Neurosonography of the brain of newborns (ultrasound, NSG). Ultrasound of the head in a newborn: an effective and safe examination

In the first month of life, a newborn is required to undergo some health examinations, including neurosonography. What is neurosonography, how safe is it, what is it needed for, what results does it give - we will look at all this in the article.

What is neurosonography

Neurosonography (NSG, or ultrasound of the brain) is a method of studying the brain and other anatomical structures located in the cranial cavity using ultrasound. This examination is prescribed for children in the first year of life (and the earlier, the better), since the fontanelle is still open, and ultrasound can penetrate the cranial cavity. This procedure has no contraindications and is therefore safe for the child’s health. Thus, all newborns under the age of 1 month are recommended to undergo neurosonography.

Why and to whom is it prescribed?

Neurosonography is indicated for all children, preferably in the first month of life, especially:

  • premature;
  • those born with low birth weight;
  • with an unusual head shape;
  • with suspicion of intrauterine infection;
  • born with hypoxia;
  • with birth trauma;
  • in post-term pregnancy;
  • during delivery by cesarean section;
  • with neurological diseases or symptoms indicating them;
  • with developmental anomalies of other organs or systems.

Using ultrasound, you can evaluate the structure of the brain, examine the structure of the soft tissues of the head, and see the presence or absence of deformations and tumors. Since this method is indicative, according to pediatric neurologists from the Russian Medical Server, it is proposed to use more accurate methods for identifying pathologies in case of suspicions identified during NSG (for example, a tomogram). An ultrasound of the brain can show the presence of serious problems in the child, which will need to be confirmed by other, more accurate studies.

The main misconceptions that accompany the NSG procedure are the common diagnoses of “increased intracranial pressure” and “perinatal encephalopathy”. Neurologists often make a diagnosis of increased intracranial pressure based on the results of an ultrasound of the brain and some behavioral characteristics of the child: dilated ventricles of the brain, sleep disturbances, hyperactivity, tiptoeing (or hypertonicity of the muscles of a child who cannot yet walk), tremor, developmental disorders, “marbled” skin color. The above diagnosis can only be made based on a combination of various factors that can be interpreted by an experienced medical specialist, taking into account the patient’s complaints: headaches, nausea, vomiting, regurgitation, blurred vision, consciousness, excessive growth of head circumference, bulging fontanelle, dehiscence of sutures between the bones of the skull. Of course, a small child will not be able to tell his parents about the listed symptoms, so it is necessary to notice changes in the baby’s behavior and find a competent specialist who, if necessary, will prescribe appropriate treatment. Thus, neurosonography does not allow one to assess whether the child really has increased intracranial pressure, but it can clarify the cause of the disease and its depth. As for the term “perinatal encephalopathy,” which characterizes disorders of brain function that occur during the period of intrauterine development, in accordance with the modern international classification of diseases, such a diagnosis does not exist. Be sure to monitor your child’s condition, his mood and behavior!

Types of NSG

There are 3 types of neurosonography:

  • transfontanelle;
  • transcranial;
  • transcranial-transfontanelle.

Transfontanel NSG is the simplest way to visually examine the brain, in which it is examined using a sensor through the fontanel. Transcranial NSG can be performed on both children and adults, due to the fact that the state of the brain can be viewed through the bones of the skull. Transcranial-transfontanelle NSG is a hybrid of the first two methods and provides a clearer assessment of the structure of the brain.

Transcranial method of performing NSG

Since a transfontanelle neurosonogram is possible only in the first year of a child’s life (while the fontanel is present), the time period for using this procedure is limited. The most informative method, as described above, is transcranial-transfontanelle NSG, which can also be used for up to a year. After the child’s fontanel has closed, the only possible way to assess the state of the brain is transcranial NSG (not counting other alternative methods). All types of neurosonography allow one to evaluate only the structure of the brain and tissues and detect possible formations.

Thus, to identify brain diseases, it is not enough to conduct neurosonography alone. Only in combination with complaints or behavioral characteristics different from the norm, does the NSG give some idea of ​​the diagnosis and possible options for additional examinations.

Are there similar research methods along with NSG?

Any methods of studying a child’s brain are not interchangeable and can be used together to obtain the most accurate picture of the child’s health. For example, EchoEG (echoencephalography, echoencephaloscopy) allows you to see a hematoma or tumor. Also, methods such as CT and MRI can be prescribed if serious disorders are suspected.

