Properties of apricot fruits for longevity. Apricots: health benefits and harms

Apricot is considered a fruit of a tree from the Rosaceae family. There are still discussions surrounding the history of the spread of this sweet fruit, but what is certain is that it contains a high amount useful substances. The pulp of apricots has a fairly sweet taste, a pleasant aroma, the juice is rich in minerals and trace elements, and dietary fiber has gastrointestinal benefits. intestinal tract. In some ways it is a unique fruit as it contains wide range B vitamins.

Apricots have long been used to prepare delicious and sweet desserts, compotes and drying. This allows you to diversify your diet and at the same time benefit the body.

The pulp of these fruits contains quite a lot of sugar, so you need to know what benefits they can bring or, on the contrary, harm. You can find out more detailed information below in the article.

Calorie content of fresh apricots (100 g)

Apricots, like many fruits, have low calorie content and good nutritional value, which allows you to saturate the body with the necessary microelements. The carbohydrate content is average (9 g) due to the high level of sugar in the fruit, but this does not make it too high in calories. Such ripe fruits will not cause harm to a slender figure and, moreover, they can be consumed when sufficiently strict diets or sports nutrition. Canned apricots will be higher in calories (about 70 kcal). When baked in the oven with minimal use of sugar, such fruits practically do not change their nutritional value.


Vitamins: B group, PP, C, E, A

Minerals and trace elements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, phosphorus, iron

Active ingredients: pectin, tannins, dietary fiber, inulin, starch, malic acid, citric and tartaric acid.

The benefits of apricots for the body

Firstly, the benefits of apricots are due to the high concentration of potassium, calcium and magnesium. These minerals have a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system, which will help strengthen blood vessels from the inside, cleanse the blood of cholesterol, and normalize blood pressure. Potassium is good for the heart muscle, which helps improve the functioning of the organ itself.

The presence of B vitamins (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9) has an almost healing effect. After all, these vitamins not only participate in chemical processes, but can also improve the functioning of the immune and central nervous system. In twins apricot is healthier for health, what has long been proven by scientists is to consume B vitamins better in group, and not any specific one. And this fruit contains at least 5 of them!

The iron in apricot pulp is useful for improving blood composition and saturating it with hemoglobin. This fruit is, of course, inferior in such indicators to rhubarb or, but it will definitely be able to replenish the reserves of red blood cells in the blood, which will improve the state of health and increase the quality of work of all internal organs.

Phosphorus and iodine are quite rare components for fruits, so the health benefits of apricots are clearly visible. It is these fruits that contain such microelements and are able to influence the endocrine system, balancing the synthesis of hormones. Also, including such fruits in your diet, you can significantly improve brain function, no worse than seafood or dark chocolate, and if you combine apricot with walnuts and honey, you will get a real powerful bomb for the brain, which can improve concentration, memory, and speed up thinking. and relieve stress during long mental work.

On the part of the visual apparatus, positive dynamics can also be seen because vitamins E and A improve visual acuity, increase the absorption of nutrients in the vessels of this organ, and various chemical processes and synthesis take place much faster, which make it possible to maintain vision at a high level for as long as possible. The daily norm, which will maximally contribute to obtaining such a result, is only 3-4 fruits per day.

Apricot pulp contains insoluble fiber and pectin, which are very beneficial for health. After all, it is these substances that cleanse the body of all accumulated toxins, can remove pathogenic microflora, improve digestive processes, and prevent frequent constipation. Fiber, in turn, can satisfy hunger, which is also a positive thing and will help people who are watching extra calories.

Vitamins A and E are natural antioxidants that have not only a rejuvenating, but also an anti-cancer effect on human body. By consuming apricots during their ripening season, you can easily improve your condition immune system and carry out preventive measures to prevent complex and intractable diseases. In addition, you will notice positive changes in the epidermis and will be able to minimize negative impact UV rays on the skin. All this with the help frequent use these juicy fruits in your diet.

Dried apricots or dried apricot are also good for health as they contain almost all vitamins and minerals original condition except water. By using this type of drying you can not only replenish your body’s reserves and nourish it, but also improve general condition immune system. High concentration insoluble fiber will also make adjustments to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the lack of moisture, such a product is considered higher in calories than fresh fruit. Therefore, during the diet period it is necessary to properly regulate daily norm. Overall, dried apricots are a healthy and nutritious snack.

The presence of vitamin B9 (analogue folic acid) helps speed up protein synthesis and affect muscle growth. This positive attribute highly valued by athletes or people who monitor recruitment muscle mass. This fruit can also be useful during heavy physical work.

