How many calories are spent during physical activity? Training, rest and calorie consumption

Each person, performing any action, expends energy, which is replenished through food. When the balance of calories consumed and expended is disturbed, obesity may occur due to their excess or all kinds of diseases from a lack of calories.

This is why knowing how many calories are expended in certain activities is so important. And for those who reset extra pounds, such a calculation is simply necessary.

Energy expenditure by physical activity group

The work of the human body is a continuous expenditure of energy that occurs during the functioning of cardiovascular system, liver, lungs and other systems and organs. According to scientific research, one kilocalorie is consumed per kilogram of human weight.

With simple calculations, it turns out that the human body alone spends about 1800 calories per day.

The figure is very average, since this indicator is individual and depends on:

  • gender;
  • weight;
  • age ( full years);
  • growth;
  • the presence of fat deposits.

In order to increase the consumption of kilocalories, it is necessary to make additional movements and be physically active.

Now understanding that different physical activities burn calories in different ways, let’s consider sharpening energy according to the main physical groups:

Activity group Possible job Calories burned per day
Sedentary mental work people working in the office, accountant, 2250–2500
Sedentary work with muscle activity teacher, salesperson, cashier, driver 2650–2800
Working with a constant small muscle load doctor, bank employee, cook or waiter, courier, conductor 3000–3150
Working with relative muscle load mechanic, surveyor, painter, agronomist more than 3500
Work considered hard shop worker, professional athlete, loader, digger more than 4000
Hard work mine worker, steelworker, mason more than 5000

How to calculate calorie expenditure for different activities?

There are quite a few tables on the Internet offering to calculate the calories consumed per day. But it is worth noting that they do not take into account factors such as height, age and others.

Therefore we offer universal formula, which will help you more accurately calculate how many calories you burn per day.
Choose the ratio that best suits your rhythm of life:

Coefficient (A) Physical activity
1,9 Everyday active physical activity. Doing hard work.
1,73 Daily intense workouts twice a day. Performing work that is considered difficult.
1,64 Intense training once a day, every day. Performing work that is considered difficult.
1,55 Intense workouts 5 times a week. Performing work with a relative load on the muscles.
1,46 Moderate intensity training 5 times a week. Performing work with constant light muscle load.
1,38 Moderate intensity training 3 times a week. Performing sedentary work with muscle activity.
1,2 Complete absence physical activity or its indicator is at a minimum level. Performing sedentary mental work.

Now let's calculate how many calories you spend using the formula:

(your weight in kg * 10) + (your height in cm * 6.25) – (your age, completed years * 5, for men add +5 to the amount received, for women subtract –161)

The amount which you receive is necessary multiply by the selected coefficient. This will give you the total calories burned per day.

Calorie consumption during sleep and rest

The human body loses calories even in sleep, because while consciousness is “turned off” internal organs remain active. The vital activity of cells is stable, metabolism occurs, metabolic processes of restoration of expended energy through the processing and assimilation of food.

Calories are burned best during the deep sleep stage.

On average it can go away overnight up to 60–70 calories per hour assuming an average build. Means, You can lose around 500 calories per night . To increase metabolism, the air in the room where you sleep should be cool. Also, you should not neglect the mandatory 8-hour sleep, since Swedish scientists have proven that lack of sleep (less than 8 hours a day) leads to more time spent awake, which provokes the active production of the hunger hormone - ghrelin.

As for rest, it can be active or passive:

Active recreation. This concept includes a continuation intensive activity(physical, mental) with a change in its appearance.

Passive rest involves a minimum of muscle movements.
Scientific fact: at active recreation the body recovers faster.

Calorie consumption when running and walking

Walking allows you to significantly increase your energy expenditure. The more intense the move, the faster the calories are burned. The flatness is also taken into account: flat road, uphill or stairs. You can calculate lost calories using the formula given above, and the coefficient by which you need to multiply can be found in the table.

The resulting amount is the calories that would be consumed in a day of movement, but since you do not walk for days on end, the resulting amount must be divided by 24 hours of the day and multiplied by the hours that you were in motion.

Jogging (moderate pace) for half an hour can easily notice an hour of brisk walking.

  • So, when jogging, an average of 600 kcal/hour is burned.
  • When running in one place, the figure is slightly lower and equal to 500 kcal/hour.

