Psychology influence of blue color on mood. Research on the influence of color on a person's mood

Even the smallest color accent can set the tone for the entire day ahead and put you in a good mood.

Color and mood

We spend most of our time at work, and many of us spend most of our time in the office, where the color scheme is not far from gray-beige. A sad sight... Where to come from? good mood and smiles? And if it’s cloudy outside, then all hell breaks loose, a depressed mood is guaranteed.

But we don’t want to put up with this state of affairs. We cover our monitors with bright reminder stickers, file documents in colored folders, count on orange calculators and sharpen multi-colored pencils. If you do not work as a seller of balloons or flowers, then you have to somehow get out!

Without realizing it, we tune into the right mood through the things and objects around us. If we are active, energetic in life, and are always in action, there will probably be a couple in our wardrobe bright red things. Yes, and accessories will match the tone - an umbrella or a business card holder. And this is logical because red is the color of fire, the color of energy and increased activity . It’s not for nothing that they say that a wallet should be red, then it will always be filled with energy, and, therefore, money! So, if you suddenly feel like a rotten tree stump, take something red and just look at it for a few minutes. Ordinary contemplation will do its job and after a few minutes you will feel a surge of strength.

If you are prone to depression, try to saturate your daily routine orange color. It is close to red, but softer. There will be no explosion of emotions, but the depressed state will pass and you will smile again! Oranges are especially helpful. Just put them in front of you. The bright orange color and aroma of fruit will do their job, your mood will rise and the desire to enjoy life will appear again!

Well about yellow color and so everything is clear - our brightest luminary, giving life to all life on Earth, our Sun! Yellow is perhaps the most life-affirming and positive color. This color is liked by cheerful and good-natured people. Use it to add more joy and warmth to your day.

Green color will help you gather your thoughts, become more reasonable and balanced in making decisions. Green color imparts persistence and stubbornness. Only forward, only towards results! So, perhaps, you should put your resume for an interview in a green folder, so that this color will support and increase your aspirations.

Designed to calm and stabilize blue And blue colors. But if you can look at blue endlessly, then you need to be more careful with blue; if there is too much of it, the result will be the opposite - you will have to arrange the oranges again to get rid of depression.

Violet the color gives the mood of romance and envelops it with mystery. This luxurious deep color represents wisdom and calm, so if you suddenly want to philosophize about life, wrap yourself in a purple cape and make yourself a cup of hot chocolate - a stream of rhetorical reasoning is guaranteed.

White color fills us with a feeling of freedom, gives a feeling of lightness and clarity. White is the color of purity and peace. It allows us to feel and use the ability to create creatively.

And finally, strict black. Solemn, calm, businesslike, not giving the opportunity to evade or deceive. It's like he's giving internal support and disciplines. So, if you need to concentrate, black objects or things will be useful helpers!

Color and health

Color therapy- a long-known and successfully used technique for improving the health of the body. Of course, there will be opponents who claim that contemplating color can in no way help a diseased organ or even simply improve well-being, but, as they say, you can stubbornly deny, or you can try and see for yourself. Sometimes it is useful to go beyond the usual perception of the world and let something new into your life.

Therefore, if you suddenly have a headache, do not rush to run for a pill. Sit back comfortably in a chair and treat yourself to a color therapy session.

Red color, as the most active of the palette, is the best stimulant, it activates nerve centers, left hemisphere, blood circulation, increases blood pressure, relieves drowsiness, increases appetite, stimulates activity gastrointestinal tract.

Orange close to red in its activating qualities, in addition, it improves metabolic processes in the body, promoting its rejuvenation.

Yellow color renders beneficial influence on digestive tract, accelerates the process of releasing toxins, helps control weight, is used in the treatment of the liver, and has a beneficial effect on memory.

Blue the color, as the opposite of red, reduces activity, blood pressure and temperature, and weakens appetite. Blue color is used for cuts, burns and insect bites.

Green effective in unbalanced conditions, helps to calm down, reduces emotional excitement. Green is good for pregnant women. Used for lung diseases and headaches.

Violet our spleen and lymph will like it, it will help stabilize blood pressure and calm down.

When using color therapy in your life, you need to remember that everything is good in moderation. Excessive use always leads to negative consequences.

