Federal Center for Cardiovascular Surgery telephone. Surgical treatment of tachyarrhythmias. After discharge from hospital

Vascular surgery or surgery angiosurgery is a medical branch that is a subdivision general surgery, dealing with diagnostics and development of treatment for peripheral diseases blood vessels various localizations. In addition, the competence of angiosurgery includes the management preventive work for the prevention of vascular diseases.

Features of the exercise:. - Heat input and joint mobility. - Progressive aerobic training on modern computerized bikes, bands and ellipses. - gymnastics classes aimed at working specific muscle groups. - Extension and return to calm - Daily monitoring blood pressure And heart rate peace and effort. - Observation and constant medical consultation for every patient. - Additional sports and recreation - Session duration: 1 hour - Frequency of classes: 2-3 times a week - Intensity physical work is determined by the patient's cardiovascular studies, so that each person has an intensity that indicates the beginning and duration of the sessions.

Federal Center vascular surgery- it's modern medical institution, the main purpose of which is to conduct diagnostics and minimally invasive, non-invasive and surgical methods treatment vascular pathologies of various nature and pathogenesis.

Types of vascular diseases

TO peripheral vessels These include all branches of the circulatory system that do not have a direct connection with the heart and brain. Peripheral circulatory system distributed throughout the body, it has especially large and significant branches in the limbs. Vascular diseases have various characteristics, which depend on their functional load.

Program progress reports. Throughout the program, each time the patient sees their cardiologist, they can request a report on progress, changes, or medical observations that arise from it. This report can also be requested by the patient to visualize their improvements with supervised training.

Patient Education Material: We Have a Library interesting topics, written and intended for patients in our program. These materials are available by contacting cardiovascular rehabilitation specialists. Neonatal and pediatric cardiac surgery.

Arterial vessels most often suffer from atheromas, that is, fatty cell deposits inside and on the walls of the arteries, which can subsequently cause very serious complications. Among the diseases peripheral arteries most common:

  • 1. Atherosclerosis - pathological changes in the arteries caused by deposition on the walls of blood vessels and the accumulation of fatty atheromas. With atherosclerosis, qualitative negative changes occur in the elasticity and muscle structure of the vessel.
  • 2. Vascular stenosis is a significant decrease in the lumen of the arteries and a significant decrease in the possibility of blood flow, which can lead to complete blockage and cessation of blood supply to a part of the body.
  • 3. Arterial thrombosis is a direct blockage of the arterial lumen, fraught with serious dangerous, sometimes fatal consequences, since the blocked vessel cannot pass blood to organs or parts of the body, and without blood supply, tissue death occurs.
  • 4. Vasculitis is an inflammatory disease of blood vessels of various pathogenesis and localization, caused by functional damage and impairment connective tissue body or, for example, arthritic joint diseases.
  • 5. Embolism is a disease that is characterized by narrowing or blockage of a vessel caused by an embolus (a clot or object brought into a vessel with blood flow), the embolus can also be a thrombus, in which case the disease is called thromboembolism. The cause of embolism may be trauma, infectious diseases, arrhythmia, blood disorders and hematopoietic pathologies.

Vein diseases are often caused by the same reasons as pathologies of the peripheral arteries and have similar consequences. The Federal Center for Vascular Surgery successfully treats the following venous diseases and pathologies:

Minutes that can save a life. Success in neonatal and pediatric cardiac surgery begins with diagnostic accuracy and rapid response. But it's the ultra-specialized teams and bold techniques that ensure everyone lives more newborns in Brazil.

The shady is the line that divides the minutes of survival of cardiac newborns with the victorious and healthy perspective. Data from the Brazilian Society cardiovascular surgery indicate an annual occurrence of 846 new cases congenital disease hearts in Brazil, corresponding to approximately 1% of children born each year. The survival rate for perinatal surgery is 94.2%, which is close to the best international centers.

