Pityriasis rosea, which is difficult to diagnose, let’s look at the symptoms, causes and how to treat. Pink lichen of Zhiber

In the previous article, we talked about what pink lichen (lichen of Zhiber) is and how it can manifest itself in children or adults. We also found out that although the disease is unpleasant, it passes quite quickly, it is not contagious and does not cause severe trouble to its owner. This type of lichen does not cause any consequences or unpleasant complications, however, the visual picture is not aesthetically pleasing and we need to talk about how it can be cured.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea.
We talked about the fact that this type of lichen can go away on its own within about six months, sometimes earlier, so is it worth treating it at all? It is also worth talking about what the treatment should be like for it to be effective and what measures are needed to prevent the skin from itching and scratching.

Although pityriasis rosea does not pose a threat to the health and life of patients, does not cause any complications, and can go away on its own within a few months, in some cases it needs to be treated. If the manifestations of pityriasis rosea do not bother the patient much, experts may recommend simply not taking any action and not conducting any special treatment. To help relieve itching, doctors may recommend regularly lubricating pityriasis rosea spots with moisturizing creams or ointments. If the lichen still itches very much, you should definitely tell your doctor about it. In such cases, he may give you antihistamines to relieve the symptoms of itching. Such drugs may include suprastin, tavegil or claritin.

It is also worth discussing whether you need to take antibiotics or any of the antiviral drugs if you have pityriasis rosea. According to some scientific studies, it has been found that the use of erythromycin or acyclovir for pityriasis rosea helps in accelerating the treatment of pityriasis rosea and the healing of plaques, the drugs can help relieve itching. However, such data are still scarce and require further verification. Therefore, today it is not recommended to use any antibiotics or antiviral drugs for pityriasis rosea.

How can you treat or apply stains if you have pityriasis rosea? There are many recipes on the Internet for eliminating pityriasis rosea by treating plaques with iodine, boric acid, and vinegar. Sea buckthorn oil, sulfur ointment, zinc ointment or antifungal drugs in creams and ointments are also used. But dermatologists are critical of such treatment methods; they do not note the high effectiveness of these procedures in the treatment of pityriasis rosea. There is no proven evidence of the effectiveness of these procedures in eliminating plaque. Also, for pityriasis rosea, no diet is effective; you do not need to follow a strict diet to treat plaques.

Questions regarding pityriasis rosea.
Often, those who are faced with the problem of pityriasis rosea have numerous questions regarding life with this disease. We will try to give full answers to them in order to finally reveal the topic of pityriasis rosea. One of the main issues when you have skin rashes is the possibility of exposure to the sun, tanning and relaxing at seaside resorts. Doctors say moderate sun exposure can be beneficial if you have pityriasis rosea. But if you are planning to go on vacation at the seaside, you need to make every effort not to burn out. Having a sunburn can make your skin itch and itch even more than before. In addition, excessive exposure to the sun or visiting tanning salons can accelerate the aging of the skin, increasing the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

No less relevant will be the question of whether it is possible to take a shower or swim in a bath if you have pityriasis rosea. If you or your children have contracted pityriasis rosea, swimming with it is not prohibited. At the same time, to relieve itching of the skin, you can use cool or warm water for bathing; hot water may intensify the itching. You can use your usual body wash products for bathing, or switch to delicate and moisturizing formulations. To prevent dry skin, you should use moisturizing lotions or body milk after a bath. Do not rub the elements on the skin too hard with a rough washcloth; they may then itch and flake more.

The influence of pityriasis rosea on the course of pregnancy.
Can pityriasis rosea come out during pregnancy and can it somehow negatively affect its course? In principle, pregnant women extremely rarely get this disease, and they can get over it just as easily as anyone else. However, in order to be completely objective, it is necessary to provide data on some scientific studies that have been carried out in recent years. They present evidence that the occurrence of pityriasis rosea is often associated with premature birth or miscarriage, especially if a woman develops this pathology before the 16th week of pregnancy. Based on this, if symptoms of pityriasis rosea occur during pregnancy, you must inform the gynecologist in charge of the pregnancy about their occurrence.

