Gluten products list. Gluten: what it is and why it should be excluded from the diet

Gluten is a sticky substance found in the protein of wheat, barley, rye and most other grains. Gluten is not only found in all baked goods, regular bread, pasta and pasta, but also in all kinds of food products made with the addition wheat flour(as a thickener) - semi-finished products, sauces and ketchups.

Because gluten is essentially like glue (that's why it's called "gluten"), it is widely used to give foods their elastic structure. However, gluten seems to glue the contents of the stomach together, causing inflammation and the development of food allergies in some people. In addition, foods containing gluten are usually...

Why is gluten harmful?

It is important to separate the harm of products with gluten from the harm of gluten itself. Since gluten is the main component of wheat flour (premium flour consists of approximately 30% gluten), it large quantities found in bread and baked goods. It is this kind of food that causes diarrhea, while avoiding it is useful for losing weight.

On the other hand, the immune system of some people perceives gluten as an allergen, forcing the body to “fight” it. Since gluten comes from food, the stomach is the first to suffer. Intestinal functions are disrupted, the level of absorption of carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals decreases, and the condition of the skin and internal integuments of the body worsens.

Celiac disease - gluten allergy

A disease called celiac disease, which is an acute allergy to gluten, affects approximately 1% of the population - on average, one in 100-150 people (2). U similar people consuming even small doses of gluten (up to a few grams of bread) can cause serious food allergies with unpleasant symptoms.

Modern science believes that gluten intolerance is a rare genetic disease, essentially similar to lactose intolerance. If your parents or relatives have celiac disease, you are probably also susceptible to it. In this case, you will have to adhere to strict rules all your life.

Symptoms of Gluten Allergy

Most symptoms of gluten intolerance relate to various violations work digestive system- ranging from regular bloating and stomach upsets to... chronic diarrhea. In most cases, the stool becomes pale and foamy and has a sharp bad smell (2) .

Secondary symptoms gluten allergies cause chronic headaches, profuse hair loss hair, decreased immunity and deterioration of metabolism. Despite this, diagnosing celiac disease is often difficult, and many patients are unaware of the presence of an allergy to gluten. In addition, gluten intolerance may appear after illness or pregnancy.

A way to detect gluten intolerance

The easiest home method for detecting gluten intolerance is to switch and complete eliminating all bread and any other gluten-containing foods from your diet for two weeks, and carefully assessing how you feel. The subsequent return of gluten to the diet will be significant.

It will take approximately 10-14 days for the intestinal microflora to restore - first you should feel an improvement in your health, and after returning to your normal diet - a deterioration. However, the only precise method identifying gluten intolerance is medical test for celiac disease in a special clinic.

Everyone has probably heard the term “gluten-free diet.” This dietary food prescribed to people with a fairly serious illness characterized by intolerance to foods that contain gluten - celiac disease. The diet involves excluding such products from the diet. So why, you might think, is gluten harmful?

Who among us doesn’t like to eat baked goods: rolls, croissants, freshly baked bread. Most grain products are rich in gluten, a plant protein. This substance can bring both benefit and harm. From this article you will learn how this substance is useful and what the dangers of excess consumption of products with protein are. plant origin, and also read the list of products that contain gluten.

Gluten is a plant protein with a special structure that gives dough elasticity and softness. Without this substance, the buns will not be fluffy and the bread will not be soft. Almost all grains are sources of vegetable protein. But the champions for gluten content are barley, wheat and rye.

It is thanks to this protein that bread can be stored for weeks. Gluten itself has no taste or smell, is sticky to the touch and has a grayish color.

Many people believe that gluten is found exclusively in cereal products. This assumption is wrong. Today gluten is used in the manufacture of the most different products, in particular sauces, canned food, sweets, pates. Here is a table of the most common ones.

Table of the most common foods that contain large amounts of gluten







bakery products, pasta

Beer Valerian E150
Meat products Vodka Aspirin (table) E150b
Candies Bourbon Vitamin E (table) E150c
Mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard Sweet soda Paracetamol

(chew tablet)

Fast food products Whiskey Bisacodyl (table) E411
Confectionery baked goods Gin Fenistil (table) E160
Milk and dairy products Instant coffee Folic acid (table) E965
Soybeans and products made from it Cocoa Jungle (jelly bean) E637
Porridge Low alcohol drinks and cocktails Biseptol (table) E471
Ice cream Kvass Ibuprofen (table) E636
Churchkhela Drinking yoghurts Festal (table)
Canned food in tomato Decamevit (table)
Crab sticks Oxazepam (table)

Gluten is not a vital or essential substance for the body. That is why people who do not eat dishes with this substance do not suffer from its deficiency.

Proper nutrition involves limiting protein products: sauces, baked goods, cereals. The diet of a properly eating person should contain no more than 100 g of food containing gluten.

Vegetable protein contains about 18 amino acids that are not synthesized in the body independently. This substance is rich in:

  • methionine. Promotes the production of hemoglobin;
  • lysine Accepts active participation in regeneration processes of tissues and organs;
  • threonine. Helps maintain normal functioning Gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, vegetable protein contains significant amount vitamins A, B, E, P, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. This substance takes part in many processes, and if not abused, it can benefit the body. Eating protein-rich foods helps:

  • saturating the body with minerals and multivitamins;
  • recovery of the body after surgical intervention and injuries;
  • strengthening bone tissue;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increase protective properties body;
  • tissue regeneration at the cellular level;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels.

Why is gluten harmful?

Abuse of products enriched with protein can have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the body and cause the development of allergies, poisoning, and malfunctions. gastrointestinal tract, as well as irritation of the intestinal and stomach mucous membranes.

Excessive protein consumption is fraught with:

  • stool disorder;
  • regular constipation;
  • bloating and increased gas formation;
  • soreness in the intestines.

This substance is included in a wide variety of dishes. The most interesting thing is that it harmful properties may not appear immediately. Protein tends to accumulate in the body and then, when in excess, make itself felt. Protein is found in high concentrations in cereals, in particular wheat grain, millet, oats, dairy products, chips, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, some types of meat and meat products.

A sufficient amount of protein is found in baked goods, pasta, beer drinks, and kvass. Gluten is present in significant concentrations in tomato ketchup, soy sauce, milk formulas, yoghurts and starter cultures, ice cream, cottage cheese, condensed milk and cheese products.

Sources of gluten are also canned meat and fish, as well as semi-finished products, in particular cutlets, dumplings, pasties, cheesecakes, dumplings.

Many drinks are also storehouses of protein. The substance is found in significant concentrations in beer, vodka, bourbon, carbonated drinks, whiskey, gin, instant coffee and cocoa.

Daily norm or requirement

Gluten is not a vital substance, so daily requirement it is not installed. Protein deficiency does not in any way affect the functioning of the body, and sometimes even contributes to its better functioning. You can consume up to 100 g of gluten-containing food per day.

Celiac disease: manifestations

Quite rare genetic autoimmune pathology, accompanied by gluten intolerance, is called celiac disease. This disease is usually characterized by:

  • diarrhea;
  • spasms in the intestinal area;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • sleep disorder;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • malaise;
  • depressive disorders;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • expressed painful sensations in muscles and joints;
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • disruptions in liver function;
  • dermatitis;
  • skin rashes;
  • bloating;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • decreased protective properties of the body;
  • stomatitis;
  • developmental delay.

At this disease a gluten-free diet is prescribed. People with this pathology are allowed to eat: buckwheat, cheese, cottage cheese, meat, potatoes, corn, rice cereal, apples, strawberries, raspberries, oranges, bananas - in general, those products that do not contain gluten.

How can you tell if a product contains gluten?

Products that do not contain proteins are designated as “gluten free”. Therefore, the first thing to do to determine whether a food contains gluten is to read the ingredients.

You can detect the presence of gluten at home. Not everyone knows that this substance, when interacting with iodine, acquires a black or purple color, just like when it reacts with iodine in rice and potatoes. But these products contain starch, not gluten, so both rice and potatoes can be eaten.

Gluten-free food can be bought in a store or supermarket, or online. There are several manufacturers that produce only gluten-free foods.

  • "Dietetics".
  • "Butter King" They specialize in the production of flour and butter without proteins and GMOs.
  • "Mistral". They produce legumes and cereals.
  • “For the benefit of everyone.” They specialize in the production of exclusively environmentally friendly products.
  • "Get healthy." They specialize in children's and dietary nutrition.
  • "Nutbutter" They produce walnut products.
  • "Gluten-free." Polish manufacturer with a wide distribution area.

The diet should be enriched different substances, but not to the detriment of the body. By consuming gluten (if you are not intolerant), you will not harm yourself in any way. The main thing is to observe moderation in everything.

Gluten is a protein of plant origin, which is an organic compound of gliadin and glutenin. Contained mainly in cereal crops and is a complex protein. Gluten is otherwise called gluten, and it gives bakery products special splendor, making the buns fragrant and tasty. The higher the gluten content in flour, the better its quality is considered. But gluten is not safe for all people, so to comply dietary ration nutrition, you need a list of products with high gluten.

List of foods containing gluten

Gluten is present in many foods that make up daily diet nutrition.

By percentage There are three groups of gluten:

  • gluten-containing;
  • with traces of gluten;
  • gluten-free.

Full list of gluten-containing foods

The largest amount of gluten is found in cereals, sometimes called “wheat protein.” If you take a little flour and add water to it, you get a sticky substance, this allows you to use flour as a thickener when preparing dishes and sausages. In addition, gluten is an excellent preservative that improves the taste of the product and its structure. Dough made from flour high content gluten becomes elastic, rises easily, and products made from it do not go stale for a long time.

High gluten foods:

  • wheat, rye flour;
  • barley, oatmeal;
  • semolina porridge;
  • all bakery products;
  • bran, breadcrumbs;
  • pasta;
  • All soft drinks containing sugar - the presence of gluten in small quantities, but contain many allergens;
  • sausages and semi-finished products (dumplings, cutlets, meatballs);
  • soy products;
  • various dry foods instant cooking(mashed potatoes, noodles, cereals, soups);
  • various sweets, dry breakfast cereals;
  • All confectionery, candies;
  • ready-made sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard;
  • fast food;
  • crab sticks and spice mixtures;
  • All canned food With tomato paste, the tomato paste itself;
  • wheat vodka;
  • mixtures for sports nutrition with protein.

Beer is also high in gluten, although many manufacturers advertise their products as gluten-free. But this is nothing more than a marketing ploy.

Products with traces of gluten

This is a list of foods that contain small amounts of gluten, but should be avoided if you are gluten intolerant:

  • pork internal fat and lard;
  • margarine and some types of butter;
  • seeds and various nuts, processed and packaged in production, natural products– any nuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds do not contain gluten at all;
  • milk and all products made from milk industrially contain gluten; homemade dairy products do not contain this protein;
  • sauces of any kind, vegetable and fruit purees;
  • Ice cream contains gluten and is added as a thickener.

The average adult consumes 15-45 g of gluten daily, which is found in foods. The list of gluten-containing products can be continued endlessly, everything that is currently produced food industry, contains gluten in varying quantities.

The benefits and harms of gluten

Today the gluten-free diet is very popular, many try to adhere to it, choosing products for their diet that are free of gluten and its traces. How useful is this?

What are the benefits of gluten?

  1. High nutritional value product, replenishes the body’s energy reserves and additionally nourishes it. The body needs protein not only of animal origin, but also of plant origin; it is necessary for muscle tissue cells.
  2. Gluten has beneficial influence on the digestive process by binding minerals and other nutrients.
  3. Vegetable protein contains many necessary for a person vitamins: E, A, vitamins B and P, as well as essential microelements: phosphorus, iron, calcium and magnesium.
  4. Gluten contains amino acids necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and important role in the body.

The harm of gluten

There is enough rare disease which is called celiac disease. It affects only 1% of the total number of people living on the globe, but it is very dangerous. Celiac disease is characterized by the body's complete intolerance to gluten in any quantity. This disease develops on a genetic background and is autoimmune; it is incurable, so it is extremely important for people suffering from this disease to avoid foods containing gluten.

As soon as they enter the body, histamine receptors react quite aggressively, causing destruction of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. It's getting serious inflammatory process which may end serious illness, up to oncology. The autoimmune reaction is caused precisely by gliadin, which is one of the compounds of the complex protein gluten.

In young children, such a reaction of the body can result in underdevelopment and impaired growth. If a person does not tolerate gluten, a rather bright clinical picture, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • colic, increased gas formation, bloating;
  • stool disorder, feces differ stinky smell, content of foam and green mucus;
  • diarrhea can be replaced by constipation and vice versa;
  • some people may suddenly vomit, and in infants there may be constant regurgitation with a sour smell;
  • the skin on the body, face and head may be covered in places with a rash in the form of red blisters, causing a lot of anxiety and causing itching;
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • loss of appetite, babies refuse to suckle, do not gain weight;
  • Sleep disturbance can be characterized by both insomnia and drowsiness.

In some people this protein may cause allergic reaction, in this case, the health hazard is the inability of the body to absorb food and blockage of blood vessels. Allergies negatively affect the stomach, intestines and nervous system.

Products that are gluten free

If you mix gluten and iodine, the reaction will turn the product dark blue or black, the only exceptions being potatoes and rice. These products do not contain gluten, but blue will appear due to starch, which, when in contact with iodine, also gives a blue tint.

List of gluten-free products:

  • corn and corn grits;
  • buckwheat, rice;
  • sunflower and olive oil;
  • meat, fish, poultry, seafood;
  • eggs;
  • natural milk;
  • homemade sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, butter;
  • vinegar;
  • legumes;
  • homemade juice, compotes;
  • tea, coffee;
  • wines, especially homemade ones, tequila, rum, whiskey.
  • fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.

It is not possible to eliminate all gluten-containing foods from your diet. necessary measure only for people with pathologies. Vegetable protein is also necessary healthy body, like other microelements. A gluten-free diet can be used to improve the health of the body, but to combat overweight she doesn't fit.

Gluten-free cereals are one of the important components of a diet built without this protein. What is included in their list and what nuances are useful to know when faced with a choice?

The plants from which porridge is made became the basis of human nutrition back in the Neolithic era. Despite the fact that during recent years they faded into the background due to potatoes, in lately their use is steadily increasing. Porridges are returning to their rightful place on our tables, and most importantly, they are no longer just an addition to meat, but are becoming the main ingredient of dishes. Some of the cereals can also be eaten by people who are gluten intolerant. Here is a list of the most popular gluten-free cereals for children and adults.

Gluten-free grains: oats (?)

Typically, a list of gluten-free cereals does not include this popular crop. However, not everything is so simple here. Is there gluten in oatmeal? The debate about the need to eliminate oats from a gluten-free diet continues to this day. On the one hand, it is believed that the proteins contained in oats (avenins) do not cause the typical celiac disease. immune reaction to the same extent as wheat, rye or barley proteins. Based on this approach, most people with gluten intolerance can afford to eat oats. In some countries (for example, Finland) small amounts of it are allowed.

However, in other regions and countries, oats can be heavily contaminated during cultivation with other grain crops. Therefore, regardless of the “good” results of studies from other countries, its complete exclusion from the diet is recommended. People who must avoid even trace amounts of this protein should be careful with this grain and buy oatmeal or other products that are gluten-free, that is, labeled as “gluten-free.”

So, with very big reservations, oats can be included in the list of gluten-free grains. All that remains is to talk about the benefits of cereals - namely them, and not rolled oats or flakes. It is much less popular, and one can only regret this because cereals are richer in nutrients. It is a source of complex carbohydrates, protein, antioxidants, B vitamins, vitamin E, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc. Oatmeal is also very rich in valuable soluble fiber in the form of beta-glucan, which slows down the absorption of fats, lowers blood sugar levels and increases the feeling of satiety. Oats provide protective effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Reduces cholesterol levels and has antitumor effects.

How to serve

The slightly nutty taste of the cereal justifies its presence in cutlets, minced meat, as the basis of a sweet breakfast or as an addition to lunch.

Gluten-free grains: rice

Is there gluten in rice? Unlike the case with oats, the answer is clear: no. Particularly useful is the one subjected to minimal processing, that is, brown rice(or better yet, wild). This is an ideal substitute, but you can't overdo it because, like other cereals, it has a high glycemic index. However, rice is completely safe for people whose bodies do not accept gluten.

Gluten-free grains: buckwheat

We know this cereal obtained from buckwheat grains mainly in its fried form, which has a rich, strong taste. However, unroasted buckwheat is richer in nutrients (roasting destroys about 50% of vitamins) and also more versatile. It has a creamy color with greenish reflections and a delicate, slightly sweet taste. It contains a lot of protein, fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. She provides the body folic acid and vitamin E.

How to serve

Many people know buckwheat only in its fried form. But unfried is no worse for salty dishes. After soaking the raw grains, you can make pancakes or bake bread from them. This gluten-free cereal is also good as a sweet porridge, especially with fresh and dried fruits and nuts.

Gluten-free cereals: millet

Its origins lie in millet, a gluten-free grain. Millet porridge is good source protein and complex carbohydrates, fiber, beta-carotene, vitamin E and group B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and lecithin. It is one of the few grains that is alkaline and balances the adverse effects of acidic foods such as meat, dairy, sugar and white flour. Millet porridge is rich in silicon, which is necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails, and also prevents atherosclerosis and lowers cholesterol levels, plays an important role in the process of bone mineralization and prevents their decalcification. This easily digestible product, it is good for restoring strength, providing the body with the nutrients it needs.

How to serve

The not very expressive taste of this porridge is actually an advantage! Thanks to this property, it works well as a base for meatless burgers and pates, a component of soups, salads (with pesto and other sauces) as well as desserts (for example, millet pudding) and sweet breakfast dishes (with fresh and dried fruits, nuts) and cinnamon).

Gluten-free cereals: corn

Every person on a gluten-free diet sometimes wants to eat pasta or breaded tofu, for example. Then corn comes to the rescue. If they eat pasta, it is most often corn. The product is obtained from peeled and crushed grains, it is cheap and easily available, but you need to be careful with it: it contains more carbohydrates than other grains.

Gluten-free corn grits are inferior in terms of content nutrients other “colleagues”, but it’s still worth diversifying the menu with its help. She delivers complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins A and selenium. Its properties are similar to semolina, but unlike it, it does not contain gluten. In addition, it is easily digestible, gentle and versatile.

How to serve

A full-fledged element of the list of gluten-free cereals, corn grits are suitable for thickening soups and sauces and are the main ingredient in polenta. It is good to use cornmeal as a breading.

Gluten-free grains: amaranth

This is a “relative” of quinoa and... spinach, since it also belongs to the same family. A few years ago it was still practically unknown, but today it is gaining more and more popularity. Meanwhile, amaranth was the basis of nutrition of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs. Today it is widely consumed in Asia, Africa and South America.

The cereal is easily digestible, very rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Provides the body with antioxidants, as well as mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Decreases high blood pressure, reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.

How to serve

Amaranth is available in the form of grains or ready-to-eat popping, that is, puffed grains. Can be used as an ingredient in salads, pancakes, casseroles and puddings.

Gluten-free grains: quinoa

Quinoa comes from South America is valued more and more today. The big advantage of this gluten-free grain is that it supplies proteins in the form of all the essential amino acids. It is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, calcium (more than milk), phosphorus, manganese, vitamins A, C, E and group B. Quinoa grains contain saponins that protect plants from pests, so when growing this crop there is no need to use chemicals protection. In addition, they exhibit anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory effects, and stimulate the immune system.

Quinoa is easily digestible and has a low glycemic index, making it suitable for diabetics. It is especially recommended for the prevention of not only diabetes, but also cardiovascular and cancer diseases. Unfortunately, this gluten-free grain, which is fashionable today, is expensive, not always available, and after cooking does not increase in volume as much as, for example, millet. So it turns out to be quite an expensive pleasure if you cook for a large family.

How to serve

Quinoa comes in a variety of variations, the most popular grain is white, there are black and red. The first one cooks faster, softens after cooking, dark varieties remain harder, so they are perfect for salads. Slightly crunchy, with a nutty taste, quinoa is a good substitute for other cereals, rice or cereal, and is appropriate in cutlets.

Gluten Free Cereal: Teff

This is a pseudograin that is still little known among us, which is also called Abyssinian panicle. This is the basis of the diet of Ethiopian marathon runners. The plant is very resistant to adverse weather conditions and diseases, so it grows even where it is not possible to grow other grain crops.

Teff is rich in protein, fiber, calcium (about 123 mg per cup of cooked porridge), iron, folic acid, B vitamins and antioxidants. It supplies us with the essential amino acids lysine, methionine and cysteine. Has a low glycemic index. The grains are small, vary in color from milky white to black, and are not very pronounced taste. Teff can be purchased from us in the form of whole grains, flakes and flour.

How to serve

Metlichka Abyssinian is suitable for soups and pates. You can cook porridge from it for lunch instead of pasta or rice, or use it as a substitute for cereal. Great for quick and healthy baking.

The list of gluten-free cereals for children and adults does not end here. In stores you can increasingly find other products that are safe for those suffering from intolerance to this protein and deserve attention. These are, in particular, sago, sorghum, tapioca, cassava and others.

It is important to know: there are studies from which this conclusion arises. Products, naturally free from gluten, can be contaminated with it at all stages of cultivation and production, from self-seeding of gluten grains in the field to processing on general production lines. Therefore, people with celiac disease should be vigilant.

Thus, contrary to first impressions, the list of gluten-free cereals is quite extensive. They are not only full of other advantages, besides the absence of a protein enemy, but also open up wide scope for culinary imagination and experimentation.

You should be wary if, against the backdrop of a perfectly thought-out, harmless diet, you experience bloating, constipation, or loose stool. U genetic disease Characterized by gluten intolerance, there is an official name - celiac disease. The second name is gluten enteropathy. Using the lists in this article, you can find out where gluten is found and also gain knowledge about gluten-free foods. In addition, you need to understand why gluten is harmful and what serious disorders Causes gluten enteropathy.

Gluten and human health

Symptoms of gluten intolerance

Science knows about three hundred symptoms that indicate this pathology; we will name the most common manifestations.

  • So, these are persistent abdominal pain and constant bloating.
  • Constipation and diarrhea often bother the patient.
  • Improper liver function and joint pain also belong to this list.
  • Let's also mention a distinctly unpleasant intense smell of stool and numbness in the legs.
  • It is also worth getting examined for those who experience vitamin deficiency for no reason and any ailments due to a lack of nutrients.
  • Ulcers in the mouth and skin rashes may appear as part of this pathology.
  • Anemia unresponsive to iron therapy and osteoporosis - dangerous deviations health from normal, often found in people with gluten intolerance.
  • In addition, there may be mental disorders, for example, increased anxiety or depression.
  • The immune system works worse.
  • Nutrients are extremely inefficiently absorbed, fatigue is felt quickly, and discomfort does not go away.
  • There are other negative changes in the body of patients; we have considered only the most common ones.

Important to know

Modern medicine believes that when a person is diagnosed with gluten intolerance, there is the only way out- completely exclude certain products with any percentage of this substance from the diet and stick to such a diet for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, this is an incurable pathology; it is present in 1% of people. During normal digestion, gluten is not observed bad consequences, therefore free from of this disease people eat foods with gluten and their body does not suffer from it.

Where is gluten found: Gluten is found in many popular foods; if you are intolerant to this substance, you need a strict diet

Gluten in our food

To protect the lint inside small intestine from damage caused by a special type of protein (called gluten or gluten), patients have to exclude many common foods from their diet.

Foods containing gluten

Let's list the products that contain gluten.

  • Bread products and any baked goods made from gluten flour.
  • Sausages.
  • The presence of these names in the product indicates a certain percentage of gluten: fatty acids E-471, coloring matter E-150-a, isomaltol substance E-953; maltol E-636, as well as maltitol E-965.
  • Minced meat and products made from it.
  • Dairy products containing stabilizers.
  • Canned products containing thickeners.
  • Mayonnaise, sauce, vinegar, yogurt, ketchup, ice cream, cheese curds, condensed milk, margarine, curd mass, butter, cottage cheese - these food products are often based on thickeners that are added to give viscosity to the consistency and contain gluten grains.
  • Instant food is also included in this list. These can be mixtures for making drinks or dishes from them.
  • Prepared drinks containing gluten grains. This group includes both alcoholic and non-alcoholic products.
  • Oats, wheat, barley and rye - porridges made from these raw materials also contain gluten.
  • Pasta.

Gluten Free Products

This food does not contain gluten, so it is often included in the diet of patients with celiac disease.

  • Vegetables.
  • Natural meat products no additives.
  • Legumes. For example, beans, mung beans, chickpeas, soybeans, beans, lentils, and peas are popular.
  • Teff.
  • Natural seafood.
  • Amaranth.
  • Dairy products without foreign inclusions.
  • Nuts.
  • Tapioca, cassava.
  • Bread products and baked goods made from gluten-free raw materials.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Turkish peas.
  • Drinks that do not contain gluten grains.
  • Eggs.
  • Wild rice
  • Fruits.
  • Mayonnaise, vinegar, sauce and others similar products, consisting entirely of natural ingredients.
  • Butter and vegetable oil of natural origin.
  • Quinoa.
  • In grocery retail outlets You can find food products specially prepared for people with celiac disease. Such food is fully adapted for normal digestion by the body.

We have clearly indicated where gluten is found, and also listed which foods do not contain this component. This information is relevant for people with confirmed gluten intolerance or suspecting the presence of such a pathology. To clarify the diagnosis, a medical examination is necessary.



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