Therefore, listen to yourself, your body will always tell you what and how much it needs.

So, it’s still better to let something new into your life as often as possible. Try it too!

Spruce up your menu and your wardrobe, fill your home with light and color, and watch everything around you change for the better.

Good luck to you and a bright mood!

Video: Color and light lifts your mood

Energy saving lamps and incandescent lamps. Their influence on mood and well-being.

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“Color can calm and excite, create harmony and cause shock. You can expect miracles from it, but it can also cause disaster.”

Jacques Vienot, French artist and designer

With the help of color you can visually reduce or expand a room, fill it with light or, conversely, create a pleasant twilight.

During the day, the sun's rays change their hue. For example, in the morning the sun emits rays of a bluish-gray color, towards lunch - almost white, and in the evening - fiery yellow. Experienced designers have already learned to use these color features sunlight, which helps them choose the right shades for the interior of certain rooms.

When choosing shades, it is important to consider the purpose of the room. For example, pastel colors will make the nursery look faceless and boring.

Color influence

Different shades affect emotional state human - everyone knows this. The influence of color is studied by a separate branch of psychology.

There are colors that can cause aggression and lead to insomnia; there are shades that, on the contrary, calm and reduce stress levels. Thanks to the right color, you can even increase your productivity or lose weight.

What is Itten's circle?

If you think that it is impossible to combine black, red, green and blue in one interior, you are mistaken - in nature there are no shades that are absolutely incompatible with each other. It's just important to put them together correct proportions. How to do this?

A color scheme used by designers and artists, called the Itten circle, will help you with this. The basis is classic triad– red, blue and yellow. Mixing them results in a color palette of 12 primary colors. Some of them belong to the warm spectrum, the other part to the cold spectrum.

Let's go through this palette.

Is red the color of stress or passion?

This color has a stimulating effect on a person both physiologically and emotional level. Therefore, designers use it where they need to encourage people to active actions. For example, in the gym, red will give energy, and in the kitchen it will promote appetite.

By diluting the red, you get pink, which is perfect for bedroom curtains, because it gives a feeling of security and puts you in a calm mood. And the terracotta shade will help you relax after a working day.


This color gives positive emotions. It can even help fight depression. You can play with shades - from light peach to rich rust - or you can complement it with blue - this combination will make you feel calm and relaxed.

Yellow – energy for the mind

This color has a positive effect on vision and even improves memory. That is why it is simply irreplaceable in the office of a person engaged in intellectual work, as well as in children's rooms.

The yellow color is bright. If you have too much of it, you may feel tired and overworked. To prevent this from happening, use calmer, blurry tones or dilute the yellow interior with blue textile elements.


Delicate mint will set you up for positivity, a shade of green apple will relieve fatigue and increase efficiency, olive or bottle will give peace and calm your nerves.

Blue is the color of the sky

This color has a beneficial effect on the quality of information absorption, reduces muscle tone and, unlike red, helps you fall asleep. This color also promotes making non-standard decisions. That is why blue interiors are recommended for classrooms and offices.

Blue and its shades will visually expand the bathroom space, and fill the room located on the south side with coolness.

Blue is the color of creativity

Rich shades of blue allow you to calm down. Too much color can be depressing. It is better not to use blue in the interior of a nursery, as it can suppress the energy of children.


This color helps remove mental stress and calm down. It also gives strength. The abundance of purple shades can lead to rapid fatigue. It is recommended to use color selectively – as accents in the interior.

Basic color schemes in the interior

Neutral range. Blurry, soft shades are universal. Using a neutral color scheme, you can decorate a room in an Art Nouveau style and even add some kitchy glamor to it.

Monochrome range. A monochrome scheme is used when one strives to create a single and cohesive interior. At the same time, monochrome does not mean monotony at all - the more shades you use, the brighter the room design can turn out.

Warm colors. Used in design various combinations warm shades. For example, lime, red and yellow will make the living room interior brighter and more conducive to communication.

Warm colors need to be balanced with accents in cool colors.

Cold range. Colors fill the room with coolness and visually make it more spacious. Cool colors are recommended for use in rooms with windows facing south and southeast.

Harmonic (analog) circuit. We are talking about using one primary color and two colors adjacent to it in the Itten circle in the interior. For example, if, when decorating a dining room, you take yellow as the base (wallpaper, main furniture, large textile elements), then you can complement it with green chairs and purple dishes. Such a palette will not be too flashy, but will remain quite colorful.

There is evidence that color healing was used in ancient Egypt, China and India. For this purpose, multi-colored crystals, water colored by the juices of various plants, and devices for refracting and coloring sunlight in rooms were taken.

Our mood and emotional state are influenced by many factors - events, words, tone of voice of the interlocutor, smells, colors and much more. Some of this is fleeting, transitory, but, for example, colors have a deeper impact on our psycho-emotional state and are constantly present in our lives. Imagine what your mood would be like if you only saw shades of gray every day? Or, on the contrary, bright and flashy colors without the possibility of rest for the eyes? Experts have long noticed the effect of color on our mood, and the concept of color therapy appeared.

Color associations

In official psychology, the concept of color therapy is absent, because research in this area is very vague and differs in different countries and cultures. For example, we have white is associated with marriage, and in India people dress in white for funerals, so the perception of the color will be slightly different. In addition, there is fashion and mass media that dictate current colors and create new associative connections. But of course, there are some concepts about colors that are close to all people. For example, the association of red with energy, aggression, passion. It is on this general perception that color therapy is built, which can calm a person or energize him.

There are several ways to use colors to calm your nerves and improve your emotional state. These are the Luscher test, chromotherapy and the use of colors in interiors and clothing.

Luscher test

In the mid-twentieth century, Swiss psychologist Max Luscher invented a color test, which is still used to determine a person’s psycho-emotional state. Luscher began to be interested in questions of color in his youth and all his scientific works dedicated specifically to this topic. You can even take the test online. Its essence is to choose colors that are at the moment like it or not. And based on the results of your choice, the specialist determines your condition. The results are most often amazingly accurate, since the choice of color is subconscious (the test taker is asked not to become attached to fashion and favorite colors, but to be guided by momentary sensations). As a result, a person reveals his true essence and emotions, which he may not even be aware of in everyday life.


Chromotherapy is not scientific method treatment, but nevertheless is actively used by spa salons and in alternative medicine in order to normalize the psycho-emotional state, relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress and fatigue, lift the mood and energize. Chromotherapy is additional treatment depressive disorders.

There is evidence that color healing was used in ancient Egypt, China and India. For this purpose, multi-colored crystals, water colored by the juices of various plants, and devices for refracting and coloring sunlight in rooms were taken. Nowadays, chromotherapy is actively used in salons. These are special rooms in which the client lies or sits comfortable position, relaxing music plays, sometimes suitable scents are used and the color of the room changes (sometimes glasses are used). Color therapy experts say that the color perceived by the eye triggers a chain of reactions in the brain, which is followed by one or another result - relaxation, vigor and even suppression of appetite, if required. Colors are selected individually for the client after consultation.

Color Meanings

The colors we use in interiors, clothing or accessories affect us constantly. Knowing this, you can influence your condition and how others perceive us.

The color purple stimulates creativity and helps you focus on work. His clothing suggests wisdom and authority.

Lilac creates an atmosphere of calm, relieves tension and anxiety.

Green and blue help you relax and unwind. This is explained by the fact that when looking at these colors, the eyes do not tense, the muscles relax. These colors help you recover from stress.

Yellow and orange whet the appetite, set the mood for communication and fun. In excess quantities, these colors irritate the eye receptors.

Brown refers to natural, natural and is associated with stability, reliability, comfort.

Red color is passion, energy, aggression, action, movement towards a goal. Color has a strong enough effect on the psyche, so it can be used in non- large quantities. For example, paint one wall in the room or use red accessories in the interior. By the way, red plates suppress appetite, this life hack can be used for weight loss.

White color is associated with ideality, completeness, purity.

Black is the color of strength, elegance, perspective and depth, but at the same time - evil and mysticism.

Gray is a compromise between black and white, a neutral color that is basic without being distracting. Accessories of bright colors “work perfectly” against its background.

