherwort, dried rosemary, wild rosemary and pour a glass of boiling water. Everything must be boiled for 5 minutes. Then leave for at least 4 hours. You need to consume 100 ml before each meal.

Take only 30 grams of: mistletoe, horsetail, hawthorn (flowers), garlic, arnica. Mix everything and pour: 1 cup of boiling water for 1 tablespoon of the mixture. We insist all night. Take half a glass.

If you have any, be sure to consult your doctor. Take care of your health!

Intracranial hypertension is caused by an excess of cerebrospinal fluid in one or another part of the brain. The fluid puts pressure on brain structures, such as the ventricles, causing discomfort to the patient in the form of headaches.

This pathological condition requires drug treatment with tablets and other dosage forms. Otherwise, it can cause complications: epilepsy, blindness. Treatment in adult patients and young patients should be carried out under the supervision of physicians.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

High intracranial pressure occurs due to various etiological factors, but its manifestations in patients are almost identical.

With increased ICP, the patient is concerned about:

  • Intense headache. It intensifies in the evening and at night. It causes inconvenience during sudden movements (bending, turning the body), while coughing.
  • Regular weakness and fatigue.
  • Decreased physical activity, constant lethargy.
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Pain radiating to the cervical spine.
  • Unreasonable irritability.
  • Causeless and constant nausea. In severe clinical situations, vomiting is observed.

With high intracranial pressure caused by serious pathologies, the patient experiences:

  • Fainting phenomena.
  • Swelling in the face, eyelids. They also affect the optic nerve.
  • Problems with visual reflexes. So, there may be no reaction to light from the pupil.
  • Partial cases of deterioration or loss of vision.
  • Deviations associated with hearing. A person is bothered by tinnitus, a decrease in the quality of hearing.
  • Convulsive phenomena and paresis. They often cause partial paralysis.

Diuretics to reduce intracranial pressure

Most often, to lower intracranial pressure, doctors prescribe tablets that have a diuretic effect. They eliminate swelling, reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid, thereby reducing its pressure on the ventricles of the brain.

Which pills to take are determined by the attending physician depending on the cause of the pathology.

List of effective diuretics against high intracranial pressure:

MedicinesTherapeutic properties and features
"Lasix", "Furosemide"Both diuretics are used to achieve a rapid medicinal effect.
The positive result from intravenous administration of Lazex is noticeable within 5 minutes.
Furosemide tablets are completely absorbed by the intestines: the effect occurs within an hour.
"Hypothiazide"Used in hypertensive patients. Recommended for use in small doses. In addition to liquid, it removes K from the body, so its use is combined with taking Asparkam or Panangin.
"Diakarb"The medicine has a weak diuretic effect, so you should not count on quick results. Blocks the activity of carbonic anhydrase in the brain and in the renal apparatus. Reduces the production of cerebrospinal fluid. Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract without problems, it is eliminated from the body within 24 hours.
The course of treatment is long, application is carried out according to the scheme.
The drug is not recommended for use in people with:
liver failure;
diabetes mellitus
Not for use in pregnant women.

"Glycerol" for intracranial hypertension- a very popular remedy. This osmotic diuretic eliminates excess fluid in the intercellular space. Often used in neurology.

It has proven its effectiveness in the treatment of children with the following pathologies:

  • Increased intracerebral pressure;
  • Edema of the brain;
  • Hydrocephalus.

The basis of “Glycerol” is glycine dissolved in physiological solution. The product is available in a 200 ml dark glass bottle and is used internally.. It begins to act literally 10 minutes after administration, and the maximum therapeutic result occurs after 1-1.5 hours.

Indications for use:

  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Convulsive syndromes.
  • Glaucoma (to reduce high intraocular pressure).

An analogue of "Glycerol" is "Mannitol". It is used in a hospital setting for skull injuries, administered by drip.

"Treximed", according to the instructions for use, is a very strong diuretic. It relieves swelling and prevents its reappearance.

Doctors recommend combining Eufillin with diuretics. It activates kidney function.

Vasodilators to reduce intracranial pressure

Vasodilator tablets are appropriate when you need to achieve several goals at once in a short time:

  • Reduce cerebrospinal fluid pressure;
  • Expand the lumen of blood vessels;
  • Normalize blood circulation in the brain area.

Magnesia, as a representative of vasoactive drugs, helps to dilate blood vessels, improve their function, and eliminate spasms.

Injections using nicotinic acid allow you to dilate blood vessels within a few minutes. Specialists administer from 2 to 4 ml of solution intramuscularly for the proper medicinal effect.

Tablets against headaches with increased intracranial pressure

How to get rid of headaches with the help of tablets and how to treat increased intracranial pressure with this symptom? Selective β-blockers cope best with this task.

They disrupt the supply of nerve impulses, due to which the lumen of the vascular wall decreases. Thus, part of the blood is forced to move along the periphery of the vessel, as a result of which cerebral edema is eliminated.

Drugs that have shown the greatest effectiveness:

  • "Atenolol";
  • "Acebutolol";
  • "Anaprilin";
  • "Bisoprolol";
  • "Carvedilol";
  • "Coriol";
  • "Metoprolol";
  • "Nebilet";
  • "Nebivolol";
  • "Talinolol";
  • "Tenor"
  • "Egilok".

