Scientists study why fats are needed in the human body. Why eat fats

Fats - refer to large group complex organic compounds having one common name- lipids. This group also includes fat-like substances - lipoids. Fats are complex organic compound from fatty acids and glycerol.

The functions, as well as the importance of fats that enter the body with food, directly depend on the fatty acids they contain. Just like carbohydrates and proteins, fats are the most important components of food. They are necessary for normal operation the whole body.

What role do fats play in the human body, why are fats needed in human nutrition, where are they found? Which of them are very useful, and which are rather harmful? Let's talk about it today:

Why are fats needed in human nutrition?

Fats - essential element food are the main source of energy. By eating food, they take part in metabolic processes. In addition, these substances perform very important functions:

Energy: create body fat, which are the body’s reserve energy,

Thermal insulating: protect the body from hypothermia,

Protective: they envelop the internal organs with a thin layer.

In addition, they are necessary for the cells of a living organism, since the shell of cell membranes consists of almost 30% fat. Without them, the production of many hormones is not possible. They are necessary for normal operation immune system, on which the body’s protection against all kinds of infections depends. In addition, without them it is impossible to absorb vitamins A, D, E, K, which, as is known, are fat-soluble substances.

As you can see, fats are extremely necessary for normal life body to maintain proper health. That is why all kinds of diets with their sharp restrictions are harmful to health.

Fats in the brain

Research conducted by doctors has found that human brain tissue is almost 60% fat. Therefore, the intake of these substances with food is very important for its normal functioning. However, not all of them are beneficial to the brain.

In particular, the intake of unhealthy saturated fatty acids into the body can, over time, lead to various problems with his work. But unsaturated fatty acids he just needs it.

According to scientists, for brain health, active intellectual activity, the body must regularly receive equal proportions of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. If one of them predominates, this negatively affects health, not to mention the deficiency of both.

With a long-term lack of these useful substances high risk of developing Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, migraines, retinal diseases. Children may experience delayed mental and physical development.

Fats and overweight

Many people know very well that the body accumulates them from food in order to stock up on nutrients “for a rainy day.” This is true, but only partly.
The body needs energy to function. He receives it from incoming food.

Its main source is carbohydrates, which are broken down very quickly, throwing out large number energy. When there are few carbohydrates ingested, the body begins to take the missing energy from lipids - a component of fats. In this case, fat accumulation does not occur.

Therefore, healthy people who eat a healthy, balanced diet rarely experience excess weight and it can be easily corrected. If these rules are violated, in particular constant adherence to diets, all kinds of metabolic disorders occur. They are the reason for the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, which many women who are always losing weight hate so much.

As we have already mentioned, products may contain useful ones - unsaturated and polyunsaturated, or not very useful ones, but large quantities, even harmful ones - saturated fatty acids. Let's look at them in more detail:

Unsaturated and polyunsaturated are very useful. They must be present in the diet of every person, especially children and the elderly.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids can be found in unrefined vegetable oil: olive, sunflower, soybean, and especially flaxseed, rapeseed, and cottonseed. They are also found in almonds, walnuts and seeds. Many polyunsaturated acids contains fish oil.

Unsaturated - found in peanuts, cashews, olives, as well as olive and peanut oil. They contain domestic meat, wild bird. Avocado fruits contain many of these beneficial substances.

Foods containing saturated fatty acids

These substances are solid and difficult to digest and absorb. Therefore, they are not very beneficial to the body; large quantities of them can be harmful to health. They are contained in foods such as lamb, fatty beef, lard and palm oil. The consumption of such products should be limited.

Such fats are found in cheeses, egg yolks, milk, and dairy products. Saturated fats are found in foods such as chocolate, butter, coconut oil, shrimp and lobster.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when consuming products containing healthy fats, a person cares about the health of all organs and systems of the body. Balanced diet provides full-time job brain, reduces the risk of developing many dangerous illnesses, prevents premature aging. Be healthy!

