Food for kittens 4 months old. How to feed a kitten correctly at different periods of its life

She expends enormous effort to give birth to a large litter, so she needs subsequent rest for 12-24 hours. Newborn kittens are completely helpless. If there are no complications, kittens should remain with their mother. The weight of a newborn kitten is 90-100 grams

Kitten on the second day

On the second day he feels more energetic, begins to eat and drink normally; she is completely immersed in the joyful worries associated with raising her offspring. Blind two-day-old kittens respond to touch, warmth and vibration from their purring mother.

Kitten on the eighth day

Depending on the breed and physical features parents, the weight of kittens can be from 110 to 250 g. Their eyes open from the 8th to the 20th day.

Kitten on the sixteenth day

The kittens have grown up and now their weight ranges from 180 to 340 g. In the next 4 days they will begin to crawl.

Kitten at three weeks

The weight of a three-week-old kitten is from 215 to 420 g. This is the age when it is time to gradually move on from feeding only mother’s milk to other foods. Take powdered cat milk replacer or canned milk, dilute it with water so that the resulting mixture is 2 times more concentrated than what is given to children. Give kittens this new dish with a teaspoon 4 times a day.

It's time to toilet train the kittens. Place the litter box in a quiet but accessible place. If you notice that the kitten is about to make a puddle or leave something more serious on the floor, put it in the tray. If you have several kittens, make sure the litter box is large enough to accommodate the whole group, and if there is only one kitten and he is very nervous, arrange a closed litter box with a roof.

Kitten at four weeks (1 month)

A one-month-old kitten already weighs from 250 to 500 g, and the successes it has achieved are very significant. Between 4 and 5 weeks of age he begins to run and play; Around the same time he tries to wash himself. Now he will need toys - special ones or a simple spool without thread or a ping-pong ball, avoid toys knitted from wool (especially if you have Siamese and Burmese kittens). You can already add some baby cereal to the milk, as well as canned food, intended for baby food, which contain fish, meat or cheese.

Kitten at five weeks

The weight of kittens has already reached 290-620 g and if you have a purebred kitten, it’s time to register it with the club. It's time to give your baby thinly sliced ​​fresh meat, some offal or canned cat food for kittens once a day. Solid food should replace one of the four dairy meals. Place in a small bowl or saucer in such an amount that the kitten can eat at one time.

Kitten at six weeks (1.5 months)

The kitten weighs from 315 to 700 g. At the age of 6-8 weeks, hunting games begin. In fact, a kitten can be given to a new owner after 6 weeks, but it is better if it remains with its mother until 8 weeks of age, i.e. until he stops sucking. Increase the amount of solid crushed food in your baby's diet by replacing two more meals of milk balanced feed om for cats, or natural food.

If the cat fed the kittens for a short time - 1.2 weeks, and after the kittens are weaned, black liquid comes out of her nipples, this is burnt milk, the cat needs to drink more and less physical activity. Remember that early weaning of kittens is fraught with mastitis for the mother.

Kitten at eight weeks (2 months)

A kitten at this age weighs from 400 to 900 g, and all of its baby teeth have erupted; The baby completely stops sucking from the mother. Two or three times a day he should receive solid food and a saucer cow's milk, which can be replaced with fresh water. Fresh milk or water should be available; change them at least twice a day. As kittens develop, so do their needs for mother's milk.

Kitten at nine weeks (2.5 months)

At the age of 8-9 weeks, the kitten must receive its first vaccinations against viral diseases- cat flu and infectious enteritis. The second vaccination is given after 3-4 weeks. Do not neglect the opportunity to protect kittens with vaccinations against these dangerous, fraught fatal diseases; make sure your animals continue to receive annual vaccinations, supporting immunity.

If there is a risk of infection, your veterinarian may recommend vaccinations for the kitten before 8 weeks of age, but this is usually avoided. The fact is that at an early age, antibodies passed to the baby from the mother still circulate in the blood and can neutralize the effect of the vaccine.

Kitten at twelve weeks (3 months)

The kitten's eye color begins to acquire its final shade, and within 6 next weeks will cut through permanent teeth. The kitten needs a second vaccination against influenza and infectious enteritis.

