Colon cleansing before surgery. Instructions for colon cleansing

Before surgery, childbirth, or when performing certain tests, bowel cleansing is necessary. That is why, if the operation is planned, the doctor will immediately tell you what diet to follow so that the intestines do not have to be cleansed. Doctors usually recommend certain drugs, if the intervention is urgent, but in order not to injure the intestines, it is better to carry out cleansing using natural methods.

Emptying the intestines

What foods should you avoid before surgery:

  • Cabbage, legumes, nuts
  • Fruits, vegetables, rye bread
  • Milk, soda, fried
  • Oatmeal, fatty meat, sausage
  • Alcohol and sweets.

Since these drugs cause bloating or may cause constipation, they should not be taken before surgery.

There is no need to eat at all 12 hours before surgery. In addition, bowel cleansing before surgery is sometimes carried out forcibly with special drugs.

For example:

  • The drug Fortrans is used as a laxative. Contraindications include age under 15 years, intestinal obstruction and peptic ulcer
  • Castor oil is used as a laxative. The calculation of intake is 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight. If a person weighs a lot, it will be difficult to drink and vomiting may occur.
  • The drug Lavacol. Analogue of Fortrans, costs less, has no contraindications
  • The drug Duphalac is a prebiotic that helps remove feces by enhancing peristalsis
  • The drug Guttalax. Apply in drops, use morning and evening. Laxative.

All these drugs are used before surgery to cleanse the intestines. Some of them dilute feces, others cause increased peristalsis.

A doctor should prescribe medications, since each of them has its own characteristics and contraindications.

Other colon cleanses

The most frequent method bowel cleansing is an enema. It is placed before surgery, if it is planned. This remedy is much more effective than all drugs, since the intestines are completely cleansed, in addition, a siphon enema washes out even the hardest feces. Take 2 liters of water and pour it into Esmarch’s mug. It should be about 20 degrees Celsius. The patient lies on his left side, pressing his knees to his stomach. After which the tip is lubricated with Vaseline and inserted into the rectum to a depth of 10-12 cm. The mug is raised above the pelvis and the clamp is slowly opened. When all the water has poured in, close the clamp and remove the tip.

The water must be kept inside for about 15 minutes.

Such bowel cleansing before surgery also has its contraindications: rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids with bleeding, tumors, inflammatory processes, stomach bleeding.

What is it prescribed for?

In addition to drugs and enemas, you can also use methods traditional medicine, but this will not work in a hospital.

You should not cleanse the day before or at home, as you may get an irreversible effect.

It is better to use the medications prescribed by your doctor or agree to an enema if you fail to follow the diet. In general, drugs and other means are prescribed for one purpose, so that operating table there was no nausea from anesthesia, no peritonitis occurred, if suddenly an intervention is performed abdominal cavity, and the patient should not strain during bowel movements so that the stitches do not come apart.

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Fortrans belongs to the group of laxatives intended for effective and quick cleansing intestines in as soon as possible. This pharmacological action the drug is especially in demand before colonoscopy or surgical procedures. You can find out how to take Fortrans correctly in the detailed instructions attached to the package. But the advisability of using the drug is determined only by a doctor, since the laxative has a significant number of contraindications and exhibits side effects.

By using French drug Fortrans can quickly and effectively cleanse the intestines

Characteristic features of the drug use

Fortrans is one of the few laxatives that, after administration, ensure complete evacuation of feces from all parts of the intestines. The undoubted advantage of the drug is the ability to carry out the cleansing procedure yourself at home without the use of an enema or an Esmarch mug.

Taking Fortrans allows you to empty your bowels without experiencing painful cramps in the lower abdomen.

Recommendation: “Fortrans solution has a specific taste, which most patients find unpleasant. Even the passionflower extract included in the drug is not able to improve the situation. To eliminate nausea and vomiting, you should take the medicine without a large number juice made from any citrus fruit (lemon, grapefruit, orange).”

Fortrans powder is not suitable for frequent use. Some specialists alternative medicine It is recommended to use this laxative for weight loss. Indeed, after such a high-quality intestinal cleansing, body weight decreases slightly. But this occurs solely from the excretion of feces. Frequent use of Fortrans will cause:

  • reducing the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infections;
  • disturbances in the absorption of nutrients and biologically active substances;
  • development of water-electrolyte imbalance.

The French manufacturer produces Fortrans in the form of a white, easily water-soluble powder, packaged in bags weighing 64 g. Secondary packaging laxative - a cardboard box containing 4 packets and instructions for use. The drug should be stored at room temperature, protected from direct sun rays place.

How does a laxative work?

Unlike most drugs, Fortrans completely cleanses digestive tract from food residues and feces at various stages of formation. Systemic laxatives and solutions used for enemas remove only formed fecal matter. At the same time, in upper section significant contamination remains in the intestines. This may distort endoscopic results, instrumental studies, complicate surgical operations.

Four powders of the laxative Fortrans are enough for complete cleansing human intestines weighing about 80 kg


The active ingredient of Fortrans is macrogol 4000. Chemical compound has many useful properties:

From the stomach, the laxative solution easily penetrates into the intestinal cavity, where its therapeutic activity is manifested. refers to high molecular weight polymer compounds and is chemical structure polyethylene glycol.

The principle of action of Fortrans is that the active substance attracts fluid that is in the intestines. Macrogol rapidly increases in size and swells, which causes an increase in the volume of feces. The load on the intestinal walls increases, which begin to contract in waves, pushing feces towards the anus. Portion intake of Fortrans allows you to avoid too much strong impact on the intestines, so evacuation of feces is not complicated by pain or damage to the mucous membranes.


Some patients have difficulty using Fortrans solution. The fact is that, according to the instructions, one powder is diluted in 1000 ml of water, and a person of average weight needs to drink 3-4 liters of liquid to completely cleanse the intestines. But this method of use also has its advantages. Macrogol attracts only water from the prepared solution, without adsorbing liquid molecules from the digestive tract. This allows you to avoid the development of dehydration and loss of microelements necessary for the functioning of the body.

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • chlorides;
  • sulfates.

They are necessary to prevent the development of water and electrolyte imbalance. Such substances provide the sour-sweet-salty taste of the solution. Macrogol is not metabolized during passage through the gastrointestinal tract. After swelling, it leaves the human body unchanged along with feces.

To prepare Fortrans medicinal solution, dilute the powder in warm water

How long does it take for the drug to take effect?

It is impossible to predict exactly how long it takes for Fortrans to take effect. Therapeutic activity laxative appears within 1-3 hours. It all depends on the quantity and quality of food in a person’s stomach, his weight and age. If Fortrans solution is taken on an empty stomach, bowel movements will begin in about an hour.

When taking the drug again, the urge to defecate occurs within 30 minutes. Gastroenterologists recommend that patients free up most of the day during the cleansing procedure. For one person, a complete bowel movement takes about two hours, while for another it takes 4-5.

Advice: "When long absence defecation, you should not take an additional dose of Fortrans. You can help the body without causing unnecessary stress on the body. intestinal walls. To do this, you need to gently massage your stomach with smooth circular movements and move more without leaving the room.”

Indications for use

In the annotation for the drug, manufacturers indicate that the use of Fortrans powder is possible only in preparation for an examination or surgical procedure. The laxative is not intended to treat acute or chronic constipation. Such use is not only inappropriate, but also dangerous. Fortrans has such a powerful effect that its use for the treatment of constipation will cause a decrease in functional activity the entire gastrointestinal tract. When is the drug needed:

  • before performing endoscopic or x-ray procedures, which include colonoscopy, rectoscopy;
  • at the stage of preparation for various surgical operations.

A single use of Fortrans cleanses the intestines much faster and more effectively than using several enemas with saline solutions or warm water.

Warning: “During the cleansing procedure, the body leaves the body along with feces. beneficial microbes, which can cause the development of dysbacteriosis, indigestion, and flatulence. Doctors recommend a few days after intestinal lavage to undergo course treatment eubiotics containing lacto- and bifidobacteria."

Difficult ecological situation, sedentary lifestyle life, irregular and unbalanced diet cause slagging in the gastrointestinal tract and deterioration in human well-being. Fortrans can be used for regular cleansing procedures to get rid of accumulated toxic compounds. But such therapeutic manipulations cannot be carried out more than three times a year.

Contraindications and side effects

Fortrans should not be used in patients with individual sensitivity to macrogol and the auxiliary ingredients of the laxative. In such people, taking the drug will provoke the development allergic reactions according to the type of urticaria - skin itching, rashes and swelling. Also to absolute contraindications Fortrans uses include:

  • state of dehydration due to intestinal, respiratory infections or developed for another reason;
  • pathological expansion of the lumen of the colon;
  • general serious condition patient caused chronic disease one of their life systems;
  • malignant neoplasms of the large intestine;
  • ulcerative damage to any part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • erosive lesions of the digestive organs;
  • children under 15 years of age;
  • violation of the integrity of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inability to move intestinal contents to the anus;
  • congenital or acquired predisposition to intestinal obstruction;
  • and duodenum.

Fortrans is not used to cleanse patients with serious pathologies of the urinary organs. The use of a laxative means the use significant amount liquid, and this will negatively affect the condition of a person whose kidneys cannot cope with the functions of filtering, concentrating and excreting urine. Despite the absence of painful spasms and absorption of macrogol in the intestines, the use of Fortrans by pregnant women is prohibited.

Often, taking a laxative provokes the development dyspeptic disorders. A person experiences nausea, rumbling and seething in the stomach, and a feeling of fullness. Typically these negative symptoms excess gas formation disappear immediately after defecation.

How to take medicine correctly

Before drinking Fortrans to cleanse the intestines, you should carefully read the attached instructions. If the doctor has not prescribed individual single dosages, they are determined according to the person’s weight. One powder diluted per liter warm water, designed for 20 kg body weight. Typically, a package of laxative is enough to completely cleanse the intestines of a person weighing about 80 kg. The procedure can be carried out in two ways:

  • Prepare everything at once medicinal solution. The dilution should be drunk within an hour, drinking a glass of liquid with short breaks;
  • Divide the solution into two parts. Diagnostic procedures are carried out in the morning or lunchtime, so half of the dilution must be drunk in the evening. The remaining amount of laxative should be consumed 3-4 hours before the examination or surgery.

Second way preferable to the first, since even a strong, large man has difficulty drinking 3-5 liters of laxative solution.

Healthy gut– basis wellness. However, a busy lifestyle and poor nutrition provoke the accumulation of toxic substances and breakdown products in the digestive system. Our ancestors also cleaned the intestines with an enema, but such cleansing is not always effective. For deeper rinsing, a powerful laxative “Fortrans” is prescribed. Anyone planning a study of the intestinal system or surgery needs to know how to drink Fortrans to cleanse the intestines.


Colon cleansing with Fortrans at home is carried out according to various reasons. More often the goal is to free the digestive canal before upcoming operations, as well as to lose weight. Traditional enema cleansing does not always provide desired effect. This is why many doctors prefer modern medicines, such as Fortrans. Powder instead of an enema will help to quickly and effectively cleanse all parts of the intestine.

The drug belongs to the osmotic laxative drugs, the action of which is aimed at complete cleaning intestinal system. The product effectively removes not only fecal residues, but also those accumulated in the process of life. toxic substances, heavy compounds and slags.

The drug is available in powder form white for preparing a solution. There are 4 bags in one box. The active ingredient is macrogol 4000, additional substances– sodium chloride, sodium saccharinate, bicarbonate sulfate, potassium.

Thanks to its components, the medicine dissolves well in water and effectively cleanses the entire digestive tract.

Pharmacological action

Powder "Fortrans" for intestinal cleansing has the ability to quickly and completely dissolve in liquid, supports electrolyte balance without causing dehydration. Penetrating into the body, the active substances capture the thin and thick parts of the intestinal system without causing toxic effects on the human body.

The ingredients have a laxative effect, increasing osmotic pressure in the intestines and retaining water. This leads to dissolution food bolus, swelling in the volume of the contents of the digestive canal, activation of peristalsis and the urge to empty.

The use of Fortrans leads to increased intestinal contractions and the need to defecate. Unlike similar medicines, which affect the lower regions of the intestine without affecting the upper, the powder flushes the entire system completely.

The laxative does not provoke excessive fluid loss from internal organs and, as a result, dehydration. In addition, the medication does not penetrate the bloodstream, does not dissolve in the digestive tract, and is removed from the body in unchanged form.

The therapeutic effect begins 60-90 minutes after consumption and lasts from 2 to 5 hours.

If there is no effect within 2-3 hours from the moment of taking the liquid, the patient should massage the abdomen and also move more actively.

Fortrans is a product that should not be used regularly. The drug is taken for a one-time bowel cleanse; it is not suitable for the systematic elimination of constipation.

Cleansing of the intestinal system occurs due to repeated acts of defecation that occur under the influence of consuming the next portion of the solution. It is the portioned method of taking diluted powder that allows for gentle and effective cleansing, as well as preventing the loss of electrolytes that occurs during bowel movements. Most often, after completion of the procedure, the patient quickly restores normal bowel movements.

Indications for use

Most often the drug is prescribed before the following diagnostic measures:

  • examinations of the digestive tract: endoscopy, fluoroscopy, colonoscopy;
  • upcoming surgical interventions on the colon, which require absolute absence content;
  • in the treatment of chronic and acute constipation.

All patients who are scheduled for anoscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, irrigoscopy, enteroscopy should take Fortrans to cleanse the large intestine.

In some cases, specialists prescribe the procedure before ultrasonography. However Most often, cleaning is carried out before surgery.

Some proponents of alternative medicine use this method of cleansing before therapeutic fasting or a special diet.

Contraindications and negative consequences

The absolute restrictions on the use of powder are:

  • kidney disease;
  • dehydration;
  • serious heart pathologies;
  • presence or tendency to intestinal obstruction;
  • ulcers and erosions of the stomach;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • perforated ulcers;
  • the child's age is less than 15 years;
  • hypersensitivity to active components.

Taking bowel cleansing medication before surgery may cause the following: negative consequences after reception:

  • nausea and gag reflexes resulting from bad taste solutions, which are usually discontinued upon subsequent use;
  • bloating, increased gas formation;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • the occurrence of diarrhea;
  • allergic manifestations in the form skin rash and swelling;
  • extremely in rare cases anaphylaxis may develop.

Digestive disorder caused by exposure to active ingredients, goes away 24-48 hours after the end of cleaning and does not require therapy.

Instructions for use

For more effective cleaning 2-3 days before the procedure, you must include in your diet foods containing dietary fiber. On the day of cleansing procedures, you should eat a light breakfast and limit your intake of other foods..

To cleanse the intestines, drink Fortrans according to the instructions. To prepare, the patient needs to know his weight: the dosage is calculated based on the patient’s body weight. Most often, 3-4 bags of powder are required for washing. The packet of powder is dissolved in 1 liter of water.

One package corresponds to 15-20 kg of body weight. The prepared composition is consumed in small portions over 2-4 hours. The amount of the drug consumed is approximately 1 liter per 1 hour.

If vomiting and nausea occur, the patient is advised to drink lemon juice or chew a slice of lemon.

It is most effective to take bowel cleansing powder before surgery in evening time, If surgery scheduled for the morning, or 3-4 hours before the examination.

The urge to defecate occurs after about 1.5-2 hours, but you should not stop taking the drug. The entire solution must be drunk entirely.

The use of the drug does not lead to an overdose, since active substances are not able to be absorbed into the bloodstream and are excreted unchanged. However, the use of laxatives may interfere with other medications taken, weakening their therapeutic effect.

Throughout the day you need to drink a lot of water, drink juices and Lenten dishes . After completing the cleansing procedures, patients easily return to their normal diet. The next day should be gradually introduced into the diet. light food, large number water, and also avoid physical activity.

Frequent urge to urinate leads to irritation anus, so the patient needs to use wet wipes instead of toilet paper, and also use baby cream.

"Fortrans" as a way to lose weight

Laxatives are often used by people who want to lose weight overweight. However the use of the drug will not be effective if the person does not follow a diet. The medicine is able to cleanse the digestive tract and remove its contents, but does not burn body fat. That is why adherents of traditional medicine recommend this medication as an additional method of cleansing of toxins before therapeutic fasting, as well as to facilitate entry into a new diet.

Experts do not recommend using powder to remove toxins more than 2-3 times a year. The drug may interfere intestinal microflora, increase growth pathogenic microorganisms V intestinal system, and also cause colitis, enteritis and chronic constipation. Frequent use laxatives can lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals, since frequent diarrhea can wash away useful substances from the body.

The solution should be taken correctly in order to lose excess weight, following the instructions for use. One sachet is diluted in 1 liter of water. The composition must be consumed 2 hours after meals in small sips, every quarter of an hour.. Drinking water or juice is allowed, but eating food is excluded.

During cleansing procedures, the patient must be at home, since the need to defecate may occur for 6 hours. Additionally, you may feel weak when cleaning.

The day after the procedure, it is recommended to eat boiled rice, which promotes recovery. digestive system and prevents the occurrence of diarrhea. Over the next 7 days, the patient should take probiotics, which include bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which help normalize the intestinal microflora.


The powder has proven itself with the best side, however due to quite high cost many people have found a replacement for it with other, cheaper medications. Besides, most patients cannot tolerate the taste of the solution, which leads to incomplete consumption of the volume. The drug is also contraindicated in childhood, unlike other products with similar effects.

On pharmacy counters you can find various drugs, containing the same active substance, as “Fortrans” is macrogol (polyethylene glycol). You can replace Fortrans to cleanse the intestines with the following medications:

  • "Lavacol."
  • "Osmogol."
  • "Forlax".
  • "Transipeg."
  • "Forteza Rompharm".
  • "Realaxan".

These products are similar in indications and have the same limitations.. At individual intolerance drugs can be replaced with drugs that have other active ingredients, but having a similar effect:

  • "Duphalac".
  • "Bioflorax".
  • "Lactuvit".

Analogues also include “Goodluck” in the form of syrup, magnesium sulfate powder, “Normaze” in syrup, “Transulose” in the form of a gel, “Bisacodyl” - a product produced in the form of tablets and suppositories. These tablets, instead of an enema, effectively cope with chronic constipation and can be used in childhood.

Ecological deterioration, wrong mode nutrition and reduction physical activity lead to slagging of the body. Colon cleansing with Fortrans is one of the options for removing toxins, salts and harmful substances at home. The solution helps cleanse the intestines before surgery or diagnostic procedure. At correct dosage The drug promotes weight loss. However, to achieve the desired effect, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

"Fortrans" is a drug that has a laxative effect and removes poisons from the body during intoxication.

Description of the drug

Fortrans powders have a powerful laxative effect, which has a cleansing effect on the intestines. By combining single use with proper nutrition And physical activity, you can lose weight and restore your health. You can tell that the cleaning was effective by the quantity and appearance defecation. According to reviews of people who used the solution, the result from Fortrans helped the body to invigorate and cleanse itself.

Components of the product

The main substance of the drug that has a laxative effect is macrogol 4000. The powder also contains:

  • sodium chloride;
  • sodium saccharinate;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • anhydrous sodium sulfate.

Auxiliary components of Fortrans are used to regulate salt and alkaline balance in the intestines, and also as a sweetener. The use of macrogol 4000 separately, along with the laxative effect, provokes an imbalance of microelements in the body. For this reason, only specialists prescribe Fortrans for use at home and in the hospital.

Fortrans is available in crumbly form, which is dissolved in water before use.

Release form

"Fortrans" is produced in the form of a white powder. The drug dissolves easily in water without forming sediment. Following the instructions on the packaging, you can prepare the drink at home, by yourself. The product is packaged in sachets, 64 grams each. One sachet is designed for a patient weighing up to 90 kg. Cardboard boxes contain 4 sachets of Fortrans.

Mechanism of action

"Fortrans" is a drug from the laxative group. The effect of its use is compared to the effect of an enema. The difference is that Fortrans not only cleanses the intestines, but also maintains the balance of salt and bile. The main effect is to retain water, which acts as a solvent. The powder, when combined with liquid, increases in volume and has a laxative effect. Simultaneously with the release of intestinal contents, the drug itself is eliminated from the body. "Fortrans" is not absorbed into the blood or into the intestinal walls, so it can be drunk without fear. The effect occurs an hour and a half after taking the product and lasts up to 6 hours.

Indications and contraindications

It is not advisable for minors to use Fortrans.

"Fortrans" is prescribed to cleanse the intestines as an effective replacement for an enema. It is shown on the eve of the event endoscopic examination colon and for weight loss. As a means of losing weight, repeated use of the drug leads to worsening general condition health. Therefore, experts do not recommend using Fortrans for this purpose. The main reason for prescribing a laxative is the need to quickly empty the intestines.

The use of the product by patients under the age of 18 is prohibited. Against the background of general dehydration of the body, taking the drug is also not recommended, as the condition worsens. If you are allergic to the components of the composition, using Fortrans can cause itching and rash. Other contraindications include diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal obstruction.

How to take Fortrans correctly when cleansing the large intestine?

The use of the laxative "Fortrans" implies, according to the instructions, preliminary preparation to the procedure and subsequent rest for the body. This is explained by the fact that cleansing the intestines with this drug is not an easy task, from a moral point of view. This is facilitated by the large volume of the drink, its taste and discomfort associated with subsequent repeated urges to defecate.

Preparing the body

2 days before taking the medicine, it is necessary to prepare the body. This concerns the diet. Before consumption, you should not eat foods that contain fiber. Immediately on the day of taking Fortrans, food should be limited to a light breakfast. Cleansing the intestines with the drug will take the whole day: 3–4 hours for drinking the drink, 5–6 hours for the cleansing procedure itself, and the rest of the time is spent on rest.

In what quantities should I take the solution?

You need to prepare the drink at the rate of: 1 sachet of powder per 1 liter of water. The amount of powder is affected by the patient’s weight: 1 sachet is designed for 20 kg. So, for a person weighing 80 kg you need 4 sachets. A liter of liquid should be drunk within 1 hour. Drinking faster can cause gag reflex. Therefore, the resulting 4 liters are drunk in 4 hours.

The effect of using Fortrans comes quickly and lasts for the next half of the day.

Cleaning duration

The effect of using Fortrans, according to the instructions, occurs quite quickly and lasts up to 6–10 hours. Therefore, on the day of your appointment, you need to abandon your plans and spend all your time at home. Immediately during use and the next day, you must abstain from physical and mental stress. The body needs a state of rest.

How to alleviate the impact of the solution?

Cleaning with of this medicine similar to using an enema. Therefore, the drug must be taken gradually so that the stool has time to soften. After an hour and a half, the effect of Fortrans begins. At the same time, you need to be prepared to go to the toilet every 20–30 minutes. With such a number of bowel movements, the patient may feel discomfort and burning in the anus. For such symptoms, it is recommended to use Vaseline or baby cream. In addition, not all patients manage to drink the drink within the prescribed period. This happens because of its specific taste. In this case, doctors recommend drinking Fortrans with juice or eating slices of fruit.

Approximate usage diagram

Scheme for using Fortrans to properly cleanse the intestines:

The schedule for using Fortrans can consist of 6 doses of the drug per day.
  • 12:00 - meal consisting of light dishes. After this, eating is prohibited.
  • 14:00-15:00 - drinking 1 liter of laxative drink (1 glass every quarter of an hour).
  • 15:00-16:00 - use 1 liter of Fortrans solution, divided into 4 glasses. The interval between doses is no more than 15 minutes.
  • 16:00-17:00 - rest for the body. At this time, the drug begins to have a visible cleaning effect.
  • 17:00-18:00 - take 1 liter of water diluted with Fortrans medicine (1 glass every 15 minutes).
  • 18:00-19:00 - use the last liter of drink.

This diagram is an example of how to use Fortrans medicine correctly. It is designed for single use by a patient whose weight is 70–80 kg. As prescribed by the doctor, appointment hours can be changed. After consuming the last portion of the solution, you should not eat anything. You are only allowed to drink mineral water without gas, in small quantities. Before surgery, you need to take Fortrans to cleanse the intestines according to the regimen suggested by your doctor. You should drink Fortrans according to the proposed schedule in order to cleanse the intestines and replace the enema.

Frequency of application for cleaning

The drug "Fortrans" is intended for one-time use. The reason lies in the strong laxative effect that it has on the body. For this reason, experts do not recommend using the product for weight loss. Repeated use of Fortrans leads to an imbalance of salt and microelements in the intestines, which negatively affects the entire body.

Side effects"Fortrans" can result in addiction to the drug and depletion of intestinal flora.



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