Fat is necessary for many processes occurring in our body. Without fats, human existence is simply impossible. Today, due to the general desire to plunge into the world healthy eating, a whole advertising campaign for the destruction of fat was launched.

However, fats are needed, let's figure out why:

Fats are needed for... Energy

Fat gives us a huge boost of energy. It is almost impossible to achieve this level of energy by consuming only proteins and carbohydrates. Every gram of fat you consume will provide you with 9 calories (fuel for the body). In comparison, proteins and carbohydrates will only provide you with 4 calories for every gram of your weight. Once we use up all the carbohydrate reserves in our body, fat comes to the rescue as a source of energy. Without fat reserves, our body will literally begin to eat itself, destroying tissue and muscle for the necessary energy. Thus, fats are essential to provide valuable energy to perform daily tasks.

Fats are needed for... Vitamin absorption

Fat is necessary for the absorption of certain vitamins. There are a number of essential vitamins that we should get daily, but their absorption and absorption process will be impossible without the presence of fat. Vitamins A, C, E and K are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning that their absorption occurs only in the presence of fat.

Fats are needed for... Appetite control

Fats are needed for... Thermoregulation

Fat gives us warmth. Fat acts as our own insulation system, keeping us from freezing. Of course, now we have heated houses and warm clothes, That's why this function is practically unclaimed. Fat also protects internal organs and bones from impact and provides necessary support for organs. However, a large % of body fat does not carry with it any positive functions(see) and you need to get rid of it! For fitness purposes, the most optimal body fat content is no more than 15%.

Fats are needed for... Taste

Fat provides flavor to food. The human body craves fat in order to survive; this function has been laid down for centuries at the level of instincts. This is why fatty and fried foods taste so much better; fats add texture and flavor to the food.

Fats are needed for... Movement

Fats keep us moving. If we did not have fat in our bodies, we would not be able to perform a single movement, either with our arms or legs. Fats act as superconducting pathways through everything nerve fibers in our body. Fats provide insulation to fibers for easier passage nerve impulses coming from the brain.

Fats are needed for... Transporting substances

Fat provides transportation nutrients in the body. Another well-known feature of fat is that it helps in the construction of many necessary elements in the body. Fat helps create a number of vital essential hormones(for example) it also helps transport nutrients through cell membranes and supports immune functions.. Although all this happens on a microscopic level, it has an extremely important for human life.

Signs of not getting enough fat in your diet:

  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Hair loss
  • Low lean body mass
  • Cold intolerance
  • Frequent bruises
  • Weak growth
  • Low resistance to infections and weak immunity
  • Poor wound healing
  • Slow recovery after physical activity

Why are fats needed? Conclusion

These reasons why fats are needed to the human body, are superficial in nature, the role of fat is much deeper. It is also important to remember that there are very big difference between good and bad fats, make your choice in favor

True, not all fats are harmful. At the same time, dietary fats are considered much worse than carbohydrates. They are generally considered to be the cause of heart disease and other health problems.

These macronutrients are finally starting to get a better reputation, thanks in large part to fitness and nutrition science. But for some reason, many people still don’t understand that dietary fats are good for us.

The government still shows food products through a lens that lists dietary fat as something you should really limit your intake of. Even some nutritionists explain to people that all fats are harmful.

When will the population - especially men - be told the truth about fats?

Where is the truth? Or what is the strength, brother?

Dietary fats are indispensable for human life. Men should consume them in large quantities to regulate muscle growth and hormone production. Let's look at dietary fats and what they mean for men.

What are Dietary Fats?

They are called dietary fats, mainly to indicate that they are fats that should be part of your nutrition program.

The full term is technically fatty acids, but we never actually use the latter expression until we're discussing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

There is one fat you should stay away from. Which? (of them) This is trans fat.

This fat is currently banned in the US. It has already been banned in several other countries, such as the UK.

Fats are very important for your diet. You may have already come across the following terms or heard discussions about these fats. To refresh your memory, let's look at some sample products.

