Causes, symptoms and treatment methods for spasm of accommodation. False myopia or spasm of accommodation in adults: causes and treatment of the disease Eye drops to relieve spasm

A pathology such as spasm of accommodation is a dysfunction of the eye muscle, which is responsible for adjusting the curvature of the lens. These disorders cause loss of focus on individual objects or images that are located at different distances from the person. There are drops to relieve spasm of accommodation, but they must be used after consulting a doctor.

The human eye is a rather complex organ responsible for one of the types of perception, that is, visual. The work of the eye can be compared to binoculars or a microscope, which is capable of changing the sharpness of the image.

In the human eye, the ciliary muscle is responsible for changing sharpness, which works much like a wheel in mechanical optics.

That is, with the help of this muscle, the eye lens is able to move, thereby focusing the sharpness of the image on the retina.

The principle of operation of this muscle is extremely simple and understandable, for example, if a person needs to look at images or objects that are far away, the muscle weakens, which allows the lens to become flatter. And if a person looks at images or objects that are nearby, the ciliary muscle begins to tense, thereby making the lens more convex.

However, excessively frequent tension of this eye muscle leads to fatigue. Due to the so-called fatigue of the ciliary muscle, the focusing of the eye begins to deteriorate sharply. However, do not panic, as this pathology is curable.

Accommodation spasm is also known as false myopia. If this pathology is detected, you should immediately seek treatment from a highly qualified ophthalmologist. If treatment is ignored, this can lead to a more serious disease - myopia.

Causes of spasm of accommodation

Accommodation spasm can occur due to the following factors:

  • Artificial factor. Occurs due to side effects of medications.
  • Pathological factor. Occurs due to prolonged exposure to TV or computer; problems with blood circulation in the spinal cord, poor diet, bad habits, etc.
  • Physiological factor. Occurs due to astigmatism.

In addition, a spasm of accommodation can occur due to traumatic brain injury, hormonal imbalance, or eye injury.

The main signs of this pathology:

  1. Rapid eye fatigue during close-range vision.
  2. Periodic pain, burning, redness of the eyes.
  3. Poor focusing on objects that are located at close range. And objects located at a far distance have a very blurred or split appearance.
  4. Periodic headaches.
  5. Blurred vision.

Preparations for relieving accommodation spasms

Eye drops help relax the ciliary muscle, thereby relieving unpleasant symptoms. Approximate treatment is about a month, after which this pathology should disappear.

To treat spasm of accommodation, use the following eye drops:

  • Irifrin. Designed to expand the ciliary muscle of the eye and eliminate the symptoms of the disease so-called false myopia.
  • Mydriacyl. Allows you to relieve irritation and also affects the ciliary muscle of the eye, which leads to its further relaxation.
  • Lutein. It acts directly on the ocular ciliary muscle, which leads to the release of tension and the elimination of symptoms of pathology. These drops can be used to treat a child under 12 years of age, but only after consultation with an ophthalmologist.

  • Tropicamide. Drops are intended for the treatment of false myopia for children over 12 years of age.
  • Cyclomed. The drug in the form of drops is intended to relieve symptoms such as redness of the eyes, itching, pain or burning, and it is also used in the treatment of the ciliary muscle.
  • Atropine. Used to eliminate eye irritation and prevent the occurrence of this phenomenon.

All these drugs are able to relax the ciliary muscle of the eye, which, after about two to three weeks of treatment, eliminates the spasm of accommodation. But this phenomenon will return again after a certain period of time, so comprehensive treatment is necessary that will completely eliminate this disease.

However, it is worth considering that unauthorized treatment with these medications without prior consultation with an ophthalmologist can lead to unpleasant consequences. Treatment with such drugs without the necessary knowledge may cause side effects that can also harm the human body.

Treatment of accommodation spasm

In order to get rid of this disease, ophthalmology specialists prescribe complex treatment to the patient. The first thing the ophthalmologist prescribes is medications for the eyes (Atropine, Irifrin, Midriacil, etc.), which relieve tension from the ciliary muscle; they are often used in drops.

The duration of treatment with drops for false myopia is approximately 7 to 35 days. Drops eliminate this problem quite effectively, but the disease may return again in a complicated form.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to perform the following actions in parallel with the use of medicinal drops:

  1. Do eye exercises regularly.
  2. Spend more time outdoors.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle.
  4. Reduce your time at the computer, TV and other gadgets.
  5. Take foods that help improve vision (carrots, blueberries, etc.).

Exercises to eliminate the problem of false myopia:

  • Blink continuously at an accelerated pace for about 45-60 seconds, after which you need to do a light massage through your eyelids, rotating your fingers in a circle.
  • Rotate your eyeballs clockwise and counterclockwise 10 times. The procedure must be repeated 5-6 times, with an interval of 30 seconds.
  • Quickly focus vision on objects that are at different distances. Do the exercise for 3-4 minutes.

