Professions and their earnings. The most in-demand and highest-paid professions

The labor market is constantly changing and it is quite difficult to say what are the most in-demand professions in Russia 2015-2020. It is almost impossible to accurately predict how things will be in this area even in a year; one can only make assumptions based on analysis and research.

This situation has arisen due to the rapid development of the market for services and technologies; they, in turn, place certain demands on the staff of specialists. It is especially difficult to make predictions regarding professions for girls and women. But we can outline the situation in this area today.

What professions are in demand now?

This question is quite difficult to answer, since different researchers on this issue provide conflicting information.

In addition, today the concept of “state order for professions”. This is when at the government level they draw up a list of specialties for which it is necessary to train a certain number of qualified personnel.

After the “order” comes down to educational institutions. But so far this scheme is hardly working. There are several reasons for this, the main one is abundance of private universities who independently decide in what areas to train specialists. And one more thing no less important, where to find applicants, future specialists, for example, engineers, teachers, when it is known about the deplorable state of the industries in which they will have to work and, accordingly, about low financial support.

The question: can be answered from different positions and points of view, there are at least 2 of them:

  1. State order data for specialties;
  2. Research data.

Basically everyone today strives to become managers, lawyers, economists, specialists in international relations.

These areas are certainly in demand in the labor market, but a huge number of specialists, trained in these areas, minimize the opportunity to get a job in their specialty without problems.

While employers have the opportunity to increase the qualification requirements for applicants. At the same time, the situation in other areas is diametrically opposite.

Let's try to compose consolidated list of popular professions for women at the moment, taking into account the research of specialists and the state order for specialties. So the List will look something like this:

Teachers in secondary educational institutions, schools. This is traditionally a woman’s domain in the labor market, but due to some neglect of the education sector, today there are few people willing to go there to work. The Russian government, for its part, is trying to raise the prestige of this profession through financial incentives;

Doctors. In this industry, things are the same as in the previous one. There is a particularly acute shortage of junior staff: nurses, orderlies. The staff of doctors in clinics has been greatly reduced. Many specializations are in danger of disappearing due to the fact that soon there will be no one to work with;

Engineers. This applies to both men and women. Without a powerful engineering corps, technological and therefore technical development, much less a breakthrough, is impossible;

IT specialists. There is simply a catastrophic shortage of personnel here. Most workers in this field are self-taught or their qualifications leave much to be desired. The latter occurs due to the fact that the domestic education system is not adapted to modern requirements in the field of IT technologies and does not keep pace with its rapid development. As a result, specialists are trained using outdated systems and programs;

Specialists in the field of nanotechnology. The shortage of qualified personnel in this case is due to the fact that only a few educational institutions provide training. In addition, this direction is promising and is only gaining momentum;

  • Marketers. The market today offers simply a myriad of products, and to successfully promote them, it is necessary to conduct research and make forecasts regarding what prospects await a particular product in the market. The shortage of specialists in this field is due to the fact that educational institutions have only recently mastered this area and have not yet saturated the market with trained personnel;

    Psychologists, in particular family psychologists. This fashion trend came from the West, and today it is confidently gaining popularity in the post-Soviet space.

    This is probably the most in-demand professions on the labor market in Russia for the female half of the population. The following list answers the question: “What professions are in demand in Russia?”, in general, throughout the country. If we consider the situation in specific regions, it will change.

    The most in-demand professions in Russia, video:

    What professions will be in demand in 5 years?

    It is quite difficult to make any forecasts on this matter, because the modern labor market is very flexible and dynamic, directly dependent on the macroeconomic situation and directions of technology development. But on the other hand, it is quite static, since the reorganization of areas of professional training in educational institutions takes quite a lot of time.

    Today all trends point to the fact that popular professions for girls in 5 years will remain in the same form as presented above. The first place will be:

    The latter specialty will almost 100% be in high demand in a few years, especially in Russia. This is due to the fact that the demographic situation, at least at a small pace, is beginning to improve.

    The increase in population necessitates the construction of housing. In addition, the catastrophically outdated housing stock requires at least partial renovation.

    On top of that, the demand for construction specialties will increase the development of businesses that need commercial facilities: business centers, warehouses, retail spaces, industrial premises.

    But in the first place there will still be professions related to intellectual work. This situation is natural, since Russia is gradually moving from the industrial to the information stage of development.

    Some of the most in demand will be specialties related to the service sector. These professions can be called eternal, because you will always need to repair a car, serve food in a cafe or restaurant, sell goods and provide other services.

    As business develops, the demand for such personnel only increases. This is the most dynamic category; it quickly changes the requirements for applicants depending on the situation. This is due to the fact that in this case no special deep knowledge is needed. These types of work can easily be performed by people with minimal knowledge in the field. What is needed here is a skill that is developed in the process of work.

    But to answer the question: “What professions will be in demand in 2020”, it is necessary to list those specialties that will remain, as they say, out of work. In this case, making forecasts is much easier. It is enough to list the professions in which educational institutions have already provided the market for decades and continue to produce specialists in these areas:

    • Lawyers;
    • Economists;
    • Managers;
    • Administrative staff, office workers.

    But in the latter case the question may arise: “How come office workers are not in demand, since business is actively developing, and accordingly the need for such personnel is increasing?”.

    But they will play a cruel joke on him new technologies, they will allow maximum optimization of the work of organizations, especially small companies and firms, and accordingly will allow owners to reduce the use of human resources.

    Also under threat of extinction, according to experts, is journalism in the classical sense of this specialty. This is especially true for print media; today they have already lost much relevance in terms of the source of information.