Is pityriasis rosea dangerous when breastfeeding?
What to do in a situation where a nursing mother becomes ill with pityriasis rosea while breastfeeding? Is it dangerous to continue feeding the baby in this state of affairs? Doctors say that you can safely breastfeed if you have pityriasis rosea. The disease is not contagious and will not harm the child in any way. However, if plaques appear on the skin of the breast and you apply any ointments to them, you should try to carefully remove any remaining plaque from the nipples and breast skin so that the drugs do not get into the baby’s mouth when feeding. Treat the skin immediately after feeding so that the drug has time to act before you need to feed the baby again.

Drug treatment.
The main inconvenience caused by pityriasis rosea is itchy skin, which leads to discomfort. If the itching is severe, allergy medications (antihistamines) will be indicated. They do not cure lichen, but only eliminate unpleasant symptoms. With an active lifestyle, you need to use third-generation antihistamines, which do not give a sedative effect. When treating pityriasis rosea, ointments with an irritating effect on the skin should not be prescribed. You should also not use medications with hormones on your own. Such drugs can only be used under the supervision of a doctor. These drugs are effective, but they become addictive, they cause skin atrophy, as well as relapses of the disease when the drug is discontinued.

To soften the skin and relieve itching, products such as lubricating the elements with milk thistle, St. John's wort, rosehip, sea buckthorn or peach oil can help. To prevent the development of infection on the skin affected by lichen, you can use antiseptic drugs - sprays or solutions (miramistin, romazulan, chlorophyllipt, sanguiritrin). You can also treat the affected skin with natural apple cider vinegar. These manipulations are carried out up to six times a day, wiping the plaques with vinegar. Celandine tinctures can also be used, but they must be used carefully and diluted.

If rosacea has been present for a long time, you should stop experimenting and consult a doctor to determine what to do next. This type of lichen is often confused with other diseases.

More articles on the topic “Psoriasis and dermatoses”:

“It's good to be a girl in a pink coat. Maybe not in pink, but it’s not the same.” This simple humorous poem, which began to “walk” on the Internet about 10-15 years ago, would sound more correct today if the word “girl” was replaced with the word “boy”. This is exactly what British fashion designers think. Thus, the fall-winter 2015-2016 men's collection from one of the famous brands at London Fashion Week offered men clothes in exclusively pink tones. Only sometimes it was allowed to dilute them with black. Colors ranging from purple to pale pink, the collection featured fur coats, boots, scarves, some clothes on models for which names probably have not yet been invented, hats, all kinds of accessories, and so on. Many called the collection shocking.

In fact, pink has been taking over the male part of the planet for a long time. Thus, the manager of a New York store opened by British designer Paul Smith claims that gender barriers have long been destroyed, including in color. His men's clothing store has a huge number of pink models.

In the spring of 2016, the famous fashion houses Etro (Italy), Hugo Boss (Germany), Tommy Hilfiger (USA) filled their collections of men's clothing, the spectrum of which varies from delicate pastel colors to poisonous fuchsia. Pringle of Scotland, a well-known knitwear manufacturer in Scotland, dressed a man in a pink shirt and pink shoes, the color of which resembled strawberries and cream, during a fashion show.

- One should hardly be surprised by such trends in today’s rather gloomy world. People want to feel happy, says Peter Nyhan, manager of the men's clothing department at the London department store Harrods. He is also echoed by a Londoner of Indian origin, Hardeep Singh Kohli, whose age has not yet reached the forty-year mark. According to him, men simply stopped putting up with a situation where they have a much smaller choice of clothing than women. Hardy himself happily chose a pink sweater to match the color of his new turban.