However, some of the above agents also block α1 receptors.

Therefore, they are not recommended to be used for:

  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Heart blocks;
  • Kidney or liver failure;
  • Bradycardia;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Thyrotoxicosis;
  • Psoriasis.

Tablets belonging to the group of Ca channel blockers can relieve headaches. Tablets that reduce signs of increased intracranial pressure eliminate pain during physical activity.

Such remedies are applicable to middle-aged and elderly people:

  • "Amlodipine";
  • "Verapamil";
  • "Diltiazem";
  • "Isoptin";
  • "Cordafen";
  • "Cordaflex";
  • "Corinfar";
  • "Nicardin";
  • "Nimotop";
  • "Nifedipine".

Other medications used to reduce intracranial pressure

How to reduce high blood pressure with pills that will not only normalize it, but also improve memory and restore performance? Neurometabolic stimulants, such as Nootropil or Piracetam, can solve this issue.

They eliminate cognitive impairment and also help improve concentration. Among their representatives: “Pantogam”, “Phenotropil”.

To treat intracranial pressure, not only pills that reduce pressure are used, but also those drugs that can reduce the load on the brain. These include drugs based on amino acids.

In a short time they facilitate the work of the brain:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Citrulline";
  • "Cerebrolysin".

Correction of cranial pressure is carried out using vascular drugs that improve cerebral circulation: Cinnarizine, Cavinton.

Tablets that lower intracranial pressure, from the group of ACE inhibitors, act quickly when dissolved. "Captopril" or "Capoten" reduce excess fluid in the cavities of the brain. Do not use together with Furosemide due to the risk of developing heart failure.

Video: Intracranial pressure: signs of pressure, treatment of pressure.

Herbal-based soothing tablets are also suitable for treating high blood pressure. “Novopassit”, “Valerian”, as well as “Motherwort” tincture - These drugs help cope with anxiety.

B vitamins are prescribed twice a year. They improve the transmission of nerve impulses.

Low intracranial pressure: which pills will help?

What to drink if your blood pressure is not high, but low?

  • "Askofen";
  • "Regulton";
  • "Pyramein";
  • "Saparal".

Contents [Show]

Sometimes in a certain part of the skull there is a deficiency or, conversely, an excess of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). It is because of this that intracranial pressure decreases or increases. This condition should be treated immediately with medication, otherwise epileptic syndrome, blindness or other serious complications will occur.

Diuretics for the treatment of intracranial pressure

Most often, to reduce intracranial pressure, the patient is prescribed tablets that have a diuretic effect - diuretics. They eliminate swelling in the body, resulting in a decrease in the level and pressure of the spinal cerebrospinal fluid. What pills should be taken for intracranial pressure should be determined by the doctor, based on the reasons that caused this pathology. But most often, patients are prescribed Diacarb. This drug has a weak diuretic effect, is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is completely eliminated from the body within 24 hours. It should not be used for liver failure, cirrhosis, diabetes or during pregnancy.

Vasoactive drugs for intracranial pressure

Vasoactive tablets for intracranial pressure are used when it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the brain, dilate blood vessels and quickly reduce the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid. The most effective drug in this group is Magnesia. This drug has a vasodilator, antispasmodic and weak diuretic effect, and also reduces arrhythmia and improves vascular function. But these tablets for increased intracranial pressure are contraindicated for:

  • arterial hypotension;
  • atrioventricular block;
  • bradycardia;
  • depression of the respiratory center;
  • severe renal failure.

Other drugs for the treatment of intracranial pressure

If the patient has cognitive impairment, intracranial pressure can be reduced with tablets such as:

  • Nootropil;
  • Phenotropil;
  • Piracetam;
  • Pantogam.

These are neurometabolic stimulants. They not only normalize blood pressure, but also improve memory, increase mental performance and help better concentrate.

To facilitate the work of the brain and reduce the load on it in a short period of time, doctors often include drugs containing amino acids in the list of tablets prescribed to the patient for intracranial pressure. Such substances are necessary for the body to produce hormones, enzymes, specific proteins and other vital compounds. The best products with amino acids are:

  • Citrulline;
  • Glycine;
  • Cerebrolysin.

To correct increased intracranial pressure, various vascular compounds are also used that optimize the processes of cerebral circulation:

  • Cavinton;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Sermion.

Those with low intracranial pressure should only take medications containing caffeine. It could be:

  • Pyramein;
  • Citramon;
  • Askofen;
  • Regulton;
  • Saparal.

Tablets for headaches with intracranial pressure

Do you have severe headaches? How can you reduce intracranial pressure so that these same pills eliminate all the unpleasant sensations? It is best to use selective beta blockers for this. Such drugs include:

  • Tenoric;
  • Acebutolol;
  • Metoprolol;
  • Bisoprolol;
  • Talinolol;
  • Atenolol;
  • Coriol;
  • Nebivolol;
  • Egilok.

Tablets belonging to the group of calcium channel blockers will also help get rid of headaches due to intracranial pressure. The most effective of them are:

  • Nifedipine;
  • Diltiazem;
  • Isoptin;
  • Verapamil;
  • Cordafen;
  • Nicardipine;
  • Corinfar;
  • Nimotop;
  • Amlodipine.

