Microscopic examination (Quantity and morphological structure of cellular elements)

The number and morphological structure of cellular elements are essential for establishing the nature of inflammatory processes in the brain and its membranes.

Based on the nature of changes in the cerebrospinal fluid, purulent and serous meningitis (meningoencephalitis) are differentiated. Serous include meningitis (meningoencephalitis), in which the cerebrospinal fluid is transparent, sometimes slightly cloudy, and opalescent; the number of cellular elements is increased to 500 - 600 in 1 μl, lymphocytes predominate.

Purulent ones include meningitis (meningoencephalitis), in which the number of leukocytes exceeds 0.5 - 0.6 * 109/l and can reach 20 * 109/l or more. Colorless, transparent or opalescent cerebrospinal fluid should be specially examined to identify a fibrin film (“mesh”) specific to tuberculous meningitis, which can form in a test tube after 12–24 hours.

Very often, tuberculosis bacilli are detected microscopically in such a film.


With meningitis, meningoencephalitis, septic thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses, changes in the cerebrospinal fluid are inflammatory in nature.

The number of cellular elements (mainly neutrophils) increases to a much greater extent than the protein content increases - cell-protein dissociation.

In pathological processes accompanied by cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure and leading to blockage of the liquor-conducting pathways, a significant increase in protein content with a slightly increased or normal number of cellular elements (protein-cell dissociation) is more typical.

Such ratios are observed in acutely manifested brain tumors, large epidural and subdural hematomas and some other pathological processes that cause swelling and dislocation of the brain.

As a result of microscopic examination of cerebrospinal fluid smears, it is not always possible to determine the causative agent of meningitis (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, tumor cells) - in 35 - 55% of cases. Thus, the role of microscopy in establishing the etiology of inflammatory lesions of the meninges is limited.

This equally applies to the possibilities of bacteriological diagnosis of the etiology of meningoencephalitis, brain abscesses and septic thrombosis of the cerebral sinuses. The sugar content in the cerebrospinal fluid decreases in many pathological processes due to a decrease in its transport through the blood-brain barrier.

“Emergency conditions in neuropathology”, B.S. Vilensky

Diagnostic research includes the following procedures:

  1. Clinical and biochemical blood test.
  2. CSF analysis.
  3. EEG (electroencephalography).
  4. EMG (electromyography).

What kind of liquid is this?

Liquor is the fluid that constantly circulates in the elements of the brain and spinal cord. Normally, it looks like a colorless transparent fluid substance that fills the ventricles of the brain, subarachnoid and subdural spaces.

Cerebrospinal fluid is produced in the ventricles of the brain by the choroid covering these cavities. Liquor contains various chemicals:

  • vitamins;
  • organic and inorganic compounds;
  • hormones.

In addition, the liquor contains substances that process incoming blood and decompose it into useful nutrients. At the same time, a sufficient amount of hormones are produced that affect the endocrine, reproductive and other systems of the body.

Reference! The main function of cerebrospinal fluid is considered to be shock absorption: thanks to it, conditions are created to soften the physical impact when a person makes basic movements, which protects the brain from critical damage during a strong impact.

How is the research conducted?

The procedure performed to collect cerebrospinal fluid is called a lumbar puncture. To carry it out, the patient takes a lying or sitting position. If the subject is sitting, he should be upright, with his back bent so that the vertebrae are located in the same vertical line.

When the patient is lying down, he turns to his side, bending his knees and pulling them to his chest. The injection site is chosen at the level of the spinal column, where there is no risk of damaging the spinal cord.

Lumbar puncture is a procedure that can only be performed by a qualified doctor! The doctor treats the back of the person being examined with alcohol and an iodine-containing solution, after which he feels the puncture site along the intervertebral spaces: in adults at the level of the II and III lumbar vertebrae, and in children - between the IV and V.

The specialist injects an anesthetic there, after which they wait 2-3 minutes to provide tissue anesthesia. Next, the doctor performs a puncture using a Beer needle with a mandrel, moving between the spinous processes and passing the ligaments.

A sign of a needle entering the subarachnoid space is a feeling of failure.
If you remove the mandrin after this, liquid will be released if the procedure is performed correctly.

A small amount is taken for research.

Normal values ​​in a healthy person

In the absence of pathology, cerebrospinal fluid has the following composition:

  1. Density: 1003-1008.
  2. Cellular elements (cytosis): up to 5 in 1 µl.
  3. Glucose level: 2.8-3.9 mmol/l.
  4. Content of chlorine salts: 120-130 mmol/l.
  5. Protein: 0.2-0.45 g/l.
  6. Pressure: in a sitting position – 150-200 mm. water Art., and lying down - 100-150 mm. water Art.

Attention! Normal cerebrospinal fluid should be transparent, colorless and not contain any impurities.

Table of the relationship between the form of the disease and the color of the liquid

Serous meningitis cerebrospinal fluid. Features of diagnosing meningeal tuberculosis

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination is the only reliable method for quickly diagnosing meningitis.

If no inflammatory changes are detected in the cerebrospinal fluid, this completely excludes the diagnosis of meningitis.

The study of CSF makes it possible to differentiate between serous and purulent meningitis, identify the causative agent of the disease, determine the severity of the intoxication syndrome, and monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

CSF in purulent meningitis

According to the etiological structure, purulent bacterial meningitis is heterogeneous. About 90% of all bacteriologically confirmed cases of purulent meningitis are caused by three main agents that are responsible for the etiology of purulent bacterial meningitis: Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus.

Pleocytosis is the most important feature of changes in the CSF during meningitis, which makes it possible to differentiate purulent meningitis from serous. With purulent meningitis, the number of cells increases and is more than 0.6·10 9 /l. In this case, a CSF examination should be carried out no later than 1 hour after its collection.

A CSF sample with purulent meningitis has a cloudy consistency - from milky to densely green, sometimes xanthochromic. Neutrophils predominate, the number of formed elements varies widely. In some cases, already on the first day of the disease, cytosis is 12..30·10 9 /l.

The severity of the inflammatory process in the membranes of the brain is judged by pleocytosis and its nature. A decrease in the relative number of neutrophils and an increase in the relative number of lymphocytes in the CSF indicates a favorable course of the disease. However, a clear correlation between the severity of pleocytosis and the severity of purulent meningitis may not be observed. There are cases with a typical clinical picture and relatively minor pleocytosis, which is most likely due to a partial blockade of the subarachnoid space.

