The first Staffordshire Terriers. Staffordshire Terrier dog (photo): a strong, smart and kind pet

The attitude of dog lovers towards the American Staffordshire Terrier breed is far from clear. Representatives of this breed are among the most aggressive dogs, at the same time they demonstrate their love and deep affection for their owners. The breed was developed in England by crossing a bulldog and a terrier. But, nevertheless, according to the standard it is classified as the American type. Dogs of this breed are very popular.

Description of the breed

Externally, the dog looks very attractive. The American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is famous for its physical strength, which is reflected in its strong muscular body and developed powerful chest. The dog is of average height. Its height at the withers is usually 48 cm. Bitches are slightly lower - 44 cm. The dog's weight is relatively small: 25–30 kg.

The limbs are strong, the paws are round in shape with strongly raised pads. Most often they have cropped, pointed ears that are set high on the head. The head is not very large, rather angular. The tail, on the contrary, is not docked. It goes down, gradually narrowing.

The color of the dog is most often brindle, one color, but not white, particolor. Eyes according to the standard should be dark. A defect is considered if the Amstaff, as this dog is also called, has light eyes.

A litter usually has 8–10 puppies. The characteristics of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed require that the puppies have a large head with a short muzzle, as well as thick, but not long, paws. It is worth carefully considering the color so as not to buy a cross.

The life expectancy of representatives of this breed under good conditions is 13–15 years. As your dog ages, hearing or vision problems can affect him, so he should be seen by a veterinarian regularly to prevent cataracts or deafness.

Character of the breed

The American Staffordshire Terrier breed standard suggests that the dog must have all the qualities that are characteristic of a fighting dog. Therefore, the Amstaff is a very hardy, purposeful, stubborn and quite aggressive dog.

The owner will have to spend his energy on instilling obedience in the dog from an early age, as well as the necessary behavior in response to commands. If this is not done, the American Staffordshire Terrier may become unmanageable. Pay special attention to ensuring that the dog obeys and gives away things that the owner wants to take. This can even apply to toys that the dog is having fun with.

Despite the fact that a Stafford may be the first to rush at an offender or a potential threat, they do not forget about their own safety. They are extremely wary of strangers and are ready at any moment to defend property or owners.

To let your Stafford's irrepressible energy splash out, you should consider active walks and training.

In the owner's family he behaves adequately and can play with children with pleasure. However, you should not leave them alone with the dog so that they do not test its patience.

The dog will not bark for no reason, which is very convenient for keeping in urban environments.

Owners of dogs of this breed note that it can be offended and does not like to be shouted at. If you need to call her to order, it is better not to shout at her, but to act through praise.

The Staffordshire Terrier has a seasoned character, but its psyche is so flexible that at any moment it can switch to aggressive behavior and then return to its original state again. You need to watch your dog especially carefully during walks, because it can attack another dog for no reason. Unfortunately, this is how fighting dog genes work.

If there are other pets in the house, it is necessary to introduce them to the American Staffordshire Terrier as early as possible. He will get used to them and won't bother him.

If you raise a dog correctly, it will become the best guard, as well as a companion in various travels and outings into nature.

Nutrition and care

The dog's coat is short, so it does not require special care. You can brush it once a week. Fairly frequent bathing is allowed, which is due to the presence of an odor in the dog, as well as periodic profuse drooling.

It is customary to trim a dog’s claws, so you need to accustom your Stafford to this from childhood. Given that Staffords can often get into fights with other dogs, you should pay attention to whether there are any cuts or other injuries. It is also important for a fighting dog to get all the necessary vaccinations on time. The dogs themselves are in good health.

Feed your dog once a day is enough. You can distribute the amount of food into two feedings a day. Give plenty of water to drink. A muscular body requires a large amount of protein intake, which the dog must obtain from meat or fish. To maintain energy levels, rice and buckwheat grains are suitable. You can use them to make soups or just porridges. Dogs of this breed consume less vegetables. If we manage to instill in them such taste preferences, it will be beneficial.

The American Staffordshire Terrier breed does not need a large amount of supporting vitamins, because their immunity is naturally good. The exception is already periods of maturity, when it is necessary to prevent serious illnesses.

The cost of puppies on the market depends on various parameters and ranges from 200 to 1800 dollars. It is best to get a representative of this breed from someone who has already had experience raising guard or fighting dogs.

A dog of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed must combine the incongruous - impressive bones and elegance, strength and harmoniously developed muscles, absolute fearlessness and a balanced disposition. A healthy psyche, supported by impeccable anatomy - this is what a real Amstaff should be.

The ancestors of Amstaff Terriers are called ancient Great Dane and Mastiff dogs. They were replaced by Old English bulldogs, who were engaged not so much in guarding and herding livestock, but in baiting bulls (as well as wild boars and bears).