Intracranial pressure (ICP) is a disease characterized by symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fainting and vomiting. This condition is otherwise called intracranial hypertension. The reason for its development is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Which intracranial pressure pills should adults take?

A little about intracranial hypertension

Normally, the brain is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, but it is located in the ventricles and is intended to prevent injury. When intracranial pressure increases, cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the skull. This is accompanied by pressure on the brain, which poses a serious danger, as it is fraught with the development of complications.

Liquor constantly circulates and is under a certain pressure. Normally, its values ​​vary between 3-15 mm Hg. Art. (adult) and 3-7 mm Hg. Art. (child). When these indicators increase, part of the cerebrospinal fluid accumulates, and when these indicators decrease, a deficiency occurs.

Impaired circulation of cerebrospinal fluid leads to the development of the following symptoms:

  • Severe headaches.
  • Nausea accompanied by vomiting.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Fainting state.
  • Muscle paresis.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Decreased performance.
  • The appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  • Irritability, lethargy and sweating.

Additional symptoms include the appearance of flashes before the eyes, discomfort and characteristic heaviness in the gastric area. The possibility of heart pain cannot be ruled out.

Such changes in the body cannot be ignored. This condition is very dangerous as it can cause mechanical damage. Due to compression, some brain functions may be impaired. In some cases, this can lead to serious consequences and even death.

You should definitely contact an experienced specialist. The attending physician (neurologist) will diagnose intracranial pressure, compare symptoms and prescribe treatment (pills and auxiliary measures).

If you have suspicious symptoms, you should contact a specialist

Due to what reasons does it develop?

Such a symptom of the disease as increased intracranial pressure occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Congenital predisposition.
  • Inflammation of the lining of the spinal cord or brain (meningitis).
  • Viral diseases that are accompanied by inflammation (encephalitis).
  • Dropsy of the brain (hydrocephalus).
  • Diseases and injuries of the brain.
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain.
  • Vascular pathologies, microstrokes and strokes.
  • Taking medications.

Establishing diagnosis

Before treating intracranial pressure disorders, it is necessary to undergo a number of research procedures:

  1. Echoencephalography.
  2. USGD and REG.
  3. MRI and CT of the brain.
  4. Fundus diagnostics.

Diagnostic measures make it possible to identify changes that have occurred in the body. In order to determine symptoms - to measure intracranial pressure in adults - a minimally invasive procedure is used: a special needle is inserted into the skull, to which a pressure gauge is connected.

After determining high intracranial pressure, the doctor conducts a series of studies to identify the cause of pathological disorders. Only after it is established, treatment is prescribed. It is impossible to completely cure the disease. The doctor can only prescribe pills that bring the indicators back to normal.

Drug therapy

Only an experienced specialist can prescribe treatment to restore normal functioning of the body with intracranial pressure, taking into account the symptoms of the disease and the results of the diagnosis. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. You should not take painkillers if you have a headache. You need to go to a doctor who will find out the cause of its development and prescribe effective drug therapy.

The choice of drugs for treatment can only be made by an experienced specialist

Tablets for increased intracranial pressure are divided into several groups. The effectiveness of each of them is aimed at correcting a particular pathological process and eliminating the symptoms of the disease. An integrated approach to treatment allows you to restore natural processes in the body and normalize overall well-being, preventing the development of complications.

  • Diuretics

Medicines with diuretic properties. This eliminates swelling and reduces fluid levels in the body, which normalizes cerebrospinal fluid pressure.

The most common tablets for the treatment of disease that have a diuretic effect:

  1. Diacarb. The drug removes excess fluid naturally - through the kidneys. This reduces the pressure of cerebrospinal fluid on the brain, reducing symptoms.
  2. Glycerol. The tablets have a pronounced diuretic effect. They have a minimum of contraindications and practically do not cause side effects if the dosages recommended by the doctor are followed during treatment. The pronounced effect of the drug allows you to quickly reduce the symptoms of the disease - intracranial pressure - and record the result.
  3. Vasoactive agents.

Tablets of this group are intended to improve blood circulation, dilate blood vessels and reduce cerebrospinal fluid pressure in adults and children. Among the most popular vasoactive agents for the treatment of the disease, Magnesia or Magnesium Sulfate should be highlighted. These tablets are often used to relieve symptoms such as intracranial pressure.

The effectiveness of Magnesia is aimed at treating arrhythmia. The drug has a pronounced calming effect and normalizes the condition of vascular structures. Together, these properties provide a positive effect in the treatment of intracranial hypertension.

Among the effective drugs that have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, Cavinton, Sermion and Niceroglin should be highlighted. Medications optimize cerebral circulation, which helps restore normal blood pressure and relieve symptoms of the disease.

The drug is taken to remove excess fluid from the body.

  • Group of β-blockers

Tablets of this type are used to disrupt the nerve impulse, reduce the clearance to the walls of blood vessels, restore brain function and relieve symptoms such as edema. Among the most effective drugs in this group are Nebilet, Atenolol and Carvedilol. The tablets help reduce intracranial pressure and fix the results. You need to drink them with caution, as they have a number of contraindications, so they are not recommended for use without first consulting a doctor.

  • ACE inhibitors

The tablets that are included in this group have an almost instant effect. Blood pressure-lowering drugs reduce the amount of fluid in the brain cavities in adults.