A case in point is Chris Cromie-Hawk, a management consultant from the UK. On the eve of his 50th birthday, he not only bought pink shirts and ties for himself, but also decided to take such brave steps as a general massage, facial massage, manicure and haircut from a fashion stylist. He explained the changes in his image very succinctly: “I try not to become boring.”

Experts from the American company Pantone note that in recent years, more and more men are trying to buy bubblegum-colored sneakers and pink iPhones. Pink accessories are increasingly appearing in their clothes. According to the firm's psychologists, this is the answer to all global upheavals and military conflicts. At first, American psychologists say, this color was adopted by women. After World War II, and then Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, he became an attempt to isolate himself from militaristic horrors - this is how Barbie appeared in all pink. And after it, a culture of men's polyester suits arose. Americans consider the appearance of Paris Hilton in a pink teddy suit on a pink Bentley to be a triumph of pink.

To support their idea, Americans cite the example of the peoples of Africa. Thus, in one of its poorest countries, Congo, men wear clothes in the most cheerful colors, including pink. Probably, in this way they are also trying to psychologically isolate themselves, at least for a while, from the continuous internecine wars on the continent.

Psychologist Olga Stadnitskaya explains the love for pink in men in a completely different way. She recalls that among Christians, red was traditionally a masculine color. It is no coincidence that the robes of Catholic priests are red. But the Virgin Mary, on the contrary, was often depicted in blue-blue clothes. Accordingly, the colors were formally assigned by gender: boys – red, girls – blue. An inversion occurred after the First World War, when many countries chose blue as the color of their military uniform. Together with the traditionally blue clothes of sailors, this color became a “boyish” color. And the girls chose the least aggressive shade of red – pink.

In Russia, boys were given blue and girls were given red at the legislative level long before the First World War. By decree of Emperor Paul I at the end of the 18th century, all newborns of the imperial family were awarded the highest Russian order. From birth, girls acquired the title of Grand Duchesses and received the Order of St. Catherine with a red moire ribbon, and the little Grand Dukes were given the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called - with a blue one. Gradually, this tradition began to capture all segments of the population. It is clear that no one awarded orders or titles there, but they tried to dress boys in blue, and girls in red and pink. Echoes of this are still alive - just look at the babies who are carried out of the maternity hospital upon discharge. By the color of the ribbon on the blanket you can immediately determine the gender of the newborn.

Olga Stadnitskaya argues that the original distribution of colors among Christians (male - red, and female - blue) is more justified from a psychological point of view. Red is the color of aggression. Its owner declares his primacy, his sexuality, and strength. These qualities are traditionally masculine. And blue and cyan are the color of the sky, water, which is considered the feminine element, as it brings peace and tranquility. The psychologist suggests observing boys who have toys of various colors laid out in front of them. You can be sure, Olga Stadnitskaya assures, that hands will immediately reach for the red fire truck, and not the yellow tower crane. And only when the car gets boring, the baby will turn his attention to other objects.

From this point of view, psychologists argue that men still remain faithful to the color red, but in the modern world they soften it by replacing it with pink. Thus, pink on a man is quite natural.

British lawyers and bankers have favored pink shirts for decades. Companies such as Brooks Brothers and Ralph Lauren have adapted to their needs. Pink shirts form the basis of their style. Men's shirts of this color became even more widespread when in the eighties of the last century they became the signature clothing of university teachers in Britain. Where this tradition is still preserved, you can often see pink trousers on men.

World celebrities also dictate the fashion for pink. For example, English football star David Beckham is photographed by famous photographers wearing pink. Rocker Mick Jagger and rapper Camron posed in clothes of the same color.

Specialists from the “Together Against Breast Cancer” center set out to find out what color of clothing men and women prefer. A survey they conducted in different countries showed that almost every second man named pink among the colors he likes, and many added that they have pink items in their wardrobe. The majority of these turned out to be in the same Great Britain - 67 percent. But it is also interesting that 63 percent of all women surveyed not only named pink among their favorite colors, but also admitted that they would like to see clothes of this shade on their favorite men. A quarter of all girls aged 16 to 24 surveyed prefer to see their lover in pink trousers.