In England, bloody sports were banned in 1835, and a replacement was found - fighting with rats. The descendants of overweight dogs, trained to kill bulls, had difficulty dodging the fury of a small enemy, which is why bulldogs began to be crossed with nimble hunting dogs - terriers.

Males have a little more disadvantages - the desire to mark territory (on the street and in the apartment), as well as the desire to compete with the owner for the title of alpha male. The second disadvantage is corrected by consistent training, and the first (if there is not enough time for weaning) -.

Stafford females are more flexible and soft, they are more suitable for a beginner.

Character of the breed

The Amstaff Terrier is naturally cheerful, energetic, independent, inquisitive and endowed with increased intelligence coupled with empathy, which allows the dog to read the owner’s thoughts.

A balanced psyche is the result of purposeful breeding work, which involved the culling of evil (in relation to people) animals. The process of excitation in the Staffordshire Terrier does not prevail over inhibition.

Thanks to this quality, the Amstaff carries out the owner’s orders with lightning speed, easily returning to its original state.

Raising and training dogs

The undoubted advantage of the breed is its unerring execution of commands, which makes the Amstaff an ideal (working, show and domestic) dog.

Stafford is an exemplary nanny for children and a reliable friend to all household members. Moreover, a properly raised dog is loyal to other pets, including cats.

True, in order for your Amstaff to become exactly like this, you will have to work hard, without giving him any concessions. The key to success is regularity of classes, strict discipline and increased workload.

  • Frisbee;
  • bikejoring;
  • waitpulling;
  • skijoring;
  • swimming.

Various sports are suitable for Stafford: agility, weight-pulling, skijoring, etc.

Sport keeps the dog in good shape, helps release tension, and forms excellent muscles.

Requirements for care and maintenance

Grooming smooth-haired dogs is simple: trim off any stray hairs and make your pet more eye-catching, highlighting some details.

Routine care of the coat, ears, claws, teeth and eyes consists of examining them daily. Plaque in the eyes/ears is removed with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of boric acid. Dead hairs are collected with a rubberized mitten; the claws do not need special care if the dog runs a lot on the asphalt.

Important. If you intend to crop the ears, perform this operation when the puppy is 1.5-2 months old: later there will be more blood vessels in the ears, and the rehabilitation period will be longer.

The shape of the ears for each baby is selected individually. It is not advisable to perform partial ear amputation when the dog's teeth are changing.

Nutrition of the Staffordshire Terrier, choosing the necessary diet and food

Good breeders advise keeping Amstaffs on a natural diet, which can be easily modified when gaining/losing weight.

Healthy Staffordshire food consists of the following products:

Almost a third of the Staffordshire Terrier's menu is devoted to proteins.
  • meat (beef, chicken or lamb);
  • porridge (barley, rolled oats, buckwheat and rice);
  • fermented milk products (low-fat cottage cheese, fermented baked milk and kefir);
  • vegetables/fruits;
  • eggs (raw yolk/omelet) no more than 2 times a week.

In order for vegetables to be better digested, they must be stewed or simmered, not forgetting to add a little vegetable oil to them. The water in the bowl must be changed every day.

Other nuances of feeding a Stafford:

  • Almost a third of the dog menu is devoted to proteins;
  • the dog is fed at the same time (morning and evening);
  • the remaining food is removed from the bowl (especially in summer);
  • It is forbidden to overfeed staff (this has a bad effect on the heart muscle and its health in general).

Important. All tubular bones (bird bones), as well as rabbit bones, are excluded from the list of provisions.

You can give beef moslaks, which are taken after the dog eats the meat and cartilage tissue. This will protect your pet from dislocating its jaw when trying to gnaw on a large bone.

Health, life expectancy and what diseases the breed is predisposed to

With good innate immunity, the American Staffordshire Terrier lives for approximately 10-12 years. The most typical breed ailments of the Amstaff are related to the musculoskeletal system. Increased physical activity often leads to ligament rupture.

The list of breed diseases includes:

  • abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • heart failure;
  • arthrosis;
  • (retinal atrophy and);
  • deafness.

Hereditary diseases of Staffords include: allergies, dysplasia, flatulence, joint problems.

The Amstaff's "professional" sores are considered to be lacerated, infected wounds that he receives in dog fights. But, if the genes are not bad, your four-legged dog will rarely get sick.

Choosing a puppy: features, price, kennels

A one and a half month old Stafford puppy can be weaned from its mother, but until it receives routine vaccinations (at 2-2.5 months) it is not put up for sale. If one-month-old babies have cropped ears, ask the breeder about the reasons for early surgery, or better yet, refuse the purchase.

