TOP games for lovers. Games for couples in love: different options and detailed description of the rules

"I want..."

Say 5 sentences starting with “I want that...”

Depending on the players, these can be different desires... You can simply tell your desires, or you can force other participants to fulfill them =)

"My story with fantasies"

Forgetting about modesty, the guy/girl openly fantasizes who he/she would like to see another player of the opposite sex in a role-playing sex scene: a boss, a doctor, a teacher, etc.

The partner immediately comes up with a colorful erotic story based on the plot given to him. If the customer liked the story, then the reward is a tender kiss. If you don't like it - a tasty slap on the ass :)

"Tell someone else"

If you come across this phantom, then you are lucky. You do not complete the task, but in return you must come up with some funny task for the next player, while the next player does not miss a turn.

“Kissing from the toes to the head is a phantom for lovers”

Do you know that there is such an expression as “kiss from head to toe”?

Show your significant other the meaning of this expression. Your kisses should be filled with feelings and tenderness, they should be exciting to light a fire. The kiss of each area should not be less than 3 seconds.

"I'm not a wizard, but I'll try"

Now you are a wizard (or genie) and must fulfill one wish for each player. Of course, desires must be achievable.

If you managed to fulfill all your wishes, you can make a wish to one of the players.

"Your wish is my touch"

You have a unique chance.

Say the place on your body where you would like to be touched. Expose this place, make yourself more comfortable. The second participant should slowly and gently caress you there with his palm. Touching should be smooth, but at the same time, passionate and sensual.

"On my knees"

Regardless of who pulled out this phantom, the task will have to be performed by a woman.

The woman sits sideways on the man’s lap, lowers her legs, and makes exciting movements with her hips, while caressing his chest and neck with her hands and lips.

A man should not participate in the process in any way - touch a woman, kiss her, and he should also remain silent and say nothing.

A woman is not allowed to lower her hands below a man’s waist, but otherwise she is not limited in any way. Will she be able to make the man not stand it?

"Rinse your finger"

If a woman pulled out the phantom, then she caresses the man’s finger; if a man pulled out the task, then the girl’s palm.

You should caress, gently bite, suck the finger/palm, imagining that it is not a finger/palm at all. Show how you can tease and turn on your partner.

If your significant other wants, then continue teasing “in an adult way.”

"Uncle Policeman"

Pretend to be a policeman. If you can, name the ranks of the police officers. If possible, dress up as a police officer (or change your clothes to look like one) and stop the invisible intruder.

"Unusual places and positions for sex"

Tell us the most unusual position you (or your friends =)) had to have sex in. What feelings did you have during this, what thoughts, what fears?

If you cannot tell this or the story does not suit other participants, then tell us about the most unusual place in which you had sex, also with all the details.

Other participants may ask leading or clarifying questions.

"Important Research"

Scientists say that for most women, nipple sensitivity varies. You have to check it out! A blindfolded girl sits on the edge. The man kneels between her legs and conducts important research. With his fingers, lips and tongue, he pulls, pinches, sucks, licks and bites his partner’s nipples, testing them.

The girl tries to feel the difference in sensations (if necessary, adjusting her partner’s actions) while holding back her moans. Together, you find the more sensitive nipple, mark it, and continue the game. If you wish, you can do the same with each other's necks.


You will need four men's ties or special leather handcuffs from a sex shop.

Your partner ties your arms and legs to the bed and does whatever he pleases. (No, no, he doesn’t sit down at the computer to play online games!).

How it works: the feeling of the helplessness of the “captive” causes excitement in both partners - both the subordinate and the dominant. This game works great both ways, you can tie up your man and he will most likely like it too.

Blind and Naked

You will need a scarf or mask to cover your eyes and a tie for tying

Tie your man on a bed or on a chair and blindfold him. Then caress him slowly, slowly. Watch the degree of his arousal, at some point you can untie him and let you pounce on you or bring him to orgasm without untying him.

How it works: This is another variation of sensory deprivation. Any restrictions, be it deprivation of eye contact or restraint, force a person to concentrate on his sensations.

Like all other sex games for two, it works both ways.