The general opinion was very accurately expressed by 34-year-old Los Angeles resident and mother of two Heather McLaughlin: “Pink looks great on the right man. But if there's something wrong with a man, pink looks like an unfortunate mistake."

Infectious skin diseases are not always easy to recognize, especially in the initial stages. Pityriasis rosea in humans is a complex ailment that has not been fully studied by doctors. The problem is solvable and the symptoms can be eliminated by knowing the characteristic features of the disease.

Pityriasis rosea or Zhiber's pink pityriasis refers to skin irritation in the form of elongated red spots caused by infection. The rash is similar to the manifestations of allergic reactions. Experts classify this disease as a type of dermatosis and argue that lichen may be of viral origin.

People aged 10-35 years are most susceptible to the disease; in total, the risk of infection persists up to 55 years.

Skin rashes heal within 1-3 months; in rare cases, lichen lasts longer.

The rash begins to develop after the first spot appears on the skin (diameter is about 2 cm or more). Then, yellowing of the skin, dryness, and peeling are observed in the affected area. Pityriasis rosea not considered a contagious disease, although doctors have not reached a consensus on this matter.

Some dermatologists claim that the causative agent of infection is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Basically, the disease appears after suffering from colds and infectious diseases. The spots on the skin are covered at the edges with a thin border consisting of scales.


The cause of Pityriasis rosea may be complication after ARVI, a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. Doctors draw an analogy with herpes type 6, but so far the pathogen is not exactly known. There are factors that increase the risk of developing lichen.

These are the following health problems:

  • intestinal disorders
  • nervous breakdown, stress
  • metabolic disorders
  • hypothermia
  • oncological diseases

Pityriasis rosea may appear after insect bite(there are known cases where fleas, lice and bedbugs caused a characteristic rash in humans).

Another possible reason is seasonal outbreaks, since in the fall and spring the immunity of many is weakened and unstable to diseases. Vaccination is also considered a factor that can trigger the development of the disease.

Symptoms of pityriasis rosea

In the initial stage, the disease may proceed unnoticed. Possible appearance slight itching, which intensifies after physical work or stress. In some people, pityriasis rosea is accompanied by pain in muscles, joints, migraines.

Symptoms may resemble those of ARVI - dizziness, weakness, fever, loss of appetite, rhinitis (runny nose), sore throat.

The spots gradually begin to spread throughout the body, except the face, neck and limbs. In rare cases, the rash spreads to the hands and feet.

Over time, the spots become crusty along the contour, swell and darken. It is important not to confuse the rash that appears with a common allergy and do not self-medicate. After the first reddish spot appears, the rest do not appear immediately, but after 1-2 weeks.

A convex formation, which has an oval shape and a color characteristic of lichen, should alert the patient.


The first thing the doctor should do is examine the patient. Preliminary diagnosis is based on recognizing symptoms by the appearance of the skin and the characteristics of the rash.

Then the patient is taken scraping for analysis and do a rapid test for the presence of fungi in the body. Such procedures are performed by a dermatologist at a skin and venereal disease clinic.

Pityriasis rosea is sometimes confused with other diseases (for example, secondary syphilis, or), so additional tests are prescribed if necessary. The patient may be referred for a skin biopsy, blood donation, urine donation and other procedures. The doctor must fully examine the patient to establish a clear diagnosis and make sure that the rash is caused by pityriasis rosea.

How to treat pityriasis rosea

There are no special treatment methods for Lichen Rosea; under normal conditions, it disappears after a couple of months. Medical intervention is required if the disease takes on atypical forms.

Bubble, a confluent or pinpoint rash is considered a pathology.

A complication is also considered ring-shaped lichen, in which the spots reach a diameter of 8 cm. In this case, the disease may not go away for a long time.

Treatment is based on the results of the examination and in accordance with the patient’s health condition. In especially severe cases, when the spots greatly increase and spread to new areas of the body, the doctor prescribes antibiotics (Erythromycin, Tetracycline).

