The benefits and harms of watermelon for the body. Watermelon: a medicinal treat for any age

Watermelon is a fresh, summer delicacy that is loved by both adults and children. How pleasant its taste is, so healthy it is.

But the beneficial properties of watermelon are concentrated not only in the red juicy pulp, but also in the peel, and even in the seeds.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of watermelon

Despite the fact that watermelon is 92% water, the remaining 8% is extremely rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and sugars. Watermelon also contains fiber and pectins in large quantities, which are powerful cleansers of the human body.

The most valuable component of watermelon is folic acid. The benefits of this element can hardly be overestimated, since it has a positive effect on all systems of the body. One of the main functions of folic acid is its participation in hematopoietic processes. Thus, it contributes to the timely renewal of blood, and, consequently, to the healing of all organs.

Watermelons contain a lot of magnesium. This mineral is considered anti-stress for the human body. This element is one of the most important components of bone tissue and tooth enamel. The daily intake of magnesium is 500 mg. You can get it by eating only 200-250 g of watermelon.

Sodium- the most important element for humans. Together with potassium and chlorine, this nutrient is a regulator of water-salt metabolism. At the cellular level, it controls the transport of substances into and out of the cell. This makes it essential for the digestive and excretory systems.

Calcium, which is contained in watermelon, is well absorbed due to the composition of nutrients in which it is found. This element is the builder of all bone tissue. It is a stimulator of many enzymatic and hormonal processes, which makes it necessary for the proper functioning of all organs and glands.

Watermelons contain lycopene and beta-carotene. These substances strengthen the immune system, prevent cancer, and prevent diseases of the central nervous system.

B vitamins (1, 2, 6, 9), participate in metabolic processes that are controlled by the brain. Vitamin PP is necessary during intense physical and mental stress. Niacin (vitamin PP) promotes the release of energy from fat and carbohydrate compounds.

Vitamins A and C, sucrose and fructose, manganese, nickel, iron with the beneficial substances described above form a unique cocktail that determines the healing properties of watermelon.

Beneficial properties of watermelon seeds and peel

Watermelon seeds, like the seeds of other plants, contain a high concentration of all active substances present in the pulp, peel, tops and even roots. This is necessary so that the seed can fully transfer all the information to the new plant that will grow from it.

To extract all the beneficial properties from a watermelon seed, it must be cleared of its hard protective shell, otherwise it can damage the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Watermelon seeds are a very high-calorie product, but its value lies in its beneficial biologically active substances (vitamins, minerals, etc.). The high nutritional value of the seeds is due to their high amino acid content.

For example, arginine is not synthesized in the human body in sufficient quantities. Its role is very important, as it promotes the growth and renewal of muscle tissue, which reduces fat deposits.

An amino acid called lysine fights viruses (for example, all types of herpes). Tryptophan reduces the likelihood of stroke and cardiovascular disease.

The fatty component of the watermelon seed kernel includes essential fatty acids (for example, omega-6). They have a positive effect on the nervous system, skin, and hair. Without these acids, stable heart function is not possible.

In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the seeds contain a huge amount of vitamins, which are catalysts for all vital processes.

Watermelon seeds are valued for their set of microelements. Metals are mainly contained in the skin of the seed, so watermelon flour is made from the seeds in order to extract as much as possible all the useful benefits. This flour is used to enrich the body with zinc - necessary for the immune system, healthy hair and nails. It also contains a lot of iron, which is a beneficial property for the circulatory system.

Watermelon peel is most often used in the form of a decoction, after drying it. These decoctions are used in the initial stages of rheumatic diseases. In folk medicine, watermelon decoction is used to treat headaches and colitis. The dried and crushed peel is used for cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

Useful properties of watermelon for children

The beneficial properties of watermelon have the same positive effect on children as on adults. However, there are also differences.

The amino acid arginine, which is not replaceable during growth, is produced only in a healthy adult body. Children receive this element only from the external environment and through mother's milk. Therefore, watermelon is often included in the lists of initial complementary feeding products for children (in the form of juice), as well as in the lists of food additives (watermelon seed flour) for children from 6 to 14 years old (the period of active growth).

Easily digestible calcium from watermelons is useful for the formation of a strong musculoskeletal system. In Soviet children's camps and sanatoriums, watermelons and watermelon juice were given to children whose baby teeth were changing. So, when additional calcium enters the body, constipation and other intestinal problems do not occur due to the large amount of watermelon fiber.

A very important beneficial property for a child’s growing body is the effect of watermelon on hematopoietic processes. As the child grows, his circulatory system also grows, which requires constant renewal and an increase in blood volume.

Watermelon flour is used as a mild anthelmintic to prevent helminthiasis. It is mixed into children's cereals and warm vegetable soups.

Watermelon: contraindications

Due to its high water content, watermelon should be consumed with caution by everyone. It can cause swelling. Therefore, it should not be consumed by pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. For the same reason, watermelon is dangerous for people suffering from diseases of the urinary system associated with fluid stagnation.

Diseases for which watermelon is contraindicated:

Diabetes mellitus;

Prostate diseases;

Joint diseases accompanied by swelling;


Diseases of the digestive system during exacerbation.

Since watermelons are fertilized with nitrates for faster ripening and larger sizes, they accumulate them in large quantities. The nitrate content in most cases determines an allergy to watermelons. They often cause severe intoxication of the body, which is accompanied by severe vomiting and dehydration.

To avoid such situations, you should start eating each watermelon purchased in small portions. Sometimes, in order for the nitrates to come out of the watermelon, it is immersed in water for one and a half to two hours.

Shortly before the beginning of autumn, whole piles of the summer-autumn berries that many people love - watermelons - begin to appear in the markets. Yes, you heard right. If you didn’t know about this before, now know that watermelon is by no means a fruit, but a huge berry. And scientists have long been able to prove this. As well as the benefits and harms of watermelon for human health. This is a berry. Just very, very large.

Watermelon is also a great option to quench your thirst on a sultry day, and add a little natural sweetness and truly exceptional taste to your diet. But nowadays, few people seriously think about the benefits watermelon brings to humans. And is there a real opportunity, for example, to lose weight with its help.

How did the watermelon appear?

There is hardly a person in the world who has never tasted watermelon in his life. This huge berry pleases with its presence on our table from mid-summer until almost the very end of autumn. It is perfectly preserved at zero temperature and does not lose its beneficial qualities at all.

