Dreams based on calendar days and dates of the month: meaning and feasibility. Does the interpretation of dreams depend on the numbers of the month and days of the week?

A person sees many different dreams every night, although he does not always remember them. The influence of night visions on everyday life was noticed thousands of years ago, and various sleep experiments carried out today only confirm the significance of what a person sees at night. Deciphering this information is considered a difficult task, because in order to receive a complete and intelligible message received in dreams, you need not only to know how to interpret dreams by day of the week and day of the month, but also to take into account the influence of celestial bodies and the psycho-emotional state of a person.

How do you know that a dream will come true?

The probability of night visions turning into reality is calculated individually in each case. Nevertheless there is several signs of a prophetic dream A:

  • The dreamer remembers the dream in great detail;
  • Vision is clear, clear;
  • Events are never forgotten, a person constantly thinks about them.

Dreams come true by the dates of the month

According to numerological calculations, on some days during sleep you can receive important information about future events, while on others what you see means nothing. So, what should you expect from dreams seen on a certain date of the month?

Dreams by day of the week

  • Monday night

On this night, dreams speak about the internal characteristics of the dreamer, primarily about the current state of his psyche and the emotions he is experiencing. When interpreting what you see, you can identify the degree of a person’s workload, the presence of emotional turmoil and worries, and also find out the degree of nervousness.

Ideally, a dream seen from Sunday to Monday should be calm, clear and pleasant. Incomprehensible, too vivid and abrupt dreams are a signal that a person needs rest.

Dreams on this day are analytical in nature and usually do not predict the future.

  • Tuesday night

On this night, dreams reflect a person’s creative potential; they are bright and emotional. Dreamers advise turning pay attention to what you see at night, but, for the most part, emotions after sleep are considered more important. If a person feels uplifted, then he just needs to start something new in life, and this will definitely bring success. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from making changes in life.

Seen in a dream victory is a thing. The implementation of this plot takes approximately seven days. It should be borne in mind that the victory may be small, which a person simply will not notice.

  • Wednesday night

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday are usually abrupt, multi-story and bright, making it difficult to find the main message in them. What is seen in dreams almost never comes true, or comes true in some small detail.

On this night you can receive a warning that is better to heed. It can concern both the dreamer himself and people very close to him. In any case, the dreamer is able to prevent undesirable course of events.

  • Thursday night

What he sees at this time is of great importance for the dreamer: he can get advice to resolve a problem that had been tormenting him for a long time, to find an unexpected way out of a situation that was tormenting him, or to understand how to avoid a quarrel.

  • Friday night

In Friday dreams, plots related to personal life are of greatest importance. They are with read as prophetic, especially if the dream is remembered down to the smallest detail and does not leave the head for a long time.

The importance of what is seen on the night from Thursday to Friday is quite easily explained: at this time a person’s intuitive abilities become more acute, and during sleep he is open to the receipt of new information.

The mood remaining after sleep will help you understand what to expect in the near future: pleasant events or some difficulties.

  • Saturday night

What you see on Saturday night is important not only for the dreamer, but also for people who are in close relationships with him. Positive and exciting stories they talk about imminent fun in reality and about receiving many pleasant emotions.

  • Sunday night

If after a night a person remembers some detail from his dream, then it will most likely be reflected in his life on the same day. Emotional coloring events largely depend on the mood of the dreamer.

When is it necessary to turn to dream books?

Sometimes it happens that only one specific detail is remembered from the entire dream. It can be absolutely anything: a slippery eel, a red teapot, a flower, the sky, and so on. In such a case, it becomes extremely difficult to understand the vision, since it is unclear how exactly to correlate the remembered image with advice on interpreting dreams by the dates of the month and days of the week.

It is then that the dream book can help the dreamer. The transcripts of other people's dreams collected in it will be able to explain the incomprehensible images seen at night.

It should be borne in mind that from the many dream books it is necessary to choose the most suitable one for the dreamer. To determine the “compatibility” of a dream book and a person, it is recommended to conduct a small test. To do this, the dreamer needs to choose a dream book and read the interpretation of several images in it. If the information in the book does not cause rejection, the dream book is considered suitable.

Dreams are an integral part of our life. Some people see bright, colorful dreams, others have black and white dreams, many, upon waking up, immediately forget what they dreamed or, on the contrary, remember everything down to the smallest detail. A dream book based on the dates of the month and days of the week will help you understand what the vision brings you in the future.

Did you know that some people have the power to control their dreams? This seems fantastic, but in fact such people exist and there are many of them. During sleep, the human body relaxes and rests, but the subconscious mind comes into play; the brain needs to process a lot of information that we have received throughout the day. This is where the fun begins

Dream book on days of the week from Monday to Friday and days of the month from 1 to 30

Let's talk a little about prophetic dreams: when you dream about the days of the week on which you are most likely to see them. Let’s think about what this phenomenon is, where it comes from, and why we have prophetic dreams quite rarely and only on certain days.

Prophetic dreams can be literal or symbolic. Literal dreams include those prophetic dreams that will soon come true in real life. In symbolic dreams we see some symbolism, clues, signs. Symbolic dreams do not come true, but often the signs that we saw in such a dream help us in real life. They warn against dangers, show the way, etc.

Let's figure out what days of the week and year prophetic dreams occur.

Holiday week. We are most likely to have such dreams during the holiday week from January 7 to January 19. For several hundred years now, it is believed that during this period the border between worlds is practically erased, and in dreams we can be visited by relatives or friends who have gone to another world and predict our future fate. In general, on any holiday from the church calendar a prophetic dream can appear.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday. From many people you can hear the following phrase: On the night from Thursday to Friday, dreams come true. Is this true? And does this happen every night from Thursday to Friday? Christians believe that dreams on Friday nights on the eve of church holidays are prophetic. And there are 12 such Fridays a year:

  • The first is in the first week of Lent;
  • The second will be on April 7, on the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation;
  • The third - precedes Palm Sunday;
  • The fourth - before the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord;
  • The fifth is before the Trinity;
  • Sixth - before June 7 (before the Nativity of John the Baptist);
  • Seventh - before August 2 (precedes the holiday of Elijah the Prophet);
  • Eighth - before August 28 (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary);
  • Ninth - falls on the eve of September 19 (the day of Archangel Michael);
  • Tenth - before November 14 (day of Saints Cosmas and Dimian);
  • Eleventh - Good Friday, on the eve of January 7;
  • Twelfth - immediately before Baptism, i.e. before January 19th.

Attention: This means the next Friday before the specified holiday! For example, Trinity in 2018 falls on Sunday May 27, which means the next night for a prophetic dream is from May 24 to May 25.

Whether this is true or not, everyone can check for themselves. Just try to remember your dream these days, every detail, every sign, symbol and then find the appropriate interpretation in the dream book and project it onto the current reality. The result will amaze you!

Before going to bed, take a notepad and pen and place it next to your bed so that at the right time you can immediately write down what you see. Just remember one thing - there is no clearly established time frame for when what you see will come true. This happens differently for everyone: for some, embodiment occurs within a few days, while others wait for years.

The meaning of dreams by day of the week from Monday to Sunday

The dream book on the days of the week recommends paying attention not only to the content of the vision, but also to its time. If we combine the dream calendar by the dates of the month, days of the week and the data from the dream book, then we will be more likely to be able to determine what exactly providence wants to tell you.

If you saw a dream and want to accurately interpret it, then be sure to take care of information such as:

  • Day of the month: see table below;
  • Day of the week: see details in this section;
  • Details of the dream: every little thing can mean a lot, write down and interpret them with the help of;
  • Also write down all the associations that came to your mind immediately after waking up. Without thinking about them, this must be done immediately, because as brain activity begins to work further, you begin to actively reason, and this is precisely what can hinder you.
  • If you want to dive deeper and study the themes and psychology of your dreams, we recommend keeping a Dream Diary. There you can describe in detail all the images you saw, but also mark (i.e. track) the days when they come true.

Dream Interpretation is an interpreter of visions, images that we see in dreams. Dream books that are often used and have gained great popularity include dream books, Freud's, and Vanga's. Which dream book to use, everyone decides for himself.

Dream Interpretation from Monday to Tuesday

From Monday to Tuesday

Let's start from the first day, since the explanation of dreams will differ for different days of the week. Let's consider. As we know, Tuesday is Mars day. It is he who encourages a person to strive for something, makes it clear that he needs to act right now, encourages him to go forward and achieve his goals and objectives. Mars is the planet of personal power of people. The dream that you have from Monday to Tuesday should be perceived as your personal goals and tasks set for yourself, important events in your life.

  • The dream will contain not only the essence, but also parting words, hints, and often visions that show us the obstacles that we will have to face. They must be completed when achieving the intended goal;
  • It is also necessary to take into account the nature of dreams when interpreting any dream. The vision can be light and calm, then you don’t have to worry about all the obstacles you will overcome with ease. During this period, everything will work out for you: feel free to use your charms, strengths and luck;

From Tuesday to Wednesday

Table from 1st to 31st

Many controversies and different opinions cover the same aspects of this science. But, one way or another, answers were found. In the table below you can find the interpretation of sleep by the dates of the month:

Day of the month

Interpretation of sleep

On this day you have good prophetic dreams. Bad sleep On the 1st we will indicate to you what you need to pay attention to. In addition, pay attention to the situation within the family; perhaps you need to improve relationships with loved ones.

A dream on the 2nd day of any month does not carry any special meaning; you don’t have to pay any attention to it.

It is worth paying attention to the clues, details and signs that the dream gives you on the 3rd. There is a high probability that they will come true soon.

The dream on the 3rd is a glimpse into your probable future. On this day you can see fragments of some important events.

On the 4th, you have clear, colorful, but 100% meaningless dreams.

If on the 6th you saw a good and positive dream, then expect it to come true in the near future. If the content was negative, then on the contrary it will manifest itself after a very long time. During this period, you will be able to adjust the future and influence it.

Dreams that you have on the 7th are intended only for you and should remain secret. Don't tell anyone about what you saw.

Good dreams on the 8th will bring fulfillment of desires and positive events in the near future. The bad ones will force you to pay close attention to upcoming events with caution.

Any dreams on the 9th should warn you about something important. Remember all the details, sit with the dream book, analyze them and draw conclusions.

In a dream on the 10th, look for clues warning of danger, adversity and difficulties, even if its content was positive.

The dream on the 11th can come true within three to four days. If this does not happen, then it will not come true for at least a year.

On the 12th you have extraordinary, vivid, fabulous dreams. Although there is not a very high probability that they will come true in the near future.

Don't be afraid of dreams on the 13th! They won't bring you anything bad. If the content of the vision was positive: about love, happiness, joy and travel, then there is a high probability of falling in love and meeting your soulmate.

On the 14th, you often have prophetic visions that are likely to come true. Good dreams will bring happiness and good luck, bad dreams promise troubles in various areas of life (as unrelated to the plot).

On the 15th, you have good, good dreams, and the likelihood of them coming true is quite high.

The dream on the 16th is empty. You can safely forget its contents.

Success awaits you soon. A positive vision will bring good luck!

Not the best day for prophetic dreams. Negativity has a high chance of being translated into reality. However, just like the positive ones (especially about wealth and money), expect a pleasant gift, monetary reward, and new things.

Don’t tell anyone about your dream on the 20th, including close relatives, and then it will definitely come true. But you should definitely tell everyone about the bad vision and go to church.

A dream about plans for the future, about future intentions, accomplishments and achievements will certainly come true. Although this does not mean that you can relax and do nothing!

On this day you may dream of harbingers of favorable events!

A dream on the 23rd has an equal chance of both being fulfilled in reality and simply going “into oblivion.” However, it depends only on you: do what you must, even if it is very difficult, embarrassing and lazy.

Did you see money on the 24th in a dream? Today all dreams about future wealth and desired results come true... It’s just that the timing of their implementation is extremely vague.

But today, be careful: visions can warn you against unpleasant events, lies and deception.

A dream on the 25th requires quality analysis. Pay attention to the details: perhaps in them you will find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.

On the 26th, most often you will only have good, kind and joyful dreams. However, the poor content of the vision will require careful analysis and thoughtful interpretation from you.

Remember your dream on the 28th! Today there is a high probability that it will come true within the next month.

Dreams on this day do not foretell anything, forget what you saw this night!

Dreams on the 30th are simply fabulous, bright and beautiful: but they are not destined to come true. On the one hand, this is bad, but on the other hand, bad visions will not come true.

Positive dreams on the 30th promise love, pleasure, new achievements, victories, financial well-being. Often such dreams come true literally the next day.

Let's draw conclusions

  • Note that good dreams on 1, 6, 8, 13, 20, 30 and 31 promise favorable events, prosperity and wealth, fulfillment of desires, love, success and luck.
  • Unfavorable dreams 6, 10, 14, 19 and 25 warn us of possible dangers, failures, adversities, lies and deception. Don't take it to heart if you have a bad dream. Although this does not mean at all that something will definitely happen to you. Listen to your intuition, because predictions are given to us to warn about certain events. And we can easily influence our destiny and turn it in the right direction.

Advice. If you are a superstitious person, then there is a phrase that protects against evil dreams:

Anyone whose dream comes true, but this does not concern me, the Lord is with me, the bad dream is not mine. Amen.

This phrase should be said to yourself before you get out of bed.


Always remember that a dream book is only an auxiliary attribute for the interpretation of your dreams. This is not a 100% panacea! But, of course, it is a very important basis. Approach the interpretation wisely. Do not panic or become depressed if you see that a dream promises you something bad. This doesn't necessarily happen to you. Everything is very, very individual. Don't jump to conclusions. Just try during this period to be more attentive to yourself, your inner self, listen to your intuition. And remember the power of positive thoughts. The power is within you. Thoughts are material. Don't replay bad thoughts in your head because of a bad dream. They can become reality. And not necessarily because the dream foreshadowed changes for the worse, but because you kept these thoughts in your head for a long time.

Our dreams are an integral part of our lives; did you know that almost a third of our lives are spent sleeping? And this is a huge amount of time. A person can experience the full range of emotions in dreams. Both positive and negative. From laughter to tears, from surprise to disappointment, from love to hate, etc. This is a whole separate fantastic, or even mystical, life!

And one last tip: go to bed with a positive attitude, relax before bed and then you will always have good, bright and wonderful dreams!

Published: 2018-03-15, Modified: 2018-03-20,

The interpretation of dreams depends not only on what exactly a person saw at night. The meaning of dreams can be determined by the numbers and days of the week. The information received will tell you about some events of the present, and it will also allow you to find solutions to existing problems.

The meaning of dreams by day and date

To understand whether the dream you saw should be taken seriously and what it could mean, you need to take into account what day of the week it happened:

  1. Monday. Dreams will tell you about your psychological and emotional state. Long dreams promise troubles, while short ones, on the contrary, promise pleasant events.
  2. Tuesday. Night vision with a disturbing plot warns of approaching and troubles. If the sleep was calm, then in the near future it will be possible to successfully solve any problems.
  3. Wednesday. Dreams are poorly remembered, but they contain important information about impending changes in life.
  4. Thursday. The night visions seen will be related to work and financial situation. The plot will tell you how to solve difficult situations.
  5. Friday. Dreams are prophetic, since it is on this day that a person’s intuition is most acute.
  6. Saturday. Dreams will help you choose the right path in life. The plot will allow you to understand the causes of problems and warn you about taking rash steps.
  7. Sunday. Good dreams are harbingers of positive changes in life. If the dream has a negative load, this is a warning of impending problems.

Before using the dream book, you need to find out the meaning of dreams by numbers, that is, on what day of the month the dream was seen. Thanks to this information, you can understand whether what you see will come true and when exactly it will happen. The meanings of dreams by numbers are presented in the table for convenience.

Where do dreams come from and what do they mean? People have always been interested in these questions and looked for answers in science, magic and esotericism. The relationship between dreams and life events was noticed long ago. Thus, dream books arose containing interpretations of night visions - interpretation of dreams according to the dates of the month and days of the week.

The meaning of dreams by day of the month

To understand the meaning of a dream, to find out how soon it will come true and whether it will come true at all, you need to take into account the date of the month in which you dreamed about it. Dreams based on the days of the week and the dates of the month - their meanings and feasibility - differ from each other.

