First after laparoscopy. A detailed explanation of laparoscopy: what it is, how the procedure is performed, how to prepare for it

Laparoscopy is one of the innovative techniques of modern endoscopic surgery. In other words, laparoscopy is a low-traumatic, highly effective method of performing surgical treatment And diagnostic study internal organs located in the abdominal cavity and pelvis. The laparoscopic method of treatment and diagnosis is widely used in gynecology, as well as in other areas of medicine.

The prevalence of laparoscopic surgery is explained simply - this technique has a huge amount advantages over traditional surgery. The main advantages of laparoscopy include:

  • Minimum level of surgical trauma. If during conventional surgery large incisions are made on the wall of the abdominal cavity, then during laparoscopy only a few small punctures are made.
  • Practically complete absence trauma significantly reduces the risk of postoperative infections, adhesions, and dehiscence surgical sutures. In addition, after laparoscopic intervention there are no rough scars and sutures.
  • The consequences of laparoscopic surgery are less severe than after traditional surgery. The rehabilitation period lasts much shorter – usually in the absence of postoperative complications Within a few hours after laparoscopy, you are allowed to get out of bed. A few days later the woman is discharged from the hospital.
  • After laparoscopy, in most cases, pain in the operated tissues and organs is minimal.

Indications and technique for laparoscopy

  • Surgical removal of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, treatment of endometriosis, as well as many other gynecological diseases.
  • The laparoscopic method is used to remove an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Treatment of cholecystitis and cholelithiasis by removing the gallbladder.
  • Also, laparoscopy is used to remove bladder, ureters, as well as appendicitis.
  • Surgical treatment of organs gastrointestinal tract, liver restoration, removal of adhesions of internal organs.
  • In addition, laparoscopy is diagnostic technique used in cases where it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis or differentiate diseases.

How is the laparoscopy procedure performed? Surgery through laparoscopy is performed only in a hospital setting, using general anesthesia. Accordingly, any painful sensations are absent during the procedure. The laparoscopy technique looks like as follows: after the administration of anesthesia, several, most often three or four, small incisions are made on the surface of the abdominal wall. In most cases, the diameter of such cuts does not exceed 1.5-2 cm. Next, these cuts are deepened to the required depth using a special tool.

A laparoscope with a miniature video camera and other necessary equipment is inserted into the holes made by the surgeon. surgical instruments, which will be used for operational manipulations. A certain dose of carbon dioxide is injected into one of the holes made - this is necessary in order to free up the necessary surgical field and improve visualization of the internal organs.

Every movement of the surgeon is monitored thanks to the installed video camera and a special monitor. This significantly reduces the risk of accidental damage to internal organs during surgery. After all the necessary manipulations have been performed, the instruments and video camera are removed, and sutures and sterile dressings are applied to the holes.

Consequences of the operation

As already noted, laparoscopy is much easier to tolerate female body, and therefore severe consequences and complications after surgery occur extremely rarely. Of course, at least laparoscopic method today is considered the safest and most health-friendly, it still represents surgery, followed by a mandatory period of rehabilitation. Despite the fact that the patient is in the hospital for no more than 3-7 days, returning to full, active life happens much later. As a rule, complications after laparoscopy occur in approximately 5-10% of cases. Most frequent consequences surgical intervention laparoscopic method:

  1. Accidental damage to internal organs during surgical procedures. The most common cause of such damage is poor visualization of internal organs.
  2. Heavy bleeding after surgery.
  3. Damage to a blood vessel when performing a puncture on the wall of the abdominal cavity.

Recovery after laparoscopy is much faster than with conventional abdominal operations. As a rule, already 4-5 hours after emerging from anesthesia, a woman is recommended to gradually get out of bed and carefully move around the ward. This is recommended to eliminate possible congestion in the abdominal cavity and pelvis. You should avoid too sudden, intense movements; it is enough to take a few smooth, leisurely steps.

The first day after laparoscopy should be spent in a hospital setting, under strict medical supervision. After laparoscopy, postoperative pain in the lower abdomen may be observed, which can radiate to the lumbar region, sacrum or legs. In such cases, you should definitely report pain to your doctor to prescribe painkillers. medicines. Usually, after 3-4 days after surgery, the pain disappears.

On the first day after surgery, eating is prohibited, only non-carbonated drinks are allowed. mineral water.

Also, in the first days of the recovery period after laparoscopy, a woman may feel discomfort, heaviness in the abdomen, nausea - all this is the result of carbon dioxide introduced into the abdominal cavity. Discomfort and other unpleasant phenomena completely disappear after the gas is completely removed from the body. After laparoscopy, rough scars and scars do not remain on the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, since the sutures heal extremely quickly. Provided there are no complications, the sutures are removed 7-10 days after the operation. This issue is decided by the surgeon on an individual basis. After discharge from medical institution it is necessary to treat the seams with special antiseptic drugs which the surgeon recommends.

On the second day after laparoscopy, you are allowed to get out of bed and walk around the ward, and go to the toilet on your own. The recovery period after surgery lasts at least 7-14 days. During rehabilitation, you should follow some of the doctors’ instructions:

  • It is strictly not recommended to bathe in the bathroom for 3-4 weeks after laparoscopy. To carry out hygiene procedures Before removing the stitches, wet wipes of the body should be used; after removing the stitches, you are allowed to use the shower.
  • For 4-6 weeks after laparoscopy, it is prohibited to visit saunas, steam baths, solariums or swimming pools.
  • Sexual activity is also prohibited. Sexual contacts are allowed only 3-4 weeks after surgery.
  • After surgery, women are strongly advised to refrain from playing sports or any other physical activity. This recommendation must be followed for at least 4 weeks. Also, for 10-12 weeks after surgery, you should not lift anything heavier than 2-3 kg.

Nutrition after surgery

One of the most important conditions fast and full recovery of the body after laparoscopy is compliance special diet. On the first day after surgery, you should completely abstain from eating food, you are only allowed to drink still water. On the second day after laparoscopy, you can include in your food light chicken broth, jelly, fruit drinks or weak tea. On the third day after surgery, it is recommended to gradually introduce low-fat yogurts into your diet, mashed potatoes, lean meat or fish, boiled or steamed.

In the first days after surgery, you should eat only low-calorie, low-fat foods that contain everything healthy vitamins and microelements. The main purpose of this dietary nutrition is to effectively restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, to ensure full-time job intestines and prevent increased gas formation. During the rehabilitation period, the following nutrition is recommended:

  • Broths without fat, cereal soups, borscht without meat, various milk soups and vegetable puree soups.
  • Kissels, fruit drinks, compotes.
  • Lean meats, steamed, boiled or baked without fat. The best option considered veal, rabbit, beef, lamb or lean pork. Chicken or duck are also not prohibited, but pizza should be prepared without using fat and the skin must be removed first. Meat can be made into cutlets, meatballs, or baked in one piece.
  • sea ​​fish low-fat varieties, which is also steamed, boiled or baked.
  • Hard cheese, cottage cheese, low-fat fermented milk products provided they are well tolerated.
  • Porridges from various cereals. It is best to give preference to oatmeal, rice or buckwheat.
  • Vegetables baked in the oven or steamed.
  • It is allowed to include in the diet after laparoscopic surgery white bread from wheat flour, best of all is yesterday's.

Meals should be frequent and small. You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions. This diet will help in the most short terms restore the functioning of internal organs and return to activity, full life after surgery.

List of products that must be avoided during the rehabilitation period:

  • Nutrition after surgery on the abdominal or pelvic organs involves complete failure from fresh whole grain bread, bakery products from rye flour - they can provoke increased gas formation in the intestines, which is completely undesirable throughout the entire recovery period.
  • Soups or broths made from fatty meats, fish or mushrooms. Mushrooms are prohibited from being consumed in any form.
  • Also, after the operation, you must take care to exclude from your menu various canned, pickled or smoked foods, sausages, salted or smoked fish, various semi-finished products, chicken eggs V large quantities, heavy cream or fresh milk.
  • It is recommended to avoid eating legumes, corn, white cabbage, garlic, mushrooms, sorrel, radishes, fresh fruits, pickled or canned vegetables and marinades.
  • It is highly undesirable to use various seasonings and sauces, ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise after surgery. All dishes must be steamed, boiled or baked without adding fat.
  • Fresh baked goods and sweets provoke bloating and fermentation in the stomach, which is extremely undesirable after surgery. That is why from my postoperative nutrition You need to completely remove fresh baked goods, cakes, pastries, chocolate, pies, pancakes and other baked goods.
  • It is strictly not recommended to drink strong tea or black coffee, carbonated drinks or sparkling mineral water, alcoholic drinks. If possible, try to quit smoking - this will help recovery period after surgery as short and effective as possible.

Consequences of surgery

Many women, after undergoing laparoscopic surgery, note the appearance of scanty discharge from the genital tract, which can be either whitish or slightly bloody. This is a completely natural phenomenon and is considered a common result of surgery on internal organs. In most cases, after 10-12 days, such discharge ends spontaneously.

But if the discharge becomes intense, becomes too abundant, bloody - this is extremely danger sign, which should be reported to your doctor immediately. Most often, laparoscopy is well tolerated by the female body and does not cause any problems. menstrual cycle. Most women start their periods right on time. IN in rare cases the onset of menstruation may be delayed by several days or even weeks. This is completely natural and should not cause concern. The absence of menstruation for more than 6 months can be considered a cause for concern.

An extremely important issue is the possibility of planning a subsequent pregnancy after surgery. It is safe to say that with a successful surgical intervention and in the absence severe consequences planning a pregnancy is allowed 3-6 months after laparoscopy. Of course, the issue of pregnancy planning is decided exclusively on an individual basis, together with your gynecologist.

Widespread implementation laparoscopic surgery to the world medical practice due to its enormous popularity among patients and specialists.

This is not surprising, because it is easy to perform with amazing cosmetic results and quick postoperative recovery lead to the fact that already on the first day of the postoperative period almost all patients ask questions of this type: a How long after laparoscopy can you

And then a wide variety of phrases may follow regarding lifestyle and nutrition in early and late dates after the operation is completed. This material is for informational purposes only, helping to understand the situation a little.

When can you walk after laparoscopy?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. This is due to different volumes of laparoscopic surgery and general condition specific patients.

In case of satisfactory condition of the operated young without concomitant pathology and minor interventions, then by the evening such patients can freely walk independently around the premises of the department.

This is possible if the operation was performed in the morning. It is highly not recommended to leave the surgical hospital due to the possibility of developing conditions that may require medical attention.

Patients who have undergone major surgery or have severe concomitant pathology rarely interested in the question how long after laparoscopy They can walk because they spend 24 hours in the intensive care unit.

This is necessary for careful monitoring of their condition and quick correction if necessary.

Under these conditions, it is allowed to sit them down with back support in the evening. It's not worth getting up yet. The next day, such patients are transferred to a surgical hospital.

In this case, they can already get out of bed and walk under the supervision of relatives or medical personnel, having previously put on postoperative bandage on the stomach.

This will prevent insolvency postoperative sutures. After two or three days, absolutely all patients can walk freely.

When and how much can you eat after laparoscopy?

Another the most important question, which is given to the vast majority of those operated on. Again, the answer is not clear cut. Although there is general rules. First of all, this is the very fact of the presence of appetite, which indicates the patient’s recovery.

Its appearance is the main criterion for allowing food intake. By the evening, provided that a small surgical intervention is performed in the morning, all patients are allowed to drink a cup of kefir, sweet tea, or eat a bowl of dietary soup.

If you have no appetite, then you shouldn’t force yourself. One day without food will not cause harm to the body, but additional load food in conditions stressful situation may lead to vomiting.

TO severe patients the approach is a little different. Here it is necessary to be guided by the state of intestinal peristaltic activity. Its presence is indicated by the appearance of rumbling and the passage of gases.

This usually happens on the 3rd day. Until this date, you can only take non-carbonated water and light sweet tea in small sips. After 3 days, or the appearance of intestinal peristalsis, the tactics are the same as in the case of minor operations.

By day 4, the nutrition of absolutely all sick patients is expanded within the framework dietary table No. 5. Violating this rule is strictly prohibited, especially in the early postoperative period.

How long after laparoscopy can you do physical exercise and work?

There is only one approach to solving this issue. This is the earliest possible activation within reason. This means that performing the exercises included in the section physical therapy It’s not something that’s possible, but something that’s necessary every day.

They involve moving the limbs without lifting weights or straining the anterior abdominal wall. This mode should be followed for a month. After this period you can begin ordinary life. But a gentle regimen should be followed for 3 months. This will prevent the development of postoperative ventral hernias.

Laparoscopy — modern method, which is associated with endoscopic surgery. This technique is in demand for therapy or diagnosis various organs human body. However, on at the moment laparoscopy is most often used in the field of gynecology, as it reduces the risk of injury when treating gynecological abnormalities in women of different ages— these could be cysts, fibroids, oncology, neoplasms, and so on. Do not forget that recovery after laparoscopy is mandatory and will take some time.

Benefits of laparoscopy

Any medical method has its own advantages, including laparoscopy:

How is laparoscopy performed?

How is this effective and efficient surgical method? The specialist should make three or four small injections, they will be located on the wall of the abdominal cavity. The diameter of such a puncture should not be more than two centimeters. Scientists together with doctors have developed a unique tool that can deepen these punctures.

Of course, all these manipulations must take place under general anesthesia, so the patient will not feel pain. Afterwards, a mini video camera with a light source, as well as special surgical instruments, enters the resulting holes. To lift the abdomen and abdomen, the surgeon injects a small amount of carbon dioxide into one of the openings. This makes it possible to observe in as much detail as possible what is happening inside a person, and all actions are displayed on the screen, which makes all processes as accurate as possible.

After the operation, all inserted instruments are pulled out and applied. minimum quantity seams. Compared to conventional surgery, the stitches from laparoscopy are almost invisible.

Rehabilitation process after surgery

Rehabilitation after such a procedure does not exceed one month, but often a person recovers much faster, as statistics show, within fourteen days. In the first hours after surgery, the patient feels severe weakness, most of all this is explained by general anesthesia, dizziness and nausea are also manifested. At this time, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions.

Of course, in the first days after laparoscopy, painful sensations in the area of ​​the operation, but they are quite weak and tolerable. If you feel severe pain in the abdomen, you need to urgently contact your surgeon. Laparoscopy also differs from a simple operation in that you can get up and walk around the room a little within four hours after the procedure. At the same time, almost all doctors insistently recommend moving slowly; this helps restore work. blood vessels. Remember that every movement must be done smoothly and very carefully! On the first day after surgery, you are allowed to drink clean, non-carbonated water; you must refuse food.

IN mandatory After the procedure, the patient must comply strict diet, which is prescribed by the doctor. It is very important to eat small meals, but eat them often. The number of meals is not limited to even five or six.

Products that are strictly prohibited from consumption:

  1. Fatty or fried, which contains butter or sunflower oil;
  2. You cannot eat canned food, canned vegetables and other food products;
  3. Fast carbohydrates, sugar, sweet foods, sweets, baked goods;
  4. Any type of legume products.

It is best to opt for light soups, eat purees or porridge. Will be useful fresh fruit and vegetables, kefir, milk. The patient must get everything from food necessary vitamins, trace elements and other substances. It is best to cook dishes by steaming or in the oven.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is possible only a month after the operation; until this moment it is allowed to drink light tea, fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, kefir and yoghurts. You should also give up nicotine.

Additional rules for fast recovery

During recovery, it is necessary to treat the piercing sites daily. special drugs, and also change all bandages. After discharge, all treatment must be done at home.

You can't join intimate relationship for one month, during which time the organs come into order and begin to function normally. The same goes for playing sports. You will have to give up physical activity for four weeks, and then gradually return to your normal routine, allowing your body to get used to it. All you can do is walk at a slow pace. Lifting weights is allowed only three months after laparoscopy. During the first month, surgeons ask you to refrain from long-distance travel in any form of transport; you cannot travel by plane. It is strictly forbidden to take a steam bath or sauna, swim in a pool, or sunbathe in a solarium.

The sutures are removed after about one week if the patient does not experience complications. If you notice any abnormalities, feel unwell or suffer from pain in the abdominal area, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin the necessary treatment.

Video: what to do after laparoscopy

The removal operation is already behind us. But treatment and rehabilitation are not over yet.

Remember, the recovery period after laparoscopy takes approximately 3-4 weeks!

Despite the fact that usually general health and the sutures on the skin are restored much earlier, do not forget about the healing of internal organs.

In order not to spoil the successful result of the operation, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

The first day after laparoscopy.

For the first few hours, the patient usually continues to doze. Very often there is a feeling of cold or chills. It is enough to cover yourself with a warm blanket and this condition goes away. Pain after laparoscopy is usually moderate and can be easily relieved with painkillers. Sometimes nausea occurs and there may be vomiting. There is no need to panic, this condition is easily treated with special medications.

During the first 24 hours after laparoscopy, you may feel slight discomfort in your throat from the anesthesia tube.

5-6 hours after the operation, the patient can independently get out of bed and use the toilet. There is no need to try to move as much as possible - rest. In addition, in the first few days, patients usually experience severe weakness.

In the first hours, do not eat. In the absence of nausea and vomiting, you can drink, and it is better to drink plain drinking water without gas.

Early postoperative period (3-5 days after laparoscopy)

Usually the next day after laparoscopy, discomfort (or even pain) appears in the shoulder and neck area. This is due to gas pressure on the diaphragm during laparoscopy. This condition is easily eliminated with conventional analgesics.

Often, after removal of an ovarian cyst, extraordinary menstruation begins. So don't be surprised if you find spotting from the genital tract.

Meals after surgery should not be plentiful. It is best to eat boiled or steamed food. Avoid fatty, fried, smoked or spicy food. Don't get too carried away with products causing bloating belly - fresh fruits, sweets, flour products. You can drink fermented milk products, fruit drinks, tea, and still water.

Remember, the rehabilitation process lasts about a month, so after discharge from the hospital you should not immediately begin your usual exercise. In the first days, weakness and fatigue may persist, so it is advisable to have someone close to you to help. Based on your own feelings, choose optimal mode rest and physical activity.

Avoid sexual activity for at least 2-3 weeks after surgery.

Fitness classes, sports, dancing, etc. should begin no earlier than 3-4 weeks after surgery. Moreover, start with small loads, gradually (over the course of a week) bringing them to the usual ones.

Avoid sudden movements and heavy lifting (no more than 3-5 kg). Avoid long trips and flights.

Take a shower, but do not rub the seams with a washcloth until they are completely healed (about 10 days). Treat sutures after laparoscopic surgery daily with antiseptic solutions (“brilliant green” or “potassium permanganate”) until they heal.

After surgery, you should not take a bath or swim in a pool or other bodies of water.

Try to wear loose clothing that does not put pressure on the seam area.

The first menstruation after laparoscopy is usually unusual. Menstruation may be more painful and heavy.

When to see a doctor immediately

  • Body temperature above 38 0 C lasts more than a day
  • Intense pain in the lower abdomen
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting for several hours
  • Pain, severe redness around the stitches
  • Marked or unusual weakness, confusion

In any case, if you don’t like something about your health, consult your doctor.

And don't forget to find out the result histological examination and be sure to discuss it with your doctor! This may affect further treatment.

I hope it's post-op rehabilitation will take place It’s quick and easy for you, and the problem with an ovarian cyst will be solved once and for all.

Pain after laparoscopy occurs in all patients. This is due to injury to the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall, peritoneum and internal organs. Pain syndrome can cause residual carbon dioxide or argon, which are injected into the abdomen during surgery. After laparoscopy, the stomach pain is not as intense as after a classic operation. Rehabilitation and healing of the wound is much faster. To relieve pain on the first day, it is prescribed narcotic analgesics, lidocaine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The intensity of pain decreases significantly 12-24 hours after the intervention; minor discomfort may continue for several days.

Features of laparoscopy

Laparoscopic operations are being used more and more often in surgery. They have a number of advantages over conventional laparotomy. The traumatism of such an intervention is significantly lower, which allows patients to recover faster. Laparoscopy does not cause pain as intense, so less analgesics are used in the postoperative period, which reduces the risk of adverse reactions. IN long term Adhesions are less likely to form, which means chronic pain occur infrequently after laparoscopy.

Surgery is performed under general endotracheal anesthesia or local regional (epidural) anesthesia. The first option is more common. Local anesthesia is prescribed to elderly patients if there are contraindications to general anesthesia. Laparoscopy itself does not cause pain during the procedure. Even if the patient remains conscious, epidural pain relief provides complete absence of sensation in the lower body.

After anesthesia is administered, the patient is made 3-4 small incisions on the anterior abdominal wall. Then the access is expanded with a trocar. Sterile surgical instruments and a backlit video camera are inserted through special tubes, which transmits the image to the screen. Carbon dioxide or neutral gas is also injected into the abdominal cavity, which expands the intra-abdominal space. The surgeon monitors the progress of the operation using a monitor. At the end of the procedure, the instruments are removed and the incisions are sutured. To reduce pain after laparoscopy, an anesthetic may be injected into the abdominal cavity at the end of the operation.

Why does pain occur after laparoscopy?

Medicinal and diagnostic laparoscopy causes pain for several reasons. The first is associated with damage to soft tissues and internal organs, irritation of the peritoneum. The pain is concentrated in the area of ​​the postoperative wound, in the parts of the abdomen where the procedure was performed. surgery. Next reason pain after laparoscopy - too much stretching of the peritoneum due to the introduction of 3-4 liters of carbon dioxide into the abdominal cavity. Unpleasant sensations occur in the upper abdomen, back and shoulders.

The pathogenesis of pain after laparoscopy associated with pneumoperitoneum is not fully understood. Some researchers believe that it causes irritation of the peritoneum carbon dioxide. This theory is confirmed by the fact that laparoscopy produces less pain if nitric oxide or argon is used instead of CO2. Other researchers argue that the pain syndrome is associated exclusively with mechanical stretching of the peritoneum and the presence of a gas bubble under the diaphragm. It is most likely that both factors are important.

Also, the reason that the stomach hurts after laparoscopy can be irritation of the nerves of the diaphragm and abdominal cavity, damage to blood vessels and impaired blood flow. The main mechanism of pain is the release of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, cyclooxygenase, etc.). Inflammatory process of varying intensity occurs after any injury (including surgical injury). It intensifies with infectious complications. In such a situation, after laparoscopy, the stomach hurts more intensely, the patient’s temperature rises, and purulent discharge from the wound, tension in the anterior abdominal wall.

How does your stomach hurt after laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy gives varying degrees of pain. In the first hours after surgery, their intensity is estimated at 60 points on a 100-point scale. After 6-12 hours their intensity decreases to 30 points, and after a day - to 10 points. In women after gynecological operations, the pain syndrome is slightly more pronounced. If the pain intensity is higher, this may indicate nerve damage and blood flow problems. An increase in pain during the day after its objective reduction may be a signal infectious complications. Patients often develop a fever at the same time.

After laparoscopy, the stomach hurts on the first day, first at the puncture site, then the pain moves to top part, under the diaphragm. On the second day, when visceral pain after laparoscopy they decrease, discomfort appears in the back, shoulder, shoulder blades, and upper abdomen. They are associated with the consequences of pneumoperitoneum (injection of gas into the abdominal cavity during intervention). It hurts more after laparoscopy right side. About 43% of patients complain of pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, 40% of pain in the lower third shoulder, and 20% for back pain. Some patients after endotracheal anesthesia may experience a sore throat on the first day, which quickly passes without additional treatment.

On days 5-6 after laparoscopy, the pain practically disappears. Unpleasant sensations or pain may occur with sudden movement or overexertion. Therefore, it is not recommended to lift weights in the first 4 weeks; it is advised to limit physical activity. Increased pain in the long-term postoperative period may indicate infection, ischemia of an organ, or other complications. Such symptoms require immediate appeal see a doctor. When pain after laparoscopy appears several months later, this may be a sign of the formation of adhesions.

Treatment of pain after laparoscopy

To make laparoscopy pain less intense, before the operation the puncture site is injected with an anesthetic (novocaine or lidocaine). It is also practiced to inject painkillers directly into the abdominal cavity and under the diaphragm. After the operation, the suture area is infiltrated with analgesics and small doses of opiates are prescribed. Prescribing narcotic analgesics has its positive and negative aspects. They quickly and effectively relieve pain after laparoscopy, but have a number of side effects(nausea, vomiting, confusion). Too much anesthesia can “smear” clinical picture complication that has arisen.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are good for pain relief after laparoscopy. They are prescribed both before surgery and in the first days after it. Their main mechanism of action is blocking prostaglandin, one of the inflammatory factors. These drugs, like narcotic analgesics, should be used with caution. Some drugs (for example, ketanov, ketotifen) may reduce renal blood flow due to blocking prostacyclin synthesis. This leads to a decrease in filtration in renal tubules and lack of function. Paracetamol and analgin are less dangerous in this regard, although the latter negatively affects hematopoiesis. Both drugs block the synthesis of inflammatory factors in the central nervous system and have a lesser effect on renal blood flow and gastric acidity.

When your stomach, back or shoulder hurt after laparoscopy, doctors use integrated approach. It includes a combination local anesthesia non-narcotic analgesics and NSAIDs (both before and during surgery), the administration of opiates in the first hours after the intervention. Only a combination of anesthetics with by different mechanisms actions can effectively relieve pain after laparoscopy. You should also take into account all contraindications and adverse reactions certain drugs.

As we can see, when laparoscopy causes pain, it must be removed with great care. When the condition improves, analgesics are immediately discontinued to reduce the likelihood of side effects. Pain syndrome in the long-term postoperative period requires additional diagnostics, as it may be associated with complications. To avoid them, you should follow the recommendations of doctors. In the first two weeks you should not lift heavy objects or exercise physical labor, sports. At gynecological operations Sex is also contraindicated for a month.

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