Good Monday what you can eat. Holy Week of Lent by day: what you can eat before Easter

Holy Week– the last six days of Lent before Easter. Since Easter will be celebrated on April 8 in 2018, Holy Week falls on April 2-7.

This week carries with it even greater strength and desire to share the hardships that the Lord endured before his Resurrection. This strict time requires even greater abstinence and even stricter behavior.

First of all, during these days we should complete our spiritual cleansing, from everything that torments the heart, that torments the soul, through prayers, communion and confession, we work through, release and prepare for the Bright Day of the Resurrection of Christ.

For believers, all the rules have long become a truism; for people who are a little far from the faith and the church and want to join, let’s talk about this topic.

What should you do during Holy Week?

This week we must remember Christ. You need to imagine yourself in his place and try to mentally experience all the torment that he experienced on the cross. In prayer and strict post you have to stay all this week. These days are just coming to an end Lent. Every day during Holy Week you have to go to church. On Wednesday of Holy Week it is customary to give things to charity.
On the very first day, that is, Monday, you need to start cleaning the house.

On Tuesday you should wash all your laundry. And we also had to check if we had everything for the upcoming Easter, because we would have to bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and cook delicious dishes. It was on Tuesday that food for the Easter table was purchased.

On Wednesday we had to go through all the linen in the closets and distribute to the poor what was no longer worn.

On Thursday we need to finish cleaning and wash everything that has not yet been washed. The household members themselves should also wash their sinful bodies.

It is believed that in this way on this day you can wash away all your sins, if you repent of them, of course.

Thursday salt was prepared on this day. It was heated in a frying pan and then applied to sore spots for a year. Hair cut and Holy Thursday. It was believed that it was on this day that babies who turned one year old should have their hair cut for the first time.

On Passion Friday, Christ was crucified and this day must be spent in special sorrow.

Holy Saturday is the one and only day that Christ was dead. The next day he resurrected. The Sabbath must also be spent in mourning.

You can prepare Easter cakes and paint eggs on Holy Saturday.

Menu for Holy Week before Easter 2018 by day


The first day of Holy Week is considered the most difficult, as you will have to give up your usual diet. Much food will be prohibited. Firstly, you have to suddenly switch to single meals. Secondly, which is also unusual, you have to eat all your food raw. People who strongly believe in the Lord God do not eat anything at all on this day. To ordinary people Those who simply believe in God are allowed to include bread and vegetables in any form on the menu on the first day of Holy Week before Easter. That is, they can be dried, salted, pickled and fermented. It is allowed to include mushrooms and fruits in the daily diet. Only cold juices are accepted for drinks. Don't forget, on this day you take food only once and that in the evening. And during the day, be sure to tidy up your room or yard if you have private house. On Monday in the church, all employees remember Christ and the events that happened earlier on this day.


On this day you can eat the dishes you have prepared, but only without adding oil. We can only eat once a day, in the evening. They use it in church fresh vegetables and fruits. But they have limited access to these products. On this day it is necessary to wash all dirty things, because then there will be no time. The sermons of Christ are remembered in churches.


On this day we continue to eat dry food. People devoted to God even refuse food altogether. Clean the house early in the morning and take out all the trash. Slowly begin to prepare for Easter. In churches on Wednesday they will remember Judas and how he betrayed our savior. It would not hurt to confess on this day. They say that it is on Wednesday that the Lord will forgive everything to all who repent of their sins. That is, on this day you are completely cleansed.


On the fourth day there is already a slight relaxation, since it is now allowed to eat twice. Plus, it is permissible to eat hot food with vegetable oil. You can prepare salads and, if you wish, you can drink a little wine. On this day you should finish all your chores related to cleaning the house. On Thursday, various rituals are performed to expel all evil spirits from the house. Be sure to consecrate your apartment with church candles.

Friday (Good)

This day is considered the strictest. We all mourn on Friday for Christ, because he was crucified on Friday. Whether you like it or not, you simply must not eat anything on this day. Exceptions apply for young children and elderly sick people. On this day you need to rest; you have completed all the housework earlier. In churches, ministers remember the suffering of Christ that he had to endure on the last day of his life. We are obliged to endure this fast, since Christ once saved us. After all, the Lord died so that we could live.


Easter is approaching, only one day left. On this day, all night and morning next day people illuminate eggs, Easter cakes, water. You can consecrate whatever you consider necessary to bring to the temple. Someone brings wine, lard, cheese and sausage. People bring different things, the main thing is that they believe in God and on this Bright Day. Church servants do not eat anything on this day either. Ordinary people(Christians) can eat a piece of bread, a limited amount of vegetables and fruits, dried fruits and honey. On this day, you can finish cooking what you haven’t had time to do yet. But before the evening you should definitely get it done, since the service will take place all night.

