Antihelminthics for people. Anthelmintic drugs for humans: rating of the best drugs

Now, let's talk about antihelminthics.

Indeed, as you write, most first-time residents are well aware of 3-4 medications for worms and, most often, this is enough.

But I remember one incident from my pharmacy life. Once a buyer came to us, named some exotic rubbish and asked us to find him a medicine for it.

We ourselves began to wonder if we had a remedy that could cope with it?

We reached into the storage unit, were surprised that it turned out that there were not 3 antihelminthics, but more, we began to take out the instructions and read the complex Latin names helminthiases in order to find this exotic.

Of course, now we can say that a doctor should prescribe this, blah blah blah, but, you know how it happens... I really wanted to help the person.

Our search was crowned with success, the drug was found! We felt like winners!

Below I will talk about it.

So today we will talk about those drugs that are well known to you, and those, or rather, the one that is not at all well-known.

How do they work?

Which illegal immigrants are affected?

What antihelminthic drugs are prescribed for very young children, and which ones can be taken by pregnant women?

And what should you tell the buyer when selling each product?

I took information about the drugs from the State Register website medicines.

I will not touch on “dead souls” that are no longer on the market: fenasal, medamin, niclosamide, chloroxyl, etc.

Well, shall we get started?

Levamisole (Decaris)

Available in two forms: tablets of 150 mg, 1 piece per package, and 50 mg tablets, 2 pieces per package.


Decaris has no effect on pinworms!

Look at the indications: ascariasis, necatoriasis, hookworm disease. The last two are also roundworms and are much less common than roundworms.

How does it “work”?

In Russian, it causes muscle paralysis in helminths and also disrupts the energy processes in the body of an illegal immigrant.

Well, if the energy is at zero and the muscles are relaxed, nothing prevents them from being calmly expelled from the intestines. Moreover, you don’t even need laxatives. Everything happens naturally, thanks to intestinal peristalsis.

Forms of release and mode of administration

150 mg tablets are indicated for adults. It only takes one pill to paralyze a parasite.

50 mg tablets are prescribed to children 3-14 years old.

Why are there 2 tablets in the package? Because depending on age, ½ to 2 tablets are recommended at a time.

To be on the safe side, you can repeat the dose after 7-14 days.

What side effects might there be?

Headache, dizziness, cramps, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Who is it contraindicated for?

Nursing women, children under 3 years of age. For pregnant women only under strict indications.

What to say when selling?

  • Take Decaris after meals.
  • You should not drink alcohol for 24 hours after taking it.
  • After 1-2 weeks, repeat the course.

Mebendazole (Vermox, Wormin)

What helminths does it work on?

The action of this anthelmintic extends to a much larger list of helminths than Dekaris. But it works best on pinworms and whipworms.

Indications: enterobiasis, ascariasis, capillariasis, strongyloidiasis, trichinosis, hookworm disease, taeniasis, echinococcosis, alveococcosis, trichocephalosis, gnathostomiasis.

How does it work?

Didn’t I tell you that helminths have a sweet tooth? They love the glucose that their host consumes. By the way, this can explain frequent feeling hunger due to helminthiasis.

In addition, they need glucose like air, since it is involved in the synthesis of ATP, the main source of energy for the life of most living creatures.

Vermox disrupts the absorption of glucose by worms, which means that ATP synthesis is also disrupted. The helminth's strength leaves.

It is practically not absorbed in the intestines, so it works directly in the enemy’s lair.

Reception mode

The dose and regimen depend on the age and type of helminth. For example, with enterobiasis, a 10-year-old child needs 1 tablet to deal with an illegal immigrant. But it is better to repeat the course after 2-4 weeks.

And for ascariasis, you will need 6 tablets (a whole package) to kill a dependent, since in this case you need to take 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days.

Other helminths require different tactics. See instructions.

Abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness.

Who is it contraindicated for?

Children under 2 years old, pregnant and lactating women.

What to say when selling?

  • After 2-4 weeks the course must be repeated.
  • Alcohol should not be used within 24 hours after taking it.
  • Fatty foods enhance the absorption of the drug into the blood. While you are being treated with Vermox, try to avoid fatty foods.

Pyrantel (Pyrantel, Helmintox)

What helminths does it work on?

Effective on pinworms, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms.

In medical terms it will sound like this: enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm disease, trichocephalosis.

How does it work?

It works on young and adult illegal immigrants, but it spares the larvae, so repeated use is necessary.

Absorbed very poorly from the intestines.

Forms of release and mode of administration

This drug is good because it comes in the form of a suspension.

Pyrantel suspension can be given to a child from 6 months of age. Remember last time we said that enterobiasis is very contagious, and an older child may well infect a younger one?

Age-specific dosages of the suspension are indicated in the instructions, so you don’t need to calculate anything per kilogram of weight. Just open the instructions and read.

The number of tablets depends on age and weight. For example, an 8 year old child will need 2 tablets per dose. Usually, for enterobiasis and ascariasis, a single dose is sufficient, but for combined helminthiases (this also happens), you will have to repeat the dose one or two more times.

What adverse reactions can it cause?

When taking it, you may experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, rash, drowsiness or insomnia.

Who is it contraindicated for?

  • Nursing.
  • With caution - pregnant women and people with liver failure.

What should you say when selling?

  1. Take Pirantel during or after meals, chewing the tablets thoroughly and drinking a glass of water.
  2. For car enthusiasts: it may cause drowsiness, so it is better not to drive while taking this drug.
  3. After 3 weeks it is advisable to repeat the course.