Kitten at sixteen weeks (4 months)

If you have a female, but breeding kittens is not part of your plans, negotiate with veterinarian O . The cat undergoes permanent surgery to remove both ovaries and most of her uterus. The operation is carried out with general anesthesia and, as a rule, does not have side effects. 12 hours before your visit to the doctor, do not feed your cat or give it water. At the end of the operation, sutures are placed on a small incision on the animal's body. If the veterinarian used non-absorbable threads, the sutures are removed 5-10 days after surgery.

Kitten at thirty-six weeks (9 months)

Coming favorable time for a male kitten. The operation is simple, safe and, if carried out under general anesthesia, completely painless. Before surgery, keep the animal without drinking or eating for 12 hours. After surgery, as a rule, the cat can be taken home immediately. None special care not required - just rest, warmth, light food and attentive attitude on your part. Sutures are usually not removed.

The question of how much a kitten should weigh at 4 months is of concern to many breeders. After all, 4 months is important stage when the cat gets into new family, moves from mother's milk to a different style of nutrition, and is also actively growing. Therefore, the desire to monitor the kitten’s weight is quite natural, and is dictated by caring for it.

Another weight at 4 months is determined by belonging to any breed. Although mongrel cats develop faster, truly large individuals are also found among purebred felines.

Standards for 4 months: it all depends on the breed

Normally developing a kitten at 4 months should weigh from 2400 to 3500 grams. And every week of his life should be marked by an increase in grams. Since the age of 4 months is considered the most active for increasing muscle mass animal.

A kitten may weigh less if:

All these factors can be eliminated, and with appropriate care, the kitten will definitely gain in size.

The standard weight of a kitten at 4 months also depends on its breed and gender. Cats weigh less than cats, and large breeds will always be superior to everyone else.

For example, from the table below it becomes clear which representatives can be expected to gain weight, and which of the felines develop slowly.

Breed Weight at 4 months
British 2-3.9 kg
Maine Coon 3-3.8 kg
Outbred 2.4-3.5 kg

Typically, the weight may be slightly more or less. Here the conditions for the development of the animal play a decisive role. Its genetics are also important. Large parents have a high chance of reproducing the same offspring. That is why when breeding animals, their volumes and parameters are always taken into account. It is easier for a large cat to bear and give birth to kittens from a large male. But it will be more difficult for a small female to do this.

When do kittens stop growing?

Around 6 months, many felines slow down their growth significantly. Many of them completely stop gaining height, but not weight.

If approximate weight newborns ranged from 70 to 140 grams, then at 4 months they have time to grow many times over.

A kitten that is sick from birth may weigh very little until the age of 4 months. If his treatment is successful, he will gain weight by six months of life, and will almost be equal to the rest of his peers.

Those who are concerned about the health of their pets weigh them every month at home or at the doctor. Do kittens stop gaining weight? Alarm bell, which can be dealt with if you consult a veterinarian in a timely manner. Let's consider possible reasons no growth:

  • Genetic problems. Dwarfism occurs in animals when they are thrown into early childhood. Moreover, refusal of them by cat parents can both provoke an anomaly and be a consequence. Such kittens do not live long due to problems with internal organs and musculoskeletal system. Their lifespan is a couple of months;
  • Infections and viruses. Intestinal diseases and colds prevent the kitten from gaining weight because they interfere with absorption useful substances which he receives from food. After recovery, the weight situation improves significantly;
  • Infestation by worms. Low weight gain and beastly appetite– the first signs of the disease. Another sign can be considered a swollen belly of a thin kitten;
  • Unbalanced diet. The food offered does not contain enough substances due to which the animal can grow and gain weight;
  • Not enough food. Feed frequently and in small amounts – Golden Rule feeding kittens. A kitten's delicate stomach cannot accommodate a lot of food at once, so you need to feed it often. But you shouldn’t give very small portions; your pet should have a feeling of fullness.

Weight, or rather the increase in it, is an indicator proper care. Ideally, in the first week the kitten doubles its proportions, and then adds 100 grams every week.

A serious illness, such as rickets, can affect not only the structure of the pet’s skeleton, but will also leave a mark in the form of its low weight. Then the kitten will never again gain the weight that a healthy representative of its breed could have. But it will gradually get better.

Love for a pet is not determined by its parameters, and does not always depend on the color of its eyes or fur. Real owners welcome the little mischievous dog into their family with all their hearts and take care of him, no matter how much he weighs. This is called true capacity for love, care and acceptance. And only true humanists who truly love animals have this.