    The same fate awaits the radio, which is being restructured in an entertaining way, leaving the information function as short news blocks.

    The only source of information in equal demand with the Internet remains television, but this type of media is also losing its position.

    To post information online, you do not need to have a degree in journalism, and this is still a zone without censorship, which brings the Internet to a leading position.

    Thus, when choosing a direction of training or a future specialty, it is necessary to take into account current trends, get acquainted with research and independently analyze the information received.

    The most sought after and highest paid

    For Russia, the answer to this question is ambiguous, because demand and remuneration are different concepts in our country, unlike Western countries. For example, the most in demand professions are engineers and teachers, but at the same time they are among the lowest paid.

    At the same time, workers oil and gas industry and top managers receive high wages, but are not so in demand, especially if you take the percentage indicator. This is no more than 5% of the total number of offers on the labor market.

    That's why the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia It is almost impossible to clearly define.

    In such cases, it is necessary to resort to the help of mathematics, namely, to derive the arithmetic mean. As a result, it turns out that this is a profession IT specialist, programmer.

    This corresponds to general global trends, since the development of technology requires the writing of software, its modernization and maintenance. This direction can also be noted as the most promising. It should also be noted that there are more women specialists in this field. Just 10-15 years ago it was the domain of men.

    The highest paid professions in Russia, video:

    What professions are most in demand in the world?

    In this case, the word “world” means the most advanced labor markets: Europe, USA. This is due to the fact that it is possible to obtain a clear, specific answer to this question, since labor markets are subject to systematic, scrupulous research and the list of in-demand specialties is quite clear.

    For example, it will be quite difficult to monitor the African labor market. It can be assumed that everything will depend on the degree of economic development of the country.

    So what does it look like list of leading professions for Europe and the USA:

    These are the most in-demand professions in the world. Here it is worth noting the point where the specialty of a mathematics teacher is indicated. A fairly precise definition of specialization, while the domestic labor market needs teachers without defining the focus in general.

    List of in-demand professions in Western countries can be considered very conditionally global. On other continents it may be completely different. But in the above lists you can find similarities in terms of the demand for specialties related to technology development, PR and advertising. These areas can confidently be called promising on a global scale. These are professions that will be in demand in the future.

    This situation indicates that Russia is a full participant in global economic and scientific processes, despite the forecasts of spiteful critics of the Russian Federation among leaders, including regarding the development of the labor market.

    Exotic professions in demand in Russia

    It would be unfair to ignore professions that the average person has barely heard of - exotic ones. These include:

    1. Torchbearer Manager;
    2. Boogie Woogie Trainer;
    3. Sports shoe tester;
    4. Captain of a floating drilling rig;
    5. Livestock slaughterer;
    6. Carcass cutting specialist.

    All these vacancies are quite real, employers offer applicants decent wages and a full benefits package. Considering that there are no training courses in educational institutions for most specialties, the main requirement is that candidates have a higher education.

    It should be noted that foreign companies are the trendsetters for exotic specialties, not counting the last 3 items on the list.

    Although they cannot be called truly in demand, since offers from employers are sporadic.

    5 most desirable professions, video:

    Interesting facts about the labor market in Europe

    If you ask a question in Germany: “What professions are in demand for girls now?” you can, among other things, hear about the vacancy brothel workers. This is not a joke, but reality.

    The employment service may seriously offer a vacancy as a priestess of love to a girl or woman under the age of 40. At the same time, she receives a decent salary, official employment with a social package and officially makes contributions, thereby earning a pension.

    It is hardly possible to imagine such a situation in the domestic labor market.

    On the one hand, this is a civilized approach to solving a serious social problem, but on the other hand, it is still somewhat immoral. Although we, citizens of the former Soviet Union, whose moral heritage is still quite strong, cannot understand the pragmatic Europeans.

    Considering the active integration of the Russian Federation into global processes, one can expect that by 2020 list of official professions will be replenished with new names that are unthinkable today.

    When choosing a profession, it is worth considering two main criteria: personal qualities and so-called professional suitability. Simply put, a person must not only want to work in a certain field, but also have a certain potential for self-realization in it.

    “Technical people” and “humanitarians” are the most elementary division of people according to the criterion of professional suitability. The corresponding abilities can be pronounced, but it also happens that a person has approximately the same inclination for both technical and humanities. In any case, within each of these two groups of professions there are many subgroups, and therefore the choice is quite wide.

    Even the ancient Romans noticed that mala herba cito crescit (“weeds grow quickly”), and in order to get a good harvest, you need to work hard, and with skill. Today, food security for seven billion people is ensured by agronomists, gardeners, farmers, machine operators and even foresters - all those who work on the land or are professionally engaged in crop production.

    The list of professions related to security can be both technical and social and humanitarian, and can be at the intersection of these two areas. In addition, in this area there is a division into security and information security. Security in the field of IT and engineering security are especially relevant at the enterprise level, and fire and military safety are, as a rule, issues of public service.

    Representatives of military professions do not “work”, but perform public service. In addition, to become a military officer, you usually need to receive appropriate education from school age. The military professional sphere provides the country with people who can and are able to make responsible decisions, lead a competent strategy, and also contribute to its technical development. In a word, the mission of protecting the state in peace and war is entrusted to their shoulders.

    To put it simply, computer-related specialties include a large group of professions directly related to information technology. IT (in the English version IT - information technology) is a set of methods and means of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting text, video or audio data. The use and development of this harmonious system is ensured by IT specialists, in other words, IT specialists: web developers, software testers, programmers, content managers, system administrators and dozens of other professionals involved in computer equipment, software and their use.