Pink is one of the most controversial colors. WITH psychological point From a perspective, this color is associated with love and care, but the mass media have created a stereotype that pink Suitable only for girls who are not burdened with intelligence.

The influence of color on human health and mood

Even the great Goethe noted that yellow awakens bright feelings, blue evokes a feeling of cold, lilac something bleak, and red creates a whole range of impressions. Color affects a person's mood, sense of self and, ultimately, health. How and why does this happen?

Color and health

Back in the days ancient civilizations people used color for healing. So, in Ancient Egypt there were special rooms in temples where the sun's rays were refracted and gave different colors spectrum The man was literally bathed in color. This method of treatment was called Ra-therapy. Nowadays, it has been replaced by chromotherapy. She studies the effect of color on human health.

Thus, red color stimulates the nerve centers, the left hemisphere, energizes the liver and muscles. However, long-term exposure may cause fatigue and increased heart rate. It is used in the treatment of anemia, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, diseases endocrine system, rheumatism, apathy, retinal pathology and strabismus.

Red color is contraindicated during fever, nervous excitement, hypertension, inflammatory processes, neuritis. It also has a bad effect on people with bright red hair.

Yellow and lemon colors activate motor centers, generate energy for muscles, stimulate and cleanse the liver, intestines, skin, and have a choleretic and laxative effect. These are the colors of joyful mood and sexuality. Used in treatment diabetes mellitus, digestive disorders, dysfunction of the gallbladder, liver, intestines. In ophthalmology - for strabismus, low vision, diseases of the retina and blood vessels of the eye.

Yellow colors should not be used elevated temperature body, neuralgia, overexcitation, inflammation and visual hallucinations.

Green color eliminates vascular spasms and reduces blood pressure, dilates capillaries, promotes a good mood. Therefore it is used when cardiovascular diseases, neuralgia, asthma, osteochondrosis, impotence, insomnia. Also for the treatment of glaucoma, myopia, diseases of the retina and optic nerve.

Blue color, on the contrary, promotes vasospasm and increases blood pressure. Possesses antimicrobial effect. It is used to disinfect premises, to treat diseases of the ear, nose and throat, and gastrointestinal tract. Regarding the eyes, these are diseases of the cornea, initial cataracts, myopia.

Long term exposure blue may cause fatigue and depression.

Purple color stimulates parathyroid gland, spleen function, increases muscle tone. Otherwise, this color works the same as blue.

In ophthalmology, a device is used that affects the eyes with a certain combination of colors. After color exposure, some eye diseases are completely cured, others significantly retreat. At the same time, as a rule, it improves general condition, headaches go away, appetite increases, sleep normalizes.

Color and mood

When buying clothes, arranging a home in a certain color scheme, why do we prefer some colors and “dislike” others? I just like it, it suits my mood.

Psychologists say that everything is not so simple. Mood and character do not always coincide. Just like the weather and climate. In areas with an even climate, rain, hail, and snow sometimes occur. It’s the same when choosing a color - you can prefer one color all your life, but at some point you will uncontrollably want to surround yourself with a completely opposite color.

You always wear gray and blue clothes and suddenly bought a red blouse. After a while, you look at it and regret the money you spent. Don’t rush to get rid of it, because the desire to cheer up will return, and you will put on this blouse.

Psychologists explain this phenomenon this way. A person’s constant predilection for a certain color characterizes his character, and unexpected “bursts” characterize his mood at the moment. It turns out that you can use color to “interrupt” the mood.

We buy this or that thing, guided by our own taste and preferences. But, if in lately experienced physical and emotional overload, we instinctively choose dark colors. If, on the contrary, the body is “on the rise” and you want achievements, we will choose bright colors.

Scientists identify the main colors that determine psychological attitude person: satisfaction, self-affirmation, activity, affection, expectation of something good. Let's consider the meaning of primary colors in order to assess the character of yourself and your loved ones.

Red symbolizes willpower, activity, aggressiveness, independence, mobility. The man in red is cheerful, sexy, energetic. There is sensuality in color itself. He fills life with passion and desires. If you are overwhelmed by everyday life or have routine work to do, use this color. If you are excited, nervously exhausted, red color will only make the situation worse.

