It is customary to distinguish several stages that successively replace each other: the intrauterine, or embryonic, period, childhood, puberty, or puberty, the reproductive period, or puberty, the menopausal period and the period of old age.

Prenatal period

At this stage of development, the formation of all fetal systems occurs, including the female genital organs. In the embryonic rudiments of the ovaries, primary follicles are laid, from which eggs will subsequently develop.


This period lasts from the birth of a girl until she is 8-9 years old. Immediately after birth, under the influence of hormones released from the placenta, engorgement of the mammary glands and bloody discharge from the vagina are possible. In the future, the hormonal background remains quite stable, the body and organs of the reproductive system grow.


Puberty falls between the ages of 9-10 and 17-18 years. At this stage, restructuring begins hormonal system. Secondary sexual characteristics are formed: hair growth occurs in the pubic and axillary areas, development mammary glands, pelvic bones, distribution of subcutaneous fat according to the female type.

This period ends with the onset of monthly menstruation. After the first menstruation (menarche), menstruation is most often irregular for some time, and anovulatory cycles are possible. After 1-2 years, menstrual cycles stabilize and the woman enters next period of its development.

Puberty period

This is the longest stage in a woman’s life. Cyclic hormonal changes in the body during this period occur regularly, which leads to the monthly maturation of follicles in the ovaries and the release of eggs from them (ovulation).

During each cycle, a woman’s body creates all necessary conditions For possible pregnancy. If fertilization of the egg does not occur, the monthly cycle ends with the onset of menstruation. On average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days.


The timing of menopause depends on many factors and is largely determined by heredity. Normally, this period begins at the age of 45-50 years.

Changes during perimenopause hormonal levels cause menstruation to become irregular. Then comes menopause - complete cessation of ovarian function and cessation of menstruation.

Postmenopause is the period from a woman reaching menopause (1 year after last menstrual period) up to 65-69 years.

The synthesis of female sex hormones decreases during menopause. At normal course During menopause, this happens gradually, so the woman’s body has time to adapt to the changes. If there are any disturbances during this process, climacteric syndrome occurs, which is manifested by neuropsychic, endocrine, and vegetative-vascular disorders.

Vegetative-vascular disorders lead to hot flashes, chills, headaches, and sweating. Psycho-emotional disorders are manifested by irritability, sleep disturbances, depression, and anxiety disorders.

Metabolic disorders are characterized by fluctuations in body weight, instability blood pressure, the risk of developing osteoporosis increases.

Old age period

Lasts from 70 years until the end of a woman’s life. During this period, the synthesis of female sex hormones remains consistently low, atrophy of the genital organs and general aging of the female body occur.

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2. Age periods of a woman’s life

Having become familiar with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female genital organs at different age periods, it will be easier for you to understand many biological processes, occurring in a woman’s body.

Age, functional features The reproductive system of a woman is closely dependent on a number of factors. Great value have primarily periods of a woman's life. It is customary to distinguish:

1) period of intrauterine development;

2) the period of childhood (from birth to 9-10 years);

3) period of puberty (from 9-10 years to 13-14 years);

4) adolescence (from 14 to 18 years);

5) period of puberty, or childbearing (reproductive), age from 18 to 40 years; transition period, or premenopause (from 41 to 50 years);

6) the period of aging, or postmenopause (from the moment of permanent cessation of menstrual function).

During the prenatal period the formation, development and maturation of all organs and systems of the fetus, including the reproductive system, occurs. During this period, the formation and embryonic development of the ovaries occur, which are one of the most important links in the regulation of the function of the reproductive system of the female body after birth.

During the prenatal period, various factors (intoxication, acute and chronic infections, ionizing radiation, medications etc.) can have a damaging effect on the embryo or fetus. These factors can cause developmental defects various organs and systems, including the genitals. Such congenital abnormalities in the development of the genital organs can lead to disruption of the functions characteristic of the female body. Intrauterine developmental defects that arise under the influence of the factors listed above may be accompanied by damage to various parts of the regulation of the menstrual cycle. As a result, girls may experience various disorders menstrual, and subsequently reproductive function.

During childhood There is relative rest of the reproductive system. Only during the first few days after the birth of a girl can she experience the so-called sexual crisis (bloody discharge from the vagina, engorgement of the mammary glands). This occurs under the influence of the cessation of the action of placental hormones, which occurs after childbirth. In childhood, the organs of the reproductive system gradually grow, but the features typical for this age are preserved: the predominance of the size of the cervix over the size of the uterine body, convoluted fallopian tubes, the absence of mature follicles in the ovaries, etc. During childhood, there are no secondary sexual characteristics.

Puberty characterized by relatively rapid growth of the organs of the reproductive system and primarily the uterus (mainly its body). In a girl of this age, secondary sexual characteristics appear and develop: a skeleton is formed female type(especially the pelvis), fat deposition occurs according to the female type, hair growth is noted first on the pubis, and then in the armpits. Most a clear sign The period of puberty is the onset of the first menstruation. For girls living in middle lane, the first menstruation appears at the age of 11-13 years. Then, for about a year, menstruation may be irregular, and many periods occur without ovulation (the appearance of an egg). The onset and formation of menstrual function occurs under the influence of cyclic changes in the nervous system and glands internal secretion, namely the ovaries. Ovarian hormones have a corresponding effect on the uterine mucosa, causing characteristic cyclic changes in it, i.e. the menstrual cycle. Adolescence also known as transitional, since at this time there is a transition to the onset of puberty - the flourishing of the function of the organs of the female reproductive system.

Puberty period is the longest in a woman's life. Due to the regular maturation of follicles in the ovaries and ovulation (the release of an egg), as well as the subsequent development corpus luteum All the necessary conditions for pregnancy are created in the female body. Regular cyclical changes occurring in the central nervous system, ovaries and uterus, which externally manifests itself in the form of regular menstruation, is the main indicator of the health of a woman of childbearing age.

Premenopausal period characterized by the transition from the state of puberty to the cessation of menstrual function and the onset of old age. During this period, women often develop various disorders of menstrual function, the cause of which may be age-related disorders central mechanisms regulating the function of the genital organs.

Aging period characterized by a complete cessation of menstruation and general aging of the female body.

The frequency of diseases of the genital organs in women is closely related to the age periods of their life. Thus, during childhood, it is relatively common to experience inflammatory diseases external genitalia and vagina. During puberty, uterine bleeding and other menstrual dysfunction are common. During puberty, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as well as menstrual irregularities, are most common. of various origins, genital cysts, infertility. At the end of the childbearing period, the frequency of benign and malignant tumors of the genital organs increases. Less common during premenopause inflammatory processes genital organs, but the frequency increases significantly tumor processes and menstrual dysfunction (menopausal bleeding). During the postmenopausal period, prolapse and prolapse of the genital organs occur more often than before, as well as malignant tumors. The age specificity of diseases of the female genital organs is mainly determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the female body in individual periods life.

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Women's hygiene during menstruation3. Protective barriers female body

A woman’s life can be divided into several periods, which are characterized by age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics.

Intrauterine period - the formation of the reproductive system begins from the 18th week of pregnancy. At this time, the ovaries of the female fetus already have primordial follicles that begin to function, but hormonal function the fetal ovaries are still poorly developed and are especially sensitive to adverse factors external environment.

The neonatal period is the 1st month of life after childbirth. During this period, the level of estrogen decreases and in the first days after birth, the girl may show signs of a sexual crisis: engorgement of the mammary glands, bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Neutral period - childhood; lasts up to 8 years. The functions of the ovaries do not appear, although estrogens are synthesized. The uterus is small. The cervix is ​​longer and thicker than the size of the uterus; fallopian tubes are thin and tortuous, with a narrow lumen; the vagina is narrow, short, the vaginal mucosa is thin up to 7 years, the epithelium is represented by basal and parabasal cells. The vaginal contents have a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction.

The period of puberty (puberty) lasts from 8 to 17-18 years. During this period, the reproductive system matures and the physical development of the female body ends. Uterine enlargement begins at age 8. By the age of 12-13 years, an angle appears between the body and the cervix, open anteriorly, and the uterus takes a physiological position in the pelvis, deviating anteriorly from the wire axis of the pelvis. The ratio of body length to cervix becomes 3:1. Puberty is characterized by activation of the gonads, further development genital organs, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics (enlarged mammary glands, pubic and armpit hair), the appearance of the first menstruation and the formation of menstrual function. During puberty, two phases are conventionally distinguished: prepubertal and pubertal. The boundary between these phases is considered to be the first menstruation (menarche). By the end of puberty, the girl’s body is anatomically and functionally ready for procreation. The girl’s appearance changes, which is manifested by the formation of the pelvis and the deposition of subcutaneous fat tissue according to the female type. The puberty of a girl is ensured by the function of the ovaries, which, in turn, is formed under the influence of the activity of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The period of puberty is a very important period, critical period women's development. The woman’s future health depends on how correctly it proceeds.

During this period, the girl’s body is especially sensitive to the effects various factors external environment (malnutrition, injuries, infections, intoxications), physical and mental fatigue, which can have adverse influence on the development and specific functions of the female body. Considering this, for the proper formation of a woman’s body in this period, especially important have recreational activities, hardening the body, physical education and sports, proper nutrition, reasonable alternation of work and rest. During puberty special meaning has the implementation of hygiene measures. During menstruation, girls often feel physically weaker than at other times and get tired faster even when doing normal work. They may decrease and mental performance. Consequently, girls have a higher need for additional rest at this time. During menstruation, you should stop playing sports, especially those associated with large physical stress(running, skating, skiing, etc.). Swimming in open water and baths is prohibited. The hygienic regime during menstruation boils down to thorough washing. warm water with soap on the external genital organs and adjacent areas of the body at least 2 times a day (morning and evening). During menstruation, you need to use special pads that easily absorb blood, which change depending on the degree of bleeding, but at least 5 times a day.

The period of puberty (reproductive period) lasts from 17 to 45 years. The function of the reproductive system is aimed at regulating the ovulatory menstrual cycle and childbirth. Often during this period a woman experiences various diseases genital organs, for the prevention of which strict adherence to hygiene measures is of no small importance, especially during menstruation. At this time all kinds gynecological treatment(douching, enemas, electro- and mud therapy), as well as sex life must be stopped. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to infection entering the genitals and the occurrence of severe inflammatory diseases.

With marriage, a girl begins to have sex life. By law, marriage is permitted from the age of 18, since by this age the female body is prepared to ensure the physiological course of pregnancy and childbirth. Young women getting married should contact antenatal clinic for advice, where they will be explained the rules of sexual hygiene and methods of preventing pregnancy. Sexual activity during menstruation is strictly prohibited due to the risk of infection and increased bleeding. Sexual activity is also prohibited in the first two and last month pregnancy, and also for 6-8 weeks after birth.

The climacteric period according to the modern classification includes premenopause, menopause and postmenopause. This period begins at 40-45 years and lasts 8-10 or more years. The name of this period comes from the word klimax - ladder, which seems to indicate that its steps lead from the flourishing of all the specific functions of the female body to their extinction. In the ovaries, eggs gradually stop maturing, the process of ovulation and follicle development stops, and intrasecretory activity fades away. A woman loses her ability to reproduce. The rhythm, duration of the menstrual cycle, and the amount of lost menstrual blood, which ends with the complete cessation of menstruation - menopause. For most women, the menopause proceeds physiologically, without pathological manifestations. During the pathological menopause, women develop various dysfunctions of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Sometimes a violation normal life the body leads to loss of ability to work. Question about hygiene menopause deserves special attention, and every woman should be well aware of this for the purpose of prevention pathological course menopause and the occurrence of a number of gynecological diseases. Many signs similar to those observed during menopause may be symptoms of certain diseases, in particular those of a tumor nature. A woman in this period, as before, should see a doctor at least 2 times a year, even if she considers herself completely healthy. A woman’s condition during this period is particularly positively influenced by physical culture, long stay in the fresh air, hygienic gymnastics, water treatments, proper nutrition. Maintaining hygiene is reliable prevention pathological course of the menopause.

Old age occurs after the end of the menopause and is characterized by complete physiological rest of the female reproductive system, cessation of ovarian activity and age-related atrophy of the genital organs, which reaches great severity. Currently, in this period of life, women distinguish old age, while old age is considered only recent years this period (from 75 years and later).

In old age and old age, the ovaries do not produce hormones, but a small amount is produced by the adrenal glands.

Hygiene requirements for the elderly and old age do not differ significantly from the hygiene requirements of previous periods of a woman’s life. Sometimes at this age, women again experience bleeding from the genital tract after a more or less prolonged absence of menstruation. A woman should know that it is a mistake to regard these discharge as a sign of rejuvenation of the body and in these cases you should immediately consult a gynecologist, since similar symptom may be a sign of the development of a malignant tumor.

The functional state of a woman’s reproductive system is largely determined by periods of life, among which it is customary to distinguish the following:

Antenatal (intrauterine) period;
- neonatal period (up to 10 days after birth);
- childhood period (up to 8 years);
- period of puberty, or puberty (from 8 to 16 years);
- period of puberty, or reproductive (from 17 to 40 years);
- premenopausal period (from 41 years to the onset of menopause);
- postmenopausal period (from the moment of permanent cessation of menstruation).

Antenatal period.Ovaries. During embryonic development, the gonads are the first to develop (starting from 3-4 weeks of intrauterine life). By 6-7 weeks of embryo development, the indifferent stage of gonad formation ends. From the 10th week, female gonads are formed. At week 20, primordial follicles form in the fetal ovaries, which represent an oocyte surrounded by compacted epithelial cells. At week 25, the tunica albuginea of ​​the ovary appears. At 31-32 weeks, granular cells of the inner lining of the follicle differentiate. From 37-38 weeks the number of cavity and maturing follicles increases. By the time of birth, the ovaries are morphologically formed.

Internal genital organs. Fallopian tubes, uterus and upper third vaginas originate from the paramesonephric ducts. From 5-6 weeks of embryo development, development begins fallopian tubes. At 13-14 weeks, the uterus is formed by the fusion of the distal sections of the parameso-nephric ducts: initially the uterus is bicornuate, but later acquires a saddle-shaped configuration, which is often preserved at the time of birth. At 16-20 weeks, the cervix differentiates. From the 17th week, the labia develop. By 24-25 weeks, the hymen is clearly visible.

Hypothalamic-pituitary system. From 8-9 weeks of the antenatal period, the secretory activity of the adenohypophysis is activated: FSH and LH are determined in the pituitary gland, fetal blood and in small quantities in amniotic fluid; during the same period, GnRH is identified. At 10-13 weeks, neurotransmitters are detected. From the 19th week, the secretion of prolactin by adenocytes begins.

Newborn period. At the end of intrauterine development of the fetus high level maternal estrogens inhibit the secretion of gonadotropins from the fetal pituitary gland; sharp decline The content of maternal estrogen in the newborn’s body stimulates the release of FSH and LH by the girl’s adenohypophysis, which provides a short-term increase in the function of her ovaries. By the 10th day of a newborn’s life, manifestations of estrogenic effects are eliminated.

Childhood period. Characterized by low functional activity reproductive system: the secretion of estradiol is insignificant, the maturation of follicles to the antral occurs rarely and unsystematically, the release of GnRH is inconsistent; receptor connections between subsystems are not developed, the secretion of neurotransmitters is poor.

Puberty period. During this period (from 8 to 16 years), not only does the reproductive system mature, but it also completes physical development female body: body growth in length, ossification of growth zones tubular bones, the physique and distribution of fat and muscle tissue according to the female type are formed.

Currently, in accordance with the degree of maturity of the hypothalamic structures, three periods of maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system are distinguished.

First period- prepubertal (8-9 years) - characterized by increased secretion of gonadotropins in the form of individual acyclic emissions; estrogen synthesis is low. A “jump” in body length growth is noted, the first signs of feminization of the physique appear: the hips are rounded due to an increase in the amount and redistribution of adipose tissue, the formation of the female pelvis begins, the number of epithelial layers in the vagina increases with the appearance of intermediate-type cells.

Second period- first phase puberty(10-13 years) - characterized by the formation of daily cyclicity and increased secretion of GnRH, FSH and LH, under the influence of which the synthesis of ovarian hormones increases. The mammary glands begin to enlarge, pubic hair begins to grow, the vaginal flora changes - lactobacilli appear. This period ends with the appearance of the first menstruation - menarche, which coincides in time with the end of rapid growth body length.

Third period- the second phase of the pubertal period (14-16 years) - is characterized by the establishment of a stable rhythm of GnRH secretion, a high (ovulatory) release of FSH and LH against the background of their basal monotonic secretion. The development of mammary glands and sexual hair is completed, body growth in length is finally formed female pelvis; the menstrual cycle becomes ovulatory.

First ovulation represents the culmination of puberty, but does not mean puberty, which occurs by the age of 16-17 years. Puberty is understood as the completion of the formation of not only the reproductive system, but also the entire woman’s body, prepared for conception, pregnancy, childbirth and feeding a newborn.

Period of puberty. Age from 17 to 40 years. The features of this period are manifested in specific morphofunctional transformations of the reproductive system (Section H.1.1.).

Premenopausal period. The premenopausal period lasts from 41 years to the onset of menopause - the last menstruation in a woman's life, which on average occurs at the age of 50 years. Declining activity of the gonads. Distinctive feature this period - a change in the rhythm and duration of menstruation, as well as the volume of menstrual blood loss: menstruation becomes less abundant (hypomenorrhea), their duration is shortened (oligomenorrhea), and the intervals between them increase (opsomenorrhea).

The following phases are conventionally distinguished premenopausal period:

Hypolutein - clinical symptoms absent, there is a slight decrease in the secretion of lutropin by the adenohypophysis and progesterone by the ovaries;
- hyperestrogenic - characterized by the absence of ovulation (anovulatory menstrual cycle), cyclical secretion of FSH and LH, an increase in estrogen content, which leads to a delay of menstruation for 2-3 months, often with subsequent bleeding; the concentration of gestagens is minimal;
- hypoestrogenic - amenorrhea is observed, a significant decrease in estrogen levels - the follicle does not mature and atrophies early;
- ahormonal - the functional activity of the ovaries stops, estrogens are synthesized in small quantities only by the adrenal cortex (compensatory hypertrophy of the cortex), the production of gonadotropins increases; clinically characterized by persistent amenorrhea.

Postmenopause. The ahormonal phase coincides with the beginning of the postmenopausal period. Postmenopause is characterized by atrophy of the internal genital organs (the mass of the uterus decreases, its muscular elements are replaced by connective tissue, the vaginal epithelium becomes thinner due to a decrease in its layering), urethra, bladder, muscles pelvic floor. In postmenopause, metabolism is disrupted, and pathological conditions cardiovascular, skeletal and other systems.

A special period in a woman’s life. Age periods of the female body

Throughout a woman’s life, there are several periods characterized by age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics. The boundaries between periods are very arbitrary and vary depending on individual development conditions, hereditary, biological and social factors.

Prenatal period

During this period, the formation, development, differentiation and maturation of all organs and systems of the fetus, including the reproductive system, occurs under the influence of sex hormones coming from the mother’s blood, from the placenta, as well as those formed in the body of the fetus itself. From 3-4 weeks embryonic development The gonads begin to develop first; from the 6-8th week, the formation and differentiation of the external and internal genital organs occurs. In the fetus by the 20th week intrauterine development the ovaries contain primordial follicles. At the 31-33rd week, the first signs of follicular development appear, the number of layers of granulosa cells increases to 6-8 rows, and theca tissue is formed. At each week of intrauterine development, certain important processes formation reproductive system, and the impact of adverse factors environment has a damaging effect on those structures and systems that are in an active state during this period. This period is important for the subsequent development of all functions of the woman’s reproductive system, since exposure to unfavorable environmental factors can contribute to the occurrence of malformations of the organs of the reproductive system, which subsequently leads to disruption of specific functions female body. When carrying a child, a pregnant woman needs to create the most favorable physical and emotional conditions, as well as rational nutrition, rich in vitamins, microelements, proteins and energy compounds.

Newborn period

This is the first 4 weeks of life, or 28 days. At birth, the sex of the child is determined based on the structure of the external genitalia, since other sexual characteristics are early childhood are missing. During the first week of life, a newborn girl experiences some manifestations of estrogen saturation and the phenomenon of the so-called sexual crisis may occur: engorgement of the mammary glands, swelling of the vaginal mucosa and even spotting from the genital tract. It is generally accepted that this is due to the effect of maternal hormones on the girl’s body. On the 8-10th day all these phenomena disappear.

Childhood period

Childhood is called a neutral period, since from the first month of life until the age of 8 years, the reproductive system does not noticeable changes. The body is gradually prepared for subsequent physical and sexual development. For full development from the age of 3-4, when the child begins to realize that he belongs to the male or female, it is necessary to accustom the girl to certain rules of behavior and hygiene.

The girl must sleep in her own bed and have her own personal toiletries. Children's underwear must be washed separately from adults' underwear. During the first year of life, diapers should not be used constantly, but only during walks or night sleep. The mucous membrane of a girl's external genitalia is extremely delicate and can react to synthetic fabrics, strong detergents, tight clothes. If redness, itching or discharge from the genital tract appears, you should immediately contact a pediatric gynecologist.

From the age of 4-5, it is necessary to teach the child to use the toilet of the external genitalia after each bowel movement, blotting it dry with a special disposable or individual napkin, as well as changing clean underwear daily.

The child should be provided with a comfortable schedule of activities and rest, complete balanced diet, restful 10-hour sleep, daily stay on fresh air and a set of physical activities.


The duration of puberty is about 10 years, during which successive physical and sexual development girls. By the age of 18-20, a girl reaches full physical, sexual, social maturity and readiness for the successful implementation of childbearing functions.

Puberty begins at 7-8 years of age and is divided into three periods. The first period - pre-pubertal (from 7 to 9 years) - is characterized by the beginning of maturation of the hypothalamic structures of the brain, the release of gonadotropin (GT) in an acyclic mode every 5-7 days.

The second period is the first phase of puberty (10-13 years). During this period, daily cycles are formed and estrogen production in the ovaries increases.

The third period is the second phase of puberty (14-17 years). The reproductive type of functioning of the hypothalamic-pituitary system with a full two-phase ovulatory menstrual cycle is formed and consolidated.

To assess the correctness of sexual development, it is necessary to take into account the time and sequence of appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, the degree of development of sexual characteristics and genital organs.

At the age of 9-10 years, the first signs of mammary gland development appear - hyperemia and pigmentation of the nipple areola. The age of appearance of mammary glands is called thelarche (10-11 years) and precedes the age of pubic hair - pubarche (10-11 years) and armpits- adrenarche (11-12 years). Body growth and weight gain begin at 9-10 years of age and reach a maximum (up to + 10 cm and + 12 kg per year) a year before menarche.

At the age of 11-12 years, the growth and development of the internal genital organs, mammary glands, and expansion of the pelvic bones begin. The first menstruation - menarche - appears at the age of 12-13 years. At 13-14 years old, the first ovulatory cycles appear. At the age of 15-17, the growth of a girl’s body stops, a female body type is formed and the adult type of functioning of the reproductive system is consolidated.

Puberty is the most labile period of a woman’s life, when the body’s unstable reproductive system is most sensitive to the effects of unfavorable external and internal factors.

Throughout the entire period of puberty, it is necessary to provide a complete balanced diet, a rational regimen with the correct alternation of study and rest, physical and intellectual activity. At the age of 10-12 years, it is necessary to prepare the girl for her new state, talk about sexual development. It should be explained how to behave after the first menstruation appears. On menstruation days, you should limit physical activity and provide additional rest. These days, it is advisable for girls to use special sanitary pads, and tampons only on the recommendation of a gynecologist. Hygienic measures include mandatory daily water procedures: every night before going to bed, you need to wash with soap, especially thoroughly washing the external genitalia and armpits, because hormones actively act on these areas.

Puberty period

This is actually reproductive period, which lasts about 30 years (from 16-18 to 45-47 years). During this period, the entire reproductive system functions in a stable mode, which ensures procreation. During this period, the woman’s body’s ability to reproduce offspring is preserved. These years are characterized high activity all specific functions of the reproductive system. During the reproductive period, in a healthy woman, all cycles are ovulatory, and a total of 350-400 eggs mature.

Due to the regular maturation of follicles in the ovaries and ovulation, optimal conditions for pregnancy.

Considering high probability When pregnancy occurs during this period, every woman must choose contraceptives in order to have only the children she wants. You need to take care of your health and that of your spouse so that you stop taking any medications 2-3 months before conception.

After childbirth, a woman’s reproductive system can be restored within 3-6 months. It is generally accepted that a woman is sterile during breastfeeding, but this is not the case. Ovulatory cycles may appear 2-3 months after birth, and each couple should choose contraceptives. Optimal time Between births there are at least two years, when the woman’s body is fully restored and ready for a new pregnancy.

With regular sexual activity without contraception, pregnancy should occur within 12 months. If this does not happen, the couple is considered infertile and both partners must be examined to determine the cause of infertility.

During reproductive age, an important problem is infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases. For disease prevention, consistency of sexual partners who take care of their health is extremely important.

It is advisable for a woman to perform the complex hygiene measures. During menstruation, it is not recommended to carry out surgical and other interventions and be sexually active. Every woman should know the characteristics of her body and, if possible, create optimal conditions for herself.


It is a period of gradual decline in the functions of a woman’s reproductive system. Instead of the terms “menopause” and “menopause”, the following terminology is currently accepted:

  • premenopausal period - from 45 to the onset of menopause;
  • perimenopausal period - premenopausal and two years after menopause;
  • menopause - the last menstruation, which on average occurs at the age of 50 years;
  • postmenopausal period - beginning after menopause and continuing until the end of a woman’s life.

During the premenopausal period, by the age of 45 years, less than 10,000 oocytes remain in a woman’s ovaries, and pronounced dystrophic changes in the follicles, the production of estrogen sharply decreases, the production of FSH and LH increases several times. During the physiological course of this period, gradual decline ovarian functions with adequate reactions body on age-related changes. With a pathological course, climacteric syndrome develops. *In this case, changes occur in metabolism - body weight increases due to adipose tissue, and the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose in the blood increases. Neurovegetative symptoms appear (hot flashes, sweating, headache, arterial hypertension, chills, tachycardia), psychoemotional (irritability, drowsiness, depression, weakness, forgetfulness), urogenital (dryness, itching and burning in the vagina, urinary incontinence) disorders. Marked skin manifestations(dry skin, brittle nails, hair loss, wrinkles) and later - metabolic disorders(osteoporosis, ischemic disease hearts).

Changes in the rhythm and duration of the menstrual cycle, characteristic of the premenopausal period, culminate in the complete cessation of menstruation - menopause at the age of 50-53 years. During the perimenopausal period, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, which requires an examination with mandatory histological examination endometrium in mind high risk development oncological diseases. The absence of menstruation for a year characterizes the beginning of the postmenopausal period.

Postmenopausal period

Women in menopause need an attentive and patient attitude towards themselves. They should take care of physical condition body, becausethat many appear somatic diseases. Currently, experts recommend the use of hormone replacement therapy during this period.

Postmenopause is divided into early period, when little activity of the ovaries remains, and late, when the functions of the ovaries completely cease and general aging of the body occurs.

According to WHO classification there are old age- 70-74 years, old age - 75-89 years and longevity - over 90 years.

Preserving a woman's health is one of the most important problems, because healthy woman gives healthy offspring and creates comfortable conditions for the family.

periods of a woman's life gynecology

periods of a woman’s life, women’s hygiene at different age periods

periods of a woman's life by year

periods of a woman's life abstract

periods of a woman's life obstetrics

periods of a woman's life psychology

periods of a woman's life presentation

periods of a woman’s life associated with reproductive function



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