Unfavorable days in January for cancer. Love and family

For Cancer in January 2017, the fact that the Moon is its main patron will be especially important. Now for representatives of this sign any ally will be extremely valuable. And this is worth remembering right away: under no circumstances renounce those who want to help you, even if it seems that this help is absolutely insignificant. In general, you should not take risks without assessing all the probabilities and possibilities. If you are not sure about anything, do not take a step forward. Now this could be dangerous negative kind consequences. However, provided that Cancer acts thoughtfully and carefully enough, the likelihood of arriving at an unsatisfactory result is simply excluded. In addition, this month you will have many opportunities to improve your position in all areas of life. You may have to try a little harder than you expected, but the result will seem brighter to you, there is no doubt about it. Now the positions of Saturn, who is negatively disposed towards your sign, and Mars, who also does not have “warm feelings” for Cancer, in total will give a rather ambiguous result. And this result can be projected onto any area of ​​your life; it is important to remain vigilant and not allow yourself “too much.”

The work direction is unlikely to surprise Cancer in January 2017. All potential negativity will be predictable, at least you have already considered it once similar problems, which means that you are definitely ready for them. The stars advise: do not trust new acquaintances, especially if they seem openly “sugary”, “sweet”. The saying “an old friend is better than two new ones” will be more relevant than ever. Create a positive atmosphere around yourself, if you want, make a change in your workplace. If you have a business, then spend increased attention issues related to personnel changes. Don't be reckless, don't let your feelings cloud your reason. Just decide what is more important to you - personal peace of mind or dynamic development your business. There is no wrong option here, but there is a better option. On the other hand, when have the promises of reason made a person truly happy? They did, of course, but in a minimal number of cases. That's why you're likely to face a series of difficult decisions. And one more important point, which largely concerns those Cancers who do not work for themselves. Be careful if the situation goes to the point where you may have an “office romance.” Saturn will try to develop this tendency and lead you to financial ruin. Now you clearly shouldn’t mix these two areas of your life, because the result will not please you, that’s for sure.

The direction of personal relationships for Cancer in 2017 is unlikely to be more important than the area of ​​work, but at least there will not even be a potential threat here, which means the range of opportunities will be wider. First of all, it is important to note that the emergence of a new relationship should be very, very useful for you, although somewhat risky. Under no circumstances should you distance yourself if someone close to you suddenly starts giving you advice that doesn’t seem particularly pleasant. Don't let your feelings cloud your judgment! This is typical for Cancer, but not now best time to make yourself even more vulnerable. For families, the situation will be a little less dramatic; there will be no need to control your emotions and instinctive urges. In addition, conflicts born within the family hearth should remain there. Mars will try to make you act as expressively and demonstratively as possible. But don’t even think about “washing dirty linen in public”, this will create even more negativity! Be yourself, do not forget about your innate goodness and do not indulge your selfish traits, otherwise you will lose what you have.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for January 2017 for the zodiac sign Cancer, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives zodiac sign Cancer. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Cancer sign: Personal horoscopes for the Cancer sign:

With the arrival of January 2017, the life of people born under the constellation Cancer will take on fundamentally new forms. There will no longer be what you used to consider an endless string of problems from which there is not the slightest possibility of getting out. You will stop sadly recalculating your budget, finding it too small for a normal existence. It’s a paradox, but, in fact, your finances will not increase, and your problems will not disappear! Why will you stop worrying about them? Yes, for the simple reason that, meeting the year of the Red Rooster, your worldview will change dramatically! Unable to change the situation around you, you decide to change your attitude towards what is happening. We must pay tribute, little by little you will become a real Athenian sage, who, slowly contemplating the world around us, finds it very, very positive!

The wisdom with which you begin to look at the world at the beginning of 2017 will help you make a number of important discoveries. You will suddenly realize that it is not at all necessary to have high income to experience true personal happiness. No amount of money can buy the feelings you will experience in January! If you have entered the year of the Red Rooster without constant second halves, there is a high probability that immediately after the New Year holidays your “family status” will change dramatically. You will find a person who will live in amazing harmony with the world (it is he, this a most unique person, and will open your eyes to many important things). Even if the person next to you is not an oligarch or a stunning beauty with appetizing curves, this is not the main thing! Main, dear Cancers, is that next to your new passion you will feel cozy and very comfortable (as if you were transported to early childhood, when for complete happiness you needed nothing at all - love, attention and care, and not an expensive “wrapper” behind which it is customary to hide your feelings).

