Constant nausea and vomiting: causes, treatment. Nausea and vomiting - causes, diseases, what to do, treatment

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Often due to nausea, i.e. painful sensation in the epigastric region and pharynx, followed by such a phenomenon as vomit. What this phenomenon is and how to deal with it, you can find out right now.

Vomiting - what is it?

Vomiting is a reflex act during which the contents of the stomach and sometimes the duodenum are ejected through the mouth or nose. Most often, vomiting is a consequence of contraction of the abdominal muscles, during which the outlet of the stomach tightly closes, as well as relaxation of the body of this organ. When vomiting, the esophagus and oral cavity expand, as well as the entrance to the stomach opens. This whole process is under the control of the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata.


The act of vomiting consists of three phases:
1. Nausea;
2. Urge to vomit;
3. Vomit.

1. Nausea is a very unpleasant sensation in the pharynx or epigastrium ( stomach), during which there is a decrease or complete absence of contractions of the walls of this organ. As for the tone of the duodenum, it is, on the contrary, increased;

2. With the urge to vomit, there is a convulsive contraction of both the diaphragm ( partitions), and respiratory muscles. The anterior abdominal wall is also subjected to convulsive contractions;

3. Vomiting is a protective act that allows you to clear the stomach of harmful components;


  • Inner ear problems ( motion sickness, dizziness);
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stomach upsets;
  • Disorders of the intestines;
  • Anomalies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Brain disorders;
  • Gastrointestinal tract infections;
  • Pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • Psychogenic reactions such as fear or anxiety;
  • Foreign bodies in the stomach, esophagus or intestines;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Ingestion of toxic components into the body;
  • Side effects caused by taking certain medications;
  • Toxicosis ( a condition that occurs due to poisoning of the body by harmful substances formed in the mother’s body during the development of the embryo) during the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • Oncological diseases.


Vomiting can be:
1. Peripheral;
2. Central.

In the first case, it occurs reflexively ( subconsciously) due to irritation of the root of the tongue, soft palate, gastric mucosa, peritoneum, gallbladder or pancreas. This irritation can be observed in a wide variety of diseases of these organs.

In the second case, vomiting is the result of increased intracranial pressure. Blood pressure easily increases both in case of poisoning and brain tumors, as well as in case of drug overdose and uremia ( self-poisoning of the body, which is caused by severe impairment of kidney function).

Vomiting occurs especially easily in children, as well as in people who suffer from neurasthenia ( mental disorder accompanied by increased fatigue and irritability). All such patients have excessive excitability of the vomiting center.


Quite often, the nature of vomiting can determine the cause of its occurrence. So, for example, if a person vomits blood, then most likely he has stomach bleeding. Vomit consisting of bile is a signal of the development of gastrointestinal reflux ( reflux of stomach contents into the intestines).

Character by severity:

  • Bile;
  • Coffee grounds;
  • With the appearance of blood clots;
  • Food eaten;
  • Stagnant content;
  • Intestinal contents;
  • Pus;
  • No character.

Symptoms that may occur along with vomiting

  • Pain in the abdomen;
  • Signs of dehydration;
  • Changes in functional or mental activity;
  • Feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • Rigidity ( increased tone) occipital muscles;
  • Intense urination.

Smell of vomit

If the smell of vomit is sour, then we are talking about processes accompanied by increased acid formation. Such processes can occur with peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum. A rotten smell is felt when food stagnates in the stomach, but fecal smell is the result of intestinal obstruction. The smell of ammonia occurs due to kidney failure. If the vomit smells of acetone, it means the patient has developed diabetes mellitus. The use of technical liquids or alcohol substitutes leads to the fact that the vomit acquires a specific odor, reminiscent of the smell of chemicals.


  • Violation of acid-base balance;
  • Violation of mineral metabolism;
  • Dehydration of the body.

Diseases accompanied by vomiting

1. Liver diseases: if present, the patient is concerned about both vomiting and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, yellowing of the skin, itching, as well as darkening of the urine;

2. Chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: accompanied by vomiting and pain, which most often occur after eating cold, hot and spicy foods;

4. Surgical ailments of the abdominal organs: pain can be felt in various parts of the abdomen. The pain is so severe that it is what causes the development of vomiting, which most often does not bring relief to the patient;

5. Inner ear diseases: characterized by dizziness, tinnitus and impaired coordination of movements;

6. Vomiting in case of poisoning: is the result of the absorption of certain toxic or medicinal substances into the blood, which subsequently begin to affect the receptors of both the intestines and the stomach;

7. Acute infectious pathologies of the intestines and stomach: vomiting in such cases is accompanied by signs of general intoxication of the body. These signs include general malaise and weakness, increased body temperature, muscle and joint pain, migraine, intolerance to bright light and noise, and increased blood pressure. In such diseases, vomiting brings relief;

8. Diabetes mellitus: in this case, vomiting indicates improper treatment, which led to the development of such complications as ketoacidosis (a condition resulting from prolonged exposure to toxic metabolic products on the body, one of which is acetone);

9. Esophageal rupture: characterized by vomiting, increased body temperature, decreased blood pressure, pain and tachycardia ( increased heart rate).