The numbers are averages, since in each case an individual calculation of calories is required.

Calorie consumption when swimming

Swimming takes up quite a lot of calories and here's why:

  • firstly, water provides resistance and all actions require additional effort;
  • secondly, usually the water in reservoirs or pools is + 22–26 °C, which is lower than body temperature, so the body expends additional calories to heat the body.

There is a slight deviation in calorie burning depending on the chosen style, but on average it is spent on swimming:

  • for women – 260–290 calories;
  • for men – 375–400 calories.

The figures are given for a half-hour lesson.

The greater the weight of a person involved in swimming, the more energy is required to move in the water.

Calorie expenditure in team sports

Have you ever wondered why fit people participate in team sports? The conclusion suggests itself - team sports help you burn a lot of calories.

Calorie consumption when working at a computer

While doing housework, you can actively waste calories. It is especially effective to work in the yard if you live in a private house. For clarity, here is a table of calorie costs for homework.

1. Work at home:

2. Yard work:

Calorie consumption when dancing

All young people, regardless of their size, love to dance, but they probably didn’t think that they burn calories with rhythmic body movements in dance. Dancing is one of the most fun ways to get rid of excess weight. And most importantly, to dance you don’t need any physical training, warm-ups, etc. It’s enough to listen to music and dance. And it doesn’t matter where: in the studio, at home in the kitchen, in a nightclub. On average, a girl weighing 60–65 kg loses 240–350 calories by dancing.. In addition to getting rid of excess weight, this type of activity lifts your mood and energizes you.

Ballet is considered the “record holder” in getting rid of calories, since an hour of practicing this dance will help you say goodbye to 650 calories.

How many calories are burned during sex and orgasm?

Have sex and lose weight - a great slogan for those trying to lose weight. British scientists were not lazy and calculated that sexual intercourse with the activity of both sexual partners can burn about 600 calories per hour. This is equivalent to an hour of running at a fast pace or an hour of ballet classes!

The concept of sex covers not only the sexual act itself, but also foreplay in the form of kissing, which on average costs up to 50 calories. In addition to metabolism, which helps convert calories into energy, during caresses, hormones are activated that help convert subcutaneous fat into energy.

During sex, all parts of the body are involved, the heart contracts much more actively, respiratory system works to the maximum. During orgasm, all indicators additionally increase significantly. We can definitely say that sex is great and the most nice way burn calories.

Having sex can be compared to fitness: the higher your sexual activity, the more calories you can say goodbye to.

Table of calorie consumption for different types of activities

Type of activity Calories burned per 1 kg of body weight per hour Approximate costs for a weight of 60-80 kg
Running 10,7 450–720
Walking with the family 1,4 87–115
Bathing a child 2,7 116–215
Jumping rope 7,7 463–617
Gymnastics (vigorous) 6,5 390–520
Cycling at a medium pace 4,3 257–343
Driving 1,4 87–115
Shopping 3 180–240
Games with children with moderate activity 4 241–321
Buying groceries 2,1 129–171
Hair styling 2 121–161
Knitting 1,7 103–137
Talking while eating 1,3 80–106

Calorie calculator for different activities

How to calculate calories burned? Everything is quite simple. The table above (second column) indicates how many calories are expended per kilogram of body weight when performing miscellaneous work in an hour. You need to multiply this figure by your weight and the time during which you did this work. The resulting figure will be the amount of calories burned.

Unusual ways to burn calories at home

We’ve talked about the main ways of burning calories, now let’s discuss unusual and interesting options for converting calories into energy:

  1. 10 minutes of laughter burns up to 40 calories.
  2. Chewing gum for an hour will burn 11 calories.
  3. Reading aloud for an hour will save you 90 calories.
  4. If you sing while taking a shower, then you can add an additional 10–20 to the standard 35–50 calories.
  5. Playing cards with your household will help you burn 50 calories in an hour.
  6. Dressing and undressing can burn 80-120 calories, so try on items in your closet often.
  7. Moving furniture around your apartment for an hour can convert 381 calories into energy.
  8. 1 hour of massage to your loved one, maybe erotic (how to do it is written) will help you burn 235 calories, and if the massage is continued with foreplay, the body will get rid of almost 900 calories.