Personal acquaintance with the parents of the staff is welcome, but if the dog was “imported”, ask the breeder for documents from the club in which the dog is registered. The mother should not be overly emaciated, but noticeable hair loss may occur if there are more than 4-5 puppies in the litter.

Demonstration of some wariness or friendliness is considered normal: anger is a disqualifying flaw. The same rule applies to a puppy - he should not bark, growl or jump on you. Fearfulness is also not welcome, but shyness is acceptable.

In our country, about 70 kennels are engaged in the breeding and sale of American Staffordshire Terriers. This is where you should buy a puppy to avoid getting an animal with genetic abnormalities. There is a practice of booking puppies, and only the future owner is informed by the breeders of the cost of the chosen baby.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg you can apply for Amstaff Terrier puppies: Moscow Moscow Moscow St. Petersburg St. Petersburg

On average in Russia, a Staff puppy can be bought for $250 – $430. In Moscow and St. Petersburg nurseries the price is slightly higher and can reach up to $515.

Features of mating of the American Staffordshire Terrier

If the male is experienced and active, mating is usually easy and quick. An Amstaff with a vulnerable psyche must get used to a partner: in this case, mating is carried out under the supervision of an instructor.

The unshakable rule is, which allows him to be less nervous and get down to business faster. The principle of territoriality is especially important if one of the partners is invited to mate for the first time.

Before mating, dogs should be introduced on neutral territory.

Mating in the neutral sector is possible when both dogs are quite experienced or already familiar with each other. The main thing is to choose a quiet place where there are no people, noise or other irritants.

Knitting algorithm:

  1. It is better to put a muzzle on the bitch so that she does not bite the dog.
  2. When the partner is ready, the male mounts and after several rhythmic movements enters the bitch.
  3. As soon as the dogs engage (enter the lock), you need to make sure that they do not pull in opposite directions. This will harm the dog.
  4. After the act, the dogs are allowed to drink water and rest.

Mating is repeated the next day or every other day.

American Pit Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Terrier: differences

It is not surprising that the dogs of these breeds, derived from common ancestors, look like cousins. As early as 1936, one dog was a dual breed and was often registered with two clubs at the same time: one as a terrier, the other as a Staffordshire terrier.

And even now, not all fans of APBT or AST can clearly answer what the difference is between the breeds.

But it still exists:

  • Height and weight. Pit bull terrier - from 40 to 42 cm with a weight of 12-28 kg, Stafford - from 46 to 48 cm with a weight of 20-32 kg.
  • Color. Black-fawn, liver and white-dominated colors are not welcome in the Staff. There are no restrictions for a pit bull.
  • Nose. In the Amstaff it is only black, in the Pitbull it can also be brown.
  • Head. The AST is endowed with a broad skull with prominent zygomatic muscles. APBT has more powerful square jaws (with wide cheekbones).
  • Anatomy. The more proportional staff has a wider chest and higher legs than the APBT.

The photo shows a white American Pit Bull Terrier.

Summary - the Amstaff is more harmonious, more massive, wider and... friendlier than the American Pit Bull Terrier.

The Staffordshire Terrier has a short coat that is rough to the touch. Despite the fact that the coat is thick and dense in appearance, it is not at all intended to protect against the cold.

The color of the dog may vary. It can be either beige, brown, gray or black, and in principle - any.

History of the breed

The American Staffordshire Terrier was developed in the 19th century in England, in the county of Staffordshire, by crossing a bulldog and various types of terrier. One of the resulting types, the American Staffordshire, was the largest.

After the ban on dog fighting in the United States in the early 1900s, two varieties of Staffordshires appeared - the American Staffordshire Terrier, which was considered a show breed, and the American Pit Bull Terrier, intended for fighting.


The American Staffordshire Terrier is primarily a guard dog with enormous strength. She will always protect the family in which she lives.
Dogs become aggressive if they feel threatened by a stranger. In this case, they can attack him and bite him. Unlike other breeds, the American Staffordshire Terrier, when a stranger enters the house, will guard and protect not only its owner, but also his property. Since the Staffordshire is a fighting breed, he will fight his opponent until he stops resisting and submits to him. In emergency situations such persistence is useful, but in ordinary situations it will lead to disastrous results. That is why from an early age it is necessary to explain to the dog who is a friend and who is an enemy. It is also important to teach your dog to socialize with children and other animals.

Once this dog understands who its "family" is, it will become obedient and loving. The Staffodshire was actually bred to be a family dog. He will find contact with people of all ages. But still, you should not leave your dog alone with small children.

If a dog is raised correctly, it will be calm and balanced. At home, the American Staffordshire Terrier feels great, he becomes cheerful and funny. Despite his natural laziness, he will always try to please his owner.