Orange represents optimism, cordiality, impulsiveness and perseverance. People who prefer orange good friends, always ready to help.

Pink is the color of tenderness and femininity.

Yellow is the color of sunshine and joyful hopes. It is chosen by cheerful, cheerful, purposeful, active and even expansive people. The man in yellow is friendly, confident, and knows how to make money. This color helps control your figure.

Green indicates flexibility of mind, prudence, and understanding of the situation. Symbolizes financial well-being and prosperity. Bright green makes you look younger. Dislike for green indicates dissatisfaction with your emotional state.

Blue is the color of peace, the color of truth. A person who prefers blue knows how to tell the hard truth softly and not offensively and will always be correctly understood. Love for blue speaks of a highly developed intellect. The character of this color is restrained and cold. If you tend to be overweight, you shouldn’t get carried away with it.

Passive people prefer blue sensitive people, loving order and cleanliness. Peace of mind is paramount to them; they are melancholic. Therefore, you should not get carried away with this color.

Purple evokes lofty dreams and mystery. These are creative people who strive to charm everyone. If this does not happen, they become capricious and hot-tempered.

Brown is the color of conservatism. Represents stability, restraint in everything, reliability and modesty. A person who loves this color is an excellent worker and partner who you can always rely on.

White is the color of purity, chastity, tranquility and peace of mind. With obvious passion, white color can cause a feeling of isolation and detachment.

Gray is a business color. Its owner is strong in character, resilient and adamant. Prefers to control feelings, strives for stability. If overly enthusiastic, it can cause despondency and depression.

Black is the color of “femme fatales”. The Woman in Black is selfish and ruthless. But in the fashion world, the opinion has become established that black is the color of elegance, style, and good taste.

So, once again we are convinced that everything in life has a certain meaning and is not accidental. It would seem that a preference for a certain color range or demonstrative multicolor is purely on a subconscious level. But, with due attention, color not only decorates a person, but also brings additional colors to the understanding of his character and worldview.

Subject: The influence of color on a person's mood.

Purpose of the study: determine whether different colors can affect a person's mood.

Research objectives:

1. Study how color was used in ancient times.

2.Analyze the color of clothes that my classmates prefer.

3. Find out which colors evoke a feeling of joy and which sadness.

4. Summarize the information received and draw conclusions.

Hypothesis: I assume that color determines a person’s mood, and using knowledge about the influence of color, you can help a person regulate his condition.

Relevance. Each of us has at least once heard such expressions: “look through rose-colored glasses” or “see everything in a black light.” But this does not mean at all that those people who take life lightly actually wear rose-colored glasses, while gloomy people have eyes arranged in some special way. These expressions rather mean that color and mood are somehow connected. Our life is filled with many different colors, colors and shades, and each person has his own preferences for one color or another. But despite this, we rarely think about the importance of color in our lives. For example, being in rooms painted in different colors, we can experience different emotions: cheerfulness, fun, anger or fatigue. And we won’t even think: “Or maybe it’s all about the surrounding color scheme?”

Practical significance my research is that it may be

useful for guys who don’t know about the real benefits of color.

Expected result: I want to make sure that color plays a big role in a person’s life, and especially affects his mood.

Research methods: questionnaires, literature analysis, observation, interviewing.


Sometimes I come home from school tired and start sculpting or drawing. My mood lifts and a smile appears. And I started to wonder why this is happening? I wanted to know if color really affects a person’s mood? And if it does, how can you change your mood with the help of different colors?