  • Monounsaturated fats include avocados, almonds, hazelnuts and even peanuts. Many nuts, including peanut butter, contain this fat.
  • Polyunsaturated fats, including margarine, rapeseed oil, linseed oil and most other edible oils. Then you also have all the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (from 3-9).
  • Saturated fat – contains red meat, whole milk, cheese, egg yolk, coconut oil, dark chocolate, pork and many others.

There are, of course, hundreds of other fatty foods that fit into one of these categories. But with this list, you'll at least have a good idea of ​​what to focus on.

Why Are Dietary Fats Good for Us (Especially Men)?

The main thing you should really know about fats is that our body uses them to store energy and produce energy. These two factors should already sound pleasant, but in fact, we will realize even more benefits ahead.

Fats have always been a source of energy for human beings, dating back to the days of our ancestors when they did not have so many carbohydrates to eat. We also have fat stores of energy in fat cells. This is actually a good thing if you eat right and don't store fats in your body for a long time (and use them quickly).

Now that we've cleared that up, let's take a look at the other benefits your body will get from consuming fat throughout the day. Here are some of the main arguments in favor of a stable and healthy intake of dietary fats:

  • A high-fat diet increases free testosterone levels.
  • Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can be transported throughout the body through the bloodstream.
  • Fats that are consumed in food help in healing body tissues, such as skin.
  • Dietary fats also protect your nerves and brain, helping them function properly. Need proof? Nerve cells covered with myelin. They are made from fat, which helps transmit signals between the brain and body.
  • Fat essential acids must be consumed through food or supplements. Why? The reason is that your body cannot produce them on its own. This is why they are called essential fatty acids. Their consumption is very important for you!
  • Fats are used for energy after carbohydrate storage has been depleted by the body. Without fat, the body will use muscle mass instead of them to produce energy during training, by the time when the training has not yet ended, and you have already used up all the carbohydrates that have been accumulated by the body.

Knowing the first and last of the benefits that are listed in the previous points will play a vital role for you in light of how they relate to fitness and training.


It's very simple. They will influence your training. . It influences many factors such as: strength bone tissue, muscle mass and strength, energy and our (men's) life in general.

Women need testosterone just as men need estrogen, but the amounts vary significantly in ratio. Men with low level testosterone does not have enough energy for everyday activities such as work or even a long walk outside. Male body will simply be weak if a man suffers from low testosterone levels. This is one of the pillars of a peasant’s life.

In order to increase your body's energy levels and improve things like libido, you need to consider that consuming MORE dietary fat is best. Many men have been misled about fats, such as the idea that saturated fat is completely bad for the heart. It never made sense. After all, bodybuilders at all times ate a lot of red meat and felt more than great.

What a surprise, it is now believed that saturated fat intake in required quantities reduces the chances of heart disease. Plus, one study found that combining intake of high amounts of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids is a way to boost testosterone levels.

Some experts even say that the recommended daily amount of calories you consume should be about 35 percent dietary fat, with slightly more protein than carbohydrates. Having established this, we move on - polyunsaturated fatty acids may actually be the cause of low free testosterone levels. This doesn't mean you should avoid these foods that contain them. It just means that you should not consume large quantities of them, because your strength will become like that of an effeminate man. Do you need it!?

You certainly have to exercise and train hard if you want to build muscle, and having plenty of fat available should make people feel better, among other things. Since fats have been recognized as the main source of energy these days. After all, every gram of fat contains 9 calories.

Essentially, the likelihood of your entire workout going great from start to finish skyrockets when you consume enough fat (about 0.6 grams of fat per kilogram of body weight).

Fats are not like protein. They contain a higher number of calories per gram. before your workout, and fats generally don't work the same way and may not be necessary for your program.

Too Much Fat Is Bad for Us

As with most things in life, too much of something is simply not good for the body. First, along with fat, you will store too many extra calories, which are very difficult to burn. And, too much fat can lead to heart disease.

You will most likely have to worry about consumption sufficient quantity protein and vegetables to ensure your body receives a balanced diet.