Protein in purulent meningitis is increased and ranges from 0.6 to 10 g/l; as the cerebrospinal fluid is sanitized, it decreases. As a rule, a high concentration of protein is observed in severe forms of the disease, which occurs with ependymitis syndrome. If a high protein concentration is detected during the recovery period, this indicates an intracranial complication. A particularly unfavorable prognostic sign is the combination of low pleocytosis and high protein.

With purulent meningitis, the biochemical parameters of the CSF are significantly changed - glucose is reduced below 3 mmol/l, the ratio of glucose level in the CSF to the blood glucose level in 70% of patients is less than 0.31. A favorable prognostic sign is an increase in glucose content in the CSF.

CSF in tuberculous meningitis

Bacterioscopic examination of the CSF in tuberculous meningitis may give a negative result. The more thoroughly the studies were carried out, the higher the percentage of detection of tuberculosis bacillus in the cerebrospinal fluid. For the tuberculous form of meningitis, it is typical for a sample of CSF to precipitate within 12..24 hours while standing. The sediment is a delicate fibrin web-like mesh in the form of an overturned Christmas tree, sometimes it can be coarse flakes. In 80% of cases, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is found in the precipitate. Mycobacterium tuberculosis may not be detected in lumbar puncture when present in the cisternal CSF.

In tuberculous meningitis, the CSF is transparent, colorless, pleocytosis varies in a wide range of 0.05..3.0·109/l and depends on the stage of the disease, amounting to 0.1..0.3·109/l by the end of the week. l. If etiotropic treatment is not carried out, the number of cells in the CSF constantly increases throughout the disease. After a repeat lumbar puncture, which is performed one day after the first puncture, a decrease in cells in the CSF may be observed.

In most cases, lymphocytes predominate in pleocytosis, but there are cases when, at the onset of the disease, pleocytosis is lymphocytic-neutrophilic in nature, which is typical for milliary tuberculosis with seeding of the meninges. An unfavorable prognostic sign is the presence of a large number of monocytes and macrophages in the CSF.

A characteristic feature of tuberculous meningitis is the “variegation” of the cellular composition of the CSF, when, along with a large number of lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and giant lymphocytes are found.

Protein in tuberculous meningitis is always increased to 2..3 g/l. The protein increases even before the appearance of pleocytosis, and decreases only after its significant decrease.

Biochemical studies of CSF in tuberculous meningitis early reveal a decrease in glucose levels to 0.83..1.67 mmol/l, and in some patients there is a decrease in the concentration of chlorides in the CSF.

CSF in meningococcal meningitis

Due to the characteristic morphology of meningococci and pneumococci, bacterioscopic examination of CSF is a simple and accurate express method that gives a positive result at the first lumbar puncture 1.5 times more often than culture growth.

Simultaneous microscopic examination of CSF and blood gives 90% positive results for meningococcal meningitis if the patient was examined on the first day of hospitalization. By the third day, the percentage decreases to 60% (in children) and to 0% (in adults).

With meningococcal meningitis, the disease occurs in several stages:

  • first, intracranial pressure increases;
  • then mild neutrophilic cytosis is detected in the cerebrospinal fluid;
  • later changes characteristic of purulent meningitis are noted.

Therefore, in approximately every fourth case, the CSF examined in the first hours of the disease does not differ from the norm. In case of inadequate therapy, a purulent appearance of the CSF, high neutrophilic pleocytosis, and increased protein (1-16 g/l) may be observed, the concentration of which in the CSF reflects the severity of the disease. With adequate treatment, neutrophilic pleocytosis decreases and is replaced by lymphocytic.

CSF in serous meningitis

In serous meningitis of viral etiology, the CSF is transparent, with slight pleocytosis of a lymphocytic nature. In some cases, the initial stage of the disease is accompanied by neutrophilic pleocytosis, which indicates a more severe course of the disease and has a less favorable prognosis. The protein content in serous meningitis is within normal limits or moderately increased (0.6..1.6 g/l). In some patients, protein concentration is reduced due to overproduction of cerebrospinal fluid.

ATTENTION! The information provided on this site is for reference only. Only a specialist doctor in a specific field can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid is normal.

Table 17

Purulent meningitis

Serous meningitis

Tuberculous meningitis.

Epidemic encephalitis.

Traumatic brain injury

Tumor of the central nervous system.

1) red a) normal

3) yellow c) blood stagnation

d) purulent meningitis.

1) norm a) 0.033

4. Terms for inflammation:

d) arachnoiditis

d) meningitis.

2) reactions of Pandey b) Samson

d) sulfosalicylic acid

e) azure-eosin.

2) cytosis b) in the counting chamber

d) Nonne-Apelt.

Date of publication: 2014-11-02; Read: 16554 | Page copyright infringement

Cerebrospinal fluid is involved in the nutrition of brain cells, in creating osmotic balance in brain tissue and in regulating metabolism in brain structures. Various regulatory molecules are transported through the cerebrospinal fluid, changing the functional activity of different parts of the central nervous system.

Maintains a certain concentration of cations, anions and pH, which ensures normal excitability of the central nervous system (for example, changes in the concentration of Ca, K, magnesium change blood pressure, heart rate).


Cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid) is a fluid constantly circulating in the ventricles of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid tracts, subarachnoid (subarachnoid) space of the brain and spinal cord

The role of cerebrospinal fluid in the functioning of the central nervous system is great. Cerebrospinal fluid protects the brain and spinal cord from mechanical influences, ensures the maintenance of constant intracranial pressure and water-electrolyte homeostasis. Supports trophic and metabolic processes between blood and brain.

List of used literature.

  1. Human Anatomy / Ed. M.G. Gain - 9th ed., p. 542.
  2. Kozlov V.I. Anatomy of the nervous system: A textbook for students / V.I. Kozlov, T.A. Tsekhmistrenko. — M.: Mir: ACT Publishing House LLC, 2004. — 206 p.
  3. Human Anatomy: Textbook in 2 volumes / Ed. M.R. Sapina.
  4. Anatomy of the central nervous system. Reader. (Tutorial for students). Authors and compilers: T.E.Rossolimo, L.B.Rybalov, I.A.Moskvina-Tarkhanova.
  5. Reader on the anatomy of the central nervous system: Textbook. allowance / Ed.-comp. OK. Khludova. -M.