Time bomb

You will need a timer

What other sex games are there? Set the timer for 20 minutes (or any other time of your choice). Before the call, you are allowed to do whatever you want with each other, except for the actual penetration.

How it works: couples in long-term relationships begin to neglect petting and foreplay at some point. With the help of this game you can again enjoy what you have already forgotten.

Dirty massage

You will need a blanket and massage oil.

Get naked and let your partner oil you up and massage you wherever he wants. Then move on to the sex itself.

How it works: Lubricant not only increases sensitivity in the genital area (which is why we always recommend using lubricants), but also sensitivity throughout the entire skin. In addition, sex with a masseur/masseuse is a common and strong erotic fantasy.

Bad girl

You will need a towel or your palm.

Yes, this is an interesting sexual game with ass spanking. You confess to your wrongdoings for today, and you are punished for it.

How it works: in addition to changing role relationships, stimulation of the buttocks causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.


You will need a new razor and shaving gel.

Of course, we need to shave each other's private parts.

How it works: You and your partner haven't interacted in this way before, and the novelty of touching with a slight danger of cutting is exciting.

Playing cards

You will need a deck of cards and a stopwatch

Give everyone a few cards. Each suit means a type of affection: hearts - kissing, diamonds - massage, clubs - penetration, and spades - oral caresses. The card value indicates the duration in seconds. Jacks, queens and kings - in minutes. Depending on the set that you received, you receive an individual and unpredictable caress program.

Strip tickling

Take turns tickling each other. Everyone who laughs or starts to dodge takes off one thing until someone is left completely naked. However, you will most likely move on to sex before the game is over.

How it works: paradoxically, tickling causes strong arousal, similar to sexual arousal. And your undressing during sexual games for couples makes your arousal quite clearly directed.

Your fantasies

Sit opposite each other and take turns telling your deepest desires. Alternately taking off your clothes on each turn.

How it works: Oral communication about forbidden topics is a powerful stimulant of desire. Sometimes people feel a surge of attraction even when discussing topics other than sex, but in a confidential environment.

One of the leading Indian publications in English has published a list of the most popular (according to the editors) love games that can significantly diversify your sex life.

Love games. TOP-10

1. "Hide and Seek"

The sexual version of this game, popular all over the world, is not much different from the usual “hide and seek” games that children play. The only difference is that the game involves adults and they are naked.
It's better to change the rules a little. For example, if he finds her, then he gets the right to 10 minutes of affection. If he loses, he becomes a slave of love.
Gurus recommend that participants in the game wear at least one piece of clothing. In their opinion, this will make the game more spicy.

And in this game adults are encouraged to become like children. Inflate a dozen balloons, place them on a double bed and start destroying this colorful army one by one.
According to the rules, you cannot press the ball with your hands. The ball should burst after the participants in the game squeezed it between their bodies.
Ideal: the balloon bursts between the players when they embrace each other.

For this game you will need a ball and a basketball basket hung on the wall of the house or in the yard (it is better not to play at night if you do not live on the first floor).
You can play naked, you can play naked. For every successful throw or victory in the game, a love caress is awarded.
This game may seem boring only at first glance. Sports competitions with striptease are very exciting, they believe in the homeland of the Kama Sutra.

There is no rush in this game. The partner applies different scents to different parts of her body (you can use perfume, lotions, jam or fruit - according to your taste).
The partner is invited to discover the “fragrant zones”, marking them with a kiss, and name the smell.
Gurus recommend diversifying the smells so that the game doesn’t get boring soon.

First of all, it should be clarified that the slang word “nooky” in modern English means any sex. In this case, we are talking about a card game with very simple rules.
The deck is laid out face down on the bed. And the cards are turned over by the players one at a time. If a number comes up, it means how many kisses your partner is entitled to now. If you get a jack, this means that the game is interrupted for 10 minutes for lovemaking. The king or lady promises 15 minutes of erotic massage to him or her, respectively. Ace gives the right to any desire.