Piperazine adipate (Piperazine)

A good old, although forgotten, anthelmintic.

Who does it affect?

For roundworms and pinworms (ascariasis, enterobiasis).

How does it work?

Causes paralysis of the muscles of helminths.

Neutralizes 90-95% of enemy units the first time. The second time - 100%.

It is quickly absorbed into the blood and excreted mainly by the kidneys. This explains the side effects, which are discussed below.

But in general, this is a low-toxic drug.

Forms of release and mode of administration

Previously there were tablets of 0.2 and 0.5 g. Now only 0.5.

Drink Piperazine 1 hour before meals or 0.5-1 hour after meals. age dosages. For example, adults need to take 3 tablets at once. And so 2 times a day.

For ascariasis, take 2 days in a row, for enterobiasis, 5 days. In the latter case, it is recommended to take another 1-2 courses, taking a week break between them.

What side effects does it cause?

Abdominal pain, nausea, headache.

If kidney function is impaired, there may be tremors, euphoria, hallucinations, and impaired coordination of movements.

Who is it contraindicated for?

  • Pregnant, lactating. Security not established. Although I read in other sources that this is the only drug approved for use by pregnant women. In general, be careful with pregnant women, and if you take responsibility for advising something, recommend only not in the first trimester.
  • Persons with chronic renal failure and organic diseases CNS.

What to say when selling?

  1. Take it an hour before meals or 30 minutes to 1 hour after.
  2. At night, do an enema (4-5 glasses for adults, 1-2 glasses for children) for mechanical removal worms.
  3. After a week, repeat the course (for enterobiasis).

Albendazole (Nemozol)

What helminths does it work on?

  • For roundworms: roundworms, pinworms, hookworms, whipworms, etc. (ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm disease, necatoriasis, trichuriasis).
  • For intestinal acne - the disease is called strongyloidiasis (it’s still that kind of rubbish: many organs are affected, but most often the bile ducts).
  • Pork tapeworm larvae (Neurocysticercosis).
  • Echinococcus (echinococcosis).
  • Giardia.
  • Toxocara is the causative agent of toxocariasis (common helminthiasis in dogs).

How does it work?

It is poorly absorbed from the intestines, but eating fatty foods increases absorption into the blood 5 times, which means there will be more side effects.

Forms of release and mode of administration

Nemozol is available in the form chewable tablets, suspensions and film-coated tablets.

Take it during meals or immediately after.

The dose and course depend on the type of helminth and the patient’s body weight.

Who is it contraindicated for?

Pregnant women, persons with retinal damage.

Caution: nursing mothers, people with liver failure and hematopoietic disorders.

What side effects does it cause?

There are a lot of them, and they are serious, so I would not advise you to take it upon yourself and recommend this drug yourself.

See what could happen:

  • Liver dysfunction
  • Leukopenia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia,
  • Acute renal failure,
  • Increasing A/D,
  • Meningeal symptoms
  • Well, and more harmless ones: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, reversible alopecia, itchy skin, rash.

Possesses teratogenic effect. Therefore, during treatment with it and for a month after its completion, reliable contraception is required!

During treatment with Nemozol, you need to take a blood test regularly, once every 2 weeks.

What to say when selling?

  1. For a woman: during treatment and another month after the end of treatment with this anthelmintic you need to protect yourself from pregnancy.
  2. While you are being treated with this drug, avoid fatty foods and grapefruits as they increase the absorption of the drug into the blood and increase the likelihood of adverse reactions.
  3. Take it with or immediately after meals.
  4. For car enthusiasts: the drug may reduce the reaction, so they are not recommended to drive during treatment.

Praziquantel (Biltricide)

This is exactly the drug that I talked about at the beginning.


  • Infections caused by schistosome worms (Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma intercalatum, Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma mekongi). Common name them - schistosomiasis.
  • Infections caused by liver and lung flukes (Clonorchis sinensis, Opistorchis viverrini, Paragonimus westermani). Have you heard about opisthorchiasis? It occurs when eating contaminated, poorly cooked fish.

Both of them have suckers in order to securely attach to the host’s body, which is why they are called “flukes.”

How does it work?

Quickly and completely absorbed from gastrointestinal tract into the blood.

Forms of release and mode of administration

Available in film-coated tablets, 6 tablets per package.

Take the drug without chewing, after meals. Treatment lasts only 1 or 2 days depending on the type of helminth.

The tablets can be taken once, twice or three times a day. This also depends on the type of illegal immigrant.

The instructions clearly state single dosages by weight.

If you have to dispense this drug, do not be lazy to count the number of tablets per course. Perhaps one package will not be enough.

What side effects does it cause?

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, itching, fever.

Who is it contraindicated for?

  • Patients with impaired liver function.
  • Pregnant women (especially strictly contraindicated in the 1st trimester) and lactating women. Breastfeeding should not be done during treatment with the drug and for another three days.
  • Children under 4 years old.

What to say when selling?

  • Take the tablets without chewing after meals.
  • For car enthusiasts: it is better not to drive while being treated with this drug.


If we are dealing with ascariasis, Dekaris, Vermox or Piperazine are quite suitable, but they are weaker.

If the uninvited guests are pinworms, Vermox and Pirantel will deal with them wonderfully, and there is no need to use heavy artillery in the form of Nemozol. You can get by with Piperazine, but you will have to give it for 5 days.

If a family with pinworms has a child aged 6-12 months, only one drug is suitable for him: Pyrantel in suspension.

For tapeworms ( pork tapeworm, echinococcus, alveococcus, etc.) Nemozol and Vermox act. The latter is weaker, but less toxic.

And if illegal immigrants are flukes, the main drug here is Biltricide.

If some helminths are not listed in the instructions, then remember that three drugs have the widest spectrum of action: Nemozol, Biltricid and Vermox.

Strictly contraindicated for pregnant women:

Mebendazole (Vermox), albendazole (Nemozol).

Strictly contraindicated for nursing mothers:

Levamezole (Dekaris), mebendazole (Vermox, Wormin), Pyrantel.

Complex sales for helminthiasis

And finally.

Exercise for the mind

And finally, two math problems.

Just to solve them, you will have to take the instructions:

Problem number one

The family lives: mother, father, grandmother, 6-year-old son and 8-month-old daughter.

A little son (6 years old) came to his father and showed him a piece of paper from kindergarten, where it was written in red ink that, they say, your child has been diagnosed with pinworms, treat it urgently!

Attention, question:

Which drugs and in what quantity would you recommend to this dad?

Problem number two

The Paramonov family consists of a mother, father, an 8-year-old son and another 3-year-old son. One morning, oh, horror, my mother found little white worms in the stool of my youngest. Mom immediately, headlong, flew to you, to the pharmacy.

Attention, question:

What will you offer her, and how many packages?

And very, very finally:

You may have been asked about pumpkin seeds and garlic enemas: they say they are very effective for helminthiasis.

What will I tell you:

About pumpkin seeds: they actually work on some worms (although history is silent on which ones). But for there to be a result, single dose seeds should be 300 grams! As for the coursework, only God knows.

Although, if the pharmacy has them in stock, you can offer them in combination with an anthelmintic.

Regarding the garlic enema.

Write down the recipe.

Take a head of garlic. Grind. Pour a glass of water and bring to a boil. Cool, strain, put into a syringe and administer rectally to MOM or DAD, who was going to give his little blood such an execution.

Better yet, add the juice of one onion to the garlic and add the SAME.

Perhaps the helminths burst into tears from the juice of onions and sneeze from the smell of garlic, but this is unlikely to have any effect on their health and existence. But the child’s rectal mucosa will be seriously damaged.

On this sad note, let me end our conversation for today.

With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

Please note that the information below is solely for informational character and is not a guide to the purchase and use of the drug. Consultation with a specialist (attending physician) is necessary!

3 Helminthox

Affordable price
Country: France
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Means wide range actions. Low risk of adverse reactions
Country: Hungary
Average price: 96 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The anthelmintic drug Vermox is a representative of broad-spectrum drugs. This means that it therapeutic effect applies to patients with mixed helminthiasis, enterobiasis, ascariasis and other types of invasions. Experts note the highest effectiveness in the fight against pinworms and whipworms. The 100 mg tablets come in a pack of 6.

Contraindications include Crohn's disease, liver dysfunction, ulcerative colitis, pregnancy and lactation, increased sensitivity, and also childhood under 2 years old. Users speak positively about this anthelmintic medicine, calling it highly effective. Adverse reactions, judging by the survey, are unlikely.

1 Vormin

Wormin is a broad-spectrum prescription anthelmintic drug that demonstrates the greatest efficiency in the fight against pinworms. Release form: 24 tablets of 100 mg. The medicine is contraindicated in cases of liver dysfunction, the period of waiting for a child and breastfeeding, children under 2 years of age, as well as in the presence of intolerance to the components of the drug.

Most anthelmintic drugs are prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. Another common indication is childhood. In cases where herbal medicine does not bring the desired results, doctors prescribe the drugs presented in this category to pregnant women and children, adjusted to a reduced dosage.

3 Dekaris

The best drug for children over 3 years old. Single dose
Country: Hungary
Average price: 75 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The release form is presented in two variations - 50 and 150 mg. The package contains 1 or 2 tablets. The product is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. Users note that with normal intestinal motility, cleansing of roundworms, roundworms in particular, occurs within 24 hours.

2 Pirantel

Effective tablets for children from 6 months
Country: Poland
Average price: 29 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Pyrantel is a popular anti-helminth drug for adults and children. This is the best remedy for children younger age– its use, according to the instructions, is permissible from 6 months. Indications for prescribing the tablets are enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm disease and necatoriasis. Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the components, pregnancy and lactation.

The dosage is prescribed by the attending doctor strictly individually, since not only the weight and age of the patient, but also the type of helminths are taken into account. Anthelmintic medicine suitable for treatment and use as preventative measure. Users note in reviews that the drug does not cause adverse reactions and effectively copes with the task.

1 Piperazine

The most effective and safe anthelmintic drug for pregnant women. Best price
Country: Russia
Average price: 15 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Piperazine is the most popular medicine to combat roundworms and pinworms during pregnancy. Doctors recognize it as the least toxic among other rating nominees. Competitive advantageshigh speed excretion from the body, and most importantly, no harm to the fetus. Another outstanding advantage that catches the eye, which users mention in reviews, is the frankly low cost.

A distinctive feature of herbal remedies is mainly natural composition. In addition to the direct anthelmintic effect, the medications listed in this category have restorative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and other effects on the body.

3 Bactefort

The anthelmintic drug Baktefort is biologically active additive, which is available in the form of drops in a 10 ml bottle. According to the composition, the drug consists exclusively of natural ingredients– leaves, roots, inflorescences and extracts medicinal plants. Users confirm that the medicine fights the symptoms of helminths and effectively cleanses the human body of them.