Calories are not all the same. As you know, in one gram different products contains different amounts of calories. In 1 gram:

  • carbohydrates - 4 calories;
  • protein - 4 calories;
  • fat - 9 calories;
  • alcohol - 7 calories.

To lose extra pounds without harming the body, you need to create a 30% calorie deficit per day.

When it comes to losing weight short time, the question immediately arises - which exercises burn the most calories.

There are many types of physical activity for quick loss weight, but if other sources provide only a description of them, this article provides specific figures confirming the effectiveness of these exercises.

After reading the article, you will get answers to your questions!

1. Cycling

Cycling is the most effective type of cardio exercise, so you should definitely make friends with it!

Not everyone enjoys cycling, but 1,000 calories per hour of riding is a compelling argument to still fall in love with the sport.

Here are more specific figures: in an hour of intense riding, a woman of average weight (72.5 kg) can burn about 850 calories, and a man can burn even more – about 950.

Impressive, isn't it? So, it's time to get a bike.

2. Jumping rope

This is not just children's fun, but one of the exercises that burns a lot of energy. will help you quickly get rid of a couple of annoying kilograms for the swimming season!

In an hour of exercise, men burn up to 850 calories, and women up to 750.

Add this type of exercise to your list of the best fat-burning exercises, and you will have the opportunity to spend at least 10-20 minutes of fun with your children every day, while at the same time getting rid of extra pounds.

3. Swimming

Don't really like to sweat? No problem - !

At 840 calories per hour for men and 720 for women, this sport ranks a solid third on our list.

If you want to lose weight with pleasure, swimming is the best choice!

With the help of swimming - one of the most enjoyable pastimes summer holiday, you can bring your figure into proper shape in a short time during the beach season.

4. Aerobics

Fun, dynamic and relatively easy!

At first, you may feel awkward because not all movements are successful, but literally after a week you will have confidence in your abilities.

An average-weight woman burns up to 680 calories in an hour of exercise. Don't forget about the other benefits of aerobics - it helps get rid of cellulite on the thighs, forms attractive buttocks and pumps up the abs, for which many are willing to give everything.

5. Elliptical trainer

Working out on it is much more interesting than on a treadmill. In an hour of exercise you can burn up to 600 calories, and if you move backwards rather than forwards, this amount will increase by another 11%.

Not bad at all!

Grab the handles of the machine and work with your hands, distributing the load across the main muscle groups to pump them up as much as possible. Don't worry if you can't install it the first time sports record– when you learn to do everything correctly, it will be much easier.

Fun and popular, it deserves its place among the best fat-burning physical activities - in one hour of exercise, the energy loss will be from 400 to 700 units. This type of fitness will perfectly cope with the obstinate excess fat and quickly strengthens muscle tone.

Many people will find Zumba even more interesting than aerobics - during the workout you will not only burn excess fat and work on your body like crazy, but you will also master beautiful dance moves, which will be useful at the party.

7. Water aerobics

It's perfect for those who hate sweating but aren't good enough swimmers to get maximum effect from the load.

However, don't worry - an hour of exercise will help you burn from 200 to 400 calories, depending on the intensity of your workout.

Another plus is that all movements are performed in water, so you don’t have to worry about possible injuries and bruises.

It has been proven that running is one of the most effective types fat burning workouts.

Moreover, this is one of the best medicines from stress and depression.

In an hour of running you can get rid of about 600, and during the same time of jogging (jogging) a woman weighing 59 kg loses 550 calories.

If you want to lose weight and burn as much as possible, this is a great way to achieve it!

9. High Intensity Interval Training

Perhaps not everyone is familiar with these exercises, so let’s look at them in more detail.

Interval training involves several types of exercises that are performed at a fast pace without pauses for rest.

You'll only need 20 minutes of this to burn about 300 calories, without doing any cardio.

You can, for example, do jumping jacks for 30 seconds, then lower yourself to the floor and do 10 push-ups, then jumping jacks - do 30 seconds at a faster pace than jumping jacks, then 15 jumping exercises, then 25 sit-ups, or use combinations of any other movements.

With the help of continuous exercises, the sequence of which is never repeated (unlike monotonous movements when running, for example), the body receives a greater load, and all muscle groups are included in the work.

An unusual load forces the body to quickly adapt, while the heart rate increases and endurance develops, muscle tone strengthens, a ton of calories are burned - and all this in a very short time. short period time.

10. Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga yoga classes, especially in a steam room, are an effective way to burn calories.

It is also called “yoga in the flow”, because during classes you, without stopping - in a continuous “flow”, make several repeating movements. Despite the fact that the effect on the body is mild, during exercise effective burning of fat deposits occurs, and the movements are similar to cardio training.

It is this style of yoga that develops endurance and is most suitable for quickly burning a fair amount of energy.

11. Surfing

If you live on the coast, try learning to surf - this is also a great way to burn a lot of calories.

To maintain balance on a board that rises and falls, all muscle groups are involved in the work, and in a short period of time you get rid of excess.

12. Kickboxing

This is one of best views physical activity to burn calories. Anyone who begins to engage in this sport quickly loses excess weight.

But many people get into kickboxing not only for the sake of losing weight - it helps relieve stress and feel confident in their abilities.

Hitting a punching bag after a bad day and having a good workout - what could be more wonderful?

13. Hiking

Another effective way to quickly burn a lot of calories.

If you love walking, you will definitely enjoy hiking. All you need to do for this is just get started!

Can you name other types of physical activity that help with the shortest possible time burn nai more calories?

During normal running, approximately 10 kcal per minute is burned. Everything is great, but it can be better.

Harold Gibbons, an instructor at Mark Fisher Fitness and director of the National Strength and Conditioning Association in New York State, doesn't think running is the best way to burn more calories:

In general, you burn more calories during high-intensity strength training than during running.

Time passes, technologies are improved, new, much more accurate and correct research is carried out, thanks to which we can learn better about the processes occurring in our body.

Outdated methods calculate energy costs based only on the process of aerobic metabolism. However, during high-intensity training, the process of anaerobic metabolism starts in our body. In the old literature, this fact is not taken into account, or its effect is considered incorrectly.

Research from the University of Southern Maine, using more advanced calorie counting methods, found that during intensive strength training it actually burns 71% more calories than expected.

The main advantage of high-intensity exercise over running is the greater amount of energy expended per unit of time. The training is shorter, the effect is greater.

We present to you a selection of 10 great exercises that burn more calories than running.

Jump rope

Everything ingenious is simple. At a pace of 100–120 jumps per minute, 13 kcal are burned. As a bonus, you develop a sense of balance and coordination.

Tabata Protocol. Squats

Extremely simple and extremely effective interval training. 20 seconds of maximum intensity work, 10 seconds of rest. Repeat 8 times. The cycle takes only 4 minutes. According to research from Auburn University in Montgomery, you will lose 53.6 kcal and double your metabolic rate for at least 30 minutes.


Scientist and trainer Jeff Godin says one burpee uses 1.43 calories. If you do 7 or more burpees per minute, you will already be able to reach double-digit calorie consumption per minute. It is recommended to increase the number of repetitions to at least 10 per minute. At a high pace, 10 burpees are equivalent to 30 seconds of cycling.

Cindy and Mary

Cindy - 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats without weight. That's it. Do this cycle as much as you can for 20 minutes. At an average pace and not too long breaks, you will be able to burn 13 kcal per minute. For the hardcore, there is the Mary option - 5 vertical push-ups, 10 pistols, 15 pull-ups.


The College of New Jersey conducted research and compared various types and techniques of workout in terms of oxygen consumption and energy expenditure. It turned out that the most calories are burned during training with ropes - 10.3 kcal per minute.

Kettlebell swings

According to research from the University of Wisconsin, this exercise burns 20.2 kcal per minute at an average heart rate of 93% of maximum for a 20-minute workout. Such movements are unnatural for our body, and therefore the response from the body is simply amazing. The exercise can be dangerous, so here is a video with instructions.

Rowing machine

Have you seen the Olympic rowers? It would seem like just one exercise, but such a body! The fact is that rowing involves almost all major muscle groups. Research from Harvard University shows that 30 minutes of rowing burns 337 kcal, or 12.5 kcal per minute.

AirDyne Bike

The AirDyne Bike is a progressive exercise machine. The more active you are, the stronger the resistance. Do you know how many calories you managed to burn in a minute on this simulator? 87 kcal! Of course, the data was not obtained in laboratory conditions, but from a built-in computer, but the result is still impressive.