Family Cancers in January are destined to find an outlet in the person of some stranger. No, we are not talking about the fact that you suddenly feel a strong passion for some person and start playing tricks behind your marriage partner’s back. You will be able to fully comply with the oath of fidelity that you took to your soulmate (there will be no place for betrayal in your life). It’s just that a very experienced person will appear next to you, who will share his personal philosophy with you, after which he will become a devoted friend to you. You will spend a lot of hours in his company, which will cause dissatisfaction with your marriage partner. True, this anger will soon fade away (immediately after your significant other understands that communicating with a new friend has benefited you and made you a morally balanced person).

Balance and calm will be inherent in you in those matters that are directly related to your career. She, your career, still has no intention of growing upward, but you will not insist on it. It will be enough for you to realize that you are doing something that brings you great pleasure, and the income that this work effort entails will seem like a secondary issue to you. However, if the position you occupy does not suit you according to some criteria (does not bring you the full opportunity to reveal your potential, etc.), there is a high probability that you will say goodbye to it, and abruptly and radically. This will come as a big surprise to your now former colleagues(they won’t have the courage to take such a decisive step, and they will watch with envy as you, without fear of change, are settling into your new place of work with great pleasure).

Attention, the Cancer horoscope for the month of January 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. To have full picture of the coming 2017 Red Rooster, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

Cancer monthly horoscope January 2017

Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster: 2017
Horoscope 2017 Rooster.

Horoscope for Cancer for January 2017

Favorable dates of the month: 4, 7, 12, 18, 25, 26.

Unfavorable dates of the month: 11, 15, 28.

January will seem like a difficult time for Cancers - the first month of 2017 will begin significant changes in life. If you show perseverance and show the ability to stand your ground, then representatives of this sign will have a very prosperous month. The stars speak of the onset of changes in the very first days of January. Many Cancers will have to rethink or change their established attitudes towards certain people and events. Unpaid debts can remind you of themselves.

Financial horoscope for Cancer for January 2017

Enough favorable period V financially for Cancers. The stars promise an improvement in your financial situation and significant success in material terms. Perhaps January will be the month when representatives of this sign will have a wonderful opportunity to put an end to the issues that bother them forever and unfinished business. After this, Cancers will feel full independence, which will inspire them to grandiose plans and goals. If finances allow, a major acquisition in the form of real estate is possible.

Love horoscope for Cancer for January 2017

In terms of personal relationships, January will be a very active and emotional month. The January 2017 horoscope for Cancer predicts many romantic adventures and pleasant acquaintances. For lonely representatives of this sign, the stars recommend showing more initiative and perseverance in finding their other half. It is necessary to meet new people and expand your social circle. Attending all kinds of events will significantly increase your chances of meeting a soul mate. For those Cancers who are already in a relationship, January also prepared positive changes. Relationships with your partner will reach a new, more high level. Perhaps we will talk about starting a family.

Health horoscope for Cancer for January 2017

In general, a favorable period for Cancers, without any serious changes in health. However, the horoscope for January 2017 recommends Cancers to turn special attention on emotional state. Constant fixation on negative things can cause headaches and physical illness.

Career horoscope for Cancer for January 2017

In the professional sphere in January, everything will not go very well for Cancers. A thrill additional earnings and the need to increase their income may negatively affect their mental state. During this period, Cancers with a militant attitude will begin to look for ways to solve this problem.

In January 2019, Cancers will have the opportunity to reach their desired goal. Fate seems to open a door for you: seize the moment.
When faced with a life dilemma, ask a loved one or trusted colleague for help in choosing a solution and listen to the advice.

Favorable days for Cancer for January 2019 – 2, 3, 17, 21, 24
Unfavorable days for Cancer for January 2019 – 1, 4, 12, 22

Cancer's career and finances in January 2019
Cancers will work hard and hard in January 2019. During this period, you will have to demonstrate excellent organization and self-discipline. Start the month by making a clear plan of what needs to be done and when, and you will succeed. This month crisis situations, no breakdowns in agreements or conflicts with partners are expected. Work will proceed as usual, which will contribute to excellent results.
In the middle of the month, you will want recognition of your merits and a privileged position among your colleagues. Confessions you Most likely, you will achieve it - perhaps encouragement from management for previous achievements. But you shouldn’t oppose yourself to your colleagues. The growth of your authority will be facilitated by a calm, non-stardom attitude towards your own achievements.
The second half of the month will be promising. At this time, your most cherished desires related to your profession may come true. Someone will sign a lucrative contract, someone will get a dream job, someone will be able to open their own business.
Regarding the financial sphere in January 2019, some Cancers will be surprised to find that after New Year's holidays finance sings romances. Just don’t reproach yourself for wastefulness: what’s done cannot be returned. Better think about how to fix the situation. Until the middle of the month, friends or relatives will help you patch up the gaps in the family budget. Someone will lend you money for an indefinite period of time, someone will offer you a good part-time job.
But you don't need to worry. Now there is an unwritten law: the less money we love, the greater the chance of attracting it. So work calmly, go to interviews if you decide to find a better place. And most importantly, do not get involved in financial adventures and projects.

Personal life Cancer in January 2019
For Cancers, family and home are sacred. This is where you feel most comfortable and are used to managing everything. However, in January 2019 Your significant other will unexpectedly take the initiative. And now you won’t decide how much money to spend on renovations, what to cook for dinner, how to raise children and how to spend the weekend. On the one hand, Cancers are at a loss, on the other hand, they are trying to return everything to normal. old places, but in the first half of the month nothing will work out.
And don't! Now your partner not only wants, but can accept right decisions and generally be the head of the family. So relax! Trust your loved one and have fun. Direct your attention to the professional sphere. By the end of the month, your partner will get tired of total control and will begin to listen to your opinion and ask for advice. That's great! Discuss everything important issues, make decisions together, but do not allow the responsibility for the family to be completely shifted onto your shoulders. Show wisdom and everything will work out.
Free Cancers in January should not count on a serious romance with a continuation, but light flirting and romantic adventures are very likely, and this, by the way, is good for tone.

Cancer Health in January 2019
In January 2019, the health of representatives of the Cancer sign is practically not in danger. All is well with immunity in perfect order, chronic illnesses don’t bother you, it’s just that your nerves can get a little naughty. Take this carefully, since almost all diseases are caused by nerves. So your task is to find peace. Which, in general, is not difficult now. Firstly, no serious shocks are expected in your life. Secondly, your loved ones are ready to support you in any situation. The main thing is, don’t worry about the little things – they’re not worth it. Rest more, walk, get enough sleep, play sports. Then you will feel great and look great.
The end of January is a great time to visit a hairdresser, stylist or cosmetologist. If you are more radical and are thinking about plastic surgery, you should postpone the operation.

As of January 2017

The first month of the year will be extremely eventful with a variety of events, both pleasant and not so pleasant. Meet the first half, but don’t shy away from the second. Firstly, this will not succeed, and secondly, character is strengthened in difficulties.

Love, Cancer family in January 2017

Things are unsettled in families. Friendly spouses can decide difficult questions, related to real estate, and suddenly discover that they have different views on many issues related to home improvement. Acquisition, sale, exchange - all these events will cause disputes, conflicts and it will not be possible to reach an agreement in January.

Postpone your decision until February, but in the meantime, try to look at the situation from the outside - this is always useful.

Unfriendly couples may decide to divorce, but this issue is still for a long time will remain open. Quarrels may alternate with reconciliations; issues related to housing, common property, and the future of children will periodically emerge. Lovers may come into conflict with their parents; in addition, the topic of jealousy will come up once again. In all difficult cases maintain your dignity, composure and remember that all the problems of January can be inspired by the movement of Mercury. He goes backwards, and this confuses both thoughts and feelings.

Only towards the end of the month will you be able to think clearly, clearly, and perhaps the situation will no longer seem so sad to you. So take a step back and wait. Time will tell what to do next.

To look charming in January 2017 horoscope Cancer recommends cutting and coloring hair according to Lunar calendar of haircuts for January 2017.

Career, finances of Cancer in January 2017

Relationships with partners are the main thing this month. They will make their position clear, and it may differ significantly from what you initially assumed. Enterprising people will talk about different views development of the case, disputes related to real estate or other large property are not excluded.

In the middle of the month, problems will arise with colleagues from other cities or countries, which may become protracted if their causes are not eliminated in time. One of them may be improper business practices. From the point of view of the stars, it looks out of date, almost like a relic of the past. Perhaps your employees cannot keep up with the rapidly changing world, and you need to renew your team. In a word, the stars recommend that you think carefully about everything in the coming weeks and make the right decision.

The employee may have problems with his superiors, and in as a last resort he will think about quitting. Another thing is also possible: changes are taking place in the organization, which will make you nervous, worried and look for another application for your talents. However, this search for various reasons will drag on, so the stars recommend leaving everything as it is for now. There will be such opportunities, and they are worth taking advantage of. At least for now.

Financial positions will deteriorate somewhat, which is not surprising given the current state of affairs. However, in the most difficult cases, parents or older family members will lend a helping hand.

Cancer Health in January 2017

The state of health in January is also not encouraging. It will exhaust those who are strong in body and spirit nervous tension. The elderly and frail can be reminded of themselves by the old chronic diseases. In case of exacerbations, seek help from a well-known doctor, excluding self-medication. And if you can’t avoid stress, remember the benefits healthy sleep and the wonderful words “Everything passes.”

Drivers in the second and third decades of January are advised to be careful while driving.

For everyone who is preparing for the summer season, the horoscope recommends carrying out work on



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