One of the partners is blindfolded. Another randomly places different berries on his body - raspberries, strawberries, cherries, cherries, blueberries, cloudberries (according to your taste and according to your capabilities).
Task: find these berries blindly, using only your lips and tongue. For every berry found, a wish is granted.
Indian entertainers suggest dividing each berry between two people – again, without using your hands

We are talking about the “adult” version of the game Pictionary, popular in many countries around the world. The rules are almost the same: one participant in the game draws something little by little, the other must guess as early as possible what kind of drawing is intended. Another version: not a scene is depicted, but a word or even a letter - which makes the game longer.
The difference from a children's game is that in this case plans are made for the night or for the weekend. Your partner must guess your wish.
Based on the idea of ​​gender equality, you can make the guesser also make a wish. If he guesses it, the “artist” will have to fulfill this desire; if he doesn’t guess it, he will have to fulfill the desire of the “artist.”
For variety, you can charge a fee for tips.

Two people are playing. One “drives”, the other lies motionless - his task is not to react in any way. The task of an active participant in the game is, on the contrary, to force the partner to react - to move, moan, laugh.
The winner, as usual, receives a wish fulfilled as a reward.
This is a game without rules. The one who “drives” is allowed everything (or almost everything). But he must not forget that he himself will soon find himself in the role of a passive player.

A favorite game for those who need to somehow kill time. It is unlikely that the compilers of this rating know how popular this game was in the USSR - especially after the release of the film "Gentlemen of Fortune".
According to the “adult” rules, upon hearing the name of a body part (and not the name of a city), you need to quickly come up with the name of another body part, starting with the last letter of the word spoken earlier by your partner. If you can’t find anything, you can come up with a new word - as long as it is clear to the two players.
In addition to the above, it is proposed to mark the named part of the body with a kiss.

Don't be intimidated by the serious name. In fact, we are talking about games like “Mothers and Daughters” or “Cossacks-Robbers”. In sexual games, scenarios such as “Teacher-student”, “Doctor-patient”, “Bandit-victim”, etc. are more popular.
A prerequisite is the use of suitable outfits and accessories. And the main thing is to try to forget who you really are during the game and completely get used to the role.
The only thing that the gurus of love games insist on is that the rules must be agreed upon in advance; you should not try to force your partner to play by your rules.

It is impossible to imagine that an article with such a title could have appeared in a women's magazine thirty years ago. From the “Useful Tips” section in such magazines one could learn how to get rid of moths, make a face mask from cucumbers and starch a linen tablecloth. Magazines published recipes for salads and appetizers for the holiday table, but did not provide recipes on how to diversify your sex life.

Of course, intimate relationships between a man and a woman are an area of ​​their personal life that is closed to outsiders, but if they freeze at one point, this does not bring joy to either party. Today this topic is discussed more freely and uninhibitedly, and many couples do not hesitate to use erotic games from time to time in order to rekindle cooled passion.

Why are erotic games needed?

Erotic games are not only about the expression of sexual emotions. With their help, you can diversify your intimate relationships, awaken your former passion and interest, and they also help you understand the needs of your body and make your most immodest dreams and fantasies come true. They give you the opportunity to find out what your partner really expects from intimacy, and will add “zest” (or even “spice” - for those who like more intense sensations) to sexual relationships.

Some games can be quite sophisticated and require the presence of certain props. For others, nothing is required other than the desire to please your partner. So, what games can be recommended for those who have decided to diversify their sex life?

Games that do not require dressing up or special surroundings

1. Blind kiss

This game is quite simple, but that doesn't mean it's boring to play. One of the participants is blindfolded. He holds his hands behind his back - according to the rules of the game, he is not allowed to use them. The second player takes any position and freezes without moving. He “orders” those areas of the body where he would like to be kissed. The first participant kisses his partner at random. The game continues until the blindfolded player completes the “order”. After this, the partners change roles. The game can go on for quite a long time - the first player can deliberately miss, and the second can specifically name hard-to-reach areas of the body.

2. Beach

Another fairly simple and uncomplicated game for two, which nevertheless can bring a lot of fun to both parties. A wide beach towel is spread on the carpet or bed. One player rubs the partner's body with massage cream or lotion, trying not to miss anything. Such a gentle and at the same time sensual massage will make the skin more receptive to further caresses. You can rub each other at the same time, not forgetting to exchange affectionate words and kisses.

