Keeping a Husky dog. Description of the appearance and character of the husky

Update: October 2017

Classic lines, luxurious coat and expressive eyes are what attract Siberian Husky lovers. Representatives of the breed:

  • easily adapt to cold climates, feel worse in the southern regions;
  • are partial to children, wonderful companions for families;
  • friendly to people, including strangers;
  • they are smart and difficult to deceive;
  • have a pronounced hunting instinct;
  • They can be quite stubborn and difficult to train;
  • tend to make independent decisions;
  • practically do not bark, but love to howl;
  • travel easily, love long car trips;
  • need active walking and regular work;
  • require quite a lot of space;
  • They are distinguished by good health and longevity.

Characteristics of the Siberian Husky dog ​​breed

Is it difficult to care for a Husky?
Grooming is simple, the greatest effort requires walking and regular grooming.
Preferred conditions of detention
The pet will be better off in a country house or in the yard.
Is aviary keeping allowed?
The dog is not afraid of the cold. Thick fur makes it invulnerable. He feels even better outside than in the house.
How long should you walk?
Walks must last at least an hour. The dog must run at least 10 km per day. In this case, the pet is usually kept on a long leash.
Do Huskies Shed?
The animal sheds, and it’s hard not to notice. The dog's fur is thick and heavy; during shedding, all surfaces in the house are covered with a fur rug.
You need to brush your pet once every two days, more often during shedding. Otherwise the wool will mat. If the animal lives in a relatively warm climate, the hair between the toes is also trimmed.
How often should you bathe?
This is a clean breed. Its representatives take care of themselves, like cats. Pets are usually bathed only 1-2 times a year. The exception is individuals with white fur; they are bathed regularly.
Why do husky eyes come in different colors?
Eye color depends on the amount of melanin. Heterochromia occurs when the pigment content of the eyes is uneven. The heterochromia gene is inherited.
Is heterochromia a defect?
Heterochromia is a phenomenon in which the iris of the eyes is painted in different colors. It does not affect vision. Different colored eyes are not considered a defect or defect. This is a feature of the breed, it is noted in the standard.
How do you cope with the heat?
Animals are accustomed to frost, but it is difficult for them to adapt to heating in houses and to hot summers. In hot weather, you need to make sure that animals always have access to water. Dogs should not be overloaded with work during this period.
What kind of work can they do?
In the North, huskies are used as sled dogs. In the city, a pet can accompany cyclists or runners, or go sledding.
Is it possible to walk without a leash?
It is better not to let your pet off the leash. Cute Hashi are prone to running away. Free walking is possible only in a closed area.
Is the breed suitable for guarding?
The dog has no guard instincts. He also lacks aggression. He treats all people well.
How does he get along with other pets?
They get along well with their fellow tribesmen. With some effort on the part of the owner, they can be made friends with other pets. However, the dog will perceive other people's cats, guinea pigs and other small animals as prey.
Can I buy for a child?
They love children. But the breed is prone to dominance. It will be difficult for a child under 12–15 years old to engage with such a pet.
Who is the breed not suitable for?
Inactive people who prefer passive rest.

Advantages of the breed

  • Huskies are friendly and love to interact with people.
  • They are distinguished by their charming appearance and piercing gaze.
  • They treat people well because they understand that they provide them with the work they love so much.
  • Fast adaptability. After all, there were times when huskies, like other sled dogs, often passed from one owner to another.
  • They are pack animals, accustomed to working in groups. They do well when kept in groups.
  • Adapted to work in the harshest climatic conditions.
  • The unique structure of the coat prevents Huskies from freezing and eliminates the dog smell that is common to most dogs.
  • The breed can be called talkative. Pets can make interesting sounds in different moods. At the same time, they bark rarely and quietly.
  • The health of the animals is quite good. They have earned the reputation of dogs with good genetics.
  • This is a shining star in the show rings. Such a magnificent coat and proud posture may be the envy of other breeds.
  • Life expectancy is relatively high.

Disadvantages and difficulties

  • Behind the attractive appearance lies a stubborn character.
  • The pet is capricious and cunning. Parenting can be difficult.
  • Huskies have learned to get their own food from generation to generation, so when walking, dogs believe that everything that is conventionally edible is their rightful prey.
  • This is a hunter who is ready at any moment to demonstrate all his skills on yard cats, squirrels and other living creatures. But he hunts for himself. Don't expect the dog to bring you prey.
  • The tendency to escape is quite high. The owner should always keep his pet in sight.
  • A bored hasya will become a destroyer in the house. This happens more often when living in apartments. A dog can pretty much spoil the interior.
  • The breed has historically not developed a set of enzymes for feeding cereals. Animal proteins should predominate in the diet. This menu doesn't come cheap.
  • Not suitable for weak and soft people who do not have proper patience.

Husky photo

Siberian Husky: dog character, behavior

The magnificent appearance and cheerful disposition often mislead inexperienced lovers. In fact, representatives of the Siberian Husky breed have a difficult character. They love people, but not a specific owner. Most of them don't really care who their owner is. Loyalty is not their strong point. These are wayward individuals with their own opinions. However, quite often pets become devoted friends to their owners. Rest assured, if you find an approach to them, you will forget to think about other breeds.

Siberian Huskies are characterized by the following character traits:

  • friendliness;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • high activity;
  • need for communication;
  • intelligence;
  • lack of aggression;
  • endurance.

This is a pet for an owner who is ready to prove to his dog every day that he is smarter and more cunning than her. The ancestors of Siberian Huskies lived next to people on equal terms. Together they fought against the unkind nature of the North. The tendency to make independent decisions has persisted to this day. Animals are obedient until the owner gives them the opportunity to evade.

Behavior in the house and apartment

Often, huskies left alone begin to become vigorously active. The most harmless way of showing activity is a prolonged howl that all neighbors hear. It stops as soon as the owner approaches the house. Pets may not be aware of the pet’s musical abilities.

Loud noises are not all that the cute hasya is capable of. He loves to chew on things that are not intended for that purpose. There are often cases when, after a working day, the owner is greeted by a face peeking out from under a pile of damaged things. Therefore, pets should not be left locked up for a long time.

Behavior in the yard

Not everything is simple with maintenance in the yard. These animals are born to run and love to seek adventure. A fence one and a half meters high is not an obstacle for them. They will easily overcome it. If they fail to jump over, they will dig under it. As a rule, fences for Siberian Huskies should have a height of at least 1.85 m. It is good if it is possible to dig it deeper.

If you love your garden, don't let hasya in it. These diggers will dig up the lawn and flower beds. Instead, give them a place where they can enjoy digging without compromising the garden design.

This behavior is more typical of puppies. Adults become calmer and more docile, especially if they are overloaded with work. Don't let your pet get bored, and he won't engage in sabotage.

Behavior on the street

The breed inherited hunting instincts from its ancestors. This breed does not need to be trained or taught to hunt. A breadwinner by his heart - that's what huskies are called. The description of the breed, the nature of behavior on the street confirms this. During walks, you need to carefully monitor your pet. Otherwise, the hash may rush away from its owner if it notices a squirrel on a tree or a cat on a bench.

Representatives of the breed are friendly towards large dogs. But with small dogs, difficulties can arise. They look too much like a cat. Fights with them are not excluded.

Attitude towards strangers, protection of the owner and home

Experienced owners note that huskies can be trained to guard the house. With due diligence on the part of the owner, this is possible. The dog will make sounds when strangers approach the house. But this breed is far from being a watchman. For her, any person is a companion whom there is no point in attacking. This dog will not protect property.

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Siberian Huskies have a unique coat. It does not allow water to pass through and protects from cold and wind. It is not uncommon to see a pet sitting calmly in the rain. The rain doesn't bother him at all. He just needs to shake himself off and his fur will be fine again. With puppies it's different. Before guard hairs appear, babies have soft fur that gets wet. Therefore, they need to be wiped after walking in the rain with a dry towel.

Lush and thick coat requires regular care. It needs to be brushed weekly. More often if necessary. Inspect your pet after walks to identify thorns and thorns tangled in its thick coat.

For care you will need the following equipment:

  • wide-toothed comb;
  • massage brush;
  • a brush with long bristles;
  • device for removing tangles.

Representatives of the breed have a double coat. Under no circumstances should you cut it for the summer. This will not protect the animal from the heat. Husky cooling technology is well thought out. The structure of the coat retains heat in winter and prevents overheating in summer.

It is useful to blow out dead hair from your pet's coat using a hairdryer or compressor. This will help keep the coat clean and neat, without bald spots. Blowing fur during the shedding period should be done as a weekly procedure.

Caring for teeth and gums

Prevention is the best way to avoid problems with your Husky. Care and maintenance consists of regular examinations of the pet. Your pet's teeth should be checked regularly. There should be no unpleasant odor from the mouth or swelling of the gums. Siberian Huskies are taught to brush their teeth from puppyhood. During the procedure, only special means are used. If you don't have them, you can use baking soda. Regular toothpaste is not suitable.

Facial hygiene

Eyes should be examined daily. If minor discharge is detected, remove it with a damp cloth. Every week you need to look into your pet's ears. If wax has accumulated there, remove it with an ear stick. Do not insert the stick into the ear. It's dangerous. After all, you can not only push wax into your ear, but also damage your hearing organs.

Walking and exercise

Understanding what makes a dog do certain things will help raise a pleasant pet. Walking is not only physical activity, but also an element of education. Dogs of this breed have a highly developed sense of pack hierarchy. This helped their ancestors survive in difficult conditions. This trait must be respected.

While walking you need to follow these rules:

  • do not let an untrained dog off the leash;
  • do not leave the dog unattended in an unfenced area;
  • walk young animals on a long leash-roulette.
Choosing an activity for your husky while walking

This is a sled dog. All activities similar to this type of activity will be to the liking of the pet. A good choice for four-legged fidgets:

  • dog sledding;
  • skijoring;
  • weightpulling (cargo movement);
  • hiking;
  • cycling and roller skating;
  • agility.
Walking mode

Full physical maturity in this breed occurs at three years of age. However, even puppies can run in a harness. Up to a year, the puppy’s joints are still developing, so they need to be loaded wisely. If you plan to use your dog in racing, you need to train him from an early age. In other cases, you should simply provide your dog with an activity that he enjoys.

The puppy is taught to walk from the age of 8 weeks. In a day, a toddler can cover up to 1.5 km, only in two passes. The intensity of the loads is gradually increased. Starting from 9 months, a young dog can already run in a harness. But heavy loads are still too much for him to handle. He will be able to work with them no earlier than 18 months of age.

Vaccinations, susceptibility to diseases

This is a healthy breed. But it is also characterized by some specific diseases. The most common are:

  • diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems);
  • eye diseases (corneal dystrophy, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy, entropion);
  • diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy, degenerative myelopathy);
  • skin diseases (depigmentation of the skin and nose, atopic dermatitis);
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (joint dysplasia);

Specific diseases of Siberian Huskies include juvenile laryngeal paralysis, eusinophilic granuloma of the mouth, and spastic colitis. All these diseases will bypass your pet if he does not have problems with genetics and you take care of him properly.

Treatment against worms and ticks

Huskies have a passion for travel and adventure. They actively look for them in the most unusual places for people. They like to get food from garbage dumps. During such adventures, pets can easily pick up helminths. Deworming is done once every three months.

Two weeks before the vaccine is administered, deworming is carried out.

  • At 8–9 weeks of age, the polyvalent DHPPi vaccine is given against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and the Lepto vaccine against leptospirosis.
  • A booster shot (DHPPi) is given after 14–28 days. Usually the puppy is just 2.5–3 months old. The vaccine used is DHPPi + (RL) rabies and leptospirosis.
  • Then every year they are vaccinated against canine distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus (DHP)+ (RL), rabies, and leptospirosis.

What to feed?

These dogs eat little, but after intense exercise they need to replenish lost energy. There are two feeding options - natural food and ready-made diets. Many owners prefer the second option. It saves time, but not money. Good food doesn't cost much. And cheap food below the “Premium” class is not suitable for Siberian Huskies.

There is no universal option that would suit all dogs. Feed selection is carried out individually. At first, the puppy is fed what he is accustomed to from the breeder. Gradually he is transferred to a different diet, monitoring the pet’s well-being.

In the case of ready-made dry food, follow the manufacturer's instructions. However, the daily portion will need to be adjusted. If you choose natural food, then they are supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements.

Puppy diet

Up to 4 months, puppies are fed 4 times a day. When choosing natural feeding, you can choose the following menu:

  • breakfast – cottage cheese, grated carrots with an apple (vegetables can be replaced with 2 eggs);
  • lunch – raw meat or fish (about 200 g);
  • afternoon snack – kefir (0.5 l);
  • dinner – meat with porridge (ratio 1:3).

When the puppies reach 4 months, the afternoon snack is removed and the share of meat products is increased. At 7–8 months the pet is deprived of lunch. A dog's diet per year looks like this:

  • breakfast (choice: cottage cheese, meat or fish);
  • dinner (meat + porridge).

The amount of food is calculated individually. The dog must eat the entire portion. But if she begins to gain weight, and the ribs are already difficult to feel, then feel free to cut back on the amount of food.

Adult dog diet

Adult Siberian Huskies can be switched to single meals. Basic pet products:

  • meat – 60–70%;
  • vegetables and fruits – 20–30%;;
  • porridge – no more than 20%.

The basis of the diet should be meat. Beef trimmings and tripe and boneless chicken are suitable for dogs. Among vegetables, preference is given to carrots, cabbage, and pumpkin. Huskies love apples, pears, and other fruits. They are not averse to preying on them right in the garden. As for cereals, they are not suitable for everyone.

Features of fat metabolism in Siberian Huskies

There are dogs with two types of fat metabolism:

  • protein-carbohydrate – typical for European breeds;
  • protein and fat – traditional for northern breeds.

In the first case, you can safely give porridge: buckwheat, rice, good quality oatmeal. But if your pet has retained its native protein-fat metabolism, then its body will not absorb cereals. The type of exchange can be determined experimentally.

If after a week of feeding porridge the dog begins to smell unpleasant, then it has a protein-fat metabolism. Cereals are not suitable for such a pet. What to feed the husky in this case? Mainly meat products with the addition of vegetables.

Training and education

One of the characteristics of Huskies is their tendency to dominate. And if you do not correct this behavior as early as possible, you can end up with an uncontrollable animal that will create many problems.

Raising pets consists of:

  • establishing rules of conduct in the pack and home;
  • learning basic commands (near, fu, stand, come to me);
  • developing obedience skills.

This is a savvy breed; it quickly understands what its owner wants from it. But she doesn’t always listen to her owner. It is better to train your pet during games. Punishments are used in moderation. The best reward is a treat. After all, huskies are breadwinners. If they can get a treat during class, they will enjoy it.

Choosing a puppy

The Siberian Husky is not an easy breed. Her sweet appearance does not reflect her character. When buying a puppy, many people are guided by their emotions. The mind begins to turn on later when it turns out that the owner simply does not have time for the pet. To prevent this from happening, before purchasing, weigh all the pros and cons of the breed and only after that begin preparations for the arrival of a puppy in the house.

Determining the best puppy in a litter for this breed is not easy. Babies will change a lot as they grow. If possible, see the entire litter at 4-6 weeks of age. Only an experienced breeder can identify promising puppies.

Take a close look at the parents' exterior. Most likely, their offspring will look the same. But the last thing you need to pay attention to is eye color. The standard provides for both blue and brown eyes, and even multi-colored ones. Visual acuity does not depend on this.

Breed standards

Usage Sled dog
Appearance A medium-sized working dog with a fast and easy gait.
Temperament, behavior Friendly and kind, but at the same time attentive and sensitive. There is a penchant for leadership. Lack of protective qualities and aggression.
  • Scull: medium size, proportional.
  • Muzzle: of medium length and width, gradually tapering towards the nose.
  • Bite: scissor-shaped.
  • Nose: black in dogs of gray, red and black color, in copper dogs - chestnut, flesh color is allowed in pure white individuals. A “snowy nose” with pink veins is also not considered a defect.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, moderately spaced and slightly oblique.
  • Eye color: brown or blue, mixed eyes and partial coloring are acceptable.
  • Ears: medium size, triangular in shape, set close and high.
  • Back: Straight and strong, medium length, with a straight top line.
  • Small of the back: Elastic and thin, fit. Narrower than the chest.
  • Croup: sloping, but this does not interfere with the propulsion of the hindquarters.
  • Rib cage: deep and strong, but not wide.
  • Neck: Medium length, arched, carried proudly when the dog is standing.
  • Tail: Well-furred “foxy” type.
Limbs Front:
  • When viewed from the front of a standing dog, the limbs are moderately spaced, parallel and straight. The bone is strong, but not heavy.


  • When looking at a standing dog from behind, the hind legs are moderately spaced and parallel.
  • Foot: Oval, medium in size, compact and well furred between the toes and pads.
Movements The gait is smooth and light, requiring no effort. In the show ring, she must move on a loose leash.
Wool “Double”, medium length.
Color Colors ranging from black to pure white are allowed. Various markings on the head are common.
Height Height at withers:
  • Males 53.5–60 cm;
  • Females 50.5–56 cm.
Flaws Deviation from the above parameters is a disadvantage.

Origin story

This is one of the oldest breeds. There is no exact information about its origin. The word "husky" was used to describe Eskimos. There are adherents of the version that representatives of this nationality were the first to use Siberian huskies in sled dog teams. The characteristics of the breed only confirm that it was bred among the nomadic tribes of the northern peoples. Modern researchers believe that the breed was developed by the Siberian Chukchi.

It took a long time before the dog got to Alaska. This happened in 1908, during the “gold rush”. Huskies have become helpers for people. In America, pets were also introduced to various competitions.

The last dog was exported from Siberia in 1930. After the borders were closed, transporting animals from country to country became impossible. The breed has survived to this day. Outwardly, she changed a little, but her character remained the same.

You shouldn't get a husky because of fashion. They are mischievous and cheerful, but working with them is not easy, but interesting. These dogs run with the same enthusiasm on a walk, with a bicycle, in a sled and in the ring. And if you understand what to expect from them, then this is your dog.

Husky character

Siberian Huskies have a calm and friendly, yet lively character. Dogs are very active and are almost constantly on the move.

The dog is not very suitable for use as a hunting dog - the hunting instinct is strong, but the dog hunts for itself and does not bring prey. However, the use of Husky as a gun dog is not excluded. The nature of the breed is not without caution. The instinct to protect the territory is kept to a minimum; using Huskies as a guard dog is most often useless, since they normally do not have aggression towards humans. However, sometimes Huskies can exhibit guarding qualities. It all depends on genetics, living conditions and maintenance, and socialization of the dog. The Siberian Husky breed is overly independent and is not well suited for a service role. Husky thinking is often extraordinary and the dog makes decisions independently and does not think in a stereotyped way, as is required during training. Attempts to unblock a Husky’s aggression towards a person often end in disruption of the dog’s psyche, which, given its physical capabilities, poses a serious danger to others.

Siberian Huskies easily settle into a new place and are well suited for apartment living. This breed has become very popular due to its unusual appearance. Huskies can be quite headstrong and stubborn, but if you start training them from childhood, the dog's character will change for the better.

The dog gets along well with children of any age and can easily become their best friend.

Bred as a sled dog, Siberian Huskies need regular and intense exercise, long walks and regular brain training - hiking in new places, playing with a flying disc, overcoming obstacles, obedience classes.

It should be noted that Siberian Huskies are prone to escape. There is a known case when a dog, locked in a rural house, jumped with its muzzle and broke out the glass, jumped out the window and went to look for its pack. Huskies quickly learn to open doors and most locks are no problem for them. They are excellent diggers and in a matter of minutes are able to dig a hole under a fence or a fairly large hole, which is part of their hunting qualities - digging out rodents. Huskies jump well and are able to climb over high fences.


The dog is clean, non-slobbering, self-cleaning coat and skin have no odor. Shedding occurs twice a year naturally, without trimming. The animal does not require special care, however, during molting, it is preferable to comb out the rather thick undercoat.

Hunting instinct

A peculiarity of the breeding of most northern aboriginal dogs is that it is customary to feed sled dogs only in winter, when snow falls, and they begin to be used in sled teams. In the spring, when the snow melts, the team of dogs disbands and until autumn they live on pasture. Hence the strongly expressed hunting instinct associated with the need for survival. The main diet of Siberian Huskies consists of field mice and small birds, but the Husky is quite capable of catching up and tearing apart a hare, roe deer and other living creatures.