In this article I will look at how to properly and what is the best way to feed a kitten in order to raise healthy pet. I’ll tell you what’s best for a kitten: natural food or special ready-made food. I will analyze the pet’s first six months and show that the veterinarian’s advice on feeding kittens is suitable for each period.

Experts have different opinions on this issue: what food to feed, natural food or dry food. Each option has its own advantages that cannot be disputed. The choice remains with the owner. The main thing is to choose one of the feeding methods and stick to it for the entire life of the cat.

It will be difficult for the animal’s body to adapt to something else, and ailments will arise.

Benefits of natural food:

  • many useful elements;
  • are you confident in the composition of the products (from what ready-made feed in fact you won't know);
  • much cheaper than buying feed.

Disadvantages of natural food:

  • cost large quantities time to prepare food;
  • Not all vitamins can be given in this form;
  • such food spoils quickly and should not be left in a bowl for more than 12 hours;
  • possible food allergies;
  • There are many restrictions on such food and each period of life requires a special approach.

Advantages of special feeds:

  • the content of vitamins and minerals is balanced;
  • saving time and effort;
  • Such foods are time-tested, and there is no allergy to them.

Disadvantages of special feeds:

  • price.

Rules for feeding kittens for each period of life

At home, starting from 1 month of life, the baby needs to be accustomed to the adult diet that you are subsequently going to feed him. Why is this necessary?

The animal's stomach needs to be adjusted to the food it will eat.

If you start doing this with early age, you won’t have any problems with your pet in the future.

At any period of feeding a cat, a regimen is needed. Your pet will know what time he is fed, so he will not steal food or beg. Starting from a month, it is worth feeding frequently, 5-6 times a day in small portions. Later, reduce the number of feedings to three times, for example, in the morning, lunch and evening. You can start reducing the number of feedings from three months.

Problems with special food does not happen, the main thing is to choose the product that is intended for a certain age.

Give preference to premium quality food that can be fed to kittens. Such food does not contain cheap additives that can harm the animal. These include: Heels, Royal Canin, Nutra Gold. They have proven themselves in the product market good reviews And wide choice, which is important if the cat will only eat food.

Canned food Royal Canin Babycat Instinctive, for kittens from birth to 4 months, pate, 195 g

1 month

You can change your baby's diet with three weeks. Here, a month-old cat is weaning off its mother's milk and is ready for something new.

In the first month of life, you need to gradually accustom the kitten to other foods. You need to start with something that is close in consistency to milk.

What can you give a one-month-old kitten, menu:

  • semolina porridge on water;
  • baby food (meat and vegetables);
  • milk porridge with added egg yolk, both raw and cooked;
  • milk diluted with water.

If you take dry food, be sure to dilute it with water, as the stomach one month old baby I'm not used to dry food yet.

2 months

A two-month-old cat is teething, so meat and vegetables, which it is advisable to grate, can be introduced into the diet. This is the period of formation of the animal’s bones and gastrointestinal tract, so it is worth paying attention to vitamins and proteins.

What can a two month old baby do:

  • solid food: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cabbage);
  • finely chopped chicken, turkey;
  • yolk in any form;
  • boiled fish without bones.

You need to start the second month of feeding with cottage cheese, and already at 1.5 months you can give solid food.

3 months

A three-month-old cat can be fed natural food and switched to raw meat, but you should not immediately give it raw - pour boiling water over it so as not to disturb the microflora of the cat’s gastrointestinal tract.


  • raw meat, scalded with boiling water, cut into pieces;
  • soft cheese;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots);
  • yoghurts;
  • boiled fish without bones.

The myth that cats love fish has been debunked.

Cats eat fish because they don't get enough protein. There is no need to feed cats fish simply because he is a cat. You also need to be careful with fish, because... little cat it is dangerous: he can choke on the bones or cut his stomach.

IN raw fish contains the enzyme thiaminase, which destroys vitamin B1, which causes paralysis and seizures

4-6 months

During this period and up to a year, the animal gains weight, so you should pay attention to foods that help increase muscle mass:

  • raw meat and fish, cut into pieces;
  • cottage cheese;
  • Dry food can be introduced.

All adult cat mothers are intolerant to milk. milk sugar(lactose). Also, after drinking milk, the animal may experience diarrhea.

What not to give to a kitten at home

  • sweets (weakens the immune system);
  • flour products (not digestible by cats);
  • spices (settle in the kittens’ bodies, which leads to problems with the liver and stomach);
  • legumes (cause bloating and indigestion);
  • potatoes (not absorbed in the animal’s body);
  • bones (can choke or cut internal organs, due to poor chewing).