3. Guess what I'm thinking about

One of the players makes a sexual wish (kiss me on the lips, stroke my breasts, etc.). The second participant looks into the partner’s eyes and tries to guess what he is thinking about. Both players are not allowed to say a word. The guesser can begin an action and observe the partner's reaction. The one who makes a wish is allowed to give hints with a look, smile or movements. The role change occurs after the first player's wish is fulfilled.

This game for two is a great way to fulfill those erotic desires that both participants are embarrassed to tell their partner out loud. They can also figure out each other's sexual preferences and give each other maximum pleasure.

4. Magic deck of cards

For this game you need to take the most ordinary playing deck with an arbitrary, but always even number of cards. Participants divide the deck into 2 parts: black and red. The main thing is that the number of cards of “black” and “red” suits is equal. The girl takes the red half of the deck, the young man takes the black half. Next, each card is assigned an erotic desire. Desires can be written down on a separate sheet of paper or directly on the card. For example: Ace of Hearts - French kiss, King of Hearts - striptease, Queen of Hearts - foot massage, etc. Give freedom to your sexual desires and do not limit yourself to familiar caresses, because immodest fantasies will make the game much more interesting.

The cards must be shuffled and placed face down. Players take turns taking cards. If a girl takes out a card of a black suit, she fulfills her partner’s wish, which he made for this card. The young man, accordingly, fulfills the girl’s wish if he gets a “red” card. If one of the players draws a card of “their” suit, then the right to move passes to the other participant.

This is how a magical deck of cards will help you forget about conventions and unleash your most immodest erotic fantasies.

5. Time bomb

Very often, couples reduce love foreplay to a minimum, trying to move on to the “main thing” as soon as possible, and do not think that in this case a very important emotional component of the sexual relationship is lost. This game helps focus on foreplay and kissing and teaches players to take their time and enjoy the love game.

You need to set an alarm or timer for 20 or 30 minutes. Partners caress each other until this period of time expires. Then you can gradually increase the playing time. A long foreplay will awaken “dormant” imagination and ingenuity, and sexual relationships will sparkle with new colors.

Dress-up games, or erotic role-playing games

So-called role-playing games also add variety to intimate relationships. Many couples refuse this kind of games, explaining their reluctance by the lack of acting abilities. But in fact, their refusal may hide embarrassment, fear of seeming funny or ridiculous, inability to liberate themselves, or fear that sexual fantasies will not be supported by their partner. Therefore, trust and willingness to play along with a friend are the main conditions for role-playing games for two.

You can start with ready-made role-playing game scenarios. In the future, when couples understand whether such games are suitable for them, they will either abandon them or be able to come up with their own erotic scenarios. Those who actively practice sexual role-playing games even enjoy the selection of “props,” mentally or out loud voicing their wildest dreams.

1. Teacher (or teacher) and inexperienced student (or student)

In the game, a couple acts out the seduction of a naive and inexperienced student (student) by an experienced teacher (teacher). To play, you will need appropriate clothing and some attributes of the learning environment, for example, a table, textbooks, a pointer, etc. You can start with innocent stroking and kisses and gradually increase the intensity of passions. You can play for several days in a row: the teacher gives the second player “homework”: for example, master a certain sex position and then strictly check its completion.

2. Nurse and patient

One of the most popular and widespread sexual role-playing games. The woman plays the role of a caring nurse, and the man plays the role of the patient. The nurse supposedly carries out the doctor’s orders - gives the patient a massage, gives him medicine (fruit, chocolate or even a glass of wine can act as medicine), etc. The patient is allowed to “be capricious”, demanding increased attention from a charming girl in a white coat: for example, he can ask to examine him not only with his hands, but also with his lips. To play the game you will need nurse clothes. You can sew red crosses on your underwear or draw them on your body with lipstick.

3. Maid and guest

Another popular plot in role-playing games for two. A pretty maid without complexes willingly fulfills all the desires and whims of a man. The maid's costume consists of a white apron and a dust broom. You can also play an alternative version of the game: a modest, touchy maid fulfills the guest’s demands at first timidly and reluctantly, but then she gets more and more into the taste and, no longer embarrassed, submits to the man.

4. Online store courier and customer

The man plays the role of the courier, the woman the customer. The piquancy of the scenario is that the woman allegedly ordered goods from a sex shop. She invites the courier to check the quality of the goods, and he, of course, readily agrees. Unlike previous scenarios, this game does not imply the obvious dominance of one of the partners. There is no need for special suits: casual clothes (a T-shirt and trousers for a man and a robe for a woman) are enough. Some couples may already have the necessary props - goods from an intimate store. But even such couples need to buy something new to add an element of novelty to the relationship.

5. Movie star and paparazzi

The plot of the game is as follows: a famous actress in an evening dress and sexy lingerie returns home after filming. A paparazzi photographer hides with a camera behind a curtain or behind a chair. The actress begins to undress and notices the camera flashes. A small scandal breaks out, but since the photographer is sweet and charming, the woman allows him to take a series of erotic photographs. Gradually the photo shoot moves into nude mode.

Role-playing game scenarios can be modified by changing the details of the plots, adjusting them to your tastes, desires and dreams. For example, in the game “Courier and Customer,” you can “mix up” the address and deliver the order to an unsuspecting housewife who has no idea how to use these “things.” An uninhibited courier will happily teach the girl all the intricacies of love.

There are no losers

The best thing about erotic games for two is that there are no winners or losers. Such games are not a competition of erudition, intelligence, speed or skill. The main prize goes to both participants. It is important not to be shy in expressing sexual desires and emotions. There are no restrictions in such games, except those set by the partners themselves. You can do whatever brings pleasure to both parties, because that’s what erotic games are for.

So, you've already prepared, now your thoughts are busy with how to entertain guests at your Valentine's Day party? This article will help you choose games for couples, and your party will definitely become the most fun and memorable!
Psychologists note with confidence: every adult remains a child at heart and wants to have fun and play. Lovers are very similar to children: the smile does not disappear from their faces and they are constantly in dreams, with their heads in the clouds. Every year more and more new ones appear games for couples- this is normal. Every couple in love wants to get closer in a game, experience positive emotions together, just play and have fun. Games for couples will be very relevant for you if you are planning a party for Valentine's Day or choosing competitions for a wedding.

Game for a couple in love - pantomime

This fun game is familiar to many. One thinks of a word and, with the help of gestures, strives to explain it, while maintaining complete silence. The second lover fantasizes intensely and tries to guess what word is being explained to him. The task is complicated by guessing a phrase. As a result, the game turns out to be very funny for the couple in love and for those present.

Games for couples to test their intelligence (flyers, dice)

For this game you should prepare dice, or you can arrange everything in the form of leaflets. On one side of the cube write parts of the body (arm, neck, lips, etc.), on the other side write the action (bite, stroke, kiss). Then everything is simple - one participant in the game rolls the dice and a combination of what needs to be done is obtained (bite the neck, kiss the hand, etc.)

Outdoor games for couples in love

An example of an outdoor game for lovers - "Try to kiss if you can". One participant in the game strives to kiss on the lips, and the second vigorously turns away, preventing this. In this game, the most important thing is to calculate your strength (especially for a young person) so that the game does not end with injury! As a rule, the girl usually runs out of strength, so the guy wins. This game for lovers can be called unfair, but the outcome of the game is pleasant for both.

"Handkerchief"- another active game for a couple in love. Each participant in the pair ties a handkerchief to his belt, then tries to take this handkerchief from the other, and at the same time protect his own. The winner is the one who can quickly reach his loved one's handkerchief.

Games for couples based on desire

Every lover makes a wish in advance that should be fulfilled by the other half. You can beautifully design and print out sheets of wishes. You can play backgammon, cards, sea battle, or any game that you both like. The losing lover must draw at random one of his other half's wishes and immediately fulfill it.

A guessing game for lovers

This game is familiar to many from childhood. One lover waits in another room, and the second one hides the object. Then the “treasure” seeker tries to guess where the hidden thing is, and the one who hid it can help him with hints: “cold” - if very far from the thing, “warm” - if the player is near the cache. This game can have variations - “hot”, “warmer”, “frosty”, “colder”, this will enliven and diversify the game for a couple in love.

The game will become especially interesting if the person who is hiding the object shows ingenuity and manages to hide it in the seeker’s pocket or on a chandelier. In such situations, the confused player does not understand where the object is located.



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