Contraindications include intolerance to the components, pregnancy and lactation, and childhood. Doctors emphasize that the drug is undesirable for use in elderly people. Reviews say there are no side effects and good tolerability. Most buyers consider the price to be too high.

2 Intoxic

An effective remedy for helminths. Removal of decomposition products
Country: India
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The medicine is intended for the treatment and prevention of adults. For children, the age limit is under 3 years. Contraindications include the period of waiting for a child and breastfeeding, individual intolerance to the components. Users in reviews mention good taste and the aroma of the drug. Significant advantages are clinical trials, availability of quality and safety certificates, the disadvantage is high cost.

1 Troychatka Evalar

The best anthelmintic capsules
Country: Russia
Average price: 265 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Troychatka from Evalar is a dietary supplement with anthelmintic effects. Release form: 400 mg capsules, 40 pieces in one package. The composition of the herbal product is represented by three useful plants- tansy, wormwood and cloves. As auxiliary component is calcium stearate. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance and diseases of the digestive system.

Small quantity side effects
Country: Latvia
Average price: 110 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Competent composition
Country: Germany
Average price: 470 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Fast action
Country: India
Average price: 670 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Ease of use
Country: Russia
Average price: 149 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Silicic acid in the composition homeopathic medicine contributes to the paralysis of the vital functions of round and tapeworms. A person feels a surge of strength after using Silicea. Patients, in general, have a positive attitude towards the medication and recommend it to others. However, the possibility of side effects confuses many buyers. Proper application will avoid unpleasant consequences.

2 Transit

Boosts immunity
Country: Russia
Average price: 135 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

A safe medicine for humans and lethal for “harmful” inhabitants human body. Transit actively fights round and flatworms. Inexpensive drug renders the best healing effect a few days after the start of the course. It is sold without a prescription from a doctor, it is better to purchase it on the Internet - you may not find it in pharmacies. Antiseptic and immunomodulatory properties improve human health and improve his general condition.

The safest remedy
Country: Russia
Average price: 225 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Thanks to plant composition Teukrium is absolutely safe. It is based on elements of the real Dubrovnik. Essential oils in the composition, in addition to the effect on helminths, they help cope with problems associated with respiratory tract. Huge number beneficial properties the drug allows millions of patients to trust it. Reviews are contradictory - some refuse to believe in effectiveness, but for the most part people evaluate the result positively.

To get rid of helminths, narrow- and broad-spectrum drugs are used. They are prescribed by the attending physician depending on the degree of worm infestation. High-quality medicines mostly demonstrate positive result and at the same time, their active components do not affect the human condition in any way.

In medicine, the following types are distinguished: medicines wide spectrum of action:

The patient may also be prescribed drugs with a narrow spectrum of action, but they are used exclusively to combat helminths found outside the intestines.

What are the benefits of using tablets and medications for worms?

More recently, the problem of worms was solved with the help of a variety of folk remedies. In almost all cases, this led to the development of helminthic infestation, which subsequently provoked the development of serious disorders and diseases.

Complete treatment of helminthiases in humans should be accompanied by medical supervision and regular testing. This will allow you to prematurely prevent negative changes in the body’s condition that may be caused by the use of one or another type of drug.

Which medications for worms are the most effective?

Today, pharmaceuticals offer many types of drugs for worms. Among them are various suspensions and broad-spectrum deworming tablets. But which of the drugs presented on pharmacy shelves are the most effective?

According to all the rules, the drugs are selected by the doctor. But there are quite frequent cases when the infection with worms is not so great, and a person can cope with them quite independently. Moreover, current manufacturers are making more than detailed instructions for each name of the drug.

This is one of the most popular and effective medicines that exist today. Pyrantel causes muscle paralysis in worms, which allows you to get rid of them quickly and without harm to the body. The drug is prescribed when a patient is diagnosed with ascariasis or enterobiasis, as well as hookworm.

You can also buy pyrantel under other names - Combatrin, Helmintox, Nemotsid. IN standard version The product is used one time before meals. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

The product can be purchased in the form of tablets or syrup for children. If you purchased the drug in tablets, chew them thoroughly when taking them and only after swallowing, wash them down with water.

The drug is well tolerated by people; in some cases, minor side effects may be detected in the form of nausea, dizziness, stomach upset and short-term vomiting. Pyrantel is contraindicated in pregnant women.


The drug is prescribed to both adults and children. Does not affect the condition immune system and does not cause intoxication even with repeated use in case of serious infestation.

The drug is prescribed individually. So, for ascariasis and enterobiasis, 1 tablet per day is prescribed. The course lasts from 3 to 5 days. For taeniasis and strongyloidiasis, the drug is prescribed once a day for 3 days. For giardiasis in adults and children, take 1 tablet per day for 5 days.

Side effects may include dry mouth, intestinal upset, abdominal pain, constipation, flatulence, dizziness, and nausea. IN in rare cases Hallucinations and spatial disorientation may occur. The tablets should absolutely not be used during pregnancy or hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.


This is a broad-spectrum anti-helminth drug, which is distinguished by its ability to influence and destroy almost any type of worm. Most often, the drug is prescribed for giardiasis. Nemozol is extremely effective against serious invasions - ascariasis, toxocariasis, necatoriasis, strongyloidiasis and taeniasis.