Sunday (Holy Easter)

Finally, we waited for the brightest day. In the morning you cannot eat anything until you have dedicated your food. Then, when you get home, you need to break your fast. You can eat an egg, salzo, cheese, sausage, and definitely a pasochka. And only then everything that you have prepared for this holiday. This is real joy for people, because our Christ is Risen. On this day you can have fun and walk. But this does not mean that after fasting you need to immediately pounce on food. Try to gradually expand your diet every day.

Lent is one of the main events in the life of every Orthodox Christian. The period of fasting begins after the celebration of Maslenitsa. Fasting is associated both with limiting oneself in food and, to a greater extent, with deep spiritual thoughts, prayers, and cleansing one’s soul from the burden of accumulated sins.

The tradition of following the requirements of Lent was established in memory of Christ and his forty days spent in the desert. This is where the second name of the fast came from - “Forty Days”.

The most difficult days in this period are Clean Monday, which follows Maslenitsa and is the first day of abstinence from food and entertainment, as well as Good Friday. During these two days, it is important to completely abstain from food. For the reason that Lent is ancient tradition, the church has established and clearly defined food rules for literally every day. Despite many restrictions, the proposed diet is balanced and contains everything essential vitamins and microelements that give a person physical strength.

Lent involves eating fruit and vegetable dishes, dried fruits, cereals, canned food, legumes and nut products, sweets, and on certain days - fish and seafood, and vegetable oils. You need to completely abstain from meat, milk, any food with its components, eggs, alcohol. Sweets should also be completely avoided. The only sweet product that you can sometimes treat yourself to is honey.

The last seven days of Lent are called Holy Week. This time is set aside so that people remember the terrible final days of Christ’s life on earth among people, his suffering endured in the name of atonement for the sins of all mankind. When it starts in 2016, we will find out in.

The time of Holy Week should be spent in repentance and reading prayers. It is worth giving up both certain foods and entertainment and entertainment events, bad habits. It is important during this period to realize all your sins, sincerely repent of them, and cleanse your soul.

The Orthodox faith teaches Christians that despondency or angry feelings during Holy Week are considered as sinful as, for example, eating meat and wine. The last days of Lent are given to a person to understand the meaning of the entire time of abstinence. Therefore, it is logical that the remaining week before the Easter holiday is considered the strictest.

Many Orthodox Christians, especially at the beginning of their churching, ask the question: Holy Week, what can you eat on a daily basis?

During the last seven days of Lent, you are allowed to eat:
- bread;
- vegetables and fruits in fresh, dried, dried or any other form;
- mushrooms.

It is forbidden to cook food, i.e. boil or fry it. Instead of thermally processed food you need to eat raw vegetables and fruits. At the same time, dishes prepared from them must be without the addition of vegetable oil. Drinks also have their own restrictions: only teas and some infusions are allowed. Of course, alcohol is completely prohibited. During Holy Week, one evening meal is allowed.

Of course, any organism, even with excellent health, small concessions must be allowed. Orthodoxy provides for a number of exceptions in the second half of Holy Week: starting from Thursday inclusive, Christians are allowed to eat hot vegetable foods prepared without adding oil. During this period, two meals a day are provided, including a small amount of red wine to maintain the strength of the body.

But such exceptions will need to be reserved for Good Friday, which involves complete abstinence from food. According to the Holy Scriptures, Christ was crucified on this day. Therefore, Good Friday is a difficult day not only physically due to complete refusal from food, but also spiritually, when a true Christian deeply experiences this tragic and terrible event.

On Saturday of Holy Week some relaxations are allowed, so you can again return to drinking hot food. plant food prepared without adding oil.

IN in brief The menu for Holy Week of Lent is as follows:

1. Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating (vegetable and fruit dishes, water, bread, honey, dried fruits), products are not subjected to heat treatment and filling with oil.
2. Tuesday, Thursday - plant foods, thermally processed, without oil.
3. Saturday, Sunday - vegetable food, thermally processed, with oil.

On all days of Holy Week, it is forbidden to visit entertainment establishments; you must attend church services, confess, and perform Communion. Time spent at home should be reserved for prayer and spiritual reflection. Orthodox Christian Thus, he prepares himself for the celebration of the bright holiday of Easter through physical and spiritual cleansing.

From Thursday inclusive you need to start spring cleaning home, baking Easter cakes. All preparations need to be completed on Saturday, and already on Sunday we will celebrate the Great Holiday - Easter.

Orthodox Christians. How should one fast in the last week before Easter and who should not strictly limit themselves in diet?

Rules of Holy Week

Lenten Holy Week- a time when believers practice not only renunciation certain types products, but also from bad habits, excessive fun, sinful thoughts and passions. The purpose of such abstinence is to subject the body and soul to the holy spirit. And manifestations of anger and despondency these days are as unacceptable as drinking alcohol and eating meat.

What can you eat during Holy Week?

According to tradition, you can eat bread, mushrooms, pickled, dried and fresh vegetables and fruits. Only cold teas, infusions and water are allowed as drinks. Dairy products, eggs, fish are also prohibited, and only honey is allowed among sweet products. The number of meals is reduced to once a day - in the evening.

    Monday- thermally unprocessed fruits and vegetables, bread, water (dry diet).

    Tuesday and Wednesday- the same diet.

    Thursday- a slight relaxation in the form of two meals a day warm food seasoned with vegetable oil. A small amount of wine is allowed.

    Friday(passionate) - day of remembrance of the painful death of the Savior on the Cross. This is the strictest day of Lent, when believers do not eat anything until the second half of the day (before the removal of the shroud - a symbol of the removal of Jesus from the Cross) and drink only water. In the afternoon you can eat some bread.

    Saturday- According to the canon, it is forbidden to eat any food, and you can only drink water.

Nutrition calendar for Holy Week 2017

Do's and Don'ts during Holy Week

Every day of this week special services are held in all churches. During this period, it is not recommended to have noisy fun, sing and dance. Time before the bright holiday of Easter must be devoted to repentance, spiritual cleansing, prayer and reflection.

  • Maundy Monday- the day of completion of all work in the house related to repairs, painting or other major projects.
  • Maundy Tuesday- the day of completion of all work related to putting clothes in order (washing, ironing, darning, etc.) and other household items.
  • Great Wednesday- the day when the last garbage is removed from the living quarters, everything necessary for coloring eggs is prepared.
  • Maundy Thursday - it is believed that on this day, before sunrise, the water has healing power, and swimming on this day helps to quickly get rid of illness and gain strength for the sick and weakened, and makes all other people even healthier. On this day, they clean up their homes and begin preparing Easter cakes. For successful baking, before kneading the dough, you should cleanse your soul and the space around you by reading a prayer.
  • Good Friday- on this day all household chores stop until Saturday. In this case, you should refrain from attending entertainment events and spend the day in prayer and reflection.
  • Holy Saturday- the day of preparing dishes for a festive feast and painting Easter eggs.
  • - the day the fast ends and the beginning of the celebration of Easter.

How is fasting useful?

The system of alternating meat-eaters and fasting has existed for many centuries and has an important meaning: it is believed that the transition from meat food to lean, as well as vice versa, is able to stimulate the cleansing of the body from decay products, which in turn increases its protective forces.

Every year, the environmental conditions of living of people all over the planet change not only better side. Heavy metals, toxic gases and other foreign substances in the air, products, household items and everything that surrounds us - a consequence of the development technical progress. All this accumulates and gradually poisons our body.

In addition, a monotonous, excessive and unhealthy diet contributes to sedentary lifestyle life, many bad habits. All these factors lead to malfunction gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and other systems of the body, its immunity decreases, making us more and more vulnerable to various diseases.

Including lean and plant-based foods in your diet during fasting, rich in vitamins, useful microelements and natural fiber allows:

    gently and painlessly cleanse the body of a significant portion of harmful substances,

    remove excess moisture

    reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels,

    support normal weight bodies,

    improve health,

    improve your physical and psychological state,

    increase the body's resistance.

It is no secret that in the last decade there have been more and more young people suffering from impaired glucose utilization in the body. The consequences of this are an increase in body weight (obesity), the development of health problems such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension (increased blood pressure), infertility and many other troubles.

Go to proper nutrition and keeping fasts are in ideal ways avoid such dangerous complications, improve your well-being and even prolong your life.

If you think that you will not be able to withstand the strict requirements of abstaining from normal diet, then you can begin the restrictions gradually. For example, during one of your fasts, stop eating meat products while continuing to eat fish and dairy foods. Then eliminate fish and eggs from your diet, and next time also dairy products. At the same time, you will be convinced that you are quite capable of doing this, and also what kind of positive result can be obtained through fasting.

Who shouldn't fast?

During fasting, the composition of the blood improves, the work of everyone improves internal organs, this has a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being and overall health. That is why the healing power of fasting has been known since ancient times. However, strict abstinence in diet, as recommended by church canons, is not suitable for everyone.

A certain group of people should remember to take precautions so that, instead of improving their health, they do not harm their health and do not provoke exacerbation of existing diseases.

Strict observance of fasting will only benefit those who do not have serious problems with health. Unfortunately, there are not many such people. In order not to harm your body, allow yourself small indulgences. After all, fanatical adherence to strict church rules can sometimes cause even greater damage to health than when a person does not fast at all.

That is why pregnant and lactating women, sick and weakened people, children under seven years of age, as well as those who often travel or whose work is associated with difficult physical activity, you can fast less strictly than other people.

For example, you can increase the number of meals while keeping your diet predominantly herbal products. And people suffering chronic diseases, it is better to first consult with your doctor who knows all the details from your medical history.

Dietary restrictions during illness

As already mentioned, excessive zeal in fasting is not recommended for everyone, especially when there are any ailments. Let's look at what it is not recommended to do with some of them.

Anemia of various nature. With this problem, you should not give up meat, which is useful product for such people. But it is better to prepare it in such a way as to preserve all its beneficial properties as much as possible.

Infectious diseases. For those whose body is weakened by any of the infectious diseases, fasting can only bring harm. Continue to eat well until full recovery strength, taking into account the recommendations of your doctor.

If there is a lack of enzymes in the digestive process (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia), switch to nutrition lean food can cause a lot of discomfort. You should especially not fast during periods of exacerbation of such diseases. Before you start fasting, consult your doctor, who will give appropriate recommendations.

For example:

1. If your disease is chronic, then in the morning you should drink a glass of boiling water in small sips with the addition of one teaspoon of lemon juice. This simple drink will help relax the bile ducts, facilitating the release of what is necessary for normal digestion amount of bile.

2. If lemon juice does not suit you for some reason, then it can be replaced with olive oil. Simply roll a teaspoon of oil in your mouth with your tongue for five minutes, after which you can spit it out. This stimulates reflex opening bile ducts, after which the liver’s work is activated.

3. Another good way is to chew 5 lightly salted olives along with the pits. It also stimulates the release large quantity stagnant bile, which will help better digestion food.

Chronic pancreatitis- consuming hard-to-digest foods such as mushrooms requires special caution in case of this disease.

People who, due to profession or other reasons, are forced to spend a lot of time immobile, often suffer from constipation during the beginning of fasting. To avoid discomfort, heat wheat bran in the oven and add them a tablespoon at a time to the first and second courses. You can also sprinkle them on a sandwich or as a side dish. Thanks to this, your body will receive required quantity B vitamins and natural fiber, which stimulates intestinal function.

For such people, only meat products are excluded from the diet during fasting. As for cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products, as well as fish, their presence in the diet is necessary. If you have diabetes, strict fasting is strictly prohibited.

Lack of calcium in the body. For diagnosed osteoporosis, healing of fractures, pregnancy, cottage cheese, hard cheeses and other dairy products are excellent suppliers of calcium. Therefore, they should not be excluded from the diet during fasting.

Dysbacteriosis. After reception antibacterial drugs intestinal flora needs replenishment with lactic acid bacteria. Therefore, doctors do not recommend excluding dairy products from the diet.

Last week Great Lent is called Holy Week - it is dedicated to the last days of earthly life and the death of the Savior on the cross

All days of Holy Week are special and are called Great or Passionate, and Old Testament stories are closely intertwined with what happens in the last days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

During Holy Week, Orthodox churches hold special services that are considered the most majestic and solemn of the entire church year.

During Holy Week, the dead are not commemorated, the days of saints are not celebrated - at this time all rituals are dedicated to preparation for Easter or the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

What are the days of Holy Week dedicated to and what can and cannot be eaten by day.

Holy Week by day
Holy Monday- at church services on this day they remember the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph, whom his brothers sold into slavery, as well as the curse of the sinful fig tree by Jesus Christ, which brings neither faith, nor prayers, nor true repentance.

The rite of making peace also begins on Monday - it is made from a mixture of fragrant resins, vegetable oils and fragrant herbs and cook it while reading prayers continuously for three days.

On Holy Tuesday in churches they remember the sermons of Jesus Christ about how the Savior spoke in the Jerusalem Temple, about the parables told to the disciples, about the talents and ten virgins, the resurrection of the dead and the Last Judgment.

On Great Wednesday- they remember the betrayal of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed the Teacher for thirty pieces of silver, as well as the sinner who washed the Savior’s feet and anointed them with myrrh. On Wednesday people try to go to confession.

On Holy or Maundy Thursday Orthodox Church remembers the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with His disciples and His establishment of the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Holy Communion). On Thursday the congregation receives communion.

Red or Good Friday- a day of mourning, during the service they remember the suffering of the Savior on the cross. The shroud, an image of Christ lying in the tomb, is taken out of the altar, and the believers bow before it.

On Holy Saturday at the solemn service they talk about the burial of Jesus Christ and his stay in the tomb. At the same time, priests already on this day put on light festive vestments. Easter cakes, colored eggs and Easter eggs brought to the temple are illuminated.

In Jerusalem at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ on Saturday holy fire, and the most important service begins in the evening - believers celebrate Easter.

What you can and cannot eat by day
All restrictions of Lent also apply to Holy Week, but the last week is the strictest. During the entire week, some believers, if desired, take only water and bread.

In Holy Week, according to the monastery charter, dry eating is prescribed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, that is, bread, water, fruits, and vegetables are allowed.

These days you can eat lean bread and thermally unprocessed food. That is, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as dried fruits, nuts, honey. It is not recommended to take tea and compote these days.

These days you can prepare salads from vegetables and fruits. For example, cut any fruit - pears, oranges, apples, bananas, add chopped dried fruits, raisins and nuts, and season everything with liquid honey. It will turn out tasty and very healthy.

According to church canons, on the last Friday before Easter there is no food until the evening service.

Holy Saturday is the last day before the Holy Resurrection of Christ, when the Lord Himself was in the Tomb, believers observe strict fasting.

In 2018, the last Saturday before Easter falls on April 7, the day when the Orthodox world celebrates the Annunciation. Usually it is allowed to eat fish on a holiday, but due to the coincidence with Saturday, fish is not supposed to be eaten on this day.

Seriously ill people, pregnant women, military personnel, workers involved in heavy physical labor, travelers, nursing mothers, and children under seven years of age are exempt from fasting.

Holy Week marks seven of the most the strictest days per year. Eat right, in accordance with the recommendations of the church, to cure many diseases and cleanse your soul of sins.

The last week before Easter is the most difficult and strict compared to other days. This period is very important for Orthodox people, because we remember last days Jesus' life on earth and his suffering. It is advisable to spend Holy Week in prayers that will help you better understand yourself.

Proper diet for the week

Monday: the most difficult day of Holy Week. In addition to the fact that you can only eat food once in 24 hours, it must be eaten raw. Therefore, for most of us it is difficult and unusual. Righteous people Those who firmly believe in God try to give up food altogether on this day. For beginners, it is permissible to include in the Monday diet flour products, in particular bread and vegetables. They can be consumed in any form: dried, fried and pickled. This day is also characterized by the use of fruits and mushrooms. You can drink unlimited quantities of water, cool compotes and fruit drinks. It is important to know that you can only eat in the evening.

Tuesday: On Tuesday you can eat whatever you cook. However, remember that during Lent we exclude sweets, flour, meat, fish, dairy and eggs from our usual diet. It is permissible to eat vegetables and fruits on Tuesday, but only in limited quantities. You should eat food as on Monday, on evening time and only once a day.

Wednesday: on this day people remember Judas, who betrayed Christ. You should visit church and repent of your sins. It is known that this is the most best time to cleanse your soul. Dry food is served at the table, it is advisable to refuse food altogether, so that nothing interferes with cleansing the body and thoughts on this day.

Thursday: It passes easier than the previous days, because from now on you can eat twice a day. IN daily diet hot food appears, which was previously prohibited, and vegetable oil. Begins active preparation for Easter: people bake Easter cakes, paint eggs, prepare treats for the holiday table.

Thursday is characterized by various rituals to expel evil spirits and evil from the house. One of them is that when cleaning your home you need to throw a handful of small items into a basin of water. This will attract prosperity and wealth in the future. Water on Maundy Thursday has magical power, so you can consecrate your apartment and, after washing, rid yourself of illnesses for a whole year.

Friday: is a time of sorrow for Orthodox people. It was on the fifth day of the week that Jesus Christ was crucified. It is prohibited to consume any food, the exception applies only to infants and infirm people. Any household chores should be postponed. By doing anything on this day, you show your disrespect for God. It is necessary to gain strength and try to endure this day, honoring Christ, who gave his life for our sins.

Holy Week is very important for people: these days many people come to rethink their lives. During this time, a person is spiritually cleansed and greets Easter with pure and bright thoughts. It is imperative to keep all the commandments, pray and not denigrate yourself with sinful deeds and thoughts. It is known that if you repent on the Bright Resurrection of Christ with with a pure heart and strong faith, then God will definitely forgive you for everything. Find out how to properly prepare for confession. Good luck,and don't forget to press the buttons and



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