1. From the history of color.

1.1. The magical power of color.

Even in ancient times, people believed that color has magical power. Hundreds of generations of scientists have tried to solve the mystery of the influence of color on inner life. human body, on his emotional state. The ancient Hindus considered man to be “luminiferous,” meaning by this the unity of color energies and “juices” of the body. According to the doctrines Indian yogis, the human body is woven from vibrations of sounds and colors, melodies and light streams, the interaction of which completely determines the vital activity and mental life of a person. Goethe developed the concept of color: everything dark colors calm, light excite. The first color to emerge from darkness is blue, and yellow is the first color to emerge from light. These are the primary colors, from which the rest come. Colors can have physical and mental effects. There is even a school of healing with color. The ancient Greeks first thought about this: when passing through a temple window, the color is divided into a spectrum, so a person took in the color he wanted. IN ancient China lay in the sun in red silk - curing traces of smallpox. In the 18th century, stained glass was common in Europe. If a person is tired of one color, then he needs to look at the opposite one, that is, the state changes to the opposite. The ancients called the eyes the “windows” of the body, the “gates of perception.” However, this is not the only channel through which color energy can reach the body. Numerous studies of the phenomenon of skin vision have proven the possibility of color perception not only by the eyes, but also by almost any cells in the body. The world around us full of all kinds of colors. Some are pleasing to the eye, make you act energetically, others irritate, cause a feeling of fatigue and anxiety, and others calm you down. Japanese scientists have calculated that for normal life every person in the city, the streets must be painted in at least 20 colors and shades. Every street is like a little rainbow. Special significance The Russian scientist and doctor V.M. Bekhterev embraced color as a reserve for treatment; he dreamed of building a hospital where color would serve as a cure for nervous diseases. People used different colors for healing various ailments. Red: To improve digestion. Yellow: To stimulate brain function, accelerate a child’s growth, and increase his activity. Green: To improve hearing. Blue: To regulate the rhythm of breathing. Brown: As a sedative. Purple: Used in the treatment of heart disease, to increase blood pressure.

Widely used color treatment traditional medicine, giving particular preference to red. Thus, for a long time in Russia, red flannel was used to treat scarlet fever; to protect themselves from jaundice, they wore gold beads. In Scotland, red wool cured sprains, in Ireland it helped treat sore throats, and in Macedonia it prevented fever. In old England a pen small child tied with red thread so that his teeth would grow better.

Another example: one of the London bridges was painted black. It was noticed that greatest number suicides in the city happened on this bridge. After the bridge was repainted green, the number of suicides has dropped sharply. Colors are invariably present in our environment. At home or at work, in a store or on the street, consciously or not, we constantly feel the influence of color. But most of us still remain deeply unaware of the benefits that conscious use of color can bring.

1.2. Color and its characteristics.

In order to understand how color affects mood, you first need to get these colors from somewhere. And, of course, our “supplier” of color will be the rainbow. Let's remember the cheat sheet: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.” It turns out: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Each of these colors has its own meaning, symbolism and evokes different emotions in a person. Let's look at them in order.

Red. Since ancient times, humanity has associated the color red with some kind of strength and power, with danger and excitement. This is one of the aggressive colors, which in large quantities can lead to irritation and negative emotions. You shouldn't stay with these shades for long. Dressing in red shades, a person emphasizes his militant attitude or, on the contrary, hides his insecurities. The color red causes shock, it completely captures attention and requires effort to perceive. In addition, it leads to a feeling of hunger and tires the eyes, forcing us to eat more and leave the room faster. We should not forget that our blood is also red. Therefore, nature made sure that at the sight of any red shades our body came into shock. increased tone. And, of course, another association with red is love. Therefore, I award red the title of the most energetic, passionate, decisive color.

Yellow. WITH yellow everything is much more complicated than it seems. The color yellow has many meanings in different cultures. And people’s attitudes towards this color are very diverse. But here you can find something positive. Paracelsus believed that the color yellow has an inspiring and stimulating effect. Psychologists say that yellow is the happiest color; it inspires optimism and joy. Denotes wisdom, intelligence, imagination. Therefore, it turns out that yellow is the color of sociability and fun. And doctors say that yellow stimulates vision and the brain, its contemplation has a beneficial effect on nervous system. This color is considered the most noticeable color, so it is used for road signs and various packaging, but an excess yellow may tire you.

Green. Nature itself made sure that the green color signifies life for everyone and everything on planet Earth. After all, it is impossible to tear yourself away from the greenery and freshness of the parks when you walk through the gray city. They just pull you into their bosom with the coolness and smell of cut grass. Undoubtedly, green color has the most beneficial effect on people's well-being and health. Lighting a room with green has a calming and refreshing effect on a person, calms and balances, and is very useful when overexcited. For this reason, very often in hospitals the walls are painted aqua green. In addition, green color helps improve vision. Also in many cultures, green is the color of luck and confidence.

Blue. Blue signifies freedom, serenity, carelessness and even infinity. Calmness and tranquility mixed with slight sadness - here true meaning blue color. He calms, radiates reliability, but looking at him, it is impossible to concentrate. Reduces tension and helps control emotions. This is the color of dreams and daydreams (it’s not for nothing that they say “blue dream”), the color of peace and harmony. And by positive influence This color is in no way inferior to green for human health.

Blue. In the depths of blue, many intertwine different meanings. From honesty and devotion to frankness and mystery. A symbol of constancy, perseverance, perseverance. Perhaps this is why you so want to believe the meek and innocent blue-eyed look and the ocean is so drawn and attracted to itself with its secrets... This color has no “bottom”, it never ends, it draws you into itself. Blue color evokes serene peace, the body calms down and rests. It has been observed that blue color significantly reduces pain. Also helps to concentrate attention when absent-minded.

Violet: In various cultures, the color purple is a symbol of nobility and elegance, royalty and pomp. Apparently, this is why they liked to use it so much in medieval coats of arms. Well, there is also more than enough mystery and understatement in the color purple. Many people with help purple trying to emphasize their individuality. This is the color of timid dreamers. However, purple is the heaviest, depressing color. It makes you feel a little sad and makes you unsure.

1.3. Color therapy.

Color therapy(chromotherapy) - method alternative medicine, the effect of variously colored colors on a person with the aim of healing him. Color therapy is a color treatment method that has become very popular today. Even in ancient times, it was believed that exposure to color could not only restore peace of mind but also serious healing factor for numerous physical ailments. Color therapy was born in ancient times. The history of color therapy began when people noticed healing power sun rays. It soon became clear that certain colors of the rainbow also affect the human body - they calm, heal, or, conversely, cause discomfort.
Color was used to treat people in Egypt, China, India, and Persia. One of the methods of ancient color therapy was as follows: in vessels with fruit juice containing, according to the Egyptians, the energy of the sun god Ra, they placed gems the same color as myself fruit juice. The drink saturated in this way was given to the sick. In the early 1930s. therapeutic effect The effect that different colors have on the body was described by the Indian scientist D. R. Ghadiali. According to him, organs and systems of the body are sensitive to certain colors, which stimulate or slow down their action. Knowing this, you can use different colors with therapeutic purpose. In the mid-1950s. Swiss scientist Max Lüscher compiled an original color test. After many experiments, from 4500 tones and shades, colors were selected that most clearly influence human physiology and psychology. Research conducted by Luscher has shown that color can change the functions of certain systems in the human body. For example, observing the color orange-red increases heart rate, breathing, blood pressure and generally has an stimulating effect. Dark blue color, on the contrary, brings calmness. According to psychologists, the “language” of flowers is universal; it operates regardless of religion and nationality. How important the bright colors of the world are for us is evidenced by the fact that the body needs normal functioning it is necessary that about 80 percent of all information entering the brain comes from color vision. A full third of our volume gray matter is responsible for “digesting” a heap of shades, visible to the eye. There is even a special area in the brain responsible for decoding only color information. Today, there is a strong opinion among scientists that color therapy is one of the most promising and effective methods treatment and human health. Color therapy is quite popular these days. According to scientists, the human brain perceives color in the same way that the stomach perceives food. Thus, just as we sometimes crave certain foods, our bodies sometimes need a specific color. Moreover, color therapy is completely safe for humans, while taking synthetic drugs is usually accompanied by many side effects and unwanted effects. We perceive color primarily through vision, but unconsciously we absorb it through our skin, muscles, and even bones. Color, penetrating into our body in this way, causes certain biochemical reactions in tissues, stimulates important glands, including the pituitary gland. This gland produces hormones that control body functions: sleep, sexual arousal, metabolism, appetite. By influencing our body, color can become its healer.

The color of the clothes we choose in the morning is not accidental. We intuitively look for the color we need. If we feel tired in the morning, then we choose clothes warm colors: orange, yellow or red. And if we come home irritated, nervous, we want to throw off the bright colors and dress in calm ones: greenish, blue, dark blue. Why? This is required by our physical and mental state.