Evaluation and interpretation of results

During NSG, the size and contours of the brain ventricles, the presence of cysts, enlargements, and tumors are assessed. The structures of the ventricles are normally symmetrical, not dilated, the contours are clear, and there are no formations.

Deviations of a few millimeters from the conventional norms on the NSG form should not frighten anyone. Often this is just an error in the method.

Normal indicators

In case of significant deviation from the norms, it is recommended to redo the neurosonography in another place to exclude technical and human factors. The diagnosis should be made only by a competent doctor and on the basis of research.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about neurosonography

The use of neurosonography is a safe visual examination for a newborn child, which allows one to assess the structure of the brain and tissues and identify possible neoplasms. If the baby is cheerful and cheerful, then small deviations from the norm in the parameters of his neurosonogram are not grounds for any treatment. The diagnosis can only be made by a medical specialist and necessarily based on the totality of symptoms and the results of other examinations.

Consists of many neurons. Together they control the functioning of the entire body. Thus, the brain controls the nervous system and coordinates the work of each organ. In the first year of his life, a child grows and develops at a very rapid pace. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the state of the baby’s brain in order to diagnose possible disorders in time. For this purpose, ultrasound of the newborn’s brain is used.

What is a brain ultrasound

Examination of the head using an ultrasound machine is called neurosonography. This is a relatively young method of research and very popular in modern medicine. Using ultrasound, you can examine not only individual areas of the brain, but also the structure of the skull.

Ultrasound of the head is often performed on infants until the fontanel is overgrown. This is the only method of studying brain structure that is used to examine infants. It is affordable and completely harmless. To date, no consequences have been established from the use of neurosonography.

Indications for research

The need for such an examination may serve different purposes. Ultrasound of the newborn’s brain allows us to identify postpartum consequences, detect tumors, cysts, inflammatory processes, hemorrhages, hydrocephalus, and various pathologies of the nervous system. Thanks to neurosonography, it is possible to identify serious pathologies in time and prevent their further development. Through the soft tissues of the large fontanelle, you can easily see all diseases in the first stages of development.

An ultrasound of the head is usually prescribed by a neurologist for any child under the age of one year. Some maternity hospitals are required to conduct neurosonography upon discharge of each newborn, although according to legislative standards this procedure is not mandatory.

The main indications for the use of brain ultrasound in newborns are birth injuries, prematurity, external manifestations of neurological diseases, intrauterine infection, intrauterine oxygen deprivation of the fetus, large weight of the newborn or malnutrition. Neurosonography is also indicated for infants with an unusual structure and shape of the face, and with defects of other organs.

How the research is carried out

The use of ultrasound of the newborn's brain does not require any special preparation. The only and important condition is the baby’s calm behavior. Therefore, infants are examined mainly during sleep or immediately after eating. In total, the study takes no more than 15 minutes.

To examine the head, the doctor applies an ultrasound probe to the anterior fontanelle and temporal areas. In rare cases, the occipital areas are used. Obtaining reliable measurements is the main goal of using ultrasound of the newborn’s brain. The norm of these indicators serves as a standard for comparison and identification of any deviations. A total of twelve standard indicators are used. Then the obtained data is compared with normal values, and a diagnosis is made. Based on the results of the examination, if pathologies are detected, the neurologist prescribes treatment.

Basic parameters of neurosonography

During an ultrasound, a specialist assesses the condition of the large vessels of the brain, changes in their walls, possible damage, as well as their plexus. The doctor also examines the cranial cavity for the presence of neoplasms: tumors and cysts. The structure of the tissue must be studied.

The main parameters for measurement are the size and area of ​​the cerebral ventricles. Excessive values ​​indicate violations.

Main neurological pathologies in infants

Brain parameters can be determined in just a few minutes using an ultrasound of the newborn’s brain. Decoding the results obtained will confirm or refute suspicions of possible deviations.

The expansion of the main contours indicates hydrocephalus, rickets or other serious diseases. An ultrasound specialist assesses the condition of the vessels and their plexus. In this case, it is possible to identify places with expanded walls, which indicates the presence of aneurysms. Thickening and deformation of tissue can be used to diagnose meningitis, an infectious disease that affects the lining of the brain. The occurrence of arachnoid cysts provokes the development of epilepsy. Neurosonography also makes it possible to easily determine intraventricular hemorrhages and the presence of tumors.

Among neurological pathologies, when using ultrasound of the newborn’s brain, the cyst is the most common. This diagnosis causes greater consternation among parents. A cyst is a formation that occurs as a result of circulatory problems or hemorrhage in the brain, as a result of injury or inflammation. Cysts are quite common and require medical supervision. Small cysts may disappear over time. If the cyst enlarges, this may indicate the continued influence of the factor that provoked its formation. This is very dangerous because brain tissue is damaged, and there is a high risk of developing defects of the central nervous system.

Advantages of ultrasound diagnostics

Ultrasound of the newborn's brain has many important advantages. It does not cause pain because it eliminates the use of injections and needles. In addition, the use of ultrasound is a relatively inexpensive research method compared to other methods.

The most significant advantage of ultrasound of the newborn's brain is deciphering the results in the shortest possible time. It provides complete information about soft tissues, which is almost impossible to do with any other studies.

Modern parents, worried about the health of their children, for various reasons face problems in the development of their children. “What is neurosonography?” or “What is NSG?” - common questions that arise when you need to conduct a brain examination.

Neurosonography is a harmless and simple diagnosis of the brain, which is performed through the open area of ​​the frontal and parietal bones of the skull. The procedure is performed using ultrasound for children under one year old.

An important condition for the examination is the presence of an open fontanelle, which does not close in children under one year of age. Why is the procedure prescribed?

Neurosonography makes it possible to obtain information about the pathological development of the brain or to exclude suspicions of diseases. Diagnosis does not require anesthesia or any radiation. The examination lasts 20 minutes, then the doctor issues a conclusion.

NSG of the brain of newborns is prescribed for a number of indications:

  • suspected hypoxia in an infant;
  • the fontanel sinks or rises, pulsation is noticeable;
  • discrepancy between the Rh factors of the mother and the newborn;
  • birth of a premature baby;
  • During pregnancy, abnormalities were noted on ultrasound;
  • the baby does not breathe after birth or has apnea;
  • the waters are green in color, and labor is very long;
  • the presence of an infection in the fetus acquired in the womb;
  • illnesses of a woman during pregnancy;
  • low Apgar score;
  • alcohol and drug use during pregnancy;
  • genetic abnormalities and unsatisfactory results after amniocentesis in children.

Indications for ultrasound of the brain

Ultrasound of the brain is prescribed for a number of indications

Ultrasound diagnostics can be carried out both within first newborn screening, and for children of one month of age for the following indications:

  • disproportionate size of the head in relation to the body;
  • disorders in the nervous system;
  • suspicion of strabismus;
  • hemorrhage in the eyeball;
  • delay in child development;
  • the presence of seizures and suspicion of epilepsy (NSH is done after an encephalogram);
  • suspicion of cerebral palsy;
  • increased pressure inside the skull;
  • getting a head injury;
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs;
  • brain inflammation;
  • rickets;
  • abnormalities in the development of the skull;
  • hormonal imbalance, pituitary gland does not function;
  • genetic diseases in a child;
  • immune system diseases;
  • suspicion of cancer;
  • the child has suffered viral or bacterial diseases;
  • sepsis;
  • meningitis of an infectious nature and suspected disorders in brain structures;
  • deterioration of blood supply to the brain;
  • If desired, you can carry out this procedure without any symptoms by consulting a doctor.

Is the procedure harmful?

There is ample evidence of the safety of ultrasound. However, there are two schools of thought on this matter. On the one hand, ultrasound examination has not been sufficiently studied, on the other hand, there is already a whole generation of healthy children who have undergone this examination and other types of ultrasound diagnostics.

Neurosonography is a highly informative and safe procedure

Today, ultrasound of the brain is considered a harmless procedure. The examination is very informative and provides comprehensive information about brain development and identifies various diseases.

It is very important to conduct research in children under one year of age. Most developed countries have included neurosonography in the list of mandatory procedures for children under one year of age.

How is the ultrasound procedure performed?

The examination can be carried out in children until the child reaches 1 year of age, until the area of ​​the skull called the fontanel is overgrown. During this time, rapid development of the body occurs, including the development of the brain. If violations have been discovered, it is easiest to correct them at this stage, since the formation of brain cells within a year after the birth of a child reaches from 25% to 90%.

The procedure includes the following aspects:

  • Ultrasound gel is applied to the fontanel area;
  • the device is adjusted to the required age standards;
  • The doctor examines the brain using a probe, holding it at a certain angle to obtain an image.

After the examination, the doctor takes an image of the brain, obtains digital data and issues a conclusion. However, the information obtained is not the final result. In addition to everything, a consultation with a neurologist is required. Neurosonography, the cost of which depends on the type of clinic, provides only information for further analysis. In addition, the presence of external signs of violations is taken into account.

NSG is a harmless and uncomplicated brain diagnosis

The procedure for ultrasound of the brain in an infant is not dangerous for the baby. The main thing is that the little patient remains calm and is fed in advance. It is prohibited to apply any creams or ointments to the fontanel area, as this will hinder the operation of the sensor.

What information can I get?

Neurosonography is a comprehensive method for diagnosing norms and pathologies in brain development. There are generally accepted standard norms, deviations from which indicate the presence of diseases.

What neurosonography shows:

  • the state of the brain and the equal development of its halves;
  • clarity of reflection of convolutions;
  • fluid content in the space between the hemispheres of the brain;
  • the presence of formations such as cysts, tumors;
  • checking the development of the falciform process;
  • presence of brain damage;
  • checking the echogenicity of the ventricles of the brain, their density, size.

Norms for ultrasound of the brain according to the table of standards:

  • the anterior horns of the brain do not exceed 4-5 mm; otherwise, a diagnosis of hypoxia is made;
  • gap in the hemispheres - interhemispheric gap no more than 3 mm;
  • body size of the lateral ventricles - up to 4 mm;
  • the size of a large tank is up to 6 mm. in newborns, from 3 to 5 mm. in children 3 months old;
  • subarachnoid space - 2-3 mm. in newborns, up to 2 mm. at the age of 3 months.

As mentioned above, ultrasound of the brain does not pose any harm to the child. There are no restrictions for carrying it out multiple times. In addition, no special or complex preparation is required before the examination. During the diagnosis, the doctor may ask the parents to hold the child, as it is necessary that he does not move. The duration of the procedure will not take much time and will not cause any difficulties. In some cases, children do not even wake up and do not notice all the doctor’s actions. At the end of the examination, the specialist’s responsibilities include the need to issue a conclusion reflecting the results of neurosonography.

Neurosonography is a diagnostics of brain function using ultrasound. There are other names for this method: ultrasound tomography of the brain, echoencephalography, ultrasound of the brain in “B-mode”, ultrasonography, cranial sonography, etc.

This study is used to study the state of brain function of children under one year old. Today, NSG of the brain of newborns is on par with the most informative methods of studying the brain and its vascular blood flow. The ultrasound procedure is performed through the fontanelles on the child’s head - areas of the skull that are not covered by bone tissue. The baby needs them to pass through the birth canal, as they change the configuration of his head in accordance with the maternal anatomy. Since ultrasonic waves penetrate only through soft tissue, this study is informative only for newborns until the fontanelles have closed, and the more the fontanel is closed, the smaller the volume of the brain can be viewed through it.

The ultrasound machine sends high-frequency waves to the structures of the newborn’s brain, from which they are reflected and converted into an image on the device screen. The method of neurosonography of a newborn is completely safe; it does not require special preparation or immersion in anesthesia. Parents should not worry when prescribing this diagnosis - it is painless and does not pose any danger to the baby’s health. Ultrasonic waves, which are high-frequency mechanical vibrations, do not create radiation exposure to the child’s body. Therefore, this procedure can be carried out repeatedly.

Indications for the study

Neurosonography of a newborn is used to diagnose abnormalities and pathologies in the child’s brain in the early stages of dysfunction, which is very important, since earlier treatment provides a more promising prognosis for health.

NSG is especially indicated in the following cases:

  • if the baby was born with a large weight
  • if the baby is premature
  • if there is an irregular shape of the skull
  • if the child received a head injury (birth, household)
  • if the child has suffered an infectious disease
  • if there is inflammation in the brain
  • if your child is bleeding
  • if the baby is diagnosed with a tumor
  • if there are developmental defects (hydrocephalus)
  • other suspicions of dysfunction in the functioning of brain systems

When conducting a comprehensive examination, a neurologist may suggest that parents undergo an NSG of the newborn’s brain if the child has strabismus, paralysis, torticollis, paresis, frequent regurgitation and restless behavior.

The study may be prescribed as a control for the success of treatment of meningitis, encephalitis and other neurological diseases. NSG of a newborn, unlike other methods, is quite accurate and allows you to determine the most minor disorders of brain structures.

What can be revealed using neurosonography

This method allows you to detect the following diseases:

  • A cyst is a vascular formation, which is a closed cavity containing cellular fluid inside. Usually in newborns they form during childbirth and resolve on their own.
  • Congenital anomalies of brain development, which are underdevelopment or damage to the morphological structures of the brain.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Hemorrhages in parts of the brain. Most often they occur in premature babies or newborns suffering from oxygen starvation (hypoxia).

The procedure for performing neurosonography of a newborn

It can be done in sleep, while awake, and even when the newborn is crying. This does not at all affect the accuracy and quality of interpretation of the results. The baby is placed on the couch, and the parents or nurse hold the baby's head. A drop of gel for ultrasound diagnostics is applied to the study site (large fontanel - closes at 1-1.5 years, occipital fontanel - closes at 3-4 months), then an ultrasound device sensor is applied there. The doctor, optimally adjusting the position of the sensor, views all parts of the child’s brain on the monitor. The somnologist can also apply the sensor to the area of ​​the temporal bone (slightly above the ear) for a detailed assessment of pathologies inside the brain of the newborn child. NSG of the brain of newborns takes place within 10-15 minutes.

Analysis of newborn NSG results

The interpretation of the results of neurosonography is carried out only by the child’s attending physician, since it is he who monitors all the individual features of his medical history: the presence of intrauterine infections, the birth process, factors of the child’s development in the first days of life, etc. Accordingly, the results of the study for each specific child will differ, and what may be the norm for one child - it will signal the presence of pathology in another. Therefore, there are no clear and specific indicators and standards for conducting neurosonography. The neurologist himself determines this norm in each specific case.

Analysis of the results of NSG is carried out in comparison with data from other studies, the general clinical picture and existing symptoms. After this, the specialist prescribes adequate treatment for the child, assesses the dynamics of its effectiveness and the prognosis of the child’s health.

This study is very informative and inexpensive and costs parents from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles, the result of the examination is given immediately in a few minutes. It should be noted that the plasticity of the nervous system of a small child and the body’s ability to compensate for the mechanism contribute to the successful correction of various disorders. The most important thing in this process is the early diagnosis of pathologies of the central nervous system, in which the method of neurosonography provides invaluable assistance.


The study of infant brain pathology has undergone significant changes with the introduction of neurosonography. This method is sufficiently informative and at the same time completely safe. The components of the brain, thanks to the use of this diagnostic method, are subjected to ultrasound examination, which makes it possible to correctly assess the brain structure, as well as timely detect pathological changes in the brain of an infant.

What is neurosonography?

This is the name for effective examination of a newborn child using special devices. The physiological features of the structure of the skull of a newborn child make it possible to carry out this method. The bones of the baby’s skull have not yet fully formed and therefore carrying out this kind of research is completely painless for him.

This diagnostic method does not differ significantly from ultrasound. Ultrasound waves penetrate the baby’s brain completely calmly and without obstacles through an unobstructed fontanel. If it heals slowly with age, there are more opportunities for using neurosonography. A favorable prognosis for a baby is more likely the earlier the pathology of the child’s skull development is detected.

Why is it made?

The procedure in question is performed on a newborn child through cartilaginous areas on the skull that have not yet ossified, which are called fontanelles. The child has four in total. The largest of them is located in the front of the skull, through which the brain is usually examined.

Examination of the brain of an infant using neurosonography is indicated in a number of cases, among which the following should be highlighted:

  • various stages of prematurity;
  • problems the mother has had with labor, including inappropriate placement of the fetus in the uterus, excessively fast or slow labor, and inappropriate position of the fetus in the womb;
  • prolonged lack of oxygen for the fetus in the womb or various stages of its suffocation during labor;
  • all kinds of pathologies of labor or infectious lesions suffered during childbirth:
  • the birth of a child through a cesarean section by the mother;
  • insufficient compatibility of the Rh factor of the child and mother;
  • retraction or protrusion of the fontanel;
  • possible concerns regarding the presence of pathologies in the structure of the child’s chromosomes.

Neurosonography is performed to confirm or refute any of the diagnoses.

How often can neurosonography be done on an infant?

The examination does not pose any harm to the child’s health. There is no additional need to prepare the infant’s brain for neurosonography.

Previously, the baby had to be put under general anesthesia before the procedure began. This was practiced for pathological conditions of the child’s nervous system and other mental disorders. Neurosonographic diagnostics do not require this. Even wakefulness and increased motor activity of the child do not interfere with its implementation.

In view of all of the above, it should be concluded that the event in question can be carried out on an infant with virtually no restrictions on time and number of procedures. In practice, it is generally accepted that the optimal number for carrying out such operations, which is sufficient to clarify all the nuances of the baby’s condition, is one session per week.

What does neurosonography of a baby show?

The results of the study are presented in the form of a protocol, which contains the following data:

  • symmetry of the child’s brain hemispheres or complete absence thereof;
  • distinct location of convolutions in the infant’s cerebral cortex;
  • indicators of symmetry of the ventricles of the child’s brain:
  • clarity of the shape of the falciform process of the baby’s brain:
  • trapezoidal shape of the cerebellar contours;
  • the presence or absence of fluid in the cavity between the two hemispheres of the brain;
  • indicators of homogeneity of the plexus of blood vessels in the child’s brain;
  • the presence of cysts and the softness of the child’s brain structure.

Indications for infants of different ages

There are various indications for infants to undergo the procedure in question.

From birth to 2 months

For children of this age category, indications for brain scanning sessions are usually:

  • protracted labor of the baby's mother;
  • birth by caesarean section;
  • defects in the structure of the child’s skull.

A timely procedure ensures an accurate determination of the cause of the incident, as well as possible ways to eliminate the situation. In some cases, temporary hospitalization of the child to perform a neurosonography procedure is indicated.

From 2 months to six months

For children of this age group, it is realistic to perform the neurosonography procedure for the following indications:

  • violation of the symmetry of the structure of the child’s brain;
  • brain damage due to infections in the first months after the baby is born;
  • increased nervous excitability.

Based on the results of an assessment of the baby’s brain tissue during a specified period of his life, measures are prescribed to change the current situation and take measures to bring the child’s brain activity to a normal state.

Brain defects in infants available with neurosonography

Defects in the brain of infants that can be determined by neurosonography are identified after the examination itself.


During the study, the condition of some parts of the baby's brain and the size of certain areas are determined. The following parameters are considered normal:

  • the dimensions of the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle of the brain are from 1 to 2 mm;
  • depth of the body of the anterior horn - up to 4 millimeters;
  • the size of the gap between the hemispheres of the brain is up to 2 mm;
  • the volume of the third ventricle of the brain is up to six mm;
  • the size of the subarachnoid space is up to three millimeters;
  • The volume of the large cistern of the brain is from three to six millimeters.

Minor deviations in the sizes of these organs up to one millimeter are allowed.


Pathology is considered to be a significant excess of the above values ​​(from 3 mm or more). However, such a condition of a newborn is not a reason to panic. Any pathology can be cured if it is detected in time and timely treatment is started.

As for cyst-shaped formations, they resolve on their own in the vast majority of observed cases. All that is required is their periodic monitoring.

Conducting research in a hospital setting

Neurosonography examinations of young patients can easily be carried out in a hospital inpatient setting. This requires compliance with the necessary sequence of actions.

Preparing the baby for the procedure

Special preliminary preparation of the infant for this procedure is not required. It is enough that the child is not hungry or thirsty. In addition, if the child falls asleep, he does not have to be specially woken up. Moreover, this will greatly facilitate neurosonography for both medical personnel and parents. The results of the operation will become available immediately after the session, a maximum of a couple of minutes after it is performed.


The very nature of the neurosonography process does not differ significantly from the procedure for performing ultrasound. The child is placed on a flat couch, after which the places where the sensors are attached to his head are lubricated with special compounds. Then comes the procedure itself.

The doctor gains access to the baby's brain through the fontanel located on the parietal part of the head, as well as through the foramen area at the back of the head. To decipher the results of the study, a sufficiently qualified doctor is required.

Neurosonography of the infant: interpretation

Decoding the results of each research session consists of listing the structures under consideration, indicating their symmetry and general condition. The data is given as follows:

  • cerebral hemispheres are symmetrical or asymmetrical;
  • how well the grooves in the baby’s brain have been visualized;
  • shape and order of location of the falx cerebri;
  • the volume of fluid in the gap between the hemispheres of the brain;
  • volume of the cerebellar tentorium and its general condition.

The table with the results of neurosonography is kept by the specialist performing it for one to three months.



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