During pregnancy

Vomiting, like nausea, is considered to be one of the obvious signs of pregnancy. In expectant mothers, these phenomena most often occur in the morning and are accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, and slight dizziness. These signs are symptoms of early toxicosis. In addition, they may indicate an exacerbation of diseases such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, etc. Given this fact, if you experience frequent vomiting during pregnancy, it would not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

In children

Vomiting is observed much more often in children than in adults. This fact is explained by the fact that in childhood the structures of the stomach and brain, which are responsible for preventing the expulsion of food through the mouth, are not fully developed. Vomiting in children can occur even with an increase in body temperature. If the child does not like some food, he may again vomit. It is very important not to confuse gagging with regurgitation. Normally, a healthy baby regurgitates 5 to 10 ml of stomach contents several times a day. If the baby spits up very often and a large amount of stomach contents, then we are talking about vomiting.

Patient examination

  • Biochemical blood tests - make it possible to determine the level of glucose and metabolic products, as well as evaluate the functioning of a particular internal organ;
  • Clinical blood test – necessary to clarify the nature of the existing pathology;
  • Urinalysis - helps to determine the fact of dehydration;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum in order to exclude or confirm pathologies of these organs;
  • X-ray of the gastrointestinal tract is a study carried out using contrast agents, during which it is possible to identify diseases throughout the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Ultrasound examinations – studies of the body using ultrasonic waves;
  • Computed tomography is a study using x-rays for a detailed examination of tissue structure;
  • ECG - electrocardiogram - a graphic recording of electrical potentials that display the work of the heart ( carried out for cardiovascular diseases).

In what cases is urgent medical attention needed?

  • You cannot understand the true reason for the development of vomiting;
  • The act of vomiting is repeated many times;
  • Along with vomiting, you are worried about symptoms of damage to the central nervous system: migraine, disturbances of consciousness, tension in the muscles of the back of the head;
  • Vomiting is accompanied by obvious signs of an infectious intestinal pathology: increased temperature, impaired consciousness, frequent loose stools;
  • Vomit contains scarlet or altered brown blood;
  • You assume that the vomiting was due to poisoning with a toxic substance;
  • You don't know exactly how to act in such situations.
1. We replace the volume of fluid lost by the body: by constantly replacing the volume of lost fluid, you will be able to avoid dehydration. Drink water, juices and weak teas all the time. It is best not to consume milk and thick soups;

2. We replenish important food ingredients: during vomiting, the body loses a large amount of minerals. To replenish them, you need to drink drinks that contain electrolytes. Such drinks include apple and cranberry juices, as well as pure soups;

3. We use a color test: dark yellow urine indicates that you are not drinking enough fluid. If the urine becomes pale in color, it means you are doing the right thing;

4. Calm the stomach: To calm the stomach, seek help from cocca syrup. This syrup tastes good. Moreover, it contains a large amount of easily digestible carbohydrates. It is recommended to give this syrup to children 1 - 2 teaspoons, adults 1 - 2 tablespoons between attacks of vomiting;

5. Drink slowly: drink liquid in small sips to prevent further stomach irritation. Each sip should contain no more than 30 - 60 grams. Otherwise, oversaturation with liquid will occur, which will again lead to another act of vomiting;

6. We take the liquid warm: you will need to forget about cold drinks for a while, as they tend to have an irritating effect. You should opt for drinks at room temperature. It’s even better if they are at your body temperature. When drinking sparkling water, you should wait until all the bubbles have come out;

7. Adding light protein: As soon as your overall health improves, immediately enrich your diet with light protein. It can be lean fish or chicken breast;

8. We use alternative remedies from the home medicine cabinet: in this case, you can use any syrup enriched with easily digestible carbohydrates. Attention! If you have diabetes, the use of such syrups should be discussed with your doctor, since they contain a large amount of sugar;

9. Let’s forget about fat for a while: since fat tends to remain in the stomach for a long time, it is undesirable to use it at such moments, so as not to provoke an increased feeling of fullness and bloating;

10. We do not delay the process: in case of persistent and profuse vomiting or in the presence of blood in the vomit, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible in order to exclude the development of some serious disease.

Folk remedies

Recipe No. 1: 6th part tsp. Dissolve ginger root powder in 1 glass of warm boiled water. For children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to give this product 1 - 2 tsp. 3 times a day. Adults can drink 1-2 tablespoons of ginger water. three times a day.

Recipe No. 2: 1 tbsp. Steam dried peppermint herb in 1 cup of boiling water. After 30 minutes, filter the infusion and take 1 tbsp orally. every 180 minutes. This infusion must be taken warm.

Recipe No. 3: 1 tsp Brew crushed valerian root for 15 minutes in 1 glass of water. Cool the broth, filter and take 1 - 2 tsp orally. 2 - 3 times a day.

Recipe No. 4: Mix equal amounts of peppermint, chamomile and lemon balm. 1 tbsp. Pour the resulting mixture of herbs with 1 cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 30 minutes. After this, filter the infusion and take it 1 - 2 tbsp. 3 times a day;

Recipe No. 5: 1 tbsp. Steam the dried lemon balm herb for 60 minutes in 1 cup of boiling water. Strain the infusion and take 1 tbsp orally. every 120 minutes.

Prevention measures

  • Timely treatment of the main pathologies that provoke the development of vomiting;
  • Compliance with all measures to prevent poisoning by industrial, household and medicinal agents;
  • Eating high-quality products processed in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements;
  • Compliance with existing measures to prevent infectious diseases that tend to provoke vomiting;
  • If you get motion sickness in transport, then you should sit in the front seat, turning your gaze to the windshield and not to the side window;
  • If nausea occurs, immediately take a sitting or lying position and drink some sweet liquid;
  • Do not allow your child to run and jump immediately after eating;
  • Do not abuse alcoholic beverages.
Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Vomiting is nothing more than the body’s reaction to the intake of harmful substances or toxins.. So the stomach tries to cleanse itself in order to prevent the absorption of poisons into the bloodstream and further poisoning of the entire body. And although vomiting can be considered a natural process, this condition very quickly leads to dehydration and disruption of the functioning of many organs and systems. To prevent this, you need to know how to stop vomiting at home.

Causes of vomiting in adults

Nausea and vomiting in adults can be the result of food poisoning, alcohol intoxication, drug overdose and inhalation of toxic substances. In addition, vomiting can be a combination of symptoms due to infectious diseases of the digestive tract and weakness of the vestibular apparatus.

In case of poisoning with low-quality food products, the urge to vomit occurs a short time after eating. Although in some cases the first symptoms of poisoning appear only after a day.

If an overdose of medications occurs, vomiting may occur after half an hour or an hour. It all depends on how quickly the medication is absorbed into the bloodstream.

If you have an individual intolerance to alcohol or excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, vomiting may occur immediately after the product enters the stomach. This is explained by the toxicity of ethanol to the cells of the body.

If a person has inhaled the vapors of toxic substances, then severe dizziness first occurs, which may be accompanied by hallucinations and nausea. Vomiting may appear a little later, when the concentration of the toxic substance in the blood reaches the limit.

The appearance of the gag reflex is a protective mechanism of the body, with the help of which it tries to cleanse itself of toxic substances. If vomiting is not constant and does not exhaust the person too much, then it should not be stopped immediately. Due to this unpleasant process, the body will be cleansed, and recovery will come faster.

First aid for vomiting

Many people are interested in the question - what can be done to stop vomiting? Some people, when observing such symptoms in themselves or their relatives, begin to panic. In fact, everything is not so sad, and this phenomenon can be stopped quickly. It all depends on what caused the vomiting.

Food poisoning

To quickly stop nausea and vomiting due to poisoning with low-quality food, it is necessary to perform a number of measures:

  • Rinse the stomach thoroughly with a large volume of water. This procedure will help cleanse the digestive tract of food debris that caused poisoning. It is better to wash with a weak solution of table salt or a slightly pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure is repeated until the waste water is absolutely clean.
  • If vomiting does not stop after gastric lavage, then adsorbents must be given. They attract toxic substances and bacteria, and then gently remove them from the body.
  • The patient is provided with a good drinking regime to restore fluid lost during vomiting. You can give strong tea, a decoction of rose hips or chamomile. Tea with mint and lemon balm also helps well; it can calm the stomach after vomiting.

If these methods fail to stop vomiting, you should consult a doctor who can prescribe treatment.

Drug overdose

If a person has taken too much medication and starts vomiting, he should immediately call an ambulance. Some drugs can lead to irreversible consequences in a short period of time. Before the medical team arrives, the victim’s stomach is washed out and given plenty to drink.

The packaging of the drug that caused the poisoning must be shown to a doctor. This will speed up the diagnosis and help quickly prescribe the correct treatment.

In case of drug overdose in pregnant women and the elderly, it is not recommended to rinse the stomach at home. This can lead to rapid dehydration. Such patients are given drinks in fractional portions until the doctor arrives.

Infectious diseases of the stomach

If vomiting is caused by an intestinal infection, then immediately resort to gastric and intestinal lavage
. This allows you to remove the maximum number of pathogenic microorganisms. To prevent dehydration, the patient is given a lot and often to drink; rehydron solution is well suited for this. This drug quickly restores electrolyte balance in the body. In order not to provoke repeated attacks, the medicine should be given in small portions, but very often.

If vomiting does not stop even after gastric lavage, you can take an antiemetic. Cerucal or Motilium are suitable for this; these medications are taken in accordance with the instructions.

It is advisable not to take tablets for nausea and vomiting at the first urge. If you stop the unpleasant process immediately, most of the bacteria will remain in the body and recovery will be delayed.

Poisoning by toxic fumes

If a person has inhaled gas or toxic vapors of chemicals, then first you need to take him out into the fresh air and free him from tight clothes. Usually these actions are enough to prevent vomiting. If an unpleasant urge occurs, you can give the victim a cup of sweet tea or coffee to drink. After gas poisoning, the patient must be supervised at all times, as he may lose consciousness and choke on vomit.

Vomiting due to motion sickness

Many people, especially children, get motion sickness in transport. This occurs due to a weak vestibular system. It is impossible to recover from this peculiarity of the body, but you can slightly alleviate the condition of a person who is prone to motion sickness. The following measures will help relieve nausea and prevent vomiting:

  • mint or eucalyptus caramel, which is held against the cheek during the trip;
  • a validol tablet, which is slowly dissolved under the tongue;
  • Fruit caramel on a stick;
  • a slice of lemon along with the peel behind the cheek.

An adult or child should be provided with a comfortable position in transport. Usually, vomiting stops after a person takes a horizontal position or at least lays his head down.

How to quickly stop vomiting

To quickly stop vomiting at home, you must comply with a number of conditions:

  1. Place the patient in bed, cover with a blanket and ensure complete rest.
  2. Do not offer food to the person, but give drink in large quantities, but in very small doses.
  3. After each attack of vomiting, wash the patient with cold water and rinse the mouth; ideally, teeth can be brushed with mint paste.
  4. When attacks have become rare, you can begin to unsolder the victim more actively. Compotes, decoctions and fruit drinks are suitable for this.

If severe vomiting does not stop throughout the day, you should definitely show the patient to a doctor..

It is important to remember that uncontrollable vomiting can be a symptom of such a dangerous disease as appendicitis. In this case, in addition to the urge to vomit, there is severe pain with right side abdomen and high temperature. This disease can only be treated surgically.

In what cases should you call a doctor quickly?

There are several cases in which a person needs to be urgently taken to the hospital under his own power or a team of doctors must be called. These include:

  • There is a significant admixture of scarlet blood in the vomit.
  • When vomiting, bile comes out copiously.
  • The patient's body temperature rises above 39 degrees in a short period.
  • The person is in an unconscious state.
  • There is fresh or digested blood in the stool.
  • Convulsions began.

A doctor is also needed in case of drug poisoning. Some drugs depress cardiac activity, so they can cause collapse in a short time.

When not to artificially induce vomiting

When providing first aid, it is often necessary to lavage the stomach and induce artificial vomiting. This procedure removes the bulk of harmful substances from the body and prevents their absorption into the bloodstream. Not all people know that it is impossible to provoke vomiting in a number of conditions; this will lead to even greater intoxication and damage. It is forbidden to induce vomiting in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy in women at all stages;
  • when a person is unconscious;
  • if poisoning occurred with chemical burning substances.

Traditional recipes for vomiting

You can stop even severe vomiting thanks to traditional medicine recipes. At home, tea with lemon and honey will help against indomitable vomiting.. Tea can be used either black or green. The latter drink has a more invigorating and tonic effect.

You can also stop gagging with peppermint tincture. It helps pregnant women especially well. This plant is completely harmless for both the woman and the unborn child. It is allowed to use this medicinal herb in the treatment of children.

You can suck a piece of ginger to relieve nausea and vomiting. In addition, the spice can be grated, pour boiled water and add a spoonful of honey. This delicious drink effectively calms the stomach and relieves spasms.

If you have persistent vomiting, you can take a tablespoon of potato juice. This simple remedy stops vomiting almost instantly and makes you feel better.

Another effective way to quickly get rid of nausea and vomiting is ammonia. A cotton wool or napkin is moistened with this product and given to the patient to smell. Moreover, a window should be open in the room so that inhaling ammonia alternates with inhaling fresh air.

If an adult experiences nausea and vomiting, then do not panic. Adults tolerate this unpleasant condition more easily than children, and complications are less common. First you need to determine the cause of nausea, and then provide first aid. To do this, you need to know how to stop vomiting in an adult. If vomiting occurs after emergency care and treatment at home, then this is a reason to see a doctor.

Nausea and vomiting are symptoms that can occur in a person at the most unexpected time. this moment. Therefore, it will be useful to know what to do in such cases (especially when the necessary medications are not at hand). Tips and recommendations on what to do when vomiting will be useful to almost every person.

First of all, it should be noted that in most cases one cannot resist the gag reflex, since it is a protective measure of the body against intoxication and poisoning. When a person begins to vomit, poisonous substances (toxins) come out along with the contents of the stomach, which promotes recovery.

However, there is one exception that you should definitely pay attention to - this is if the vomit is stained with blood, or the vomit is dark (almost black) in color.

A dark red color indicates internal bleeding, and in such a situation, in no case should you provoke a gag reflex in a person, so as not to aggravate the situation. In case of bloody vomiting, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor and carefully lay the patient on his side. It is also advisable to provide access to fresh air, and apply a cold compress or ice heating pad to the stomach.

What to do for common symptoms of vomiting

If this is not observed, then you need to allow the body to free itself from toxic substances. When a person feels that he is starting to feel sick, and the reason for this is something from food that he has eaten relatively recently, then the following actions must be taken:

What to do if you feel sick in a public place

Obviously, it is much easier to cope with illness when you are in your own home. What should you do if a similar situation happens to a person far from your apartment (for example, on public transport, on the street or at work)?

First of all, you need to quickly assess your condition. If it seems that there will be no vomiting, and the nausea can be “endured” (this is undesirable, but circumstances force it), then you should take one of the following medications, thanks to which the nausea will stop:

These medications allow you to avoid the stage of vomiting and also slightly improve a person’s well-being. Anything can happen, so you should always have at least something from this list with you. If you don’t have any medications with you, then we can recommend the following algorithm of actions:

  • The patient needs to find a quiet and peaceful place where he can sit or even lie. Do not make sudden movements.
  • Take deep breaths and exhales.
  • Do not make rapid eye movements, as this may cause vomiting. It is best to close your eyes for a while or look closely at some thing that is in front of your eyes. The nausea should go away.

When it becomes clear from your feelings that vomiting in a public place cannot be avoided, then all that remains is to find a bag and a secluded corner and hope for the understanding of the people around you, since this can happen to anyone.

Vomiting in adults and children

Every reasonable person should know what to do when vomiting in adults and children, since in some cases this knowledge can save a person’s life. A child's body is often vulnerable to various types of infections. The child’s stomach may reject this or that food, or react this way to acute unpleasant experiences. Children get sick, and there is nothing wrong with that.

However, if the child's vomiting becomes frequent, that is, more than once or twice an hour, then this is a reason to call a doctor at home. Be sure to look out for some other warning signs:

Adults should not take their health lightly either. This is an important question - with nausea and vomiting, and what should you refrain from. Sometimes it is enough to drink a drug such as no-spa when vomiting. Nevertheless, in some cases, instead of solutions and tablets, you need to take your feet in your hands and run to the doctors. A mature person should pay attention to whether the following signs are present during nausea and vomiting:

Self-medication often causes a deterioration in the patient's condition. And by constantly doing this, people can turn a fairly ordinary situation into a hopeless one. If a person wants to treat himself, then he should know what certain actions can lead to.

What absolutely should not be done if you have nausea and vomiting

Do not take antibiotics (unless prescribed by a doctor). If the cause was gastritis or an ulcer, and the person is taking anti-infective drugs, then such treatment will be useless at best.

If a person vomited at night, then he should not go to work in the morning! The fact is that the body is weakened after vomiting, and it needs at least a day to fully recover; otherwise, nausea may return at the most inopportune moment.

The use of folk remedies to combat nausea and vomiting is highly discouraged. Strange recipes like “dried watermelon rind added to a tincture with dried calendula and linden petals soaked in sourdough bread” will be useless at best.

List of remedies that help with nausea and vomiting

  1. Adsorbent substances such as polysorb, enterosgel, smecta and carbolong. They are inexpensive, so these drugs (at least one of them) should be in every home medicine cabinet.
  2. Saline solutions (home remedies). The following recipe is quite suitable: dissolve a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon (small) of soda and six teaspoons of sugar in one liter of water. The resulting solution should be drunk slowly, taking one sip every few minutes.
  3. Saline solutions (medicines). Solutions such as rehydron and gastrolit are considered the most effective. They not only replenish lost moisture, but also prevent dehydration in the future. This also includes hydrovit, orolite and dextrose solution.
  4. Sorbent No. 1 for any poisoning and intoxication - . You should take into account the porous structure of the tablet, due to which the tablet absorbs only those poisonous substances that have not yet had time to dissolve in the blood. In case of severe poisoning, activated carbon alone will not be enough.
  5. Tinctures. Some have long proven their effectiveness in the fight against certain diseases. Tincture of mint leaves is an excellent remedy for normalizing well-being. Wild berries (in particular blueberries) are also recommended for treatment.

It is necessary to drink a lot in order to restore the moisture lost during vomiting. You should temporarily avoid caffeinated drinks, as well as alcohol and any soda. It is best to drink warm water or green tea.

Vomiting is a natural human reaction to irritating or toxic substances entering the stomach. In addition, this is how we react to severe or prolonged stress, motion sickness or “sea sickness,” hormonal changes during pregnancy (toxicosis), concussion, etc. The occurrence of vomiting is primarily associated with diseases of the digestive system, poisoning unsuitable for consumption of food or incompatible products, ingestion of viruses, in a hypertensive state. Therefore, it is very important to know how to provide first aid for vomiting, how to help a patient if he vomits frequently, and what to do if severe vomiting begins.

What to do if a person is vomiting, vomiting, treatment of severe vomiting and nausea

The patient, first of all, should not be interfered with in the process of self-cleansing of the stomach. Once this process of vomiting is over, first aid can begin. The patient must be seated in a comfortable position and the chest covered with a towel or piece of polyethylene. A container is brought to the mouth into which you can vomit if the attack recurs. If the patient's condition is too serious, it is allowed to put him to bed and turn his head to the side so that it is located below the level of the body. An empty container is also placed next to the bed. After cleansing the stomach, the patient is given a glass of cold water to rinse his mouth, then put to bed.

How to properly help with severe vomiting, what to do to stop vomiting?

What to do if vomiting, severe nausea and frequent urge to vomit appear? You can soften the urge to vomit with frequent and severe vomiting and delay the approaching vomiting with the help of ice cubes and mint or a couple of drops of peppermint infusion. For seasickness, patients may take scopolamine, cerucal or motilium. When taking medications, you should adhere to the recommendations of your doctor and instructions, having first studied possible contraindications. Self-medication in this, as in the vast majority of other cases, is not encouraged, since it can have unpredictable negative consequences for a person’s health and life.

A patient suffering from bouts of vomiting should not be allowed to eat. It is allowed to take activated carbon or other enterosorbents aimed at accelerating the removal of toxins from the body. To prevent dehydration, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids, in particular glucose-salt mixtures.

Taking antiemetic drugs, which ones to choose and when can you use antiemetic drugs to stop vomiting?

An adult vomited, how to properly provide first aid for vomiting? The most popular drugs to stop or prevent vomiting are gastrolit and rehydron. The action of rehydron is aimed at inhibiting the dehydration process and maintaining water and salt balance. It is taken alternately with green tea. Alternation is necessary to prevent saturation of the body with salts. In turn, the drug Gastorlit contains plant components, in particular chamomile extract. This allows you to relieve spasms from the intestines and remove inflammation from the mucous membranes. The drug requires mixing in hot water and infusing for a short time. When the mixture has cooled, it can be given to the patient. The effect of Gastrolit is noticeable within the next 24 hours after consumption.

If the described drugs are not in your home medicine cabinet, and there is no time or opportunity to visit the pharmacy, you can prepare a sugar-salt solution at home to provide first aid. For one liter of warm water add half a teaspoon of soda, one spoon of salt and eight spoons of sugar. The patient must drink all of this solution. If the patient's vomit contains signs of bleeding, is brown in color or has blood clots, the only correct solution is to call an ambulance. In this case, until examined by a doctor and given medical prescriptions, the patient is not allowed to feed and drink, even with the above solutions.

Before choosing a drug to stop vomiting, you should consult a specialist, because... There are a number of cases when antiemetic drugs cannot be used to treat vomiting. Vomiting is a natural reaction of the body that allows you to get rid of a component of the stomach that is poisoning the body. That is why, in some cases, stopping vomiting can only harm the body. Before using antiemetic drugs to stop vomiting, it is necessary to agree on the appropriateness of their use with a specialist doctor.

How to quickly help someone who is vomiting?

Nausea and vomiting are the body’s natural response to waste and toxins that have entered it. Reactions to irritants by the digestive system do not include vomiting resulting from severe stress, disorders of the vestibular system and injuries.

Severe vomiting and nausea, what to do, how to treat frequent vomiting?

Severe vomiting in children and adults, following nausea and repeated several times, requires a mandatory call to the emergency room. Before her arrival, you need to be ready to provide the patient with first aid.

1 The basic rule is to let the vomiting end and only then begin to provide assistance. The stomach should completely empty itself, without outside intervention.

2 The patient is seated or placed in a comfortable position. The chest is covered with a towel or oilcloth. When laying down, make sure that the head is lower than the body and turned to the side. This is necessary to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.

3 After the complete cessation of vomiting attacks, the patient is given water to rinse the mouth, and then a sorbent.

Traditional medicine to combat vomiting

Before using folk remedies to stop vomiting or its consequences, you should definitely coordinate such actions with your doctor. If a patient needs emergency care, then you can resort to techniques from the people only if you have successfully practiced this before. It is important to remember that alternative methods of therapy may not be individually suitable for a particular person or may have the same side effects as pharmaceutical drugs.

Severe poisoning. Solution: take a decoction of rosea radiola. A decoction of this plant has proven effective against poisoning of various origins. Its roots are used for treatment. If you prepare them yourself, you need to know that the roots are dried in the last months of spring. Drying is carried out in the open sun. For the decoction, use crushed radiola rosea root in a ratio of 1:10 with vodka. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day. The decoction is also effective for restoring memory and concentration.

Other medicinal herbs can help relieve nausea. A mixture of mint, chamomile, plantain, agrimony and St. John's wort herbs in equal parts is poured with boiling water for half an hour, then filtered and poured into a clean glass container. Take one teaspoon every two hours. Starch. You can stop severe vomiting with a decoction consisting of potato starch (1 tsp) and water (1 tbsp). The mixture acts quickly to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Chicory. Chicory is often used to combat the effects of food poisoning. An infusion with it is prepared as follows: take one tablespoon of chicory powder or herb for one glass of boiled water, leave the infusion warm overnight, then give the patient one tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Egg whites. An effective solution after alcohol abuse. The whites of three eggs must be beaten and immediately drunk in one gulp. Ammonia. To get rid of signs of nausea and vomiting, use ammonia dissolved in water (10 drops per half glass of water) every 20 minutes. Ammonia can be replaced with apple cider vinegar. Elecampane for severe poisoning. Take 2 tbsp per glass of boiling water. grated elecampane root and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day before meals. We repeat that any non-traditional remedy should be used only with the prior approval of the attending physician. Self-medication can do more harm than good and will only worsen the patient’s condition.

First aid for vomiting - how to give it correctly?

Vomiting is almost always a natural way of cleansing the body of toxic substances. The only thing not associated with poisoning or infectious infection is the emptying of the stomach after a concussion, severe stress or nervous tension, or motion sickness. If a person has suffered from such an ailment as vomiting, it is necessary to provide him with assistance so that the unpleasant condition passes as soon as possible and does not recur. First of all, the act of vomiting must be completed without outside intervention. Do not attempt to take any action until the vomiting stops. After this, the patient should be seated comfortably, avoiding pressure on the stomach, and a clean, damp towel or oilcloth should be placed on the chest. In this case, a container is brought to the mouth into which you can vomit when the attack returns - a basin or bucket. If a person cannot sit independently, you can help him lie down, while his head should hang slightly to one side and be slightly lower than his body. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is recommended to place him only in a supine position, so that vomit can freely exit the body and does not clog the airways. When the stomach is cleared, the patient can be given water to rinse the mouth from any remaining vomit.

After this, it is allowed to put him to bed and give him antiemetics, for example, Motilium or Cerucal. In such situations, mint drops are an effective way to prevent a recurrent attack. Scopolamine helps stop gagging during motion sickness. When vomiting is overcome, try not to eat for several hours. It is possible to take a sorbent - activated carbon or its analogues. After helping the patient, carefully examine his vomit. Your further actions will depend on this. If the substance rejected by the stomach has bloody inclusions or looks like coffee grounds, call an ambulance immediately. No additional action is required on your part before the doctors arrive. If vomiting is common, it is necessary to begin to relieve dehydration. Replace fluids and minerals lost by vomiting by drinking plenty of fluids. You should not drink pure water, but saline solutions.

To restore the water-salt balance in the body, products such as Regidron, Gastrolit, Trisol and others are used. Regidron is deservedly recognized as the most suitable means for restoring the ratio of salts and liquids, as well as stopping further loss of moisture. In turn, Gastrolit, in addition to beneficial salts, contains chamomile extract, which helps relieve inflammation and spasms from the intestinal walls. The drug is poured with boiling water and drunk after cooling. This is necessary so that the chamomile can brew properly. If you don’t have a pharmaceutical solution on hand, you can prepare it at home. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of clean boiled water. l. table salt, half a spoon of baking soda, 7 spoons of sugar. Stir the solution until smooth and give the patient drink in small sips. Drinking should be repeated at intervals of 5-10 minutes. It is optimal to alternate taking this remedy with a five percent glucose solution or unsweetened tea. This way you can prevent excessive saturation of the body with salts.

How to stop vomiting - first aid for vomiting

To summarize, we can outline what the first steps should be when helping a person after cleansing the body through vomiting. The patient needs to be seated comfortably or helped to lie down, taking a position in which, if the attack recurs, he can quickly turn to the container for rejected masses. After vomiting ends, the victim should be allowed to rinse his mouth with clean cool water and wipe the corners of his mouth and lips with a clean napkin.

If a painful condition has greatly weakened a person, wipe his mouth with a disposable cotton swab dipped in boiled water or a special disinfectant solution (sodium bicarbonate, two percent, solutions of boric acid or potassium permanganate). You can stop gagging without using medications by using mint oil or drops, a piece of ice that needs to be sucked, or cool water. When it is not possible to stop vomiting using the above methods, it is advisable to resort to drug therapy. The patient is administered intravenously m-anticholinergics, antispasmodics or metoclopramide. This will stabilize intestinal motility. Some drugs are administered intramuscularly. In case of non-stop vomiting and the use of other medical treatments to no avail, antipsychotics are used as a last resort.

Drug treatment of vomiting, how to stop vomiting with antiemetic drugs?

Given the high risk of dehydration as a result of vomiting, it is very important to ensure that after the stomach is empty, the victim drinks more fluid in order to restore the water-salt balance. The best means for this are water and glucose-salt solutions. They are accessible and always in stock at any pharmacy. The previously mentioned Regidron and Gastrolit have proven themselves better than the others. Let's take a closer look at them.

The action of Regidron is aimed at preventing the body from losing fluid and restoring the optimal ratio of water and vital salts in it. In order not to lead to excessive filling of the body with salts (which is also not healthy), taking Regidron should be alternated with taking tea without adding sweeteners.
The advantage of Gastrolite is that it contains, in addition to salts, chamomile extract. With its anti-inflammatory and calming effect, the intestines quickly get rid of tension and spasms. In order for chamomile to infuse and provide maximum benefits, the drug is diluted with boiling water and cooled to room temperature, and only then taken orally. The beneficial effect of Gastrolit on the body is noticeable already on the second or third days.

Nausea is a rather unpleasant symptom of a very wide range of pathologies. If you feel sick, what should you do in this case, what medications can you take, which doctor should you contact? These and other questions are spinning in my head, and I’m also worried about vomiting. It is especially unpleasant when nausea and vomiting catches you outside the home. To figure out what to do about nausea, you need to understand at least in general terms what causes it. After all, there are a number of cases when nausea signals a condition that requires emergency medical attention.

1 Causes of nausea

Nausea is a whole complex of unpleasant sensations in the throat and epigastric region. This may include increased salivation, weakness and tremors. Very often these signs precede the act of vomiting. During the latter, the abdominal muscles contract and the contents of the stomach are thrown out through the mouth. This mechanism is triggered by a special section in the brain stem connected to receptors in the gastrointestinal tract. If they are irritated or damaged, reflex nausea and vomiting are triggered. If the stomach is greatly distended by large amounts of food or gas, the receptors report a problem and a signal is sent to vomit. A similar reaction occurs with inflammation of the stomach (gastritis and gastroenteritis), as well as peptic ulcers.

The brain can send a command to vomit without the help of receptors in the digestive system. This happens with motion sickness, diseases of the inner ear, increased intracranial pressure, head injuries, anorexia, etc.

2 What to do if you vomit?

There are many reasons why nausea develops alone or together with vomiting. The simplest and most common are motion sickness, alcohol and food poisoning.

3 Motion sickness on the road

Nausea while traveling in transport is more common in children; with age, the nervous system improves and this goes away. True, not for everyone. Some people benefit from systematic training of the vestibular system: riding on swings and carousels, or treatment prescribed by a neurologist. If you do not have time to prepare, and you have to travel by plane, train or water, you need special preparations. What to do if nausea strikes you in transport? Stock up on tablets for motion sickness: Dramina, Avia-more, Kinedril, Vertigohel, Kokkulin, etc. Just carefully read the instructions regarding dosage, contraindications for use and possible side effects. It is advisable to take the pill at home for the first time so as not to encounter additional problems on the road.

4 Poisoning of the body

Drinking low-quality alcohol or alcohol in large quantities very often leads to poisoning. The person feels sick and staggers, everything is spinning before his eyes, and this is often accompanied by vomiting. Usually, after vomiting, the intoxicated person feels clear relief, but signs of a hangover remain: headache, weakness, lack of appetite, and nausea does not always go away. Many people know what to do in this case. These are Activated carbon (4-7 tablets), Filtrum, 2 tablets of Aspirin and 200 mg of vitamin C.

Food poisoning from stale food or foods contaminated with intestinal infections also causes nausea. If you do not induce vomiting in time, toxins enter the bloodstream and intoxication begins. Here nausea is complemented by general weakness, chills, fever, headache and diarrhea. What to do if you vomit? To prevent dehydration, the patient must drink a lot. This can be water, chamomile decoction, Regidron solution, jelly, etc. It is useful to drink Activated carbon or Enterosgel. With severe vomiting, the stomach does not accept either food or liquid, so it is advised to drink 2 sips every 2-4 minutes. If the symptoms do not go away and the condition worsens, you need to call a doctor, since intestinal infections are treated with antibiotics, but only the doctor should choose which one is suitable in your case.

5 Gastritis and stomach ulcers

The inflammatory process in the stomach and peptic ulcer are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Patients experience heartburn, belching and pain in the projection of the stomach. Self-medication is not an option; you need to be examined and treated under the supervision of a doctor. You need not only a consultation with a gastroenterologist, but also a blood test, urine test, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, and studies to detect the common culprit of gastric ulcers - Helicobacter pylori.

The only thing that can be done right now is to exclude alcoholic drinks and foods that irritate the stomach from your diet: fried, salty, spicy, smoked, fatty, mayonnaise, vinegar, mustard and horseradish.

6 Gallbladder diseases

Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium, decreased appetite, bitter taste in the mouth, nausea and vomiting of bile in the morning. Exacerbation of cholecystitis is accompanied by very severe cutting pain under the ribs on the right side or in the epigastric region. The pain can radiate to the area of ​​the right shoulder blade, right shoulder and even the neck. They intensify when lying on the left side and during deep inspiration. The painful sensations are complemented by nausea and repeated vomiting mixed with bile. A thick yellowish-brown coating can be seen on the tongue.

What can you do? First of all, do an ultrasound of the gallbladder, liver and other organs surrounding it. With the results of the study, go to your doctor for advice.

Pancreatitis. The acute form is manifested by pain in the upper abdomen or completely encircling the torso. Sometimes the pain radiates into the chest, reminiscent of a heart attack. Almost always, the patient suffers from nausea and vomiting mixed with bile, as well as hiccups, belching and dry mouth. Without treatment, a person’s condition worsens, the skin turns pale, sticky sweat is released, blood pressure drops, pulse quickens and temperature rises.

What to do with vomiting and nausea caused by pancreatitis? Urgently switch to a diet that excludes fried, fatty and heavy foods. If you really want to eat, but the food does not stay in the stomach, take a tablet or suspension of Motilium.

Diet is considered the primary component of the treatment of patients with acute and chronic alcoholic pancreatitis. An attack can occur after a single intake of alcoholic beverages in combination with fatty, pickled or spicy foods. An acute attack of pancreatitis and biliary colic will have to be treated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors.

To make a diagnosis, a complete examination is necessary, including blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, gastroscopy, etc.

Appendicitis. Inflammation of the appendix begins with pain in the navel or upper abdomen, and then moves to the projection of appendicitis. Although in some patients the pain may be immediately localized in the right iliac region or spread throughout the abdomen. Body temperature rises to 37-38°C. Unpleasant sensations intensify with physical stress, walking, coughing, laughing and sneezing. In older people, there may be no pain at all. If the pain suddenly disappears, this may indicate the beginning of the gangrenous process.

Nausea and vomiting appear after the onset of pain. Most often, vomiting is reflexive and one-time. What to do when you feel nauseous and have a stomach ache? Naturally, consult a doctor, because ruptured appendicitis threatens blood poisoning. In addition, you need to limit your food intake and drink plenty of fluids in order to somehow prevent intoxication of the body.

7 Meningitis and other dangerous diseases

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord and brain caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc. Initially, the disease is similar to a cold, but later life-threatening manifestations develop. In addition to high fever, chills, headache, weakness, nausea and vomiting, photophobia and neck stiffness (tension) are observed. The patient cannot tilt his head.

An equally dangerous disease is encephalitis, an inflammation of the brain caused by viruses. In some cases, encephalitis is triggered by the immune system mistakenly attacking brain tissue. The symptoms of this disease are in many ways similar to meningitis, only muscle stiffness is very rare, but confusion, clumsiness, stiffness, convulsions, disorientation, coughing and drowsiness are added. In both cases, what comes to the fore is not the question of what to take when vomiting, but calling an ambulance and emergency hospitalization.

8 Vestibular disorders

The human inner ear contains the vestibular apparatus, which is responsible for balance and correct orientation in space. Disorders develop due to trauma (for example, concussion), ear diseases, migraines, blockage of the internal auditory artery, Meniere's disease and other reasons. As a result, a person experiences dizziness, loss of balance, nausea accompanied by vomiting, and coordination of movements is impaired. In addition, the pulse and breathing rates may change, blood pressure may be affected, and the skin on the face and neck may become pale or red. Most often, symptoms appear in paroxysms when there is a sudden change in the weather, from a loud sound or an awkward turn of the head. Such conditions are treated by an otolaryngologist and a neurologist. To stop nausea, you can give an injection or take a Cerucal tablet. This drug affects the vomiting center located in the brain. However, doctors do not recommend taking any medications before the examination, as they can change the tests.

9 Nausea during pregnancy

What should pregnant women do if they vomit? For some, nausea and morning vomiting appear even before a missed period, so it is quite difficult to figure out the cause of the ailment. You can just wait or take a blood test for hCG. If you may be pregnant and want to cope with nausea, you should never take pills. Expectant mothers experiencing severe toxicosis are advised to drink yogurt at room temperature in the morning, without getting out of bed, or eat a banana prepared the night before. After this, lie down for a while and then get up. If you have severe nausea, you should temporarily avoid soups and not drink food while eating. Start drinking actively an hour after eating. An infusion of peppermint, lemon balm and tea with ginger helps relieve nausea.

Most often, nausea appears in the first trimester and goes away before 12 weeks of pregnancy. What should a pregnant woman do if she has nausea and vomiting? To start, don’t panic, wash your face with cool water, wet the back of your head, or place a cold, wet towel on the back of your neck. You can also go outside or breathe by opening a window. Please note that you need to breathe slowly and deeply, without thinking about your problems and poor health. To a certain extent, pregnant women can help relieve nausea by drinking plenty of water: water, tea, still mineral water, milk, kefir, etc. After all, nausea is a sign of intoxication in the body, and a large amount of fluid helps remove unnecessary substances.

When thinking about what to do after vomiting, take into account all the possible options for nausea in your case. If you haven't been drinking a lot of alcohol, haven't eaten questionable food, haven't hit your head, and may be pregnant, you'll have to go to the doctor. If your condition does not allow you to leave the house, call a specialist at home or call an ambulance. It is better not to delay the decision and not to stay in the apartment alone, since if you lose consciousness, you will not be able to open the door to the doctor or your loved ones who came to your rescue.



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