Complex factor of this disease includes subsequent changes in the structure of the structure and function of the veins. This pathology is the most common cause the occurrence of varicose veins.
  • 2. Varicose veins veins are changes in the veins of the lower extremities, characterized by swelling and expansion of the duct with pathological factors violations of the structure, integrity and structure of blood vessels.
  • 3. Thrombophlebitis is inflammatory disease veins with the characteristic formation of a blood clot and a change in the density and thickness of the vessel wall. Thrombophlebitis is dangerous and complex disease vessels, which most often affects the legs with a convex vein pattern visible through the skin.
  • 4. Postthrombotic diseases are a number of diseases caused by thrombophlebitis, including external and internal changes in blood vessels. Treatment of post-thrombotic diseases also includes a set of restorative procedures after venous surgery.
  • 5. Trophic ulcers- strong pathological damage veins with the occurrence of characteristic damage to blood vessels and skin, which can manifest itself in various parts bodies. This syndrome is not independent disease, it occurs as a consequence of such vascular diseases as atherosclerosis, postthrombophlebitis disease, vascular polyneuralgia, chronic insufficiency veins and arteries and other diseases.

Diagnosis of vascular diseases

When diagnosing vascular pathologies, they are used various types hardware medical equipment. Federal Center for Vascular Surgery offers instrumental and other types of diagnostics pathological changes and vascular diseases:

Most can still be diagnosed in the fetus, underscoring the importance of best practices in antenatal care. The earlier heart disease is detected, the better and more effective the post-delivery initiatives. The intrauterine detection procedure to prevent congenital heart disease is performed using fetal echocardiography, ultrasound examination with an emphasis on the heart. Some treatment conditions: hypoplasia. Offered surgical procedure correction of hypoplasia of the left cavity to restore the main half of the newborn’s heart.

  • 1. Ultrasound scanning vessels - duplex and triplex angioscanning is non-invasive diagnostic technique, which allows you to see places of narrowing or expansion, assess the overall patency of blood vessels, diagnose blockage and the presence of blood clots, emboli, atherosclerotic accumulations and plaques. In addition, scanning makes it possible to assess the degree of disturbance and the speed of blood flow.
  • 2. Fluoroscopic angiography is X-ray examination, which allows you to absolutely accurately identify places of narrowing, pathological expansion, plaques, blood clots and blockages of blood vessels of any type and size. The study is carried out on a special angiograph apparatus using contrast agent(reagent) injected into the blood.
  • 3. Computed tomography vessels (CT angiography) - innovative and most modern technique vascular studies. This type of diagnosis uses special X-ray sensors that transmit information about the condition of blood vessels to a computer monitor.
  • 4. Magnetic resonance imaging of blood vessels is a non-invasive research technique that is highly informative. With the help of angiography, the doctor has the opportunity to obtain two-dimensional and three-dimensional images of vessels of various locations and sizes with all the details of the condition and visible pathologies.

Our medical center Vascular surgery has all types of instrumental and laboratory diagnostic equipment and highly qualified specialists who will help accurately identify the type of vascular disease, causes, mechanisms of development and expected consequences, as well as develop an individual treatment method for each specific case. The center’s specialists will offer the most effective and effective way treatment, with the selection of individual drug therapy And operational methods effects to achieve rapid and high-quality restoration of blood vessels and the body as a whole.

Norwood surgery. It aims to create the aortic artery, divert the blood that will irrigate the lungs, and establish communication between the atria. These are very serious patients predisposed to various complications, which require a highly qualified team, as well as high-precision equipment. Similar methods treatments are found only in the United States, Japan and some European countries. Ebstein's disease. It consists of compromise of the right side of the heart, which is difficult to recreate.

Rotated vessels promote irrigation wrong areas, changing the position of the aorta and pulmonary artery parallel to the canal cleaning process, again preserving the patient's natural valves. Other common heart diseases: interstellar communication, ductus arteriosus, tetralogy of Fallot, transfer of great arteries, single ventricle disease. This highly qualified medical team is led by Dr. Sandra de Jesus Pereira, Pediatric Specialist of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, Cardiology, Brazilian Society of Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiology Specialist, Brazilian Society of Pediatrics and Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery at Children's Hospital Boston and Chief of Pediatric Cardiology at hospital hospital.



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