In modern urban conditions, this property of Siberian Huskies brings certain problems. So, for example, if a Husky puppy grows up in a house where a cat is kept, then in most cases he does not hunt cats. Otherwise, when he sees a cat, he will most likely try to catch up with her and strangle her. At the dacha or in the countryside, the slightest loss of vigilance can result in the extermination of cats, chickens, roosters and other small animals.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the ancestors of modern Siberian Huskies, living in Kolyma, Chukotka and Kamchatka, were taken from the northern regions of Russia, where these dogs for thousands of years performed a wide variety of work: pulling sleds, hunting, herding herds of deer. The indigenous peoples of the north never divided their huskies into hunting, sledding and reindeer herding, as is customary now. These dogs were of a similar origin, with a well-organized psyche and had much in common in appearance. However, the use of these dogs was universal, thanks to their endurance and ability to perform various jobs.

Siberian breeds of sled dogs received further development in Alaska and the USA, where they were indispensable in the household and were used in mines for gold mining. This story is described more colorfully by Lorna Demidoff in her book ““. At the same time, since 1909, Siberian sled dogs were used in dog sled racing, but due to the inexperience of the musher, high results were not achieved then. Siberian sled dogs truly gained popularity in sport in 1910. In 1925, these dogs were used in an operation to save the city of Nome from an epidemic. Then, thanks to dog sleds, the vaccine was delivered from Anchorage to the dying city of Nome. The dog sleds traveled about 1000 km in 5 days in extremely unfavorable weather conditions. Most of the route is 550 km. was passed by the team of Leonard Seppala, which was led by the already well-known dog Togo at that time. The city of Nome was saved and the heroic feat of the team was widely covered by the US press and Togo became a national hero. All this served as the basis for the annual Iditarod sled dog race in the USA. Lorna Davidoff, in turn, being a dog breeder and crossing her sled dogs with Togo and other outstanding dogs, developed the original Siberian Husky breed that we know today - the classic black and white color, blue eyes. The beauty of the breed amazed judges at dog shows, Togo became the founder of the modern gene pool of the Siberian Husky breed in the USA. The Siberian Husky breed spread throughout the world and with the beginning of perestroika it was brought to Russia...

Currently, in our country, huskies are just beginning to gain popularity. Interest in dogs with a thousand-year history in Russia appeared only in the mid-90s of the last century.

And this despite the fact that the northern regions of our country are the historical homeland of this breed.

The article tells in detail about a breed of dog that is currently becoming increasingly popular, the husky. The material talks about accepted international standards of exterior appearance, the character of the animal and the characteristics of its behavior.


This breed appeared in northeastern Siberia, and was bred by the Chukchi. The history of the breed goes back more than a millennium. A study of the Husky genome allowed scientists to rank them among the 14 oldest breeds in the world. Their genotype is more similar to that of wolves than all other breeds.

At the beginning of the 20th century, dog sled racing was especially popular. And American gold miners, passionate about this sport in Alaska, simply fell in love with huskies. This is how this breed came to America, where it gained the greatest popularity.

This breed became famous thanks to the rescue relay organized to deliver diphtheria vaccine to the city of Nome, Alaska. The most famous husky in the world is the dog Balta, who led the team on the last leg of the relay and brought the vaccine to the city. The memory of this dog is immortalized in a monument, and a cartoon was even made about him.

When telling the story of the husky, it would be dishonest not to mention another dog who made a huge contribution to the rescue of Nome: the leader of the pack Togo and his famous musher Leonard Seppala. In this relay they overcame the most difficult section of the route. And if it weren’t for Togo, Balto would never have become famous.


The official breed standard has been approved - FCI Standard No. 270 dated January 24, 2000. It describes a working dog, not a racing or show dog. The dimensions of a husky are as follows: the weight of an adult cable varies from 21 to 28 kg, females - 16-23 kg. Height at the withers for a male is 54-60 cm, for a female - 50-56 cm.
Boy (left) and girl next to him


The most common husky color is black and white or gray and white. Less common are brown and white huskies, brown, black and white. Each dog, as a rule, has its own unique white or black mask on the face, and two vertical stripes on the forehead at the base of the nose.
Flower mask
Black and white handsome cable
Red huskies
Brown color
Gray looks amazingly like a wolf!


Purebred Huskies have a thick coat and a dense, soft undercoat that perfectly protects them in winter. Caring for it is simple and does not require any experience! According to the breed standard, the coat should be “double”, soft, pleasant to the touch, fluffy, and of medium length.


The tail resembles a fox's, but should be lowered just below the level of the back. Huskies usually throw it over their back in a crescent shape when the dog's attention is attracted to something, but a drooping tail is typical for a resting dog. The hair on the tail is of medium length and approximately the same length on top, sides and bottom.


The eyes are slightly slanted, almond-shaped. The eyes can be brown, olive, amber or blue, as well as multi-colored (such dogs are called harlequins) or partially multi-colored. And, of course, a person is always fascinated by the look of multi-colored eyes. But, the standard colors are black, brown and gray.


A real husky has high-set, medium-sized, triangular ears. They are located close to each other, dense with rich hair, without leaning forward and with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up.


Black in grey, red or black dogs, brown in tan dogs, can also be flesh-colored in pure white dogs. Let's say a nose with pink veins (the so-called “snow nose”).

Winter nose


The muzzle is of medium length and width, gradually tapering towards the nose, while the nose is neither sharp nor square.

Head and stuff

The special proportions of the body of this breed should also be taken into account. Thus, in profile, the length of the body from the shoulder to the rear point is insignificant, but longer than the height of the body from the ground to the top point of the withers. The dog's head is medium-sized, clearly defined. The neck is of medium length, gracefully arched. The chest is not very wide, but powerful and deep.

Description of the breed

Let us give a comprehensive description of dogs of this breed.


Husky dogs have an excellent character. On the one hand, huskies are unusually friendly, kind, calm, but at the same time very curious and require constant activity. But sometimes they can be very capricious and stubborn, so the owner of such a dog must be persistent and demanding, and if he starts training from childhood, he will raise an unusually obedient and devoted dog.

Siberian Huskies have a tendency to run away, especially if they lack exercise. In addition, they are excellent diggers and good jumpers.

Huskies get along with children of all ages. And this is understandable. Firstly, these dogs love to spend time actively, and with whom, if not children, can they play, run, jump without rest. Secondly, this is how it happened historically. The Chukchi trusted their newborn children to these dogs. It is known that huskies lived on the street, but when children appeared in the family, the owners let the pack into the yurt, and they warmed the baby.

They can get along well with other animals in the house, for example with cats, but if they were raised from puppyhood. Since the wolf gene is still present in the blood of this breed, and the hunting instinct may periodically awaken, rodents living in the house, such as hamsters and guinea pigs, may be in danger.