    Composition of cerebrospinal fluid in various nasologies

    : Ross. psychologist. society, 1998. - 360 p. - Decree. anatomist. terms: p. 342-359.

  6. http://knowledge.allbest.ru; http://www.kazedu.kz; http://medbiol.ru.
  1. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), its composition, functions, circulation paths.
  1. Composition of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
  2. Pathways of circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Karaganda State Medical University

Department of Anatomy.

Topic: Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

Completed by: student of group 246 OMF

Kosilova E.Yu.

Checked by: teacher G.I. Tugambaeva

Karaganda 2012.

Pages:← previous12

Lumbar cerebrospinal fluid is normal. In healthy people, the liquor obtained by lumbar puncture is a colorless and transparent, like water, liquid of a slightly alkaline reaction (pH 7.35-7.4) with a relative density of 1.003-1.008. Contains 0.2-0.3 g/l protein; 2.7-4.4 mmol/l glucose; 118-132 mmol/l chlorides. Microscopic examination reveals 0-5 cells in 1 μl (mainly lymphocytes).

In a number of diseases of the central nervous system, the cerebrospinal fluid has similar properties, which made it possible to distinguish three laboratory syndromes of pathological cerebrospinal fluid: serous cerebrospinal fluid syndrome, purulent cerebrospinal fluid syndrome and hemorrhagic cerebrospinal fluid syndrome (Table 17).

Table 17

Main syndromes of pathological cerebrospinal fluid

Purulent meningitis can be caused by meningococci, streptococci and other pyogenic cocci. It often develops as a complication of purulent otitis, with skull injuries. On the second or third day of the disease, pronounced pleocytosis appears (up to 2000-3000·106/l), which increases very quickly. The liquor becomes cloudy and purulent. When settling, a rough fibrinous film is formed. The vast majority of formed elements are neutrophils. The protein content increases sharply (up to 2.5-3.0 g/l or more). Globulin reactions are positive. The content of glucose and chlorides has been reduced since the first days of the disease.

Serous meningitis can cause tuberculous mycobacteria, Coxsackie and ECHO viruses, mumps, herpes, etc. The most severe form of serous meningitis is tuberculous meningitis.

Tuberculous meningitis. A characteristic sign is an increase in cerebrospinal fluid pressure. Normally, cerebrospinal fluid is released at a rate of 50-60 drops per minute; with increased pressure, cerebrospinal fluid flows out in a stream. The liquid is often transparent, colorless, and sometimes opalescent. In most patients, a thin fibrinous mesh forms in it. Cytosis at the height of the disease reaches 200·106/l or more, lymphocytes predominate. The protein level is increased to 0.5-1.5 g/l. Globulin reactions are positive. The concentration of glucose and chlorides is noticeably reduced. Decisive in the diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis is the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the fibrinous film.

Epidemic encephalitis. Cerebrospinal fluid is often transparent and colorless. Pleocytosis is moderate, up to 40·106/l, of a lymphoid nature. Protein levels are normal or slightly elevated. Globulin reactions are weakly positive.

Traumatic brain injury. One of the leading signs of traumatic brain injury is the presence of blood in the CSF (red color of varying intensity). An admixture of blood can be a symptom of other lesions of the central nervous system: rupture of a cerebral aneurysm, hemorrhagic stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, etc. On the first day after hemorrhage, the liquid after centrifugation becomes colorless, on the second day xanthochromia appears, which disappears after 2-3 weeks. The increase in protein content depends on the amount of blood shed. With massive hemorrhages, the protein content reaches 20-25 g/l. Moderate or severe pleocytosis develops with a predominance of neutrophils, which are gradually replaced by lymphocytes and macrophages. Normalization of cerebrospinal fluid occurs 4-5 weeks after injury.

Tumor of the central nervous system. Changes in the cerebrospinal fluid depend on the location of the tumor, its size and contact with the cerebrospinal fluid space. The fluid may be colorless or xanthochromic when the subarachnoid space is blocked. The protein content increases slightly, but with a block of the cerebrospinal fluid tract or spinal cord tumors, a sharp increase in protein content is detected, and globulin tests are positive. Cytosis does not exceed 30·106/l, mainly lymphoid. If the tumor is located far from the cerebrospinal fluid pathways, the CSF may be unchanged.


Match the elements in the columns. One element in the left column corresponds to only one element in the right column.

1. The amount of liquor (ml), which:

1) produced per day a) 8-10

2) circulates simultaneously b) 15-20

3) removed during puncture c) 100-150

2. Color of cerebrospinal fluid in normal and pathological conditions:

1) red a) normal

2) colorless b) subarachnoid hemorrhage (1st day)

3) yellow c) blood stagnation

d) purulent meningitis.

1) norm a) 0.033

2) spinal cord tumor b) 0.2-0.3

2.4 Methods for laboratory testing of cerebrospinal fluid

Terms for inflammation:

1) brain a) pleocytosis

2) dura mater b) stroke

3) arachnoid c) encephalitis

d) arachnoiditis

d) meningitis.

5. Reagents used for:

1) counting cytosis a) ammonium sulfate

2) reactions of Pandey b) Samson

3) determining the amount of protein c) carbolic acid

d) sulfosalicylic acid

e) azure-eosin.

6. The predominant type of cellular elements in the cerebrospinal fluid in diseases of the central nervous system:

1) neutrophils a) tuberculous meningitis

2) red blood cells b) purulent meningitis

c) hemorrhage (first day).

7. Methods for determination in liquor:

1) ratio of protein fractions a) with sulfosalicylic acid

2) cytosis b) in the counting chamber

3) amount of protein c) in colored preparations

d) Nonne-Apelt.