    Professions related to the sky, of course, can be poetically called the most sublime, and they are suitable for 100% romantics. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the profession of an air traffic controller, flight attendant or pilot will require quite down-to-earth and absolute dedication - it’s not for nothing that cosmonauts and test pilots are awarded the title of Heroes of Russia for their work.

    In the 21st century, beauty and fashion have become powerful industries, which means that to work in them, professionals are needed, and a variety of them: makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, fashion designers. It’s not easy to break through and make a name for yourself in this field, but the work is extremely interesting.

    Light industry is understood as a set of industries that produce a huge range of consumer goods - from toys and souvenirs to household items that are impossible to live without in everyday life. All this is developed and manufactured by representatives of different professions: clothing designers, fashion designers, tailors, seamstresses, shoemakers, weavers, furniture makers.

    Modern linguists are no longer pure humanists, comparing the vocabulary of the poems of Byron and Pushkin or collecting dialect expressions on expeditions to cities and villages in order to compile a dictionary of dialects of disappearing nationalities. Today, the list of professions related to the theoretical study and practical application of different languages ​​includes not only a translator and linguist, but also specialists in information intelligent systems who develop speech recognition programs, automatic text processing and other software.

    In order for every buyer to always be able to find exactly the product he needs on the shelves of a supermarket, in a boutique collection and in a household appliance showroom, there must be a clearly established system of procurement, transportation, and warehousing. All this is done by sales managers, buyers, merchandisers, supervisors, brokers, brokers, logisticians, storekeepers, forwarders and other representatives of trade-related professions.

    Doctors, nurses, geneticists, virologists and other medical researchers at one time chose the medical profession. The level of responsibility in this area is off the charts, and the knowledge required for work is sometimes at the intersection of sciences such as chemistry, physics, biology and even engineering. The list of specializations for doctors is not long. Today, medical institutions are constantly in need of anesthesiologists, pediatric and adult resuscitators, narcologists and psychiatrists, as well as emergency physicians and medical laboratory diagnostic workers.

    Across the seas, along the waves - today here, tomorrow there. If you are ready to live in such a rhythm, then the professions of a sea captain, sailor, navigator, motor mechanic or diver are just for you. Working in the navy cannot be called easy, but maritime specialties have long and probably forever received the status of the most romantic.

    In universities, everyone studies a variety of academic disciplines; for many graduates of higher educational institutions, science becomes a profession. Historians and philosophers, ethnographers and anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontologists, ecologists and sociologists, art historians and cultural scientists, nuclear physicists and biochemists, meteorologists and cartographers, geologists and gemologists - they all work in different branches of fundamental or applied science.

    With the development of the non-state education segment, the level of demand for representatives of the teaching professions has increased sharply. In addition, the practice of private tutoring has become very common lately. Nanny work and employment in preschool institutions also require the candidate to have pedagogical education. Modern educational, entertainment and sports studios for children and adults offer dance, language, and creative classes. The teaching profession is in demand in all these areas.

    Everyone loves to eat delicious food, but if at home we often make do with amateur express scrambled eggs, “constructed” in haste and to the best of our ability, then on an industrial scale the preparation and production of food is carried out by professionals: catering technologists, cooks, bakers, restaurateurs, and even tasters and sommeliers, who test the taste of food and compile wine lists.

    Civil servants are employees of executive, legislative, regional and municipal authorities, police officers, prosecutors, courts, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and even the military. That is, these are not only officials in the usual sense for the majority, but in general all professionals working in government civilian or law enforcement agencies. Therefore, by and large, politicians and diplomats can be called civil servants.

    Professions related to working with people either carry a certain social benefit, or are at the intersection of two (or more) spheres of activity, pursuing slightly different goals. So, if we compare, for example, the professions of a teacher and a personnel manager, then the first one works exclusively with people and for the sake of people (in general), and the second one pursues corporate interests. Therefore, working with people is a very general concept, which, however, in all cases requires the employee to demonstrate highly moral human qualities.

    It’s not for nothing that wild and domestic animals are called our little brothers: they, just like people, need qualified medical care, professional care, proper education and reliable protection. All this is done for wildlife inhabitants and pets by veterinarians, paramedics, dog handlers, groomers, zoologists, trainers, gamekeepers - in short, specialists whose work involves direct or indirect contact with animals.

    Travel agency workers, tour guides, flight attendants, pilots and others are prominent representatives of professions directly related to travel. However, there is a list of professions that are related to flights and trips only indirectly, and therefore they are of a business trip nature. Geologists, archaeologists and other researchers simply cannot imagine their lives without travel, although the essence of the subject of their activity is not at all in changing the dislocation.

    Representatives of several dozen specialties work in the field of media and publishing. All of them ensure the publication of books, newspapers, and magazines. In recent decades, many traditional professions in this field, for example, journalist, editor or illustrator, have been adapted to the features of electronic media and virtual information platforms without changing their essence. Just like hundreds of years ago, correspondents, columnists, reporters, proofreaders, layout designers and other professionals do everything to ensure that the reader receives high-quality information - no matter in what format it will be presented.

    It is unlikely that the ancient Greeks, leaving their everyday peaceful activities or military service while participating in the Olympic Games, could have imagined that two thousand years later sport would become a profession. But today this is the case, and in this industry, no matter how strange it may sound, football players, tennis players, hockey players, track and field athletes, figure skaters, gymnasts work, and bookmakers take bets on the outcome of competitions. Well, those who have not reached the professional level are introduced to sports by fitness trainers.

    The list of creative professions is quite wide. The list includes artistic, theatrical, pop, dance and other areas related to art. If you feel that you are creative and talented, and creativity and art are the areas where you can express yourself, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with this section.

    The field of engineering and technology is suitable for people with a strong aptitude for the exact sciences: mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science. The corresponding professions are characterized by high dynamism: this is due to constantly ongoing industrial and technical development. Graphs, lists, drawings and calculations - this is the tool base of technical professions. To enjoy such work, you need not only to be able to do all this, but also to sincerely love the exact sciences.

    Transport plays a vital role in the national economy of the country. It, in turn, is greatly influenced by technological progress. Not only the scale of transport operations is growing, but also the level of comfort, technical equipment of route lines, etc. People who manage and maintain transport are always in demand, but choosing a transport profession is associated with a significant level of responsibility. The dynamism of this area also requires employees to constantly improve their skills.

    Economics, just like engineering and technology, loves precision and certainty. However, accuracy alone is not enough in her world: among other things, economic professions have their own specifics, which lies in the constant need for forecasting, positioning and analysis. Entrepreneurship as a profession combines all of the above, because market processes are subject to the laws of various economic sciences, and to successfully run a business, you need to take into account absolutely all the factors in this field of activity.

    The list of legal professions is traditionally associated with justice, however, in the conditions of an emerging (developing) rule of law state, this does not end there. Both government and commercial organizations resort to the help of lawyers, and the scale can be very different - from an enterprise to the world stage. The activities of non-profit organizations are also subject to legal norms, so good lawyers do not remain without work.

    A lot of boring, sometimes interesting, but, in my opinion, absolutely useless publications have been written about types of professions. I, of course, got acquainted with them. Basically, two typologies of professions are considered. The first belongs to Professor Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Klimov, and the second – to J. Holland. I will tell you about them briefly, but the main emphasis will be on the third option.

    Yes, yes, now another, in my opinion, the most successful classification of professions will appear on the Internet, which focuses on strategically important aspects. But let's start with Klimov and Holland.

    Classification of professions according to Klimov E. A.

    So, Professor Klimov structured the professions together:

    Man + object of labor.

    Human is the subject of labor (the one who works), and object of labor- this is what or who this person works with. Evgeniy Aleksandrovich identified five objects of labor:

    1. 1. Human.
    2. 2. Nature.
    3. 3. Technique.
    4. 4. Sign.
    5. 5. Artistic image.

    The result was the following types of professions:

    • A person is a person. These professions are aimed at working with people. These include: teachers, doctors, journalists, hairdressers, etc.
    • Man is nature. Here we are talking about those professions whose representatives are associated with nature. These could be rangers, gardeners, agronomists, ecologists, etc.
    • Man is technology. Representatives of this type of professions are directly related to technology. For example, mechanics, technologists, engineers, plumbers, washing machine repairmen, etc.
    • Man is a sign. We are talking about people working with sign systems (numbers, codes, letters and other symbols). This category includes programmers, accountants, financiers, analysts, etc.
    • Man is an artistic image. This includes various creative professions such as artist, actor, singer, composer, director, etc.

    This is what Klimov’s classification of professions looks like. In my opinion, it is imperfect, if only because in real life one profession can contain signs of several types. For example, in the process of work, a sales representative encounters technology (drives a car), works with sign systems (compiles reports in Excel), communicates a lot with people (his suppliers and clients), and also often holds corporate events in nature, where bawling songs with a guitar (home-grown singer). This is the “vinaigrette” that modern realities offer us. Where will we enroll this patient?

    I think everyone will agree that this typology is rather weak. Let's move on to J. Holland's version.

    Psychological classification of professions by personality types

    In his theory, J. Holland tries to convey one interesting idea. Here it is:

    A person’s effectiveness and success depends on how suitable the profession is to his personality type.

    This idea, in my opinion, is quite interesting, but absolutely useless. I'll explain why a little later. Well, now more about Holland’s psychological classification.

    1. 1. Realistic type- these are people of action. They are not emotional, they are not afraid to take risks and make decisions, they understand technology - in general, they are typical representatives of male professions.
    2. 2. Intellectual (research) type- These are people of mental work. They are prone to self-learning, analytics, observations, as well as various studies. They will be comfortable working in think tanks, research institutes, marketing companies, etc.
    3. 3. Social type- These are communication-oriented people. They easily establish contacts, know how to negotiate, are able to persuade, and love to work in a team. The most suitable areas for them are social activities, teaching, medicine, and work in the service sector.
    4. 4. Standard (conventional) type– these are people focused on clearly structured activities. They adhere to generally accepted norms and traditions, are focused on performing specific tasks, are diligent, efficient, love to work with sign systems, and are often uncommunicative and uncommunicative. As a rule, their professions are related to calculations and documentation: accountants, financiers, notaries, programmers, librarians, etc.
    5. 5. Artistic type- these are creative people. They are rarely guided by social norms, are quite emotional and sensitive, love to be in the center of attention, have their own (often complex) views on life, as well as heightened intuition and a rich imagination. They work in the field of art (actors, artists, musicians, etc.), they can also be good bloggers, speakers, and successfully conduct presentations.
    6. 6. Entrepreneurial type– these are born managers and businessmen. You can learn more about them from the publication:. Such people go into business, politics, advocacy, journalism, etc.

    This is what J. Holland’s psychological classification of professions looks like. In general, it is interesting - it provides some food for thought and analysis, but I believe that in practical terms it does not provide any benefit. The point is that:

    A person subconsciously focuses on professions that correspond to his personality type.

    If you are a restless person, then you are unlikely to be interested in the profession of an accountant. An intellectual has no desire to be a special forces soldier; a born actor dreams exclusively of the stage. In general, I think that J. Holland's theory is unsuitable for practical career guidance.

    Friends, do you hear a drum roll somewhere in the distance? Yes, yes, now the fun begins! I will tell you about strategically important types of professions. Are you ready? Then I begin!

    Types of professions by qualification characteristics

    This classification is mentioned in passing in various textbooks and publications. It’s strange, but for some reason no one pays attention to it. In my opinion, this classification is the most important and practically useful. That is why I decided to correct the situation and tell you about it in detail.

    So, I would like to receive from my profession, at a minimum, a decent salary and respect from management. Now the important point:

    The personnel composition of any company can be divided into three groups: valuable employees, mid-level specialists and “bananas”.

    It is by these criteria, I believe, that professions should be classified, friends! Remember:

    The size of your salary and the degree of your importance depend only on one thing - how valuable a specialist you are.

    All these lyrics about personality types and objects of labor are essentially analytical information dust.

    Let's take a closer look at the above groups.

    1. 1. Valuable employees– these are personnel whose training requires years and significant financial investments. For example, an advanced programmer. Well, it's impossible to learn to program well in three months. The situation is similar with surgeons, dentists, lawyers, chief accountants (please do not confuse them with ordinary accountants), jewelers, designers, etc.

      Do you understand what we're talking about?

      We are talking about specialists who find it difficult to find a replacement!
      They are valued and respected. They are paid well. They are protected and tried to keep them. And most importantly:

      They are not afraid of being fired because they are always in demand!

    2. 2. Mid-level specialists– these are personnel that take little time to prepare. For example, seller, sales manager, driver, bricklayer, plumber, seamstress, director. Yes, yes, directors are included in this group.

      We are talking about professions that can be learned quickly.
      Naturally, here the employer has “room for maneuver”. You can find a new seller or driver relatively quickly. However, no one will do this unless absolutely necessary, since these specialists, although not valuable, are still qualified.

    3. 3. "Bananas"- These are unskilled personnel. For example, janitors, loaders, couriers, auxiliary workers and, of course, “bananas”. How difficult do you think it is to find a person who will hand out leaflets to passers-by in a banana costume on the street? The answer to this question leads to the following conclusion:

      People in these professions have the lowest value on the labor market.
      Yes, a loader can earn good money, but this money is given to him through hard work. Well, if necessary, the employer will be able to quickly find a replacement for him.

    So, friends, you have become acquainted with three typologies of professions. All that remains is to analyze them thoughtfully and make your choice. By the way, about choice! Do you know that there is a problem of choosing a profession? Surely many of you are now racking your brains over the questions: “Who should I be? What to do? How to make a living? Let's take a look

    Modern professions for girls and men are not very different from each other in the modern world: it is no longer customary to divide work based on gender. However, prestigious women's professions may have unique requirements for candidates: there are functions that are easier for a woman to perform. Work for girls can be intellectual or applied (for example, hairdresser).

    What professions are there for girls?

    Many lucrative professions have unique requirements, but they can provide stable career growth and high salaries. The following list of areas and specialties is suitable as an interesting job for women:

    1. Makeup. Working as a makeup artist may only require completion of special courses, but for a successful career, knowledge of foreign languages ​​(to become familiar with new trends) and constant professional development will be useful.
    2. Consulting, accounting. For inexperienced people, the job of a secretary is suitable, which is a classic example of a female profession. Those who have completed higher education can work as economists, lawyers, and tourism managers.
    3. Journalism. This field of activity is suitable for young girls with good communication skills. It is a popular destination in many universities in the country.
    4. Technical specialties. Work may involve heavy physical labor, which is unusual for women in professions, or may require great perseverance, the ability to work with your hands, and concentrate. This may include vacancies for seamstresses and machine operators. A high position will not be offered here, but permanent employment is guaranteed.

    Highly paid

    Specialties with high pay also have high requirements for applicants. Such work can be associated with a large number of stressful situations and difficult working conditions. Highly paid professions for girls include:

    • IT specialist;
    • senior manager of a store, outlet;
    • legal consultant;
    • service quality auditor;
    • specialist doctor;
    • logistics expert;
    • cosmetologist


    Open career opportunities are not available at all jobs. Such vacancies are characterized by great competition, high requirements, and have many directions for climbing the career ladder. The following specialties are considered promising:

    • pharmacist;
    • sous chef of the restaurant;
    • photographer;
    • choreographer;
    • machine operator, production line.


    Many specialties for girls are often prestigious. There may be a tough selection process for such vacancies, it is difficult to get into them, but the result is worth it. The list of professions for girls looking for a well-paid, interesting, prestigious job is wide:

    • lawyer;
    • economist;
    • medical representative;
    • interior designer;
    • fashion designer;
    • TV or radio presenter;
    • stewardess;
    • fitness trainer;
    • nutritionist.


    Many courses for girls will help you get into the most fashionable professions. Their key feature is low requirements for education, but increased requirements for communication skills with clients. Interesting professions for women and fashion trends may require obtaining a complete higher education. Among them:

    • dancer;
    • singer;
    • HR manager;
    • art consultant;
    • artist;
    • stylist;
    • brand manager.

    In demand

    There are specializations that are just for women or best suited to their psychology. There is not much competition for these vacancies. Professions in demand for women have a narrow focus and specific working conditions. For example:

    • nurse;
    • waitress;
    • secretary;
    • conductor;
    • dispatcher of the carrier company;
    • contact center operator;
    • teacher, educator.


    Good jobs for women are often very popular. And girls, when faced with choosing a profession, are guided by whether it is widespread and fashionable. Many popular professions and good jobs for women require the ability to find a common language with a client and attract his attention. The list of current professions will provide a wide choice of areas of activity:

    • actress;
    • journalist;
    • psychologist;
    • fashion designer;
    • florist;
    • advertising manager.

    Professions of the future for girls

    In the future, the list of popular professions for women may change. This means that working as an accountant will become unprofitable, and the position of manager in any field will no longer be in such demand. Changes occur due to the inevitability of technological progress, the loss of relevance of many specialties that will be replaced by computer programs. Based on this, we can make a list of types of employment that will be relevant in the near future:

    • nurse;
    • alternative energy expert;
    • breeder;
    • urbanist;
    • expert in the field of resolving religious contradictions.

    The best professions for girls

    Due to certain psychological characteristics and predispositions, women and men have different specializations. The best fields of activity for ladies are considered to be all those related to creativity, and some branches of technical specialties that do not involve heavy physical labor. This category includes humanitarian and creative fields of activity, office work with papers, and all types of consulting that require direct communication with clients.


    Specializations closely related to creativity are better suited for girls due to their greater predisposition to emotional empathy and the ability to correctly convey their own emotions. Among these professions, there are many promising areas for women who have good taste in the field of modeling and art. The fair sex will not remain indifferent to acting. The following creative specializations can be excellent choices for women:

    • actress;
    • singer;
    • fashion designer;
    • artist;
    • art director;
    • interior designer.


    The field of activity of many girls is closely related to the production of equipment, work in a factory, setting up equipment responsible for the stable stamping of similar parts. This may include the work of a production operator, a system administrator at a large enterprise, a team leader, or a researcher:

    • tower crane operator;
    • machine operator;
    • research institute employee;
    • assistant driver;
    • architect;
    • IT specialist.


    Working with documentation, management, operating with laws, translating texts or direct speech, conducting legal consultations requires appropriate knowledge, higher education in the humanities and takes a lot of effort and time. However, a significant part of professions closely related to legal services are occupied by girls. This work requires concentration and may have a strict work schedule, but in return it offers prospects for career growth up to regional managers, directors of an enterprise, a company, or a corporation. These could be:

    • advocate;
    • notary;
    • legal consultant;
    • simultaneous translation specialist.

    Working specialties for women

    Women workers are not that uncommon. The list of specializations related to physical labor, but suitable for the fair sex, does not have a large selection. Such areas of employment will offer work immediately after graduating from school or completing specialized courses, graduating from technical schools, or colleges with a shortened program. The standard working day in this area is 12 hours with a 2/2 schedule with rare exceptions. Working girls can be useful in the following areas of activity:

    • cook;
    • seamstress;
    • hairdresser;
    • housemaid;
    • driver on public transport;
    • foreman

    Office professions

    The office field of activity is considered one of the most suitable for women, as it provides a convenient work schedule, decent wages, great opportunities for career growth, and communication with colleagues who, for the most part, share each other’s interests. This work may not be enjoyable, but it also does not require special skills (entry-level positions are taught on the spot). For more serious work you need special education:

    • secretary;
    • accountant;
    • financial director;
    • HR manager;
    • marketing specialist.

    The fair sex's predisposition to communicate when working with people and their desire for self-expression make them excellent workers in the fields of marketing, art, consulting, simultaneous translation, and journalism. The following areas of employment are considered the most interesting:

    1. Journalism. Processing and collecting information, providing it to a wide audience, communicating with interesting people - all this makes this specialization ideal for girls who crave communication and strive for self-development.
    2. Psychology. The vast majority of women have obvious empathy, compassion, and sympathy. Such qualities are inherent in a good psychologist, who is able to put himself in the shoes of another person in order to understand his emotions, help him overcome difficulties, and cope with problems that have piled up.
    3. Stylist, cosmetologist, nutritionist. The ability to take care of oneself and feel beauty is developed much better in girls than in men, so you can complete hairdressing courses. Ladies are excellent stylists, beauty salon workers, fashion designers, and interior designers.

    What profession should a girl choose?

    The choice of specialization depends on many subjective factors inherent in any person. For women, the key features when choosing a direction of activity are:

    1. Age. In this case, the law has a great influence: it is more difficult for minors to find work even with official permission from their parents. Very young girls are reluctantly hired because they have no work experience. Up to a certain age (up to 22-25 years) it is worth considering the position of a waitress, conductor, or secretary.
    2. Character, way of thinking. Not all representatives of the fair sex are bright empaths. This means that working within a large team can be a burden for them. The positions of seamstress, operator engineer, and IT specialist are suitable for reserved girls. More open - professions of actress, singer, TV or radio presenter, stylist, tourism manager.
    3. Work experience, education. It will not be difficult for a person with extensive experience to change one position to another: employers are always ready to hire a person who is well versed in his work. A person without experience is another matter. Right after school, without experience or education, a girl can get a job as a model, maid, waitress, secretary, or nurse.

    After 11th grade

    Complete secondary education will allow you to continue your studies in as many educational institutions as possible and choose the most interesting future specialty:

    • Medical universities. Moscow State Medical University (MSMU) named after. THEM. Sechenov, Russian National Medical Research University (RNMU) named after. N.I. Pirogova – nurse, doctor, pharmacist.
    • Technical universities. Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Russian Chemical Technology University (RKhTU) named after. DI. Mendeleev, Moscow Automobile and Highway Institute (MADI) – machine operator, machinist, chemical technologist, design engineer.
    • Humanities, law universities. Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO), St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU), Moscow Independent Ecological and Political Science University (MNEPU) - legal consultant, lawyer, accountant, economist.

    We want to talk about the ABC of Professions project, which we prepared with 1st grade students during the period of literacy training. These are the first steps in career guidance work, which must begin from the first years of school. The project is carried out in an interesting, entertaining form; There are creative tasks, and parental assistance is required. The whole class participated in the project.

    Hello! We, students of class 1-A, present a joint project “The ABC of Professions”. In this work we wanted to show how many wonderful and worthy professions exist in modern life.

    My years are getting older
    It will be seventeen.
    Where should I work then?
    What to do?
    (V. Mayakovsky)

    Each of us will have to choose a profession to our liking in the future. How many professions do we know? Doctor, teacher, salesman, driver, programmer: these are perhaps the most famous professions for us. But we guessed that there were a lot of professions, very different, interesting, unusual. In a literacy lesson, we read a story in ABC about what the kids dream of becoming when they grow up. While learning new letters, we also read about people of different professions: cook, carpenter, diver. And so we thought, what other professions are there? It would be interesting to know about them. And not just find out, but connect it with literacy lessons. This is how the idea for the project came about.

    The first thing we started our work with was deciding to find out the names of the professions that exist in the world. And to make this task more interesting, we decided to look for the names of professions for each letter of the Russian alphabet. Let's learn letters at the same time! Each student in the class chose a worksheet with three letters of the alphabet. (Appendix A). At home, together with our parents or on our own, we wrote down as many profession names as possible for each letter. The assignments were handed over to our leader - our teacher. She summarized this work and compiled a list of occupations in alphabetical order. It turned out that we found 207 names of professions for almost all letters of the Russian alphabet!

    And here is the next stage of work. From this large list we had to select the most unusual names of professions that we knew nothing about, had not heard of, or had no idea about. We worked in groups. We actively discussed, found out, argued. And as a result of the discussions, it turned out that in all groups three identical profession names were noted: agronomist, huntsman, radio operator.

    Now we had to find information about these professions that interested us. We worked at home, our parents helped us. Here's what we learned.

    An agronomist is an agricultural specialist who has comprehensive knowledge of the study and cultivation of field, garden, and vegetable crops. The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" - field and "nomos" - law. An agronomist knows when to sow and harvest, how to fight weeds, plant diseases, and pests. A high yield is the greatest reward for an agronomist.

    A huntsman is a professional hunter, game warden, and forester. He protects the forest area from poachers and controls the correctness of hunting. The huntsman knows the forest and forest inhabitants very well, prepares food supplies for the winter for animals and birds, and protects them from poachers. Helps amateur hunters. This is a very important and dangerous profession.

    A radio operator is a specialist in transmitting and receiving radio messages. He works at sea on ships, on submarines; in the sky on airplanes, in space; on earth where there is radio communication. A radio operator is a military profession. Information is transmitted using Morse code. Morse code is an encrypted alphabet.

    As a result of the work done, we came up with a “Dictionary of Professions”. It contains the names of professions in alphabetical order. Read and choose your future profession (Appendix B).

    To consolidate the knowledge gained, we came up with a game. They composed a short fairy tale about how in one city an evil wizard harmed the inhabitants. It was necessary to answer the question: what professions would people help correct the situation and restore order? (Appendix C).

    Our work has come to an end. Let's draw conclusions:

    There are countless wonderful professions in the world,
    And glory and honor to every profession!

    And most importantly, we realized that no matter what profession we choose in the future, we need to prepare for it now - study well, be diligent, responsible, careful.

    If you want to build a bridge,
    Watch the movement of the stars
    Drive a machine in the field
    Or drive the car up -
    Do a good job at school
    Study conscientiously.
    (S. Marshak)


    Appendix A. Sample assignment form No. 1.

    ABC of professions Write the names of professions for each letter

    Appendix B Dictionary of professions.

    Note: all names are written exactly as they were written by the students together with their parents. The purpose of such a task is to expand students’ vocabulary and increase cognitive activity. If you do a similar project, the job titles may be different. You can also format the dictionary in any form. We designed it in the form of a homemade bound book, and the words were arranged in a column.

    Dictionary of professions

    Aircraft designer, Race driver, Auto mechanic, Agronomist, Lawyer, Actor, Animator, Artist, Architect, Astrologer, Astronomer

    Banker, Bartender, Librarian, Biologist, Flight Engineer, Flight Attendant, Botanist, Boatswain, Bulldozer Driver, Accountant

    Car driver, Watchman, Layout maker, Veterinarian, Winemaker, Driver, Diver, Aeronaut, Vocalist, Educator, Doctor

    Geneticist, Geologist, Guide, Make-up Artist, Governess

    Janitor, Designer, Diplomat, Conductor, Trainer

    Railway worker, Tinsmith, Painter, Livestock breeder, Jockey, Juggler, Journalist

    Slaughterer, Manager, Breeder, Head Teacher, Caretaker, Cutter, Measurer, Refueler, Beller, Digger, Medicine Man, Zoologist, Zootechnician

    Icon painter, Illusionist, Immunologist, Engineer, Inspector, Instructor, Toolmaker, Irrigator, Art critic, Tester, Historian, Ichthyologist

    Cashier, Whaler, Combiner, Confectioner, Cosmonaut, Blacksmith

    Forester, Lumberjack, Pilot, Speech therapist, Boatman

    Painter, Masseur, Machinist, Policeman, Sailor, Butcher

    Adjuster, Neurologist, Neuropathologist, Neurosurgeon, Standardizer, Porter, Notary, Nanny

    Ophthalmologist, Operator, Officer, Waiter, Hunter, Security Guard

    Hairdresser, Perfumer, Singer, Baker, Bookbinder, Printer, Stovemaker, Pianist, Pilot, Writer, Carpenter, Cook, Border Guard, Fireman, Polisher, Dressmaker, Postman, Poet, Programmer, Seller, Beekeeper

    Worker, Radio Operator, Director, Reporter, Realtor, Fisherman

    Plumber, Welder, Cattleman, Steelmaker, Stylist, Joiner, Dentist, Watchman, Judge, Cheese maker

    Taxi driver, TV presenter, Technologist, Commodity expert, Turner, Tractor driver, Trainer, Chimney sweep

    Cleaner, Coal Miner, Layer, Tamer, Manager, Urologist, Ufologist, Scientist, Accountant, Teacher

    Pharmacist, Packer, Packer, Paramedic, Figure skater, Physicist, Herbalist, Magician, Photographer, Photojournalist, Fashion model, Milling operator

    Halvomes, Chemist, Surgeon, Grain Grower, Cotton Grower, Choreographer, Artist

    Florist, Flower Girl, Clergyman, Circus Performer, Barber

    Watchmaker, Engraver, Draftsman, Carder, Cleaner

    Organ Grinder, Seamstress, Chef, Grinder, Showman, Chauffeur, Plasterer, Navigator

    Economist, Excavator operator, Tour guide, Electrician, Ethnographer

    Comedian, Jung, Lawyer

    Appendix C Examples of fairy tales invented by students.

    Good conquers evil.

    Once upon a time there lived Lilliputians. And everything was fine with them until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the entire city with white snow. All the trees and bushes died. And spring and summer no longer came. The Lilliputians were cold and began to get sick. Then everyone gathered wipers and swept away all the snow. Agronomists They plowed the land and planted new trees. A doctors They gave all the residents tea with raspberries, and everything became as before. And the evil wizard realized that he had lost and flew away.

    Georgy Timofeev, student of 1st - A class

    Once upon a time there lived an evil wizard of darkness. He made his way to the city where people were going to celebrate the New Year. Everything in the city was decorated with beautiful light bulbs. Everything around sparkled and it was very light. The evil wizard brought in a strong wind, and all the electrical wires were cut off. Then they came electricians and fixed all the wires, and policemen drove away the evil wizard.

    Maxim Shutikov, student of 1st - A class

    One day an evil wizard came to the city of Happiness. He was also harmful. And so he decided to harm people. The wizard waved his magic wand and all the children in the city became stupid. They forgot the letters. But children can get help teachers. They will teach children to read and write.

    Valeria Ploskonosova, student of 1st - A grade

    Evil wizard.

    An evil wizard mixed up the traffic lights in the city: when the pedestrians were red, the cars were also red. And so all traffic in the city stopped, and no one knew who to give way to.

    And they helped fix it traffic inspector movement. They began to regulate the movement of cars and pedestrians with their striped stick. And the evil wizard gave up - he returned everything to its place.

    Yana Durova, student of 1st - A grade


    Winter has come. All residents of Moscow began to prepare for the New Year. Everyone began to draw New Year's pictures. But no one invited the evil wizard who lived in this city to the holiday. He got offended and ruined all the drawings. In all the drawings, instead of Santa Claus, Kikimora appeared. The residents were upset. Who will help fix everything?

    And in this city lived a good artist. People went to him and asked for help. With one stroke of his magic brush, he made Santa Claus appear in all the drawings instead of Kikimora.

    Santa Claus now has a magnificent exhibition of paintings in his hut.

    Ira Gerasimova, student of 1st - A grade

    Fairytale story.

    In a certain sea, in the very middle of it, lay an island. There was a city on it. Very friendly and hardworking people lived in this city. And then one day, when they were preparing to celebrate the big holiday “Island Day”, this story happened.

    On the most beautiful square, the residents set up tables for all the islanders and prepared a lot of delicious food. But one wizard, who lived on a neighboring island, was offended that he was not invited to the holiday, and ruined the entire treat. He turned it bitter and unappetizing. And he cast a spell on all the residents so that they would forget all the recipes. The inhabitants of the island were very upset, because their holiday was ruined.

    Suddenly, a beautiful woman came to their aid, as if from the foam of the sea. She had a metal suitcase in her hands. She opened it, put on her headphones and began transmitting some incomprehensible message. Residents of the town stood, watched and did not understand anything. A little time passed and a small red helicopter arrived. An important man with a white cap on his head sat in it. He brought a lot of food and prepared very tasty and unusual dishes. And the best dish was a huge five-tier cake.

    The residents were very happy that their holiday still took place. They even forgave and invited their neighbor-wizard to the holiday. The wizard apologized, cast a spell on all the residents and decorated the square with flowers and balloons. And at the end of the holiday he gave all the residents a festive fireworks display. Everyone was in a very good mood.

    Who were these mysterious helpers?

    What professions can they be classified as?

    Anna Sisetskaya, 1st - A grade student



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