Watermelon is an annual plant that belongs to the pumpkin family. You could even say that it is a vine that spreads along the ground. And she begins her ancestry in the tropics. It has already been proven that these huge berries first appeared in the African Kalahari Desert.

The ancient watermelon ancestor used to look completely different from how we know the watermelon now. It was much smaller—about the size of a grapefruit—and very bitter. This is how the ancient people of Egypt found and began to “domesticate” the watermelon. Thanks to all their efforts, we now have watermelon the way we know and love it - big and sweet. And there is nothing to say about the benefits of watermelon - it is undeniable.

Our ancestors in Rus' got the chance to domesticate this amazing berry about eleven centuries ago. That time was a period of active trade relations with India. Perhaps many people don’t know, but it was from there that the watermelon came to Russia. And after that the berry began to spread throughout Kievan Rus. At first they were grown in greenhouses, but were soon moved to open ground.

More about watermelon

It should immediately be mentioned that melons grow almost all over the planet, except, perhaps, Antarctica. It is difficult to calculate how many varieties are actually bred. But approximately 1.2 thousand species are known. And its main suppliers to the international market can be called America, Iran, the Russian Federation, Turkey, and so on.

The shape of a watermelon is similar to a pumpkin. But at present, many other varieties have been bred, among which you can even find berries in the shape of a cylinder or cube. Their peel is very dense, the thickness does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Green or dark green with light green vertical stripes.

Basically, the flesh of watermelon is red. But in the modern world there are already varieties with yellow and even white flesh. The weight of one berry can reach up to twenty kilograms! They are mostly eaten raw. But there are recipes for drying and pickling. Candied fruits and watermelon honey are produced on a large scale.

This berry can easily be classified as a dietary one. After all, a hundred grams contain no more than 38 kcal. Among other things, watermelon contains a large amount of very useful substances. And also a minimum of fat.

An extremely important component in the composition of the berry is structured water. It is important because it cleanses the human body of waste and toxins.

The chemical composition of watermelon contains many vitamins, beneficial acids, as well as macro- and microelements that are very important for the human body.

The main beneficial qualities of watermelon

This berry contains pectin, many organic acids and fiber. A lot of vitamins and other benefits contained in watermelon help increase the level of immunity and quickly get rid of many diseases. It is useful to eat watermelon not only as a treatment, but also for prevention.

What are the benefits of watermelon:

Watermelon oil contains useful elements such as zinc and selenium. It controls the activity of the prostate gland, stimulates sperm production, and prevents the development of inflammation of the reproductive system. Watermelon oil will be an excellent prevention against adenoma and will not allow tumors to develop into malignant forms;

Ascorbic acid– this is an excellent remedy that will help prevent early withering of the body. Smoothes out wrinkles, stimulates the development of young cells, strengthens skin turgor, improves complexion;

Watermelon contains a huge amount of metal salts, which help in hematopoiesis and control the activity of the central nervous system. Doctors strongly advise eating watermelon regularly to prevent gout. For the reason that pectin helps remove all accumulations of uric acid from the human body. And this also helps eliminate all rheumatic diseases.

Melons contain the pigment lycopene. It is an excellent remedy that actively prevents the proliferation and development of cancer cells in almost all organs.

In production, pectin is extracted from watermelons; it is used as a rather powerful medicine. It is used after severe operations, in cases where it is necessary to remove substances harmful to health from the body, including anesthesia.

If you regularly eat watermelon, you will completely forget about atherosclerosis and hypertension. This incredible berry in all respects will help lower blood cholesterol levels, get rid of plaques and even varicose veins.

The berry is used as a very effective and truly harmless natural cure for hepatitis and cholecystitis.

A very important point: watermelon should be eaten as a separate product, between breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The benefits of watermelon seeds and other components of the berry

Watermelon seeds contain calcium, potassium, manganese, and many useful vitamins. In terms of their taste, they are not at all inferior to olive seeds, and in terms of their benefits they can easily be compared with almond seeds. That is why watermelon seeds are very popular in China, just like sunflower seeds among the Slavs. The Chinese eat watermelon seeds both dried and fried.

You need to dry ten grams of seeds, grind them into powder and dissolve them in a hundred milliliters of hot milk. You should drink a glass immediately after waking up and before going to bed. The course lasts one week.

Watermelon contains many times more potassium salts than tropical fruits. Due to this, kidney stones turn into sand and are painlessly removed from the ureter. Watermelon will help heal cystitis faster.

The fiber contained in this berry prevents stagnation in the intestines, completely eliminates any microbes, significantly improves the general condition of the microflora, and at the same time prevents constipation.

Among other things, the beneficial substances contained in this berry help to significantly improve memory, vision, thinking, and also increase sensitivity to insulin.

Watermelon: benefits and harms for women's health

Any expectant mother wants to fill her body as much as possible with the most useful substances and elements, because now, literally, she has to do it for two.

This huge green berry is in particular demand among pregnant women. Benefits of watermelon for women's health:

  • Protects the intestines from stagnation and constipation;
  • A powerful diuretic, it perfectly removes swelling, which is very important for pregnant women;
  • Improves the activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Cleanses the body of salts and harmful metals;
  • Folic acid in watermelon provides all possible assistance in the formation of the baby’s central nervous system, and also reduces to zero the possibility of developing pathologies in the baby.

Magnesium, potassium and other very useful elements tidy up the nervous system, eliminate insomnia, relieve irritability and eliminate outbursts of anger.

Watermelon during pregnancy:

Pregnant women can and should eat watermelon, because as mentioned above, its benefits for a woman’s health are undeniable. But watermelons should be purchased only from late summer to mid-autumn. During the main period of their flowering.

Unripe fruits are likely to contain pesticides and nitrates, which can cause severe poisoning of the body, which is unlikely to be limited to stomach upset.

Is it possible to give watermelon to children?

The taste of watermelon leaves no one indifferent - neither adults nor children. But is it possible to treat children to watermelon? This question worries many cautious parents who are just about to introduce their baby doll to this amazing and juicy berry.

You can give watermelon to children. But it’s just important to do it the right way.

The benefits of watermelon for children are:

  • Thanks to its composition, it eliminates hunger and thirst well and for a long time;
  • Effective diuretic;
  • Gently relieves constipation;
  • The beneficial elements in the berry put the central nervous system in order, strengthen blood vessels, and help the heart function;
  • Helps children with various forms of obesity lose weight;
  • Prevention of diabetes.