Before leaving your pet at home alone, you should accustom him to order, otherwise, when you come home one day, you may find ruins in his place. It will be difficult to teach a dog to discipline, but this issue should not be ignored either.


For the most part, Staffordshires are hardy dogs, practically immune to disease. However, there may be cases of diseases such as:
Hip dysplasia. The disease consists of tissue damage at the junction of the femur and pelvic bones. Its signs are severe pain and impaired movement. The disease can be hidden, so it is not always possible to immediately detect it. Treatment can include various exercises, but severe forms of the disease will require surgery.

Congenital heart defect. Some American Staffordshire Terriers are already born with this disease. However, most dogs do not have any heart problems. But it's still worth checking that your dog is okay.

Cataract. This is a genetic feature of this breed. It can lead to blurred vision or even blindness. To treat this disease, surgery is necessary.

Hives. Since the Staffordshire is a smooth-haired breed, sensitive skin is susceptible to environmental influences. Skin irritations can be caused by insects and hot weather.


The American Staffordshire Terrier requires minimal grooming. Regular brushing of the coat with a stiff brush will be enough to keep it clean. You should only bathe your dog when it is very dirty. When doing this, use dry shampoo. To maintain the shine of the coat, wipe it with a piece of suede.

You should pay attention to any redness or wounds on your pet's body. They can be signs of various diseases, such as hives. If you find lesions on the skin, immediately contact your veterinarian - he will prescribe treatment if the disease is detected.

Bad breath can also be a sign of infectious diseases.


The American Staffordshire Terrier needs regular exercise to keep it healthy and happy. He will like it if you take him for regular walks and play with different toys. Owners of this breed say that after daily hour-long walks, their dogs are reserved, calm and do not get bored after returning indoors.

It is necessary to carry out various exercises on obedience to the owner and on coexistence with other animals.


By nature, the American Staffordshire Terrier tends to be a leader. Through training, you must accustom your dog to the idea that you are the leader. The dog must be taught this from an early age. If you cannot assert your authority, then the dog simply will not obey you.

You need to be constantly reminded of your authority and that you are in control of the situation. Thanks to this moment, you can teach Staffordshire to listen to you and follow all your commands.

When teaching commands, cruelty and a commanding tone should be avoided. It's better to praise your pet if he did everything right. As a reward for correctly executed commands, you can give the dog some kind of toy. They love rubber toys best because they can be chewed.

You also need to show the differences between behavior at home and behavior on the street. To prevent your dog from marking the corners of your apartment, take him for a walk more often.


Suitable for keeping in an apartment. Workouts can also be done at home if you don't have a park nearby. It is most favorable for a dog to be kept in places with a warm climate.

The American Staffordshire Terrier dog breed is known to the world, but not everyone has heard about the long and interesting history of the origin of the breed. Staffords were created through selection in England. Bulldog and terrier crosses were carried out to create an aggressive and courageous dog. The result exceeded imaginable and unimaginable expectations. The American Staffordshire Terrier was originally called a bull terrier, indicating its origins in the bulldog and terrier.

There are debates regarding the origin of the terrier; there are a number of contradictions in the history of the dog. The Stafford is a cross between the aggressiveness of a bulldog and the endurance and mobility of a terrier. What can we say, the dog turned out to be truly harsh and cruel.

A completely reasonable question arises: why did the British need such a dangerous dog? The answer is extremely simple. In the 19th century, dog fighting actively gained popularity, promising great income for the organizers. Gradually, betting moved to the USA, Mexico and even Canada. The Staffords showed fearlessness and tenacity in fights, shedding blood for the amusement of those around them. A truly monstrous sight.

The dogs did not stop fighting. Even serious wounds did not knock the dogs down and the dogs continued to fight like true fighters. This is a proud and strong breed, improved through selection many times. The names were constantly changing. The Staffordshire Terrier was previously called the Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terrier and even the Brindle Bulldog. The name of the new breed did not affect the character of the breed - a living machine for endless battles and bloodshed. Keeping an animal at home was considered crazy, to say the least. Years passed, centuries changed. Staffords began to appear in private homes as staunch and hardy guards.

The pet received its modern name - American Staffordshire Terrier - only at the end of the 20th century. At the end of the 19th century, the breed was given its current appearance.

The role of the ancestors of the breed was played by the English terrier and bulldog, successfully crossed by American breeders. As a result of scientific work, the Pit Bull Terrier breed was born, which served as the further creation of the Staffordshire Terrier dog. Today it is customary to shorten the long name; the dogs are more often known as Stafs or Amstafs. Pets appeared on the territory of Russia recently - at the end of the 20th century.

Description of the breed

Before purchasing this difficult animal, you will need to study the characteristics of the breed in detail. The Stafford is a fighting dog with a complex and difficult to control temperament. You have the right to madly love and cherish the dog as a full-fledged member of the family, but he is an aggressive fighter, such are the genes.