The baby must be fed according to a schedule to avoid consequences in the future.

Choice between natural food or feed depends only on you. From the first months of feeding, you need to give more liquid food, and from the fourth month you can start feeding solid foods.

Development of a newborn kitten: Newborn kittens photo A newborn kitten is born weighing 80-120 grams, the size of kittens at birth is body length about 9-12 cm. Newborn kittens during this period are absolutely helpless, they are blind, deaf, and do not know how to regulate temperature regime. Newborn kittens have no undercoat, the fur is thin, weak and does not warm at all. Newborn british kitten photo Kittens do not know how to stand on lamps, their bones are very fragile, so babies require special care. At this time, sleep and kittens are almost inseparable concepts. Newborn kittens sleep almost constantly and eat a lot and often. Kittens need sleep to further formation nervous system. Newborn kittens also cannot defecate on their own; the mother cat licks their genitals and eats their feces. What is really well developed in newborn kittens is their sense of smell and touch; they easily find their mother’s nipples, fingering them with their paws, sucking and, thereby, stimulating further milk production. Newborn Scottish Straight kittens During this period, it is better not to touch the kittens at all, just monitor their weight. Kittens should add it daily (about 10-20 grams per day), if the kitten is growing, then everything is fine. Photo of a newborn fold kitten Scottish fold Things to take care of:

  1. Set up a box for a cat with newborn kittens. It should be warm and dry there. The bedding should be changed (it is advisable to use white sheets to track the color of the mother cat’s discharge), because The cat will have discharge. Also, if necessary, you can put a heating pad.
  2. Cat food. It should be plentiful and balanced; food is a must for nursing cats. Food and water should be freely available near the nest box. It is also recommended to place a tray here.
Cats are by nature excellent mothers and may not leave the box for a whole week, so it is important that newborn kittens have enough milk. In the first days, the cat produces colostrum (very fatty, nutritious milk, which has antibodies, thanks to which kittens develop lasting immunity). Photo of a newborn kitten If there are a lot of kittens, be sure to make sure that each newborn kitten gets its good portion. Newborn Scottish Fold kittens The development of kittens after birth (the development of newborn kittens) is very active, so the first week can be scheduled day by day.

Kittens - development by day:

1-2 days after birth, a newborn kitten only sucks milk and sleeps. After 3-4 days, the kitten’s umbilical cord heals and falls off. After 4-5 days, the kitten’s hearing begins to develop, and you can already observe how it begins to react to loud sounds.

How long do kittens sleep?

Why does the kitten sleep all day?

Kitten sleep If it seems to you that the kitten sleeps all the time, this is most likely normal, do not worry right away. In the first week, the kitten sleeps about 22 hours a day. Just weigh your kitten daily - this is best indicator that the baby is fine. A newborn kitten sleeps How much a kitten should sleep, he decides for himself, however, if the kitten sleeps constantly and does not gain weight, first of all, pay attention to whether the kitten has enough free nipple (this often happens if there are 5 or more kittens in a litter), if the kitten is weak or the last born, apply it to the cat more often and do not let other kittens chase it away. If in this case the kitten behaves sluggishly and does not recover, contact your veterinarian. Kittens from birth to one month change greatly both in appearance and development, and it is important to pay close attention to this in each period. Newborn kittens in the photo, look in the pictures.

Now I'll tell you how much I should weigh little kitty by age. I will consider the features of their development in each month of life up to a year and give a table that will indicate the weight of a small cat for its age. I’ll also tell you about what can alert owners in the development of a pet.

Between birth and one month, kittens quickly gain weight. Regardless of the breed: Scottish, Thai, Fold, British, Bengal, Siberian or mongrel cats usually grow the same. Newborn babies weigh approximately 100 grams, grow day by day, and by a month can reach up to 500 grams.

Kittens gain 10-15 grams of weight every day.

If the cat doesn’t get it, there are a number of reasons for this:

  • Congenital diseases.
  • A large number of kittens in the litter.
  • Poor maternal diet.

If your pet's weight is below normal, the pet may not be getting enough nutrition.

In the first case, the cat itself is lethargic, sleeps a lot, and not with all the kittens, but separately. In other cases it is necessary to increase daily ration for mother cat.