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Product catalog

38.02 Clinic-Blood No. FSR 2008/03535 dated 10/29/2008
Kit for conducting a general blood test using standardized methods: fixation and staining of blood smears (4000 samples), erythrocyte count (4000 samples), leukocyte count (4000 samples), platelet count (4000 samples), ESR using the Panchenkov micromethod (4000 samples)
38.03 Clinic-Cal. Set No. 1 (general) No. FSR 2010/09420 dated 12/08/2010
Set of reagents for clinical analysis of stool: Occult blood (1000 samples), Stercobilin (50 samples), Bilirubin (200 samples), Microscopic examination (neutral fat, fatty acids, soaps, starch, helminth eggs) (2000 samples)
38.03.2 Clinic-Cal. Kit No. 2 Determination of occult blood
38.03.3 Clinic-Cal. Set No. 3 Determination of stercobilin
Reagent kit for clinical stool analysis
38.03.4 Clinic-Cal. Set No. 4 Determination of bilirubin
Reagent kit for clinical stool analysis
38.03.5 Clinic-Cal. Set No. 5 Microscopic examination 2000
38.04 Clinic-Uro. Set No. 1.

Kit for clinical urine analysis No. FSR 2010/09509 dated 12/17/2010
Acidity (pH) (1000 sample), Glucose (1000 sample), Ketones (1000 sample), Bilirubin (400 sample), Urobilinoids (1000 sample), Total protein: - qualitative sample. (1000), — quantitative definition. (330)

38.04.2 Clinic-Uro. Kit No. 2. Determination of urine pH 5000
38.04.3 Clinic-Uro. Set No. 3. Determination of protein content in urine with sulfosalicylic acid
- qualitative definition (1000) - quantitative definition. (330)
38.04.4 Clinic-Uro. Kit No. 4 Glucose determination 500
38.04.5 Clinic-Uro. Kit No. 5 Determination of ketone bodies 2500
38.04.6 Clinic-Uro. Kit No. 6 Determination of bilirubin 400
38.04.7 Clinic-Uro. Set No. 7 Determination of urobilinoids 1000
38.05 Clinic-Sputum No. FSR 2008/02613 dated 04/30/2008
Set of reagents for clinical sputum analysis: Acid-fast mycobacteria (AFB) (200 samples), Alveolar macrophages with hemosiderin (reaction to Prussian blue) (100 samples), Malignant neoplasm cells (300 samples)
38.06 Clinic-CSF No. FSR 2009/04659 dated 04/08/2009
Set for analysis of cerebrospinal fluid: Cytosis (Samson's reagent) (200 samples), Total protein: qualitative Pandey reaction (200 samples), quantitative test. (sulfosalicyl compounds and sodium sulfate) (200 samples), globulins (200 samples)
38.08 EKOlab-Method Kato No. FSR 2012/13937 dated 02/27/2012
A kit for detecting helminths and their eggs in feces using a thick smear method. Kato reagent - 1 bottle (50 ml.) Cellophane cover plates - 500 pcs. Silicone rubber plug - 1 pc.
A set of reagents for determining the protein content in urine and cerebrospinal fluid with pyrrogalol red. The reagent is a solution of pyrogallic red in succinate buffer. Calibrator 1 - Protein Calibration Solution
38.09.1 Set No. 1 100
38.09.2 Set No. 2 500
30.04 Lugol's solution concentrated, 4% solution
100 ml
100 ml.
38.10 Supravital coloration of urine sediment
set of reagents for supravital staining of urine sediment (modification of the Sternheimer method)
500-1500 drugs
Serous, Syphilitic Purulent
Color TransparentTransparent, opalescentTransparent, rarely cloudyTurbid
Cells in 1 µl 20-800 200-700 100-2000 1000-5000
Protein (g/l) Up to 1.51-5 Moderately elevated0,7-16
Glucose (mmol/l) Not changedSharply reducedNot changedSharply reduced
Chlorides (mmol/l) Not changedReducedNot changedReduced or not changed
Pressure (mm water column) IncreasedIncreasedMinor increaseIncreased
Fibrin film In most cases absentPresent in 40% of casesAbsentCoarse or in the form of sediment

Composition of the fluid substance

Depending on the causative agent of the infection, cerebrospinal fluid may have a different composition. Let's take a closer look at the cerebrospinal fluid 2 forms of inflammation.


Characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid:

  • Color – colorless, transparent.
  • Cytosis: lymphocytic pleocytosis is detected. The level of cellular elements is from 20 to 800 in 1 µl.
  • Protein values: increased, up to 1.5 g/l (protein-cell dissociation).
  • Glucose and chloride levels were unchanged.


Characteristics of cerebrospinal fluid in pathology:

  • The color varies depending on the causative agent of meningitis. For example, when it is cloudy, yellow, when it is whitish and bluish in the case of blue-purulent bacillus.
  • Cytosis: a huge number of cells (cell-protein dissociation), reaching 1000-5000 cellular elements per 1 μl. Neutrophilic pleocytosis is characteristic.
  • Protein content: increased, in the range of 0.7-16.0 g/l.
  • Glucose levels are reduced, about 0.84 mmol/l.
  • The amount of chlorides is reduced or unchanged.
  • The presence of a fibrin film in the cerebrospinal fluid or sediment.

Decoding indicators

Based on the values ​​of the cerebrospinal fluid data, specialists clarify the diagnosis and, in accordance with this, can prescribe adequate therapy.

Number of cells and cytosis

The cells in the cerebrospinal fluid are counted and their predominant type is subsequently determined. An increased content (pleocytosis) indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Pleocytosis is more pronounced with, in particular, tuberculous inflammation of the meninges.

In other diseases (epilepsy, hydrocephalus, degenerative changes, arachnoiditis), cytosis is normal. Specialists count cellular elements, which are represented in most cases by lymphocytes or neutrophils.

After studying the cytogram, the doctor can draw a conclusion about the nature of the pathology. Thus, lymphocytic pleocytosis indicates serous meningitis or tuberculous meningitis with a chronic course. Neutrophilic leukocytosis – observed during acute infection (bacterial meningitis).

Important! During the analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, it is necessary to evaluate dissociation - the ratio of cellular elements to protein content. Cellular-protein dissociation is characteristic of meningitis, and protein-cellular dissociation is characteristic of serous inflammation of the meninges, as well as stagnation in the cerebrospinal fluid tract (neoplasm, arachnoiditis).



Glucose values ​​should be 2.8-3.9 mmol/L. However, even healthy people may have slight fluctuations in the content of the substance. To correctly assess glucose in the cerebrospinal fluid, it is advisable to determine it in the blood: in the absence of pathology, it will exceed 2 times the values ​​in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Increased levels are observed in diabetes mellitus, cerebrovascular accidents, and acute encephalitis. Reduced glucose levels occur with meningitis, neoplasms, and subarachnoid hemorrhage.


Liquor is characterized by low activity of the enzymes it contains. Changes in the activity of enzymes in the cerebrospinal fluid in various diseases are mainly nonspecific. With tuberculous and purulent meningitis, the content of ALT and AST increases, LDH increases in bacterial inflammation of the meninges, and an increase in total cholinesterase indicates the acute course of meningitis.


Normally, the content of chlorine salts in the CSF is 120-130 mmol/l. A decrease in their level may indicate meningitis of various etiologies and encephalitis. An increase is observed in diseases of the heart, kidneys, degenerative processes and formations in the brain.


The procedure for collecting cerebrospinal fluid must be carried out by a qualified, experienced specialist, and the patient must strictly follow all his instructions. A study of the cerebrospinal fluid allows the doctor to clarify the diagnosis and, based on this data, select the correct treatment.

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Tuberculous meningitis occurs more often in children and adolescents than in adults. As a rule, it is secondary, developing as a complication of tuberculosis of another organ (lungs, bronchial or mesenteric lymph nodes) with subsequent hematogenous dissemination and damage to the meninges.

Clinical picture

The onset of the disease is subacute; there is often a prodromal period with increased fatigue, weakness, headache, anorexia, sweating, sleep inversion, character changes, especially in children - in the form of excessive sensitivity, tearfulness, decreased mental activity, and drowsiness.

Body temperature is subfebrile. Vomiting often occurs as a result of headaches. The prodromal period lasts 2-3 weeks. Then, mild shell symptoms gradually appear (stiff neck, Kernig’s sign, etc.). Sometimes patients complain of blurred vision or weakening of vision. Signs of damage to the III and VI pairs of the CN appear early (slight double vision, slight ptosis of the upper eyelids, strabismus). In the later stages, if the disease is not recognized and specific treatment is not started, paresis of the limbs, aphasia and other symptoms of focal brain damage may occur.

The most typical course of the disease is subacute. In this case, the transition from prodromal phenomena to the period of appearance of ophthalmic symptoms occurs gradually, on average within 4-6 weeks. Acute onset is less common (usually in young children and adolescents). A chronic course is possible in patients who were previously treated with specific drugs for tuberculosis of internal organs.


The diagnosis is established on the basis of an epidemiological history (contact with tuberculosis patients), data on the presence of tuberculosis of internal organs and the development of neurological symptoms. The Mantoux reaction is not very informative.

The study of the cerebrospinal fluid is decisive. The cerebrospinal fluid pressure is increased. The liquid is clear or slightly opalescent. Lymphocytic pleocytosis is detected up to 600-800x106/l, the protein content is increased to 2-5 g/l (Table 31-5).

Table 31-5. Indicators of cerebrospinal fluid are normal and with meningitis of various etiologies

Indicator Norm Tuberculous meningitis Viral meningitis Bacterial meningitis
Pressure 100-150 mm water column, 60 drops per minute Increased Increased Increased
Transparency Transparent Transparent or slightly opalescent Transparent Muddy
Cytosis, cells/µl 1 -3 (up to 10) Up to 100-600 400-1000 or more Hundreds, thousands
Cellular composition Lymphocytes, monocytes Lymphocytes (60-80%), neutrophils, sanitation in 4-7 months Lymphocytes (70-98%), sanitation in 16-28 days Neutrophils (70-95%), recovery in 10-30 days
Glucose content 2.2-3.9 mmol/l Sharply reduced Norm Downgraded
Chloride content 122-135 mmol/l Downgraded Norm Downgraded
Protein content Up to 0.2-0.5 g/l Increased by 3-7 times or more Normal or slightly increased Increased by 2-3 times
Pandey's reaction 0 +++ 0/+ +++
Fibrin film No Often Rarely Rarely
Mycobacteria No "+" in 50% of cases No No

Often, at the onset of the disease, mixed neutrophilic and lymphocytic pleocytosis is detected in the cerebrospinal fluid. Characterized by a decrease in glucose content to 0.15-0.3 g/l and chlorides to 5 g/l. When the extracted liquor is stored in a test tube for 12-24 hours, a delicate fibrin web-like mesh (film) is formed in it, which starts from the liquid level and resembles an overturned Christmas tree. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is often found in this film during bacterioscopy. An increase in ESR and leukocytosis are determined in the blood.

Differential diagnosis is facilitated by culture and detailed cytological examination of the cerebrospinal fluid. If tuberculous meningitis is suspected clinically, and laboratory data do not confirm this, anti-tuberculosis therapy exjuvantibus is prescribed for health reasons.


Various combinations of anti-tuberculosis drugs are used. During the first 2 months and until sensitivity to antibiotics is detected, 4 drugs are prescribed (the first stage of treatment): isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol or streptomycin. The regimen is adjusted after determining sensitivity to the drugs. After 2-3 months of treatment (the second stage of treatment), they often switch to 2 drugs (usually isoniazid and rifampicin). The minimum duration of treatment is usually 6-12 months. Several drug combinations are used.

Isoniazid 5-10 mg/kg, streptomycin 0.75-1 g/day in the first 2 months. With constant monitoring of the toxic effect on the VIII pair of the CN - ethambutol 15-30 mg/kg per day. When using this triad, the severity of intoxication is relatively low, but the bactericidal effect is not always sufficient.

To enhance the bactericidal effect of isoniazid, rifampicin 600 mg is added along with streptomycin and ethambutol, 600 mg once a day.

In order to maximize the bactericidal effect, pyrazinamide is used at a daily dose of 20-35 mg/kg in combination with isoniazid and rifampicin. However, when these drugs are combined, the risk of hepatotoxicity increases significantly.

The following combination of drugs is also used: para-aminosalicylic acid up to 12 g/day (0.2 g per 1 kg of body weight in fractional doses 20-30 minutes after meals, washed down with alkaline water), streptomycin and phthivazid in a daily dose of 40-50 mg/kg (0.5 g 3-4 times a day).

The first 60 days of the disease are critical in treatment. In the early stages of the disease (within 1-2 months), it is advisable to use glucocorticoids orally to prevent adhesive pachymeningitis and associated complications.

