Excessive urination in women. Frequent urination without pain: causes in women

It is not customary to talk about how often you want to go to the toilet, since such an action is purely personal and individual for each person. When such a process occurs more often than usual, then, probably, every normal person begins to think about possible problems with their health. Many men and women currently experience an increased urge to urinate, although the fairer sex is much more likely to experience this problem.

Frequent urination in women without pain - causes and treatment

It has been proven that frequent urination is accompanied by many diseases of the urinary system, and they, in turn, require prompt and proper treatment. If such a problem is painful and is observed in women, then this most likely indicates a disease.

What to do if urination occurs without pain? What is the reason, and what measures should be taken in such a situation? In this article we will look at the answers to these tricky questions.

It is known that the kidneys are responsible for the process of creating urine in the human body, while the peripheral and central systems are responsible for the process of urination in the body. The average person urinates three to seven times a day. If a person visits the toilet more than 10 times in 24 hours, then it is worth thinking about his health, even if he does not feel pain.

Excessive urination during the day in urology is called polyuria, if more than 3 liters of urine are released per day. Frequent urination at night is called nocturia if you have to get up to go to the toilet more than once during the night.

There are many reasons why women experience excessive urination. The fact is that the reasons can be in the physiological characteristics of the female body, or have a pathological origin, this is due to the fact that many diseases of the genitourinary system of non-infectious or infectious origin are characterized by frequent urination.

Based on the above, it should be understood that frequent trips to the bathroom in women only indicate symptoms that indicate paying attention to lifestyle and one’s own health.

Physiological causes of excessive urination

Frequent urination in women without pain is explained by natural causes, in other words, it occurs against the background of certain factors that do not affect human health.

Doctors distinguish many physiological reasons that provoke a frequent urge to urinate:

  • stress, nervous strain and long-term depression are very often the cause of the problem in question;
  • the use of a variety of drugs with a diuretic effect. It has been proven that while taking such medications, the removal of fluid from the body increases;
  • excessive consumption of coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages;
  • Improper nutrition leads to disturbances in salt metabolism, which irritates the bladder (fatty foods, salty and spicy foods, spices);
  • hypothermia of the body, this is especially often observed when the feet are cold;
  • age-related changes. The urge to urinate is more often experienced by women of the climatic period, in comparison with reproductive age. This is due to hormonal changes in the female body;
  • period of menstruation in women. During this period, as a rule, there is excessive removal of fluid from the female body.

Due to frequent trips to the toilet, women experience great discomfort, both physical and psychological. Frequent, painless urination is generally not a threat to women's health, although if trips to the toilet become more frequent over time, bother you at night, and there is blood in the urine, then you should definitely visit a doctor. Such signs do not yet guarantee a serious illness, but it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it at the last stage.

Pathological causes of excessive urination in women

In women, the genitourinary system is characterized by high sensitivity to a variety of pathogens. Once they penetrate the body, various diseases begin to develop. Most diseases of the urinary system, including diseases of the kidneys and pelvic organs, are characterized by frequent urination, although other symptoms are also observed.

Various discharge, pain when emptying the bladder, and deterioration in general condition are observed by doctors in such diseases.


The presence of stones in the bladder or ureter causes a strong urge to urinate. They intensify while walking and under various loads. This disease is characterized by a feeling of a full bladder, both during and after urination. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen is quite common.


This disease is considered quite common and is accompanied by frequent trips to the toilet. In addition, cystitis is characterized by burning and cutting pain during urination and a sensation of a full bladder. More serious cases are characterized by urinary incontinence. Doctors with cystitis also note pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs both at night and during the day.

Congenital pathologies of the walls of the bladder

This pathology is characterized by sudden and fairly frequent urges.

Cardiovascular diseases

If excessive urination occurs at night, this is often explained by vascular and heart diseases. In addition to nocturia, there may be edema, which appears after the use of diuretics and further removal of fluid from the female body.

Chronic pyelonephritis

In addition to the frequent desire to empty their bladder, many women feel a dull pain in the lower back, and their body temperature increases to 39 degrees Celsius. During an exacerbation, the patient is treated with antibacterial drugs.

Diabetes mellitus

In the case where the cause of such a problem is pathological in nature, treatment is carried out after an accurate diagnosis under the supervision of a doctor.

Frequent urination during pregnancy

As you know, pregnancy is a period when all women experience an increased urge to urinate. This phenomenon is not considered a pathology, but is a physiological and normal process and does not affect the fetus in any way.