Huskies and children: adorable photos

In describing the Siberian Husky breed, we cannot ignore this important point: if you need a reliable guard, then a husky is Not your option. Since they were bred as sled dogs and have a kind, affectionate character, they do not show aggression towards strangers. At the same time, under certain circumstances, huskies can still show good protective properties. But this largely depends on genetics and prevailing conditions.

The hunting instinct of these dogs is well developed, but they hunt more for themselves, as a game. If you take a husky hunting, then, of course, they will help you catch the animal. But rest assured that they will not bring prey to your feet. Huskies are very smart and quite independent.

Thinking according to a template is not for them. Therefore, this dog is also not suitable as a service dog. Numerous attempts to awaken aggression in these dogs failed and only led to a disturbance in the animal’s psyche, which became dangerous for the people around him.

How long do they live?

The life expectancy of a husky directly depends on the conditions in which they are kept: in the city, the average life expectancy of a Siberian husky is 12–15 years. But if you provide the dog with truly comfortable conditions in a country house, with a spacious enclosure and a lot of physical activity, he can live almost twice as long - 20-25 years.

Besides, This breed is very damaged by heat, because nature did not prepare it for such climatic conditions!

Barking and howling

Siberian Huskies bark less than all other breeds. Barking is a dog's way of dividing territory, and since huskies have never been bound by territorial boundaries, barking for them only means an invitation to play.

Howling is the main characteristic of the Husky, passed down from its ancestors. No one knows the reason why a husky can howl - sometimes out of boredom, sometimes - in the company of other dogs of this breed. If your Husky has friends of the same breed, you will notice that sometimes they can start a collective howl. And since they howl at different vocal levels and with different tones, the sounds are reflected from the walls, and it may seem that instead of two dogs a whole dozen are howling. This trick is often used by wolves to mislead their enemies into thinking that the pack is much larger than it actually is.


How much Siberian Husky puppies cost, their approximate cost, and where you can buy them, you will learn from the article.


Oh, how to train a husky - buy yourself some valerian! This is an activity for the strong in spirit. For persistent, goal-oriented people with strong leadership qualities. For training to be successful, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • reward your pet for successfully completing the required commands;
  • since dogs do not have the ability to concentrate, “lessons” should be short, simple and in the form of a game;
  • Encourage your puppy to be sociable with other people and animals in the house. By the way, huskies love to “become monkeys” and steal many of the habits and habits of their enclosure neighbors or other members of the pack (your family, pets, etc.). This does not change the dog’s character, but take this fact into account;
  • all actions and words must be consistent and the same during each training;
  • repeated commands;
  • Set a schedule for walking, feeding, and exercising.

Never worth it:

  • use violence against an animal;
  • you should not give a large number of commands at once;
  • do not scream or squeal if the puppy does something wrong, speak in a firm and clear voice;
  • Do not change the limits set for your puppy depending on the circumstances and your mood.

How to teach?

To teach a husky to do something, remember the following interpretations of dog behavior:

  1. if desired, the husky reacts poorly to commands, allegedly does not hear- this means that the dog trusts his feelings more than you,
  2. gnaws and bites objects- explores the world
  3. the dog bites slightly and growls- you have not become a leader for him, so he demonstrates superiority and tries to educate you.

Do they bite?

If this is a puppy, then there will be “bites”, not even as a manifestation of aggression, but as a game. Starting from 2-3 months, start weaning him off.

But with an adult dog there is no clear answer. The most possible situations when you can get a bite are when breaking up fights. If a dog turns out to be weaker than its opponents, especially in a team (runs slowly or accidentally falls), the herd instinct kicks in for others. Under no circumstances should you try to separate him by tugging on the collar.. You need to pull it apart by the legs - this way you reduce the likelihood that you yourself will be grabbed.

Husky makes a bite

A husky may accidentally bite while playing: dogs are very active and do not always realize their strength. Be careful when playing games, and it is best to wear a thick glove.

Don't forget about basic safety precautions. You cannot feed someone else's dog from your hands, otherwise you will get bitten fingers (for example, when your friends give treats to male huskies through the bars of the enclosure).

Like any other dog, a husky can bite in self-defense. The main thing to remember: a dog will always remain a dog. Do not pet other people's dogs without the owner's permission, even if they look cute and fluffy.

Education and maintenance

How to raise a husky? The most important thing is to always remember that this is a pack animal, and in many ways everything will depend on how you determine and the puppy learns its place in your pack - your family. The dog needs to clearly understand what is allowed and what is not. Huskies are very smart and quickly understand what is required of them, but the rules should be set clearly, without variations or deviations.

Speaking about the conditions of content, it is worth noting that huskies are quite simple in this regard and will not cause much trouble. Let's consider keeping a dog in an apartment and in a house.

Due to their active nature, huskies are completely unsuited to staying indoors for long periods of time. A husky is not a dog that will lie on the couch all day. Therefore, if you live in an apartment, you must provide your dog with a guaranteed long walk (4-5 hours) every day.

Result of inattention

Of course, the dog must have a designated place where it will eat and its “own place” where it sleeps. It’s good if the pet knows where its “clothes” are – collar, leash and muzzle. These are the necessary attributes of every dog.

Some breeders advise, in order to avoid some misunderstandings on the part of the dog due to its energy, to lock the animal in a cage when leaving home. But what loving owner would not have his heart broken if he understood that his incredible active pet was locked up? A dog that has been crate trained since childhood will certainly survive this, but a crate is simply a barbaric option for a husky.

When living in a private house, always remember - your husky is a wolf at heart. He doesn’t freeze outside, he’s not scared or bored, so you shouldn’t lock him up within four walls. In addition, there are cases where huskies ran away from the house, breaking glass with their heads. For these dogs it is necessary to use reliable materials, preferably steel rods. Since it can easily gnaw through a regular chain-link mesh. If you have neglected the enclosure, then you should take care of reinforcing the fence. Due to their curiosity, these digging enthusiasts will happily dig a hole and run away in search of new adventures.

For the summer period it is necessary to organize a canopy from the sun and rain.


How to care for a husky? Care comes down to regular brushing once a week. For this you will need brushes with medium-length metal teeth, a comb and a slicker brush. You need to train your pet from early childhood, but remember that until six months the puppy’s fur is very soft and you can only comb it with a soft massage wooden comb with rounded ends.

Husky is a very clean breed; its coat has no characteristic odor and is capable of self-cleaning. Huskies shed 2 times a year (in spring and autumn), and during this period they comb the dogs daily, first using a slicker brush, removing dead undercoat, and then a fine-tooth comb or a metal brush.

You need to comb with smooth movements, without jerking or strong pressure, with and against the growth of the fur. Particular attention should be paid to the tail, “pants”, collar, hair between the ears and on the front legs.

It is worth bathing 2-3 times a year.

Physical activity

For a husky, activity is simply vital, and almost any kind of activity: for example, carrying heavy objects (in winter, an adult dog can push a child on a sled), running, jumping, roller skating and cycling (yours, of course, not the dog’s). While hiking, you can let your pet carry things in a special backpack (maximum load - 20% of the animal’s weight) - believe me, your husky will simply howl with joy.

Very important: Puppies under 1 year of age should not be overexerted.

This means that you cannot seriously train your little ones - for example, running up stairs or surfaces with a clear slope can cause tears in the shoulder or groin muscles. From 8 weeks, you can practice walking your puppy for 1.5 km (for the whole day). But from 9 months it’s time to accustom him to loads: either light empty sleds or toy strollers, or to a harness with other dogs so that the load is minimal. Full training and active walks can be started from 18 months.

Until 9-12 months, the joints, bones and ligaments of the Husky are not yet fully formed and can be easily damaged. Do not allow larger or older animals to play rough with puppies! Puppies up to one year old must be handled with extreme care during walks!

Even if you do not prepare your dog specifically for such things, maintain this balance in simple life activities! Walking should start at approximately 2 months.. But: without vaccinations, even after six months, you can’t let an animal go outside!

How to walk?

How to properly walk a Siberian Husky? Many inexperienced owners are faced with the problem that they do not know how to properly organize a husky’s daily walk, taking into account the physical and psychological factors of this breed. Here are some important rules:

  • 50-60% of the diet is meat. It's better if it's beef. Possible turkey or rabbit. It is dangerous to give chicken, as it can cause allergies, and lamb and pork are absolutely prohibited;
  • if there is enough meat, you can give eggs (yolk only) and vegetables, except potatoes, 1-2 times a week;
  • It is also necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet; milk is not advisable, as it can cause diarrhea;
  • be sure to add vegetable oils and fish oil, as well as vitamins (veterinarian consultation is required).


Huskies can be divided into 3 groups: working, racing and show.

The rarest - workers. This is what started Haskovodstvo all over the world. These dogs do not carry a particularly large load over long distances, and not as fast as racing dogs. Smart, unpretentious. They may not be so sleek and beautiful, but they are amazingly hardy. Huskies of this variety used to carry mail, firewood, and meat (remember Jack London and “Time Has No Time”).

Huskies are no longer used as workhorses today. The closest to working use can be called tourism and dog riding. These dogs work day after day throughout the season.

Husky racing These are dogs for sport. Racers are also divided into subgroups depending on their activity - for skijoring, 2-4 dog sleds, huskies with a height of 60 cm and above are preferred. They are large, capable of running quickly in small groups and at the same time dragging their owner along with them. Racers running in sixes and larger teams are more moderate in height. In general, racing dogs differ from kennel to kennel. Each nursery has its own type of racers, depending on the preferences of the owner. A common feature of all racing huskies is short fur.

Huskies show. They can be divided into two large groups - American and European. American ones are heavier and more powerful, they look more voluminous. European dogs are lighter and more graceful. A common feature of all show huskies is a shortened muzzle, which gives the dog a more attractive appearance, but worsens the warming of the inhaled frosty air.


Breeders, in an attempt to improve the Siberian Husky, created the following varieties of the breed:

  1. Klee Kai(mini-husky) is a miniature dog for husky lovers living in an apartment. A good-natured and energetic dog will always cheer up its owner. A distinctive feature of the Klee Kai is its curled tail with a dark tassel hanging to its side. Another feature is a mask on the face, a color different from the main color of the coat.

  2. Alaskan– is considered the most expensive mestizo in the world. This is a fast, hardy, athletic dog. It owes its origin to the following breeds: Alaskan Malamute, German Shepherd, Border Collie. Due to its unbridled energy, such a dog needs constant supervision, since idleness can cause serious mischief.

  3. Sakhalin- a rare breed that Japanese breeders are trying to save from extinction. This dog has a very high level of endurance and increased intelligence, which gave rise to another of its qualities - selfless devotion to the owner. Sakhalin Huskies are considered the best military dogs. They are used as mail dogs, covering long distances in short periods of time.

  4. Siberian– the history of this breed goes back centuries. Originally bred as a sled dog, it changed a lot with the advent of civilization. And if this dog does not receive a sufficient level of exercise and full employment, then it will turn into a show-class dog, more suitable for exhibitions and sporting competitions than for working in the conditions of the Far North.
  5. Japanese(Akita Inu) - bred specifically for protection, and not for running in a harness.

Pros and cons

From advantages breeds should be noted

  1. Kind and friendly disposition.
  2. Good health and stamina.
  3. Gets along well with both children and other animals.
  4. Quiet (practically does not bark)
  5. Clean (neither wool nor skin has any odor).

TO cons breeds can be classified as:

  1. Stubbornness and willfulness.
  2. The desire for leadership.
  3. High need for prolonged vigorous activity.
  4. Heavy shedding.
  5. And practically no security guard.

Funny videos

Look how the husky howls and even says:

What does it look like (with beautiful photos)?

Newborn Huskies:

Puppy 1 month:

2 months:

3 months:

4 months:

5 months:

White puppy with blue eyes:

Husky in winter:

Next to the wolf:

Mix - Husky crossed with Spitz:

This is how a husky sleeps:

Large adult:


Cute photo of a bitch



Husky is an absolutely amazing creature. This is a source of endless energy and at the same time a gentle, patient creature towards children. On the one hand, he is a faithful, devoted and obedient dog, and on the other, he is a stubborn, wayward and curious leader of his pack. If you choose this dog, then a quiet evening on the couch is not for you. This means speed, the thirst for movement, the desire to pull the harness forward - this is your way of life.

Dear owners husky, what about you too? Tell us how you spend your time with your pet, what do you like to do? Show the world a photo of your beloved and most beautiful husky!

The Siberian Husky belongs to the factory specialized sled breeds, bred with the participation of aboriginal Far Eastern dogs. The breed is actively used by sedentary coastal tribes, represented by the Yukaghirs, Kereks, Asian Eskimos and coastal Chukchi.

The Far Eastern dog is perfectly adapted for kennel keeping, and can also withstand severe frosts very easily, but cannot stay in the open sun for more than an hour and a half, which is due to the characteristics of the coat. It is for this reason that the enclosure in the local area should be located in some shade.

The dog kennel requires special attention. The roof must have a slight slope, which will allow the pet to jump up and rest. In winter, sufficient bedding of hay or dry straw is placed inside.

The area of ​​the enclosure should not limit the dog’s free movement, as otherwise the pet may develop physical inactivity. It is not recommended to use painted mesh as a fence, as it is easily chewed by animals and can cause injury. To protect against precipitation, a canopy must be installed that does not interfere with natural air ventilation.

Aboriginal Far Eastern sled dogs are one of the most ancient breeds. Currently, the Siberian Husky has also gained great popularity as a companion dog and show breed, and is often kept in apartment conditions. The main advantage of apartment living is the opportunity to be in constant contact with the dog and involve it in the life of the household, which is especially important for such a sociable breed as the Siberian Husky.

Proper upbringing and training allows your pet to behave extremely carefully even in a limited area. The main unpleasant moment when keeping an apartment is the molting of a pet, which often lasts three weeks. The Siberian Husky sheds a couple of times a year. During this period, the dog completely loses all of its undercoat. If the animal is kept in warm conditions all year round, in the absence of a pronounced change of seasons, molting occurs all year round, but is not too noticeable.

No less problematic is the ability of dogs of this breed to actively chew on any objects. The interior, wires and shoes suffer especially badly from the teeth of playful and very inquisitive husky puppies. It is for this reason that it is very important to start raising a pet from a very early age, as well as provide it with a sufficient number of special toys.

This is interesting! When kept in an apartment, the animal is given a fairly cool place, on which dense and convenient for hygienic bedding is laid. If the dog lies on the bare floor, bedsores that take a long time to heal often form.

Optimal conditions of detention

Lack of free space and physical activity, as well as poor nutrition and hereditary predisposition, can significantly reduce the life expectancy of a pet.

On average, a Siberian husky lives about fifteen years, but in order for the animal to maintain excellent health throughout this time, it must be provided with proper walking and nutrition, education and training.

Walking a Siberian Husky

The owner of a husky must adhere to the basic rule - never leave his untrained pet for a walk without a leash and supervision in any unfenced areas. When choosing an activity for a walk, you need to take into account the dog's temperament and physical capabilities. Dog sledding and ski joring, which are also sledding sports but involve the use of skis, are very suitable for winter walks. You can also engage in weightpulling - competitions in pulling loads over a distance, walking and cycling.

Important! As practice shows, the Siberian Husky is not a water dog at all, so any training with such a pet in a natural or artificial reservoir will initially be doomed to failure.

When choosing a type of physical activity during a walk, you need to remember some breed characteristics that any Siberian Husky has. Until a year old, all the joints, ligaments and bones of such a pet are not fully formed, so they are easily damaged. Small puppies should not be allowed to run up steep stairs on their own due to the risk of tearing the groin and shoulder muscles. Long distance running with pets under three months old is strictly contraindicated. Harness running without load can be started from the age of nine months.

Dog diet and nutrition

When preparing your own diet, you need to correctly determine the main type of nutrition and take into account all the features of metabolic processes. To feed such a dog, you can use ready-made industrial dry food or natural food. The Siberian Husky has a digestive system that perfectly digests fatty and high-protein meats, which is due to protein-fat metabolism that is atypical for other dog breeds.

When choosing ready-made food, preference should be given to high-quality mixtures produced under trusted brands and intended for medium-sized dog breeds. Such feeds are completely balanced in their composition, as well as optimal in nutritional value. It is advisable to feed a puppy and a young dog up to a year old with dry granules soaked in water or meat broth. Huskies are switched to adult dog food from the age of ten months.

The basis of a natural diet should be 75% meat products, including beef, veal, lamb, rabbit and poultry. Such products are given to the pet raw, but scalded with boiling water, as well as boiled, cut into small portions. Also beneficial are offal and boiled low-fat sea fish, cleaned of bones. It is important to remember that the Siberian Husky does not have chewing teeth, so minced meat cannot be fed to dogs of this breed.

A natural diet must include vegetables, such as carrots, spinach, beets, lettuce, pumpkin and zucchini, and cucumbers. Vegetables should be given grated, raw or fresh, seasoned with vegetable oil. The best cereals are oatmeal, buckwheat and rice, cooked in meat, vegetable or fish broth. Approximately 10% of the diet should be low-fat fermented milk products.

Education and training

Husky training is the basis for problem-free keeping of this breed at home. The Siberian Husky is by nature a very energetic and active pet, which from a very early age requires not only proper training and education, but also discipline. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a dog that is completely uncontrollable and completely disobedient to the owner’s commands.

This is interesting! As practice shows, the training process is especially difficult for inexperienced and novice Husky owners, so it is advisable to entrust such activities to experienced dog handlers.

The breed has a difficult character, which can significantly complicate the educational process. It is generally accepted that the Siberian Husky is quite difficult to train due to its very independent nature, as well as its intelligence and closeness to wild wolves at the genetic level.

It is very important to start raising and training a pet as early as possible, immediately after the puppy goes through a period of adaptation to new conditions. Basic commands that are required for training: “Place!”, “No!”, “Near!”, “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Lie down!” and “Voice!”

Care and hygiene

From a very early age, the dog must be accustomed to examinations, as well as such basic procedures as bathing, cutting and combing. Any Siberian Husky has a very thick and rather difficult coat, so the annual shedding when kept in apartment conditions can, if not properly cared for, very quickly turn the entire room into a solid “fur rug.” Your pet needs to be brushed regularly with a special wide-tooth comb, as well as a massage brush or a brush with long bristles.

The Siberian Husky is a very clean and absolutely self-sufficient breed, so, as a rule, there are no problems with care. It is important to remember that between the Husky's toes there is quite long and thick hair, which is designed to protect the paws from freezing in very severe frost conditions.

However, housing requires mandatory cutting of this wool. It is also necessary to regularly brush your teeth or purchase special chewing bones, inspect and clean your ears and eyes, and trim your nails.

What comes to mind when you imagine a husky? Boundless snow-covered expanses and a cart drawn by strong and faithful four-legged animals. Indeed, for many centuries, Husky dogs have been a faithful companion to people where winter storms left no chance of surviving alone. Until now, they remain the most faithful friends who are devoted to their owner until the last breath. Just imagine, these dogs, direct descendants of the ancient northern dogs and wolves, were domesticated by ancient tribes even before deer. It can be concluded that the Husky dog ​​was more important to human survival than livestock.

Origin of the breed

We have already touched on this topic a little. Indeed, the pedigree goes back centuries, and no one knows for certain how this breed was formed. But research suggests that the ancestors of the Husky dog ​​were wolves. They crossed with dogs, and man took the resulting offspring into his service. In the harsh climate of the northern regions, until today, only sleds pulled by furry creatures made it possible to cover vast distances in one day. But they were used not only as a means of transportation. Husky dogs were faithful watchdogs and full members of the family. They helped to keep warm on cold nights and protected small children.

Age of change

The beginning of the twentieth century was a turning point in the history of the breed. Soviet dog handlers decided that this dog was too small for cargo transportation, and therefore useless. She lost her breed status and breeding was prohibited. A new round of development of the breed occurred thanks to the Americans. Around 1930, the Alaska Gold Rush began, and several teams of huskies were taken there. It was here that sled dogs showed themselves in all their glory. The path to the mines was not close, but with such partners it became much more fun.

Huskies began to rapidly gain popularity and participate in a variety of exhibitions and competitions. Around this time, representatives of the glorious breed even became national heroes, fighting their way through a snowstorm with a load of medicine for the city. The Husky dogs shone again. Photos of hero dogs were seen by the whole world.

Why are huskies so attractive?

First of all, when choosing a dog, everyone pays attention to appearance. Photos of the Husky dog ​​breed can delight anyone, especially when it comes to puppies. Stunningly beautiful, fluffy lumps with blue eyes. It should be noted that this is not the only advantage of the breed. Curiosity and extreme patience, a good disposition and excellent hunting skills, a thick undercoat that allows you to sleep in the snow, and enormous endurance that makes it possible to excitedly fly like an arrow across the icy desert. All this is only part of the qualities that represent such a complex and multifaceted breed. Once you get to know the breed better, you will fall in love with it for the rest of your life. It is impossible to choose another dog if you have at least once kept this miracle at home.

Exterior, appearance of furry pets

Surely you are familiar with the Husky dog ​​breed. Their photos often appear in magazines, and they often appear in films. Athletic dogs with a compact build and easy gait, they are truly stunningly beautiful and distinctive. They are very similar to tamed wolves, but this is only at first glance. As you get to know them better, you will see the extraordinary depth of these eyes and notice their noble, proud posture. Luxurious double-layer wool allows you to not feel hot or cold at all. Husky eyes are a separate issue. They can be blue or brown, olive, amber, and harlequins are often found among this breed.

We will talk about the Samoyed husky, which many consider to be a Siberian beauty - a husky. In fact, these are completely different breeds, although there is much that unites them. were also bred in ancient times and were used for transporting goods. Since the dogs are not the largest, they worked in a team of 10-15 individuals. Surprisingly, this breed of dog, similar to a husky, is absolutely not suitable for hunting. They catch small rodents and other animals, but do not bring them to their owner. The temperament of these breeds is also slightly different, huskies have retained an endless thirst for knowledge, they can get lost and get carried away in search of interesting smells. Samoyeds are surprisingly obedient; despite their curiosity and energy, they will never run away from their owner.

Husky character

What is the Husky dog ​​breed? Reviews from breeders say that she is incredibly smart and equally energetic. The Siberian Husky requires constant movement and hard, physical work. Limiting yourself to a half-hour walk around the house in the morning and evening will not work. If you cannot provide your pet with many hours of jogging in any weather, or towing a sleigh or a skier in winter, then it is better to choose another breed. The same can be said about those who live in an apartment. This dog needs space and movement.

Despite its brilliant mind, the breed is not suitable for home guarding. They are too friendly and loving. Despite its impressive appearance, a husky can only lick an intruder who has entered the house. Therefore, it is better to choose a shepherd dog or a Rottweiler for protection. The Siberian Husky dog ​​breed is surprisingly quiet. It is almost impossible to hear them bark. When they are happy, they make special, soft sounds that cannot be heard from anyone else.

If you have several athletic and active children, then this dog will be a real find. They get along well with all family members, but they take children under their wing and devote all their time to them. Children of any age will be delighted with the fluffy toy. Moreover, such a tireless companion who will play with them in the yard for hours cannot be found anywhere else. This is a wonderful, inquisitive and friendly breed of dog, they are optimist dogs who enjoy every minute. Your children will be happy to have such a friend. Give them a sled - and everyone will be happy, especially the huskies.

Breed standard

If you are choosing not only a friend, but also planning an exhibition career, then you need to take this data more carefully. This is a proportionally built, working breed. It is surprisingly functional, so to speak. The Husky combines strength, endurance, as well as lightness and grace. The head resembles that of a wolf, triangular, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined. The ears are medium in size, set high and close. The eyes are slanted, almond-shaped. The body is compact, somewhat elongated. The chest is wide, the bones are well developed, but not coarse. Movements are fast and straightforward. Males are 53-60 cm tall at the withers, females are 50-56 cm tall. The weight of females is from 15 to 23 kilograms, males - from 20 to 28 kg.

Choosing a puppy

Determine right away what kind of future you want for your pet. A stellar career is impossible without champion parents. For the rest, you need to rely on your intuition and some knowledge. To make the right choice, you need to visit the breeder several times. Watch the young animals. The puppy must move confidently, move away from its mother, and explore the territory. The coat should be smooth and shiny, the eyes should be clean, without pus or smudges. In general, the puppy should be cheerful, eat well, and play well. If the baby sadly turns away from the bowl and lies away from his friends, this is an alarming signal.

What type of dog is a Husky dog? The description of the breeders tells us that unpretentiousness is added to all other advantages. They are very clean, have no natural odor and carefully groom themselves like cats. These dogs are bathed extremely rarely, once a year. Apart from the prescribed twice a year, they no longer shed, but at this time they shed all their rich undercoat. The rest of the time, the wool can only be combed occasionally.


In principle, the Husky dog ​​breed is not much different from the rest. The nutritional characteristics are classic for a carnivore. At least 60% of the diet should come from meat. It is not necessary to adhere to a dietary diet; their liver can withstand stress very well, so fatty meat is also good. This can be beef, horse meat, game, turkey, as well as offal. Don't forget about the benefits of vegetables and grains. You can also add fermented milk products to your diet. When switching to a ready-made diet, choose only proven super-premium plus brands.


If you don't have much time, a Husky puppy will bring a lot of problems. He needs to be dealt with almost constantly, because if left alone, he will begin to gnaw, dig and destroy everything around him. You need to remember about upbringing from day one. A husky can have only one owner, to whom he will obey. The dog will love and recognize all other family members, but there can only be one leader. This is a very active and mobile dog, so before starting any activity, you need to give your pet plenty of time to run around for at least an hour, or even better, come up with a joint game.

Under no circumstances should you abuse the good nature of this dog. You can’t shout at her, much less hit her, otherwise, instead of a royal wolf, you will grow up a hunched creature with a sad look. For the training process to go well, you first need to choose a name for the puppy. Nicknames for the Husky dog ​​breed should match it, beautiful and bright. For a male dog, the nicknames Cupid, Buran, Silver, Thor are good. For a female dog, you can choose a more gentle and beautiful name: Runa, Aurora, Laska, Tessa.

Diseases and treatment

These dogs inherited excellent health from their ancestors. You still need to look for such strong representatives of the canine world, they are hardy and strong, and there are simply no hereditary diseases. However, movement is their weakness. Without proper physical activity, dogs begin to eat poorly and their metabolism is disrupted. We must not forget that urban conditions are very different from the endless expanses of the taiga. There are many more harmful factors here. Therefore, visiting a veterinarian twice a year and a full course of preventive vaccinations is mandatory.


These dogs are becoming increasingly popular, but they are not so easy to buy. The average cost of a husky in large cities of Russia is from 30,000 rubles. It usually depends on the class to which the puppy belongs. A dog without a pedigree can be bought for 20,000; breed class, that is, puppies whose parents have the title of Champion of Russia, are sold at a cost of 30,000 to 40,000 rubles. The most expensive show-class puppies are the pride of the breeder, future champions, they usually cost fabulously expensive, from 50,000 and above.



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