For a nursing cat, nutrition increases by 25-30%.

Weekly weighing of kittens will allow you to find out whether the baby is developing normally and whether he has enough nutrition.

How much does a cat weigh and developmental features?

1 month

An average monthly cat weighs 400-500 grams. He actively begins to explore the world, crawls out of the box on his own, and gets acquainted with adult food. At this age they love to play and sleep often, but little.

At 1.5, babies' eye color changes. They begin to look for the tray on their own and visit it regularly. This good age to find new owners.

2 months

Pet weight 450-900 g.

At this age, kittens have heightened curiosity - they learn the world, they try everything on their teeth and paws.

Playful, affectionate. Their outlines take shape adult cat.

Two-month-old kittens are already accustomed to combing, washing and trimming their nails.

Lack of exercise in cats can lead to excess weight

3 months

The weight of the cat is 1000-1500 g.

He is already playful and affectionate, accustomed to his owner and affection. Responds to a nickname, independently finds a tray, bowls of food and water.

Three-month-old kittens have fully developed eye color, as well as baby teeth.

By this age, boys surpass their sisters in size.

4 months

Hang 1700-2400 gr.

Kittens become less playful, although they like to chase toys around the house. They become similar to adult cats: they sleep more, go to the bowl less often, and become calm and affectionate.

The replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones begins.

5 months

Hang 2200-2900 gr.

Kittens are slightly smaller than an adult cat. At this age they are transferred to three meals a day.

The presence of any irritants in the house can reduce appetite and lead to lack of food intake.

Half a year

Hang 2300-3600 gr.

Six-month-old cats are finishing their teeth replacement.

They are proportionally harmonious and graceful in their movements. Hunting instincts are developed.

At 6 months, kittens run out of active phase growth, they gain significantly less.

7 months

Hangs 2400-3900 g.

Males and cats begin their first molt and puberty. If a girl and a boy live together, then they begin to be interested in each other, and the males court the females.

Now the pet needs regular brushing so that the fur it licks off does not cause stomach upset.

8 months

Hangs 2500-4100 g.

The period plays a special role in the development of the baby active growth and weight gain

9 months

At this age, kittens look like adult cats and gain almost no weight.

10 months

Hangs 2500-4400 g.

At this age, cats begin their first heat.

From the age of ten months, kittens participate in exhibitions in adult categories.

11 months

Hangs 2500-4500 g.

A fully formed adult animal that has stopped growing. Now you can switch your pet to adult food.


Hangs 2500-4600 g.

Already an adult animal that eats food for adult animals is able to participate in mating and exhibitions.

Some breeds are fully mature by age two, such as Maine Coons.

What should owners be wary of?

  1. Underweight.
  2. Weak appetite.
  3. Disheveled wool.
  4. Protruding bones.
  5. Discharge from eyes and nose.

If you suspect that the baby is not developing well, it is better to visit a veterinarian and undergo an examination.

This will allow early stage cure possible diseases or adjust your pet’s diet.

Kitten weight table

1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months 12 months
250-500 450-900 1,0 – 1,5 1,7-2,4 2,2-2,9 2,3-3,6 2,4-3,9 2,5-4,1 2,5-4,3 2,5-4,4 2,5-4,5 2,5-4,6

Kittens' weight may vary depending on:

  • Paula.
  • Parent size: large or small.
  • Breed.

The table data is average, for cats of medium breeds.

Age Mongrel cat, g Mongrel cat, g British cat, g British cat, g Maine Coon cat, g Maine Coon cat, g
Newborn 70–100 80–130 60–140 70–140 100–140 120–160
1 month 350–600 400–700 250–600 520–750 570–670 640–760
2 months 800 –1300 1100–1500 450-900 1000–1700 1100–1400 1200–1600
4 months 2200–2800 2300–3200 1700–2500 2100–3900 2700–3600 3000–3800
6 months 2100–3300 2700–3800 2300–3600 3000–5400 3200–4000 3800–4500g
8 months 2300–3700 2800–4000 2500–4100 3500–6000
10 months 2400–4000 3100–4400 2800–4400 4100–6700 4300–6500 4800–7200
1 year ( average weight adult) 2500–4500 3500–5000 3100–4600 4500–7000 4500–8300 5400–8800

Regular monitoring of the animal's weight will allow you to understand whether it has enough nutrients whether she is developing normally, and whether she has any congenital diseases.



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