Additional measures:

  1. From the diet excluded citruses, nuts, eggs, some fruits (red), alcoholic drinks, tea, chocolate, coffee, spicy dishes.
  2. During illness Not recommended use soap and a washcloth; only shower with water is allowed.
  3. Women You can't wear makeup for 3-5 weeks until the lichen goes away.
  4. Doctors Patients are not advised to sunbathe and wear underwear made from synthetics.

If necessary, the doctor can prescribe it to the patient.

For example:

  • Suprastin
  • Claritin
  • Tavegil
  • Erius
  • Xizal
  • Loratadine

Treatment can also be carried out using corticosteroids:

  • Hydrocortisone
  • Clobetasol
  • Diprospan

Treatment should be carried out under conditions in which water procedures are excluded or reduced to a minimum. Useful for strengthening immunity during illness take vitamins.

There are traditional methods for treating pityriasis rosea, but they should be treated with caution and all questions should be discussed with your doctor.

In most cases, the disease goes away within 8 weeks, but there are exceptions. It is important to approach the issue responsibly, consult a doctor about everything, and follow preventive measures after recovery.

Zhiber's pityriasis rosea is a disease of unknown cause that manifests itself as pink, round rashes on the skin of the torso, arms and legs.
The disease is non-contagious, that is, it is not transmitted from person to person. There is no specific treatment. It goes away on its own. Examination by a dermatologist.

ICD 10 code: L42 - Pityriasis rosea. According to the classification, Zhiber's lichen belongs to.

This is what pityriasis rosea looks like in humans


The etiology (cause) of pityriasis rosea in humans is still unknown!

There are hypotheses for the occurrence of this skin pathology in humans:

  • viral nature (herpes virus, ARVI),
  • infectious-allergic nature (allergic processes started after infectious diseases).

Predisposing factors:

  • decreased immunity is the main factor in the development of the disease,
  • infectious diseases,
  • avitaminosis,
  • starvation, malnutrition,
  • stress,
  • hypothermia,
  • frequent use of scrubs and hard body washcloths.

The incidence of pityriasis rosea is observed mainly in the cold season.

Symptoms and clinic

1) Maternal plaque (see photo) is an important sign of the initial stage of the disease.

  • A rounded redness appears on the skin in the form of a spot 3-5 cm in size. Usually, a few days before the appearance of the maternal spot, patients notice an increase in temperature, malaise, joint pain, enlarged cervical lymph nodes - all symptoms similar to ARVI.
  • The maternal plaque is slightly raised above the skin.
  • After a few days, the mother spot begins to peel off over its entire surface.

2) Daughter spots are the main symptom of pityriasis rosea in humans.

  • After 7-10 days from the appearance of the mother spot, multiple pink spots ranging in size from 5 mm to 2 cm appear on the skin of the chest, abdomen, back, arms and legs.
  • The spots are round or oval, do not merge into conglomerates, and are raised above the surrounding skin. After a few days, the skin in the center of such a spot becomes pale yellow and begins to peel off. After a few more days, the central part of the spot peels off and the skin becomes like “tissue paper.”
  • Along the periphery, the spot does not peel off and remains pink.
  • A rim of peeling remains between the central and peripheral parts of the spot (symptom of “collar” or “medallion”).
  • On the body, the spots are located along the folds and tension lines of the skin (Langer's lines). This sign is considered diagnostic - it helps to establish a diagnosis.
  • During this period, the maternal plaque begins to turn pale and gradually disappears.
  • The rash almost never appears on the palms and soles of the feet. Very rarely - on the face, on the lips, on the neck, and also in the groin.
  • Rashes on human skin can appear in waves, every 7-10 days. Therefore, you can observe a polymorphic picture: some spots have just appeared, pink, small, without peeling. Other spots are old, ring-shaped, with “collar” peeling and a red border around.
  • Usually, before new rashes, a person notices a deterioration in health - weakness, malaise, low-grade body temperature (up to 37.2 degrees).