Fats are good for you. Many people take this kind of information too seriously (although you should not forget that there is a chance for more than just heart disease). Basically, when people hear about how good a nutrient is, suddenly they want to consume more of it and also reduce their intake of other vital things.

No need!

High fat diets are useless. Diet with low content fat won't get you anywhere, either. Just eat the right products in close to ideal amounts and please stay away from body fat. If not, and you decide to make the mistake of increasing your fat intake while missing out on other vital things (macronutrients, etc.), then you risk gaining weight over time. And, you may be at risk for other health problems.

When you exercise at a higher intensity than normal, your muscles become microscopically ragged. These small tears become inflamed and cause you to feel pain. They will likely be even worse the next day. This is called sore throat.

Krepatura cannot be prevented, but the effect can be reduced by improving the muscle recovery process. This is where fats come into play, because dietary fats actually help regulate inflammation, which can be caused by the stress they experience during strength training.

With low body fat, your body remains inflamed and doesn't know what to do when it's time to exercise.

Basically, you will experience high fever for much longer without consuming good quantity fat (as I already wrote - approximately 0.6 g per kg of body weight), to reduce painful sensations in the muscles. Omega-3 polyunsaturated essential fatty acids are the essential fats that you can benefit from in terms of reducing inflammation of micro-tears in muscle tissue.

Dietary Fat Consumption Before Workout

Dietary fats, as already noted, play important role in building muscles and for training in general. The goal of consuming fats at least an hour before your workout is to prevent them from messing with your post-workout meals.

Dietary fats slow down digestion. They can also interfere with the proper absorption of nutrients that were consumed after exercise. However, your task is to consume fats before training, because in addition to carbohydrates, they simply fuel the body. This is a good thing because cells transport carbohydrates to muscles for energy.

For this reason, you should definitely not consume dietary fat after a workout or even during a workout. Water even becomes a problem during the digestion process.


Your metabolism will be shut down once this process begins.

Peanut butter is a good option for pre-workout consumption as it contains both fat and protein in large quantities. The carbohydrates in peanut butter make it a well-rounded pre-workout food.

In addition to peanut butter, you can also gain energy from nutrient consumption by eating foods such as boiled egg before training. Either option is good to consume before an intense training program.

Basically, your job is to get all the macronutrients you eat to build the body of your dreams.


Don't be one of those guys who makes the mistake of going on low fat diets or some other crazy diet. Recent studies show that the right fats in the right amount, in fact, protect us from cardiovascular diseases, and can even reduce fiber inflammation to speed up muscle tissue recovery.

Saturated fats are fairly safe. You need to be careful because a diet high in saturated fat can increase your body's production of low-density lipoprotein, which is a harmful type of cholesterol.

Essentially, if you want to be healthy, your goal is to make sure your diet contains all your macronutrients (fats, proteins, and carbohydrates). Don't cut any of them out of your life unless your doctor tells you to do so. Low carb diets almost always come with... low-calorie diets. Don't mess with them. Why? Such diets are useless and cause fat deposits to return to the body later (after completing the diet, and the rollback occurs with inertia and the fat content in the body will be even greater than it was before such a diet).

Eat a healthy amount of dietary fat and give up the idea that it's all bad for you. Instead of sitting still and limiting yourself to low-fat diets, train hard so that your body can convert all the fat you eat into energy to help with the carbohydrates you eat. Don't forget: burning energy or carbohydrates will take much longer if fat cells saturated (and, importantly, this will help NOT to go out in the middle of a hard and/or intense strength training). Eat a healthy, nutritious diet with all your macronutrients and train hard and then watch yours with pride!

They form the basis of human nutrition. The highest calorie component of food creates the least thermic effect on muscles. Insoluble in water and may contain residues of bile and phosphoric acid. Depending on this they play different roles in the body. The main function is to digest food, provide energy and absorb vital nutrients. important components obtained from food.