In the female body in the 1st trimester During pregnancy, hormonal changes are observed, the amount of gonadotropin (chorionic) increases, which often provokes the urge to visit the toilet. Already in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the uterus begins to enlarge and puts pressure on the bladder. One of the main reasons for frequent visits to the toilet is also considered to be the intensive work of the kidneys in pregnant women.

Already in the 2nd trimester During pregnancy, frequent urination is almost no problem. An exception may be only diseases of the urinary system.

In the 3rd trimester trips to the toilet become more frequent again, because the uterus, as in the 1st trimester, puts pressure on the bladder. During this period, the kidneys work much faster than usual, which is why there is often a desire to empty the bladder.

It must be remembered that an increased urge to urinate can be observed in a variety of diseases of the genitourinary system, and therefore you should not delay a visit to the doctor, especially if, in addition to such a problem, there is a burning sensation, pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

During pregnancy, a woman bears full responsibility for the health of her unborn child, which is why the presence of disorders in the body or suspicions about this must be discussed with an experienced doctor.

In what situations and when should you consult a doctor?

Frequent urination during the day or at night is a symptom that indicates that it is time to change your usual lifestyle. If, in addition, other symptoms occur, then it is imperative to visit a urologist.

The main indications for going to the doctor are the following:

  1. burning and stinging during urination;
  2. pain in the lower abdomen;
  3. general weakness in the body;
  4. urinary retention or incontinence;
  5. discharge (bloody) from the genitals;
  6. lack of appetite.

If you have the symptoms listed above and often feel the urge to visit the toilet, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible. After an examination, test results and collected medical history, he will be able to diagnose the patient and prescribe correct and effective treatment.

It is important to understand that untimely treatment can lead to the progression of the disease, which can become chronic in the future and negatively affect the reproductive system, or lead to severe consequences for overall health.

How to treat frequent urination?

In cases where excessive urination in women has become regular and there are suspicions about its pathological nature, you must definitely go to see a doctor, who, after completing the examination, must find the cause and prescribe an appropriate solution to the problem.

First of all, a woman should be wary of frequent trips to the toilet at night and pain of various types during the process of emptying the bladder.

When the cause of frequent urination is illness, treatment will usually depend on the diagnosis made by the doctor. For example, if frequent trips to the toilet are observed against the background of various infectious diseases that are caused by pathogenic harmful bacteria, then the doctor should prescribe antibacterial therapy for the patient.

If frequent urges to visit the toilet occur against the background of disturbances in the functionality of the kidneys or as a result of diseases (gynecological), then in this case the doctor prescribes symptomatic therapy, its action is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. In some cases, the cause of this problem may be a hormonal imbalance. In such a situation, after examination, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs to the patient.

An important fact is that hormonal medications can, in some cases, cause great harm to the human body, and therefore the doctor must prescribe treatment individually for each patient so as not to harm his health even more.

When women experience frequent urination without pain, but no pathology is found after a full examination, the reason may be in the woman’s lifestyle. In such cases, the doctor should give the patient useful recommendations on drinking regime, nutrition, and tell him how to avoid factors that provoke the problem in question.

If a woman suffers from frequent urination due to a physiological nature, then she is recommended to adhere to the following basic rules:

  • When urinating, you need to tilt your torso forward, which will help empty the bladder completely;
  • limit fluid intake in the evening;
  • Doctors recommend going to the toilet upon request;
  • remove from the diet foods that cause thirst (smoked, salty, spicy foods);
  • limit the consumption of liquids that have a diuretic effect (rosehip decoction, green tea, coffee).

Even painless frequent urination, which bothers you for a long time, should not be ignored. There is no need to neglect your health, because only a timely visit to the doctor will help you find out the real causes of the problem and prescribe effective therapy.

The health of every woman is the most important component of any nation, and the symptoms that arise against the background of various disorders should be dealt with by a doctor.

The process of urination is quite intimate, the frequency and volume of which are strictly individual. But not everything always goes according to a physiological rhythm; very often women notice frequent urination, which can be accompanied by discomfort and even pain.

In most cases, when such problems arise, women are very reluctant to go to the doctor with this complaint even when the corresponding symptoms become unbearable.

But the tactic of waiting for everything to go away on its own is wrong, because this problem, which many are ashamed to talk about out loud, has a specific reason that the doctor must deal with. The reasons for frequent urination in women, both painful and painless, will be discussed in this article.

Frequent urination concept

In what cases do we talk about frequent urination? The fact is that there are no strict norms for the frequency of urination during the day; there are only certain conventional limits and average numbers - 2-6 times per day. The frequency of physiological emptying of the bladder varies depending on a number of factors (physiological characteristics of the body, metabolic rate, diet, drinking regimen, etc.); the frequency of urination also varies on different days.

Frequent urination is an excess of a woman’s personal comfort threshold, when she herself notices that the body much more often signals the need to relieve a physiological need, or rather, it is necessary to empty the bladder more often than usual.

To be fair, it is worth noting that short-term (a day or two) symptoms of this kind should not cause any particular concern, but if the situation drags on and worsens, the only right decision would be to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate in women

With such an unpleasant symptom as frequent urination in women, the reasons can be very different, sometimes not related to health and disease (physiological). The main causes of this phenomenon are divided into four large groups, the first place among which is occupied by pathological processes in the organs and structures of the urinary system.

Pathologies of the urinary system

A common cause of frequent urination is inflammatory urinary tract infections. Women have a natural, anatomical predisposition to these diseases, and they suffer from these problems 3 times more often than men.

  • Cystitis
  • Urethritis

Frequent urination, painful at the beginning of emptying the bladder, is characteristic of urethritis. The pain is burning and accompanied by itching. The general condition of women rarely suffers, which leads to a delay in the process and late referral to doctors. Treatment of urethritis includes antibiotics and probiotics to restore the vaginal biocenosis (see).

  • Pyelonephritis

Increased urination may indicate the presence of chronic pyelonephritis. The disease manifests itself as dull, aching pain localized in the lumbar region, which intensifies in cold weather. When the pathological process worsens, the following is noted:

- a sharp rise in body temperature, up to chills
- as well as weakness
- nausea
- blood and pus appear in the urine
— progression of the disease leads to the development of arterial hypertension

Treatment of pyelonephritis is long-term and includes antibacterial therapy, antispasmodics, painkillers and herbal remedies.

  • Urolithiasis

Frequent urination may indicate existing urolithiasis with stones localized in the bladder. The urge to urinate appears unexpectedly, sharply and is provoked by intense physical activity, occurring when running or shaking in transport. When the bladder has not yet emptied completely, interruption of the urine stream may also occur during urination. Pain occurs in the lower abdomen and the area above the pubis, both at rest and during urination. Treatment of the pathology, depending on the severity of the disease and the nature of the stones, can be medicinal, physiotherapeutic or surgical, but always includes diet.

  • Weakness of the muscle wall of the bladder

Manifested by frequent urination with a small volume of urine. The urge to urinate is always sudden and requires an immediate visit to the toilet. Since this pathology is congenital, therapy is aimed at strengthening the muscle tissue of the bladder with special exercises and medications.

  • For overactive bladder

In this case, increased nerve signals cause a frequent urge to empty the bladder. The disease is of central origin, so treatment is aimed at interrupting the pathological excitability of the nervous system that regulates the process of urination (sedatives, muscle relaxants, etc.).

Frequent urination as a secondary sign of various pathologies of the body
  • Gynecological diseases

Increased urination may be a sign of advanced uterine fibroids - a benign tumor that, due to its size, compresses the bladder. Since the disease develops gradually, dysuritic disorders are preceded for a long time by, and. Treatment is hormonal and surgical (see).

When the uterus prolapses, associated with weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, displacement of the organs and tissues of the pelvis occurs, including the bladder. Frequent urination with incontinence indicates significant prolapse of the uterus. A woman has been bothered for a long time by painful manifestations in the lower abdomen, heavy menstruation and bleeding from the vagina. Treatment is conservative (hormones, exercise therapy) or surgical.

  • Endocrine diseases

Frequent urge to urinate at night is often one of them. In addition, a woman is tormented by constant thirst, itchy skin, weakness and fatigue. Treatment includes diet, drugs that lower sugar levels (if diet therapy is ineffective), insulin therapy (for an insulin-dependent form of the disease).

When associated with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, frequent urination occurs and the daily volume of urine excreted increases to 5 liters. Women suffer from constant thirst, lose weight, and experience dry skin and mucous membranes. Treatment is hormonal, lifelong.

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

Frequent urination at night in women may be a sign of cardiovascular disease. With insufficiency of cardiac activity during active daily life, hidden swelling occurs, which disappears at night and is expressed in frequent urination. Treatment is etiological, aimed at compensating for the detected cardiac insufficiency.

Physiological reasons

If there are certain physiological reasons, a woman is bothered by frequent urination during the day, the most common of which are:

  • dietary features associated with abundant fluid consumption (coffee, soda, alcohol) and foods with diuretic properties (watermelon, cranberries, melon, lingonberries, cucumber, etc.)
  • stress and anxiety, in which oxygen starvation of cells leads to frequent urination
  • first and third trimester of pregnancy, when increased frequency of urination is associated with the growth of the uterus and compression of the bladder
  • hypothermia of the body, which causes a compensatory increase in urination;

When the underlying cause is physiological factors that cause frequent urination in women, no treatment is required. Self-elimination of the provoking situation leads to normalization of urination.

Taking medications

Increased urination, leading to frequent visits to the toilet, is also provoked by drugs from the group of diuretics, which have a therapeutic diuretic effect. These drugs are prescribed for edema, hypertension, and for the treatment of gestosis in pregnant women.

Causes of frequent and painful urination

If a duet of symptoms is detected - frequent urination in women and pain during urination, there is a high probability of an inflammatory process of the urinary or genital organs due to infection. Some sexually transmitted infections also cause painful and frequent urination (more details in our articles):

  • gonorrhea in women - symptoms, treatment
  • trichomoniasis in women - symptoms, treatment

Copious, frequent, painless urination in women most often indicates an advanced course of a certain disease from the above groups. The fact is that the female genitourinary system, in fact, is a single whole, and an infection that occurs in the urinary organs easily switches to the genitals.

Very often, for example, urethritis and vaginitis are diagnosed. The structure of the female genitourinary organs explains the ease of spread of infection, a particularly dangerous variant of which is an ascending infection - from the vagina to the uterus and appendages, from the urethra to the bladder and kidneys. Pathologies such as cystitis, urolithiasis, vaginitis and vulvovaginitis of various etiologies are manifested by painful urination.

Painful and frequent urination may be a consequence of irritation of the vaginal tissues:

  • when using a tampon incorrectly
  • after sexual intercourse

In this case, the symptoms are transient - discomfort and frequent urge to urinate disappear within 24 hours. But these days are a dangerous period, since damaged mucous membranes are excellent entry points for various infectious agents.

Frequent urination, which bothers a woman for two or more days, should not go undiagnosed and treated. Any pathology of the genitourinary system is a threat to the normal implementation of reproductive function. Therefore, women's health should not only be the main concern of the nation, but also the priority of every individual woman, and symptoms are just symptoms to present to the doctor.

Watch your body and listen to its signals!

In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that every person had a fixed number of urinations per day. If a girl goes to the toilet too often, there is something wrong with her. Perhaps she communicates with evil spirits or simply goes to her lover. Modern science is far from superstition, but even it is not able to accurately answer how many times a day a person should normally go to the toilet. Apparently, the number of urges strongly depends on both the physiological characteristics of a person and his living conditions. Doctors note that normally a person goes to the toilet about 8 times a day. At night, the body works in a special mode and can withstand up to 8 hours, however, waking up 1-2 times at night to go to the toilet is also considered normal.

A reason to be wary may be frequent urination without pain more than 10 times a day. This symptom may indicate diseases of the genitourinary system. However, sometimes this is the norm, for example, during a heat wave. Therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to be examined by a doctor.

Due to the rather strong anatomical differences in the structure of the male and female bodies, the reasons for frequent urination in women and men differ.

Sometimes frequent urination in women without pain may not be a disorder, but a variant of the norm. This is possible in the following cases:

  • Drinking large amounts of liquid. Many nutritionists advise drinking plenty of water while on a low-calorie diet. Excess water that enters the body must be eliminated, causing the frequency of urination to increase.
  • Drinking large amounts of diuretic drinks. These include coffee, tea, and some alcoholic drinks.
  • Pregnancy. At this time, great changes occur in the body. Metabolism, hormonal levels and even mental state change. In late pregnancy, the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the bladder, which increases the frequency of trips to the toilet.
  • Taking medicinal herbs. In addition to their direct effect on the diseased organ, many medicinal plants can also have a diuretic effect. When using herbal medicine, you need to read about each plant included in the collection, so that later you don’t have to worry about frequent visits to the toilet.
  • Age-related changes and menopause. Upon reaching a certain age, hormonal changes occur in the female body, which in some cases is accompanied by increased urination.
  • Psychological shocks. Doctors note that people who have been in dangerous situations (accident, natural disaster, violence, war) may subsequently suffer from psychosomatic disorders, which can affect the functioning of some internal organs. In such cases, it is better to turn not to a doctor, but to a good psychologist.

Major diseases

Frequent urge to go to the toilet can indicate three main classes of diseases:

  • diseases of the urinary organs;
  • gynecological disorders;
  • endocrine problems.

Let's look at each of them. And we will briefly indicate the main ways of treatment.

Diseases of the urinary organs

There are three main misfortunes here:

  • Cystitis. I want to go to the toilet very often. You may urinate frequently at night. The act itself is accompanied by cutting pain in the bladder, while it constantly feels as if the bladder has not completely emptied. There may be a few drops of blood in the urine. According to doctors, about 30% of women suffer from this disease at different stages of life. Medical treatment is antibacterial. A special diet without spicy and salty foods is prescribed. Folk remedies are also good - a decoction of kidney tea has an antibacterial effect.
  • Pyelonephritis. In fact, this is inflammation of the kidneys. However, this disease directly affects urination - it becomes frequent and slightly painful. If you do not go to the hospital in time, the disease may progress with a deterioration in your general condition: the temperature may rise, vomiting and lower back pain may appear. Treatment is a course of antibiotics that suppress the proliferation of harmful bacteria in the kidneys. To relieve pain, doctors prescribe painkillers and herbal remedies.
  • Urolithiasis. Due to stagnation of urine and metabolic disorders, stones can form in the bladder. They irritate the mucous membrane, causing a frequent urge to go to the toilet; At the same time, they make urination difficult and painful. Before treatment, the patient undergoes an examination so that doctors can accurately determine the exact size and consistency of the stones, and their chemical composition. After this, medications are prescribed that soften the stones. Surgical interventions are used less frequently.

Here's a good lecture

urologist about diseases of this class.

Gynecological disorders

There are two diseases here:

  • Uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumor of muscle tissue. According to some reports, about 70% of women over 50 suffer from this disease. It can occur after medical abortions, other diseases of the genitourinary system, excess body weight and long-term stress. Treatment is usually surgical in combination with conservative treatment.
  • Prolapse of the uterus. It is quite rare. Under the influence of gravity, the uterus slowly sinks lower and lower, pressing on the bladder. In the early stages, it causes frequent trips to the toilet without pain. If the disease has been going on for a long time and is constantly progressing, bloody vaginal discharge is possible, and there is a feeling of something foreign in the lower abdomen. The main treatment here is conservative. The doctor’s task is to prevent further prolapse of the uterus until complete prolapse. To do this, special strengthening physical exercises for the abs are prescribed. Sometimes surgery is acceptable. Patients often undergo hormonal therapy.

Endocrine disorders

There are two main classes of diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus. In this disorder, the body stops producing insulin, an important hormone that breaks down glucose (one of the most basic sources of energy in the body). In the early stages of the disease, frequent urge to go to the toilet is possible. There is weakness and malaise. In some cases - short-term loss of consciousness. A characteristic symptom is bedwetting. The treatment here is complex: insulin injections, a special diet (table number 9) and hypoglycemic drugs are prescribed.
  • Diabetes insipidus. An extremely rare disease (occurs in 0.003% of people). Extremely dangerous, but easily diagnosed. A person drinks enough water, but does not get drunk. He is tormented by thirst. The urge to go to the toilet occurs constantly, about 5 liters of urine are released per day. Treatment is hormonal therapy.

A little about traditional methods

Folk remedies should not displace official medicine. The best choice is to combine modern and traditional methods of treatment. Here are the recipes for good gatherings:

  • You should take St. John's wort, yarrow, and birch buds in equal parts and pour boiling water over it. Let the broth sit in a warm place. Drink a little before meals and at night.
  • Take equal amounts of yarrow, carrot tops and mint. Pour warm water over everything and cover with a lid. It is advisable to warm it up before use. Traditional healers advise drinking the infusion only in the morning.

Frequent urination may indicate chronic diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. Treatment of frequent urination in women involves diagnosing the disease and then prescribing appropriate treatment. Comprehensive treatment with drugs and herbal remedies gives a good effect.

Any changes in the normal functioning of the human body require careful assessment by a specialist. Even those moments that do not cause significant discomfort can be a sign of a malfunction in the functioning of body systems. Frequent urge to urinate can bother people regardless of gender or age. They are often the result of exposure to physiological factors and are considered normal, but the possibility of developing the disease cannot be ruled out.

Urination in adults and children - normal indicators

Each person’s body is individual, but experts still identify normal limits for the daily volume of urine and the number of visits to the toilet. The data depends on basic factors (age, gender) and additional indicators (drinking regime, time of year, environmental conditions). The values ​​will be informative only if the subject does not have fever or shortness of breath and has consumed a sufficient amount of fluid. The presence of coffee, beer and green tea in the diet, and the use of diuretics can significantly affect the results of the study.

Normal urination frequency indicators for adults and children are shown in the table:

To independently assess the functioning of your kidneys, you can conduct a simple home test: note how much liquid you drank per day, collect and calculate the mass of urine excreted during the same period. Normally, the amount of urine is about 75% of the volume of water consumed.

At night, neither a child nor an adult should feel the need to empty the bladder. For older people, one trip to the toilet at this time is considered the normal limit.

Causes of frequent and painful urges

If urination occurs a little more often than indicated in the table, do not panic. According to statistics, a woman can go to the toilet up to 10 times a day without having any health problems. Some people note an increased frequency of urges during ovulation, before or after menstruation. In cases where emptying the bladder occurs more often than usual, and a person experiences pain of various localizations, immediate consultation with a urologist is required.

Pain in the lumbar area

Pain in the lower back often indicates that the kidney is affected. In this case, you should not do anything on your own, but urgently visit a urologist or therapist. The combination of two symptoms may be the result of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. In both pathologies, the brightness of the clinical picture will not allow you to ignore the condition. Pyelonephritis is characterized by an increase in the daily volume of urine with a noticeable decrease in its single doses. Urine retains its clear appearance, but becomes more saturated in color. Urolithiasis is accompanied by cloudy urine and increased body temperature.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Increased frequency of trips to the toilet in combination with pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of many pathologies. First you need to find out why there was a malfunction in the body, and only after that begin to fight the problem. It is not recommended to take painkillers, antibiotics or other medications before diagnosis. Even such a proven folk method of dealing with discomfort as a warm bath can do more harm than good.

A combination of two symptoms often indicates the following diseases:

Urethritis An inflamed urethra causes a lot of inconvenience. Urine becomes cloudy, often containing traces of mucus, pus or blood. The patient constantly feels the urge to urinate, even though the process itself causes him severe pain
Cystitis This term means inflammation of the bladder. The disease is characterized by constant discomfort in the lower abdomen and symptoms of intoxication. The number of trips to the toilet can reach 20-40 times a day
Tumor-like formations When they affect the walls of the bladder neck, pain occurs, which is accompanied by increased urination. The clinical picture is similar to cystitis, but signs of intoxication are extremely rare
Bladder stones The formations block the outflow of urine, so urine is released in small portions. The bladder remains full, causing the patient to constantly need to go to the toilet
Prostate adenoma and prostatitis in men The manifestations of diseases are not particularly specific, so a diagnosis can only be made after a thorough medical examination
Overactive bladder The quality of urine does not change, the general condition of the person does not suffer. A prerequisite for emptying the bladder is the presence of a strong, even painful urge
Narrowing of the urethra Pain occurs only when urine is excreted. The process itself is difficult and slow. Liquid comes out under strong pressure or drops
Sexually transmitted diseases The clinical picture depends on how the disease is called. Most of them are characterized by itching and burning in the genital area

In these conditions, it is not enough to get rid of the unpleasant symptom; it is necessary to stop the development of the disease itself. Young girls should pay increased attention to the combination of the two manifestations. Ignoring the problem is fraught with serious consequences for the state of the reproductive system.

Frequent urination without pain

Only by establishing the causes of frequent urination can one count on restoring the normal functioning of the excretory system. Do not think that a painless scenario for the development of events poses less danger to the body. The absence of pain often indicates the physiological origin of the symptom, but sometimes it turns out to be a harbinger of serious pathologies.

Physiological provocateurs of the condition

The persistent desire to urinate, which occurs within a few minutes or a couple of hours after emptying the bladder, is often the result of a violation of the regime. An organism that finds itself in uncomfortable conditions begins to independently regulate its internal processes. Sometimes frequent urination is a signal of physiological changes in the human body.

The number of trips to the toilet increases due to the following factors:

  • Abuse of spicy, salty or sour foods, alcohol. Such unhealthy or extremely large meals are accompanied by the consumption of large volumes of liquid. As a result, urine becomes very light or even colorless, and is excreted in large portions and more often than usual.
  • Stressful situation, strong anxiety, neurosis. The quantity and quality of urine do not change. Sometimes a person wants to urinate immediately after going to the toilet.
  • Pregnancy. In the early stages, it is accompanied by a delay in menstruation and a number of other manifestations characteristic of the condition. The last trimester in half of women is also characterized by physiological dysuria.
  • Beginning of menstruation. A few days before the start of the cycle, many women notice an increase in the need to empty the bladder.
  • The beginning of menopause. Dysuria is considered one of the earliest harbingers of the restructuring of the female body. If you take it into account, you can promptly begin to prevent other unpleasant symptoms.
  • The number of trips to the toilet may increase due to external conditions. Cold forces the body to warm up on its own, which triggers metabolic processes. The condition returns to normal within a few hours after the body warms up.

Physiological causes of frequent urination do not need to be treated, but this does not mean that they should be ignored. At the initial stage, such failures cause only discomfort, but over time the condition can become a habit. This negatively affects the functionality of organs and the body's immune defense.

Common pathological causes

Even in the absence of pain, frequent urination can be a sign of a serious illness. Most pathologies are accompanied by a number of additional symptoms, but you should not try to make a diagnosis yourself. An incorrectly selected pharmaceutical drug or a folk remedy taken at the wrong time increases the likelihood of consolidation and aggravation of the disease.

Dysuria in the form of frequent urination may indicate the following processes:

  • Damage to the heart and blood vessels. Accompanied by changes in blood pressure and the appearance of edema. The need to empty the bladder occurs at night and in the morning.
  • Diabetes mellitus. Characterized by thirst, dry mucous membranes, the formation of cracks in the skin, and night visits to the restroom.
  • Diabetes insipidus. Unlike the previous state, only thirst is present.
  • Prostate cancer. Often the male body signals about gland disease only with this single symptom.
  • Spinal cord diseases. Injuries and tumors of the organ can cause various manifestations, including malfunctions of the excretory system.
  • Uterine fibroids. With this pathology, the lower abdomen can feel very tight during menstruation. Bleeding lasts a long time, discharge is unusually abundant.
  • Bladder prolapse. The female body is prone to this disease after childbirth. Depending on how serious it is, the process is accompanied by false urges and involuntary release of urine.
  • Muscle weakness of the bladder walls. It develops in childhood and usually manifests itself in teenagers. Girls are slightly more likely to suffer from pathology than boys.
  • Recovery after surgery, childbirth. Most often, women who have had an abortion or cesarean section complain of dysuria. The symptom must be reported to your doctor.

The daily urination rate cannot be maintained if a person has a cold or flu. Symptoms include aches throughout the body, fever, runny nose and cough. Through frequent trips to the toilet, the body tries to get rid of pathogens and their toxins. To enhance this therapeutic effect, the patient should drink plenty of fluids and eat well.

Some people do not pay attention to the fact that they have pollakiuria; what it is becomes clear after deciphering the name of the disease. Translated from Greek, “pollakis” means “often”, and “uron” means “urine”. The condition is characterized by frequent trips to the toilet, while the volume of urine remains within normal limits. The phenomenon may be the result of the physiological or pathological factors listed above, but the symptom in any case requires evaluation by a specialist. Even when the patient does not feel pain or discomfort, and the quality of the discharge does not change, it is better to undergo a full diagnosis and make sure that everything is normal.

Principles of combating dysuria

Treatment of frequent urination is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You shouldn’t wait until it gets really bad; you need to react quickly to any changes in your condition. In this case, most of the problems listed above will be solved by taking medications and other conservative treatment options. Sometimes, in order to get rid of a pathological condition, it is necessary to perform gentle or intracavitary operations.

It is important to remember that malfunctions in the excretory system cannot be eliminated by reducing the volume of fluid consumed. The concentration of urine will increase sharply, which will only make the urge more frequent. The composition of urine will change, which creates a risk of inflammation and infection.

A woman’s well-being and health condition depend on many factors. The correct functioning of the excretory system is important. Therefore, the fact that her urination pattern has changed should alert the woman. Although in many cases, in women without pain, it does not cause discomfort and does not cause unpleasant sensations. The lady reassures herself that the frequency of visits to the toilet is associated with a changed lifestyle and is the body’s reaction to increased physical activity, changes in diet and drinking regime. She hopes that the problem will gradually disappear on its own; she consults a specialist only when urination is accompanied by pain.

However, ignoring such a problem can have serious consequences. Various diseases may develop.

Therefore, timely consultation with a specialist is very important. He will help determine and recommend adequate treatment if necessary.

When does frequent urination occur?

Experts state that frequent urination in women without pain is possible with diseases of the urinary system. Cystitis, in which inflammation of the bladder occurs, can manifest itself in a similar way. The spread of infection comes from the urethra to the organs located above. Inflammation of the urethra changes urination patterns.

Frequent urination without pain is characteristic of pyelonephritis, because an inflammatory process occurs in the kidneys. With saline diuresis, when stones block the urethral canal leading to the bladder, the urge is more frequent due to the fact that urine does not come out completely. In this case, the woman experiences severe discomfort.

Urination regime for various pathologies

All systems of the human body are interconnected. The urination pattern often changes not only due to inflammatory processes in the urinary system. Diseases of other organs and systems can also provoke a similar phenomenon. Women experience gynecological problems without pain. In many cases, a similar symptom is caused by uterine fibroids, which are a fairly common pathology these days.

The pressure that a benign tumor puts on the bladder provokes frequent urge. Another gynecological disease that causes a similar manifestation is uterine prolapse.

If the infection affects the genitals, irritation of the urethra occurs. At the same time, the frequency of the urge to urinate increases.

Such a common disease as thrush forces a woman to frequent visits to the toilet.

A woman with diabetes experiences extreme thirst if her blood sugar remains elevated for a long time. She has to drink a lot of fluids, so she needs to go to the toilet more often.

Vascular pathologies and heart diseases lead to the appearance of edema and provoke frequent urination. The urge increases in the dark.

Pathological changes in the spine, resulting from injuries or mechanical stress, disrupt urination.

Once again we would like to emphasize that treatment is determined by a specialist in any case. If frequent urination is caused by an infection, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotics and antifungal drugs. In case of urolithiasis, correction of the salt content in the urine is necessary. For this purpose, appropriate medications are prescribed.

When frequent urination is normal

The frequency of urination and the amount of urine changes at different times and fluctuates throughout life. They depend on the individual anatomical structure, age, habits. In such cases, frequent urination can be considered normal. But this is only possible when a woman does not experience pain when urinating.

If a woman drinks a lot of liquid, takes herbal decoctions that have a diuretic effect, diuretics, drinks a lot of coffee, likes compotes and fruit drinks, the urination pattern changes. She needs to go to the toilet more often.

With strong anxiety and stressful situations, the urge to urinate in women becomes more frequent. Hypothermia has the same consequences.

Even a small amount of alcohol disrupts water metabolism, increases urine output and provokes the appearance of edema.

Hormonal changes and urination patterns

Various changes in a woman's hormonal status also change her urination patterns. Often women notice a similar phenomenon during menstruation. Many experts note a frequent occurrence during pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the uterus is located next to the bladder. When the blood supply to the uterus increases, the blood supply to the bladder increases, which leads to an increase in the urge to go to the toilet. This process is natural and does not require correction. Over time, the frequency of urination normalizes.

Frequent urination in women without pain, caused by menopause, is also well known. During menopause, the functioning of the endocrine system is disrupted, and there is a significant decrease in estrogen production. The functioning of the smooth muscles of the bladder and the work of the sphincters depend on the amount of sex hormones.

Therefore, during menopause, when their number decreases, under heavy loads, during coughing, laughing, and sneezing, women experience the urge to urinate.

The frequency of urges increases at night. This occurs due to muscle spasms. The amount of urine excreted is insignificant.

Many women consider such phenomena to be temporary and passing, they are in no hurry to treat the pathology, and do not turn to specialists for help. This is wrong. During menopause, the female body rearranges its work, an imbalance in the functioning of all systems increases, and resistance to various infectious diseases decreases. Excessive urination can be caused by pathogenic microorganisms that enter the urethra or bladder. This provokes the development of vaginitis, urethritis, and other inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. If diagnosis is not promptly carried out and treatment is not prescribed, complications may arise.

It is possible to develop inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, irritation of the epithelium in places of constant contact with urine, the appearance of cracks and ulcers in the intimate area, and fecal incontinence.

Treatment methods

A timely visit to a specialist will help you avoid unpleasant problems and receive adequate treatment. Sometimes it is enough to normalize the hormones, and the problem disappears. The doctor may recommend non-drug methods to solve the problem. Bladder training has a good effect. By gradually increasing the intervals between urinations, the woman gradually gets used to refraining from going to the toilet for a long time. Special exercises for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles using the Kegel technique are interesting. Long walks on foot bring good results.

In some cases, the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures that improve blood circulation and eliminate congestion in the pelvic organs.

At the same time, muscles and ligaments are strengthened. Procedures using microcurrents and electromagnetic pulses are especially effective. A specialist may prescribe a course of medications that relax the bladder muscles. Along with them, you need to take medications that calm the nervous system in order to block the impulses responsible for the urge. Surgery is extremely rarely used. It should be noted that such an operation will be minimally invasive and will take place without complications.

In order to prevent frequent urge to urinate, you need to stabilize your metabolism by normalizing your diet. It also gives a woman a reason to give up alcohol and moderate her caffeine intake. This will help avoid rapid weight gain. Sometimes it is advisable to follow a certain diet.

Treatment with folk remedies gives an effect in combination with traditional methods. Healers recommend using tinctures of medicinal plants, teas and herbal decoctions. An infusion of oak bark is considered an effective remedy. It kills pathogenic microbes and promotes the formation of a protective barrier on tissues in the body. Tea made from mint and St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect and removes toxic substances from the body.

A popular remedy among traditional healers is a compress made from fresh onions. To normalize the process of urination, they recommend grinding a medium-sized onion in a blender, putting the pulp on a bandage or gauze, and applying it to the lower abdomen. The compress must be left for 1–2 hours. The course of treatment lasts 7–10 days.



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