To earn the dog’s complete trust and obedience, you need to re-read a bunch of books and thoroughly learn the psychology of the breed. They are complex and unruly, unyielding and extremely stubborn animals. The appearance speaks of extraordinary sporting potential. Raising a dog will become the basis for safe coexistence in the same territory. Stafford makes a true warrior:

  1. strong body,
  2. strong legs,
  3. short hair,
  4. pile of muscles.

Despite his dashing disposition, the Staffordshire Terrier recognizes hierarchy and follows the rules of the pack. The dog's owner and family members must demonstrate their own importance and remain an authority so that the dog never touches them. If it is not possible to achieve strict subordination, the dog is capable of showing monstrous aggression at any second, both against adults and children.

It is recommended to conduct regular training, exercises, and educational games so that the Amstaff becomes a family friend who is not capable of causing pain. If a person is ready for such a complex upbringing and a waste of nerves and energy, it is possible to purchase a puppy of the specified strong breed.

To the full description of the American Staffordshire Terrier breed, I would like to add that the breed is created for murder and bloodshed. There is no dog’s fault in the resulting cruelty and mercilessness. A proper upbringing and regular training can turn a growing villain into a truly sweet animal, ready to protect his family to the last drop of blood.

Breed characteristics:

  1. 44-46 cm height for females, 46-48 cm height for males;
  2. 25-30 kg weight;
  3. The head is large;
  4. The ears are semi-raised, erect, set high;
  5. The eyes are round, dark, rimmed, and set wide apart;
  6. Black nose;
  7. The back is sloping, short;
  8. The stomach is tucked;
  9. Oblique placement of the shoulder blades;
  10. Shoulders are muscular;
  11. The chest is wide and powerful;
  12. Limbs straight, widely spaced;
  13. Short pointed tail;
  14. Short coat, smooth, thick;
  15. Various colors, spotting is acceptable.

The Staffordshire Terrier dog breed has a contradictory character. On the one hand, genetic traits influenced the formation: courage and dedication, quick response and ruthlessness. The fighting past has not passed without a trace in the history of the dog; the fighting blood inherent in dogs continues to flow in the veins of staffs.

Staffordshire Terriers, on the other hand, are portrayed as intelligent dogs that are calm and level-headed. The dog is infinitely devoted to its owners and absolutely loves children. Staffordshire Terriers are often bred as nannies for naughty pranksters.

Dogs get along well with children and are ready to indulge their whims, make them happy and play from morning to night. The breed is distinguished by its mobility and energy; representatives get along comfortably with children and spend most of the day in active games.

Among other things, the Staffordshire Terrier breed is not endowed with a desire for dominance. Thanks to this, getting along with another pet is easier than ever. Dogs will not leave their owner and family in trouble, they will always support. If danger arises, they will stand up for the family and will not offend anyone. In ordinary life, staff radiates calm and regularity.

The dog has extraordinary sensitivity, it is not recommended to scold or punish the dog, you should not raise your voice without reason or show aggression. The upbringing and comfortable existence of staff is directly related to the manifestation of love and tenderness, trust and other positive emotions.

Thanks to their innate sense of smell, Staffordshire Terrier puppies and adult dogs always feel what is going on in the family. Dogs will not raise their voices and will not impose their presence during serious situations. They are not prone to barking without permission. At such moments, they will either try to support the owners, or they will go back to their place and lie quietly.

Caring for the American Staffordshire Terrier

When the Amstaff puppy crosses the threshold of the apartment, he will immediately begin a thorough inspection of the territory. On the first day, the owner must designate a place for the dog to sleep. Of course, basking with an affectionate puppy is nice and healthy, but the baby will quickly turn into a calf weighing 30 kg.

Proper care of the American Staffordshire Terrier will eliminate unwanted moments in the process of coexistence with the wonderful beast. As a puppy, the staff undergoes vaccination procedures against measles, distemper and rabies. Subsequently, vaccinations are given annually, in the prescribed month. There will be no difficulties in caring for the coat. A stiff brush is enough to make your pet's coat look healthy and well-groomed.

The Amstaff does not like nail trimming; it is recommended that the dog's owner entrust this task. The authority of the owner for the staff is undeniable; he will not touch him even if he feels pain when trimming his nails.

It’s easy to learn how to care for an American Staffordshire Terrier from breeders; nothing specific is expected.

Taking care of the healthy state of the staff is a complex of measures, including:

  • Preventive measures;
  • Therapeutic measures;
  • Hygiene procedures;
  • Optimal diet;
  • Optimal walking mode.

Proper care of the Staffordshire Terrier is directly related to caring for your pet's coat. You will need to periodically clean the coat with a damp cloth or towel and regularly comb out dead hairs. The procedure promotes rapid hair renewal and provides the skin with the necessary massage.

It is important not to overdo it with bathing your pet; frequent procedures will undermine the health of the coat and skin. For mandatory bathing, special shampoos are used as a cosmetic product. The use of inappropriate products causes an allergic reaction and dry skin.

You will need to shorten your pet's claws monthly using a special tool. Walking on an asphalt surface is good for the natural development of claws. It is important to pay attention to your teeth.

To ensure a healthy state, it is necessary to brush your teeth with a special brush. It is important to monitor the condition of the nose; if it is dry and cracked, the dog is unhealthy. Ears are kept clean and healthy.

What to feed

American Staffordshire Terrier puppies must be fed well in order for their muscles to grow properly. Let us outline a number of important points about what to feed the American Staffordshire Terrier:

  • A massive and strong skeleton requires a high level of calcium in the blood; give the dog special vitamins sold at the pet store.
  • The digestive system is not complicated, which contributes to the rapid digestion of food. It is not recommended to feed your dog high-calorie foods. This can lead to difficulty in bowel movements.
  • A healthy American Staffordshire Terrier dog walks at least twice a day.
  • Meat should prevail in the diet. You should not feed exclusively dry food. The dog willingly eats scraps from the owner's table.

It’s easy to find out from the sellers what to feed American Staffordshire Terrier puppies. It is better to purchase the appropriate book for a thorough study. However, there are no fundamental differences in the diet of Staffords. Dogs eat everything and do not experience any difficulties with the digestive tract.

The food of the staff is designed to correspond to the physical condition of the pet and support it. The diet of puppies is supposed to be balanced, taking into account the size of the animal and gender. The main component of the diet is meat, offered raw and boiled.

It is recommended to give your pet milk, cottage cheese and eggs. The last component is required when boiled. Boiled cereals are useful for food; it is not forbidden to prepare soups. Porridges and soups are complemented with vegetables. Offer to gnaw bones, with the exception of tubular ones, add meat and bone meal to food.

Character of the breed

Some researchers say that due to its rich fighting past, the Amstaff has practically lost the pack instinct characteristic of its relatives. Became an individual. The change led to the emergence of character traits: the ability to make independent decisions, the absence of the need to dominate, and to obey the general mood.

Amstaff owners talk about the dogs’ ability to think, understand words different from standard commands, and the mood in the house.

A smart dog is always happy to play with those who want to. Needs attention and love. Next to a person is fully consistent with the well-known saying that with great power comes great responsibility. Despite the quick reaction and ability to instantly respond to stimuli, the American Staffordshire Terrier always thinks about everything, which is noticeable in his facial expressions. The dog will not bark in vain. In a tense situation, he will give a warning with an impressive roar.

The aggressiveness of the breed is directly proportional to the aggressiveness and level of intelligence of the owner. If a person gets a dog to sublimate his own unsatisfied ambitions in dominance and self-esteem, the dog will definitely adapt to the owner and will pose a threat to others. In families where the dog is surrounded by love and care, it grows up socialized and calm. Then its best qualities will be fully revealed, making the bag of muscles an affectionate pet.


Training the American Staffordshire Terrier is considered to be the key to an easy-going character and well-developed muscles. Education should begin from the moment the puppy arrives at home. Trips to special training sites begin at seven months. The breed is easy to train. There is no need to stock up on nerves and patience; Stafford understands, if not the first time, then the second time.

An important aspect of education in the life of a staff is that the dog is historically aggressive and dangerous. Training the Staffordshire Terrier consists, first of all, of socialization. Without this moment, the dog becomes uncontrollable. It is important to start training and education at the age of 1.5 months. From the age mentioned above to 6 months, the breed is extremely trainable. With the right approach and systematic training, you can achieve excellent results and turn your pet into an assistant and companion.

The main point is that training, like upbringing, begins as early as possible, giving the puppy the dominant position of the owner. Taming a dog will take a significant amount of time; the puppy can be overly playful and uncontrollable. It is forbidden to hit the dog, causing retaliatory aggression. The American Staffordshire Terrier breed is distinguished by its excellent memory, which allows the dog to take revenge on the offender even years later.

American Staffordshire Terrier dogs are sweet and kind creatures - only if they are raised correctly. It is supposed to nip in the bud any attacks of rage of the animal and indicate human authority, so that the dog does not risk showing grin and aggression in front of the owner.

The Amstaff, also known as the American Staffordshire Terrier, is a world-famous dog breed with a controversial reputation. Some consider him a nanny for children, others an evil fighting dog. In a sense, both sides are right. The Amstaff is universal, it can be trained in almost any specialty, but above all it is an athlete and companion, which is suitable for experienced dog breeders, people with a strong character and a steady hand.