Have you noticed these strange bicycles with disproportionately large wheels? These are fat bikes - all-season and all-weather bicycles that can be ridden on sand, snow, tall grass and anywhere in general. And on such a monster they manage to burn 1,500 kcal in one hour, or 25 kcal per minute.


If the miracle bicycle proposed above is not to your liking, then turn to the classics - get on skis. The energy expenditure here is very high, and even at a moderate skating pace you can burn more than 12 kcal per minute.

Do you know other exercises that burn more than 10 kcal per minute? Tell us about them in the comments.

With age, the human body undergoes irreversible changes accompanied by a slowdown in metabolism. The latter process sometimes leads to excess weight. You can avoid this only by regularly taking care of your body. Sport, moving image life, regularly performed physical exercise- the key to slimness for decades.

But not all types of activity lead to the same effect, since some activities consume, for example, 100 kcal per unit of time, while others consume five times more. What types of activities burn greatest number calories? It is difficult to give a definite answer, since everything depends on the age, weight and height of the person, and body constitution. However, you can average your calorie consumption rates to rank the most effective exercises. In our article you will find summary tables of calorie consumption during exercise different types sports

Daily calorie requirement

On average, women need 2000 kcal, and men 2500

The average person needs a minimum of 1600 kcal, entering the body with food, provided that it is at rest all day. Women who are at least slightly active need 2000 kcal, men 2500.

Alas, sedentary lifestyle life and an unhealthy diet lead to extra pounds. Later, people begin to take care of the body by doing various kinds exercises.

There is an empirical formula for determining the vital number of calories. For women it looks like this:

9.99 × weight (in kg) + 6.25 × height (in cm) - 4.92 × age - 161;

To calculate the indicator for men, the number “5” is added to the result.

If the purpose of playing sports is to acquire optimal weight, you must follow the rule: the number of calories burned should exceed the number consumed by 20%. For example, according to the above formula, 1600 kcal was obtained. Then, to achieve normal conditions, you need to burn 320 kcal per day. How to do this is everyone’s personal choice; some choose intense physical exercise, others choose long-term cyclic exercise. Before considering in detail how to burn calories, it is worth turning to the natural data of a person.

Dependence of energy loss on body structure

There are three types of structure:

  • ectomorph;
  • mesomorph;
  • endomorph.

The first are characterized by thinness, long limbs, narrow palms and feet, almost complete absence fat layer. Such a representative spends energy 5-8% faster.

The latter are characterized by developed muscular system, long torso, broad shoulders. The following indicators refer specifically to them as the most common representatives.

An endomorph can be distinguished by a rounded face and body, and an impressive volume of subcutaneous layer. He burns calories 6-9% slower than a mesomorph because existing fat slows down his metabolism.

Considering suitable look physical activity to maintain optimal weight, you need to take into account the structure own body. Now it’s worth clarifying the number of calories burned with different mobility using the example of a person weighing 70 kg.

Exercise at home

jump rope - the most efficient incinerator calories for home

Many people are not eager to go to the gym, preferring to exercise at home. Some may say this is wrong, but even simple game-type movements can benefit the body. For example, . A familiar activity from childhood with a frequency of 120-150 jumps every minute in an hour, you will burn about 750 kcal. It is difficult to sustain an hour of continuous movement, so it is recommended to perform 6-8 sets of 8-10 minutes each. Then a little less calories will be consumed (600 kcal).

Jump rope is considered the most in an efficient way maintaining normal weight, if you don’t want to leave the house.

Physical exercises with your body weight (jumping “legs together/apart”, lifting your torso) with light intensity will burn 250, at high - 550 kcal.

Popular, alas, is not best method calorie expenditure - up to 5 kcal every minute. However, it is worth doing it at least to strengthen the muscles and timely transition to more difficult exercises.

When performing the dumbbell plank, the situation is different. Taking a load with each hand, the latter rise one by one to the body and linger for 2-3 seconds. 15 kcal are burned per minute.

Some people do not accept working with a load, leaning towards. It's interesting that The benefits of spinning a hula hoop are comparable to - about 600 kcal are lost in an hour! Leading nutritionists in the world claim that if you spin a hula hoop for 5-6 ten-minute sessions daily, this will lead to a narrowing of your waist by 3 cm every month.