Modern scientists believe that color therapy is one of the most promising and reliable methods of treatment and recovery. Our brain, scientists believe, perceives color in the same way as our stomach perceives food. And just as we sometimes crave a specific food, our body sometimes needs a specific color. It is clear that “color pills” are completely safe for humans, while taking regular tablets-synthetic drugs - may be accompanied by many side effects and adverse events. Each organ is the source of color, and by the absence or insufficiency of one or another color one can judge which organ is sick and in what condition it is. And since each organ emits its own color, the sick organ should be nourished with this color. The seven primary colors of the rainbow are associated with the tissues of the body and soul. The actions of these seven colors can help restore a person's health. If gelatin paper, painted in any of seven colors, is wrapped around a container of water (jar, bottle, jug) and placed in the sun for 4 hours, the water will absorb color vibrations. If you drink this water, the effect on the body will be beneficial. Research by scientists has shown that the rays of the sun, passing through glasses painted in various colors, bring great benefits in the treatment of skin and other diseases. With the help experimental research rays of various colors have been shown to cure a number of skin diseases. It is possible to regulate a person’s psycho-emotional state by changing the color of the lenses of his glasses. You can conduct such a simple experiment: look through orange or yellow glass at the surrounding landscape, which will immediately give you a joyful and sublime feeling. And dirty and cold colors usually spoil the mood even in any environment, despite the sunny day. This color of the plate discourages appetite, despite the attractiveness of the prepared dish.

It is known that colors are divided into warm and cold. Warm ones include red, orange, yellow shades; cold - blue, indigo and violet. Moreover, green acts as an intermediate color. Warm ones can stimulate, while cold ones, on the contrary, soothe and relax. Green usually has a slow and gentle effect.

Color therapy has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition, promoting the desire to change his attitude towards life, the struggle for health, and stimulating the acceleration of the healing process.

2. Practical part. Study.

2.1.Organization and conduct of the study.

The administration of our school pays great attention color design classrooms, corridors and dining room. To determine students' color preferences primary school I conducted a sociological survey among students in grade 2A. A total of 15 people were interviewed. Respondents were asked the following survey questions:

1.What is your favorite color? Why? What do you think it means?

2.What color do you prefer in clothes?

3.Name the color that you associate with success and good luck?

For more accurate information We did a drawing test. To do this, we drew our favorite clothes and painted them in the colors that we love most.

Every day for a week I conducted a survey in my class on the topic “Today's Color.” The results were entered into the “Mood Color Matrix” table, where students used color to characterize their mood on a given day.

Red – enthusiastic Orange – joyful Yellow – pleasant Green – persistent, purposeful Blue – calm, balanced Blue – sad Purple – anxious

Conducted psychological test“Mood flower”, where students identified the colors of “joy” and the colors of “sadness”.

I also interviewed some teachers at our school: teacher of self-knowledge and school psychologist Irina Aleksandrovna Opanasenko and teacher English language Balmukhambetova Marina Mikhailovna.

2.2. Processing of the obtained results.

1. 23 people took part in the student survey. As a result of questioning students about their favorite color, it was revealed that the majority of the children's favorite color is red (10 people), green - 5 people, blue - 3 people, orange - 5 and yellow - 2 people. To the question, “What color do you prefer in clothes?” 7 students answered blue, 7 green, 3 blue, 3 orange, 2 yellow and 1 white. To the question, “What color do you associate with success and good luck?” 7 students answered red, 6 green, 5 yellow, 4 orange and 1 blue.

2. 15 students took part in the drawing test. Based on the results of the drawing test, it turned out that boys prefer to wear things blue, orange, red, yellow, brown, 1 case out of 8 - black. Girls - pink, blue, yellow, green and orange. I decided that boys' favorite color was blue and girls' favorite color was pink. But the teacher explained that we often choose the color of clothes depending on our mood and character.

3. When determining the “Color of the day”, we received the following table:

Table 3. Color matrix of sentiments.

F.I. student







Baytugelova A.







Madieva D







Kokbaeva Zh.







Trusova A.







Lysenko L.







Dosubaeva A.







Begaidarova D.







Heinrich M.







Kokbaev S.







Kovdiy B.





2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs