Does massage help with headaches? Massage of temples and temporal zone

Headache is an unpleasant, painful symptom that indicates serious problems with health, is a companion to overwork, sudden changes in weather outside the window. There are pressing, pulsating, stabbing and point pain, long-term and short-term. Based on these characteristics, the severity of the problem is judged. A short-term pinpoint headache is not cause for concern, but it also does not bring pleasure. To get rid of painful sensations, we recommend using acupressure. You will learn further where the headache points are located, the technique, and the rules for influencing acupuncture.

Causes of the problem

Headache refers to frequent symptoms impaired functioning of the body. There are many reasons for its appearance. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • the vessels of the head and neck are not able to provide good nutrition, blood supply to the brain;
  • insufficient oxygen supply to nerve endings;
  • stagnation in the intestines;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • nervous exhaustion caused by regular stress, emotional overstrain;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • migraine;
  • eye diseases;
  • breathing disturbed by swelling of the nasopharynx, strong mucous discharge from the nose;
  • poisoning with alcohol, medications, nicotine, drugs.

There are several factors associated with the malaise: muscle spasm in the neck, curved spine, injuries, abnormal development of blood vessels. Disturbed sleep and an uncomfortable bed cause pain.

If the pain does not go away for a long time and gradually intensifies, seek help from a highly qualified specialist; significant health problems are possible. Unpleasant sensations of a short-term nature, presumably caused by sleep disturbances, sudden changes in weather, stress ­- Acupressure will ease the condition.

For reference. Migraine is a common disease accompanied by a throbbing, intense headache. Painful sensations last up to 3 days. Additional symptoms: vomiting, nausea, general weakness. Women aged 25–35 years are at risk.

The effectiveness of massage

Head massage for headaches - quick, safe way reduce discomfort. But it does not completely solve the health problem. If the symptom recurs regularly, a visit to a specialist is required.

There are several massage techniques for headaches:

  • General massage- aimed at relaxing the neck muscles, normalizing blood supply, and bringing superficial blood vessels to their usual tone.
  • Spot- influences certain biologically active points(acupuncture). The technique refers to traditional methods treating problems in Chinese medicine, have been used since ancient times. Acupressure is based on knowledge of the location of acupuncture points in a person. It is carried out in strict sequence, with regulation of the force of impact.
  • Impact on trigger points- the method is painful, aimed at the source of pain. When the massage is performed correctly, the pain quickly subsides.
  • Massage therapy to relieve muscle-tonic insufficiency in the neck and back of the head- used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, problems with the spine, causing painful sensations.

An effective solution unpleasant symptom- acupressure. It belongs to the category of ancient oriental treatment methods, the procedure is painless. Proper massage allows you to:

  • improve brain nutrition, normalize the outflow and flow of blood to the organ;
  • speed up metabolism in nerve cells, strengthen and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • correct problems with insomnia, make sleep sound and long;
  • improve mood, achieve emotional balance of the patient;
  • normalize the functioning of individual systems and the body;
  • increase the client’s performance, remove the risk of overwork;
  • improve memory.

After a massage session, the patient becomes calmer and feels rested.

Execution Rules

Acupressure for headaches involves influencing certain biologically active points. Eastern medicine claims that on the human body and head there are points that connect specific organs. Correct exposure to them improves the functioning of the brain, organs, and organ systems. The points form lines (medians) along which vital energy moves.

To reduce headache through massage, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of procedure:

  1. Do not take before massage medicines, tinctures.
  2. Make sure there are no contraindications for therapy.
  3. Carefully study which points to massage for headaches, their location, and the recommended pressure.
  4. Use needles yourself sharp objects For point impact it is prohibited. This is the prerogative of a highly qualified specialist.
  5. Stroking is performed with two fingers (middle, index) to influence symmetrical points acupuncture uses the thumbs and index fingers.
  6. Massage movements are performed symmetrically. This can be pressure, stroking clockwise, or vibration.
  7. The massage element is performed confidently, evenly, with a certain effort. The time of exposure to one point is 4-5 seconds.
  8. Before pressing, strokes are performed: the fingertips are slowly moved around the indicated area, gradually increasing the pace of movements.
  9. Massage movements are performed in the specified sequence.
  10. It is recommended to perform several procedures with a specialist, undergo training, and after a detailed study of the technique, begin massage at home.

Location of important points

Active points are located throughout the body, there are many of them. Having studied the cause of the unpleasant symptom, its nature affects the points:

  • Feng chi (gb 20)- located on the back of the head, at the base of the skull. Helps reduce pain caused by colds, migraines, nervous overstrain, stress.
  • Hsin-hui (gv 22)- located in the upper part of the back of the head. It is massaged if discomfort is felt in the upper part of the head.
  • Suan-lu (gb 5), Shan-yan (gb 4) - acupuncture points located on the temples. Massaging them reduces throbbing pain in the temporal region.
  • Se-ju-kun (sj 23)- the active point is located on the eyebrow line above outer corner eyes. It needs to be pressed when the headache is accompanied by tinnitus or migraine.
  • Tsuan-chu (v 2)- located on the inner edges of the eyebrows.
  • Yin-tan (vg 24.5)- called the “third eye”. The point is asymmetrical, located at the intersection of the line of the eyebrows with the line of the bridge of the nose. Massaging the “third eye”, Tsuan-zhu, relieves pain in the temporal and frontal areas.
  • Tian-rong- located on the back of the head, behind the auricle.

There are more additional points, they are on the arms and legs. By massaging them, you increase the analgesic effect:

  • Hae-gu (li 4)- called “closed valley”. It is located on the hand, between the thumb and index finger. By massaging it, you reduce muscle tension in the forearms and relieve painful symptoms in the temporal and parietal areas. Massaging the He-gu point is useful during childbirth: Eastern sages claim that the painful sensations of a woman in labor are dulled. Such exposure is harmful for pregnant women, and premature birth is possible.
  • Hou-si (sj 3)- called the “back gorge”. The point is located on the outer edge of the palm, under the little finger.
  • Neu-tin (st 44)- received the name “inner courtyard”. It is located between the second and third toe. Helps relieve frontal ailments.

Advice. First, work on the acupuncture of the occipital region, then begin massaging the points directly near the source of pain. Additionally, points on the legs and arms are stimulated.

Sequence of actions

General acupressure for headaches involves working out each area through acupuncture points in the following sequence: frontal zone, temporal, parietal and occipital. Allow 2 minutes to massage each zone. The whole procedure takes 8–10 minutes.

The massage is performed in a sitting position for the convenience of the procedure. Let's consider massage therapist movements step by step

1. Frontal, temporal areas:

  • strokes are performed with palms from left to right, in the opposite direction;
  • stroking is replaced by light pressure with the palm, the brush is pressed and slowly moved with right area forehead to the left, massage the “third eye” in the central part of the forehead for a few seconds, and continue moving to the left; the exercise is repeated in the opposite direction;
  • do light stroking and repeated pressure;
  • knead with vertically placed fingers, the index finger is placed at the hairline, the little finger at the outer edge of the eyebrow;
  • kneading is repeated with great effort so that subcutaneous tissue moved along with the fingers.

2. Parietal region:

  • perform stroking, as if combing hair in the forehead-back of head direction, repeat the actions 3-4 times;
  • light stroking is replaced with intense kneading, the direction of movements is unchanged: forehead-parietal area-occiput, the skin moves with the fingertips during movements;
  • they complement the impact with vibration, the movements resemble intermittent (jumping) shaking, the fingers are spread wider, with their pads resting on the skin;
  • perform quick taps with palms;
  • palms are placed symmetrically above the ears, massage movements gradually bring them closer together, repeat the procedure, changing the location of the palms (the right one is placed on the back of the head, the left one on the forehead).

3. Back of the head:

  • perform stroking and kneading, similar to the frontal area;
  • start working on the lower part of the back of the head, massaging the neck muscles, they are often overstrained and contribute to the appearance of painful sensations;
  • acupuncture points of the lower part of the back of the head are worked out, pressure is applied to the dimples, located 3–4 cm below the center of the base of the skull; The first pressure is painful, then the discomfort goes away.

If the movements are performed correctly, affecting the necessary active points, the patient feels slight tingling, numbness of the skin, goosebumps appear, warmth and lightness are felt in the acupuncture area.

How long will it take for the pain to go away?

The patient may notice the fading of the symptom after the massage. Otherwise, the active points were not used. Additional treatment will be required, including acupuncture on the legs and arms.

Advice. Are you worried about migraines? You should not expect the situation to worsen; perform the suggested massage regularly. Preventive measures will relieve the appearance of painful symptoms.


Working with active points requires attention, skills, and preparation. When applying pressure, be careful not to complicate the disease. Side effects of improper massage are increased blood pressure, nausea, and worsening of the problem.

  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • blood poisoning;
  • warts, neoplasms, wounds in the massage area;
  • otitis media, ear inflammation;
  • pregnancy;
  • age up to 2 years.

If you are under the influence of alcohol, you should delay performing acupressure. drug intoxication, elevated temperature, on the days of menstruation.

Acupressure is recognized as therapeutic and preventative measure, its effectiveness has been proven for centuries. But you shouldn’t hope for a lightning-fast recovery, especially if the appearance of a painful symptom is caused by serious health problems. After symptoms subside, consult a doctor to determine accurate diagnosis, causes of concern.

Useful videos

How to quickly relieve a headache without pills.

Head massage to relieve headaches in 4 minutes.

Methodology manual therapy has been known for a long time. It is used for various diseases.

It is important to be able to do therapy correctly so as not to harm the patient. Specialists know how to relieve headaches with massage and should be contacted if there are appropriate indications.

Methods of influence

Head massage for headaches is healing and effective remedy. It's about about something simple, but at the same time effective method fighting unbearable pain.

Massage for headaches at home can be different. Much depends on the root cause of the bad condition.

The most popular massage, which allows you to help yourself, does not require the help of specialists.

A similar head massage for headaches is the most budget option a procedure that is in no way inferior in effectiveness.

It has been proven that such a massage for headaches not only minimizes its severity, but also actually heals the very cause of poor health.

In order not to harm yourself, before the procedure it is important to consult with specialists in this field of medicine.

After all, it is important to be able to perform a massage against headaches correctly. IN modern physiotherapy There are several areas of manual therapy against pain.

Among them, the most popular are:

  1. A general massage technique is aimed at relaxing the muscular system. Normalizes the tone of superficial blood vessels, quickly relieves headache attacks.
  2. The acupressure form of massage is based on the principles of acupuncture and has a reflexive effect on the etiology of pain.
  3. A manual technique that affects trigger zones.
  4. Influence by influencing the area of ​​the cervical-occipital level.

Performing a point technique

Acupressure for headaches is an oriental therapy technique. Much like acupuncture.

The essence of the method is that targeted effects against pain locally affect symmetrically located zones.

In this case there is reflex irritation autonomic nervous system: muscle and vascular tone is normalized.

According to the Eastern method of treatment, each point on the human body is responsible for the work and health of a specific organ.

To have an anti-pain effect, it is important to work big and index fingers. They produce pressing, rubbing, vibration and light tapping.

This therapy for headaches is often called acupressure. For maximum effectiveness, it is important that all actions are equally confident, strong and uniform. Only then can you get rid of the pain in your head. Each type of impact must last at least 5 seconds.

It is a mistake to assume that point impact on active zones has something in common with random rubbing.

Such a massage against pain requires strict adherence to the instructions of the technique, correct localization of the fingers, and influence on the center of the active point.

Types of points

What points does the anti-pain technique use? There are a lot of dotted elements on the head.

Their distinctive feature- they are all located symmetrically, collected in groups, according to the types of headaches.

Knowing their exact location and features of the procedure, you can independently massage against pain.

Even a universal map of the location of points on the body has been developed. But it is only a rough guide.

The exact localization is always determined individually, taking into account the required proportions.

An approximate list of points and their location for action against headaches, excluding migraine:

  • temples, at the border of the hairline;
  • a depression at the back of the head, at the point of attachment of muscle elements;
  • on the line between the angle lower jaw and the mastoid process (if you press this point correctly, a sharp noise in the ears occurs;
  • above the metacarpal bones between the thumb and index finger;
  • in the fossa between the lateral malleolus and the Achilles tendon;
  • near the inner corner of the eye, closer to the bridge of the nose.

In modern physiotherapy, the presence of 13 such points is known. Proper stimulation quickly relieves tension headaches.

Light massage effects on them minimize the effects of stress and weather dependence.


The technique is responsible for a targeted effect on certain areas, which minimizes headaches.

There are 2 main points on the back of a person’s head:

  1. Points called the Gates of Consciousness or Feng Chi (VB 20). These are symmetrical elements that are located at the base of the skull, above the attachment point of the longitudinal muscle structures.
  2. Palace of the Wind or Feng Fu (VG 160). The element is located in the very center, on the border of the base of the skull and cervical spine spine.

It has been proven slight influence using similar point elements really relieves pain in the temples, in the area of ​​the crown and back of the head.

Manual treatment relieves dizziness, tinnitus, and vision problems.

The technique really has a calming, restorative and restorative effect, and normalizes sleep.

In conditions of severe pain in the head, exposure to active points located on the forehead helps greatly.

These include:

  1. Drilling bamboo or Tsuan-zhu (V 2) - located at the junction of the inner edge of the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose.
  2. The third eye or Yin-tang (VG 24.5), which is located at the junction of the forehead and the bridge of the nose.

In conditions of severe headache, massaging these points will quickly relieve the syndrome in the forehead, temples, and eye sockets.

You can relieve headaches with the help of active points located on the arm. The main one is the point on the palm or He-gu (Gl 4).

If you massage in this area, headaches in the forehead, crown and temples are relieved. In addition, tension in the muscular system of the shoulder girdle quickly disappears.

It has been proven that massage of this point can reduce pain in a woman giving birth. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to influence it before the onset of labor.

Otherwise, the risk of premature birth increases.

It is important to use a different principle against migraine headaches.

Headache due to hypertension cannot be treated with acupuncture. In physiotherapy, many biological areas are known to be targeted against headaches.

It is important to clearly know and understand all the subtleties healing massage so as not to harm yourself or your loved ones.

It is extremely important to know, find and select exactly effective techniques massage against a specific type of pain.

Carrying out manipulation in the neck area

Often the etiology of a headache lies in a strong spasm of the neck muscles. As a result, muscles ache from tension, and blood flow in the affected area greatly deteriorates.

A clear sign of damage to the cervical spine is the occurrence of pronounced muscular-tonic syndrome against the background of headache.

Such a clinic always takes place when different forms osteochondrosis. Massage only cervical area may bring visible improvement.

Each massage session necessarily begins with a good rubbing and kneading of the skin and muscle elements.

When the first warning signs in the form of dizziness, nausea - the procedure is stopped.

The maximum effect of manual therapy can be achieved by combining it with specially designed exercises.

It has been proven that such comprehensive restoration in short terms relaxes and restores the structure of altered muscles.

After each procedure it is important good rest and peace. It is better to lie down for at least half an hour; it is forbidden to make sudden movements.

Useful video

Many people prefer to get rid of headache pain with the help of pills. But in the arsenal of medicine there are no less effective remedy tested by many generations.

To use it you need some knowledge and hands - a professional massage therapist, a friend or your own.

Properly performed acupressure for headaches acts faster than painkillers and does not have side effects and does not require costs and special conditions for use.

When you have a headache, massage solves the main problem - it weakens or completely eliminates discomfort. It is known that in 80% of cases, they are caused by tension in the muscles of the head and neck. Therefore, actions aimed at muscle relaxation can achieve an analgesic effect.

Important: pain is a signal of trouble in the body, so it’s worth first finding out its cause by contacting a doctor.

In addition to having a beneficial effect on muscles, massage to relieve headaches

  • improves blood and lymph circulation in the skin and underlying structures;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in tissues and nerve fibers;
  • helps to increase performance, improve memory, vision, a person becomes more physically active;
  • eliminates sleep problems, reduces symptoms of neurosis;
  • The harmonizing effect of massage allows the central nervous system to establish self-regulation mechanisms, which has a healing effect on the entire body and strengthens the immune system.

There are many methods and techniques for massage against headaches. The peculiarities of the impact of some of them include the remote effect. That is, the area where a technique is applied may be located far from the place where the effect appears. For example, acupressure on an arm or leg can help relieve pain in the head.

When and to whom can it be done?

Head massage for headaches does not require special conditions to carry out, it can be done at any time. But to achieve more quick effect, better

  • place the patient away from noise, bustle, loud sounds, bright light;
  • sit comfortably on a chair or lay on a couch;
  • turn on calm music;
  • use aromatic oils, candles, sticks to create an atmosphere of relaxation;
  • Do not do the procedure immediately after eating.

Important: before and after the massage, the patient should sit or lie down for a while.

To prevent the attack from being prolonged, measures to eliminate it must be taken as soon as the first symptoms appear. The most accessible remedy– do self-massage for headaches. Those who are frequently bothered by attacks should get advice from their doctor about self-help techniques and watch educational videos.

Head massage for headaches can be done by anyone if they have no contraindications:

  • heavy general diseases body (oncology, tuberculosis, blood diseases, decompensated heart disease, kidney disease);
  • high body temperature;
  • mental overexcitation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • head injuries;
  • scalp lesions - pustules, fungal disease, eczema, multiple papillomas and moles.
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • age – more than 75 years;
  • Massaging a child with a headache is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.

If there is noise in the head, you should first consult with an ENT doctor about ear disease and examine the vessels to exclude significant atherosclerosis.

Main directions

To provide positive effect From the procedure, massage therapists adhere to several directions.

  1. General head massage. The basis is local muscle relaxation, stimulation of lymph and blood circulation.
  2. Acupressure for headaches. The knowledge and techniques that acupuncture has used for centuries are applied. It is based on a reflex analgesic effect when pressing on certain active points on the human body.
  3. Impact on triggers for headaches. The basis is the elimination of local spasm muscle tissue in trigger zones, which causes pain relief in distant areas.
  4. Elimination of muscular-tonic pain syndrome in the cervical-occipital region.

Pain relief points - how to find them

To get rid of headaches, massage therapists use areas where acupuncture points are located. The ancient Chinese developed a technique for helping health by normalizing movement. vital energy along the meridians on which they are located important points. By influencing them, the healer removes obstacles to the flow of energy, and then pain and other pain go away. painful symptoms. In acupuncture, needles are used; in massage, the same points on the body are subjected to finger pressure (acupressure).

In order to find places for pressure, atlases are used, which indicate their location and the nearest anatomical landmarks. Massage points for headaches in people are located individually. The specialist finds the desired area, which, when pressed with a finger, responds with a sensation of bursting or aching pain.

To relieve pain, you need to influence paired and unpaired points on the head located

  • symmetrically
  • in the temple area at the level of the upper edge of the auricle,
  • on the back of the head, where the neck muscles are attached to the skull,
  • slightly above the outer edge of the eyebrow,
  • at the inner edge of the eyebrow,
  • above the tragus of the ear in the recess,
  • asymmetrically
  • above the bridge of the nose in the middle of the forehead,
  • under the back of the head in the depression in the center,
  • on top of the head.

Trigger points, unlike acupuncture points, are not common to everyone.

According to the theory, they occur if the body, head or limbs long time are in an unfavorable position and represent a local spasm of a muscle area.

Nerve impulses carry signals about trouble to the spinal cord and brain.

Interesting: the localization of trigger and acupuncture points coincides by 93%.

As with acupuncture, trigger points for headache relief can be located quite far from the area where the pain is located. For example, massaging the area symmetrically located on the hands between the metacarpal bones of the large and index finger, you can prevent or stop a migraine attack.

They find the affected areas by feeling the muscles, identifying the most painful ones in tense areas. Pressing with a finger in this area causes not only local sensations, but also “referred” pain and weakening of muscles in the distance.

How to do it, techniques, methods

Many ancient treatises and modern manuals have been written on how to relieve headaches with massage. But the main thing remains the same - before performing any medical procedures, diagnostics are necessary to know about accompanying pathologies and not harm your health. After the examination, the specialist responsible for treatment can recommend which treatment methods should be used.

All massage methods to get rid of headaches use the same type of technique -

Acupressure, the Japanese variety of which is called shiatsu, uses acupuncture or trigger points and is performed with one or three fingers on a limited area. Sometimes it is more convenient to massage points using sticks equipped with round heads.

With acupressure, the point is subjected to continuous or intermittent rhythmic pressure and vibration for several minutes.

When influencing trigger zones, apply pressure with your finger until pain, then, after a minute or a minute and a half, when the pain subsides, they press harder, waiting for the pain to disappear.

For general, classical and other massages oriental species– Champi, Burmese, characterized by the action of both all fingers and the palm. Various mechanical devices are also used.

This is especially convenient when it is not possible to visit a specialist, for example, when the patient performs self-massage of the head.

The technique involves pre-warming the skin and muscles to increase blood flow and relaxation. They begin to massage by stroking the forehead, moving towards the back of the head. This is followed by deeper stroking, rubbing, vibration and light chaotic tapping with the fingers. Also applies lung intake moving the skin - like a type of kneading. Also, using circular and zigzag movements, massage the forehead from the middle to the temples, lift and slightly stretch the hair, collecting it in a handful.

Anyone can easily master this technique to get rid of headaches at home on their own. Acupressure requires deeper knowledge, so it is better to entrust it to professionals.

The body may respond with pain in the back of the head if the head has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time. For example, in a dream, when working at a computer, in other situations. This is due to tension in the muscles that support the skull. In this case, a neck massage is necessary, especially the back part, starting from occipital protuberance down to the suprascapular region.

Since the thickness of the massaged muscle layer in this area is more significant than on the head, the impact is more intense using the palms. This procedure is also best carried out by specialists.


Positive effect of use various techniques massage for pain has been tested and proven by time. Sometimes he is the only one in an accessible way helping a suffering person. For example, if you are allergic to medications. Children, who are not recommended to be exposed to medications again, respond well to a therapeutic and soothing head massage.

Head massage for migraines can stop an attack if you start it when the first symptoms occur. It also helps relieve pain at a later stage.

Neurologists recommend acupressure for migraines in interictal period. Courses of procedures carried out several times a year strengthen nervous system, making it more resistant to the pathological influence of external factors.

Headache is probably the most common unpleasant sensation that can be a harbinger serious illnesses, but it can also be caused by normal muscle tension.

It is almost impossible to distinguish one type of pain from another. Paroxysmal pain or recurring, as well as migraines are highly treatable with medication. However, why take pills right away if you can try a massage? In any case, even if the pain does not go away completely, you can still alleviate your condition and “teach” your body not to react so sharply to all kinds of stress, and you can also learn to relax at any convenient moment.

So, to relieve a headache, you first need to remove muscle tension, the causes of which can be both physical and emotional. Regarding the latter, we can say that they go away on their own if the cause of stress is eliminated in time. If such a condition nervous tension is constantly present in your life, then, sadly, headaches can turn into chronic form, and the reason for this remains the same muscle tension. Simply put, the muscles are constantly in a contracted state, which causes pain.

For effective therapeutic massage You must first of all have an idea of ​​which points need to be affected. There are two of these points: the first is located at the base of the skull, and the second at top point spine. You need to act on these two points extremely carefully so as not to worsen the headache. You should press gently and very lightly, since the points have hypersensitivity because of huge amount plexuses nerve endings, which are located in them. Try applying light pressure on one of the points. If discomfort or any discomfort, you must stop exposure immediately. You can also make an appointment with a massage master on the website

Now let's look at some self-massage techniques that can be used almost anywhere for quick removal headache. These techniques will be more effective if, during the massage, you lean your elbows on the table and hold your head in such a way as to give your head the opportunity to relax.

1. Smooth the forehead area using the pads of your middle fingers. Start the massage from the eyebrow area and move up and to the sides. It is necessary to massage right up to the hairline (even if the pain is not in this particular area). Once you've finished massaging the first area, move on to the second. To do this, move up your forehead one finger higher and continue in the same way. Then repeat everything in the same sequence twice. Don't stop, even if the pain has stopped, until you have massaged your entire forehead.

2. Use your heels or whole palms to press down on your temples and perform circular movements six times clockwise and counterclockwise.

3. Place your thumbs on the bones behind your ears. Then press hard and release immediately. Massage the base of the skull to the middle in this way. The procedure must be repeated three times. If at the moment of pressing you feel tension in any area, then, most likely, this particular area is the place where the pain comes from. If you find a place where the pain is concentrated, do deep breath, and then as you exhale, press hard and hold your fingers in this position, count to seven and release.

4. Tilt your head slightly forward and, holding it with one hand, use your other hand to squeeze the neck muscles from behind. Hold this while you exhale. Massage your neck in this way three times.

Now you know how to quickly get rid of headaches. But it is also worth recalling the contraindications to head massage, since some types of pain signal a disease that needs to be treated. So, if you find that withdrawal muscle tension does not help you get rid of the pain in your head, then you may have dehydration or fever, hangover syndrome or any infection. Also, long-term, ongoing headaches can be provoked by noise and chemical pollution environment. Massage should also not be used to treat migraines or severe recurring pain in the form of attacks. In these cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor or eliminate the cause of the pain.

Headaches are quite unpleasant and can cause a lot of inconvenience. Massage for headaches is an affordable and effective remedy in any situation and conditions.

The main causes of headaches can be:

  • Overstrain of the neck muscles, which causes a lack of oxygen in the brain. A head and neck massage can help in this case;
  • Migraines;
  • Curvature of the spine, which can result in compression cervical nerve or strained neck muscles;
  • Constipation often causes pain in the front of the skull;
  • Accumulation of fluid in the sinuses;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Dehydration;
  • Emotional spectrum stress;
  • Changes in weather conditions.

Headache massage

Depending on the cause of the pain and the factors accompanying its occurrence, head massage can be different:

  • Self-massage will allow you to help yourself in any situation without the help of an outsider;
  • A general head massage normalizes the tone of the blood vessels in the surface layers epidermis, and significantly relaxes muscles;
  • Acupressure head massage affects a person at a reflex level. Its implementation requires knowledge of the basics of acupuncture;
  • Impact on trigger points on the surface of the skin;
  • Massaging the back of the head and neck, relaxing the muscles and toning them.

To relieve pain, you need to choose one or more types of head massage based on individual reactions person. Often, along with relieving and reducing pain, rubbing has a therapeutic effect.

Important! Before self-massage, you need to consult a doctor and get permission from him for these manipulations and a number of recommendations for the correct execution of a head massage.


The Chinese were the first to discover the relationship between certain points on the surface of the human body and its internal organs. This happened more than 50 centuries ago.

With a headache, a person often involuntarily begins to simultaneously rub and squeeze his temples with the fingers of both hands or brow ridges. This is how the body itself makes it clear that it can be helped to cope with internal problems with the help of acupressure.

IN oriental medicine there is another analogue acupressure– acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture involves simultaneous impact on two small areas of the skin, located symmetrically on the body. Such clicks cause changes in autonomic system person, and she, in turn, tone up the main and small vessels and muscles.

The Chinese believe that each pair of such areas are interconnected and have a connection with some specific internal organ person. On human body These active points form the so-called meridians - lines along which the energy of life circulates.

Doing a massage for a headache reflex zones, you must use your index fingers and thumbs both hands. The movements can be vibrational, you can press and even rub around the circumference. This type of head massage is called acupressure.

The main thing when conducting a point massage session is to know the necessary places of influence. You need to press and rub exactly the center of the zone, without moving your finger even a centimeter: in the trigger zones, various points responsible for the most different organs and body parts.

Impact points

The points that can be affected for headaches are quite numerous and are mostly located on the head. You can massage them yourself, without the help of a massage therapist.

Eastern doctors many years ago compiled universal card points on the human body. However, their exact location must be calculated individually, taking into account the proportions.

When doing a head massage for pain, you need to know the following location of trigger zones:

  • Temporal region, near the hairline;
  • The occipital cavity is the place of attachment of the cervical muscles;
  • Neck area at the angle of the lower jaw;
  • In the center of the palms, at the junction of the index and thumb;
  • On the heels near the Achilles tendon (fossa);
  • Points at inner corners eye, closer to the bridge of the nose.

Massaging the head and body at these points will relieve pain syndrome, will help in stressful situations, with dystonia and sensitivity to weather changes.

It is necessary to influence one point for at least 3-5 minutes. This is best done in a sitting position with your eyes closed.

WITH high blood pressure Massage for headaches can and should be done: it will ease the condition and give strength.

In each specific case, the types of massage and active points of influence are selected individually based on the patient’s reactions.

Massaging the back of the head and neck

A common cause of discomfort and pain in the head is poor blood flow due to overstrain of the neck muscles. Muscular-tonic syndrome in combination with pain, in turn, is one of the main signs of osteochondrosis. In this case, a head massage in the back and a neck massage can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

How to do this massage correctly:

  • The first step is to “warm up” the skin on the neck and back of the head by rubbing and lightly pinching;
  • Stretch the muscles of the neck, the places where they are attached to the head;
  • Finish everything with light strokes.

Important! Under no circumstances should you press carotid artery– this can lead to fainting!

Head massage should be stopped immediately if a person feels dizzy or other unpleasant symptoms occur.

Before starting such a massage session, it would be good for the patient to perform several simple exercises that work on the neck muscles to warm them up and stretch them.

General head massage

A general head massage will effectively relieve pain and help with stressful situation. It is recommended to warm it up before starting skin head and back of the head with light massage movements (stroking, rubbing). Then you need to walk your fingers from bottom to top, in a spiral from ear to ear. At the same time, the fingers fit tightly to the skin, kneading the stiff muscles. The feeling of tension after such a “warm-up” leaves a person for a long time.

A general head massage will improve blood flow, relax muscles, and relieve pain. It can be done not only by hand. But also with the help of specialized massagers. You can buy such an “assistant” at any pharmacy.

Indications for a course of head massage

  • Vascular dystonia;
  • Migraines;
  • Blood pressure surges.


Head massage is contraindicated in the following cases:



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs