Herbs for fast wound healing. Wounds, wound treatment

Thousands of reference books, medical books, scientific and popular science books have been written about the medicinal properties of plants. Over the course of several thousand years of history, people have used hemostatic, wound healing and anti-burn agents. wild plants for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, wounds and injuries.

Most medicinal plants are well known and available. Many people collect them themselves, others purchase them from pharmacies. Many plants are used and traditional medicine. But there are plants on our planet, oh medicinal properties which are known either only to specialists or local residents of the places where these plants grow. We suggest getting acquainted with those wild medicinal herbs that are different times years and in different natural areas of the world can be identified, collected and easily prepared for quick and effective use.

Without making it difficult for yourself Latin names And detailed description plant parts and mechanisms therapeutic effects, let's turn to the table, which gives the names of plants, places of their growth, collection times, which parts of the plant, how and in what cases to use. The table shows that many medicinal plants can be used directly raw, that is in kind, without prior preparation. But still the majority is used in the form of elementary.

Since the composition of the extract and the completeness of extraction necessary substances V to a large extent depend on the grinding of the medicinal raw materials used, then when preparing wild medicinal plants you should adhere to the following simple rules:

— Extraction from small particles useful substances is the most complete and occurs much faster.
— Grinding too much produces poor-quality extract with a large number cereals, fiber and other insoluble substances.
— Usually leaves, flowers, grass are crushed to particles not exceeding 5 mm.
— Stems, bark, roots and rhizomes are crushed to particles no larger than 3 mm.
— Seeds and fruits are crushed to particles no larger than 0.5 mm.
- Most small flowers, such as chamomile, elderberry, yarrow, cornflower, violet and the like, are not crushed.

Name Place and growing conditions Collection time Part used Form of use For what purposes is it used?
Hemostatic, wound healing, anti-burn, for boils, bruises, swelling, antimicrobial.
Large plantain Everywhere, in damp, illuminated places. From May to October Leaves and seeds Fresh leaf, seed Hemostatic, wound healing, laxative.
Sphagnum (moss) Peat bogs. All year round All parts of moss Dried Instead of iodine and cotton wool.
Icelandic lichen Coniferous forests, peat bogs. All year round Thallus Dried Healing of wounds, burns.
Stinging nettle Everywhere. From June to September Leaves fresh leaf Wound healing, hemostatic.
Burnet (officinalis) In clearings, in open forests, along river banks. September Rhizome Dry and fresh, decoction Antimicrobial, hemostatic, antidiarrheal.
Larch sponge, tinder fungus On the trunks of larch, cedar, fir. All year round Fruiting body Infusion or decoction Hemostatic, laxative.
Shepherd's Purse Everywhere. All summer Grass Decoction For internal bleeding.
Marsh dry grass (swamp) Along the banks of rivers and lakes. June-August Grass Decoction and fresh herbs Early and burn-healing, lowers blood pressure.
Mountain ash In the undergrowth of mixed and deciduous forests. End of summer - beginning of winter Berries (fruits) Berries, juice, decoction Hemostatic, diuretic.
Yarrow Meadows, bushes. June-October Tops with inflorescences Decoction Hemostatic, in case of poisoning.
Cat's paw dioecious In the taiga, everywhere in pine and birch forest areas. June-July Flower baskets Powder Sprinkle on wounds when bleeding.
Large burdock, burdock, felt burdock Everywhere. All summer Roots and leaves Decoction, fresh leaf For boils, tumors, swelling, bruises.
Mother and stepmother Everywhere. Early spring Leaves and flowers Decoction and fresh For healing wounds and boils (apply).
Uzik cinquefoil (galangal, dubrovka) Glades, edges, pine forests, along river banks. May-June, September-October Rhizomes Decoction For bleeding, diarrhea, toothache.
Highlander Along the banks of rivers and lakes. July-October Grass Decoction Increases blood clotting, constricts blood vessels, enhances heart activity, laxative.
water pepper Forest zone along the banks of rivers, lakes, swamps. July-September The entire ground part Decoction For bleeding, for diarrhea, as a painkiller, for malaria.
Fireweed angustifolia On the edges, burnt areas on the outskirts of swamps. July-August Leaves Decoction Anti-inflammatory, for headaches, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Sea buckthorn Southern regions of the taiga zone, along river valleys and pebbles. August-September Leaves and branches Dried Powder for scuffs and antimicrobial.
Moss club-shaped, lycopodium In dry coniferous forests. End of summer Controversy Dry powder; decoction As a powder for wounds, for abrasions, stomach pain.

