Causes and treatment of pathology when there is a lot of sweating in the groin between the legs. How to make your vagina smell good

Groin sweating in men, or inguinal-perineal hyperhidrosis, is not very common. Effectively combating this phenomenon becomes the main issue for those who have such a problem.

Constant humidity in the intimate area causes a lot of trouble:

  • diaper rash and irritation occur;
  • an unpleasant odor appears;
  • the risk of fungal and bacterial infection increases.

All this leads to significant physical and psychological discomfort and negatively affects personal life.

Many men do not go to the doctor for several years and suffer inconvenience only because they are ashamed to even tell someone about such a sensitive topic.

Perineal hyperhidrosis is a disease that can and should be treated!

Possible causes and severity

First of all, you need to figure out why the area in the groin is constantly wet.

It happens that external factors are to blame:

  • the weather is too hot;
  • wearing too tight synthetic trousers or underwear that do not allow the skin to breathe;
  • failure to comply with the simplest rules of personal hygiene, etc.

The cause may be a serious illness:

  • obesity - the inner surfaces of the thighs touching and rubbing against each other lead to severe irritation;
  • pathology of the endocrine system, in particular overproduction of thyroid hormones - disruption of the sweat glands is observed, their secretion increases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

The presence of so-called essential hyperhidrosis cannot be excluded. This diagnosis occurs when excessive sweating in the groin of a man is not associated with any diseases and manifests itself as an independent pathology.

Depending on the severity of symptoms, there are 3 degrees of severity:

  • mild – sweating is slightly increased, but does not cause significant discomfort. The skin is in normal condition, except for slight redness. Treatment at this stage is possible only with local agents;
  • medium – sweating causes discomfort and impairs the quality of life. Diaper rash and erosion, an unpleasant odor appear;
  • severe - the disease is complicated by an infectious-inflammatory process and the formation of ulcers as a result of an increase in the erosive surface.

Inguinal erythrasma - be careful

With constant humidity, the pH of the skin shifts to the alkaline side. Constant friction and maceration also damage the protective layer. These factors increase the risk of infection, in particular by corynebacteria, the causative agents of erythrasma.

The disease manifests itself in the development of large rounded red elements with a brownish, gray or yellowish tint in the area of ​​the inguinal-femoral folds.

The spots have clear boundaries and are smooth or covered with small scales.

Often they are not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, but if left untreated, severe itching and pain in the groin are noted.

A person becomes infected through contact:

  • through personal items intended for hygiene;
  • during sexual contact;
  • visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • walking without shoes on sand or earth.

Do not use other people's clothes, bed linen or towels. Use personal hygiene products in public places!

The affected areas increase over time, because... the pathological process spreads. Erythrasma is characterized by a tendency to a chronic relapsing course.

Diagnosis and treatment should be carried out exclusively by a dermatologist. Disinfecting and exfoliating ointments are prescribed, and in severe cases antibiotics are prescribed. The use of ultraviolet irradiation is effective - with special lamps or in the form of sunbathing.

Basic Methods to Reduce Sweating

First of all, in the treatment of groin sweating in men, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene:

  • shower twice a day;
  • regularly shave hair in the intimate area;
  • use deodorants;
  • to prevent diaper rash, use talc, baby powder, treat the problem area with salicylic alcohol, boric acid, zinc ointment, etc.;
  • do rubbing with a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, etc.;
  • Therapeutic baths are useful - soda (5 tablespoons per bath) and vinegar (1 liter per bath);
  • inguinal-femoral folds can be treated with Teymurov or Lassar paste - they effectively reduce sweating, disinfect and deodorize.

Wear only high-quality underwear. When choosing, pay attention to the following points:

  • material - only cotton, because... it is breathable and absorbs moisture well. Synthetics contribute to the creation of a greenhouse effect in the groin and the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi;
  • you need to buy underwear according to your size so that it does not fit tightly on your body;
  • seams must be made carefully and not injure the skin;

Be sure to wash and iron new underwear before wearing it for the first time.

What else is important besides enhanced hygiene?

Try to maintain optimal temperature conditions in the room where you are, be it an apartment or your office. During the hot season, turn on the air conditioners.

If you play sports, then it is advisable to purchase special cotton shorts or trousers for training. To reduce friction between the inner surfaces of the thighs, bandage your legs (starting from the knee joints and above).

When sweating in the groin, it is important for a man to observe some dietary restrictions:

  • do not eat too hot food and drinks - they stimulate the production of sweat;
  • exclude hot spices and herbs;
  • minimize alcohol;
  • remove caffeine-containing products from your diet.

If the above measures do not alleviate the condition, consult a doctor. The cause is probably a health problem, and sweating is a symptom of some kind of disease!

What is diaper rash and why does it occur?

Diaper rash is a common companion to inguinal hyperhidrosis. Essentially, this is an inflammation that appears on the skin as a result of prolonged exposure to sweat and secretions of the sebaceous glands.

In itself, it is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations, severe itching, burning, pain, etc. Also, due to damage to the protective layer, the risk of infection by pathogenic microorganisms increases.

Development occurs in a certain sequence:

  • Stage 1 – only redness is noted without compromising the integrity of the skin;
  • Stage 2 - the formation of cracks, the appearance of erosive areas, and when a bacterial infection is attached - suppuration;
  • Stage 3 – the formation of bleeding ulcers that emit an unpleasant odor.

Depending on various factors, the development of the inflammatory process occurs on average within 2 - 4 weeks.

How to deal with them at home?

The most important thing is to ensure constant air circulation in the groin area. For some period of time, give up long walks and sports activities.

Wipe diaper rash with herbal infusions more often. St. John's wort, string, chamomile, green or black tea, oak bark, etc. are most suitable for these purposes. They relieve inflammation well and have disinfecting and drying properties.

Preparing a healing decoction is very simple:

  • 1 tbsp. fill the raw materials with water;
  • simmer over low heat for 30 minutes;
  • then cool and strain.

Soak a piece of bandage or cotton wool in it and gently treat the groin. Do this several times a day.

Do not forget about such a well-known product as ordinary baby powder. It helps to cope with diaper rash not only in young children, but also with sweating in the groin in men.

What medications can you recommend?

  • antiseptics (boric acid, furatsilin, etc.) - they are used to treat before applying ointments and powders;
  • drying and healing ointments (“Tsindol”, “Desitin”, Lassara paste, “Bepanten”, “Descapanthenol”, etc.) - reduce inflammation, create a protective layer, activate regenerative processes;
  • powder "Xeroform" - has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • plant-based ointment “Zhivitsa” - has a complex effect on the inflammatory process, relieves pain, swelling, promotes rapid healing;
  • La-Cri cream is another good drug that relieves itching and inflammation.

When cracks, erosions and purulent-inflammatory complications appear, treatment is more serious:

  • antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents;
  • antihistamines;
  • healing ointments;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures - UV irradiation.

During the third stage (when bleeding wounds appear), the above creams and ointments cannot be used. Solutions of tannin, silver nitrate, resorcinol or rivanol are used.

Don't let yourself get diaper rash. It is better to prevent their occurrence than to treat them later!

What treatment can the doctor suggest?

If a man sweats and itches in the groin, do not put off visiting a dermatologist. A qualified specialist will conduct a diagnosis and, depending on the examination results, offer optimal treatment options.

It may turn out that sweating between the legs is associated with some disease and manifests itself as a symptom. In this case, the patient will be treated by an endocrinologist, therapist, venereologist or other doctor.

  • If a man has essential hyperhidrosis, due to the individual characteristics of the body, botulinum therapy can be used.

The procedure involves injecting the problem area with drugs that contain diluted botulinum toxin. This substance blocks the innervation of the sweat glands, as a result of which they stop secreting secretions. And this is exactly what is needed to solve the problem.

Injections are given approximately once every six months. For some men, the dry period lasts even 8 months. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

As soon as the effect of the drug begins to weaken, it is recommended to repeat the injections;

  • Iontophoresis in the groin is inconvenient, so this method is not used;
  • As for sympathectomy, it is successfully used only on the upper body. Surgeries in cases of groin sweating are dangerous due to damage to the nerves going to the genitals and bladder. It is for this reason that surgery has not gained popularity;
  • Many doctors recommend laser hair removal of the groin area. It helps get rid of hair, and, accordingly, one of the causes of unpleasant odor.

Not sure if your discharge is normal? Confused by the subtle scent? Worried about whether to remove hair from your bikini area? In this article, we have collected 6 facts about the vagina that often bother young girls.

>1. It's uneven

There's no shame in doing a little research - taking a mirror and taking a close look at your genitals. Everything that is outside is called the “vulva”: the pubis, labia minora and majora, clitoris, perineum and urethral outlet.

It may happen that one lip looks a little larger or wrinkled than the other. There is no need to be complex: women's vulvas vary in size, shape or color, but this does not make them unhealthy or unattractive. You especially shouldn’t compare yourself with adult film actresses: most often they undergo labiaplasty and specially bleach their intimate areas.

>2. Do you have a lot (or little) pubic hair?

Some women have less pubic hair, others have more, but it's up to you to decide what to do with your hair. If you feel more comfortable, feel free to sign up for waxing or sugar depilation. Don't want to? This is also normal. In such a piquant business, there are no standards that must be followed.

You also shouldn't worry about what guys might say or think: the state of your bikini line is the last thing that will worry your loved one. In the end, you can always consult and come to a compromise.

>3. She's sweating

Believe it or not, there are a huge number of sweat glands in the groin area, so you can sweat even without much physical activity. Wear cotton underwear instead of nylon or silk to help keep you dry and comfortable all day long. Daily sanitary pads will also come in handy.

>4. She has a smell

The vagina has a natural musky odor, which can vary depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. However, if the vaginal odor becomes unpleasant and pungent, this may indicate an infection. In this case, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

Also, do not try to mask the odor by frequent use of toilet soap: this will only increase irritation of the vaginal mucosa. Regular water will be enough.

>5. She releases a secret

Transparent, whitish or yellowish are normal: with the help of secretion, the mucous membrane cleans itself. The consistency and color of the discharge changes during different phases of the cycle, but you should only worry if it becomes greyish, greenish or curdled - these are symptoms of some fungal and bacterial infections.

>6. There are bumps on it

Lumps on the labia may turn out to be pimples or ingrown hairs, which is absolutely safe. But if they do not go away within a few days, make an appointment with a gynecologist: he will tell you how to get rid of cosmetic defects.

Maria Nitkina

Why does women's sweat smell? often worse than men's? What do its different scents mean? What is the most effective antiperspirant deodorant (antiperspirant) worth purchasing? We’ll talk about these questions and the reasons for excessive sweating in women right here.

Why does women's and men's sweat smell unpleasant?

Sweating is necessary for thermoregulation of the human body. But sometimes unpleasant-smelling sweat is a consequence of a disease.
It is important to find out in a timely manner why a person’s sweat has a pungent and sometimes sour odor.

The repulsive smell emanating from a person significantly spoils his life.

If the smell of female sweat has changed for some reason, this may indicate the presence of “wrong” foods in food, as well as a health problem. Here, both metabolic problems and serious, even dangerous diseases are possible.

Only by consulting a doctor can you find out what caused such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Something about sweating

Sweat is produced by special glands that are located throughout the surface of the human body. In healthy people it does not smell of anything. When a person becomes ill, his sweat acquires a strong, repulsive “aroma.”

But sometimes a person is completely healthy, but his body smells unpleasant. This is explained by the fact that apocrine glands are located in the armpits, in the area of ​​the external genitalia, and the navel. They produce sweat containing a specific secretion, characterized by a sharp, fetid odor, which is very stable due to isovaleric acid.

Interestingly, women sweat differently than men. Women's sweat has a more sour smell. This is the result of the vital activity of saprophytic bacteria. If your sweat starts to smell like vinegar or urine or turns your laundry yellow, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Before treating manifestations of unhealthy sweating, it is necessary to establish the cause of this phenomenon, which reduces a person’s quality of life.

Conditions that increase sweating:

  • nervous overstrain - any stressful situation: fear, anxiety, anger - provokes an increase in the hormone adrenaline in the blood, and at the same time the sweat glands secrete a large amount of fluid;
  • diseases - when the disease is accompanied by fever, increased sweating helps lower the temperature and remove toxic substances from the patient’s body;
  • hyperhidrosis, that is, increased sweating, bothers people of both sexes;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • obesity and excess weight;
  • diabetes mellitus

If sweating and unattractive body odor are associated with physical work, sports, or poor personal hygiene, coping with the problem is not difficult. If your sweat has a sharp, sour odor, you should pay attention to your health status. The appearance of such a symptom may indicate autonomic neurosis.

Improving the condition in this case is facilitated by organizing a rational daily routine, eliminating the causes of stress, exercising, and healthy sleep.

When a person eats a large amount of hot, smoked foods and spices, his sweat also acquires a strong vinegary smell. Products such as garlic and cilantro have a noticeable effect on the “aroma” of the body. In this case, limiting such foods in the diet to reasonable limits will help.

When suffering from tuberculosis, the patient's sweat also smells like vinegar. To exclude this dangerous disease, it is necessary to undergo fluorography annually.

In people suffering from certain diseases of the urinary system, a pathological disorder is observed - uridrosis. A person with such palatology has thick, sticky sweat containing urea and uric acid. Human skin smells strongly of urine and neither deodorants nor frequent washing can cope with this. Treatment and diet are prescribed by the doctor.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor

The cause of any unpleasant odor is the proliferation of bacteria, for which sweat is a favorable habitat. It is the metabolic products of these microorganisms that smell bad. Following these simple rules will help you stay fresh all day:

  • daily shower using antibacterial soap;
  • with special care, using a sponge and soap, wash the areas of greatest sweating: armpits, genital area, etc.;
  • use of deodorants and antiperspirants;
  • daily change of underwear.

The use of warm baths, to which a decoction of lavender, sage or citrus fruits is added, helps reduce sweat production and helps get rid of a strong unpleasant odor. Instead of decoctions, you can use essential oils of the same name.

If the proposed measures do not have an effect, the problem is probably a health problem. To eliminate the problem, you should consult a doctor and find the cause of the condition that created the discomfort.

Why women's sweat can have an unpleasant odor

Everyone is familiar with the smell of sweat, which appears due to the active work of the sweat glands, which are located in all parts of the human body, but more so in the armpits.

To prevent an unpleasant “aroma”, many cosmetics and hygiene products have been created. Antiperspirants are very popular because they significantly slow down the process of sweating. Another group is deodorants; they prevent the growth of microbes in a humid environment and absorb unwanted odors. Combinations of these perfumes are usually produced - deodorants-antiperspirants. They should be applied to clean skin after a bath or shower.

We will not name any specific manufacturers, but we recommend that you look at our section, where you can find modern methods of treating excessive sweating, and not just masking it.

The strong smell of sweat is more characteristic of men due to their physiology, but the female body sometimes smells unpleasant.

Causes of the smell

What is sweat? This is a solution of salts, a small amount of proteins in water, which does not have a pronounced odor in either men or women. Sweat glands are located in the skin throughout the body and are intended for thermoregulation of the body, or rather cooling it. Sweat evaporating from the surface of the body prevents it from overheating. This function is necessary in hot weather, during intense physical activity, as well as in such pathological conditions as fever.

Sweat acquires its typical repulsive odor when bacteria settle in it and begin to multiply. They feed on proteins contained in the secretion of the sweat glands and secrete foul-smelling products of their vital activity.

In the armpits, the sweat glands (apocrine) are larger than in other parts of the body and the protein content in the secretion they secrete is much higher than in glands of other localizations. Therefore, the sweaty smell of the armpits is most noticeable.

Sweat contains very small amounts of odorless pheromones. There is an opinion that sweat smells natural and attractive to a sexual partner. However, this is a myth; the presence of pheromones is not noticeable in it, only a repulsive “aroma” is present.

It is believed that ladies sweat less than the stronger sex, because men are more likely to engage in heavy physical work and are exposed to other stress. In addition, following the rules of hygiene, taking into account the availability of various perfumes and cosmetics, women can easily cope with this problem.

Among other things, the composition of microflora on the skin of women is different than that of men. It contains fewer microbes that produce bad-smelling organic compounds.

But it happens that a strong smell of sweat emanating from a woman indicates undesirable changes in her health or is a symptom of a serious illness. In this situation, it is important to promptly find the cause of the sweating disorder and eliminate it, and not just mask the problem.

If the problem of excessive sweating and, as a result, a strong sweaty odor occurs in adolescence, this is due to a genetic predisposition. The condition is quite unpleasant, but can be easily resolved: observing the rules of personal hygiene, frequently changing underwear, especially after physical exercise, and using antiperspirant deodorants.

When everything was fine with a woman, and suddenly she began to sweat a lot, the sweat became more “smelly” - it’s worth wondering if everything is fine with her health?

The dependence of increased female sweating on emotional stress

The sweat glands are very sensitive to the release of the main stress hormone - adrenaline. Not only the volume of sweat secreted increases, but also the content of protein components in it. Therefore, in a state of nervous overstrain, anxiety, fear, a person sweats a lot (he “breaks into a sweat”).

At the same time, bacteria living on the skin receive a lot of nutrition and begin to multiply quickly, releasing foul-smelling waste products.

Using antiperspirants prevents increased sweating during stress.

The work of the sweat glands is controlled not only by hormones, but also by the autonomic nervous system. It inhibits or stimulates sweat production depending on temperature and other factors. When this system fails, a condition called hyperhidosis occurs - this is an unreasonable increase in sweating in different parts of the body.

Most often, hyperhidrosis occurs on the palms, feet, armpits, forehead, and groin area. A large volume of secreted fluid containing protein stimulates the proliferation of bacteria, hence the unpleasant “aroma” emanating from the body.

Hyperhidrosis and nervous stress are closely related conditions.

If a person experiences frequent stress, is forced to live or work under conditions of nervous tension, his nervous system ceases to properly regulate body processes, including sweating. This leads to hyperhidrosis. Excessive sweating, in turn, is also an irritant for the nervous system: the sufferer is constantly worried that those around him see stains appearing on his clothes and feel the “amber” emanating from him.

A person finds himself in a vicious circle - a stressful situation unbalances the nervous system, disrupts sweating, and hyperhidrosis aggravates existing stress.

In this situation, it is important to understand what causes stress. The most common reasons for women are family discord, anxiety for loved ones, tense relationships at work, and financial difficulties. Often, having figured it out, it is possible to find a way out of an uncomfortable situation, and the problem of sweating gradually disappears.

Among medications, sedatives will come to the rescue; cosmetic medicine offers a treatment method such as botulinum therapy (injections of botulinum toxin into the armpits). If you cannot cope on your own, it is advisable to consult a psychotherapist.

Disturbance of microflora and hormonal levels

The way sweat smells largely depends on the bacteria that live on the surface of human skin. It has been noticed that the smell of sweat emanating from one man is more pungent than from another. The same with women. The appearance of a sharper, unpleasant odor is preceded by a change in the composition of the skin microflora.

There are many reasons for this, here are some of them:

  1. The character of the skin changes. For example, obesity changes not only your figure, but also your skin, which becomes more porous and loose. Species of bacteria settle on it, the waste products of which have a putrefactive odor.
  2. Unreasonable and excessive use of antibacterial soaps and shower gels, which destroy healthy microflora, the place of which is taken by harmful microorganisms.
  3. Diet, lifestyle, hormonal changes.

The difference in the composition of microflora in men and women is due, among other things, to the presence of different hormones. With an increase in the content of male hormones in the female body, sweating increases, the composition of bacteria becomes different, and the smell of sweat changes and intensifies.

Sweating may also increase during menstruation. During pregnancy, the concentration of hormones in the blood is significantly increased, which also provokes this unpleasant phenomenon.

Many women during menopause are susceptible to “hot flashes”, when suddenly the whole body becomes covered in sweat. This happens several times a day, and night sweats are also a concern. This phenomenon is associated with hormonal changes in the female body and brings a lot of inconvenience. A gynecologist will help correct this problem.

The smell of sweat as a sign of illness

The occurrence of a repulsive female body odor may be associated with deteriorating health. Often, the disease changes the microflora of the skin, the amount of fluid secreted, its chemical composition - everything that determines the intensity of body odor. In this case, the repulsive “aroma” should not be perceived only as an inconvenience that reduces the quality of life.

This is a sign of a disease, after recovery from which the problem of bad odor will be solved.

1.Diseases of the endocrine system

As mentioned earlier, the level of hormones in the blood has a comprehensive effect on sweating and the “odor” of the secretion of the sweat glands. Endocrine diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the adrenal glands, and female genital organs (appendages) change the nature of sweat.

Initially, the secreted liquid already has a specific odor, which intensifies when bacteria come into play.

2. Tuberculosis

This disease is not yet rare, contrary to the prevailing opinion about complete victory over it. One of the symptoms of tuberculosis is profuse sweating at night, accompanied by a strong odor.

3.Kidney diseases

The kidneys remove metabolic products from the body, including various nitrogenous compounds. But in severe renal diseases, renal failure, when the kidneys cannot cope with this function, the concentration of uric acid increases in the secretion of the sweat glands.

Sweat smells like ammonia and leaves white stains on clothes. This is a reason to go to the hospital; such a condition is a threat not only to health, but also to life.

4.Poisoning with various substances

Substances that have a strong specific odor are released through the sweat glands. Thus, the smell of alcohol breakdown products is released with breath and sweat.

5.Skin damage

Skin infection with a fungal or bacterial infection is characterized by a cloying or musty smell. The skin is red and inflamed. An example is mycoses of the feet.

In addition to the above, female sweat can indicate gastrointestinal diseases and metabolic disorders. Therefore, you should not ignore this inconvenience, wait for it to “go away on its own,” but undergo a medical examination and rule out possible diseases.

Few things can stress a woman out as much as an unpleasant smell coming from THERE. Especially if everything is clear that things are moving towards cunnilingus (oral sex). We will tell you everything about it so that at the moment of passion you do not find yourself in an extremely awkward situation.

First of all, it must be said that many women are often embarrassed by their intimate odor, even in situations where there is no reason for this. Many ladies have the wrong idea about normal feminine scent. Society demands that a woman be sweet, pretty, and that her vagina must smell like flowers. And girls try to meet these expectations, although the natural smell of intimate places should not at all resemble a bouquet of roses!

On the other hand, a fishy smell is also unacceptable. The norm lies somewhere between these two extremes. In addition, everything is purely individual: some women have no smell at all, while others constantly have to deal with an unpleasant aroma, and for others, the nature of the smell changes dramatically within a month. Knowing what is normal for you is extremely important for everyday comfort. And also in order to clearly understand when health problems appear.

What affects intimate odor?

To put it in one word, that’s it! Sex life, the nature of work, the stage of the menstrual cycle - all of this in one way or another affects your vaginal odor.

Many women notice that the smell of their vagina changes slightly during their period. This is due to changes in the pH (acidity) of this organ.

Normal vaginal pH is 4.7, which means that the vaginal environment is acidic. Menstrual blood has a pH of 7.4, which reduces the acidity of the vaginal environment. This causes the smell to change during menstruation; it takes on a fishy hue.

The same thing happens after sex. Prostatic fluid gives semen an extremely alkaline character (pH~8), which consequently affects the pH of the vagina and the odor of the vagina. You can check the acidity of the vagina with a doctor or by purchasing special strips to measure pH.

Signs of a Questionable Odor

If you're unsure about vaginal odor, check your underwear. An increased amount of vaginal discharge is a characteristic sign of a vaginal infection. Discharge that is white or has a slight yellow tint can be considered within the normal range. But if it is gray and spreads a foul fishy aroma throughout the entire room, something is clearly wrong. Green or yellow colors are also not good, as is itching in the vagina.

A long-term imbalance in vaginal pH occurs when the number of beneficial microbes decreases and the number of harmful microbes increases. This can lead to the development of a local infectious process, for example, candidiasis (“thrush”) and bacterial vaginosis. The latter has an extremely negative effect on vaginal odor. Factors that provoke the development of vaginosis are sex with a new partner and douching: both disrupt the microbial balance, as thin as Chinese silk. A terrible odor (especially after intercourse), gray discharge, itching around the vaginal opening are typical symptoms of vaginosis. Contact your gynecologist, he will prescribe you antibiotics such as metronidazole, with the help of which you will very quickly get rid of this trouble.

The good news is that it doesn't take much effort. The vagina is an organ with a powerful self-cleaning system. The cilia on its walls literally push out dirt, germs and other foreign particles. So, luckily, you don't have to do anything unthinkable to keep your vagina clean.

Often, it is inappropriate interference in this subtle system that leads to depressing consequences. We are talking about douching: along with harmful microbes, streams of water also wash away beneficial bacteria that maintain the necessary acidic environment in the vagina. In addition, during douching you can introduce other bacteria into the genital tract, which will cause vaginosis.

The list of problems associated with this dubious procedure does not end there: it has been proven that douching increases the risk of developing salpingitis and cervical cancer. If you use talc, then feel free to add invasive ovarian cancer.

But in fact, you need very little! Warm water and mild soap (the less the better) on a daily basis, cotton underwear, not synthetics, and your intimate scent will not let you down at the most crucial moment.

You will find more useful information about the vagina in our special project “



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