For women, the benefits of apricots are very significant. After all, by eating just a few fruits a day, ladies of all ages improve the condition of their hair and nail plates, their skin acquires a healthy glow and the rate of aging decreases. Also, due to the presence of acids, there is an effect on hormonal level, which guarantees positive manifestations during PMS and a decrease in its level. Masks and face creams based on this fruit have a whitening effect and can reduce skin pigmentation and even out its tone.

Apricots are certainly not only beneficial for the body, but can also be harmful. It's all about the consumption rate, which should not exceed 400 grams per day and violate the rules of consumption. You should not eat this fruit as your main meal or drink it with milk. Best for maximum useful result, eat fruits between meals.

The benefits and harms of apricot kernels

Apricot kernels are also used for medicinal purposes. Based on the oils from the seeds of this fruit, preparations are prepared to improve the condition of the skin, treat various diseases joints. On the cosmetic side, they have also found their use, because the oil from these seeds will help remove dandruff and improve the functioning of sebaceous glands on the scalp.

Contraindications and harm to the body

Green apricots can cause significant harm to health in the form of stomach upset, poisoning and pancreatic dysfunction. Do not eat unripe fruits!

It is recommended to limit the consumption of such sweet fruit if you have diabetes, because high level sugar in the composition can provoke an increase in the glycemic level in the blood, which significantly worsens the patient’s condition.

Is it harmful to eat apricots? large quantities during pregnancy, in acute phases chronic course various gastrointestinal diseases, especially pancreatitis.

There is such a people - the Hunza. He lives on the border of India and Pakistan and is distinguished from others by his enviable health and longevity, as well as high efficiency.

Scientists have been trying to understand the secret of its excellent health for a long time, and imagine their surprise when they discovered that the basis of the diet of its inhabitants is apricot.

In what form do they eat it and, in fact, does the product have such miraculous properties? Let's find out together in the article “What are the benefits of apricots?”

According to the results of studies of the found seeds, the first trees with apricot fruits grew in Armenia 5 thousand years ago. Later, Alexander the Great brought them to Greece, and from there the delicacy found its way onto the tables of Europeans and Russia (the latter happened in the 17th century).

And even then people appreciated not only the taste, but also the beneficial properties of the fruit. The Persians made dried apricots from it, the sale of which made up most of their income, and traditional healers widely used in folk medicine.

Avicenna noted healing properties apricots for women, focusing on the benefits for the skin. In Ancient China, it was recommended to eat the product in order to restore the vital functions of the body. Modern doctors have gone even further and named about 7 reasons for eating apricots. They are needed for a woman’s body to:

Fresh fruits contain sugar (about 10%), tartaric and malic acids, vitamins P, H, phosphorus, and silver. In Armenian varieties large quantities Iodine has been found, which prevents the development of thyroid diseases. Apricot also has other beneficial properties: thanks to its diuretic effect, decoctions from it are used to cleanse the kidneys and treat respiratory diseases.

Harm from consuming the product is revealed only in case of overeating or ignoring contraindications.

Benefits and harms for men

  • Prevents the development of muscle cramps and maintains heart health.
  • Normalize blood pressure due to the content of nicotinic acid.
  • Improve potency. This happens thanks to fiber, which activates the intestines, simultaneously improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This is also useful for men in that it prevents the development of urological diseases, including prostatitis. Along with this, hormonal levels improve, and the work of the testicles to synthesize sperm is activated.

By the way, they knew about this back in ancient times, when they ate apricot fruits with might and main to prolong the time of love pleasures.

Men, as a rule, notice the harm of a delicacy only if it is consumed in huge quantities. Then they experience bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

Benefits and harms for pregnant and lactating women

When asked whether apricots are good for interesting position and after childbirth, doctors answer unequivocally: “Yes.” And first of all, because tasty fruits are great source gland. Most beautiful women suffer from its deficiency already in the second trimester. To replenish it, gynecologists recommend introducing apricots into the diet along with green apples.

They are also useful for pregnant women because they enrich their body with phosphorus, which is necessary for the fetus to form. bone tissue, as well as B vitamins. In addition, the product improves the quality of sleep during this period, which is especially important for women on later which due to big belly have problems falling asleep. It also prevents the development of diseases of the nervous system in the fetus.

As aid doctors can prescribe apricot juice to pregnant women for low acidity and gastrointestinal pathologies that are associated with putrefactive processes. And all because it has bactericidal properties.

It is also recommended to eat apricots in order to recover faster after childbirth and strengthen the immune system. By the way, this is why sweet fruits are included in the diet of patients after surgery. They are also valued for their diuretic properties, thanks to which they help effectively fight edema.

The calorie content of apricots is about 40 kcal per 100 g. First of all, this applies to varieties growing in our latitudes. Tajik and Uzbek varieties are sweeter - they contain up to 80% sugars, so it is natural that they are contraindicated in large quantities during pregnancy and lactation, as well as during a diet if a woman eats small meals and wants to preserve her figure as much as possible.

Harm from eating treats may occur in case of overeating, individual intolerance this type of stone fruit.


Eating apricots on an empty stomach, and especially on an empty stomach, is prohibited - they disrupt digestion. You shouldn’t feast on them after a hearty lunch. meat dishes- the effect will be the same.

Other contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases, especially ulcers, gastritis with high acidity;
  • urolithiasis;
  • renal failure;
  • hypotension or low blood pressure;
  • reduced function thyroid gland(in this case, vitamin A, which is found in fruits, is not absorbed).

According to doctors, apricot kernels are harmful to the body, only 20–30 g of which per day can cause the development of severe poisoning up to and including death.

As for the pulp, it is better to settle on an amount of 10–15 pieces for adults and no more than 4 for children. Overeating can lead to diarrhea and falling blood pressure to critical levels, increased breathing rate, heart rate, dizziness.

Which form is best to eat?

Oddly enough, when asked which is healthier, dried apricots or apricots, doctors say the former. It turns out that due to its condition, such a product contains more nutrients per gram of weight.

But this does not mean that you need to completely abandon fresh fruits. They need to be eaten, especially during the season. Dried apricots should replace sweets in the diet. By the way, the same Hunzas who were mentioned at the beginning of the article love both fresh fruits, and dried.

Juices and compotes from apricots are also useful. The leaves of the tree can be used to brew aromatic and healthy tea, and a decoction of them is used to remove worms and cleanse the kidneys. The fruits are chosen for making jam, preserves, and pie filling.

Despite online assurances that apricot kernels protect against cancer, it is not recommended to consume them without first consulting a doctor. Remember that everything is individual. At the same time, making scrubs from them to cleanse the skin is fine. By the way, finished products You can also buy it in the store.

How to choose the right one

The main point you need to pay attention to when purchasing is the appearance of the fruit. The good ones:

  • even color without dots or spots (reddish or yellowish areas are allowed);
  • characteristic aroma that can be felt even through the skin;
  • dry surface and elastic flesh that does not deform when pressed on the skin;
  • no cracks, impact marks, signs of rotting.

When choosing dried apricots, it is better to give preference to a dark orange or brownish product with a matte surface (it is more natural and healthy). It itself should be crumbly, not sticky, have a rough surface and not have any foreign smell or taste, especially sour, as well as shine. The latter talks about treatment with glycerin.

Apricot is a tree from the plum genus and the fruits of this tree of the same name. The origin of this plant is still not precisely known. Armenia and Tien Shan claim the title of his homeland. Today, trees are very common in warm temperate climates.

This is a deciduous tree of not very large size that can live in good conditions up to a hundred years. Thanks to its deep roots, it tolerates drought well. Does not freeze up to 30 degrees below zero. The fruit is an orange drupe, yellow, sometimes with a pink side. It is eaten raw and also dried. Kernel kernels prepared in a special way are also used in some regions ( see further). Oil and milk are made from the seeds.

Composition and calorie content

Carotene gives apricot fruits their wonderful orange color - there is no less of this provitamin here than in carrots. The fruit pulp is rich in pectin, sugars ( more than 10%). The fruit contains inulin, apple, wine and citric acid, starch, tanning components. Because of high content sugars, people with diabetes should consume them in limited quantities. The composition includes a lot of iron, phosphorus and magnesium, calcium. Record holder for potassium content - twice as much as in dry grapes and three times more than in dry apples. Armenian varieties are rich in iodine, so they can be used to prevent thyroid diseases.

Contraindications and warnings

It is not advisable to consume fresh fruits on an empty stomach, or after a heavy meal.
Do not immediately after use raw fruits drink water - diarrhea may occur.
The consumption of raw and dry fruits should be reduced in case of obesity and diabetes mellitus.
You should use raw fruits with great caution in case of exacerbation of organ diseases. digestive tract, dysbacteriosis.
With a slow heartbeat ( pulse below 55 beats in 60 seconds) you should not eat either raw or dry fruits.
Green fruits are difficult to process in the digestive system, causing increased acidity, sour belching and heartburn, so people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should avoid these fruits.

How to select and store?