  • Take the handle, then focus your gaze on it and move the object back and forth, while still watching it.

In addition, in order to minimize the harm from being at the computer, it is necessary that the monitor be slightly below the eyes, and the distance should be at least 65 -70 centimeters. In addition, it is recommended to wear special glasses in order to minimize the harm from prolonged viewing of TV or staying at the computer.

Spasm of accommodation is a fairly common phenomenon, which significantly reduces the quality of life and therefore needs to be eliminated in a timely manner. Treatment of this pathology, in most cases, is carried out with the help of special drops that help relax the muscles. If the disease is not eliminated in time, it can provoke the emergence of more serious problems.

Rumyantseva Anna Grigorievna

Reading time: 4 minutes


The human eye can adapt and see objects at different distances equally clearly.

This occurs due to the work of the ciliary muscle of the eye, which regulates the focus of the eye. If disturbances occur in the functioning of such a muscle, a spasm of accommodation occurs.

The article discusses what spasm of accommodation of the eye and both eyes is, as well as how to relieve this visual impairment.

Spasm of accommodation in adults is considered a pathological condition in which a person cannot clearly see objects at different distances.

Due to overloads of a different nature, the ciliary muscle, which regulates the curvature of the lens and, accordingly, the focus of vision, ceases to perform its functions.

In a normal state, the eye needs to relax the lens in order to view distant objects; on the contrary, to perceive close objects, the lens tenses.

During a spasm of accommodation, the lens does not relax, and distant objects are difficult to see.

Causes of the disease

The main cause of accommodation spasm is, which occurs for a number of reasons:

Also spasm may occur due to problems with blood circulation in the cervical spine.

Remember! In this case, the eyes do not receive the necessary nutrition and similar disturbances begin to appear in their functioning. This also happens when there is a lack of vitamins in the body and poor nutrition.

Main symptoms

With a spasm of accommodation in adults, the following symptoms are observed:

  • gradual decrease in visual acuity when looking at distant objects;
  • eye fatigue and the appearance of periodic pain in the organs of vision;
  • feeling of burning and stinging in the eyes;
  • redness of the mucous membrane;
  • dizziness;

As the disease progresses, the eyes begin to tire more and more quickly, even in the absence of tasks that are difficult to see, and visual acuity decreases, and effort must be made to focus the gaze.

Treatment of accommodation spasm

Treatment of accommodation spasm must be comprehensive.

In this case, in addition to conservative treatment with medications, it is necessary to use hardware methods and do special gymnastics.

Such exercises not only help relieve spasm, but also serve as a preventative measure to reduce the likelihood of relapse of the disease in the future.

Drug treatment

Ophthalmic drops are used as medications to relax the ciliary muscle. These are drugs cyclomide, midriacil, atropine, tropicamide.

In this case an ophthalmologist may prescribe irifrin– drops with active alpha-adrenergic action for topical use. Such a medicine promotes pupil dilation and stimulates the circulation of intraocular fluid, which helps strengthen the ciliary muscle.

Simultaneously with such drops It is recommended to take special vitamin complexes, intended for the eyes, and also use moisturizing eye drops, which help relieve the side symptoms of spasm (dryness and irritation).

Also You can do a neck massage yourself, which will promote blood flow to the head, and such stimulation of the circulatory system can prevent spasm or contribute to its speedy relief.

Hardware treatment

Sometimes medications are not enough to relieve the spasm, and then hardware treatment methods are used.

One of them is electrical stimulation of the eyeball, in which an electric current is applied to the eye, causing relaxation of the ciliary muscle.

Spasm can also be cured with laser therapy at the cellular-molecular level.

With this effect, biochemical and biophysical processes in the human body are stimulated, which leads to the normalization of the ciliary muscle in an indirect way. In this case, not only the spasm is relieved, but also the visual functions of the visual organs in general are improved.

Gymnastics for the eyes

The complex includes the following exercises:

The final exercise is massaging the closed eyelids with your fingertips in a circular motion.. This procedure must be completed within a minute, after which the complex can be considered complete.

Need to know! Such gymnastic exercises should not be neglected: they will take no more than 10-15 minutes a day, but at the same time this method is considered almost the only preventive measure to prevent a spasm of accommodation.

Useful video

From this video you will learn more about accommodation disorders and their treatment:

Experts don’t always talk about the dangerous consequences of this disease, since they usually don’t happen, but with relapses of the disease, it can result in a persistent impairment of visual acuity that cannot be restored.

Also spasm can also lead to myopia due to disturbances in the functioning of the lens, and such a refractive error is much less treatable, and it is not always possible to get by with regular exercises and medications for myopia.

The purpose of blood vessels is to provide the eyeballs with the necessary microelements, primarily oxygen. In order to prevent the occurrence of spasms, you need to know the causes of their occurrence.

Vasospasm of the eye, symptoms and treatment are the key to successful health. Only timely detection of pathology will help to avoid consequences, and the patient will be able to maintain vision.

Features of the vessels of the eye

Without adequate blood supply, the eyes will not be able to perform their functions. The necessary “food” for the nerve cells that are located in the retina, nutrients and oxygen, comes from the bloodstream. If at least one vessel does not cope with its work, others come to the rescue, they bring the necessary elements. This can explain the fact that the vessels of the eye are branched.

Blood flow in the eyes begins from the carotid artery. From here the blood goes to the central retinal artery and passes into the posterior ciliary arteries. The central artery is located inside the optic nerve; it is from there that the eye is fed. A small portion of the optic nerves exiting the eye supplies small arteries. All together they form a circle, numbering from 6 to 12.

The venous network has the same structure as the arterial network. However, there is still a small feature: there are no valves. They are needed to prevent the reverse flow of blood. Inflammatory processes can trigger the release of infection into the blood, thereby easily penetrating the brain.

Multiple vessels in the eyes are responsible for the functioning of a specific nerve or muscle; without this, the organs of vision will not be able to fully function. If you experience spasm of the ocular arteries, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.


Fundus vascular spasms can occur for many reasons, among them the following can be distinguished:

Adequate sleep is the key to health. A person who sleeps less than 7 hours a day cannot rest fully. The eyes do not get rid of tension, their functioning is impaired.

Poor lighting has a direct impact on the visual organs. They become tense, dryness and irritation appear.

Frequent work at the computer has a negative impact on the entire human body, primarily regarding vision. It is recommended to take breaks every hour.

Frequent conflicts and depression can provoke deterioration in health, the nervous system, blood vessels, and eyes suffer.

The harm of addictions is obvious; when they enter the body, toxins are carried through the blood, causing destructive harm. Blood vessels, heart, lungs, kidneys - all of these suffer first.

In acute intoxication, a person suffers from elevated body temperature, mental and vision impairment, and convulsions.

Doctors say that all eye diseases depend on their adequate blood supply. With muscle contractions of the vascular walls, the lumen of the vessel narrows. The membranes of vascular cells do not receive potassium, sodium, or calcium. The muscles do not contract as expected and do not relax.

Impaired blood circulation in the eyes can lead to retinal dystrophy, vascular embolism, and glaucoma. Human health directly depends on the condition of the blood vessels, or rather on how passable and clean they are.


As mentioned above, otherwise spasm of the retinal vessels is called vasospasm.

A typical complaint of all patients is distortion of visual perception, discomfort, namely:

  1. Vision periodically seems to blur. The duration of the symptom varies and may go away in five minutes or several hours.
  2. Floaters appear before the eyes. It is felt especially strongly at the moment when the patient tries to stand up sharply.
  3. Photomorphopsia.

When conducting diagnostics, you can see that the branches of the retinal artery are in a narrowed state. Spasms of the ocular vessels can lead to pallor of the fundus tissues.

Since vasospasm does not manifest itself, the first thing you need to do is find out what triggered the development of the pathology. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a therapist and an ophthalmologist.

Before prescribing treatment, the ophthalmologist conducts a complete examination of the retinal vessels. With ophthalmoscopy, the doctor can assess the condition of the arteries and capillaries of the eye, as well as the fundus of the eye. To examine the full picture, drops with a dilating effect are first instilled into the patient.

A distinctive feature of spasms is hemorrhages in the retina, as well as the presence of cholesterol deposits. At a late stage of development, the tissues are swollen and can be seen with the naked eye.

Types of angiopathy

Depending on the underlying disease, vasospasm can be divided into several types:

  1. Diabetic angiopathy- common form. In 40% of cases it occurs in patients with diabetes mellitus. From the onset of the disease, angiopathy manifests itself after 5-7 years. Large vessels are affected and become blocked.
  2. – with increased pressure, the arteries narrow and the veins dilate. If left untreated, vascular sclerosis will begin to form.
  3. Hypotonic angiopathy– arteries dilate, intraocular pressure increases. Vessels that cannot withstand the load burst and hemorrhage appears.
  4. Angiopathy during pregnancy– the nature is temporary, after childbirth the pathology goes away on its own in a few weeks. However, if there was another form of the disease previously, after the birth of the baby it will begin to progress.

Angiopathy is dangerous because it is difficult to notice at an early stage of development, since there are no symptoms (see).

Clinical picture depending on the type of pathology:

View Symptoms

There is a feeling of pulsation in the eyes, the arteries are clearly visible, the retinal tissue swells, and vein thrombosis occurs.

The vision becomes blurred and the veins dilate. The arteries narrow.

Yellow spots appear on the fundus, diabetes mellitus, and the walls of the capillaries swell.

The video in this article talks about other possible symptoms.

Treatment methods

Treatment of vasospasm is an important process. An individual course of treatment is selected for each patient. It is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the type of pathology, the reasons that caused it, etc.

Interesting! Therapy is aimed primarily at relieving symptoms and eliminating the factors that provoked the development of the disease.

Conservative methods

This includes the use of drugs from several groups, with their help you can eliminate the pathological process:

  • Vitamin complexes: B15,12, 1;
  • Preparations to reduce vascular permeability: Gingko, Parmidine;
  • Strengthening preparations: Vazonit, Kaviton;
  • Improving microcirculation: Emoxipin;
  • Prevents the formation of blood clots: Trombonet.

Conservative therapy is rarely used to treat pregnant women, since side effects can negatively affect the condition of the fetus.


How to relieve vascular spasm in the organ of vision using physiotherapy:

  1. Laser irradiation– blood is purified. It becomes less toxic, the immune system is strengthened.
  2. Magnetotherapy– improves blood circulation, cells become more permeable, inflammation and pain are relieved.
  3. Acupuncture– recommended for the treatment of angiopathy that occurs after injury.

The price of such treatment varies.

Traditional methods

Arterial spasm can be relieved not only by traditional methods, but also by traditional medicine.

The methods do not completely eliminate the pathology, but improve the patient’s condition. The safest recipes:

  1. Take half a tablespoon of St. John's wort, chamomile and hot water. Mix, leave for half an hour, strain. Every morning on an empty stomach, drink 1/5 of the resulting product.
  2. Take fifteen grams of lemon balm, yarrow, and valerian. Separate two spoons, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for three hours. Boil in a water bath for fifteen minutes, strain. Add water, the total volume should be 0.25 liters. Drink the prepared product throughout the day.

You can use folk remedies only after visiting a doctor. It is unacceptable to use such methods as the main treatment.

Proper nutrition

During diabetic and hypertensive angiopathy, a special diet is required. You need to avoid foods that contain a lot of cholesterol.

Important! A doctor should prescribe proper nutrition.

If you are diabetic, avoid the following foods:

  • Mustard;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Spicy dishes;
  • Sweet fruits;
  • Sugar.

For hypertensive angiopathy, the following restrictions are provided:

  • No strong tea or coffee;
  • Fatty dishes and broths are not allowed;
  • Spicy dishes;
  • Smoked sausages or fish;
  • It is too salty.

You need to stick to this diet exactly as much as your doctor recommends.

Complications and prognosis

If the disease was detected in a timely manner and treatment was completed, the prognosis is favorable. The underlying disease should be given as much attention as possible. The recurrence of pathology can be avoided only by following the recommendations of a specialist.

If left untreated, the patient is at risk of developing glaucoma and cataracts. The juvenile form of the disease carries the greatest danger, since it is difficult to treat.

Complications are extremely serious:

  • There is hemorrhage in the vitreous glass;
  • Development of cataracts;
  • The number of vessels increases;
  • The retina detaches.

The photo below is an example of complications


The main goal of prevention is to prevent complications from the main disease: high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus.

All patients must follow the following rules:

  • Visit an ophthalmologist several times a year and undergo preventive examinations;
  • Complete cessation of bad habits;
  • Pay due attention to sleep and rest;
  • Watch your diet;
  • Distribute physical activity correctly;
  • Diseases that have a negative impact on blood vessels must be treated promptly.

Treatment of fundus vasospasm is lengthy and difficult. There is no need to panic or despair, as timely treatment starts gives a high chance of recovery. When the first signs of pathology appear, you should immediately visit the hospital and undergo a full examination.

  • Increased eye fatigue - a feeling of fatigue occurs during normal visual stress, for example, when watching a movie in a cinema or working at a computer for a short time.
  • Rapid visual fatigue when working at close distances, for example, reading, writing, embroidering, etc.
  • Impaired visual acuity (the ability of the eyes to clearly and clearly see surrounding objects) into the distance - objects look unclear and may blur.
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Sensations of cutting, burning in the eyes.
  • Dry eyes.
  • Redness of the eyes.


There are 3 forms of accommodation spasm.

  • Physiological spasm of accommodation - develops for the purpose of compensation (attempts to improve vision) for such eye diseases as: hypermetropia (impaired visual acuity (the ability of the eyes to clearly and clearly see surrounding objects), mainly near) and astigmatism (a disease in which the rays of light , passing through the optical system of the eye (the system of biological lenses of the eye), they focus (converge in one place) on several parts of the retina (the inner layer of the eye, retinal cells convert light rays into nerve impulses, thanks to which an image of surrounding objects appears in the brain). Those with astigmatism usually have poor vision both near and far.
  • Artificial spasm of accommodation - occurs when the eyes are exposed to certain medications, and is used for a more accurate examination of the eyeball.
  • Pathological spasm of accommodation is a condition characterized by increased refraction (the process of refraction of light rays in the optical system of the eye). Accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity.


Among the factors contributing to the development of accommodation spasm, there are several.

  • Eye strain - prolonged and intense stress on the organ of vision at close range (working at a computer, insufficient lighting of the workplace, watching TV for many hours, inconsistency of work furniture with a person’s height (for example, chairs in the office that are too high or low), reading books at close distance ( less than 30 cm) from the eyes).
  • Failure to comply with the work and rest regime - it is necessary to alternate periods of visual stress and eye rest. The introduction of 10-minute breaks during the working day will help reduce the risk of visual fatigue.
  • Injuries to the organ of vision (for example, contusion is a severe bruise of the eye; the symptoms of contusion are very varied - from a slight hemorrhage in the eye to crushing of the eyeball, with this disease vision is significantly reduced).
  • Previous eye surgeries.


  • Analysis of medical history and complaints when (how long ago) did the patient begin to complain about deteriorating distance vision, headaches, and rapid visual fatigue when working at close distances; whether he was previously observed by an ophthalmologist.
  • Life history analysis - Do your closest relatives (parents, brothers, sisters) have refractive errors (myopia (myopia (myopia - a condition in which a person sees poorly in the distance), hyperopia (farsightedness - a condition in which a person sees poorly near), etc.); whether the patient has had injuries or operations of the organ of vision; whether his professional or educational activities are associated with increased visual stress - working at a computer, reading, staying in one position for a long time.
  • Visometry is a method for determining visual acuity (the ability of the eye to distinguish surrounding objects clearly and clearly) using special tables. In Russia, Sivtsev-Golovin tables are most often used, on which letters of different sizes are written - from large ones located at the top to small ones located at the bottom. With 100% vision, a person sees the 10th line from a distance of 5 meters. There are similar tables where rings are drawn instead of letters, with breaks on a certain side. The person must tell the doctor which side the tear is on (top, bottom, right, left).
  • Automatic refractometry is the study of eye refraction (the process of refraction of light rays in the optical system of the eye - a system of biological lenses, the main ones of which are the cornea (the transparent membrane of the eye) and the lens (the main lens of the optical system of the eye)) using an automatic refractometer (a special medical device). The patient places his head on the device, fixing his chin with a special stand, the refractometer emits beams of infrared light, making a series of measurements. The procedure is absolutely painless for the patient.
  • Cycloplegia is a drug-induced shutdown of the accommodative muscle (a muscle that is involved in the processes of accommodation - the ability of the eye to see equally clearly objects located at different distances) of the eye in order to detect false myopia (spasm of accommodation) - a violation of accommodation. During cycloplegia, all people temporarily experience myopia. In a person with normal vision, myopia disappears after the medication stops working. If myopia after cycloplegia decreases but does not disappear, then this residual myopia is permanent and requires correction (what kind of correction it will be (spectacle or contact), the ophthalmologist will decide).
  • Ophthalmometry - measurement of the radii of curvature and refractive power (the force that changes the direction of light rays) of the cornea.
  • Ultrasound biometry (USB), or A-scan, is an ultrasound examination of the eye. The technique presents the obtained data in the form of a one-dimensional image, which allows one to estimate the distance to the boundary of media (different structures (parts) of the eye) with different acoustic (sound) resistance. Allows you to assess the condition of the anterior chamber of the eye (the space of the eye between the cornea and the iris (that part of the eye that determines its color)), the cornea, the lens of the eye involved in the process of refraction), and determine the length of the anterior-posterior axis of the eyeballs.
  • Pachymetry is an ultrasound examination of the thickness or shape of the cornea of ​​the eye. Using this method, you can detect swelling of the cornea and the presence of keratoconus (a disease characterized by thinning of the cornea and changes in its shape). Pachymetry also helps to plan surgical operations on the cornea.
  • Eye biomicroscopy is a non-contact method for diagnosing eye diseases using a special ophthalmological microscope combined with a lighting device. The microscope-lighting device complex is called a slit lamp. Using this simple technique, you can identify various eye diseases: inflammation of the eye, changes in its structure and many others.
  • Skiascopy is a method for determining the refraction of the eye, during which the doctor monitors the movement of shadows in the pupil area when the eye is illuminated by a beam of light. The method allows you to determine different forms of refraction of the eye.
  • Vision test using a phoropter - during this test, the patient looks at special tables through a phoropter (a special ophthalmological device). The tables are at different distances. Depending on how well the patient sees them, a conclusion is made about the form of his refraction. This device also allows you to eliminate errors when writing a prescription for glasses.
  • Computer keratotopography a method for studying the condition of the cornea using laser beams. During this study, a computer keratotopograph (a special medical device) scans the cornea using a laser. The computer builds a color image of the cornea, where different colors indicate its thinning or thickening.
  • Ophthalmoscopy is an examination of the fundus of the eye using a special device (ophthalmoscope). Simple to implement, but very informative research. The doctor examines the bottom of the eyeball using an instrument called an ophthalmoscope and a special lens. This method allows you to assess the condition of the retina, the optic nerve head (the place where the optic nerve exits the skull; the optic nerve is a conductor of impulses to the brain, thanks to which images of surrounding objects appear in the brain), and the vessels of the fundus.
  • Selection of suitable glasses (lenses) - In the office of an ophthalmologist there is a set of lenses with different degrees of refraction; the patient is selected with lenses that best suit him using a visual acuity test, for this the doctor uses Sivtsev-Golovin tables.

Treatment of spasm of accommodation of the eye

  • Special gymnastics for the eyes is a set of exercises aimed at relaxing and strengthening the eye muscles. Gymnastics must be performed 2 times a day. If this regimen is inconvenient for the patient, then once a day before bedtime.
  • Visual and physical activity regimen. It is necessary to rest your eyes if there are signs of eye fatigue (redness, watery eyes, burning sensation in the eyes) - look into the distance for 1-2 minutes or, conversely, sit for 10 minutes with your eyes closed.
  • Elimination of excessive visual load. You should try to avoid long hours of working at the computer or watching TV; When reading or writing, observe the lighting mode - the light should be quite intense, its source should be to the left of the eyes.
  • Eye drops that relax the ciliary (eyelash) muscle of the eye and thus relieve spasm of accommodation.
  • Taking vitamin complexes for the eyes.
  • Physiotherapy (use of physical factors for treatment - light, ultrasound, magnetic field, electric current, etc.). For example, transcutaneous electrical stimulation is the effect of alternating current on the eyeball, helping to improve its blood supply; color pulse stimulation - the effect of different colors on the cells of the retina (the inner shell, its cells convert light rays into nerve impulses, thanks to which an image of surrounding objects is formed in the brain) of the eye.
  • Moisturizing eye drops - used to soften the mucous membranes of the eye, eliminate dryness and irritation.
  • Massage of the collar area of ​​the body - improves blood flow to the organs of the head and neck, including the eyes.

Complications and consequences

  • Persistent (permanent) impairment of visual acuity (the ability of the eyes to clearly and clearly see surrounding objects) into the distance.
  • Myopia (myopia) is a persistent, long-term or not eliminated spasm of accommodation that ultimately leads to the development of myopia (impaired refraction (the process of refraction of light rays in the eye), in which a person has difficulty seeing into the distance).

Prevention of spasm of accommodation of the eye

  • Lighting mode – you should try to give visual stress in good lighting, do not use fluorescent lamps.
  • Regime of visual and physical activity – it is necessary to give rest to the eyes after the received load.
  • Gymnastics for the eyes is a set of exercises aimed at relaxing and strengthening the eye muscles.
  • Moderate physical activity - swimming, walking in the fresh air, massage of the collar area, etc. (such physical exercises affect the general condition of the body, which in turn has a positive effect on the organ of vision).
  • A complete, balanced and rational diet (food must contain all the substances necessary for the human body: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements).


Accommodation of the eye is the ability of the eye to change the refractive power (the force that changes the direction of light rays) of its optical system (system of biological lenses) for a clear and distinct perception of objects located at different distances from it.
Two components are involved in the process of accommodation: contraction and relaxation of the ciliary (ciliary) muscle - the main accommodative muscle directly involved in the processes of accommodation, and the elasticity of the lens (a biological transparent lens located behind the pupil). Thanks to this complex physiological interaction, the accommodation of the eye can change, and a person sees objects equally well both near and far.
More often, spasm of accommodation appears in children and young people. This is due to excessive visual stress while studying at school or university. This condition can also occur in adults due to the computerization of modern society and uncontrolled viewing of television programs.

Spasm of accommodation or otherwise tired eyes syndrome, is impaired visual function as a result of spasmodic contraction of the ciliary muscle of the eye. The disease is accompanied by decreased vision and rapid eye fatigue when working with objects at close range. In this case, fatigue is accompanied by pain in the temples and forehead.

This is one of the most common ophthalmological diseases in children. Spasm of accommodation ranks second in frequency of occurrence after myopia (approximately 15% of schoolchildren of all ages suffer from it). The pathological process is reversible up to a certain stage, but over time, in the absence of correction, it turns into true myopia. This disease is identified by an ophthalmologist during a comprehensive examination. Treatment consists of instilling eye drops, gymnastics, and massage.

Accommodation of the human eye is carried out by changing the focus of the gaze at different distances.

It is controlled by the uninterrupted operation of the accommodative apparatus, which includes 3 visual elements:

  • lens;
  • zonular ligaments;
  • ciliary (accommodative) muscle, which in turn is represented by meridional (Brücke), radial (Ivanova), circular (Müller) smooth muscle fibers.

When accommodating into the distance, the eye muscles are in a relaxed state. When the need arises to focus the gaze on nearby objects, the meridional fibers tense, and the ligaments of Zinn, on the contrary, relax. All this happens with an increase in the eye's ability to refract light rays and a change in the curvature of the lens.

During a spasm of accommodation, the circular and radial fibers of the ciliary muscle cannot completely relax. Because of this, the ciliary body is constantly in prolonged contraction.

Causes of accommodation spasm

In schoolchildren, the disease is associated with excessive visual stress ( working at a computer, reading and writing in poor lighting and in an incorrectly selected workplace). Insufficient time devoted to sports, walks, rest and exercise for the eye muscles contributes to the development of the disease. Asthenic syndrome, juvenile osteochondrosis, hypovitaminosis, and incorrect posture have a negative impact.

After 40-45 years, the lens begins to thicken and loses elasticity. This is accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity at close range and a gradual development. Spasm of accommodation in an adult develops extremely rarely as an independent disease.

The main causes of accommodation spasm in adults:

  • permanent fixation looking at nearby objects;
  • long-term exposure bright light;
  • CNS lesions(neuroses, migraines, cerebrovascular accidents);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • cervicothoracic osteochondrosis;
  • professional activities related to permanent eye strain(seamstresses, programmers).

Vascular spasm of the eye and brain plays an important role in the development of the disease. Deterioration of blood circulation in the ciliary arteries is associated with the appearance of myopia.


There is a certain system for classifying the pathological process of eye accommodation. Depending on the causes, there are several types of spasm:

  1. Transitional. Occurs as a result of the action of ophthalmic miotic drugs, such as Pilocarpine, Ezerin. This type of spasm does not require treatment; it disappears on its own after stopping the medications.
  2. Physiological. It develops as a response of the body to visual stress, when a person strains his near vision and at the same time has farsightedness or. The physiological type of accommodation is most often found in people who, due to their professional activities, have to work with objects located nearby. To eliminate physiological accommodation, correction with glasses and special exercises to restore the functioning of the ciliary muscle are necessary.

    Important! Physiological spasm develops in adults if they have farsightedness and astigmatism. At the same time, the ciliary muscles contract, changing the shape of the lens, because of this, refraction (the ability of the eye to refract light) increases and the person sees better. This is a compensatory reaction of the human body.

  3. Pathological.
    The pathological type of spasm develops when the hypermetropic refraction changes to myopic. In this case, there is a progression of decreased visual acuity. It, in turn, is divided into unstable and persistent, uniform and uneven, old, occurring more than a year ago, and fresh (less than a year). Pathological spasm appears in people with normal visual acuity as a result of prolonged work with objects located close to the eyes. In adults, this is associated with prolonged work at a laptop, tablet, or computer without a break to rest the eyes.
  4. Paresis. A separate group is false myopia of a neurogenic nature, which occurs when the nerves responsible for the contraction and relaxation of the ciliary muscles are damaged. The cause of the pathology is infections of the head, neck, head injuries, and spine.

Sometimes in ophthalmological practice there is also a spasm of accommodation of a mixed nature, which combines pathological and physiological mechanisms.


Signs of false myopia can be confused with symptoms of true myopia.

In the presence of a spasm of accommodation, the following may appear:

  • double vision when looking at objects in the distance;
  • deterioration of visual acuity;
  • rapid eye fatigue from working with objects at close range;
  • pain, pain in the eyes, temples, frontal part of the head;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • redness of the conjunctiva.

Sometimes there are complaints of headache of undetermined localization and severe fatigue. If the pathology is observed in a child, he may complain of irritability and severe fatigue at the beginning of the day. His performance is declining. Children with this disease begin to have difficulty seeing into the distance.

Pathological spasm can manifest itself with typical ocular signs, such as trembling of the eyeball (nystagmus), anisocoria (different pupil sizes), trembling of the eyelids, and general manifestations in the form of migraine attacks, mood swings, increased sweating of the palms, hand tremors.

Spasm of accommodation may occur after laser correction.


If there is visual fatigue or decreased vision, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist (in cases with children, a children's eye doctor).

The examination includes:

  • collection of medical history and complaints;
  • general examination (with false myopia, the patient may notice constant squinting when looking into the distance, frequent blinking, redness of the sclera and conjunctival membrane);
  • fundus examination;
  • visimetry (determining the clarity of vision using tables);
  • refractometry (detecting the ability of the lens to refract light rays);
  • Convergence Research;
  • skiascopy;
  • identification of the reserve and volume of accommodation.

If a child is examined, he is sent for consultation to a pediatric neurologist or orthopedic traumatologist.

Important! Spasm of accommodation must be differentiated from vasospasm (vasospasm of the fundus), in which the small arteries supplying blood to the retina are greatly reduced. This disease is characterized by periodic blurred vision, flickering spots, and constant headaches.


After the diagnosis is made, a comprehensive treatment is prescribed, including medications, physiotherapy, and hardware techniques.

Drug therapy includes instillation of drops that help relax the ciliary muscle. For spasms, medications are used that help relax the eye muscles (mydriatics). Eye drops for spasm of accommodation affect muscle tone, changing the curvature of the lens. As a result, it begins to function correctly, vision improves, and eye strain disappears. What are the best drops for spasm of accommodation in each specific case is decided by the ophthalmologist after establishing the cause of the pathological process.

The main drugs for relieving spasm of accommodation are shown in the following table.

Name of the drug. Action.
Tropicamide. Helps relieve spasm as a result of pupil dilation and paralysis of the ciliary muscle for 5-6 hours.
Atropine. It effectively relieves spasms, but due to its long-lasting action, which lasts about a week, it is rarely used. The fact is that pupil dilation prevents a person from seeing normally in the light.
Irifrin. Alpha adrenergic agonist, which is used for severe spasms.
Cyclomed. A drug that acts for 7-11 hours. It is recommended to use it at night. Then by morning the person will see well and there will be no complications.

Therapy for spasm of accommodation must be carried out exclusively under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Under no circumstances should you take any medications on your own initiative or on the advice of friends! This can lead to complications and undesirable consequences.

Electrophoresis and magnetotherapy are used as physiotherapy. If the cause of the spasm is a disease of the spine, then courses of therapeutic massage of the cervicothoracic zone, acupuncture, physical therapy, and manual therapy are conducted.

A computer software module helps train the ciliary muscle "Relax", magnetic stimulation, color stimulation, electrical stimulation, laser therapy. As prescribed by a doctor, children over three years of age are prescribed for spasm of accommodation. Sidorenko glasses.

To consolidate the results of a complex of therapeutic effects, it is necessary to heal the body through hardening, proper nutrition, and sports. It is recommended to take special vitamin preparations to improve vision ( Blueberry forte), and for children Lutein complex.


Special gymnastics for spasm of accommodation in the unadvanced stage helps to eliminate eye strain. First, it is performed in a specialist’s office, under his direct supervision. Then it will be possible to cure the spasm of accommodation at home using gymnastics yourself.

The doctor will tell you in detail about the technique of performing eye gymnastics. They mainly perform circular, vertical and horizontal movements of the eyeballs, rapid blinking, and concentration of gaze on the bridge of the nose.

useful gymnastics for the eyes

This type of training for the eye muscles helps them relax and contract. If you perform such gymnastics daily, you can get rid of muscle spasm of the accommodative apparatus. Each exercise must be performed 5-10 times, the number of repetitions must be agreed with the attending physician, as it depends on the complexity of the disease. The more complex its degree, the more gentle eye exercises should be at the beginning of therapy.

In children

As already mentioned above, spasm of accommodation most often develops in childhood. This is due to the heavy workload at school, constant use of the computer, tablets, and smartphones.

Modern children experience enormous strain on the eyes, because in addition to eye strain at school (they constantly need to look at the blackboard, at the textbook, at the notebook), when they come home, they sit down in front of laptops, consoles, televisions, not giving their eyes a rest at all. It is not surprising that almost every 3 schoolchildren has myopia or false myopia. Fortunately, the children's eye is very susceptible to therapy and the process of accommodation spasm is completely reversible at a certain stage of development. Therapy in children is practically no different from adult treatment (except for the dosage of medications).

When are glasses needed?

In the presence of a pathological spasm of accommodation, wearing glasses with minus lenses is highly not recommended, since the ciliary muscles of the eye are already tense. As a result, the condition worsens, the person becomes worse, and the disease begins to progress at double speed.

But if you have false myopia caused by astigmatism or age-related farsightedness, glasses will only improve your condition. They help cope with eye strain and asthenopic manifestations. Thanks to correctly selected glasses, it is possible to avoid complications of the disease.

Prognosis and prevention

Accommodation spasm can be successfully treated, as it is a completely reversible functional disorder. With the help of medications, you can quickly eliminate spasm of the ciliary muscle through forced relaxation. To achieve a lasting effect, it is necessary to carry out a full range of treatment, eliminating the causes contributing to the development of spasm of accommodation.

Preventive measures that can prevent the development of accommodation spasm are as follows:

  • organization of a good night's rest;
  • playing sports;
  • proper nutrition;
  • maintaining correct posture while working;
  • selection of corrective optics in the presence of astigmatism, farsightedness;
  • hardening of the body;
  • taking vitamins for the eyes.

Spasm of accommodation is a functional disorder associated with improper functioning of the ciliary muscle, which constantly contracts. These contractions cause the eye to automatically focus on various objects located both far and near. If detected early, the disease can be easily corrected. If left untreated, it leads to decreased visual acuity. Therefore, if you notice symptoms characteristic of false myopia, you should consult an ophthalmologist.



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