People who want to lose weight try to limit fats, since they are deposited in subcutaneous fat and form extra centimeters on the waist, hips and buttocks. Because of this, girls exhaust themselves with diets and spend a lot of time in gym, refusing useful acids. But their reduction in diet can lead to negative consequences, including muscle breakdown as they perform a series of important functions. Refusal of lipids is fraught with serious health problems and lack of energy. Why is fat necessary for the body, and how to control your weight without giving up on it? Let's look at the classification, functions, advantages and disadvantages. We will also learn how to properly plan your diet in order to get maximum benefit and stay in good physical shape. By the way, at the very end of the article there is a visual.

To understand why you should not give up eating fats, you should consider their functions. In addition to the fact that they deliver 2 times more energy during oxidation than proteins and carbohydrates, they also have a number of useful purposes.

  • Supplying the body with essential ingredients. They split into small intestine with the help of special enzymes, and the breakdown products enter the blood. Reserve fat reserves are used up when there is a lack of food. With their help, a long hunger strike is endured.
  • Provide the body with vitamins A, D, E.
  • Regulate fat metabolism and protect the skin from drying out.
  • It conducts heat poorly, so it protects the body from hypothermia.
  • Participate in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.
  • Lipids, due to their elasticity, help the body stay on the surface of the water.
  • Promotes concentration and improves brain activity and good memory.
  • The taste of food is better absorbed.
  • Protects and restores cells after heavy and exhausting physical activity.

In addition, it should be noted that clogging blood vessels occurs rarely, depending on the person's health status. Cholesterol has beneficial properties, which are not mentioned in advertisements: the production of the hormones testosterone and estrogen. Thanks to their content, feminine and male characteristics, energy for sports strength training.

Interesting! When an athlete gets his “second wind” after a long workout or during a competition, this means that the body has begun to use the energy contained in fats.

As we can see, fats in the body perform a number of useful functions, despite the fact that everyone is trying to get rid of them, and the word “” makes me break out in a sweat. But not all types of lipids are beneficial. Let's study this issue in more detail.

Types of fats

To better understand what fats are, you should study the theoretical side of the issue in detail. So, lipids are sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which bring enormous benefits to the body. Negative Impact This is only possible with excessive consumption of fatty foods, since the energy received with them does not have time to be consumed and is stored in the form of fat deposits in problem areas and muscles. The composition is quite diverse: glycerin and many fatty acids. It is because of the second component that the properties of lipids and their functionality change.

Dietary fats are divided into animal and vegetable. The former are in a solid state, and the latter are in a liquid state. We are used to seeing them on the table in the form of creamy, flaxseed and sunflower oil, margarine, palm fat, fish oil.

Please note: In different cases fatty foods can negatively affect organ and muscle health and energy production. For example, half of margarine consists of transgenic isomers, due to which the properties of food change in negative side. And isomers palm oil, which are often added to infant formulas, bind minerals, in particular calcium, which is why skeletal system cannot get stronger for a long time.

The permissible consumption rate of TGIZhK is 1 g/day. In addition, there is a classification of saturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Here are their main features:

  • Unsaturated fats are different plant origin, are found in all plants except nuts, avocados and vegetable oils.
  • Saturated fats can be obtained from foods of animal origin (pork, lamb, geese, fish, milk). In vegetable fats they are found only in palm and coconut oil. We recommend reading the article about.
  • Monounsaturated fats are essential fats because the body produces them on its own. Oleic helps lower cholesterol levels. Can be found in large quantities in peanut, olive and avocado oils.
  • Polyunsaturated fats come from food and are considered essential. Omega-6 and Omega-3 complex provide positive impact on cardiovascular system, mental activity, prevent premature aging and eliminate depression. Substances are found in nuts, seeds, flaxseed, soybean, camelina and rapeseed oil. They cannot be heated. Many components are found in sea fish and seafood.

Natural fats are somewhat healthier. They contain rich and unsaturated acids that benefit the body.

Let's present their classification in the table.

Saturated fats Unsaturated fats
Monounsaturated Polyunsaturated
Omega-9 Omega-3 Omega-6
Butter and milk fats Olive oil Fatty fish and fish oil Sunflower (vegetable) oil
Lard, meat and other animal fats Peanut butter Linseed oil Corn oil
Palm oil Avocado Rapeseed oil Seeds and other types of nuts
Coconut oil Olives Walnut Cottonseed oil
Cocoa bean extract Poultry meat Wheat germ Soybean oil

The daily human need for polyunsaturated fatty acids is 3–5% of the total calorie intake. This is approximately 1 - 2 tablespoons. Consumption " the wrong fats"(saturated) leads to extra stress on the liver and also affects the process of burning fat.

Toxins are formed and free radicals, which have to be disinfected by the liver. Additional load on the organ - this is a serious blow to it.

Interesting! IN olive oil contains aleic acid, which is heat-resistant, so you can cook with it fried foods. Flaxseed should be used as a salad dressing.

The body quickly stores fats because they are absorbed much easier and faster than proteins and carbohydrates. So if you want to gain weight, increase your fat intake rather than carbohydrate intake. You will be able to do it faster.

How does fat burning occur?

Combustion and conversion into energy occurs with the help of aerobic exercise and intense strength training. Due to the difference in the metabolic activity of fats, they are divided into three types.

  • Subcutaneous is the easiest to burn. If applied strength training with weights and connect special diet, the metabolic rate will increase, and unwanted deposits on the sides and waist will disappear.
  • Determined by gender, in women it is located in the chest, waist and upper thighs. It is almost impossible to burn it completely.
  • Visceral causes serious harm to health, as it quickly penetrates the blood. To get rid of it faster, you need to pick up correct exercises and a balanced diet.
  • Abdominal is the cause of atherosclerosis, increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. In men, it is often deposited in the lower abdomen.

Burning is possible with increased physical activity and. Of course, the body will not be able to fully function without them. But to prevent the occurrence of diseases, you should follow daily norm substance consumption.

Pay attention! Sediments must be burned when oxygen is available. It enters the muscles only after 30 - 40 minutes of training. To get rid of it, you need to make a lot of effort.

Remember that fats are not bad for your figure. Excess nutrients have a negative impact on the hips, belly and waist, and it makes sense to burn them. If a person consumes more fatty foods than he can expend energy, he becomes overweight.

Planning your diet

IN daily diet an adult should contain 30% fat. In this case, saturated ones should be 7 - 10%, polyunsaturated - 10%, monounsaturated - up to 15%. You can calculate your individual requirement using a simple formula: total fat consumption (g) = total kcal* 30% / 9.

To make it easier to plan your menu, use the proposed list.

Quantity Food products
Extra large (over 40 g) Vegetable and butter, cooking fats, margarine, walnuts, pork lard, fatty pork, raw smoked sausage.
Large (20 – 40 g) Dutch cheese, boiled and semi-smoked sausages, duck, goose, pork, curd mass, cream and sour cream (more than 20% fat), canned sprats, halva, cakes, chocolate.
Moderate (10 – 19 g) Caviar, sturgeon, salmon, herring, saury, dietary sausage, beef sausages, lamb, beef, eggs, ice cream, processed cheese, cottage cheese.
Small (3 – 9 g) Mackerel, horse mackerel, low-fat herring, pink salmon, sprat, fondant candies, baked goods, ice cream, beef, lamb, chicken, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, milk.
Very small (less than 3 g) Protein milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, hake, pike, pike perch, cod, cereals, beans, bread.

To keep the body in in good shape, stop consuming margarine and spread. They do not bring value to the body, and dishes can be made tasty without using them. And also clear the refrigerator of cheese, sausage, cream, ice cream and other products that contain vegetable fat.

Approximate composition of solid and liquid triglycerides

Triglycerides Residues of acids,% by weight
Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic Linolenic
Butter 25 11 34 6 5
Olive oil 10 2 82 4
Sunflower oil 11 4 38 46
Palm oil 44 5 39 11
Linseed oil 5 3 4 62 25
Solid mutton fat 38 30 35 3 9
Solid beef fat 31 26 40 2 2
Solid pork fat 27 14 45 5 5
Fats in the human body 25 8 46 10

Interestingly, lard contains arachidonic acid. It is part of the heart muscle and takes part in cholesterol metabolism. So don't rush to give up delicious product. Avoid trans fats. They are the most harmful, and are obtained by processing a liquid consistency into a solid one. They are cheaper than natural ones and are found in store products quite often. To control your intake and quality of fats, cook your own meals.

Many legends and myths are known about the role of fats for humans. Therefore, there are two extremes in relation to fats. One is a complete denial of fats, and consumption only low-fat products. The other extreme is to eat fatty foods at dinner, lunch and breakfast.

However, only individual characteristics, time of year, age and other factors determine what and how much fat to consume. For his own good, a person needs to determine the “fat content” of his diet. Rely on the basic concepts of fat metabolism.

The digestive tract and the breakdown of fats in it.

Fats with food pass from oral cavity into the stomach without any significant changes. The breakdown of fats into fatty acids and glycerol mainly occurs under the influence of intestinal juice and bile in the small intestine. Bile is stored in the gallbladder and produced in the liver. It crushes edible fat into tiny droplets.

Intestinal juice reacts with fat droplets, breaking them down into fatty acids and glycerol. In the small intestine, fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed by the intestinal villi, and the synthesis of fats characteristic of humans occurs. After this, small droplets of fat pass into lymphatic system and only after that - into the blood. Fats are distributed throughout the body through the bloodstream, participating in metabolism.

To improve the body's absorption of fats, the following rules must be followed:

1. The body does not absorb fats from too fatty foods: pastries, pies, chicken legs, pork. Such meals should not be too frequent.

2. Requires constant maintenance gallbladder and liver.

3. There is no need to wash down your food with any drinks or water. This makes it dilute digestive juice and food is washed away into those parts of the intestine where fat breakdown does not occur so effectively.

What is the role of fats in the body?

Our body does not require fats to increase the size of the hips and waist. Fats are the most important nutrient. Their lack in the body can lead to serious problems with health:

1. Fats are needed to form connective tissues and cell membranes.

2. Adipose tissue This support for internal organs(kidneys, liver, heart). But in a thin person, the organs are displaced, their activity is disrupted.

3. Components of fats (unsaturated fatty acids) help remove excess cholesterol from the body.

4. Fats also increase permeability and elasticity of blood vessel walls.

5. Fats contain fat soluble vitamins D,E,A, necessary for the body.

6. Because lack fats in food heart function worsens. State skin It's getting worse.

7. Fats take part in synthesis of hormones- these are substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

There are different types of fats.

Fats that enter the body with food can have various properties. And because of this, the functions for which they are intended may not fully perform. The properties of fat are influenced by what type of fatty acids are present in its composition. Modern edible fats have the following varieties:

1. Saturated fat
- contains saturated fatty acids and glycerin. It has a solid consistency at room temperature. Saturated fats are often sourced from animal products. Such fats are harmful to the body if there is a lot of them in food. They increase blood cholesterol levels and contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. It is also important to remember that saturated fats are not essential for humans. They can be synthesized by other substances.

2. IN vegetable oils contained unsaturated fats, they are also contained in some types sea ​​fish, nuts. Such fats do not solidify at room temperature even in a simple refrigerator. The most well-known components of unsaturated fats are Omega-6 and Omega-3, polyunsaturated fatty acids. All the benefits of fats come from unsaturated fatty acids. The most important thing: the body does not produce unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, linseed oil, oil walnuts, canola oil, nuts, sea oily fish from northern seas must be in human food.

3. Trans fats - worst kind fat, harmful in any concentration in the body. Appears if vegetable fat is heated to high temperature in the presence of hydrogen. This type of fat is widely used in sauces, fatty ketchups, and sweets. industrial production, in semi-finished products.

Conclusion: the key to health is to have a balanced attitude towards fatty foods. Avoid trans fats, eat minimal saturated fats, and eat wisely with unsaturated fats.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs