Why can a dog have seizures? Dysplasia in dogs

Have you ever seen a dog, for no apparent reason, fall down and begin to tremble all over? Agree, this is a frightening phenomenon. No one is prepared for such an attack, so when it occurs, the owners are lost and do not know what to do. In this article you will find brief instructions describing the symptoms of seizures in a dog and understand how to act if the first signs of convulsions appear.

Cramp, cramp, discord

First you need to determine what type of seizure your pet has. It could be:

  1. Convulsions. Jerky sharp contractions of one or more muscles. Convulsions are usually accompanied by sharp pain, so the animal begins to whine pitifully.
  2. Tonic convulsions. Caused by slow contraction of muscles for a short period of time. The animal remains conscious, but looks scared.
  3. Clonic seizures. Periodic muscle contractions alternating with prolonged relaxation. The approximate repetition time is 25-50 seconds of contraction, 60-120 seconds of relaxation. During relaxation, the dog tries to get up, but when convulsions occur, it falls again.
  4. Epileptic seizure. Muscle contraction is accompanied by loss of consciousness. The most dangerous type of seizure, since an unconscious animal can cause harm to itself.

After the first manifestations of seizures, it is advisable to write everything down in a notebook. This will help you get a complete picture of the disease for the veterinarian.

What is the reason?

As a rule, seizures in animals are the result of diseases associated with brain activity or a lack of certain substances. Let's take a closer look at the causes of seizures in dogs.

  1. Epilepsy. It is the most common cause of seizures. Epilepsy can be the result of brain injury, inflammation or tumor. Some breeds, for example, German and Belgian shepherds, beagles, collies, dachshunds, boxers, retrievers, Labradors, suffer from epileptic seizures more often than other breeds. Females get sick less often than males.
  2. Hypoglycemia. This disease is characterized by a drop in blood glucose levels. Small breed dogs (dachshunds, cocker spaniels), as well as puppies, are susceptible to hypoglycemia.
  3. Scotty Crump. A neuromuscular disease that is inherited. Some experts believe that the disease occurs due to an excess or lack of serotonin in the animal’s central nervous system. Symptoms appear during training or during moments of nervous excitement. During an attack, the dog's facial muscles contract, the lumbar spine arches, the flexibility of the hind legs is lost, and breathing becomes difficult. It should be noted that only Scottish terriers are susceptible to Scotty Crump.
  4. Eclampsia. The disease is caused by a sharp drop in calcium levels in the blood. This condition is typical for lactating bitches during the first month after giving birth. The symptoms of eclampsia are similar to the symptoms of epilepsy. After a short restlessness, the animal begins to have convulsive muscle twitching, the head is thrown back and the limbs are tensely stretched. The attack lasts 15-20 minutes. Consciousness is preserved.

In addition, the causes of sudden seizures in a dog can be tumors, metabolic disorders, or phosphate/heavy metal poisoning.

First aid

Unfortunately, in the case of seizures, the owner has no effective ways to help the pet. You can only try to drop a little Valocordin or Corvalol onto the animal’s tongue and try to carefully measure the temperature. During an attack, try not to lose composure and instill calm and confidence in the dog with your entire appearance. If possible, take her to a veterinary clinic.

It is very scary to see when your beloved pet begins to have involuntary muscle contractions, in other words, seizures. All breeds of animals are susceptible to this disease. What are seizures in a dog, and what can cause them? To begin with, we will tell you what it is and then you will learn how to behave, what to do, and how to help your beloved animal in such a terrible moment.


What are seizures and their symptoms

A cramp is a muscle contraction that is uncontrollable by an animal. It is associated with disturbances in the animal’s brain activity and is a symptom of a serious disease.

Seizures can manifest in different ways. From seemingly completely innocent twitching of the facial muscles and imperceptible twitching of one paw, to very frightening seizures in which the pet falls, convulses and has absolutely no control over its body. During moments of convulsive seizures, the owner can be very frightened, because seeing how a beloved pet suffers is unbearable.

Causes of seizures

Why do seizures occur? A cramp is only a symptom of a more serious illness. There may be several reasons that cause spasm:

  1. Epilepsy. This is the most common disease in dogs, associated with impaired brain activity and causing seizures.
  2. Metabolic dysfunction. These may include: hypoglycemia, eclampsia, hyperkalemia.
  3. Infection. Various infectious pathogens can cause spasms: fungus, bacteria, toxoplasmosis, infectious peritonitis.
  4. Neoplasms. Tumors that affect brain activity.
  5. Intoxication.
  6. Heart disorders.

Types of seizures

After the reasons that cause cramps, it is also worth mentioning the types of cramps. First of all, convulsions can occur in the hind and forelimbs, as well as the whole body.

Veterinarians distinguish several types of uncontrolled muscle contractions:

  1. Convulsions. During convulsions, the animal remains conscious and often does not experience pain.
  2. Tonic. Periodic, slow contractions during which the animal experiences pain.
  3. Clonic. Muscle spasms, the attack of which lasts from 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
  4. Epileptic seizures. The dog loses consciousness and his whole body goes into a seizure. Accompanied by copious amounts of foam at the mouth (saliva).

Hind leg cramp

It is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on limb cramps and the reasons for their occurrence, because their origin and symptoms may be a consequence of the development of more serious diseases. You cannot start them, as this can greatly complicate the treatment. If your pet's hind legs twitch, this may be a sign of both neurological and physical disorders. With spasms of the hind limbs, the animal may jump up, howl, the paws may be uncontrollable, and may twitch without causing pain. In any of the manifestations, the animal does not control its actions.

Important! If your dog's seizures are not an epileptic seizure, but spasms of the limbs or facial muscles, then immediately take your pet to the veterinarian. In case of seizures at intervals, with long intervals, you should wrap your pet loosely in a blanket and also take him to the doctor as soon as possible.

Seizures in small dog breeds

All breeds of dogs are susceptible to various spasms, since spasms are not a disease, they are only a symptom of the disease. Small breed dogs are in a unique risk group, susceptible to the manifestations of spasms. Many dwarf dogs develop chronic diseases from birth. They also have problems with the spine, congenital hypoglycemia, arthritis, underdeveloped paws, problems with the cardiovascular system, atrophy of the muscular corset and many other ailments.

This is why small breeds are at risk. These problems lead to spasms to varying degrees. Small dogs may experience seizures more often than their larger dogs. Remember that when you adopt a small dog, you should be prepared for frequent seizures, writhing limbs and frequent visits to the veterinarian. It is also worth noting that owners of large breeds should also pay attention to the muscular condition of the pet.

Video "An epileptic attack in a dog"

The video shows a spasmodic attack in an animal of the husky breed. The owners are trying in every possible way to help their pet, as this is described in first aid for seizures. The main thing is to calm the animal and yourself!

A dangerous symptom of many diseases of domestic animals can be convulsive syndrome. Seizures in a dog are an unpleasant and frightening sight. Involuntary muscle contractions are often accompanied by profuse drooling, foaming at the mouth and loss of consciousness. It is very important to make a correct diagnosis. Only in this case can competent treatment be prescribed. Usually it takes place in two stages: symptomatic treatment alleviates the pet’s condition, and specific treatment eliminates the cause of the attacks and thereby prevents their recurrence.

But before the dog gets to the veterinary clinic, first aid should be provided to it by someone who is nearby. The owner needs to know what to do if his dog starts having seizures.

Increased convulsive readiness can be provoked by pathological activity of neurons in those parts of the brain that are responsible for the motor control system. The magnitude of a convulsive attack can vary: from mild twitching of the muscles of the limbs to severe generalized seizures with loss of consciousness. It all depends on what size part of the brain is affected by the disease.

A classic attack consists of the following main stages:

  1. Aura. This is the period when seizures are approaching. It can be recognized by increased anxiety and increasing trembling of the limbs. It can last from a few minutes to several days.
  2. Hit. This is an acute period. Symptoms appear with the greatest brightness. The convulsions are particularly severe and the dog may lose consciousness. This stage is characterized by uncontrolled urination and increased salivation.
  3. The post-traumatic stage is a state of “stupefaction”. It is characterized by wandering of the animal, loss of orientation in space, confusion, and severe headache. May last for several hours.

Single, infrequently recurring attacks of convulsions are not life-threatening. But there are acute conditions called convulsive status. It is characterized by constant or frequently recurring attacks. In this case, the dog needs urgent medical attention.


Seizures in dogs can have different causes. This is a fairly common symptom. In order to be sure that the seizures will not return, it is not enough to eliminate them. The disease itself must be cured.

  1. A bacterial or viral infection in a dog can cause complications in the brain. An example is meningitis or rabies. Rabies is one of the most dangerous viral diseases, which is practically incurable and almost always leads to death. The only way to protect yourself from it is to vaccinate your dog on time.
  2. Severe intoxication of the body. It is almost always the result of poisoning with pesticides or the bite of a poisonous insect. Arsenic is very dangerous for animals. The pet feels nauseous, muscle cramps may be accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, intestinal spasms and other signs of poisoning. In this case, competent detoxification and gastric lavage with copious amounts of liquid can save the situation.
  3. Hypoglycemia is a severe deficiency of glucose in the body. With prolonged hunger or disruption of the pancreas, blood sugar can drop to unacceptably low levels. Hypoglycemic coma can result in a seizure and loss of consciousness. The disease is often hereditary. An injection of glucose into the muscle of the hind legs or a small amount of sweet syrup poured into the dog’s mouth relieves the attack.
  4. The consequences of injuries to the brain or spine, electric shocks can give a convulsive response. Moreover, the reaction is often very distant in time.
  5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system can also have a neurological basis, expressed precisely through seizures.
  6. Tumor diseases of the brain or spinal cord are likely to be characterized by seizures and loss of sensation in the hind legs. Its presence depends on which part of the brain is affected by the disease. More common in older dogs.
  7. Liver disease, namely hepatic encephalopathy, is a very likely cause of seizures. Diagnosed in individuals who are already 5 years old.
  8. Infectious damage to the animal's nervous system by the canine distemper virus leads to convulsions and subsequent paralysis of the hind limbs.
  9. Vitamin deficiency and lack of microelements. With a lack of vitamins and beneficial chemical elements, the nervous system suffers the most. This is especially true for B vitamins, as well as magnesium and calcium preparations.
  10. Epilepsy is the most common cause of seizures in dogs. Large breed dogs are more susceptible to it. It is almost always a congenital pathology, so it is more often diagnosed in young individuals.
  11. The consequences of stress and nervous tension can also be expressed by an increase in convulsive readiness.

Small puppies often experience muscle twitching and slight cramps in their hind legs during sleep. They may move or move them, as when running. No need to be scared. Such conditions are not dangerous. They only indicate that the baby’s nervous system is too excitable. All animals need the attention and affection of their owner. To eliminate such symptoms, you need to strengthen the dog’s nervous system and leg muscles by walking with it in unfamiliar places.

Types of seizures

A cramp is an involuntary contraction of muscles. They tense, become hard, and become deformed. Such strong tension often accompanies pain. The brain, nerve fibers, muscle tissue, and the endocrine system can take part in the formation of a seizure.

In dogs, seizures can vary in intensity and duration. There are 4 types of involuntary muscle contractions:

  • Convulsions are rhythmic twitching of large muscle groups. They are usually not accompanied by changes or loss of consciousness. They last from several seconds to several minutes, sometimes accompanied by pain.
  • Tonic cramps are a series of short-term muscle spasms. Affects the muscles of the abdomen, neck, legs. One large muscle may be involved.
  • Clonic seizures are characterized by twitching, a rapid alternation of contractions and relaxations. May be characterized by movement disorders and impaired coordination of movements.
  • Generalized cramps are diffuse in nature and affect many muscle groups. The dog falls sharply. Convulsive movements shake the whole body, usually foaming at the mouth. Such conditions are especially characteristic of epilepsy and epileptic syndromes of various etiologies and are often accompanied by loss of consciousness.

First aid

Sudden convulsions in a beloved dog should not lead the owner into confusion. This symptom is not so scary. Much more serious consequences can arise from injuries that the dog can inflict on itself during an attack. Therefore, the owner’s main task is to reduce this risk to a minimum. The most correct actions would be:

  • make sure that the animal cannot get hurt; for this purpose, make sure that there are no piercing or cutting objects nearby;
  • put the dog not on the bed, but on a soft bedding placed on the floor;
  • hold the animal’s paws and head;
  • put it on its side to prevent choking, make sure that foam and saliva flow freely from the mouth;
  • to avoid damage to the dog’s teeth, try to insert an object (a spoon) between the jaws;
  • carefully drop a few drops of a sedative (Corvalol or Valocordin) onto the tongue, this will help the attack end sooner;
  • observe the dog’s behavior in order to subsequently correctly describe its condition to the veterinarian;
  • Call a veterinary service at home as soon as possible or, after waiting for the attack to end, bring the dog to a veterinary clinic.

It happens that the convulsions are quite prolonged; only an experienced veterinarian knows what to do in this case. Attempts to treat an animal with home methods can only worsen the situation.


Diagnosis of a neurological disease includes a set of instrumental examinations aimed at identifying its cause. Since this symptom can be caused by a number of ailments of a very different nature, the diagnosis should be as comprehensive as possible. When making a diagnosis, the patient’s age and lifestyle are always taken into account.

The owner needs to find out whether any of the dog’s ancestors had similar symptoms. It is also very important to remember whether the dog had significant injuries or head hits.

The following types of surveys are the most informative:

  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the brain and spinal cord;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • radiography of the bones of the skull and spine;
  • electrocardiogram of heart contractions;
  • detailed blood test.

It must be borne in mind that seizures in an elderly person may often indicate liver disease, kidney disease, or heart problems. Puppies and young dogs are more often susceptible to epilepsy, and calcium deficiency (eclampsia) is experienced by pregnant and lactating females, as well as small breed dogs.

Treatment of the disease

Before a diagnosis is made, treatment of seizures in dogs can only be symptomatic, that is, it relieves the main symptoms and improves the general condition of the animal. Anticonvulsant therapy begins with intramuscular injections of magnesium sulfate (magnesium). Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor determines the main cause of seizures and prescribes specific treatment to the patient. It may happen that the animal may need medications that relieve neurological symptoms for the rest of its life.

The owner is required to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations. You cannot stop prescribed therapy without permission to avoid recurrence of attacks.

Prevention measures

There is no special system for preventing these conditions. The main means of prevention are, first of all, a healthy lifestyle - good nutrition, walks with the dog in the fresh air, active games. Regular preventive examinations are important to ensure that the onset of the disease is not missed. Seizures in dogs of most small breeds can begin after suffering stress, because they are very timid. We must ensure that such situations are created for them as little as possible.

Pedigree dogs are most predisposed to this disease. Why this is so is still unknown. Dogs of the poodle, husky, and dachshund breeds are often diagnosed with epilepsy, and Yorkshire terriers, Chihuahuas and Spitz dogs are susceptible to hypoglycemia.

Seizures are one of the most frightening and confusing ailments that can affect your pet. Even an experienced owner can be scared when faced with such a phenomenon. In order for the owner to avoid panic, in this article we will talk about what seizures a dog can have, consider the reasons for their occurrence and methods of treatment.

How to tell if your dog is having seizures

In order to determine whether a dog has seizures, you must first understand the essence of this process. Any cramp is a violation of muscle contraction caused by neural hyperactivity. So, the following symptoms of the disease can be distinguished:

  • slight trembling of paws;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • salivation;
  • spontaneous urination;
  • shaking, convulsions;
  • inhibition of reactions;
  • The dog concentrates on a certain area of ​​space and directs its gaze to one point.

Most often, a convulsive attack begins suddenly: one moment the dog was joyfully playing with its favorite ball, and the next moment it convulses. The seizure lasts from 30 seconds to 5 minutes and passes as suddenly as it began.

Types of seizures in dogs

Any seizures can be divided into several types of groups. First of all, according to the nature of the course, one can distinguish: mild or moderate trembling in the limbs, throughout the body, or a spasm accompanied by loss of consciousness. We will talk in more detail about involuntary contractions of the muscles of the hind legs, front legs and body.

Paw cramps

The first thing you need to do is learn to separate normal twitching of the animal's limbs from signs of illness. For example, paw cramps during sleep are normal for some adult dogs and all puppies. There are several types of convulsive contractions of the paws:

  • Convulsions are jerky small contractions of the muscles of the hind and front legs. The dog can be conscious, hear and even respond to the owner’s voice.
  • Tonic contractions usually occur slowly and for quite a long time. At the same time, the dog is conscious, twitching its paws and whining in panic.
  • Clonic seizures involve alternating rapid contraction and relaxation of muscle tissue. The pet may fall and get back to its feet.
  • Epileptic seizures are the most serious of all types of seizures. Here the muscles of not only the paws, but also the entire body contract. In this case, the pet loses consciousness.

We will talk further about the different types of contractions throughout the dog’s body.

Body spasms

Convulsive contractions of the muscles of the entire body are usually called epileptic seizures, although the cause that caused them may not only be epilepsy. Any such seizure can be divided into three phases. In the first stage, the dog begins to show anxiety: whining, hiding from strangers. Then the seizure itself begins: the animal loses consciousness, the limbs begin to spasm, and breathing quickens. Foam may begin to come out of your pet's mouth.

In the last stage, the animal begins to come to its senses, while anxiety and disorientation are still observed. Such seizures can last from 5 minutes to an hour. There is only one way to help a pet in such a situation - show it to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Next, we will talk in more detail about the reasons that cause such conditions in a pet.


It is important for dog owners to understand that seizures are only a symptom, not the disease itself. The answer to the question of why they appear may lie in a number of dangerous diseases that, occurring in a latent form, have a detrimental effect on the pet’s body. Let's look at what can cause seizures.

  • Epilepsy. A disease manifested by loss of consciousness and cramps of the paws or the whole body. It requires a long treatment. Its manifestations are a clear sign of a malfunction in the brain and nervous system. This disease can be of two types: primary and secondary. In the first case, these are genetic disorders that can appear in any breed at an early age.
  • Metabolic disorders. Lack of microelements in the body can also cause such attacks. It is important to distinguish between hypoglycemia and eclampsia. Let's talk about them in more detail. Hypoglycemia is a sharp decrease in the level of glucose in the pet’s blood. Metabolic disorders can occur and be accompanied by metabolic disorders in the body of a dog of any breed.

The appearance of epileptic seizures and convulsions can also be influenced by such factors as the pet’s age, size, breed of the animal and gender of the dog.

First aid

What should you do if your dog has a seizure? The first thing a dog owner of any breed needs to do when their pet experiences seizures is to calm down. Typically, your pet's first seizure is not life-threatening, but there can always be exceptions, and this is important to remember. Your calmness and attentiveness will help the veterinarian identify the causes of the disease and treat your pet.

Next, you need to provide the animal with complete rest. This is easy to do: turn off the TV, turn off the music, close the windows, protecting the dog from the sun's rays. Place your pet on a thick blanket, turning it over on its right side (this will make it easier for the dog to breathe). Place a cushion or hand under your pet's head and make sure that the foam flows out of your pet's mouth. Do not unclench the jaw of a dog of any breed or try to bring it to consciousness.

The next thing to do is to take your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine treatment. Remember, if a dog has paw cramps, but is conscious, then, without waiting for the attack to end, take the pet to the doctor. If the pet is unconscious, then you should wait until the attack is over, and then go for help. But here it is also important to know that if the attacks are repeated or last longer than 10 minutes, then you need to wrap the dog in a blanket and immediately go to the clinic. This condition is the most dangerous and can threaten the pet’s death.

To diagnose and treat your pet, your doctor will order several important tests, such as:

  • X-ray examination of the chest;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • brain tomography;
  • urine, blood and stool tests;
  • electroencephalogram;
  • consultation with a neurologist.

How to prevent seizures

What should you do to prevent seizures? We have already said earlier that any seizures are a manifestation of various serious diseases. Therefore, the preventive measures here are appropriate: timely vaccination of the pet, regular veterinary control, proper nutrition, activity, as well as careful selection of individuals participating in the breeding of any breed.



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