Treatment in a hospital should be long-term (about 6 months), combined with general strengthening measures, enhanced nutrition and subsequent stay in a specialized sanatorium. Then the patient continues to take isoniazid for several months. The total duration of treatment is 12-18 months.

To prevent neuropathies, pyridoxine (25-50 mg/day), thioctic acid, and multivitamins are used. Monitoring of patients is necessary to prevent drug intoxication in the form of liver damage, peripheral neuropathies, including damage to the optic nerves, as well as to prevent complications in the form of cicatricial adhesions and open hydrocephalus.


Before the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs, meningitis ended in death on the 20-25th day of the disease. Currently, with timely and long-term treatment, a favorable outcome occurs in 90-95% of patients. If diagnosis is delayed (after 18-20 days of illness), the prognosis is poor. Sometimes relapses and complications occur in the form of epileptic seizures, hydrocephalus, and neuroendocrine disorders.

For quotation: Dekonenko E.P., Karetkina G.N. Viral and bacterial meningitis // RMZh. 2000. No. 13. P. 548

Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis named after M.P. Chumakov RAMS, Moscow

MGMSU named after N.A. Semashko

Meningitis is a group of diseases characterized by damage to the meninges and inflammatory changes in the cerebrospinal fluid.

Normal number of cells in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is no more than 5 in 1 µl, the amount of protein is no more than 0.45 mg/l, sugar is no less than 2.2 mg/l. Cells in normal cerebrospinal fluid are represented by lymphocytes.

According to the composition of formed elements in the cerebrospinal fluid and etiology, meningitis is divided into purulent (bacterial) with a predominance of neutrophilic leukocytes and serous (usually viral) with predominantly lymphocytic pleocytosis. Some bacterial meningitis is characterized by a predominance of the lymphocytic (serous) composition of the cerebrospinal fluid (tuberculosis, syphilitic, Lyme borreliosis, etc.). Meningitis may be primary or secondary(develops against the background of an existing general or local infectious process); according to the nature of the flow - sharp, chronic, sometimes lightning fast.

In pathogenesis Meningitis is played by a complex of factors: first of all, the properties of the pathogen, the reaction of the host organism and the background against which the contact of the micro- and macroorganism occurs. The virulence of the pathogen, its neurotropism and other features are of great importance. In the host’s reaction, a significant role is played by age, nutrition, social factors, previous injuries and diseases, the nature of previous treatment, immune status, etc. Environmental conditions include exposure to physical factors of cooling, overheating, insolation; contacts with animals, vectors and sources of infection, etc.

Certain individuals have an increased risk of developing infections of the nervous system. These include people with certain concomitant diseases and chronic infections, such as skull injuries, consequences of neurosurgical interventions and shunting of the cerebrospinal fluid system, chronic purulent processes in the chest cavity, septic endocarditis, lymphoma, blood diseases, diabetes, chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses, alcoholism, long-term therapy with immunosuppressants, etc. The high-risk group also includes patients with congenital and acquired immune defects, pregnant women, patients with unrecognized diabetes, etc. In such individuals, due to a defect in immune defense, there is an increased risk of viral infections that they have already encountered in early childhood. This primarily includes diseases caused by the herpes group: cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, varicella-zoster virus.

The pathogen can penetrate into the meninges in various ways: hematogenous, lymphogenous, perineural or contact (in the presence of a purulent focus in direct contact with the meninges - otitis media, sinusitis, brain abscess).

Overproduction of CSF, disruption of intracranial hemodynamics, and the direct toxic effect of the pathogen on the brain substance are essential in the pathogenesis of meningitis. The permeability of the blood-brain barrier increases, the endothelium of the brain capillaries is damaged, microcirculation is disrupted, and metabolic disorders develop, aggravating brain hypoxia. The result is cerebral edema, the progression of which can lead to brain dislocation and death from respiratory and cardiac arrest.

Viral meningitis

The etiological classification of viral meningitis most fully meets epidemiological and practical requirements. Most authors consider enteroviral meningitis to be one of the most common types of viral meningitis. The genus of enteroviruses (family Picornaviridae) includes poliovirus types 1-3, Coxsackie viruses A (types 1-24) and B (types 1-6), ECHO viruses (types 1-34), enteroviruses 68 -71st types. All representatives of enteroviruses cause meningitis, but most often the Coxsackie and ECHO viruses. Often the causes of viral meningitis are also paramyxoviruses (mumps, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial), viruses of the herpes family (herpes simplex type 2, varicella-zoster, Epstein-Barr, herpes virus type 6), arboviruses (tick-borne encephalitis) , lymphocytic choriomeningitis, etc.


Meningitis, including viral, characterized by an acute onset with high fever, headache, nausea and vomiting, general malaise and weakness . Typical for meningitis is the presence of meningeal symptoms, indicating irritation of the meninges. The meningeal symptom complex includes, in addition to headache, stiff neck, Kernig and Brudzinski symptoms, photophobia, and hyperesthesia of the skin. In young children, bulging and tension of the fontanelle, tympanitis when tapping the skull, and a symptom of “suspension” (Lessage) are observed.

With some types of pathogens, a blurred clinical picture is observed with low-grade fever and moderate headache, absence of vomiting, meningeal monosymptoms or reduced symptoms.

General cerebral symptoms in the form of disturbances of consciousness, convulsions and signs of focal lesion nervous system absent with meningitis, and their presence indicates encephalitis, but some authors assume their short-term presence at the onset of the disease as a manifestation of cerebral edema.

The main criterion for meningitis is an increase in the number of cells in the CSF. With viral meningitis there is lymphocyte composition of CSF. Cytosis is represented by a two to three-digit number, usually no more than 1000 in 1 μl. The percentage of lymphocytes is 60-70% of the total number of cells in the cerebrospinal fluid. Protein and sugar levels are within normal limits. In the presence of meningeal signs, but in the absence of inflammatory changes in the cerebrospinal fluid, they speak of meningism. In some meningitis, signs of a general viral infection are observed (Table 1).

The duration of viral meningitis is 2-3 weeks. In 70% of cases the disease ends in recovery , but in 10% the course is longer and may be accompanied by complications.

Features depending on the pathogen

Although in most cases of viral meningitis there is no clear clinical correlation with a specific pathogen, some features may be observed. Yes, often Coxsackievirus group B cause diseases that occur with severe myalgic syndrome (so-called epidemic pleurodynia or Bornholm disease); Diarrhea may occur. Both groups of Coxsackieviruses can cause pericarditis and myocarditis .

Adenoviral meningitis accompanied by an inflammatory reaction from the upper respiratory tract, conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis .

Mumps leaks often with damage to the parotid glands , abdominal pain and increased levels of amylase and diastase (pancreatitis), orchitis and oophoritis. At the onset of the disease, the composition of the CSF may be neutrophilic with low sugar levels. Often the disease becomes protracted with a delay in the sanitation of the cerebrospinal fluid.

A protracted course can take and lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and meningitis caused herpes simplex virus type 2. With these types of disease, at the onset of the disease, the sugar level in the CSF may be below normal, which forces them to be differentiated from tuberculous meningitis.

Herpetic meningitis often observed against the background of a primary genital infection - in 36% of women and 13% of men. In most patients, herpetic rashes precede the signs of meningitis an average of a week. Herpetic meningitis can cause complications in the form of sensory disturbances, radicular pain, etc. In 18-30% of cases, relapses of the disease are described.

Meningitis with herpes zoster in some cases it occurs with minimal meningeal syndrome or asymptomatically. As a rule, it is not a monosyndromic lesion of the nervous system, but develops against the background of concomitant radicular phenomena, sensory disturbances, etc.

Meningitis with tick-borne encephalitis observed in almost half of the sick. The onset is acute, accompanied by high fever, intoxication, pain in muscles and joints. Characterized by hyperemia of the face and upper body, severe headache, and repeated vomiting. In 20-40% of cases, a two-wave fever is observed with a period of apyrexia of 2-6 days. In the first days of the disease, neutrophilic leukocytes may predominate in the cerebrospinal fluid, the preponderance of which may persist for several days. Inflammatory changes in the CSF last a relatively long time - from 3 weeks to several months, accompanied by poor health. At the same time, diffuse neurological symptoms may be observed. Asthenic syndrome after illness, characteristic of tick-borne encephalitis, is observed in approximately 40% of those who have recovered from the disease and persists from 1-3 months to 1 year. In 2-6%, a transition to a progressive form of the disease may subsequently occur.


The diagnosis of viral meningitis is difficult, especially in cases of sporadic disease. For some viral meningitis, a history or associated organ involvement may be helpful (Table 1). But the main focus is on laboratory diagnostics: isolation of the virus from the CSF and determination of a 4-fold increase in specific antibodies in the dynamics of the disease . Currently used in large treatment centers polymerase chain reaction(PCR), which has high sensitivity and specificity.

Treatment of the vast majority of viral meningitis symptomatic . In the acute period it is prescribed detoxification therapy : solutions of glucose, Ringer, dextrans, polyvinyl lyrrolidone, etc. Moderate dehydration is used: acetazolamide, furosemide). Symptomatic drugs (analgesics, vitamins A, C, E, group B, antiplatelet agents, etc.).

For meningitis caused by herpes simplex virus type 2, intravenous administration is recommended acyclovir 10-15 mg per 1 kg per day for 10 days, based on 3-fold administration.

Bacterial meningitis

The causative agents can be meningococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, staphylococci, salmonella, listeria, tubercle bacilli, spirochetes, etc. The inflammatory process that develops in the meninges is usually purulent. In recent years, the etiological structure of purulent bacterial meningitis (PBM) has changed significantly. In adults, in more than 30% of cases the causative agent is Streptococcus pneumoniae, in people over 50 years old - S.pneumoniae and gram-negative bacteria of the intestinal group (E.coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, etc.), in children under 5 years of age in more than 30% of GBM caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B. However, according to the forecast of epidemiologists, another increase in the incidence of meningococcal infection is expected in a few years.

Clinically GBM is characterized by a more acute onset of the disease, more severe intoxication and high fever, compared to viral meningitis, and a more severe course . CSF in GBM is turbid, with high neutrophilic pleocytosis, increased protein content; sugar levels are reduced.

Meningococcal meningitis

Meningococcal meningitis occurs mainly in children and young people. In almost half of the patients it is preceded by nasopharyngitis, which is often mistakenly diagnosed as ARVI. Against this background or in the midst of complete health, meningitis begins acutely - with chills, an increase in body temperature to 39-39.50 C, a headache, the intensity of which increases with every hour. On the very first day, vomiting, photophobia, hyperacusis, skin hyperesthesia, and meningeal symptoms appear. There is a revival or suppression of tendon reflexes and their asymmetry. A little later, signs of increasing cerebral edema may appear: attacks of psychomotor agitation, followed by drowsiness, then coma. Focal symptoms are also possible: diplopia, ptosis, anisokaria, strabismus, etc. When often combined with meningococcemia, a characteristic hemorrhagic rash appears on the skin, the appearance of which usually precedes the symptoms of meningitis.

Possible atypical forms, especially in patients receiving antibacterial drugs. The course of meningitis in these cases is subacute, the body temperature is subfebrile or normal, the headache is moderate, there is no vomiting, meningeal symptoms appear late and are mild, but encephalitis, ventriculitis subsequently develops and death can occur.

In infants The onset of meningitis, including meningococcal, is manifested by general anxiety, crying, screaming, refusal to suck, sudden agitation from the slightest touch, and convulsions.

In the first hours of meningitis, the CSF is either not changed at all, or the inflammatory changes are mild. From the end of the 1st day, the CSF becomes typical for purulent meningitis. Microscopy of smears of cerebrospinal fluid sediment in most cases reveals gram-negative diplococci, mainly intracellularly. Timely initiation of adequate therapy ensures recovery in most cases. ; in the absence of this, mortality reaches 50%.

Pneumococcal meningitis

Pneumococcal meningitis can be either primary or secondary (in this case it is preceded by otitis media or mastoiditis, pneumonia, sinusitis, traumatic brain injury, cerebrospinal fluid fistulas, etc.). It often occurs in persons with a burdened premorbid background: alcoholism, diabetes mellitus, splenectomy, hypogammaglobulinemia, etc.

The onset can be either rapid (25%) or gradual, over 2-7 days. Meningeal symptoms are detected later than with meningococcal meningitis, and in very severe cases they are completely absent. Most patients experience convulsions and impaired consciousness already in the first days of the illness. The clinical course is characterized by exceptional severity due to the involvement of brain matter in the pathological process. The encephalitis that develops as a result is manifested by focal symptoms in the form of paresis and paralysis of the limbs, ptosis, oculomotor disorders, etc. In cases where meningitis is one of the manifestations of pneumococcal sepsis, a petechial rash is observed on the skin, similar to that of meningococcemia.

The CSF is very turbid, greenish, the number of cells ranges from 100 to 10,000 or more in 1 μl, and cases with low cytosis are especially severe. The protein level increases to 3-6 g/l and higher, the sugar content decreases. When smear microscopy, gram-positive diplococci located extracellularly can be detected.

The prognosis for pneumococcal meningitis is worse than for meningococcal meningitis: even with early therapy, due to the rapid consolidation of pus, the process progresses and mortality reaches 15-25%.

Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B

Meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenzae type B most often affects children under 1.5 years of age, but it can also occur in older children, in adults after 65 years of age, and sometimes in young and middle-aged people. According to some data, in recent years, up to 95% of all cases of GBM are caused by pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae type B (Hib).

The symptoms of Hib meningitis depend on the age of the patient and the duration of the disease. The onset can be sudden, with a sharp increase in body temperature to 39-400 C, repeated vomiting, and severe headache. After a few hours, convulsions, impaired consciousness, coma occur, and death may occur. A gradual development of the disease is also possible, with symptoms associated with the primary focus of Hib infection first appearing (epiglottitis, cellulitis, purulent otitis, arthritis, etc.), and then meningeal, cerebral and focal symptoms are added. The CSF is cloudy and green in color. There is a characteristic discrepancy between turbidity of the cerebrospinal fluid (it is caused by a high concentration of the pathogen in the CSF) and relatively low cytosis. Meningitis can occur sluggishly, in waves, with alternating periods of improvement and deterioration. Untimely and/or inadequate antibiotic therapy leads to death, the frequency of which reaches 33%.

Purulent meningitis of other etiologies (staphylo- and streptococcal, klebsiella, salmonella, caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.) are usually secondary (oto- and rhinogenic, septic, after neurosurgical operations) and are relatively rare.


The acute onset of the disease, a combination of fever, intoxication, meningeal syndrome, and characteristic changes in the CSF (high neutrophilic pleocytosis, increased protein content and decreased glucose levels) give grounds to diagnose purulent meningitis.

The etiology of GMB can be tentatively established by bacterioscopy of a CSF smear and clarified using bacteriological examination of CSF and blood. However, in patients who have already received antibiotics, the likelihood of detecting the pathogen using these methods is low. Therefore, various immunological methods are used to detect pathogen antigens and antibodies to them (VIEF, latex agglutination). The etiology of meningitis is most accurately determined using PCR. Differential diagnosis for both purulent and serous meningitis is carried out between meningitis of various etiologies, as well as with other diseases accompanied by meningeal syndrome and neurological disorders: cerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain injuries, brain abscess and other volumetric processes, cerebrovasculitis, infectious diseases with meningeal syndrome, etc.


In case of GBM, unlike viral ones, it is carried out antibacterial therapy which is urgent. At the first stage, before establishing the etiology GBM, one of the following antibiotics is recommended: ampicillin/oxacillin (200-300 mg/kg per day); ceftriaxone (100 mg/kg/day) or cefotaxime (150-200 mgkg); in young children, a combination of ampicillin with ceftriaxone. In the future, antibacterial therapy is adjusted depending on the etiology of meningitis and the sensitivity of the pathogen. Antimicrobial drugs must be prescribed in maximum doses that provide bactericidal concentrations in the CSF. In patients with secondary GBM, sanitation of the primary lesion is necessary.

Tuberculous meningitis

Tuberculous meningitis most often affects children and the elderly . The disease in most cases is secondary in nature, spreading from primary foci in the internal organs (lungs, lymph nodes, kidneys). It is also possible to damage the membranes from subependymal caseous foci that existed for a long time without manifestations. Provoking factors are immunodeficiency states, alcoholism, exhaustion, drug addiction.

In the membranes of the base of the brain, dense infiltrates form with compression of the cranial nerves and vessels of the circle of Willis. The disease develops gradually, weakness, adynamia, sweating, increased fatigue, and emotional lability appear. A headache occurs, increasing in intensity, low-grade fever, and vomiting. Damage to the oculomotor nerves appears early.

In the CSF - lymphocytic pleocytosis, protein-cell dissociation, hypoglycorrhachia. The diagnosis is based on the determination of antigen and antibodies to Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the CSF using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the use of PCR.

The treatment uses isoniazid (5 mg/kg/day) in combination with rifampicin (10 mg/kg/day) and pyrazinamide (15-30 mg/kg/day). Duration of treatment is 9-12 months.

Meningitis with syphilis

Meningitis in syphilis is observed in all stages of clinical manifestations of the disease and in asymptomatic cases. It may have a manifest or blurred clinical picture. From 10 to 70% of people with early syphilis have lymphocytic pleocytosis in the CSF, which is often combined with an increase in protein. In diagnosis, taking into account the polymorphic clinical picture, the main role is given to laboratory tests: a complex of serological reactions with cardiolipin and treponemal antigens in serum and CSF; Treponema pallidum microhemagglutination reactions. Treatment is carried out with penicillin (2-4 million units intravenously every 4 hours) or 2.4 million units/day intramuscularly with probenecid (500 mg orally 4 times/day). The course of treatment is 10-14 days.

Meningitis due to Lyme borreliosis

Meningitis in Lyme borreliosis is a common complication of the disease. It can be observed in combination with erythema migrans - a characteristic marker of the disease. The disease is usually preceded by ticks biting when visiting the forest. The course of meningitis is polymorphic, meningeal signs can be moderately expressed. In the CSF there is lymphocytic pleocytosis. Serological tests play a decisive role in the diagnosis: immunofluorescence reaction or ELISA with antigen B.burgdorferi . Treatment is carried out with intravenous penicillin 24 million units/day for 14-21 days or ceftriaxone 1 g 2 times a day.

Specific prevention

Specific prevention of bacterial meningitis. Currently, there are vaccines to prevent meningococcal meningitis, Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcal infections. Vaccination is carried out in high-risk groups, as well as for epidemiological reasons.

The list of references can be found on the website http://www.site


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