3) Skin itching.

The spots are accompanied by mild itching. This is not the main symptom of the disease and occurs in only half of patients. Most often, the skin itches in children and young people with an emotional psyche, as well as when the skin is irritated.

Typically, pityriasis rosea patches do not bleed. But with severe skin itching, patients, especially children, can scratch the spots until they bleed.

4) Course of the disease

  • After 3-6 weeks, the pityriasis rosea spots begin to fade in the center. The spots become ring-shaped. Then the peripheral part of the spot disappears.
  • For some time after the spot disappears, an area of ​​increased (or vice versa, decreased) skin pigmentation remains. These pigment spots disappear on their own within another 1-2 weeks. There are no consequences in the form of scars or scars in the uncomplicated form of the disease.
  • If the course is favorable, recovery does not take long, and relapses do not occur.
  • The disease reoccurs in people with immunodeficiency. These are HIV patients and patients with low immunity due to blood cancer due to heavy chemotherapy.
  • Pityriasis rosea can be complicated by inflammatory phenomena on the skin: pustules, pimples, the addition of fungal flora (mycosis). In rare cases, children may experience eczematization with weeping. To avoid this, follow the following recommendations.

What a patient should not do

  1. Do not injure or scratch the spots (so that the spots do not increase in size).
  2. Do not rub your skin with a washcloth or even a sponge when washing in a bathhouse or bathtub.
  3. You cannot take antibiotics yourself.
  4. You cannot sunbathe or visit a solarium.
  5. Do not lubricate the skin with alcohol and iodine, brilliant green, ointments containing sulfur and tar, tar soap, salicylic ointment, vinegar, sea buckthorn oil, dough, flour, newspaper ash, apply cosmetics to the affected skin - to avoid the spread of stains on the skin.
  6. You cannot wear synthetic or woolen items (only cotton!).
  7. You should not wear things that damage the skin (a hard bra provokes the growth of spots under the breasts).

Diet for pityriasis rosea

1) Eliminate allergenic and irritating foods from the diet:

  1. sweets, honey, chips, soda,
  2. chocolate, coffee and strong tea,
  3. citrus,
  4. artificial food additives and flavors,
  5. alcohol,
  6. smoked meats,
  7. pepper and other spices,
  8. fatty foods
  9. pickles and marinades,
  10. eggs.

2) You can and should include in your diet:

  1. Porridges made from natural grains: oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, 5 grains, 7 grains, etc.
  2. Bread Borodinsky, Suvorovsky, Urozhayny, from wholemeal flour.
  3. Boiled meat.
  4. Potatoes, carrots and other vegetables.
Is it possible to wash?

Yes, you can, but not every day and only in the shower. You cannot wash under hot water - only under warm water. Do not use a washcloth. Do not use soap. Pat the skin with a towel (do not rub!).

How long will it take for pityriasis rosea to go away?

The standard course of the disease is 10-15 days.

What to do if the rash does not go away for more than 2 months?

You should consult a dermatologist for further examination for the presence of another skin disease masquerading as Zhiber's lichen. Most often it is necessary to exclude - this will require a skin biopsy.


The diagnosis is made based on anamnesis (medical history), clinical symptoms and by excluding other diseases.
Laboratory diagnostics do not give characteristic signs of pityriasis rosea (remember that the cause of the disease has not been established).

Zhiber's pityriasis rosea should be differentiated from a number of skin diseases:

  1. Pityriasis (varicolored) lichen. The main difference is that with pityriasis versicolor, fungal mycelium is found during microscopic examination.
  2. Secondary syphilis. All patients with suspected pityriasis rosea should be examined for syphilis!
  3. Eczema.
  4. Psoriasis. Unlike psoriasis, there is no psoriatic triad in pityriasis rosea.
  5. Measles and rubella
  6. Trichophytosis
  7. Urticaria - in the initial stage with the urticarial form of the disease.

Treatment and prevention

In 90% of cases no treatment is required. The patient is not contagious.
Pityriasis rosea goes away on its own within 4-6-8 weeks after the first spot appears.

Remember: if you want to quickly get rid of lichen deprivation, you will not succeed. It takes time for a person’s immune system to independently begin to fight the disease. And to do this, it is necessary to remove all provoking factors so that the immune system can quickly cope with the disease.

Drug treatment is prescribed for severe skin itching and complications.

  1. Antihistamines in tablets: loratadine, suprastin, claritin, etc. Take according to instructions (1-2 tablets per day). These drugs help reduce allergic reactions in the body as a whole, which relieves skin itching. Patients stop itching.
  2. Calcium gluconate in tablets: also for antiallergic purposes (1 tablet 2 times a day).
  3. Ointments and creams with hydrocortisone: Flucinar ointment, Lorinden ointment, Akriderm ointment, Beloderm cream, Lokoid cream, Celestoderm ointment.
    Apply to the affected area of ​​skin 2 times a day. Mechanism of action – reduction of allergic reactions in the skin, swelling, reduction of skin itching, anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Ointments and creams with naftalan oil: . The mechanism of action is the same: reducing itching and inflammation in the skin. Compared to hormonal ointments, there are no such side effects.
  5. Antibiotics. Prescribed only for complications such as pustular inflammation of the skin. In case of relapse of the disease, antibiotics of the Erythromycin group in tablets are also used (in severe cases, injectable forms and treatment in a hospital). Previously, antibiotics were used at the onset of the disease, but this is no longer recommended.
  6. Tsindol suspension (zinc oxide) – dries the skin and reduces inflammation. It helps many patients relieve itching and skin irritation. Apply Tsindol to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton swab 2-3 times a day. Do not rub!

Prevention is needed to prevent the spread of the rash to other parts of the body, to prevent complications (see what a patient should not do).

Attention: Acyclovir does not help with pityriasis rosea. Acyclovir is a medicine to treat shingles (caused by the herpes virus).

Pityriasis rosea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Zhiber's pityriasis rosea does not affect the fetus or the woman's labor in any way. Therefore, in pregnant women, this disease cannot be treated with medication, but only by following a diet and a gentle regime for the skin.

When breastfeeding, the baby will not become infected with pityriasis rosea.

How and with what to treat?

Treatment of pityriasis rosea in pregnant women is carried out only in case of severe itching and severe inflammation of the skin.
Of the local preparations, only Tsindol or talkative (zinc + talc + glycerin) is used. Corticosteroid ointments - only for strict indications in extremely rare cases. When prescribing such ointments, breastfeeding should be stopped.
Drugs for oral administration and injections are used extremely rarely and should be prescribed by a doctor according to strict indications when the mother’s life is threatened.

Pityriasis rosea in a child

Children from about 4 years of age are affected, but most often teenagers (hormonal changes in the body, decreased immunity). The child is not contagious to others.
In children, spots of pityriasis rosea should be carefully differentiated from infectious diseases - measles, rubella.

How and with what to treat?

Treatment is not required in 90% of cases. The most important thing in treating children is following a low-allergen diet and preventing the spread of spots on the child’s skin, since children often scratch and injure the affected areas.
For severe itching, Tsindol and antihistamines (Claritin in syrup) are prescribed. If symptoms are accompanied by eczematous phenomena, in rare cases corticosteroid ointments and creams are prescribed for a short course (Beloderm cream, etc.).

Do they provide sick leave?

If the form is uncomplicated, they do not give it. If there are symptoms of intoxication after the end of ARVI, in a generalized form, or in a complicated form of the disease, a sick leave certificate is issued for the entire period of treatment.

Do they take you into the army?

There is a deferment for the period of treatment. After the end of treatment they call.

Attention: If the doctor did not answer your question, then the answer is already on the pages of the site. Use the search on the site.



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