A dream on each day of the month has its own meaning:

Interpretation by days of the week

The day of the week is important for interpreting your dream:

  • Monday. Dreams on Monday night are called “bodily”, indicating the state of the human psyche. They symbolize a person’s attitude towards his current affairs, work, family. They reflect the internal state of a person, his emotional and mental background. If the night vision seemed long to you, there are troubles and troubles in your reality. Short - on the contrary, speaks of a joyful existence. Such visions never come true, they are simply a reflection of human thoughts during this period of life. Therefore, if you dream of something not very good, you should not dwell on it and take it to heart.
  • Tuesday. Dreams of an alarming nature warn of approaching quarrels and conflicts in the family or at work. Calm or joyful dreams indicate that the current troubles will be resolved soon. You will take a leading position at work or in your close circle, things will go uphill. Dreams of this day are associated with a person’s life aspirations, pointing to mistakes and the right ways to solve important problems. Psychologists recommend listening to these tips, using them to improve your quality of life and avoid fatal mistakes.
  • Wednesday. Usually on this day visions are poorly remembered, but their meaning remains important. Boring, tedious pictures may indicate that the dreamer is experiencing a lack of communication or lacks any information to achieve a goal. Another primitive dream symbolizes a person’s uncertainty and indecision. The mental activity of the human brain reaches its peak on Wednesday, so you need to listen more carefully to the dreams of this night.
  • Thursday. What you see at night will be related to work and money, a hint for solving your problems. If you dreamed of rich relatives, it is quite possible that you will have to take over the management of family finances. Many different people symbolize your attentive attitude towards others.
  • Friday. Slumbers from Thursday to Friday are prophetic, since on this night a person’s internal sense, intuition works at 100%. Sensual Venus, the patroness of these night visions, opens the gates to the unconscious for a person. What you see at night is associated with a person’s deepest desires and intentions. How soon what you see begins to come true depends on the time at which the person slept. A dream seen before midnight will come true in a few days. The plot that came to you in your dreams from 12 to 3 at night will come true in 3 months. Dreams that come at dawn are embodied in real events almost immediately. If dreams are repeated time after time, not only from Thursday to Friday, they have a special meaning and are also prophetic.


Dreams from Friday to Saturday patronized by Saturn, responsible for our successes and fortune. He gives clues that They will protect you from danger, suggest the right direction and effective actions in achieving your goal.

If you wake up and feel joy and other pleasant feelings, this means approaching good luck in business, positive events and good news. Conversely, a bad mood after Morphine’s embrace, lethargy and fatigue portend that the near future will not be so beneficial.

Dreams on Sunday. The person had time to rest a little, so for the most part that night he sees more or less pleasant, colorful dreams.

The patron of dreams on Sunday night is the Sun - the brightest and most positive planet. Gray, dull night scenes warn of approaching troubles. Kind, cheerful and bright - promise good life changes. Dreams of this night come true either before lunch or on the next Wednesday.

Our night dreams are always signs of the subconscious mind. They appear to us in bizarre forms in the form of incomprehensible plots that require decoding. You can find out the meaning and timing of dreams by day and date of the week in the dream book.

Attention, TODAY only!

Each of us has encountered dreams that then came true or had an impact on our future lives. It turns out whether there will be a “sleep in hand” depends on many factors: the calendar day, the lunar calendar or the day of the week.

The moon, which influences many events in people's lives, also determines the possibility of prophetic dreams. However, many dreams are empty. Therefore, it is important to know whether the visions in the arms of Morpheus are worth the effort to decipher them. In our article we will reveal the meanings of dreams by the dates of the month and days of the week so that you know what to focus on.

(Psychologist, expert in the field of dreams)

Dreams from Sunday to Monday: what do they mean, do they come true or not? (Moon influence)

The Moon, the guardian of the first day of the week, is responsible for the emotions and spiritual world of a person. What does sleeping from Sunday to Monday mean? Have you noticed that on “Monday, a hard day” people get irritated and offended a lot? We are all, to some extent, dependent on our satellite, the ebbs and flows that the Moon rules on Earth and in our body.

The meaning of sleep from Sunday to Monday is purely pragmatic. What haunts you in life (troubles, anxious moments, minor problems) - all this can be resolved and overcome with the help of the subconscious. If you saw water in all sorts of variations, this indicates upcoming worries and worries about loved ones.

Do dreams come true from Sunday to Monday? Most often in those born on the same day. But for other people, the possibility of implementation is much less.

Dreams from Monday to Tuesday: what do they mean, do they come true or not? (Influence of Mars)

Terrible Mars favors Tuesday dreams. What does sleeping from Monday to Tuesday mean? The God of War patronizes purposeful and energetic people who are constantly moving forward.

The meaning of sleep from Monday to Tuesday is the personification of our desires, goals and aspirations. A restful sleep that leaves behind a pleasant feeling will tell you that you are on the right path and can handle all obstacles. A good stage of life will soon begin, without strong emotions and special incidents.

But a dream in heavy, depressing colors will warn of a future conflict, scandal or trouble. Any sharp object in your dream (scissors, axe, needle) suggests that you should be more active.

Do dreams come true from Monday to Tuesday? The critical period is 10 days. If after a decade the event from the dream book has not occurred, then the probability of its occurrence is very low.

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday: what do they mean, do they come true or not? (Influence of Mercury)

The patron of the day is airy Mercury. What does sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday mean? Mercury loves sociable people who express their thoughts without hiding. It is on this day that visions are little remembered, because they are light and quick.

The significance of sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is great - it will definitely give a hint about other people. The immediate environment always carries additional information, and quite valuable one. The main thing is to remember and decipher it.

A dream in which a series of pictures often replace each other indicates positive changes. A boring, tedious and burdensome dream is interpreted as a lack of knowledge or information.

Do dreams come true from Tuesday to Wednesday? Only if they dreamed before 24:00. The dream before waking up is very rarely performed.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday: what do they mean, do they come true or not? (Influence of Jupiter)

This is the day of Jupiter, who took successful deeds and good luck “under his wing”. What does sleep from Wednesday to Thursday mean? The social character of the patron determines what happens in the future. Therefore, the meaning of sleep from Wednesday to Thursday is often associated with prospects at work and career growth. If you listen to yourself, you can understand the direction that will bring the most benefit (and money). Vivid and quick positive dreams will suggest prospects and opportunities for additional enrichment.

If on this day in a dream you become a participant in any useful event, then it will be successful in life. Dull and uninteresting dreams indicate stagnation (in thoughts and deeds). An episode repeating the past pushes a person to turn to traditional family values.

Do dreams come true from Wednesday to Thursday? Yes, and quite often. In addition, it is on this day of the week that you can get a hint in resolving one or another confusing issue.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday: what do they mean, do they come true or not? (Influence of Venus)

It is not for nothing that Friday is under the tutelage of Venus, which is responsible for love, feelings, beauty and harmony. What does sleeping from Thursday to Friday mean? The meaning of sleep from Thursday to Friday will tell you about your true feelings and motives, and will tell you when your desires will come true.

It is on this night that there is a high chance of seeing in a dream people who are not indifferent to us and for whom we feel sympathy. In addition, from Thursday to Friday you can quite strongly feel the influence of our own creative energy. Therefore, images seen in a dream should not be interpreted literally. In most cases, their meaning is veiled and is not on the surface.

It is on this day that we can see in our dreams those people whom we most strive to get closer to, and it is also on Friday that we can feel the influence of our own creative energy on our dreams.

The appearance of any thing in dreams indicates the fulfillment of desires. And vice versa - loss will prepare you for new difficulties. Dreaming about gold, money, and all kinds of treasures will improve your financial situation in the future.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday? If this is an event related to amorous adventures or a loved one, then it is a must.

Dreams from Friday to Saturday: what do they mean, do they come true or not? (Influence of Saturn)

Saturn patronizes the first day off, symbolizing wisdom, life experience and common sense. What does sleeping from Friday to Saturday mean? The meaning of sleep from Friday to Saturday is based on hints from the subconscious - where you should limit yourself, what to refuse, and in what cases to remain silent.

But it is on this day that the future can unfold before you: events, prospects and ideas. Such a dream will tell you about the implementation of plans and give the necessary impetus.

If on this day you dream of a wall or closed doors, this indicates that there are obstacles to the fulfillment of desires; they either will not come true, or it will not happen very soon. In general, any obstacles (mountains, rivers, fallen trees) indicate some difficulties.

Do dreams come true from Friday to Saturday? Only before dawn. By the way, they are often the ones that stick in your memory the best.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday: what do they mean, do they come true or not? (Influence of the Sun)

The last day of the week is patronized by the Sun - a symbol of joy, life, energy and happiness. What does sleeping from Saturday to Sunday mean? Dreams that leave a pleasant impression imply new acquaintances, changes, and the implementation of plans. The meaning of sleep from Saturday to Sunday helps you understand your surroundings, make sure once again who treats you and how, in which direction you should move for a happy life.

Anxious and nervous dreams warn of difficulties that may arise. Most often this is fraught with some kind of fatigue, physical or mental. But in any case, this is a temporary stage and then a bright streak will definitely come.

Do dreams come true from Saturday to Sunday? If this vision is about entertainment, relaxation or travel, then it will most likely come true. The rest don't.

The meaning of dreams according to the dates of the month and their interpretation

Numerologists, astrologers and other scientists who study the digital series have had a hand in interpreting dreams by days of the week and numbers. They noticed that the first and last days of the calendar most often indicate prosperity and luck. Also, your birth number (and in other months) will certainly carry a certain meaning. But the meaning of dreams according to the dates of the month on other days is not so clear.

Numbers are encrypted symbols that have their own power. Therefore, dreams based on the dates of the month also have a practical meaning - it is good to have guidance in life, tips from your subconscious that will not let you down.

Interpretation of dreams by days and dates of the month is not a 100% panacea in all life situations. But it is always useful to know when to spend your time interpreting and when not to. I think that understanding the meaning of sleep based on the dates of the month will be interesting to many, as will knowing what it brings on a given day.

  • 1 day. The Dream Interpretation Book of Dreams according to the dates of the month marks it as positive and contains all sorts of hints for further actions. With a high degree of probability you can count on luck.
  • 2 numbers Empty dreams are very common, and you can immediately forget about them.
  • Day 3 the calendar promises that the dream will come true, and quickly. But in any case, it is worth remembering.
  • Dreams 4 numbers they will talk about things that will happen quite soon, in the distant, distant future.
  • IN 5 day calendar, the dream book according to the dates of the month notes many good, kind and positive dreams. They always contain some meaning, you just have to decipher it correctly.
  • Day 6. The dream book according to the days of the week and the dates of the month promises that the dream will come true, but only when you have already forgotten about it. In this case, you need to write down the visions and return to them from time to time.
  • Dreams 7th will only be fulfilled if you do not tell anyone about them before the events take place.
  • Dreams 8th can come true with a 50/50 probability. The dream book on the days and dates of the month advises noticing your feelings and listening to your intuition.
  • 9th I often dream about warning stories. It is important to isolate and understand the message of the subconscious and make the right conclusion.
  • IN 10 day calendar nightmares are frequent. Dreams warn of misfortunes and troubles that may happen in the near future.
  • Dreams 11th come true no earlier than in 2 weeks.
  • 12th Most often, negativity and everything bad comes true. And within one month.
  • IN 13th calendar day I have another warning dreams. Moreover, they may concern not only you, but also other family members, as well as acquaintances and relatives.
  • 14th Empty dreams are common. Despite any bright pictures, they rarely come true.
  • To dreams in 15th day dreams based on the dates of the month advise you to pay special attention. They come true quite quickly.
  • 16th there are often empty dreams. They don't come true, so don't react to them in any way.
  • 17th I often have good dreams that come true within a month.
  • 18th dreams concerning the other half will come true.
  • IN Day 19 months there are often significant dreams. They contain various life clues, so analyze them in detail.
  • 20th dreams come true very quickly, the maximum period is a week.
  • Dreams 21st show a completely different view of the existing problem. And they help to reconsider your attitude or even change the situation radically.
  • Dreams 22nd alert you to opportunities you may miss.
  • 23rd there are significant dreams. They contain hints and beacons of what needs to be changed in life in order to achieve your goals and objectives.
  • 24th images from the subconscious are brought to life very rarely.
  • 25th There are unimportant dreams, and they almost never come true.
  • 26th Visions occur that help resolve problems and answer troubling questions.
  • But 27th the subconscious pushes us with all its might to take decisive actions and steps.
  • 28th- this is the day when there is a high probability that the dream will come true in the next 24 hours. But to do this, you should analyze it immediately in the morning, do not look at the sky (out the window) and do not talk about it to anyone.
  • 29th I have meaningless dreams that can be immediately forgotten.
  • Dreams 30th will show your hidden or disguised enemies that you are not even aware of.
  • 31st There are often light dreams that confirm further good events in life.



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