The Amstaff descended from a pit bull, which was bred by crossing terriers, old-style bulldogs and some other breeds. But first things first.

Bulldogs have existed in Great Britain for a very long time, they were used for hunting, and then used for bull baiting and dog fighting. It’s just that in the 18th century they were significantly different from modern ones. These were proportionally built, agile dogs that stood on straight legs of medium length. Which terriers took part in the selection remains a controversial issue. Most likely, in each region of England these were different breeds. In Birmingham, the English White Terrier cross gave rise to the breed that is widely popular and known as the Bull Terrier. And it appeared in Staffordshire. The latter were actively exported to the USA and already at the end of the 19th century became widely known overseas as the Pit Bull Terrier or the American Pit Bull Terrier.

In 1898, American pit bull breeder Shaunsey Bennett founded the United Kennel Club, which began registering first fighting and then hunting dogs. Bennett paid attention to working qualities; an important condition was the presence of a game in dogs, a desire to fight and win. But over time, more and more owners began to appear who did not want to come into contact with fighting in one way or another and saw their pets exclusively as companions. They contacted the dog breeders association and asked for registration rights. The AKC was ready to open a stud book for the American Pit Bull Terrier, but on the condition that the name of the breed would be changed. In 1936, the American Kennel Club recognized pit bulls under the name American Staffordshire Terrier. A standard was written for the breed. The goal of selection was now to breed human-friendly, sporting companion dogs that would conform in appearance to the developed standard.

Thus, the breeds and the Staffordshire Terrier were divided, but this division can only be called conditional, since to this day their lines often intersect with each other, and some dogs have double registration in one association; they are registered as pit bulls, and in the other as Amstaffs.

Video review of the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) breed

What should Amstaff look like according to the standard?

The appearance of the Amstaff speaks without words of power, confidence and fortitude: the physique is compact, the look is straightforward, attentive, steel muscles roll under the dry skin. The dog stands firmly on even, strong legs, wide cheekbones, back and croup, massive chest - all this gives the impression of reliability and solidity. Ideal height: 43-46 cm for females and 46-48 cm for males.

The skull is almost square in shape. The muzzle is of medium length, the stop is sharp, the bridge of the nose is rounded. The jaws are well defined and very strong. The lips are dense, not saggy. The cheekbones are sharply expressed. The cheeks are well muscled. The nose is black and the eyes are dark brown. Preference is given to small, uncropped ears; they can be rose-shaped or semi-erect. The eyes are small, round, deep-set and widely spaced. The eyelids are well pigmented.

Ears can be cropped in countries where this is not prohibited.

In well-built dogs, the length of the body should be approximately equal to the height. The anterior part of the sternum is very well developed. It is worth considering that an excessively wide chest and correspondingly widely spaced paws reduce the dog’s mobility. The sides of the chest are rounded, but not barrel-shaped. The tail is set low, strong, wide at the base, tapering to the tip, not too long. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The neck is voluminous, of medium length, widening towards the shoulders. The legs are large, strong, and of normal length. The fingers are well collected.

The short, smooth, shiny coat lies close to the skin. There is no undercoat. Colors can be very diverse: solid, colored, spotted, brindle. Unacceptable for the Amstaff: black and tan, liver and white when it covers more than 80% of the body.


Amstaff is active and courageous, he has determination, strength and a unique intelligence. The character is in some sense paradoxical, because it combines a number of absolutely opposite qualities: tenderness and strength, perseverance and sensitivity, intransigence and good nature. Amstaff is fearless, but strives for safety. He is touchy to the core and can be vindictive.

Contrary to popular opinion, the Amstaff was not bred for fighting, but it came from a fighting breed and this left its mark on the psyche. If you look at the standard, you will see the following:

  • Temperament is strong, agile, balanced. By nature, the Amstaff should be cheerful, independent, self-reliant, vigilant, curious and very intelligent.
  • Flaws: increased excitability, nervousness, timidity.
  • Vices: unbalanced psyche, cowardice, aggression towards a person.

Amstaff is very attached to the owner and the rest of the family. At home he behaves quite calmly, but on walks he is an active and inquisitive companion, an excellent athlete. He is insensitive to pain, is not one of the nervous dogs, is persistent and balanced, and always openly makes contact.

If necessary, this dog will defend the home and family, but purposefully training aggression is categorically not recommended. The Amstaff is naturally friendly and sociable, he will greet guests with a wagging tail and should not snap at strangers. Amstaff is strong, self-confident, he never growls and very rarely barks.

The Staffordshire Terrier should have such a wonderful character according to the standard. Unfortunately, not all dog owners and breeders select pairs responsibly and competently; offspring are produced by dogs with various shortcomings or even disqualifying defects: aggressive, stupid, cowardly. These qualities can be inherited by descendants, who are bred again and again “for health” or for material gain.

Education and training

To raise a good Amstaff, you will have to put in a lot of effort. Difficulties may arise due to the puppy’s stubbornness and hyperactivity, as well as due to increased interest in his brothers.

Amstaff is suitable for young, energetic people who are willing to devote a lot of time to training their dog.

The Amstaff is quite trainable; it learns commands quite quickly, but may be slow to carry them out. The dog must be raised strictly, but under no circumstances should it show aggression or cruelty. Amstaff needs a patient, strong leader who will become a friend and mentor. A dog that does not recognize its owner as a leader is a problem dog.

Video: correction of unwanted behavior of Amstaff:

Content Features

The Amstaff is not suitable for street life; moreover, the dog cannot be kept in a closed enclosure or on a leash; this affects its psyche and its behavior in the future can be unpredictable. The Amstaff is a companion dog that must constantly be in close contact with a person. He may not sleep on the master's bed, but he must always be nearby and participate in all family affairs. During the cold season, the Amstaff requires insulation. Clothing is selected according to the season, it must be of high quality and comfortable. At home, the dog must have a sleeping place, bowls for water and food, toys and ammunition. For training, it is recommended to use a noose or a strict collar; for walking an obedient dog, a harness is the best option.

You need to walk your Amstaff a lot in order to channel all his energy into a peaceful direction.

With sufficient physical activity, the Amstaff will behave calmly at home. If a dog is not given proper attention, it will begin to spoil things and release its pent-up energy in other unwanted ways. Very active puppies are often locked in a crate while no one is home, this helps keep valuables safe. Amstaffs are very attached to their toys, but on the street they prefer to play with something larger: a brick, a tire, a log. Amstaff performs well in various sports.

Video: epic parkour of the American Staffordshire Terrier


Amstaff care is simple. Periodically, the dog is brushed with a thick brush or a special mitten for short-haired breeds. This is necessary to help renew the coat and reduce the amount of wool in the house. They bathe no more than once a month. After a walk, if necessary, wipe the coat with a damp towel or rinse in the shower without shampoo. Monitor the condition of the eyes and ears, which should always remain dry and clean. The claws are slightly filed as they grow, but with good physical activity and walking on the asphalt, they grind down on their own. If the dog eats natural food, it is advisable to accustom it to brushing its teeth and perform the procedure 1-2 times a week.


Most owners prefer to feed their Amstaff natural products. The decision is explained by the fact that good ready-made food can provide a dog with a set of vital nutrients, but does not contribute to muscle gain. Another thing is natural nutrition, the basis of which is protein foods. On a meat diet, a dog who also plays sports looks really impressive: strong, strong with clearly visible muscle definition. A natural diet also includes a certain amount of cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, as well as fermented milk products, eggs and fish.

For pets who lead a moderately active lifestyle, ready-made super-premium or holistic food is also suitable. Pay attention to the diet for active medium-sized breeds.

It is enough to feed an adult dog 2 times a day. With increased physical activity, light snacks are allowed, increasing the daily diet by 20-40%. Portions should be eaten at one time.

Health and life expectancy

In general, Amstaffs have good health, but years of selection have left their mark on the genetics. There are a number of hereditary diseases in the breed:

  • Heart disease (valvular malformations, subaortic stenosis, cardiac arrhythmia);
  • Hip dysplasia;
  • Cataract;
  • Bloating and volvulus of the stomach;
  • von Willebrand's disease;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Cutaneous histiocytoma and hemangioma. With age, it is possible to develop other tumor diseases, including malignant ones;
  • Various types of allergies.

Selection and price of a puppy

Having considered the decision to buy an Amstaff, start looking for a suitable litter, paying attention not only to the puppies, but also to their parents. It is advisable to see how at least one of the parents behaves on the street, how they obey the owner and treat their fellow tribesmen. Ask the breeder to provide documents confirming the origin. Puppies at three months of age must be dewormed and given their first vaccinations.

You should never choose a dog based solely on a photograph, especially when it comes to such a serious breed.

When examining, you will understand, pay attention to their appearance; babies should be moderately well-fed, active, with shiny, smooth hair; there should be no redness or discharge on the mucous membranes. The bite is correct. The eyelids, nose and lips, even in puppies, should already be pigmented. Pink spots are a drawback; such puppies are sold cheaper and belong to the so-called pet class. They are unlikely to achieve high marks in shows and should not be allowed for breeding. It is recommended to pick up a puppy no earlier than two months of age. In rare cases, breeders give dogs to experienced owners at one and a half months, immediately after activation.



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