The product is available in the form of a suspension. It is recommended to use it directly during meals. The remedy is most successful and effective when taken together with fatty foods. This is due to the absorption of the active component of the drug, which, if this requirement is met, increases 5 times. With normal use of the suspension, the product is absorbed by only 5%.

In the standard version, in patients who have increased sensitivity to the main active component- albendazole, a series of undesirable side effects are observed in the form of digestive disorders, stomach pain, weakness, nausea, flatulence, and short-term vomiting. The drug is contraindicated in breastfeeding women and pregnant women.


Fenasal is considered one of the most the best means against infection with bovine tapeworm, teniarinhoz, diphyllobothriasis. Prescribed for children and adults different dose depending on the degree of infection, weight and age. The course of treatment with the drug lasts 4 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2 weeks.

Fenasal is usually well tolerated by the body. However, it is possible that side effects may occur if the instructions are not followed or due to intolerance to the main components. Possible nausea, a minor allergic reaction that usually goes away within a few days.


A single-use anthelmintic that, after just one use, paralyzes worms, preventing them from moving and reproducing. The tablets are indicated for ascariasis, hookworm, strongyloidiasis, trichuriasis, enterobiasis. Decaris should be used if a person has worms that move while in the body. However, the drug is ineffective for getting rid of worms that remain attached to the intestinal mucosa.

Side effects include only mild intestinal upset and short-term nausea. In rare cases, vomiting and weakness may occur.


A broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug that paralyzes worms. Praziquantel is prescribed for infection with trematodes, as well as all subspecies of flatworms.

Before prescribing praziquantel to a patient, the doctor must check for possible hypersensitivity to this drug. The dose and duration of treatment are determined individually, depending on the type of pathogen and the degree of infection with worms. The break between taking tablets should not exceed 4 days, otherwise the effect of treatment will disappear.

Side effects mainly appear only in patients with a high degree of helminthic infestation. Nausea, headache, and vomiting may occur for a short time.


The drug is taken orally during meals. Together with digestive enzymes The medicinal components of the tablets are better broken down and dispersed throughout the body. If there is no improvement within 3 weeks, the course is repeated.

There are virtually no negative consequences after taking the drug, however, the appearance of minor intestinal upset and headache cannot be ruled out. Nausea, dizziness, stomatitis, and flatulence may also occur.


With a one-time use of the drug, no side effects not identified. However, as the extension therapeutic therapy drowsiness, headache, rare allergic reactions.

How to use drugs correctly?

This is necessary to achieve a quick and sustainable effect. So, with the help of the first medicine, the helminths are initially weakened. To completely destroy them, the action of a second drug is required, for example Nemozol or Vermox.

Anthelmintic drugs are medicines used in medicine for various forms helminthiasis. Tablets for helminths are divided into broad-spectrum drugs, and selectively acting on individual species worms. Earlier for a long time used to treat worms only herbal remedies- pumpkin seeds, garlic, chenopodia oil from the anthelminthic pigweed plant (quite toxic), male fern extract, etc. Today pharmaceutical industry offers synthetic tablets from worms in humans, which are both safer and more effective because they have higher anthelmintic activity.

Because various groups drugs have specific activity, the prescription of any anthelmintic drugs should be carried out only by a doctor, according to established diagnosis. Over 70 are distributed in Russia various types helminths that can infect the human body.

Any anthelmintic treatment should not be performed for acute intestinal infections, for any somatic, infectious, viral diseases, during pregnancy (except Piperazine), during breastfeeding.

Medicines for nematodes or roundworms

  • Albendazole - Nemozol (price 120-150 rubles), Sanoxal (180 rubles), Vormil, Gelmodol-VM - suspensions, chewable tablets
  • Levamisole - Dekaris (70-90 rubles)
  • Mebendazole - Vermox 90 rub. Vormin 20 rub., Vero-Mebendazole, Vermakar, Mebex, Thermox
  • Piperazine 10-30 rub.
  • Pyrantel pamoate - Helmintox (80-120 rub.), Nemotsid, Kombantrin, Pyrantel (30-50 rub.)
  • Pyrvinium embonate - Pyrkon, Pyrivinium, Vanquin
  • Carbendacim - Medamin

For extraintestinal nematoses, other tablets are used, their names:

  • Diethylcarbamazine - Ditrazine citrate
  • Ivermectin - Ivermec (ivomek, baymek, ivermectin)

Any medications, especially for tapeworms and flatworms, should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Anthelmintic drugs are very toxic, when using which the dosage must be strictly observed depending on the patient’s weight, and maintenance therapy must be carried out in inpatient conditions(for the expulsion of flat and tape helminths). Independent use Such means are not acceptable!

Medicines for cestodes or tapeworms

Cestodes include a wide range of different names for helminths - teniarinhoz, echinococcosis, coenurosis, alveococcosis, dipylidia, sparganosis, dwarf tapeworm (hymenolepiasis), bovine tapeworm (taeniosis), pork tapeworm (cysticercosis, taeniasis), broad tapeworm (diphyllobothriasis), etc. For treatments for such helminthiases are used next pills against worms:

  • Niclosamide - Phenasal, used for intestinal tapeworms
  • Mepacrin - Akrikhin infestation with bovine, dwarf tapeworm, wide tapeworm, with giardiasis, cutaneous leishmaniasis, malaria.
  • Albendazole - Nemozol is effective both against nematodes and mixed helminthic infestations, echinococci, giardiasis, neurocysticercosis caused by Taenia solium in its larval form. Nemozol can be used against extraintestinal cestodiases.

Tablets against helminths of flukes or trematodes, flatworms

This is the broadest class of helminths, which includes opisthorchis (cat fluke), fascioliasis ( liver fluke), clonorchiasis (Chinese fluke), paraganimosis (pulmonary fluke), Watsoniosis (liver fluke), Dicroceliosis (lanceolate fluke), Cercariasis (swimmer's itch), as well as Gastrodiscoidosis, Heterophiosis, Metagonimiasis, Methorchiasis, Nanophyetosis, Fasciolopsidosis, Schistosomiasis, Eurythremosis.

  • Chloxyl and Bithionol - used against extraintestinal flukes
  • Perchlorethylene - against intestinal trematodes
  • Praziquantel - Biltricid (price 6 tablets about 400 rubles) Cesol, Cysticide, Azinox - a broad-spectrum drug, these are tablets for many types of worms

Is it worth taking anti-worm tablets for prevention?

If one of the family members has pinworms, preventive treatment is always carried out for the entire family. Considering that very often scrapings for enterobiasis are false negative, and among preschool and younger children school age the level of pinworm infection is very high, and the transmission of pinworm eggs occurs very easily - through household items, door handles, a handshake, pet hair, clothes of an infected child, bedding - many parents have a question - do they need to take deworming pills for prevention? ?

Here the opinion of experts is divided. Some believe that this is not advisable, since if you drink the medicine today, infection may occur tomorrow. In addition to observing personal hygiene rules, intimate hygiene, washing hands after the toilet, before eating, after going outside, daily morning shift underwear, no preventive treatment It is not advisable to produce enterobiasis in tablets. Medicines for helminths are very toxic and it is not advisable to unnecessarily burden the body, especially for children. Except maybe eating raw pumpkin seeds or recipes traditional medicine with garlic.

Others insist that if the family has children of preschool and primary school age, Pirantel should be taken prophylactically every six months, since in close children's groups the infection with pinworms is very high, the reliability of scraping is weak, and the symptoms are sometimes mild. In addition, it is most often possible to teach a child to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene only by the age of 4-6 years, and constant reinvasion (self-infection) can occur.

If scraping for enetrobiosis gives negative result, and the child sometimes complains of (1-2 days then after 2-3 weeks), nausea, abdominal pain, you can get tested for enterobiasis on the very morning when the child complained of itching at night and did not sleep well. And repeat the scraping 3 times, every other day and after 2 weeks, then the result will be more reliable. If pinworms are detected in someone in the family, it is recommended that all family members be treated.

Indications for prophylactic use of drugs against helminths:

  • Availability of pets
  • Constant contact with the ground (playing in the sand, villagers)
  • If children permanently live in closed children's groups
  • Regular trips to exotic countries
  • Hobbies - fishing, hunting, beach volleyball, football, etc.
  • for roundworms - 2 times a day for 1 hour or 1 hour after meals for 2 days in a row, dose 1.5 -2 g.
  • for pinworms - the same dose for 5 days in a row, then a week break, 1-3 courses of therapy.

There is no need to worry if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with pinworms. If you follow the rules of personal hygiene, even when infected with these helminths, self-healing is possible, since pinworms live only a few weeks. If, after infection, hygiene is not observed, the risk of self-infection (reinfestation) is very high, and careful adherence to hygiene and steaming of underwear will save a pregnant woman from taking toxic drugs from worms. Therefore, to avoid infection or reinfestation with worms, you should:

  • wash your hands thoroughly with soap after using the toilet
  • wash your hands after changing underwear
  • immediately before a meal (even a snack)
  • after contact with animals
  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly

Effective deworming tablets for children and adults - Pirantel, Dekaris, Vermox, Nemozol, Vormil

Active ingredient: Levamisole.
Dekaris tablets against worms provide not only destructive effect against helminths, but also an immunomodulatory effect, but use, especially for children, should be only as directed, since the drug has pronounced side effects.
Indications: pinworms (enterobiasis), roundworms (ascariasis), hookworm (hookworm), intestinal eel (strongyloidiasis), necator (necatoriasis), whipworm (trichocephalosis), trichostrongylosis, toxoplasmosis.
Contraindications: children under 3 years old, breast-feeding, agranulocytosis, 150 mg tablets should not be taken by children. Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney failure, inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis.
Directions for use: Adults once 150 mg. After eating in the evening, you should take 1 deworming tablet with a small amount of water.

  • Children 3-6 years old: 25-50 mg, that is, 1 or 0.5 tablets. 50 mg each,
  • children 6-10 years old 50-75 mg., that is, 1.5 -1 tablet. 50 mg each.
  • children 10-14 years old 75-100 mg, that is, 2-1.5 tablets. 50 mg each.

For treatment, a single dose is sufficient, after 2 weeks the course is repeated. Observe special diet or taking a laxative is not necessary.
Side effects: Nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, fever, dizziness, confusion, insomnia, allergic reactions on the skin, impaired renal function.

Price: 70-90 rub.

Pyrantel, Helmintox

Active ingredient - Pyrantel
Indications: Ascariasis, enterobiasis, necatoriasis, hookworm disease, trichuriasis. These are the most effective and safe tablets against worms for children, especially for enterobiasis and ascariasis.
Contraindicated: Hypersensitivity, use caution infants up to six months, during pregnancy and lactation, with.
Directions for use: For pinworms and roundworms, as well as for mixed infestations by these worms, adults take tablets once after breakfast at a dose of 10 mg/kg.