So, we have already found out that it is possible and even necessary to give watermelon to children. But at what age should you do this if your child has never even tried it before? To find out, it’s worth asking what pediatricians advise on this matter.

First of all, please note that markets often sell watermelons filled with chemicals that can cause severe poisoning.

In addition, watermelon is a strong diuretic, which very actively stimulates kidney function. Not every child’s body is able to cope with such a load.

Therefore, so that your child’s acquaintance with watermelon ends with only pleasant memories, follow these recommendations:

  • You should not give watermelon if your baby is not yet a year old;
  • Until the age of two, give no more than fifty grams of product per day;
  • Up to three years, the dose can be doubled;
  • And after your baby turns three, you can give 150 grams per day.

A very important point: you should not give watermelon to children who suffer from genitourinary diseases or kidney diseases.

Basic subtleties of feeding a child watermelon

The degree of usefulness of this berry directly depends on the child’s health status. The most important thing is, immediately after “introducing” your baby to watermelon, closely observe how his body will react. If the skin turns red, a rash begins, bloating, and so on, be sure to show it to the doctor, find out the reason and whether you can treat him with watermelon in the future.

If you don't want any problems:

  • Don't buy these berries from the drive-thru;
  • Rinse the watermelon thoroughly under the tap;
  • Treat your baby by peeling the pulp and cutting it into pieces.

Watermelon: benefits and harms for men's health

As mentioned earlier, watermelon helps cleanse the human genitourinary system. But not everyone knows that this amazing berry is a natural analogue of such a well-known pathogen as Viagra.

The health benefits of watermelon for men are already an officially proven fact. Watermelon stimulates sperm production and also protects against inflammation and the development of cancer.

So, for example:

  • Watermelon contains substances that strengthen blood vessels, improve blood circulation and generally cleanse the blood;
  • Visceral fat is a real enemy for potency. It is he who creates problems with the prostate and other genitourinary organs, and also provides all the necessary conditions for the development of cancer and other dangerous diseases. The so-called watermelon diet will help you lose excess weight and put your cellular structure in order.
  • This berry perfectly helps fight urolithiasis, as well as various serious problems with the liver, kidneys, and even joints.

Important point: Berry juice helps restore vigor after long workouts in the gym.

How to choose the right watermelon?

If you purchase a watermelon during an unconventional period of time, it is not at all difficult to stumble upon a fruit filled with pesticides.

That's why it's important to know how to choose this berry correctly:

  • If you knock, the sound should be loud;
  • The correct fruit should be very firm and slightly crunchy when squeezed;
  • After cutting, you can see that the pulp of a high-quality watermelon is of uneven color;
  • If the cut is perfectly smooth, the berry is full of pesticides;
  • Yellow veins are also an alarm signal - they must be white.

To be completely sure of safety, throw a piece of watermelon into plain water. If it changes its color, you should not eat this fruit.

Watermelon diet

We have long been accustomed to eating watermelons in any form. Not only fresh and juicy, but even dried and in the form of candied fruits. What can you say about the fact that with the help of watermelons you can lose quite a lot of weight in short terms? For example, as much as ten kilograms in just ten days. Among other things, skin color will improve, as well as the general condition of nails and hair.

The health benefits of watermelon have already been scientifically proven. And this berry will give your body only the best if you use it correctly and without fanaticism.
According to most doctors, before this diet it would be better to donate blood for a general test, including sugar. If the results are disappointing, it’s not worth the risk.

The main essence of the diet: for a couple of weeks you need to drink only water and eat watermelons. You can't drink or eat anything else.

How to calculate the number of watermelons you need per day? It's very simple. For ten kilograms of your weight, you need to eat one kilogram of watermelon. Thus, if you weigh ninety kilograms, you will need to eat nine kilos of watermelon throughout the day.

But keep in mind that this diet will only do harm if you suffer from urolithiasis.

Today you learned the most useful and not so useful properties of watermelon - how it can harm you and how to improve your health. There are many more different products that are no less amazing and interesting than watermelon. But it’s unlikely that any of them can boast the same number of beneficial properties as this berry. Choose the right watermelon, listen to your body, and do not disdain the advice of experts. And then everything will be wonderful.

The benefits of yellow watermelon

First of all, it is impossible not to notice that the chemical composition of a watermelon with yellow flesh is significantly different from the ordinary watermelon to which we are accustomed. But the benefits of yellow watermelon are no less significant than red ones. It contains almost all B vitamins and many beneficial acids.

So, for example, one hundred grams of such watermelon contains:

Calories – 38;
Fiber – 1 gram;
Carbohydrates – 11 grams;

In addition, it contains no fat at all. Consumption of the mentioned volume will provide the human body with a significant part of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid and retinol. Not to mention the beneficial minerals.

And although this type of watermelon is still considered an innovation on the market, over a dozen varieties have already been developed. And their seeds can be bought in specialized stores.

Here are the most popular:

Golden Grace- variety from Holland. The average weight of a ripe fruit is eight kilograms. The pulp is yellow and sweet. Resistant to cold weather.
Kavbuz– a variety bred in Ukraine. It looks like a watermelon. But it tastes like pumpkin. That's why it didn't gain much popularity abroad. But its seeds can be bought, for example, on the European market.
Lunar- the most popular. Can ripen in 2.5 months. The pulp is bright yellow in color and tastes like mango. Can withstand slight cold;
Prince Hamlet- the work of Russian breeders. The skin, as usual, is striped green, the flesh is light yellow. The taste is similar to pineapple. It takes 2.5 months to fully mature.

Watermelon "Orange honey"

Varieties such as:

Yellow dragon
Orange honey;

These and other varieties of yellow watermelon, in general, are useful in that they help strengthen human immunity. They are especially good at fighting colds. Like red watermelon, this subspecies is an excellent diuretic. Perfectly cleanses the body.

As already mentioned, yellow watermelon is rich in retinol, and this vitamin has a good effect on vision and prevents the occurrence and development of eye diseases.

Minerals also have beneficial effects on the body. Calcium strengthens teeth and bones, magnesium and potassium support the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and iron is involved in hematopoiesis.

What diseases does yellow watermelon treat?

This variety of watermelon will also benefit those who are on a diet, since it has very few calories, but at the same time it is very filling. In particular, it is prescribed to people suffering from atherosclerosis. Most often, yellow watermelon can be found in the southern regions. They also grow in the middle regions, but it is very easy to distinguish them from the southern ones - they are smaller in size and not as sweet.

Yellow watermelon is really very tasty and healthy. But at the same time it costs an order of magnitude more than red. And yet, sometimes you can treat yourself to a little exotic. Especially if it brings benefits.

Watermelon contraindications

As is already clear, eating watermelons with yellow flesh is no less pleasant and healthy than the usual red ones. But still, they also have slight restrictions on consumption.
And in general, it is undesirable to overdo it with watermelon, since it can cause problems in the intestines.

It is also undesirable for those suffering from any degree of diabetes. It is also better not to eat yellow watermelon for people who suffer from kidney failure, because this sweet fruit puts a lot of stress on the kidneys. But in this case we are talking only about uncontrolled consumption or overdose. If, for example, he eats a slice of yellow watermelon once a day or two, then nothing bad will happen to him. And the whole danger for people with kidney failure is that watermelon pulp, as you know, is 90% water. And if you eat a lot at once, the kidneys may not be able to cope with excess fluid, and this will lead to swelling.

A watermelon with yellow flesh can cause serious harm only if you are allergic to watermelons. But this happens extremely rarely.

On the other hand, it would be rather careless to forget that many of those who grow watermelons for sale use nitrates. These substances help watermelons ripen faster. And they are gaining weight quite well. The presence of nitrates in the fruit is not easy to determine by eye or taste. Therefore, the best solution would be to purchase yellow watermelons in stores or vegetable outlets that you trust.

The harm of watermelon poisoned by nitrates does not appear immediately. These periods vary from person to person – from a couple of hours to a couple of days after consumption. And it can occur in different forms.

The symptoms of these poisonings are as follows:

In the case of mild poisoning, this may include loose stools, general weakness, vomiting, nausea..
If the poisoning is more severe, high fever, migraine, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and frequent vomiting may occur.

If you experience such symptoms of poisoning, try to drink more water. You can dilute Smecta and drink activated carbon. If symptoms do not go away within a few hours, it would be best to call a doctor.

In fact, there are not many restrictions on the consumption of yellow watermelon, but it is better to take them into account so as not to cause unexpected stress to the body.

Here are the main contraindications:

Problems with urination due to thickening of the bladder walls or sphincter dysfunction. The problem can lead to the formation of congestion, which will cause pain in the future, and then develop into cystitis;

The presence of stones in the gall or bladder. Eating watermelon may cause stones to move;

Various infectious diseases that occur with the following symptoms - diarrhea, colic, intestinal spasms. Stimulating peristalsis will only worsen the condition.

As for diabetics, they are not prohibited from eating yellow watermelon, because it contains less sugar than red watermelon. And yet, to be on the safe side, it would be better to consult with your treating endocrinologist. He will explain all the possible consequences and calculate the safe daily dose, as well as the permissible frequency of use.

The safest varieties for diabetics are those grown in the middle zone. They, as already mentioned, are not that sweet.

The benefits and harms of watermelon for humans are perceived differently - there are advantages and not so good things that the fruit leads to. But there is no concept of “forbidden” or incentive to refuse it. Everyone understands that it is needed, but why exactly? We will talk about this in today's article.

Is watermelon a berry or a fruit?

Watermelon is definitely not a fruit, since it does not grow on trees, but spreads on the ground like viburnum. If we classify watermelon as a berry, then it is worth making reservations - according to botanical characteristics, it is a false berry that has a shell and seeds. But the same gooseberry can be eaten whole with the peel, like grapes, but watermelon cannot. It is this layer of cork bottom that makes the watermelon a false berry.

Watermelon is a berry

Watermelon is mistakenly classified as a pumpkin - in botany its fruits are called melons. Pumpkins have a hollow space, but watermelon does not. The seeds in a watermelon are all over the space, but in a pumpkin or melon they are in a heap. In a regular berry they are located in the same way. Therefore, we must conclude that the outside of a watermelon is similar to pumpkin berries, and the inside is similar to berries. Therefore, it has become common to call watermelon a false berry.

Homeland of watermelon

The word watermelon is translated as “moisture”, “cucumber”, which naturally makes it clear how this fruit differs. Egypt and South Africa are considered to be the birthplace of watermelon. Even 4000 years ago, notes were first made about red fruits that provided water. In the Kalahari semi-desert, watermelon was considered a wild fruit, and Jews represented it as an Arabic symbol of drought. In Western Europe, watermelon appeared in the 12th century, and in Russia closer to the 10th century from India, when trade was very rapid.

Then Rus', together with the church, banned the consumption of raw watermelon, believing that the African origin could be erroneous. How then can we explain that in “dry” countries where thirst reigned, people did not turn to watermelons for help? There the secret was shrouded for a long time, until the Russians began to salt and pepper the berries before eating, otherwise the demon could take possession. The disappearance of the sweetness led to an unfortunate mistake, and Russians began to eat it raw, as a dessert, and “canned,” as a snack.

Varieties of watermelons - description

Watermelons also have different varieties and hybrids, which have become a good part of the life of an ordinary person. Each differs from the other in shape and execution, thickness of the peel and pulp. The most popular are some hybrids and varieties that have been grown for mass consumption for more than 10 years.

Ogonyok The earliest variety of watermelon that is not afraid of cold and frost. The fruits have an average weight of 4-5 kg. The outside of the peel has a uniform dark green color.The pulp has a granular structure, sweet and juicy taste.A plant of this variety is not afraid of a sharp drop in temperature of several degrees below zero, if it does not last long.
VolzhaninA distinctive feature is its shape. It has elongated sides, resembling the resulting ellipse or oval. Weight reaches 6-7 kg, and we most often see it in August.Raspberry, sweet and juicy, drought tolerant, and very rich. The bright color resembles a huge bowl of raspberries, and the small seeds are almost invisible.____
Chill The most common variety of watermelon for northern latitudes, where no one has been able to grow the summer berry. The plant turns out to be large, but its fruits are small, up to 5 kg. The peel is hard and dense.The growing season reaches 97 days, and transportation is possible even in extreme cold.
LunarThis variety of watermelon is different in color. Outside it has a light green color and an oval shape.The pulp is bright yellow and can be stored for about a month without refrigeration.____
Moon and stars

The name speaks for itself - on the peel of the fruit you can see a bright orange spot and many small crumbly spots that resemble a starry sky against the background of a dark green peel.The pulp can be yellow, orange, red. It does not depend on any external factors, but the lighter and brighter it is, the heavier the fruit. Weight can reach 23 kg.The variety is registered in Western Siberia as the only berry variety that produces yellow fruits in this climate.
Prince Hamlet

The dark green skin, but very thin and soft, was bred by breeders especially for gourmets.The pulp does not have seeds, a special variety for gourmets.There are practically no nitrates in soft peels, as in hard ones.

The Astrakhan watermelon, to which we are all so accustomed, has not been brought to shelves and stores for a long time. It is too juicy and sweet and cannot be compared with other varieties, so for many countries such a gift from Russia was closed. But no one was confused, and began to grow watermelons, if possible, in greenhouses and on the edge of Siberia, it is also possible.

How to choose a watermelon?

Before buying a watermelon, pay attention to how it is stored. It should not lie on the ground, as it will become damp on one side. On the other hand, it should not be exposed to sunlight, otherwise it will turn sour. Watermelons should not lie near the road on highways, as the peel absorbs air and harmful components. It is a mistake to ask to cut the flesh out of a watermelon - it will not show you anything except the color.

Customers can eat an infected fruit; bacteria will pass there from the surface of the watermelon. The knife on the market is the cleanest, and they don’t wash the watermelon before cutting. And if you don’t want to get infected with E. coli, it’s better not to do such experiments if you don’t understand the ripeness of a watermelon.

There are no criteria for ripeness - there is a cracking sound that appears when you squeeze it with your hands; there is a yellow (not white) color from an earthen spot on the side during ripening and growing season; The peel comes off easily when scratched with a fingernail. The tail of the watermelon is not dried out, it is fresh, and it should be there!

If you can check the watermelon at home without opening it to take it back or exchange it for another, then put it in a bath of water to check its ripeness. An unripe watermelon will drown, but a ripe one will not.

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Many can say that watermelon is a good diuretic, which is also very sweet and tasty, and you won’t get better from it. So what can a professional who studies products say?

  1. Watermelon is full of lycopene

Lycopene is commonly associated with raw tomatoes, but watermelon, especially the reddish variety, the opposite of the yellow variety, actually has more of this essential and powerful antioxidant than tomatoes.

Lycopene does more than tomatoes, grapefruit; and has been shown to be important in preventing strokes, heart attacks and certain types of cancer, particularly prostate cancer.

Although there are different recipes for cooking watermelon, the majority of lycopene will be provided by raw watermelon. Additionally, the larger the berry, the more lycopene is present.

  1. Watermelon may help with weight loss

Watermelon is an excellent fruit for maintaining diets. It has no fat, is low in carbohydrates and is over ninety percent water. Although there are many different diets that offer different weight loss methods, drinking plenty of water is almost universally suggested to facilitate weight loss.

Low carbs and low-calorie, high-water foods will help you feel full. Even compared to other healthy fruits and vegetables, watermelon is a smart choice for weight loss.

  1. Watermelon may improve kidney function

As stated, watermelon increases urine production, which helps flush waste and toxins from the body, reducing the amount of work the kidneys have to do. Additionally, the high levels of potassium also help remove waste from the kidneys, and the many antioxidants present in this fruit help maintain kidney health as well as the overall health of the entire body.

  1. Watermelon May Help with Cardiovascular Health

High blood pressure and heart disease are problems that many face, and the high potassium levels in watermelon can help lower blood pressure. As a vasodilator, potassium helps open blood vessels to lower blood pressure, which in turn will put less pressure on the rest of the cardiovascular system.

  1. Watermelon can relieve muscle pain and inflammation

Recent studies have shown that drinking watermelon, especially drinking concentrated juice, can help relieve muscle soreness after exercise. Citrulline is an amino acid found not only in watermelon, but in several other plant materials, and one study shows that it helps reduce muscle soreness for twenty-four hours after exercise.

Watermelon also contains various anti-inflammatory nutrients that can help make workouts less painful.

  1. Watermelon skin is edible, as are the seeds

Most people assume that watermelon rind is inedible and throw it away. In fact, the peel is definitely edible and has many of the same benefits as the flesh. You just have to heat the skins, as they contain a lot of nitrates, but the seeds are good for athletes.

  1. Watermelon may help treat asthma

Watermelon is full of phyto-nutrients that work with the body to help use antioxidants that rid the body of free radicals. It also helps lower cholesterol levels, easing the effects of asthma and preventing it from developing in the first place.

For any serious illness, it is important not to rely on any natural remedy or food, such as watermelon, in place of your medications.

  1. Watermelon and vitamins A and C

While there are many different benefits of consuming enough of both of these vitamins, one of the most popular and important benefits is disease prevention. Vitamin C is also important in wound healing and iron absorption. Vitamin A may help with vision problems such as cataracts, increase sperm count in men, relieve premenstrual syndrome in women, and promote healthy skin

Although watermelon has many benefits, it is still loaded with natural sugars, and it is important to take watermelon in moderation with other healthy fruits, vegetables, meats and whole grains.

What vitamins are in watermelon?

Watermelon has many vitamins, and some of them are very necessary for the body. For example, the pulp contains the following components of substances:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Folic acid;
  • Glucose;
  • Fructose;
  • Sucrose;
  • Ascorbic acid.

Note that watermelon contains up to 22 mg of magnesium per 100 g of product, which is considered a record compared to other fruits.

How much water is in a watermelon?

A watermelon can have 90% water, given that the fruit is ripe and large (almost 5-7 kg). But how can all this be expressed in liters? Just. Earlier in 2008, experiments and research were carried out in Russia. This is how the MA 150 was invented - a moisture analyzer that could determine the proportion of water in fruits. In addition, this is not just a machine, but a dryer that takes water for itself, showing clearly without calculations how much liquid is contained in one watermelon. The easiest way, of course, is to eat it and calculate the proportion of processed urine, calculate X and take into account errors. But - we'll go back to the dryer.

Then a watermelon weighing 7.7 kg took part in the research. It contained 7.04 liters of water. This figure amounted to 91% moisture in the fruit. Since then, they began to produce analytical balances for laboratory rooms, because both children and adults were satisfied with the experiments. Metrology equipment is now used in chemistry and biology classes for laboratory research.

Watermelon during pregnancy and breastfeeding

One of the main reasons why watermelon is one of the top 10 fruits to eat during pregnancy is the fact that it hydrates your body. Since water needs increase during pregnancy, drinking watermelon is a great way to stay nutrient-dense while consuming fruits that are also full of magnesium and potassium. It is also noted that consuming watermelon in the last trimester reduces muscle cramps.

Why do watermelons make me sick?

A typical question asked not only by allergy sufferers, but also by ordinary people. The roots of the causes of illnesses go back to gastroenterology. Nitrates contained in the crust can negatively affect the acidity of the stomach even in a healthy person. Some watermelons are loaded with anabolic steroids for growth. Another danger is posed by microbes, and if the fruits are not washed well, you can get poisoned. Selling watermelon slices in bags is the worst proposal from marketers. The juice that flows from it comes into contact with the crust. This is a great place for bacteria to grow, so it’s better to avoid this chopped dish.

Allergy to watermelon

Watermelons also have some dangerous consequences. People who are allergic to certain fruits may see allergic symptoms when consuming watermelon fruits. Whenever you swallow a fruit that contains an allergen, it can affect your tongue and throat. The food will turn into a severe reaction. There are several watermelon allergies that result in the following symptoms:

  • burning in the mouth;
  • Itching in the eyes;
  • Swelling of lips;
  • swelling in the back of the throat;
  • Blockage of arterioles;
  • Hives;
  • Eczema.

Most people experience these symptoms within seconds of consuming the allergenic fruit. Sometimes these types of mild symptoms can develop into oral allergy syndrome.

Oral allergy syndrome is also called pollen allergy. This fruit allergy will occur in people who already suffer from birch or grass pollen allergies.

Some allergic reactions can be treated with diphenhydramine. Sometimes a mild allergic reaction progresses to severe anaphylactic shock. This anaphylactic shock is life-threatening and can lead to death.

Fasting day on watermelon

This day is recommended for those who want to cleanse the body of fats and carbohydrates, sugar and unnecessary water. You won't be able to lose weight unless you stick to the diet for 2 months. As a rule, they consume watermelon in large quantities before 12 noon, and do not eat anything until 5 pm. You should not drink water, otherwise the juice will become less concentrated.

How to preserve watermelon until the New Year?

If in your region it is impossible to buy a watermelon of the appropriate variety in the winter, then you need to follow the instructions that will help you preserve the berries until the new year. How great it will be to have a summer fruit with a juicy sweet taste on the tables.

  1. We choose small round fruits up to 4 kg. They are easiest to preserve until winter.
  2. The watermelon should have a thick skin without damage or scratches.
  3. The place for storing them should be dark, ventilated and cool - up to 3 degrees Celsius.
  4. Humidity - 80%, no less.

In apartments, watermelons are stored in the bathroom, in the attic, in basements and cellars, and on balconies. They hang it in the pantry, in the country house they leave it in the hay, on the balcony in the sand, in the bathroom - sometimes in water. Ash and clay are suitable for those who have such conditions for storing fruits.

Watermelon fruits can be stored for 4-5 months without fear of loss of taste. During storage they should not touch. Periodically, you need to lay something soft under watermelons; you cannot store them on a hard surface. They are turned over a couple of times a week to prevent them from spoiling.

Watermelon for pancreatitis

In case of acute pancreatitis, fresh berries and fruits should absolutely not be consumed. Dietary fiber can cause increased gas formation and severe colic. For a mild illness of a chronic type, treatment may sometimes include watermelon, but this is very rare, and much depends on the enzyme content. During the period of remission, watermelon is allowed, especially for those who suffer from previous problems after eating unnecessary products.

However, it is worth remembering that the maximum daily dose for pancreatitis is 1 kg, no more.

Which is healthier: watermelon or melon?

It is impossible to immediately say that a watermelon will be tastier and better, and a melon will be less healthy due to the lack of such an amount of juice. Each fruit is valuable in its own way, and we decided to analyze this by studying the chemical compositions and indications for use.

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The pulp contains soft fiber, easily digestible carbohydrates and vitamins.Melon also contains a lot of water, making the fruit heavy and tasty, juicy and sweet.
In medicine, it is valued for the presence of alkaline substances and salts with iron.There is a lot of sucrose, starch and vitamins.
With anemia, it becomes a source of “life” for many patients.Melon is eaten in case of exhaustion, treatment of anorexia before switching to normal food.
Vitamin B and fructose help with swelling, watermelon neutralizes the effects of toxins.Melon contains many components that bind calcium. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to “get hooked” on such a fruit.
Watermelon seeds are considered anthelmintic and also help relieve migraine attacks.Melon loves warmth. And she absorbs it in immeasurable quantities. If someone is sick or has a fever, offer melon - dehydration will go away and the fever will subside.High-calorie melon is not always suitable for diets, so you will only have to lose weight on watermelons.

Glycemic index and calorie content of watermelon So we found out that watermelon saturates the body with water, but does not retain it; on the contrary, it removes toxins from it along with salts. Melon can return moisture to the body. If we talk about medicinal properties, then watermelon is full of essential vitamins, and melon is rich in rare ones, which are practically not present in the body.

Watermelon GI can vary from 35 to 70 units, depending on the variety. The sweeter it is, the more sugars it contains. The calorie content of the fruit depends on the volume of the fruit, so 100 g of product accounts for 28-33 kcal.

Thus, watermelon is very useful for various problems with fluid in the body, but its “benefits” may not always bring benefits. However, it will not become less rich in vitamins, so you can think about a light fasting day.

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There are many fruits and berries that we look forward to every summer. They help saturate our body with vitamins and minerals. There is no person in the world who has not tried watermelon. This is a berry with scarlet, tasty pulp inside. The fruit contains various vitamins and minerals. About the health benefits and harms of watermelon We'll tell you below.

Let's look at the question about health benefits and harms of calories. Utility The berries contain low calorie content, which is 38 kilocalories per 100 grams. Watermelon is almost 90% water, so it is not recommended to consume the berry excessively. It contains fiber that enters the stomach and creates the impression of fullness for a while.

Watermelon cannot be consumed together with other foods, as it prevents other foods from being digested. Especially It is contraindicated to consume watermelon with bread, which increases the total calorie content of consumed foods.

Useful properties watermelon are great:

  1. Vitamins B;
  2. Vitamins C;
  3. Vitamins PP;
  4. Folic acid;
  5. Lycopene;
  6. Microelements;
  7. Organic acids;

The norm of consumption is no more than 2 kg per day. Children under 2 years old experts advise allowing in food no more than 50 grams per day. Since I was two years old I have already weighed 100 grams.

Watermelon health benefits and harms for diabetics

Experts talk a lot about the benefits and harms of watermelon for the health of diabetics. Some say it’s possible, some say it’s not, but in general they come to the conclusion that a person with diabetes can add a tasty and sweet berry that has a small portion of carbohydrates to their diet. It contains a minimum of sugar and glucose. The sweetness of the pulp comes from fructose, which is acceptable for diabetics in small amounts (up to 30-40 grams per day), but subject to the limitation of alternative carbohydrate products.

For diabetes of the second group, consumption limit is up to 0.3 kg per day. This delicious berry useful by removing cholesterol from the body of a diabetic patient, it alleviates the course of gout and atherosclerosis.

Watermelon health benefits and harms for the liver

The liver is an organ that controls the entire body. The well-being of the whole person depends on the work of this gland. It is like a laboratory that conducts various processes inside the human body. Methods to cleanse the liver based on the activation of bile creation processes. At the same time, bile increases its fluidity.

So what is it health benefits and harms for the liver watermelon? A light fasting diet is beneficial to the human body and liver. Watermelon is a fruit that can enhance urination and stimulate bile production and expel harmful waste from the human body.

To benefit the liver, doctors do not recommend eating it for a long time.

Liver cleansing needs to be done carefully:

  1. Cleansing takes 14 days;
  2. Reduce the amount of calories consumed to 25% of the daily value;
  3. Remove dishes with ingredients containing fats from your diet;
  4. You need to eat small meals five times during the day;
  5. Food should be stewed and boiled and exclude fried foods;
  6. Limit salt intake to 3-4 grams per day;
  7. Avoid gas-forming products;
  8. Consume up to 0.3 kg of berry pulp 0.5-1 hour before meals.

The result is this activation of the kidneys and liver will become:

  • Disappearance of discomfort after eating;
  • No bloating;
  • Disappearance of predisposition to constipation.

As a result, the body feels better, the skin looks fresher and a little weight is lost. The potential of the liver will be directed to creative functions, and not, as well as other harmful residues.

Watermelon beneficial properties and contraindications

Useful properties can be used from the white part, which is located immediately under the peel. More precisely juice that can be consumed together with apple juice, but no more than half a glass at a time.

It's good to sit on a fasting day for the liver using this delicious berry. This lightweight method and can easily be transferred by any organism. The method is useful as for the liver and for hypertension:

  • Take up to two kilograms of scarlet pulp and divide it into five meals. That's it for the unloading part of the day;
  • The frequency of such days is 1-2 every 10 calendar days.

Thus, it will turn out almost the same 14 calendar days, as with cleansing diet.

Contraindications watermelon for the liver comes down to the oversaturation of this berry with nitrates. The liver will work to neutralize the effects of nitrates entering the body, with their further removal from the body.

You need to remember that buy it only from trusted sellers. Learn how to choose the right fruit and test it for nitrate content. And then you can have fun and, most importantly, it is absolutely harmless to the body.

Watermelon health benefits and harms when losing weight

What is it health benefits and harms of losing weight? As stated above, watermelon is a low-calorie berry. It is applicable when you need to spend fasting days. Research has shown that sweetness increases the feeling of fullness. It can act as a snack. It can be used in conjunction with any diet to add variety. Thanks to its diuretic properties, body weight will decrease to 2 kilograms due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.

It is not recommended to sit on watermelon mono diet, as a result of which muscle mass is lost rather than fat deposits. Doesn't satisfy hunger. You can't eat it in large portions. Experts advise consuming no more than 2 kg of watermelon per day and only in portions from morning until early evening.

Health benefits and harms during pregnancy. Let's consider this question too - Is it possible to eat watermelon during pregnancy?. It must be remembered that no one is immune from poisoning. Watermelons are often fed with nitrates to increase their early ripening. Nitrates lead to nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. Such watermelon can have a negative impact on the formation of the fetus.

For a pregnant woman useful contents in it:

  1. Vitamins A, B, C and PP;
  2. Folic acid, necessary for the body's metabolic processes and protein synthesis;
  3. Micro and macroelements that keep the expectant mother’s body in excellent condition.
  4. Vitamin B 9 is extremely useful for the proper development of the baby’s nervous system.

Thus, Can watermelon be consumed during pregnancy? subject to individual tolerance of this berry.

Watermelon benefits and harms for men's health

Watermelon brings a certain benefits and harms for men's health. Scientists from Texas have found that its use is more effective than Viagra. The chemical composition contains citrulline and enhances potency. Therefore, consumption increases the level of sexual life. In turn, citrulline is transformed into arginine, which is necessary to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and improve blood circulation and vasodilation. A firm erection and high potency depend on the genital organs being filled with blood.

Lycopene and beta-carotene keep skin young and protect the heart and prostate from harmful effects. In particular, 8% lycopene is productive for sexual well-being and prevents the development of cancer of internal organs.

Watermelon has few side effects (obesity, diabetes, flatulence).

Watermelons are useful for men who suffer from prostatitis. The seeds of this berry will balance the acidity level in the urethra and bladder.


  1. Impaired urine flow;
  2. Intestinal disorder or chronic illness;
  3. Those who have kidney stones of significant size;
Watermelon health benefits and harms video

Next, you will be offered a unique video about health benefits and harms watermelon It will reveal the topic what is useful watermelon, and will also tell you about contraindications that you need to remember when consuming this undoubtedly delicious berry.

As you can see the watermelon is more what is useful. It contains many vitamins and minerals. With its help you can lose some weight and also clean some internal organs. The main thing is not to overuse it when eating. Do not forget about precautions when purchasing this undoubtedly delicious berry. And then you can get unspeakable pleasure when using it.

Save the information.

Watermelon - like many other berries - is rich in antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, carotene, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. In addition to the fact that these substances generally prolong the life of our body and protect it from age-related damage, some of them have an anti-cancer effect, and the same carotene, for example, strengthens vision.

However, not only watermelon can boast of such a composition, and the amount of these vitamins in it, frankly speaking, is not outstanding. Much more importantly, watermelon literally contains invaluable folic acid (or vitamin B9), without which the human body is not able to develop normally. Folacin (another name for this vitamin) is necessary for the construction of DNA and RNA, participates in cell division and regulates the absorption and processing of proteins. But all these microprocesses are invisible to us; As for the “visible” effect of folic acid, it provides healthy skin color, improves digestion and helps new mothers by increasing the production of breast milk.

By the way, pregnant women are also advised to lean on products containing B9, since a lack of this element will negatively affect the formation of the baby’s nervous system. In addition, failure to reproduce DNA (which can also occur with folacin deficiency) potentially increases the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Trick. As you know, watermelon is a strong diuretic. In late-term pregnant women, the fetus puts such pressure on the bladder that natural urges occur more often than usual. Get ready for the fact that after a portion of watermelon you will experience even greater discomfort and a feeling of fullness.

The same applies to the intestines. Consuming watermelon together with (or immediately after) other foods leads to severe gas formation; and for women “in position” this can cause not only purely aesthetic inconveniences, but even pain.

Both heart and kidneys

Another wealth of watermelon is magnesium. 100 grams of the miracle berry contains about 60% of the daily requirement of this microelement. It is good primarily because it ensures normal absorption of other beneficial substances, including vitamins and minerals - calcium, sodium, potassium and others.

Second, magnesium helps muscles and nerves function. Frequent symptoms of its deficiency are limb cramps, tingling sensation, weakness and fatigue. And in its advanced form, magnesium deficiency can also affect the heart: disturbances in nerve conduction, combined with poor vascular tone, threaten arrhythmia and significantly increase the likelihood of a heart attack. Therefore, people with problematic blood pressure should especially pay attention to the amount of magnesium in their diet. Magnesium is also useful for the kidneys - it prevents the formation of stones and generally reduces the deposition of salts in the body.

And third: magnesium is considered an excellent antidepressant. If you are depressed for several days in a row, sleep poorly and cannot concentrate on routine work, perhaps the watermelon diet will restore your strength and vigor.

Trick. In addition to those mentioned, watermelon also contains other useful substances - the same sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, without which we, of course, also cannot live. But! This does not mean that you need to get them only from this berry. In total, there are not so many of them, and to get the recommended daily dose of iron, for example, you will have to eat almost 2 kilograms of watermelon! So don't think that snacking on watermelon every day will provide you with these nutrients in full. Nutrition must be balanced; it is impossible to get all the vitamins from one product.

Almost like a drink

No matter how rich watermelon is in microelements, its main component is water (from 85 to 90%). Thus, it perfectly quenches thirst and in the hot summer will perfectly cope with the role of a soft drink. Unlike soda and many fruit juices, it does not contain hard-to-digest sugars that require the production of insulin, which means that even diabetics can consume it (though in moderation). On the other hand, it contains mineral salts, that is, the berry maintains a normal water-salt balance and does not harm your kidneys.

Trick. The fiber contained in watermelon, as well as the already mentioned magnesium, improve intestinal motility. In people with gastrointestinal problems, excessive consumption of watermelon can cause diarrhea, which means dehydration. In this case, the berry will have the opposite effect from what you want.

If you need to lose weight

The ability of watermelon to accelerate weight loss is due to several factors. For starters, this is its diuretic effect - watermelon removes excess fluid from the body well, and it can increase your scale readings by an average of 1-2 kilograms.

Further, watermelon suppresses the feeling of hunger - simply by filling the stomach - and at the same time has a relatively low calorie content (38 kilocalories per 100 grams). And, of course, its sweet taste plays an important role. Numerous studies by physiologists have shown that for the human brain, sweets are the strongest “provocateur” of the feeling of fullness, so spending a fasting day on watermelon will be much easier than on some cucumbers.

The technology of “watermelon days” is simple. You are allowed to eat 1-1.5 kg of watermelon, rye bread and crackers, you cannot drink tea or coffee. And such a diet is useful not only for your figure. This is an excellent cleansing of the whole body; you will get rid of toxins, sand, excess salts, even excess cholesterol, and at the same time give a good “impetus” to your immunity. But keep in mind: the watermelon diet has its contraindications. It cannot be performed if the kidneys have reduced function (they simply cannot remove excess fluid from the body) and the presence of stones more than 4 mm in diameter.

Trick. As with any other mono-diet, you cannot stay on the watermelon menu for more than two days in a row. And in just two days, unfortunately, you will not lose weight. Get rid of excess water (i.e. 1-2 kg) - yes, but not fat deposits. To start losing centimeters on your waist, you will have to repeat such “unloading” regularly, with a break of 4-5 days, while your meals on the remaining days should not become more plentiful. But there is such a risk! The approximate period of metabolism of nutrients in the body is three days, i.e., if you fast on Monday, expect an increase in appetite on Wednesday-Thursday. In general, control yourself and don’t go on frequent fasting days to avoid exhaustion.

Chemistry and biology

And finally, about the potential danger of watermelons. Nature created this fruit useful and nutritious, but the products of human activity (and commercial thought) left their unpleasant imprint on the benefits of watermelon.

So, nitrates, which is pumped into watermelons to make them grow bigger and faster, can have both a long-term and immediate poisonous effect. In people with more or less good health, they accumulate, over time causing weakness, decreased immunity, irritability and insomnia. But in children, pregnant women and those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, symptoms may appear within a few hours after eating; these are nausea, vomiting, dizziness and pain. At the same time, it is almost impossible to distinguish a “poisonous” watermelon from one untouched by chemicals without laboratory analysis.

However, the culprits of these troubles may also be microbes. The conditions for growing, transporting and storing watermelons create an ideal environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. And even if they don’t get inside the fruit, the surface of the berry is full of them, and from there they can easily get to your table and stomach. To avoid infection and protect yourself from food poisoning, follow a few simple rules of “watermelon hygiene”:

Never buy cut or damaged watermelons. Did you see a crack? Decline. And certainly don’t pay for a fruit from which a compassionate seller has cut a pyramid to demonstrate its ripeness.

Store-bought watermelons, cut into slices and wrapped in cling film, are no safer than market ones.

When you bring a watermelon home, do not put it on the table before thoroughly (and thoroughly!) washing it with running water. Germs can remain on the tablecloth and from there spread to other foods.

By the way

Instead of cosmetics. Watermelon makes wonderful cosmetic masks for all skin types. Just mash the pulp into a paste or cut it into thin slices and apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to first apply olive oil to the skin (for dry and normal skin) or a small amount of honey (for oily skin).

Instead of Viagra. An interesting discovery was made by scientists from the Texas Center for the Study of Fruits and Vegetables. According to them, watermelon pulp contains the substance cirtullin, which during metabolism is converted into arginine and effectively dilates blood vessels. In terms of this effect, watermelon turned out to be even better than such a popular drug as Viagra. So for those who want to make their intimate life more fulfilling, it’s time to go shopping.



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