Dancing at home is no worse than running, swimming or game types sports An hour of intense movement burns 450 kcal. The indicator varies based on the speed and complexity of the dance.

Exercise outside the home

burning calories for fresh air happens faster than in indoors

In favor of cyclic sports with aerobic exercise (deep breathing on increased heart rate) is easy to believe by looking at their representatives. Swimmers, runners, cyclists, and skiers are slim, fit, and lean.

  • 5th place - riding, skating (5.167);
  • 4th place - classes in gym (5,2);
  • 3rd place - outdoor games like football, basketball, etc. (6,273);
  • 2nd place - aquatic species sports (6,625);
  • 1st place - running (9.00).

A guaranteed way to burn extra calories is running - moving for an hour at a speed of 12 km/h will burn off 700 kcal, at a speed of 8 km/h - 560 kcal.

Walking up the stairs is even cooler - in 60 minutes the body will thank you by losing 900 kcal. uses fewer muscles than running, therefore, calorie consumption rates are reduced by 15-20%.

Winter types of physical activity require energy expenditure not only for movement - the lion's share of calories is spent to warm the body. During an hour of ice skating, a person loses 700 kcal, and skiing - up to 900 kcal, depending on the conditions.

Don't think that warm clothes prevents you from expending extra calories and do not neglect frost protection.

The same applies. When in water, the human body experiences stress, accompanied by the release of calories in order to warm the body. Swimming for an hour at a speed of 10 m/min burns 215 kcal, at a speed of 50 m/min - 720 kcal.

An excellent method of breaking up with overweight Trampoline jumping counts. If you spend 15 minutes exercising, the calories burned are comparable to an hour of training on a treadmill.

How many calories do you burn when playing different sports (video review):

For comfortable assimilation of the information presented below is a table of calorie consumption for a person weighing 70 kg.

Table 1. Calorie consumption during activity at home.

Table 2. Calorie expenditure during activities outside the home.

Any type of physical activity will help you lose weight by burning calories. When choosing, you need to rely on the amount of free time and current sports conditions.

To lose weight, you don't have to restrict yourself in calories. Spend as much as possible possible quantity kilocalories - resort to active physical actions! Use the calculator to calculate your daily calorie consumption and treat yourself to a delicious dinner or favorite dessert.

1 Enter your weight


2 Check the activities

  • House and yard work
    • Digging holes
      Car washing and polishing
      Window cleaning
      Mopping floors
      Washing dishes
      Tree and bush pruning
      Transporting cargo by wheelbarrow
      Moving furniture
      Carrying boxes
      Sweeping floors and carpets
      Buying items for the home
      Buying groceries
      Watering house plants
      Planting in the garden
      Planting trees or bushes
      Cooking while sitting
      Cooking while standing
      Work in the garden
      Working with a rake
      Hand scythe work
      Working with a lawn mower
      Hanging clothes
      Unloading lumber
      Unpacking boxes
      Wood chopping
      Manual cleaning snow
      Folding clothes
      Folding and carrying firewood
      Wash by hand
      Standing in line
      Cleaning the apartment
      Lawn cleaning
      Cleaning leaves
      Snow removal
      Packing boxes
  • Fitness and sports
    • Water aerobics
      Aerobics intense
      Aerobics light
      Running 10 km/h
      Running 15 km/h
      Running 8 km/h
      Cross-country skiing
      Running in nature
      Running up the stairs
      Cross country running
      Boxing with a punching bag
      fast walking
      Fast swimming
      Bicycle 10 km/h
      Bicycle 20 km/h
      Bicycle 25 km/h
      Bicycle 30 km/h
      Bicycle 35+ km/h
      Bicycle Exercise bike ( high activity)
      Exercise bike (medium activity)
      Exercise bike, warm-up
      Horse riding, galloping
      Horse riding, trotting
      Horse riding, step
      Water polo
      water skiing
      Eastern gymnastics
      Martial arts
      Rowing machine
      Rope exercises
      Roller skating
      Skiing from the mountains
      Ski simulator
      Table tennis
      Location orientation
      Swimming (butterfly)
      Swimming (breaststroke)
      Swimming (crawl)
      Swimming (general)
      Beach volleyball
      scuba diving
      Lifting weights
      Working as an aerobics trainer
      Stretching, stretching
      Rhythmic gymnastics (easy)
      Rhythmic gymnastics (heavy)
      Nordic walking
      Artistic gymnastics
      Race walking
      Intensive step aerobics
      Light step aerobics
      Pistol shooting
      Tennis (large)
      Rider type trainers
      Hatha yoga
      Walking 3 km/h
      Walking 4 km/h
      Walking 5 km/h
      Walking 6 km/h
      Walking 7 km/h
      Walking 8 km/h
      Walking up the stairs
      Walking down the stairs
      Walking in nature
      Field hockey
  • Labor activity
    • Working as an actor in the theater
      Working as a bartender
      Office work
      Working in a bakery
      Working at the computer
      Work as a clerk
      Work as a massage therapist
      Work as an installer
      Working with a forklift
      Work on a farm, poultry house
      Working as a carpenter
      Work as a tailor
      Working as a teacher
      Working as a nurse
      Working as a physical education teacher
      Shoe repair
      Fruit picking
      Garbage collection
      Horse care
      Studying in the classroom
  • Recreation, entertainment
    • Active games with children
      Playing guitar while sitting
      Playing the guitar while standing
      Playing the piano
      Playing the violin
      Playing the trombone
      Playing the trumpet
      Playing the flute
      Playing with children while sitting
      Animal games
      Feeding the baby
      Bathing a child
      Washing the animal
      Carrying children in your arms
      Dressing a child
      Outdoor games with children
      Taking a bath
      Taking a shower
      Walking with a stroller
      Walking the dog
      Watching TV
      Talking on the phone while sitting
      Talking on the phone while standing
      Handicrafts (sitting)
      Handicrafts (standing)
      Sex (active)
      Sex (passive)
      Family walk
      Construction from snow
      Classical dancing (slow)
      Modern dances (fast)
      Hair styling
      Reading while sitting

3 Enter the elapsed time

Metabolism cannot exist independently without consuming calories, and vice versa. Metabolic processes that occur in human body directly related to the so-called energy exchange. The unit of energy is the calorie.

Heart, respiratory system, liver and kidneys - these internal organs account for the greatest energy costs. They are not interrupted even at rest. Scientists have found that in one hour, every kilogram of the body burns 1 kcal, which in total gives us about 1800 kcal per day.

These figures are very ambiguous, as they depend on many components. To keep your body in good shape, consume the maximum possible amount of kilocalories - resort to active physical activities so that the muscle work is very intense. An online table and flow analyzer will help you calculate all the necessary data.

Online calculator for calculating calorie consumption

This counter is very convenient to use, since the counting is completed in a fraction of a second:

  • indicate body weight;
  • type of activity (sports, fitness, sedentary work, entertainment);
  • time spent;
  • the system will calculate the result.

When one gram of protein is broken down, 4.1 kcal is released, fat – 9.3, carbohydrates – 4.1. Every second of life we ​​lose energy, releasing environment warm. The intensity of heat exchange depends on activity or inactivity.

On average, the daily energy expenditure of the average representative of the stronger sex fluctuates around 2500-2700 kilocalories, the weak - 2000-2200. But all this is very approximate data, because a spread of 200 units can cause the appearance of fat deposits.

It is better to use a modified version of the Mifflin-San Geor daily calorie consumption formula, which takes into account your parameters, level of activity - and therefore provides more accurate data. When counting calories for weight loss, weight consumption is determined according to height:

  • for men: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (g) + 5) x A;
  • in women: (10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (g) – 161) x A, Where:

A1 – minimal activity, =1,2;

A2 – weak, =1.375;

A3 – average, =1.55;

A4 – high, =1.725;

A5 – extra, =1.9.

The arithmetic of the numbers is quite simple: when losing weight, you should increase calorie consumption in relation to consumption, when gaining weight - vice versa, and when in a normal way life these indicators are equal. The balance is contained in the elementary equation for measuring calorie expenditure:

Nutritional value of foods eaten = energy loss

To calculate your daily kcal consumption, you can also use a calorie consumption analyzer.

The main source of loss of extra pounds per day, for both women and men, is sports. It improves well-being, has positive influence to your health, muscle tone, coordination, balance, reaction, promotes development logical thinking and helps get rid of hated centimeters.