  • For children 0.5-2 years -125 mg
  • for children 2-6 years old - 250 mg.
  • Children 6-12 years old -500 mg.
  • For adults - 750 mg, over 75 kg - 1 g.

To avoid self-infection, the course is repeated after 2-3 weeks. For hookworm, or a combination of ascariasis with necatoriasis and other mixed infestations, take 10 mg/kg/day for 3 days or 20 mg/kg/day for 2 days. Once 5 mg/kg for isolated ascariasis. Tablets for worms in humans - Pirantel must be chewed before taking.
Side effects: Diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite, urticaria, skin rash, headache, hearing impairment, drowsiness or insomnia, hallucinations, increased liver function tests, confusion, hyperthermia, paresthesia.

Price: Pyrantel 50-60 rubles, Helmintox 80-120 rubles.

Vermox, Wormin

Active ingredient - Mebendazole
Indications: multiple nematodes, enterobiasis, ascariasis, capillariasis, strongyloidiasis, trichinosis, hookworm disease, taeniasis, echinococcosis, alveococcosis, trichocephalosis, gnathostomiasis. These are quite effective good pills from helminths, especially pinworms and roundworms.
Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, children under 2 years of age, liver failure, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, hypersensitivity to the drug.
Directions for use: Vermox anti-worm suspension or tablets are taken orally, followed by drinking a small amount of water.

  • For enterobiasis: for children 2-10 years old, 25-50 mg. once, for adults 100 mg. The course of treatment is repeated every 2-4 weeks
  • For ascariasis, hookworm, trichuriasis, strongyloidiasis, taeniasis and mixed helminthiasis - 3 days, 100 mg 2 times a day in the morning and evening
  • For trichinosis, 3 days, 200-400 mg 3 times a day, from 4-10 days, 400-500 mg 3 times a day.
  • For echinococcosis, 3 days, 500 mg 2 times a day, the next 3 days, 500 mg 3 times a day, then the dose is increased to a maximum of 25-30 mg/kg/day in 3-4 doses.

Side effects: Abdominal pain, dizziness, nausea, sometimes with long-term use allergic reactions occur, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, increased liver tests, anemia, leukopenia, hair loss, cylindruria, hematuria.

Price: Wormin 20 rubles, Vermox 100 rubles.

Nemozol, Vormil, Albendazole, Aldazole

Active ingredient: Albendazole.
Indications: nematodes (enterobiasis, ascariasis, hookworm disease, trichuriasis, necatoriasis), strongyloidiasis, echinococcosis of the lungs, liver, peritoneum, the causative agent of which is the larval form of Echinococcus granulosus, giardiasis, mixed helminthic infestations, neurocysticercosis, the causative agent of which is the larval form of Taenia solium.
Contraindications: Pregnancy, retinal damage, hypersensitivity, children under 2 years of age. Use caution during lactation, with liver dysfunction, or with hematopoietic disorders.
Method of use: Wormil or Nemozol anti-worm tablets are taken with meals.

  • For nemasodes, once, for children over 2 years old, 20 ml. suspension, adults 400 mg.
  • Tablets against worms for echinococcosis and neurocysticercosis are indicated for patients over 60 kg 400 mg twice a day, less than 60 kg at a rate of 15 mg/kg/day twice a day. The maximum daily dose is 400 mg 2 times a day, the course of treatment for neurocysticercosis is 8-30 days, echinococcosis is 3 courses of 28 days, from 2 a week's break between cycles.
  • the doctor prescribes 10-15 mg/kg once a day for a week.
  • For toxocariasis, children under 14 years old, 2 times a day, 10 mg/kg, up to 60 kg, 2 times a day, 200 mg, for adults over 60 kg, 2 times a day, 400 mg, course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

Side effects: Liver dysfunction, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, headache, dizziness, increased blood pressure, body temperature, allergic reactions, renal failure, leukopenia, pancytopenia, thrombocytopenia, granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis.

Price: Nemozol 170-250 rub.

Herbal anthelmintics

Tansy flowers

Application: as anthelmintic with enterobiasis and ascariasis. Place 3 filter bags in a glass or enamel bowl and pour in 1/2 tbsp. boiling water, leave covered for 15 minutes, squeeze, bring to 100 ml. boiled water. 1-2 tbsp. spoons are taken orally 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Shake before use.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity, cholelithiasis, children under 18 years of age, pregnancy, lactation.
Side effects: allergic reactions, in case of overdose - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Price: 40-50 rub.

Centaury grass

Application: loss of appetite, dyspepsia, hepatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, anemia, helminthiasis (whipworm infestation). 100 ml 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals (20g of herb is poured into 1 liter of boiling water, infused, filtered).
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Side effects: allergy
Price: 50-60 rub.

Pumpkin seeds

Application: Helminthiasis (for infestation of broad tapeworm, bovine, pork and dwarf tapeworm).

Method 1: 2 days before treatment, an enema is prescribed in the morning on days 1 and 2 and a saline laxative the night before. On the day of treatment, an enema is given on an empty stomach. Then 300 g (according to age 75 -250 g) of peeled seeds are ground in a mortar, 50 ml is added. water, stir. Take the mixture on an empty stomach, lying down, in small portions, for 1 hour. After 3 hours, take a laxative and after 30 minutes. enema. You can eat only after stool.

  • adults 300 gr
  • children 3–4 years old - 75 g,
  • 5–7 l. - 100 g,
  • 8–10 l. - 150 g,
  • 10–15 l. - 200–250 g.