Among the most popular calcium channel antagonists are Cordaflex, Amlodipine and Verapamil. They reduce intracranial pressure levels and prevent them from increasing. With their help, it is possible to adapt patients to physical activity and leading an active lifestyle.

  • Additional drugs

If there is an inflammatory process in the body, antibacterial drugs must be administered into the spinal canal and intravenously. In accordance with the general condition of the body and indicators of intracranial pressure, the doctor may prescribe additional tablets: barbiturates, glucocorticosteroids, plasma substitutes, etc.

These drugs are recommended when intracranial pressure increases due to brain injury or after neurosurgical interventions in adults. These tablets help prevent the development of swelling in the brain area. They should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

In case of inflammatory processes, you need to take drugs with antibacterial action

To combat signs of intracranial pressure, sedatives developed on the basis of herbal components are also prescribed: Novo-Passit, Motherwort, Valerian. They help to overcome anxiety and cope with the symptoms of the disease on their own, which often helps eliminate the need to use medications.

To restore brain function in adults, the following tablets are prescribed:

  1. Saparal, Regulton, Piramein. Medicines improve memory, concentration and brain activity.
  2. Glycine, Cerebrolysin, Citrulline. Medicines containing amino acids. They facilitate brain function and eliminate the effects of soft tissue hypoxia.

If hypotension is not accompanied by the development of hazardous health consequences, then there is no particular need for drug therapy. All recommendations for correcting poor health boil down to the fact that a person needs to drink strong coffee every day.

In order for the tablets used to give quick and lasting results, it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do physical therapy and breathing exercises.
  • Normalize your daily routine and take daily walks.
  • Avoid exposure to bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Use homeopathic remedies as an auxiliary method.
  • Attend neck and head massage sessions.
  • Stick to proper nutrition, eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet.

As a supplement to the main drug therapy, you can use tablets and drugs that increase the effectiveness of conservative treatment. Among such drugs are vitamin-mineral complexes and homeopathic methods of influencing the body.

Only experienced doctors can prescribe effective treatment for intracranial pressure. Specialists measure indicators and compare the results with existing signs of the disease. Based on the diagnosis, complex drug therapy is prescribed. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, complications usually do not arise.

A disease that causes migraines, dizziness, nausea and even vomiting is called intracranial hypertension.

To eliminate the clinical picture of the disorder, it is important to take pills for intracranial pressure as prescribed by your doctor.

Correct drug therapy

To relieve the patient from the unpleasant symptoms of arterial disorders, the specialist must establish the cause of the pathology, and subsequently prescribe drugs that can eliminate stagnation of cerebral fluid in the cerebral cortex.

Sometimes you can get rid of attacks of hypertension by normalizing sleep, getting proper rest, walking in the fresh air, giving up bad habits, and doing physical therapy.

If the symptoms are serious, and even a change in weather brings significant discomfort, causes loss of performance and painful headaches, then it is important to seek help from a specialist so that he can prescribe effective pills for intracranial pressure.

List of medicines

There are several groups of medications to eliminate the symptoms of arterial disorders.


This is a certain set of drugs that have a high diuretic effect, relieve swelling in the body, control fluid loss, and reduce pressure in the spinal canal.

To treat cerebral hypertension, the drug “Diacarb” is used; the tablets are suitable for children and adults; the dosage is calculated according to the patient’s weight and the severity of the clinical picture.

The medicine is quickly absorbed by the body, the maximum effect is achieved after 20-40 minutes, the effect of the drug lasts throughout the day. To avoid unpleasant consequences, taking pills is contraindicated:

  • in case of impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypersensitivity to constituent elements;
  • the patient has uremia.

Attention: During pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 3 years of age, the drug is prohibited for use.

Another highly effective remedy for high blood pressure is “Glycerin”, which can eliminate excess fluid from the intercellular space and is indicated for cerebral edema and psychosomatic disorders.

It is prescribed orally and is available in the form of tablets and liquid for injection. The first effect was noted after 10 minutes of taking the medicine; it is also widely used for the treatment of glaucoma.

Vasoactive drugs

This group of drugs is aimed at improving the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid through the vessels, improving blood circulation in the brain. Such drugs include magnesium sulfate or Magnesia.

Available in various forms, when using Magnesium sulfate tablets, the excitability of the respiratory center quickly decreases, and there is a general calming effect. The drug is excreted by the kidneys; you need to be careful when using it, as an overdose can lead to respiratory paralysis.


Medicines in this group are aimed at improving the functioning of such cognitive functions as memory, attention, and mental activity. Experts prescribe tablets:

  1. Phenotropil– improves blood supply to the brain, has a psychostimulating effect, increases endurance during periods of stress, mental, physical or emotional stress.
  2. Piracetam– has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex, enhances glucose utilization. It does not have a sedative effect, and the therapeutic effect develops over time.
  3. Nootropil– used for mental performance, maintaining brain activity during periods of stress, eliminating symptoms of deterioration of the patient’s condition due to intracranial pressure.

Preparations with amino acids

Such drugs reduce the load on the brain and are responsible for the biosynthesis of structural proteins, enzymes, hormones, vitamins and other highly active compounds. The attending physician may prescribe drugs such as Citrulline or Cerebrolyssin.

Both medications can be used in sports to increase blood flow to the muscles during intense training. In turn, tablet forms increase the body's endurance and defenses.

They help overcome stressful situations, reduce the load on the brain center, and as a result relieve painful headaches and dizziness due to intracranial pressure.

Vitamin complexes

During the treatment of hypertension and for prevention purposes, you need to take medications with B vitamins.

Neurovitan– Available in the form of pink tablets, it strengthens the body’s immune defense. It is a balanced set of fortified elements of group B. Side effects may include heartburn, flatulence, and dry mouth.

Neurobion – a complex drug in tablets that is used to eliminate lumbar syndrome, intercostal neuralgia, to eliminate symptoms of the cervical plexus, and damage to the facial nerve.

B-50– a broad-spectrum vitamin preparation that releases energy for the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose and the proper breakdown of proteins by fats. The tablet form is convenient for both children and adults, compared to injections, which are quite painful.


Painkillers can be used to relieve severe pain caused by intracranial hypertension. They should be used only on the recommendation of the attending physician. to avoid overdose.

The following tablets relieve pain from migraines and eliminate inflammatory processes:

  1. Nimesil - used as an effective analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, prescribed in a minimal dosage for a short period of time. Taken after meals. In case of overdose, drowsiness, apathy, vomiting, and gastric bleeding are possible.
  2. Ketanol is indicated for inflammatory processes in the joints, arthritis, osteochondrosis, and reduces pain in high blood pressure. Not used for low blood clotting, kidney failure, or intestinal disorders. Not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age.
  3. Treximed - effectively lowers intracranial pressure, the maximum effect occurs 20 minutes after taking the tablet, is not used for self-medication, only as prescribed by the treating doctor.

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies

This therapy, along with medications, increases the body’s resistance, resulting in natural recovery. Homeopathic remedies contain natural ingredients and are excellent for treating children, pregnant and nursing mothers.

The course of therapy is prescribed by a homeopathic physician, and the nature of the occurrence of blood pressure is carefully studied, and the intensity of treatment is determined according to the degree of complexity of the disease and the current condition of the patient.

List of useful drugs

Magnesium phosphoricum– is available in the form of white tablets, the excipients are magnesium stearate and wheat starch. Used for headaches in hypertensive patients, insomnia, irritability and irascibility.

The plant components of the drug are completely dissolved in the body, metabolic processes in tissues are improved, and the imbalance of mineral salts is regulated at the cellular level.

Lachesis– granules to improve brain activity, used as an adjuvant for the treatment of inflammatory pathologies. No overdose has been recorded. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may develop.

Other drugs

Depending on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease, other drugs may be prescribed. Such as:

  • antibiotics - mainly intravenously into the spinal canal;
  • anticoagulants (Heparin group, indirect-acting drugs, Curantil) - for stroke and cerebral edema;
  • glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Betamethasone) – with a high risk of developing cerebral edema;
  • barbiturates (Amytal, Nembutal) – for acute intracranial hypertension.

Expert advice

Only non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have a pronounced analgesic effect can be used at home. Other medications should be prescribed only by the attending physician in order to avoid overdose and subsequent complications.

In combination with the described drugs, experts advise the use of herbal medicinal forms from the field of traditional medicine. To improve blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, decoctions and infusions of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian, and eucalyptus are effectively used.

It is also important to follow a special diet that will relieve the intestines of empty carbohydrates and animal fats; fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods. Nutrition should be balanced, as varied as possible, including vegetables, fruits, berries containing fiber, vitamins and microelements.

It is important not to forget about daily walks in the fresh air, moderate physical activity, and in order to prevent intracranial pressure, do physical therapy for the cervical spine.

Take care of your health and do not self-medicate.

Ivan Drozdov 11.03.2017

Intracranial pressure is normally ensured by the optimal release of cerebral spinal fluid, its unhindered circulation in the cerebral cortex, as well as vascular tone and regulation of the circulatory process. Disturbances in the functioning of these processes, caused by congenital or acquired diseases, cause increased pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid on the ventricles of the brain, which not only reduces the quality of life, but in some cases poses a serious danger.

With intracranial hypertension, symptoms arise that differ in severity and severity from short-term cephalalgia. To exclude the development of complications as a result of increased ICP, you need to consult a specialist and undergo an examination.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

Cerebral hypertension can be caused by various reasons, but its symptoms are almost the same in all cases. With increased ICP, a person experiences:

  • headaches of a pronounced nature, observed when bending, turning, coughing, and intensifying at night;
  • constant weakness, fatigue;
  • decreased physical activity, lethargy;
  • increased sweating due to decreased blood pressure;
  • pain radiating to the cervical vertebrae;
  • irritability caused by poor health;
  • constant nausea, in severe cases accompanied by vomiting.

High ICP caused by severe illness may be accompanied by:

  • fainting states;
  • swelling of the face, eyelids and optic nerve;
  • impaired visual reflexes, lack of pupil reaction to bright light;
  • deterioration, and in severe cases, temporary loss of vision;
  • hearing loss accompanied by tinnitus;
  • cramps and muscle paresis, which can cause partial paralysis.

As a rule, the symptoms of intracranial hypertension are complex. Therefore, when observing several of the described signs at once, which become more frequent, it is necessary to contact a medical institution in order to identify the root cause of the increase in brain pressure and take measures to eliminate it in a timely manner.

Methods and means for treating intracranial hypertension

Methods of treatment and prevention of increased ICP are selected based on identified diseases or pathologies of the brain, and this should be done by a highly specialized doctor after examination.

There are several approaches that doctors use to treat increased ICP, depending on the presence and severity of the pathology.

  1. Drug therapy. A complex of tablets or injectable chemical drugs is selected to treat the disease that causes intracranial hypertension. The patient is prescribed diuretics that remove excess fluid from the body, vasodilators and sedatives. After drug treatment, ICP returns to normal and the person experiences relief.
  2. Adjuvant therapy. Aimed primarily at alleviating the condition and eliminating painful symptoms. In combination with drug treatment, acupuncture, manual therapy, physiological procedures or massages may be prescribed. Additionally, a diet and a set of physical exercises are developed.
  3. Surgery. It is prescribed in cases where the pathological process poses a threat to the patient’s life. Surgery is indicated for the occurrence of large tumors of various types, the occurrence of hematomas due to a head injury, rupture of a vascular aneurysm, as well as for hydrocephalus, if drainage of cerebrospinal fluid is necessary.
  4. Folk remedies. They are used after consultation with the treating doctor in addition to drug treatment or during remission to prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Folk remedies include homeopathic medicines, medicinal herbs and aromatherapy.

Tablets for intracranial pressure

Most diseases that cause intracranial hypertension can be effectively treated with tablet medications and do not require such drastic measures as surgery. Depending on the indications, the patient may be prescribed the following types of drugs:

  • Diuretics. Diuretic drugs designed to remove excess fluid from body tissues and promote the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid accumulated in the ventricles of the brain. To treat cerebral hypertension, use “Diacarb”, “Glycerol” (one-time use if it is necessary to quickly reduce the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid during cerebral edema) or “Furosemide”;
  • Tablets that dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the brain. In most cases, Cavinton (allowed for infants), Cinnarizine or Sermion is prescribed;
  • Nootropic drugs. Use with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor if it is necessary to improve the functioning of cognitive functions such as memory, concentration and mental activity. In such cases, Phenotropil, Piracetam, and Nootropil tablets are prescribed.
  • Medicines containing amino acids. They reduce the load on the brain and take part in the production of vital enzymes, proteins and other substances. Glycine is a harmless tablet drug. The attending physician may also prescribe Cerebrolysin or Citrulline.
  • Vitamin complexes and medications containing vitamin B. The tableted products “Neurovitan”, “Neurobion” and “B-50” have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, improve its activity, replenishing the deficiency of microelements and nutrients.
  • Painkillers. Taken in strict dosage and as prescribed by a doctor to relieve severe pain caused by intracranial hypertension. Relieves pain and inflammation with Nimesil and Ketonal. Treximed reduces brain pressure and relieves migraine pain.

An independent approach to selecting certain tablets for the treatment of ICP can lead to a deterioration in well-being and even irreversible consequences, therefore the use of chemical drugs should be agreed with a doctor.

Traditional treatment of intracranial pressure

Painful conditions associated with cerebral hypertension can be alleviated with the help of folk remedies, having previously agreed on their composition and rules of administration with the attending physician.

Medicinal herbs have strong healing properties, therefore they are effectively used as concomitant therapy during drug treatment or during remission to prevent increased ICP. A decoction of motherwort, eucalyptus, mint, hawthorn and valerian improves blood circulation and reduces pain.

An effective preventive remedy for ICP is lemon juice mixed with honey. To do this, squeeze the juice of 1 lemon, mix with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and 100 g of water, mix thoroughly and drink. You should drink the juice for 20 days, after which you should take a ten-day break.

A harmless remedy for getting rid of headaches due to intracranial hypertension is lavender essential oil, which is applied pointwise to the temple area not only for adults, but also for small children.

There are many other folk remedies that relieve the symptoms of ICP, but none of them can replace drug treatment if necessary.

And intracranial pressure are completely different physiological constants, which, even if they depend on each other, are by no means the same thing.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure

A condition in which there is increased intracranial pressure is a very dangerous pathophysiological condition that many people encounter in their lives. It can be equally likely to be observed in both childhood and adulthood. But there is another feature - women suffer from this disease several orders of magnitude more often than men.

Unfortunately, in some situations, the symptoms of increased ICP are not paid due attention, which most likely leads to dire consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to know very well what it is, as well as what the symptoms and principles of treatment of the disease are in adult patients and children. The most frequently observed sign indicating a manifesting disease is specific. Unlike a similar symptom that develops with migraine, it covers almost the entire head at once and is not concentrated on just one side of the head. Most often, pain with high ICP occurs in the morning and night hours.

In addition, pain with increased ICP may well intensify when turning, as well as with severe coughing and sneezing. Taking into account its etiology, it becomes clear that taking analgesics - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - does not help eliminate pain.

The second most common pathological symptom of increased ICP is significant problems with visual perception. These include double vision, blurred objects, decreased peripheral vision, attacks of blindness, fog in front of the eyes, and a decrease in the severity of the reaction to light.

All of the above signs of increased ICP are, in one way or another, associated with compression (so-called compression) of the optic nerves. In addition, under the compressive influence of increased ICP, the shape of the eyeball may well change in the patient.

Vomiting and other manifestations of dyspeptic syndrome are also quite common symptoms of increased ICP. As a rule, in such situations, vomiting does not bring any relief at all.

One should also keep in mind the fact that ICP can, in principle, increase for a short time (2-3 times) even in completely healthy people. For example, with various visceral stress: coughing, sneezing, bending, as well as with significant physical activity, stress, etc. However, the most important distinguishing feature will be that in this case the ICP should be as soon as possible return to normal. If this does not happen for one reason or another, then this will clearly indicate a chronic increase in ICP.

When to use medications

Intracranial hypertension is mainly caused by the presence of an excess of cerebrospinal fluid, localized in one or another part of the brain (ventricle). The thing is that s/m liquid has a direct compressive effect on the structures of the brain, thereby causing significant discomfort to the patient in the form of paroxysmal headaches.

The pathological condition in question clearly requires medical treatment using various tablets and other dosage forms. Otherwise, it is highly likely to cause prognostically unfavorable complications: epilepsy, blindness.

Treatment in adult patients, and even more so in small patients, should definitely be carried out under the tireless supervision of doctors. Therapeutic measures indicated to bring ICP levels back to normal are prescribed only after a number of necessary diagnostic procedures have been carried out. First of all, the developed management tactics are aimed at the etiological root cause that caused the pathological process and includes complex comprehensive measures.

It is important to understand that taking synthetic medications and many other treatment methods must be carried out only under the supervision of a specialized specialist. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, for some patients the doctor may prescribe vitamin therapy and a homeopathic remedy, as a result of which the effect of other medications will be potentiated, but in the vast majority of cases the attending physician prescribes the following medications:

  1. Direct medications (diuretics) - loop and thiazide diuretics are used, less often potassium-sparing ones. With their help, excess fluid that accumulates in the brain tissue is removed from the patient’s body.
  2. Medicines that directly eliminate a variety of pathological processes in blood vessels. Such tablets have a vasodilating effect and eliminate arrhythmia.
  3. - so-called sedatives. They help reduce blood pressure due to the fact that they normalize the patient’s psycho-emotional background and stabilize the sympathetic department of the nervous system.

List of medicines

There are several pharmaceutical groups of synthetic drugs designed to eliminate symptoms of impaired VSD indicators. The goal of therapy in this situation is to significantly reduce the pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, as well as increase the outflow of blood from the brain:

  1. The main group of pharmaceuticals, the use of which is clearly indicated for increased ICP, are diuretics, the most popular of which are Diacarb.
  2. Vasoactive drugs. Medicines included in this pharmaceutical group effectively potentiate the effect of diuretics, and also dilate the vessels of the peripheral circulatory system, stimulate peripheral microcirculation in tissues, including neurotissues of the brain. The drug of choice is 25% magnesium sulfate, which is usually administered intravenously.
  3. If tumors are present as the etiological causes, or meningitis is detected, then steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, which repeatedly reduce swelling of the brain.
  4. Drugs that repeatedly improve venous blood flow are clearly indicated - such is the case.

Based on the data obtained from numerous clinical studies, nootropic drugs are completely ineffective in increasing ICP. If increased ICP is caused by some other disease - different from those listed earlier, then drugs are used for etiotropic treatment of the underlying disease.

Depending on the objective condition of the patient and the severity of the disease, other drugs may be used:

  • antibiotics - mainly administered intravenously directly into the spinal canal;
  • anticoagulants (Heparin group, as well as indirect-acting drugs, Curantil) - for hemorrhagic stroke and cerebral edema;
  • glucocorticosteroids (Prednisolone, Betamethasone) – with a significantly increased risk of manifest cerebral edema;
  • barbiturates (Amytal, Nembutal) – for acute ICH.

There is no point in taking tablets for intracranial pressure with or coffee, because if you drink them, the condition will worsen in any case.

The most popular drugs for the treatment of increased VSD are Vinpocetine and , however, relieving an attack with their help cannot be carried out a priori, because their effect is realized over a fairly long period of time. Accordingly, in order to relieve the manifestations of an acute condition, they are definitely not suitable. In this situation, it is better to drink diuretics and administer magnesium sulfate 25% intravenously.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to treat increased VSD by prescribing an inexpensive drug - all medications, one way or another, related to neurology and especially neurotissues of the brain, are very expensive.


In most cases, doctors prescribe tablets from the clinic that have varying degrees of diuretic effects. They eliminate the resulting swelling, reduce the amount of circulating cerebrospinal fluid, thereby greatly reducing the pressure it exerts on the ventricles of the brain. Treatment with these drugs is carried out only in courses. If the disease recurs often enough, they are taken systematically, but at least once every seven days. Below is a list of effective diuretics, the use of which is justified when ICP increases:

  1. "Lasix", "Furosemide" » Both types of “diuretics” are used to achieve a quick medicinal effect. The positive result from the IV administration of Lasix is ​​noticeable after 5 minutes. Furosemide tablets are almost completely absorbed by the intestinal endothelium: the clinical effect occurs within an hour.
  2. "Hypothiazide." Definitely recommended for use in the smallest doses. In addition to the existing fluid, it removes potassium from the body, therefore its use is clinically combined with the use of Asparkam or Panangin.
  3. “Diacarb” is a drug that clearly has a weak diuretic effect, so you should not definitely count on a quick result in the situation under consideration. The drug blocks at the molecular level the activity of carbonic anhydrase in the neurotissues of the brain, in the renal apparatus, and also significantly reduces the production of cerebrospinal fluid. Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract without problems, it is eliminated from the body within 24 hours. The drug is definitely not recommended for use in people with manifest liver failure; cirrhosis and diabetes. Never use in pregnant women.

Vasoactive drugs

This group of drugs is primarily aimed at optimizing the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid through the vessels, as a result of which blood circulation in the brain is significantly improved.

Vasoactive tablets for high ICP are used when, in the shortest possible time, it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the brain, dilate the vessels of the hematomicrocirculatory bed and quickly reduce the pressure of the spinal cerebrospinal fluid.

In the situation under consideration, magnesium sulfate 25% is used, intravenously.


In pharmaceuticals, a certain group of neurometabolic stimulants that significantly optimize brain function are nootropics. Nootropic drugs repeatedly improve blood supply to the brain, and consequently, the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. In addition, they improve cognitive functions and memory by several orders of magnitude. This category includes Nootropin, Microhydrin. However, their effectiveness in directly reducing elevated ICP has no scientific evidence.

Preparations with amino acids

Preparations containing essential and non-essential amino acids promote the synthesis and release of valuable substances in the body: specific proteins, as well as enzymes and hormones. Among such drugs, clinicians highlight Citrulline and Cerebrolysin. The proposed tablets for high ICP prevent the possible consequences of improper circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and inhibit the developed process of cell destruction. Such drugs quite effectively reduce the load on the brain and are responsible for the ongoing biosynthesis of structural proteins, enzymes, hormones, vitamins and other highly active compounds.

The attending physician can use the drugs mentioned above in combination with drugs from other groups. Both drugs can be successfully used in sports, as well as to increase blood flow to the muscles during intense training. In turn, oral tablet forms significantly increase endurance and optimize the body's defenses. In addition, the proposed medications help overcome various stressful situations, they reduce the load on the brain center, and as a result, effectively relieve painful headaches and dizziness with increased ICP.

Vitamin complexes

High ICP is a fairly common disorder, which may well be caused by numerous reasons. One of them is a significant overdose of vitamin A.

To maintain the health of the brain vessels, it is definitely necessary to have a nutritious diet and a diet rich in vitamins and microelements.

Accordingly, during the treatment of hypertension and for prevention purposes, it is clearly necessary to take medications with vitamin B:

  1. Neurovitan - available in the form of small pink tablets, in addition to the main neuroprotective effect, it also strengthens the body's immune defense. It is (according to its biochemical structure) a balanced set of fortified elements of group B. Undesirable side effects may include heartburn, flatulence, and dry mouth.
  2. Neurobion is an effective fortified complex drug in tablets, which is successfully used not only in the complex therapy of high levels of ICP, but also to relieve lumbar syndrome, intercostal neuralgia, eliminate symptoms of the cervical plexus, as well as in cases of damage to the facial nerve.
  3. B-50 is a vitamin preparation with the widest possible spectrum of action, releasing the necessary energy for the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, as well as the proper breakdown of complex proteins.


Various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended - for example, Ketonal, Nimesulide or Movalis. The specific type and dose are chosen only based on the intensity and nature of the pain, as well as the reason for the increase in ICP - but in any case, the pharmaceutical group in question and its representatives can only be used as symptomatic therapy.

Nimesil - used as an effective painkiller, as well as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, the medicine is prescribed in a minimal dosage for a short period of time. It is taken only after meals, because it significantly increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid. In case of overdose, drowsiness, apathy, vomiting, and even gastric bleeding are often observed. Ketanol and Nimesil, as well as any other NSAIDs, should never be used in cases of low blood clotting, as well as in cases of manifest renal failure or intestinal disorders. Not for use by children under 14 years of age.

Treximed - the medicine effectively lowers ICP, the maximum effect is realized within 20 minutes after taking the tablet, but this drug is not used for self-medication - it can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, because there are a large number of undesirable clinical effects.

Increased ICP, which does not return to normal after growth, is definitely an alarming sign that indicates the presence of certain pathologies. Accordingly, the sooner you seek specialized help from a doctor and treatment is prescribed, the better it will be. All diseases and possible deviations related, in one way or another, to the brain or affecting it, are considered especially dangerous. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible with these symptoms. If you have increased ICP, it is imperative to consult with a specialized specialist and undergo a full clinical examination in order to reliably identify the root cause of the disorders that have arisen. The whole point is that only after determining the etiology will it be possible to talk about the correct selection of therapy.

In combination with the drugs listed above, practitioners advise using traditional herbal medicine.

To optimize blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, decoctions and infusions of valerian and eucalyptus are effectively used. It is also very important to follow a specially selected diet, which will allow you to unload the intestines as quickly as possible from all foods - easily digestible carbohydrates, as well as fats of animal origin, including fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods. Nutrition should be as balanced and varied as possible; it should include vegetables containing fiber, vitamins and microelements. It is also important not to forget about the necessary daily walks in the fresh air, dosed physical activity, and in order to prevent attacks of increased ICP, it is recommended to do physical therapy for the cervical spine.



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