Infusions are prepared in such a way that 10 parts of plant material yield 100 ml of extract. For example, to get 100 ml of decoction or infusion, you need to pour approximately 10 parts of the crushed plant with 120-125 parts of water, taking into account that part of the water will be absorbed vegetable raw materials. This is the rule for all types of medicinal plants containing tannins(oak bark, blueberry fruits), essential oils(mint leaves, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, saponins (licorice roots), vitamins (rose hips, black currants, raspberries) and others.

Extracts for external use are made more concentrated. Infusions and decoctions from the roots and rhizomes of potent plants, such as valerian, are prepared at the rate of 1 part of raw material to 30 parts of water. You should not prepare infusions and decoctions in metal containers, as under the influence of metals chemical composition extraction may change and it will lose its medicinal properties, and in some cases can cause poisoning.

The difference in the preparation of infusions and decoctions is small. Crushed plant materials for preparing the infusion are poured required quantity hot boiled water, close with a lid or something replacing it and heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Then the infusion is removed and cooled for at least 45 minutes. It is advisable to strain the cooled extract. If necessary, top up to the required volume. boiled water. Unlike the decoction, the infusion can be stored a little longer, but provided it is stored in a cool, dark place and in non-metal containers.

The decoction is prepared in the same way as the infusion, but is heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, then cooled and filtered. It is better to strain decoctions of bearberry leaves, rhizomes and roots of rhubarb, serpentine and cinquefoil rhizomes, oak and buckthorn bark immediately after removal from the water bath, avoiding even the slightest cooling, since decoctions from them quickly become cloudy even with the slightest drop in temperature. All water extracts quickly deteriorate in the summer, and therefore they should not be stored for future use, but better for a day or two at most. Infusions and decoctions used for colds, it is better to take warm.

Based on materials from the book “Encyclopedia of Survival.”
Chernysh I. V.

Wounds are mechanical damage skin and underlying tissues. The main symptom of any wound is bleeding from damaged vessels. Bleeding may be slow and profuse, associated with injury large vein or arteries.

For small, slow bleeding, simple pressure bandage. At heavy bleeding a tourniquet should be applied immediately and the patient urgently transported to surgical department. When applying a tourniquet mandatory requirement is to attach a sheet of paper to the tourniquet indicating the time of its application.

At small wounds and the lack of necessary dressings at hand to quickly stop bleeding and prevent the development of wound suppuration, they resort to traditional medicine.

Medicinal plants

For clean wounds.
Lungwort officinalis. Juice from fresh grass. IN folk medicine used instead of iodine. Burning reddish juice is poured into the wounds and bandages are applied. In the absence fresh plants They use the ashes of burnt dry plants, which they sprinkle on bleeding wounds. Lungwort stops bleeding, has anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and wound-healing effects.
Yarrow. Juice from fresh grass. The juice is poured into the wound or the grass, crushed in a meat grinder, is applied to the wound, secured with a bandage." Yarrow is an ancient medicinal plant. Accelerates blood clotting and wound healing, has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect.
Stinging nettle. Juice from fresh leaves. Pour the juice into bleeding wounds, soak napkins and apply them to the wounds. Nettle has a hemostatic, analgesic and wound-healing effect.
Dried and crushed nettle leaves are used to blow into the nose for nosebleeds.
Scots pine, spruce, Siberian fir(sap). Used to lubricate surface and deep wounds. The resin stops bleeding, promotes rapid healing of wounds, and has an antimicrobial effect.
Kirkazon ordinary(leaves). Freshly crushed leaves are applied to bleeding wounds and secured with a bandage. Kirkazon leaves stop bleeding and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Puffball mushroom(white pulp, spores). The mushroom is used instead of iodine: cut in half and the inner white side is applied to the bleeding wound, securing with a bandage. In mature mushrooms, internal gray-green spores are used, which are sprinkled on wounds. Raincoats have hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Infected (festering) wounds and ulcers.
Calamus common(rhizome). Purulent wounds are washed with infusion of calamus rhizomes and sprinkled with crushed rhizome powder. Preparation: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed rhizomes is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, left for 30 minutes, filtered.
Aloe arborescens(agave). Juice from green leaves. Gauze pads are generously moistened with the juice and applied to the wounds. It is successfully used to treat non-healing wounds and ulcers.
Periwinkle(grass). Used as an infusion for washing purulent wounds and ulcers, especially those accompanied by itching. Preparation: 1 tablespoon of dry herb is brewed with 1 glass of boiling water, left on a warm stove for 30 minutes, filtered.
camel thorn(root). An infusion of the roots is used for local baths for festering wounds, as well as for washing them during dressings. Preparation: 1 tablespoon of dry crushed roots is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, heated to a boil over low heat for 5 minutes, cooled, filtered.
Gentian yellow(rhizome with roots). Used in the form of a decoction for washing and dressings for neglected, festering wounds. Preparation: 2 tablespoons of dry roots and rhizomes pour into 1 liter cold water, heat to a boil over low heat for 20 minutes, leave for 1 hour, filter. The decoction can also be used for foot baths with sweaty feet with a foul odor.
Buckwheat(leaves). Fresh leaves, washed with boiled water, are applied to purulent wounds or ulcers. Leaves accelerate wound healing and soften abscesses.
Walnut(leaves). Fresh leaves, pre-crushed, are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers, which helps cleanse them of pus and promote good and rapid healing. In folk medicine, an oil infusion from the leaves is also used for this purpose. walnut. Preparation: 80 g of chopped fresh leaves pour 300 ml sunflower oil, insist at room temperature for 20 days, stirring the contents daily. The oil is drained and used to lubricate wounds.
Elecampane tall(rhizome with roots). A concentrated decoction is used to wash festering wounds and ulcers, followed by applying bandages with ointment. Preparation of the decoction: 3 tablespoons of dry crushed rhizomes and roots are poured with 1 glass of water, left for 1 hour, heated to a boil over low heat for 10 minutes, left for 30 minutes, filtered. Preparation of the ointment: 1 part of the powder of roots and rhizomes is mixed with 2 parts of butter or lard, ground until smooth. Used to lubricate wounds and ulcers.
Fumyanka officinalis(grass). It is used as an infusion for washing festering wounds and internally as a general strengthening and tonic. Preparation: 1 tablespoon of dry herb is infused for 2 hours in 2 cups of boiling water, filtered. Drink 1/4 glass 3 times a day after meals. The same infusion is used to wash festering wounds and ulcers.
Willow(bark). Powder from the bark of a young willow is sprinkled on bleeding wounds to stop bleeding. For festering wounds and long-term non-healing ulcers, ointment from willow bark is used. Preparation: young willow bark powder is mixed with butter (1:1), mixed well. Bandages with ointment are applied to wounds and ulcers.
Leguminum leguminum(root). Powder from the root, ground with lard or butter, used as an ointment to speed up wound healing. Bandages with ointment are applied to the wounds.
Clover(grass). Externally, an infusion of flower heads is used to wash purulent wounds and ulcers, as well as for poultices for abscesses. Preparation: 2 tablespoons of flower heads are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 1 hour in a sealed container, filtered. Clover leaves are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers to heal them.
Silver cinquefoil (wormy herb)(leaves). Crushed leaves are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers. The plant has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects.
Common coltsfoot(leaves). A decoction of coltsfoot leaves and stinging nettle leaves is used to wash festering wounds and ulcers, onto which are then applied crushed coltsfoot leaves or gauze napkins, generously moistened with juice squeezed from coltsfoot leaves. Preparation of the decoction: coltsfoot leaves, nettle leaves, taken equally (a tablespoon each), pour 1 cup of boiling water, heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, filter.
Carrots(fresh root vegetables). Festering wounds and ulcers are washed with carrot juice and a gruel of freshly grated carrots is applied to them. Carrots help cleanse wounds and ulcers from pus, reduce pain, and have an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect.
Garlic(bulb). Fresh gruel from grated onions, wrapped in gauze, is applied to purulent wounds for 10 minutes for 3-4 days. Garlic dramatically reduces swelling, relieves pain and promotes rapid healing.
Eucalyptus tactus(leaves). A decoction and infusion of the leaves is used for washing and lotions for purulent wounds, ulcers, abscesses, phlegmon, mastitis. Preparation: 30 g of crushed leaves pour into 1 glass hot water, heat in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave for 15 minutes, filter. The resulting decoction is diluted with 1 liter of warm boiled water and used to wash purulent wounds.

Wound treatment

No person is immune from injuries and various wounds. There is always the possibility of getting hurt, burned, or cut, so it is important to know as much as possible about treatment different wounds folk remedies that are at hand.

How and how cuts and wounds were treated in Rus' (folk remedies for wound healing)

If the wound festers and cannot heal for a long time, traditional healers a medicinal balm was used, for which pine resin was melted with cow butter in a one-to-one ratio. The wound was smeared with this balm 1-2 times a day until it healed completely.

Aloe juice has always been considered a reliable remedy for treating wounds. bactericidal effect. It not only relieves inflammation, but significantly accelerates the restoration of damaged tissue.

What can be used to heal wounds using folk remedies?

Mullein for treating wounds

This is an excellent remedy for treating wounds, abrasions and burns. Lotions are prepared from it in the following way: pour 2 glasses into a container clean water, pour in a handful of mullein flowers and leaves and cook for 5 or 7 minutes. For festering wounds and weeping ulcers, use a decoction of mullein leaves in milk. The method of its preparation and proportions are the same as for the decoction of water.

Aloe or Kalanchoe for treating wounds with folk remedies

An aloe leaf cut lengthwise can be tied or glued to the wound using a plaster. The juice of the plant will help speed up the healing of the wound. It is necessary to change the sheet several times a day.

If you periodically drip a few drops onto the wound Kalanchoe juice, it will heal in one week.

Yarrow helps heal wounds

An excellent treatment for any wounds is this plant, which can stop bleeding, will help a wound or cut heal quickly. A freshly picked plant should be thoroughly crushed into a pulp, which is then applied to the wound and bandaged not very tightly.

To prevent inflammation and speed up healing (wound treatment), it is good to use the following recipe. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of yarrow and 1 tbsp. spoon of St. John's wort herb. The components are poured with a small amount of boiling water and left for about half an hour. Then you need to prepare a paste from fresh or frozen lingonberries. To do this, several berries are poured with water and boiled until they can be mashed into a paste. IN herbal decoction Dip gauze or bandage, spread berry pulp on it. The resulting lotion should be applied to the wound, held for about 40 minutes, and a bandage can be applied. The procedure is carried out once a day. It has been noticed that the wound heals surprisingly quickly.

Dandelion flowers - a folk remedy for treating wounds

An amazing folk remedy for the treatment of various wounds is oil made from the flowers of the well-known dandelion. It’s quite simple to prepare: pour into a jar filled with not very densely packed flowers. vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is infused for about a day, then it is simmered for 40 minutes in a water bath, and again infused for about one day. Strained and pressed oil will help in the treatment of various wounds; it is used for burns, the treatment of eczema, and herpes.

Cinquefoil anserina for wound treatment

An ointment based on juice squeezed from a plant heals various wounds, accelerating the healing and tightening process. It is prepared like this: for 1 tbsp. spoons of juice take 60 g melted pork fat, the resulting mixture should be kept in a dark and warm place for some time, after which 1 teaspoon of wax and a little propolis are placed in it. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil, and then boiled for no more than five minutes. Leave the resulting mass warm for two hours, then put it in the refrigerator. At the same time, every hour carefully Stir until it thickens evenly. Store homemade ointment in the refrigerator. Apply by applying to the wound while bandaging.

Sushenitsa is a well-known remedy for treating wounds.

An ointment based on cucumber is prepared simply: 10 g of cucumber powder is mixed with 50 g of butter, butter or vegetable, and one teaspoon natural honey. All components are ground, and then the resulting ointment can be applied to treat the wound several times a day. This recipe is used in the treatment of wounds, ulcers, abscesses and boils.

Beetroot juice in the treatment of wounds

Juice squeezed from fresh beets helps with shallow wounds and scratches. The wound is treated with a bandage or gauze soaked in fresh beet juice. Then you need to apply a tampon soaked in the same juice to the wound and secure it with a bandage. After 20 minutes, remove the bandage to prevent the tampon from drying to the wound. It is recommended to carry out such treatment several times a day.

Celery for wounds

When, after a cut, the wound festers and does not heal for a long time, you can apply an ointment prepared from celery roots. To do this, you will need one tablespoon of crushed plant roots and one tablespoon of butter. All components are thoroughly ground. The resulting mass is applied to the wound for speedy healing.

Ground coffee is very helpful in healing

A surprisingly simple way to stop bleeding is to use natural ground coffee. Coffee should be poured directly onto the resulting bleeding wound, the bleeding will stop immediately. Then, using hydrogen peroxide, you need to wash the wound and bandage it. Wound healing occurs very quickly.

Foil as a modern means of treating wounds

Any foil has antiseptic properties, so it can be safely used when receiving wounds. By covering any cuts or abrasions with foil, you can see how the wound begins to quickly heal, and after 5 or 7 days there will be no trace left of them.

Puffball mushroom

This simple mushroom can be an excellent replacement for a bactericidal patch, since its pulp is rich in substances that kill germs. By applying clean mushroom pulp to the wound and bandaging it, you can be sure of speedy healing.

In the lives of each of us, skin injuries and cuts often occur that become infected and create unexpected problems for us. Sometimes you also have to look for remedies to treat long-term non-healing wounds. How can you cope with them without traditional medications?

About the treatment of purulent wounds

They must be washed to clean the exudate and disinfect. For this purpose, lotions are used. Here are the options for such cleansing:

  1. Aloe. Juice known to everyone medicinal plant has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. It disinfects perfectly. Only the juice must be fresh, squeezed from a plant that is at least 2 years old. A sterile bandage is moistened in it and short time applied to wounds.
  2. Blueberry leaves. They are washed, doused with boiling water, infused and used as lotions for fresh purulent wounds.
  3. Sauerkraut juice. It is used to remove dried pus and blood from the edges wound surfaces.
  4. Herb sweet clover. It must be taken dried and made into an infusion. A tablespoon is brewed with one glass of boiling water, kept for 20-25 minutes, filtered. Used as a liquid for compresses and lotions several times a day.
  5. Fresh black radish juice. It is good for the wound healing stage. Accelerates tissue regeneration and prevents the formation of scars on the skin.
  6. Plantain leaves. Suitable for closing a wound before bandaging it.
  7. Calendula. Used to treat skin in the form of an infusion. A tablespoon of dry raw materials is brewed with 150 ml of boiling water. The product should steep for 20-25 minutes. After filtering, cotton pads are moistened in the liquid, the wound surfaces are washed, and compresses are made.
  8. Saffron. A teaspoon of dry raw materials is boiled in a glass of water for 2 minutes. After filtration it is used as a washing liquid.

Therapy for non-healing wounds

Such problems are typical for diabetics, people with severely weakened immunity, and impaired metabolism. To speed up their healing, you need to use the following folk remedies:

  1. Eucalyptus globulus leaves. They are used in the form of a decoction. A tablespoon of dry herb is boiled for 1-2 minutes, cooled completely, and used for compresses. They are applied to weeping and non-healing wounds 2-3 times a day.
  2. Fir. The product is used in the form of an alcohol tincture (100 grams of dry raw materials per 300 ml of vodka). It takes 10 days to prepare. Filtered. Pour into a glass container. Wound surfaces should be treated with this product three times a day.
  3. Swamp calamus. It should be used as a powder prepared from the rhizomes. The product is sprinkled on weeping wounds and ulcers. The powder can also be mixed with crushed calendula and plantain.
  4. Cockalia spear-shaped. The plant is also called crow's foot. Fresh washed leaves are used as a healing agent for the treatment of long-term non-healing ulcers. Poop is applied in a thick layer to the wounds and bandaged. Compresses are changed several times throughout the day.
  5. Horsetail. The plant is good for treating wounds of diabetics. It should be used in the form of a decoction (1 teaspoon per 250 ml of water, boil for 3-4 minutes, immediately strain, cool). IN healing liquid it is necessary to moisten the gauze and apply it to the wound for 10-15 minutes three times a day.
  6. Yarrow. The juice should be squeezed out of this plant and applied fresh to damaged skin. The product also stops bleeding. It copes well with old, festering ulcers. If the wound is fresh, then you can simply pick the plant, knead it in your hands and apply it to the sore spot on the body.
  7. Stinging nettle. It is also used in traditional therapy in the form of juice. You can lubricate the wounds several times, or you can make compresses with juice.
  8. Resin resin coniferous trees. Pine, fir, spruce are suitable. Resin has antiseptic and regenerating properties. Twice a day, oleoresin should be lubricated on diseased areas of the skin. After 1-2 procedures, a healing effect will be visible.
  9. Puffball mushroom. White body The mushroom has strong wound healing properties. It is necessary to cut the mushroom and apply it to the wound with the inner pulp. Two such manipulations a day are enough for the skin to clear and soon heal.
  10. Lungwort. To treat non-healing, oozing wound surfaces, the juice of fresh leaves of the plant should be used. It is better to wet the bandage and apply it to the wounds, then bandage it. Lungwort is considered one of the best wound healing agents.

Violation of the integrity of the body by mechanical damage is called a wound. Injuries, cuts, vascular and microbial changes can cause wounds. Exists a huge number agents that can help treat wounds.

How to speed up wound healing

Recipe 1. Healing ointment- wound healing agent
There is a recipe for an ointment that will help heal even festering wounds. To do this you need to take fresh juice Potentilla anserina. In order to prepare a portion of the ointment, you need to use a tablespoon of this juice. Then add 60 grams of melted pork fat. After this, stir everything and let it stand in a warm place, and then mix again to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then, you should add 1 teaspoon of natural beeswax and a small amount of propolis. After this, the mixture must be brought to a boil and kept on fire for 5 minutes. Then, the mixture must be allowed to steep again in a warm place for a couple of hours so that it can infuse. After completing the procedures, the mixture must be placed in the refrigerator, and every hour it must be taken out and mixed thoroughly so that the ointment can thicken evenly. It is important that the ointment must be stored in the refrigerator. Ointment is applied to the wound and then a bandage is applied. After this, the wound will heal faster.

Recipe 2. Treatment with aloe and hydrogen peroxide
Aloe and hydrogen peroxide can also be used to treat wounds. To do this, you need to rinse the dirty wound along the edge with hydrogen peroxide and apply a cut fresh aloe leaf to it. The wound must be bandaged and left overnight until the morning. Aloe will help the wound heal faster, since this plant draws out all the pus, disinfects the wound and covers it with a thin transparent film. In the morning, you need to remove the bandage and apply brilliant green to the wound and sprinkle with streptocide powder.

Recipe 3. Treatment with St. John's wort oil
Can also be used to treat wounds St. John's wort oil. To do this, you need to take fresh shoots of St. John's wort, cut them and put them in a 0.5 jar, filling it by a third. Afterwards, add vegetable oil there, the most the best option will olive oil. After this, the jar must be heated for 30 minutes in a pan of water. After this procedure, leave the jar of St. John's wort to infuse for 3 days. After the expiration date, drain the oil and squeeze out the herbs vigorously. The oil must be stored in the refrigerator; its shelf life is about six months. Sore spots just need to be moistened with oil.

Recipe 4. Treatment with white lily tincture

To heal wounds, you can also use a tincture of white lily flowers. Loosely place white lily flowers into a 2/3 dark glass jar filled with vodka. After this, leave the jar for 10 days in a dry, dark place. If you wipe your face with the resulting tincture for 2 weeks, it will help smooth out wrinkles on your face.

Recipe 5. Treatment with onions
Using the following method you can heal any wound. To do this, you need to hold the peeled onion over an open fire until it top layer It won't turn completely black. After this, remove this layer, and put the remaining middle on open wound and secure with a tight bandage. In this case, the bandage must be kept on for a day, and then the procedure must be repeated several times if necessary. Due to the fact that onions restore tissue very well, cleanse and heal wounds, this method is very effective.
For small cuts, to stop bleeding, it is necessary to use onion film. To do this, peel the onion and separate several layers of thin film. Between the layers of the onion there is a thin film that will very quickly heal the wound and have a disinfecting effect.

Recipe 6. Treatment with birch buds
Tincture based on birch buds - excellent remedy for a long time non-healing wounds, boils and abscesses. To do this, fill the bottle 1/3 with birch buds and top it with vodka. The mixture is allowed to brew for 10 days, and then the wounds are lubricated with this infusion.

Recipe 7. Treatment with lotions made from herbal infusions

Lotions made from herbal infusions that heal almost any wound. For this, St. John's wort, yarrow, and sweet clover herbs are taken 1 tbsp. spoon. The resulting mixture should be poured with a small amount of water and left on an open fire. After the mixture has boiled, it must be boiled for half an hour. After this, the herbs should infuse and cool for 10 minutes. Boiled herbs should be placed on gauze and applied to the wound. The lotion should remain on the wound for about an hour. After this, the edges of the wound heal with extraordinary speed.

Recipe 8. Treatment with calamus roots
For wounds, scratches, bruises with open damage fabrics will help alcohol tincture from the roots of calamus. To do this you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of calamus rhizome and fill it with alcohol. Let the dishes sit in a dark place for 14 days. The tincture is very simple to use. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton swab or cotton swab in the tincture and apply it to the wounded area. You may feel some tingling when you do this. Who wants to avoid such sensations, you can dilute the lotion with 100 ml of boiled water and pour in 1 teaspoon of tincture. After this, soak the gauze in the resulting solution and apply it to the affected area. The wound will heal faster and the risk of infection will also be reduced.

Recipe 9. Treatment with healing ointment
An ointment that relieves many skin problems. For this you need the roots of silverweed. The roots must be ground into powder using a food processor or coffee grinder. Add 1 tablespoon of powder to a glass of warm cow butter. After the mixture is mixed, place it on water bath for 5 minutes until the mixture is smooth. After this, the cream must be cooled and refrigerated. When applying this cream, you will see how the skin tightens.

Recipe 10. Ointment for any wounds
To do this, you need to take pine resin, a little butter and beeswax in equal proportions. We heat the wax in a water bath, and when it starts to thicken, you need to add butter and mix thoroughly. After this, pre-frozen conifer resin, which has been ground into powder, must be added to this mixture. The resulting ointment must be stored in the freezer.



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