Method 2: grind the seeds with the peel in a meat grinder/mortar, add double volume of water, without bringing to a boil, evaporate in a water bath for 2 hours over low heat. Then the broth is filtered and the oil film is removed. On an empty stomach slowly for 30 minutes. The entire decoction is taken orally. After 2 hours, take a saline laxative.

  • For adults, a decoction of 500 g of unpeeled seeds,
  • 10 years - 300 g,
  • 5–7 l. - 200 g,
  • up to 5 years - 100–150 g.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity
Side effects: allergic manifestations

What worms are especially common in Russia?

Pinworms and roundworms the most common types of nematodes that are found everywhere, infection occurs very easily
Pork tapeworm also found everywhere, especially in Ukraine and Belarus
Wide tapeworm the main areas where cases of infection are frequent are areas near large number freshwater bodies of water, foci of infection are frequent in the north of Siberia, Karelia, Far East, Baikal region, Volga region, in the Baltic states, Kazakhstan, Dnieper, Irtysh, Ob basins.
Trichinella in the central, northern, eastern regions of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus
Whipworm in subtropical, tropical climatic zones with a humid, warm climate, infection often occurs when visiting resorts
Dwarf tapeworm widespread, most common in dry and hot climates
Bull tapeworm everywhere, especially in Central Asia and Transcaucasia
Liver fluke everywhere, especially in the Baltic states, north-west Russia, Central Asia, Transcaucasia
Opisthorchiasis - Siberian or cat fluke there are intense outbreaks in Kazakhstan, in Western Siberia, in the basins of the Volga, Kama, Irtysh, Ob, Don
Pulmonary fluke in the Far East
Chinese fluke basins of the Amur River, in the Far East
Echinococcosis, alveococcosis Moldova, Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Rostov and Volgograd region, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, in Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Yakutia, Altai Territory.

Tablets with worms for weight loss

The fashion for a model appearance and the desire to lose weight sometimes pushes many women to take reckless actions that can be dangerous to health - this strict diets(essentially fasting), which has contraindications and often leads to reverse effect, as well as taking “Miracle” tablets with worms. You should know that these pills are sold illegally, they are dangerous to health, and advertising of miracle diet pills is a scam and a deception.

Most the best way To get rid of extra pounds for a woman (especially after pregnancy) means doing Bodyflex for only 15 minutes a day, as well as avoiding flour, fatty and fried foods. Diet No. 5 is ideal, which is prescribed to patients with pancreatitis and liver diseases (see).

Antihelminthic drugs. The modern pharmacological industry offers us several main groups synthetic drugs, which are effective and less dangerous for the human body

Every year, more than a million people hear from doctors a diagnosis of helminthiasis ( helminthic infestation). Failure to comply with hygiene rules, consumption of dirty or unheated food products cause helminths to enter the body modern man. Sometimes the pathology can be asymptomatic, and sometimes it leads to severe intoxication and fatal outcome Therefore, therapy must be selected carefully and be timely. Are there broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs and how to choose the most effective one?


  • anticestodal drugs. They are effective against infestation by cestodes (tapeworms).
  • anti-trematode drugs. These anthelmintic drugs for humans are used for fluke infestations ( flatworms, flukes);
  • Anti-nematode drugs eliminate nematodes (roundworms).


Tapeworms cause many helminthiases: echinococcosis, alveococcosis, taeniosis (bovine tapeworm), cysticercosis (pork tapeworm), diphyllobothriasis (wide tapeworm), etc. Antihelminthic drugs for humans aimed at combating cestodes are the following: “Niclosamide”, “ Mepacrine", "Fenasal".


This group of medications effectively copes with the fight against roundworms, which include: trichinella; roundworms, whipworms and pinworms. Trade names of these drugs - “Dekaris”, “Ditrazine citrate”, “Helmintox”, “Ivermek”, “Medamin”.

Broad spectrum drugs

Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs for humans are represented by a limited series of drugs. They are divided according to the main active substance, which is included in:

It's effective anthelmintic drug wide spectrum of action, the use of which is advisable for:

  • mixed helminthiasis;
  • larval form of cestodes;
  • enterobiasis;
  • ascariasis;
  • opisthorchiasis;
  • giardiasis.

Preparations containing albendazole - “Albella”, “Nemozol”, “Aldazol”, “Angelmex”, “Vormil”, “Zentel”, “Farmox”. The drugs are available in tablet form, suspension, and chewable tablets. Such drugs are easier to give to children.

  • Chinese fluke;
  • cat fluke;
  • wide tapeworm;
  • bovine and pork tapeworms.

This broad-spectrum antihelminthic drug for humans causes spastic paralysis muscular apparatus of worms, which leads to their rapid death.

Trade names: “Azinox”, “Baltricid”, “Biltrid”, “Drontsit”, “Prakvisantel”, “Pikviton”, “Cistritsid”.


The most commonly used broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug for humans, which is prescribed for invasion:

The standard treatment regimen is 100 mg 2 times a day. The choice of dose depends on the form of invasion, the patient’s condition and his age. The drug is approved for use in children over 2 years of age.

Analogues that can be found in pharmacies are “Vermox” and “Vormin”, as well as “Mebex”, “Talmox100”, “Telmox”.

The choice of a broad-spectrum anthelmintic drug should be carried out under the strict supervision of the attending physician. These drugs are very toxic, so the wrong medication and dosage can lead to serious complications.



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