When purchasing, you should pay attention to ripe fruits with a fairly hard skin, without spots. Fruits that are greenish or covered with dents should not be taken. When breaking the fruit, the stone should fall out easily, the pulp should not be mushy, but at the same time, should remain juicy. The presence of dark brown dots on the fruit indicates overripeness, if there are more than 10 of them. Fruits with worms, of course, should not be taken. But from the same batch, unaffected fruits will be environmentally friendly.

Often, in places where they grow, fruits are collected semi-green so that they “reach” during transportation. Such fruits do not gain enough juiciness even when pleasant appearance remain dry and tough. Moreover, their skin is too thin.

The most delicious varieties– “pineapple” and “banana” - these fruits are uniformly yellow in color, slightly elongated and quite large. Large orange fruits with a pink side are very good for preservation. They have a sweet and sour taste. Small yellow fruits are most often not too sweet, and may even have a bitter taste.

If the fruits have been correctly collected and transported, they can be stored at room temperature for up to three days, and in the refrigerator at temperatures close to zero for up to twenty days!
For long-term storage, the fruits are preserved in the form of jam, compotes, dried and frozen.

Apricot salad recipes

Apricots are more often used for making desserts and baking, but adherents of a healthy lifestyle should not get carried away with sweets and high-calorie pies. Recipes for very tasty and healthy dishes have been specially selected for them.

1. Chop 3 carrots coarsely, add chopped 2 cups of dried apricots, the pulp of one lemon. Refill 100 gr. sour cream mixed with sugar and parsley. This is very healthy salad, which can be the basis for a fasting diet. In this case, there is no need to add sugar to it.
2. To increase hemoglobin levels, this salad is suitable: mix a glass of kernels walnuts with a glass of finely chopped dried apricots, season with honey. This salad cannot be eaten in large quantities, as it is high in calories. Honey can cause allergies in babies. There is another option for dressing this salad: a mixture of a spoonful of cognac and powdered sugar, but it is suitable only for adult gourmets.
3. Mix 200 gr. raw apricots, 100 gr. raw cabbage, finely shredded, 100 gr. apples cut into strips, 80 g each. thinly sliced ​​turnips and carrots. Mix everything and season with a mixture of sour cream and sugar, pour over lemon juice. Serve on lettuce leaves and sprinkle with mint.
4. Low-calorie dessert: Divide into slices and remove seeds from 0.5 kg of ripe fruits, place them in bowls and pour over lemon juice. Whip vegetable cream with 2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, spread the cream over the fruits, cool slightly in the refrigerator.
5. Boil and cut into strips chicken breast, boil and chop three eggs, one onion, also into strips, 2 pickled cucumbers and 0.2 kg of dried apricots. Mix everything and season with low-calorie mayonnaise. This salad can be served with festive table, it is very savory and at the same time suitable for many diets.
6. Apricot-curd dessert: Place whole apricots in sugar syrup (100 gr. sugar and a glass of water, vanilla), boil over low heat for 10 minutes, remove and let cool. Carefully, so as not to damage the integrity of the fruit, remove the seeds. Fill the fruits with curd cream: beat the cottage cheese with cream, sugar and a small amount of liqueur, you can add a few pitted cherries. Place the finished dessert in the refrigerator to cool. Before serving, decorate with whipped cream.
7. Cut beautifully same amount pears and apricots, mix and season with honey or sugar. Leave for a while and stir again before serving.

How to dry?

These fruits can be dried whole, only by squeezing out the seed, then the result will be called kaisa. If you divide the fruit into halves, you get dried apricots. Both types of dried fruits are made from large varieties. Dried fruits with seeds are called apricots. Slightly dried large apricots grown in warm regions are called sheptala. They are very tasty and contain up to 80% sugars.

For drying at home, you don’t have to remove the seeds and take small fruits, as well as those that are not suitable for preparing kaisa and dried apricots.
To get high-quality dried fruits, you should pick the fruits when they are more ripe than for eating or packing.

You can dry the fruits in the oven or directly in the open air. At the beginning you should install more low temperature+ 50 - 60 degrees, later you can increase it to 70 degrees, and at the end reduce it again and slightly open the oven door. Before placing the fruits in the sun, you need to keep them in a draft in the shade for three hours.
Drying ends when the fruits do not release juice when pressed, while remaining soft. When dried in the oven, fruits may have different humidity, however, after some time the humidity levels out.
Before placing in the dryer, the fruits should be washed and pitted. They should be dried in the sun, strung on a string or placed on a wire rack. A kilogram of pitted fruit will yield two hundred grams of the finished product.

How to grow from a seed?

From the seed you can grow a good fruit-bearing tree. To do this, the bones are washed and soaked a little in water with potassium permanganate. Those that float to the top during soaking should be collected and discarded. The seeds should be stored in clean sand moistened with water in the refrigerator. It is advisable to support constant temperature and humidity.

This way the seeds will overwinter and sprouts will begin to emerge in early March. They should be kept in the window and cared for like ordinary indoor flowers, and as soon as the weather permits, planted in the garden. Seedlings should be watered frequently and planted in the fall, when they are already about a meter high.

All surviving seedlings should be left for the first winter, as many may freeze out. But those who survive one winter will certainly survive further.
It is advisable to take seeds of different varieties and, in the process of growing seedlings, choose those that have proven themselves best.

Speaking about the benefits of apricots for women, many remember their rich composition and properties. And also - oh important role in the prevention of hypertension and CVD – rich in potassium and magnesium, strengthen the heart muscle; diseases endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract - a lot of pectin, removes toxins, normalizes cholesterol; about protecting the nervous system from stress and reducing the likelihood of cancer.

In the latter cases, the benefits of apricots for women are indeed more clearly visible.

B vitamins are important for female body, and resistance to stress is now relevant for everyone: women are more nervous.

In some cases, breast cancer can be avoided by watching your diet, and even oncologists advise introducing apricots into your diet.

In general, these recommendations are general; this does not mean that they are ineffective. People of “both sexes” often create the same diagnoses for themselves, but the structure of the body in women is still different: it’s not for nothing that we are called “secrets” and “mysteries”.

Very useful properties

The benefits of apricots for women are explained by their composition and properties: Avicenna said this, and not only “in a cosmetic sense.” The great physician believed: apricots relieve painful conditions and restore strength, including during pregnancy. Modern doctors confirm this: let’s clarify the general recommendations once again.

For anemia, apricots help increase hemoglobin levels: for heavy menstrual bleeding they need to be eaten regularly.

Normalization hormonal levels For women, apricot fruits help not only during pregnancy, but also during PMS and menopause.

By stimulating the production of certain mediators, fragrant fruits promote calmness and good mood.

The sweet pulp of apricots helps you forget about high-calorie and unhealthy “snacks” from the store: not only is it preserved slim figure women, but also normal metabolism.

Apricot kernels are rich in amygdalin, the substance on which it is created. homeopathic medicine"Laetrile" (vitamin B17). Followers alternative methods treatments are sure that it fights cancer well, but official medicine configured differently. Studies do not confirm the effectiveness of this substance, but they do prove its toxicity. True, in small quantities apricot kernels will not cause harm, but infatuation with them can lead to severe hydrocyanic acid poisoning. Therefore, pregnant women are prohibited from chewing bones, but in history oriental medicine There is interesting fact: Ancient Arab healers advised women to wear a belt on their body made from apricot kernels covered with a special pattern to get rid of infertility.

Apricots for pregnant women

Do pregnant women need apricots? Of course they are needed; Some reasons have already been indicated above why women “in an interesting position” should include apricots in the menu.

Their entire rich vitamin and mineral composition is just what you need for expectant mother and baby. And apricots are also a joy in the literal sense: as soon as you see the ripe yellow-orange fruits and feel their aroma, your mood rises, and fears and depression recede - the benefits of apricots for a woman and child are enormous!

Pregnant women often suffer from constipation and swelling: many foods help, but not all are as tasty and attractive as golden apricots in the middle of summer.

The benefits of apricots different periods pregnant woman

How exactly do apricots help a woman during different periods of pregnancy?

Toxicosis appears in many people from the first days: morning sickness will subside if you eat 70-100 g of ripe fruits on an empty stomach.

Constipation and flatulence in many women also occur in the 1st trimester: hormonal changes change the condition of the intestinal muscles. Apricots contain many times more fiber of both types (soluble and insoluble) than apples or citrus fruits: 100-150 g of fruit in the morning (during the day or at night) will help solve this problem. According to reviews, apricots simply save you from constipation, allow you to give up pharmaceutical laxatives and avoid the development of hemorrhoids; many women note that it is better to eat them before bed, 8-10 pieces.

The same conditions can haunt a woman both in the 2nd trimester and in the 3rd; Heartburn and cramps are often added - there is not enough calcium, arrhythmia and increased blood pressure. Very ripe and sweet apricots help with heartburn; they contain tens of times more calcium than, for example, bananas; There is also a lot of potassium - support for the heart and kidneys, which endure increased stress during pregnancy. Potassium helps remove swelling: the salts of this macroelement help remove sodium from tissues.

Regarding anemia in women: some studies have shown that 100 g of fresh apricots contain the same amount of iron as 250 g of fresh beef liver. Not everyone wants to eat meat products; besides, apricots will absorb iron faster and easier.

About the condition of skin and hair in women. In the 2nd half of pregnancy, the skin often dries out, hair weakens and falls out: developing fetus consumes a lot of vitamin A it needs. In such cases, it is better to eat apricots with cream, sour cream, yogurt: they contain a lot of beta-carotene, but it needs fats for absorption.

Also important: by eating apricots regularly, many women prevented noticeable weight gain - extra pounds healthy birth do not contribute.

The benefits of apricots for nursing women

Nutrition for a nursing mother is a matter of particular importance. The child has already been born, and now his health depends on the environment, and on good nutrition– first of all. Breast milk - best food; The baby's body receives everything that the mother eats. Apricots are just as useful as before, but now you need to be careful: the child’s intestines form their own flora and reactions may be different. It is recommended to introduce apricots 3-4 months after the birth of the baby, 2-3 pieces each. per day; if all is well, increase the portions to 100-150 g, but do not get carried away.

What are the benefits for the female figure?

Now the question that is most interesting to all women: do apricots help you lose weight or not? Of course, the topic of losing weight cannot be ignored: overweight It’s not just pregnant women who make life difficult.

The calorie content of apricots is about 45 kcal. There are plenty of options to improve and maintain your figure.

Options for losing weight with apricots

  • The first and simplest option for using apricots for weight loss that women should try is fasting days once a week. Apricots (1 kg) are eaten throughout the day, in 4-5 doses. In the morning – raw fruits and unsweetened green tea; lunch – fresh juice with mint; lunch – raw fruits + fresh juice, tea; afternoon snack – juice mixed with water 1:1; in the evening – baked fruits. No liquid except water (1.5-2 l) and green (herbal) tea.
  • Mono-diet for no more than 3 days, no more than once every 3 months. Apricots are alternated throughout the day and combined with natural “milk”: low-fat milk, kefir and cottage cheese; curdled milk, yogurt, etc.
  • With a normal diet, one apricot dish a day will help maintain normal weight. “Tender” breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack: 150 g of fresh fruits, 2-3 slices of lemon, several pieces of pear (apple); mix, pour over 50 g of low-fat sour cream (cream), sprinkle with cinnamon, add 1-2 tsp. honey.

There are contraindications

There are few contraindications to eating apricots, however, they exist and are worth mentioning. Apricots can cause harm in cases of hypothyroidism, diabetes, hepatitis, and a tendency to allergies.

Unripe and overripe fruits are harmful: they cause poisoning and diarrhea.

Of course, in case of abuse, it is not the apricots that are “to blame”: healthy person You can eat up to 500 g of fruits per day.

Apricot, “Armenian apple”, “armeniaca” is a beige fruit, usually with orange or reddish “sides”, growing on a tree. Its taste is sometimes sweetish, sometimes sour, but the fruit always has its lover. Various varieties There are many apricots bred to this day; it is impossible to list them all. Each of them has approximately the same apricot properties, calorie content, and composition. The benefits of fresh apricots are undeniable, especially for women and children.

Eating apricot in fresh and dried great benefit for the body, which one? We will tell you about this today, and you will also learn how fruits, seeds, and leaves are processed, and what is the significance of the resulting beneficial substances in cosmetology and the food industry.

Beneficial properties of apricot for humans and contraindications

Homeland of the tree. Benefits of apricot

Common apricot and other varieties are grown throughout the European part of the continent and Asia. In large quantities precisely in Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkey (the main producers). The homeland of origin of the useful fruit is still a mystery. It is believed that they were brought from China, according to another version - from Armenia.

As it were, medicinal properties apricots are valued, and the fruit itself is loved and respected for content of valuable minerals, pectin, fiber, carotene and try to stock up on vitamins for future use. The fetus also has contraindications, what are they? We'll talk about this at the end of the material.

It is known that apricots contain vitamins, have beneficial properties, and, unlike peaches, begin to bear fruit early. Therefore, apricot fruits used to be called early fruits, and this is what distinguished them from peaches. People can enjoy the delicious taste of fruits throughout almost the entire summer. Especially if you dry it in reserve (dried apricots, apricots). The concentration of vitamins in dried fruits increases, this is a great opportunity to boost immunity in winter and autumn.

It’s not for nothing that he loves fruit warmed by the sun warm regions and hates any draft, wind and cold. Under the influence of the luminary, it accumulates all the most valuable things that a person needs. The Armenian apple is useful for both children and adults. The benefits of apricots during pregnancy are also great: it improves digestion, fights stress, relieves toxicosis, replenishes iodine reserves,... Everyone should eat it in order to prevent diseases, unless there are contraindications.

Composition, benefits and calorie content of apricots

Except dietary fiber(2 g) the orange fruit contains many other microelements, the presence of which makes it a real home healer. The smallest amount of fat (only 0.1g) per 100 grams of product and low calorie content(44Kcal) allow us to classify the fruit as the most useful. There are only 9 g of carbohydrates per serving, which is very nutritious for such a low calorie content. Therefore, apricots are beneficial for women, children, men and the elderly who want to support healthy image life.

Composition of vitamins and other elements per 100 grams:

  • Beta carotene – 16 mg
  • Potassium – 305 mg
  • Iron – 2.1 mg
  • Vitamin C – about 10-12 mg
  • Calcium – 13 mg
  • Sodium – 1 mg
  • Magnesium – 10 mg
  • Phosphorus – 23 mg
  • Sugar – from 5 mg to 27 mg

In dried fruits, the healing properties of apricot increase 5 times, so you should take this into account and stock up on drying for the winter. We have not yet named vitamins B, P and PP, which are present in small quantities in fresh and dried fruit. And also in some quantities there is malic, tartaric and citric acids, starch, inulin, pectin and iodine. By the way, iodine is found most of all, as the Wikipedia source assures, in Armenian fruits.

Useful properties apricots are that their consumption normalizes intestinal function, improves mood, and hemoglobin in the blood. But that’s not all, pectin and fiber, together with processed products, remove toxins from the body, oils rejuvenate. And we’ll talk about apricot juice below; it contains a special “ingredient”, the benefits of which are difficult to underestimate.

Properties of apricot kernels

The seeds contain a special substance - amygdilin, which can have a harmful effect on the body if consumed in large quantities, just like hydrocyanic acid. But in cosmetology and medicine, apricot kernel oil is the No. 1 remedy for the prevention of dry skin, eczema, and for the youth of the body. The apricot kernel also exhibits antihelminthic properties.

Apricot oil. Properties and Application

An oil similar in composition to almond and peach oils is extracted from apricot kernels (oleic and linoleic acid), which in its properties is not inferior to others cosmetics, and also has antibacterial, antiseptic effect. The benefits of oils contained in fruits and seeds are truly unique. Apricot oil exhibits anti-aging properties, so the benefits of apricot for women are completely justified and are successfully used in cosmetology.

Apricot for hair and face, the benefits of its oil content are often used in cosmetology to treat dry skin. Creams, lotions and masks, shampoos and hair rinses, and nail care products are made from the oil.

Apricot kernels - beneficial properties and contraindications

“Almonds” from seeds are also not always healthy and have a beneficial effect on the body. The fact is that hydrocyanic acid, produced after human consumption of amygdiline, can cause poisoning. Therefore, even small children small dose can send you to a hospital bed, and adults can eat no more than 20 grams of such almonds.

It’s better not to risk your health, because apricot kernels also have beneficial properties due to the strong poison of hydrocyanic acid, which is similar in composition to potassium cyanide. So it is best to roast apricot seeds in a frying pan, the beneficial properties of which are valued, before use, or make jam with the addition of processed “almonds”. Both tasty and healthy!

Beneficial properties of apricots and contraindications

Apricot – best fruit for vision

Apricot – ideal option to strengthen eyesight, because no other fruit contains as much beta carotene as it contains. The beneficial properties of apricot for humans are that in our body about n is transformed into vital important vitamin And, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes, hair, nails, skin and the whole body. Scientists have found that age-related changes, which have a detrimental effect on clarity of vision (age-related macular degeneration), can be prevented by eating apricots.

But the opinion that beta carotene contained in fruits will help cope with diseases of the thyroid gland and liver has been refuted by doctors. Which claim: often thyroid diseases are associated with low absorption of vitamin from healthy products, it is better for such people to consume pure vitamin A, prescribed in dosage form.

“Matters of the heart” and treatment of anemia

Pectin and the fibrous structure of the fruit pulp are not only useful thing for the intestines, but also active ingredient to remove toxins and cholesterol. And, as you know, cholesterol clogs internal organs and systems, is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, the heart. By eating 2 apricots a day, you are already protecting your heart from harmful effects cholesterol.

The advantage of eating orange fruits is that their composition has a balanced content of iron and magnesium; the medicinal properties of apricot are that it helps strengthen the heart muscle and cleanses the blood. A person recovers much faster if he suffers from anemia and takes such vitamins.

Treatment and prevention of constipation

Apricots – the best remedy to cleanse the body of toxins. With constipation, toxins are absorbed into the body, this is not in the best possible way affects your health and appearance. Here for you best helper– apricot juice with pulp, which has an antibiotic effect on putrefactive bacteria. And also common apricot and compote made from it, which has a laxative effect.

Fruit eliminates fatigue

All orange fruits and vegetables have the extraordinary ability to lift your spirits, and the same applies to apricots. If you want to relieve muscle or nervous tension, it’s enough to eat just 100 grams of fruit and your fatigue will go away.

All this due to the presence of calcium, which brings muscles into a relaxed state, and magnesium, which helps relieve psychological stress and calm heart rate. Magnesium is a unique mineral; it also lowers blood pressure if a person is hypertensive, so its effect doubles.

Asthma and cough

Doctors say that fresh apricots are best for this matter, because dried ones are filled with sulfites. This substance is for people with allergic reactions It is contraindicated and can, on the contrary, cause an asthma attack in an asthmatic.

But apricot kernels, whose beneficial properties are unique, are successfully used mainly in the East to treat coughs, tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, and catarrh.

Oncological diseases

And again here we remember beta carotene, as well as lycopene - magical components for the immune system, beauty, brain performance,... In addition, they prevent various cancer, such as cancer of the stomach, throat, lungs. It is enough to consume 150 grams of apricot per day and thus protect yourself from malignant tumors. This is not a panacea, but prevention, and so delicious too!

The bark of the apricot tree (decoction) and the leaves and droplets on the surface of the tree are also useful, which some people cannot refuse to try. A decoction of the bark, for example, is used for cerebral circulatory disorders, after injuries, to restore strength. And the beneficial properties of apricot leaves are found in the antibacterial qualities of the foliage; the pulp from the leaves is applied to wounds.

Healing apricot. Benefits and harms for women

The benefits of apricots for women

The most beneficial for weight loss are the fibrous varieties of apricots, but everyone’s favorite “Kolerovka” is actually not so healthy. Fiber retains moisture in the body, absorbing it, and saturates the body. You feel full and don’t want to eat anymore. This is why apricot should be included in the menu; many people use “apricot” fasting days, and this best choice not only to lose weight, but also to improve health.

Apricot has diuretic properties, so it is actively used by women in the fight against edema, as well as for kidney diseases.

Apricots - benefits for pregnant women

It is known that pregnant women often experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. You can recharge yourself with energy if you drink 100-150 grams once before meals. apricot juice. The benefits of apricots for pregnant women are manifested in the fact that they relieve morning toxicosis and give strength. . In addition, the juice is very useful for maintaining the beauty of hair and nails, skin elasticity, and preventing stretch marks.

Is it possible to eat apricots during pregnancy, their benefits and harms, what are they? This question is most often asked by mothers who are carrying a child in summer period, of course it is possible and necessary, only in in moderation, for example, a glass of concentrated juice can be taken once a day, or 100-150 grams of fruit instead. Eating too much fruit can cause frequent urge into the toilet and intestines will not only be cleansed, but will also have a negative impact on the uterine cavity and the unborn child.

Apricot - benefits and harms for the health of a pregnant woman

As we have already said, apricots in excess are beneficial for pregnant women, but also harmful, here are some more warnings for expectant mothers:

  • You should not drink apricots with water, this will cause an upset stomach;
  • If your mother is gaining weight quickly, rid yourself of excessive amounts of sweets; there is nothing to say about rolls here. But dried apricots are also considered a high-calorie food, so you can’t eat handfuls of them;
  • If you have low blood pressure, allergies or asthma, eating apricots is contraindicated for women.

Apricot. Useful properties and contraindications

Each product has its own contraindications, and even if it seems that they are an ideal remedy for any disease. As we have already noted, apricots during pregnancy are beneficial for women and children, but pregnant women should eat them with caution. Although this interesting condition is not a disease at all, it is associated with the birth of a new life, which means that the diet should be healthy.

For children, eating apricot is good to increase appetite, improve digestion, and increase hemoglobin, but in large quantities it can irritate the intestines.

Here are a number of other contraindications for people with certain diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Pancreatitis, hepatitis
  • Irritable bowel syndrome

It is worth remembering, no matter how many benefits are present in the products that nature gives us, eating them more than normal is harmful to health. Apricots in quantities of over 500 grams per day are already an excess.



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