Even the smallest effort or movement brings you one step closer to your goal, and a long period of training will allow you to do this by leaps and bounds, because the main consumption of calories by a person occurs precisely during physical activity. To make it easier to determine how much you spend per day for certain exercises, we suggest using the following daily calorie consumption table:

Activity (calorie consumption per 1 hour), kcal per 1 kg of weight for 80 kg weight for 70 kg weight for 60 kg weight for 50 kg weight
walk 4,5 360 315 270 225
during Nordic walking 5,7 456 399 342 286
when walking 5 km/h 4,5 360 315 270 225
high intensity dancing (high calorie consumption) 6,9 554 485 416 346
when riding a bicycle (driving 20 km/h) 7,7 617 540 463 386
breaststroke swimming 10,6 844 739 633 528
when swimming crawl 8,1 651 570 489 407
during water aerobics 7,6 606 530 454 379
spinning a hoop (hula hoop) 4.4 352 308 264 221
on an exercise bike 7,4 592 518 444 369
treadmill 12 km/h 11,4 912 798 684 570
on an elliptical trainer (health disc) 7,4 592 518 444 369
on the rowing machine 7,4 592 518 444 369
jumping 10,1 808 707 606 505
squats 5,6 448 392 336 280
jumping rope 7,7 617 540 463 386
rowing 3,0 240 270 180 150
step aerobics intensive 10,6 848 742 636 528
aerobics intense 7,4 592 518 444 369
crossfit 11,9 956 833 714 595
bodyflex 10 800 700 600 500
yoga static 3,2 256 224 192 160
Pilates (average calorie expenditure) 4,9 392 343 294 245
roller skating 4,4 354 310 266 221
riding a scooter 5,3 424 371 318 264
badminton 6,9 554 485 416 346
football 6,4 514 450 386 321
climbing the stairs 12,9 1029 900 771 643

K no less effective exercises include:

  • bench press;
  • cardio exercises;
  • strength training;
  • burpee (with 1 approach, calorie consumption - 1.43);
  • bar;
  • rocking the press;
  • pull-up exercises;
  • push-ups and push-up exercises;
  • with others various types sports

It would be rational to plan your individual training process, which will suit your lifestyle, capabilities and skills (this means highly coordinated sports). Join a gym, fitness class or swimming pool, go for a morning jog (you can even get results from jogging and running in place) or exercise right at home. At the same time, you can achieve results faster in the gym using simulators. The most important thing is to lead an active lifestyle!

Sports and physical exercise are effective, but in addition to special loads, energy is lost during various types of activities - even during ordinary daily activities and household chores that we did not even suspect:

  • eating;
  • hygiene;
  • talking on the phone;
  • working on a computer;
  • making the bed;
  • hair styling;
  • dressing/undressing;
  • taking a bath;
  • reading books.

The basic and average calorie consumption per day is, on average, lower from such activities than from working out in the gym. And yet, such seemingly insignificant actions also help the body to stay in good shape! The data is shown in the table:

Activity (calorie consumption per 1 hour), kcal per 1 kg of weight for 80 kg weight for 70 kg weight for 60 kg weight for 50 kg weight
lying 1,1 88 77 66 55
sleep (during sleep) 0,6 51 45 39 32
at rest 1,0 80 70 61 51
during active sex 2,1 171 150 129 107
when climbing stairs 12,9 1029 900 771 643
cleaning 2,7 214 188 161 134
when driving a car 1,4 115 101 87 72
being in the bathhouse 3,1 248 220 186 155
being in cold water 1,2 96 84 72 60
during sedentary work 1,1 86 75 54 44
during mental activity 0,13 10,4 8,8 7,8 6,5
office work 1,2 99 87 75 62
during pregnancy 2,08 166,4 145,6 124,8 104
at breastfeeding 2,0 163 142 122 101

Often, in order to bring yourself back to normal, it is enough to simply use the above tables of basic and average consumption, formulas, and a calculator. And understand that after spending a certain amount of effort, we will be able to eat food, energy value which coincides with the amount spent (for those who want to lose weight, coming< затраты , and to gain weight – vice versa).

For those who for some reason cannot or do not want to exercise physically (although this is the shortest way to losing weight), it is enough to reduce their daily ration or make it less calorie and more healthy. Eat more fruits and vegetables, meat and fish (preferably boiled or baked), and less sweet, fatty and starchy foods.



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