Tincture of celandine in vegetable oil. Proper use of celandine oil

In the article we discuss celandine oil - the use of the product. You will find out what medicinal properties has oil, and how to prepare it at home. We will tell you how to use oil to treat hair, burns, acne, papillomas, psoriasis and nail fungus, as well as what contraindications and side effects there are.

Celandine oil is used externally Although celandine is considered poisonous plant, V therapeutic purposes benefits. It is not always possible to get a fresh plant stem, so many people use pharmaceutical cosmetic celandine oil. Thanks to unique composition plants, celandine fights unwanted spots on the face, acne, warts and papillomas.

The main property of celandine is cleansing. Thanks to the alkaloids it contains, the plant has an anesthetic effect on the body. Alkaloids inhibiting nervous system, reduce sensitivity, so an antiseptic and analgesic effect is felt. They also have a stimulating effect on digestive system, improving appetite and gastrointestinal function.

Celandine oil effectively treats skin from psoriasis, eczema, and fungi.

Preparation of celandine oil

To properly prepare the product, read the instructions for celandine oil.

From fresh leaves

Prepare oil from fresh leaves not difficult. This recipe is relevant in summer period when the collection of celandine begins.


  1. Fresh leaves and flowers of celandine - 1 part.
  2. Oil (olive, peach, almond, sunflower) - 1 part.

How to cook: Take top part plants, wash, dry and chop. Transfer the resulting mass into a dark glass container. Heat the pre-selected oil in a water bath and pour it over the resulting mass of celandine. Leave in a dark place for 10-14 days. Periodically heat the oil in a water bath. Strain before use. Store the resulting oil for no more than 1 year in a dark glass container.

How to use: Apply hair oil to maintain the shine of your curls. Use to treat dry and damaged skin.

Result: Celandine oil has a regenerating effect, restores hair structure, and fights flaking.

From dry raw materials

You can prepare oil from dry raw materials when you don’t have any fresh celandine. In terms of effectiveness, it is not inferior to that prepared from a fresh plant.


  1. Dry stems, inflorescences and leaves of celandine - 1 part.
  2. Boiling water - 1 part.
  3. Base oil (sunflower or other optional) - 1 part.

How to cook: Place the parts of the plant tightly in a saucepan, pour boiling water so that the water level covers the celandine by 2 cm. When adding boiling water, measure how many liters you have used. This is necessary in order to know how much base oil to add. Leave for 15 minutes. Add to pan base oil in a 1:1 ratio. Close the container with the plant tightly and put it in a dark place for 1 week. Strain before use.

How to use: Use as a disinfectant, moisturizer for skin, hair and nails.

Result: Cosmetic oil from celandine renders positive effect in the treatment of nail fungus, hair loss and dry skin.

How to use celandine oil

You can make celandine oil yourself or buy it at a pharmacy. Celandine essential oil can be used for various diseases skin, hair and nails. It is recommended to consult a dermatologist before any use as a prophylactic or primary treatment.

From papillomas

Papillomas occur when the papillomavirus develops in the body. To remove papillomas, use celandine oil.

Soak a cotton swab in celandine oil and wipe the skin in problem areas. After 10 minutes, wash your face warm water. Repeat the procedure up to 4 times a day. Within 5-10 days you will notice how your skin has become clearer.

For acne

Celandine oil for the face perfectly cleanses the skin of acne. To do this, make applications with celandine oil. Keep the applications on your face for 10-15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.

For dermatosis

Celandine oil helps with dermatosis. During treatment, the plant has an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect, and also restores outer layer skin.

For skin lesions, rub the oil onto the affected areas. Already on the 3rd day of treatment you will notice significant improvement condition. Itching and weeping areas almost completely disappear.

For psoriasis

For psoriasis, wipe the affected areas with celandine oil 1-2 times a day. Treatment for psoriasis can last for months. Use the oil until the skin stops peeling. With regular use, inflammation and redness are relieved, the skin stops itching and becomes smoother.

For burns

The soothing effect of the oil on inflamed areas relieves redness, painful sensations. The product accelerates cell regeneration, which leads to tightening of tissue around burns.

After application to thermally or chemically affected areas, the product promotes rapid recovery fabrics.

For a mild effect of celandine, dilute the plant with water in a 1:1 ratio and lubricate fresh burns. Also, for burns, apply applications with dry herbs to the burned areas under a bandage.

For the treatment of wounds

Wounds on the skin heal more actively, thanks to the effects of celandine. The plant has bacterial, restorative and analgesic properties.

Antibiotics in the plant neutralize microorganisms, viruses, infections and bacteria. Cleaning the wound will prevent blood poisoning and the development of suppuration.

Disinfection promotes the gradual healing of wounds, scratches, and tissue tears. Ready oil Apply celandine to a cotton swab and then to the surface of the wound.

For hair

Celandine cosmetic oil is indispensable for hair treatment and restoration.

Verified folk remedy for hair loss - this is a mask based on celandine. To prepare a mask, mix celandine oil with olive, vegetable or other oil in a 1:1 ratio.

Warm up the mask before applying. Apply the composition over the entire length of the hair, massage the scalp. A mask of celandine-based oils adds shine, and the warming effect activates the hair follicles and promotes new hair growth. The plant regulates metabolism, returning strands natural beauty.

For nail fungus

Celandine oil effectively helps in the treatment of nail fungus. Used in the treatment of nail fungus pharmaceutical oil celandine or home-cooked.

To begin, steam your feet in hot water. You can put baking soda in the water. Next, take hydrogen peroxide and thoroughly wipe your toes and nails affected by the fungus with a dampened cloth. Trim your nails as much as possible.

Next, lubricate the areas affected by the fungus with celandine oil. Wait 15-20 minutes for the oil to be absorbed. Then blot the remaining product with a cotton pad or napkin. Carry out this procedure daily until the fungus disappears.


Despite the beneficial properties and use of celandine oil at home, the plant is considered poisonous. Before starting treatment, consult your doctor about possible contraindications.


  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • mental nervous diseases in the acute stage;
  • individual intolerance;
  • use of certain medications.

When using celandine oil even externally, you need to know that the plant is not compatible with some foxglove-based products.

If you are taking drugs containing morphine, sulfonamides, or medications to regulate blood sugar, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When using celandine externally, it should not be combined with drugs and compounds that have a similar effect.

Overdose may cause side effects, so it is very important not to overexpose the composition to the skin.

Side effects:

  • chemical burn from celandine oil;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness.

For more information about the benefits of celandine, watch the video:

Among the row unpretentious plants, famous for their beneficial properties, celandine occupies not the last positions. Some people continue to treat it like a weed, and when they find it in their garden plots, they try to get rid of it.

For the rest of us, this is a real find to find excellent application. For example, an oil is prepared from this plant that helps with various ailments, especially when it comes to skin diseases.

Celandine oil includes a rich combination of substances and components that have positive properties when used to treat various diseases skin, in particular acne, age spots, warts, fungus, eczema.

This miraculous product contains the following elements:

  • organic acids such as citric, succinic, malic;
  • alkaloids that help reduce sensitivity and eliminate vascular spasms;
  • sanguinarine - a substance that eliminates pain and helps speed up the digestion process;
  • essential oils that cope with numerous skin problems;
  • carotenoids – antioxidants;
  • vitamins A and C;
  • glycosides that increase appetite;
  • saponins with a diuretic and laxative effect;
  • resinous substances whose action is aimed at optimizing metabolic processes in the body;
  • flavonoids that improve vascular elasticity.

Thanks to this composition, the product has gained immense popularity back in ancient times when people tried to heal with its help deep wounds and actively fought skin diseases.


The oil has a lot of properties that have a beneficial effect on human body.

Useful properties and uses of celandine oil

Among them are:

  • cupping painful sensations;
  • regeneration of damaged skin areas;
  • relieving skin itching and allergic rashes;
  • effective in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors:
  • successful elimination of papillomas, warts, calluses, spots;
  • active neutralization of viruses and bacteria;
  • treatment of diseases oral cavity;
  • assistance fast healing wounds and restoration of damaged tissue.


Celandine oil, the properties and uses of which are known a large number people, is used to eliminate skin problems, in particular:

  • warts;
  • papillomas;
  • calluses;
  • herpes;
  • dermatitis;
  • cutaneous tuberculosis;
  • furunculosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • microbial eczema;
  • acne;
  • lichen versicolor.

The extract from celandine oil has also found wide application in gynecology in the treatment of:

  • cervical erosion;
  • vaginitis;
  • whiter.

Often, dentists, when they detect problems in their patients, recommend that they use the product.

It could be:

Women's use of oil in for cosmetic purposes never let them down.

It is used when:

  • peeling skin;
  • irritations;
  • redness;
  • itching;
  • pigment spots;
  • acne marks.

The use of celandine oil for psoriasis

People with psoriasis experience skin that becomes red and scaly. Lesions are localized mainly on the elbows, knees, and sometimes on the head or forehead. Changing your diet and taking medications regularly does not always work effective method getting rid of the disease. Itching and inflammation decrease, but the desired effect does not occur.

The oil is applied to the affected areas of the skin 2 times a day for a month. After application, the mixture is not washed off.

Systematic use of oil allows you to achieve following results:

  • elimination of severe peeling of problem areas;
  • reduction of itching and irritation;
  • the skin becomes smooth.

The following recipe will be an effective remedy for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • 2 tbsp. celandine;
  • 1 tbsp. leaves walnut and blackberries;
  • 1 tbsp. fish oil;
  • 2 tbsp. honey;
  • 3 tbsp. tar.

The leaves are ground and then the remaining ingredients except fish oil are added. The resulting product is thoroughly mixed and infused for 2 hours, after which fat is added.

For dry and aging skin

Celandine oil − effective remedy, which helps to cope with many cosmetological problems, but few people are aware of it therapeutic effects for dry and aging skin. The components of the product help increase the elasticity of the upper layer of the epithelium, and this is a direct way to prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

For cooking nourishing mask The following ingredients are needed for the face:

  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tsp celandine juice;
  • 1 tsp olive oils.

All elements are mixed. The resulting product is applied to the face for 25 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off with warm water.

For acne

For people trying to get rid of acne, celandine oil - ideal option. To achieve a quick positive result, a mask based on this miraculous component should be used daily. At first, the situation may worsen, but this is only a skin reaction to the oil, which will soon go away.

Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin of impurities. The time to use the mask should not exceed 40 minutes. The course of treatment is at least 1 month.

It should be remembered that celandine oil is used exclusively in its own form, that is, mixing it with other folk remedies is strictly not recommended.

For calluses

Almost everyone has suffered from prolonged friction or pressure uncomfortable shoes, resulting in a callus.

One of the most effective folk remedies that flawlessly copes with this problem is celandine oil.

A positive result is achieved by observing the following rules:

  • Before applying the product, the skin is well steamed using hot soap and soda water;
  • the cleaned surface with the affected areas is dried with a towel;
  • to avoid possible irritation of healthy areas of the skin, the callus is sealed with adhesive tape around the edges;
  • Using a cotton swab, 1 drop of the product is carefully applied to the callus.

After a week of prescribed procedures, the callus disappears, after which the area is covered with a moisturizing cream for several days. If this method did not help, it needs to be repeated after a week's break.

For acne

At the expense of their useful properties Celandine oil has been successfully used to combat acne.

The main advantages of using this remedy during treatment are:

  • antiseptic effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • fight against irritations.

Acne is caused by germs and bacteria, so treatment must be followed integrated approach. If there are no contraindications, a specialist, together with medications oil based on celandine is prescribed as additional method therapy.

For eczema

Celandine oil (properties and applications this tool has a beneficial effect) effectively helps with eczema. This pathology is accompanied by unpleasant clinical picture, in particular the formation of pustules and blisters on the skin. Also appears severe itching and burning.

Celandine oil in this case will serve as an excellent anti-inflammatory weapon against lesions. Freshly prepared oil is applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day.

For furunculosis

Furunculosis, although not terrible, is quite unpleasant disease. Single boils are treated quickly, but if several boils occur in one area, the treatment process may be delayed.

To treat furunculosis with celandine oil you need:

  • 1 tbsp. celandine;
  • 1 liter of sea buckthorn oil.

The specified amount of the plant is ground and mixed with oil. Inflamed areas are wiped with the product several times a day.

From baby diaper rash

Many mothers, even with careful care of their baby’s delicate skin, often have to unsuccessfully fight the resulting diaper rash. The child also suffers from irritation.

Celandine oil is a product that actively affects affected areas, while relieving inflammation, redness, and soothing the skin.

For seborrhea and dandruff

Hair follicles, absorbing all the healing components of celandine oil, are strengthened and their growth is accelerated. In addition, the method of using this product helps to cope with hair problems such as dandruff and seborrhea.

To prevent the occurrence of dandruff and seborrhea, before each washing procedure, thoroughly rub the product into the scalp for 30 minutes. After this, you can wash your hair with ordinary shampoo.

For mycosis of the feet

Celandine oil, the properties and use of which in the fight against mycosis of the feet stood out among the abundance of official and traditional medicine, is used by many who have had to deal with this disease.

Unbearable itching, constant peeling, cracks on the feet are symptoms that celandine oil successfully and productively combats. The main condition for fast positive result– start applying the oil on early stages manifestations of pathology.

Celandine oil therapy involves the following activities:

  • wash your feet and dry them thoroughly;
  • place cotton pads in a container with oil;
  • Apply cotton wool to the feet affected by mycosis overnight as a compress.

If mycosis has affected most of the legs, then instead of cotton pads, gauze is used, which is also moistened with the product. Afterwards, the legs are tied with it, and socks are put on top.

For burns

Celandine oil for burns has a soothing effect on damaged areas. Redness is relieved, temperature drops and pain is dulled. The product promotes accelerated regeneration cells and the healing process.

Immediately before applying the oil, the burned areas are cooled using cold water or ice, then cotton pads soaked in the product are applied to them.

Treatment of nail fungus

In the process of treating nail fungus, celandine oil has the following effective therapeutic effects:

  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • relieves pain;
  • eliminates burning sensation and itching;
  • promotes healing and regeneration.

The baths have proven themselves quite well. A liter of water is heated to 50°C. 4 tbsp are also added there. oils Similar procedures, the duration of which is 30 minutes, are held daily in the morning and evening time days.

Against warts

New growths on the skin in the form of warts can be successfully removed with the help of celandine oil. Compresses that involve applying gauze soaked in oil to the growths for 12 hours are popular. After the specified time, the bandage is changed and this should continue for 7 days.

For more strong effect areas with warts must be washed and steamed warm water by adding salt or soda.

Against papillomas

Papillomas are formed as a result of the activation of papilloma viruses. To achieve the expected effect, the resulting growths are carefully cauterized with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Taking advantage cotton swab, oil is applied to the growths. It is very important to prevent the product from coming into contact with healthy areas of the skin, as this can cause burns or allergies.

For herpes

The infection often causes a rash on the lips or genitals. In order for the expected result to occur as soon as possible, the product must be used at the earliest early stages diseases.

Even in ancient times, people used this method and considered it the most effective.

For herpes, celandine-based oil:

  • eliminates the virus;
  • reduces pain and stops inflammatory processes;
  • promotes healing of ulcers;
  • normalizes the immune system.

Apply oil to the affected areas, trying not to exceed permissible norm, since careless actions can result in allergic reactions or burns of the mucous membrane.

For lichen versicolor

Not everyone knows that celandine-based oil has unique properties that help get rid of pityriasis versicolor:

  • has a strong anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • fights pathogenic microorganisms.

The product is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin. Such an event should be carried out at least 3 times a day, and the duration of the entire course of therapy is 2-3 months. Special effect This procedure will be different if you apply the product after taking a bath.

For excessive body hair growth

Using celandine oil, you can solve the problem of excess body hair. It is recommended to wipe problem areas with this natural remedy, thereby muffling excessive activity. hair follicles.

Celandine oil is applied every day thin layer. You need to leave this mask on for 1.5-2 hours. Then the product is washed off with mild soap, after which the skin is necessarily treated with an ointment based on calendula or chamomile.

For pigment spots

Pigment spots or freckles on the face are a problem that celandine-based oil can cope with perfectly. The result is no worse than using renowned cosmetics or in beauty salons.

Healing effect The oil is achieved thanks to the alkaloids and essential oils it contains. Apply natural remedy directly to problem areas, just act carefully and not overdo it with the quantity.

Celandine oil in gynecology

Oil based on celandine is successfully used not only for the treatment of diseases associated with the skin, but also for pathological disorders on the mucous membrane.

This makes it possible to use the plant for the treatment of female diseases, namely:

  • candidiasis;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • cervical erosion.

In some cases, a specialist prescribes a remedy for oral administration, however the greatest efficiency should be expected from local application means. Tampons soaked in celandine oil are inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes, after which they are carefully removed from there.

How often this procedure should be performed, and how long it should be used over time, is determined by the attending physician, depending on the disease and its severity.

Application in dentistry

Oral cavity – perfect place for the accumulation of various bacteria and microorganisms, therefore Many people face the following diseases:

  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis.

For active struggle Celandine oil is used against the causative agents of these diseases. Apply the product to the affected areas and leave for a few minutes. It is better to discuss the duration of therapy with a specialist.

Hair masks

Hair problem is one of the most common, but there is a simple method to get rid of it.

These are masks prepared using celandine oil:

Contraindications and possible harm

Although celandine is rich in the content of various useful components a substance considered by some to be a toxic substance. Many people treat it with extreme caution.

In fact, this is a powerful medicinal product, so when using celandine-based oil you need to act with extreme caution. If allergic reactions occur, you should stop using it immediately.

It is strictly not recommended to replace celandine oil with the main treatment recommended by your doctor.

Side effects may become:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation.

Before starting treatment with celandine oil, it would be a good idea to consult with your doctor. It must be remembered that celandine helps slow down the course of the disease, so this disease should be treated together with drug therapy and diet.

Procurement of raw materials

Collecting and preparing the plant before preparing the oil is of no small importance. In order for the product to serve for a long time and efficiently, the preparation must be done diligently and correctly.

The plants are collected and dried. This can be done all year round, but the most useful substances prevail there from April to May. You need to dry the grass on paper, however, it is better to avoid using newspapers or magazines in this case. The room should be well ventilated.

Preparation of oil from dry raw materials

Celandine oil, the properties and uses of which are not familiar to all people, can help and provide positive result. Cooking it at home is not difficult.

To do this you will need the following components:

  • celandine in fresh or dry form;
  • refined oil (olive, peach, vegetable or flaxseed).

The herb is placed in a small container, and preheated oil is added there. This mixture should sit for about 2 weeks. First, the container is placed in a sunny place, then it is placed in cool room. In this case, you should shake it constantly.

After the expiration date, the resulting product is filtered and poured into pre-sterilized bottles and placed in a cool place.

Fresh leaves recipe

You can also use fresh, freshly picked top leaves to make oil. 750 gr. raw materials will require 0.5 liters of oil.

The preparation procedure consists of the following steps:

The filtered product is ready for use.

How to make celandine oil

Now is the time for celandine to bloom, and it's time to collect it to make an amazingly healthy oil for the skin.

The most useful raw material from celandine is obtained if you collect it during the waxing moon. Now the moon is in the first quarter :)
You can collect not only flowers, but also all green parts - stems and leaves.

So, you need to follow a few simple steps:

1.collect grass


3.fill with oil

4. strain after a month

You can cut the grass and lay it out on trays or flat surfaces. You can hang it, first tying it in small bunches. And send it to a dry place. I dry it in my grass house. I lay out the flowers and hang the grass. Periodically I come in to look and stir...
When the grass is dry, I put it in a large, convenient bowl and lightly rub it with my hands to chop it up... I put the chopped grass and flowers in dry jars and fill it with olive oil. You can also use sunflower oil, or something more expensive - almond oil, for example. But it is considered that olive oil is the best at extracting beneficial properties from herbs. That’s why I make infusions and macerates with olive oil.

I label the jars with grass and flowers (name of the grass and date), put them in the household section for a month, and periodically go and shake them.

After a month, I filter it. The celandine oil is ready. I store large portions in and small portions in the workshop.

I don’t throw away the cake, it goes into soap and beldi like a scrub. If you are not a soap maker, then all you have to do is throw it away.

That's all :)...It's actually not difficult, but there are a lot of benefits :)...

In addition, all these actions are nothing more than working with the element Earth, and for a woman this element is very important, it gives support, fills us with strength and brings us closer to Mother Nature, gives moral, emotional and spiritual stability :)..

My flowers are celandine. While I was collecting them, I walked around all the hidden corners of the garden, said hello and kissed all the local spiders :))

As things progressed, the celandine was joined by apple and tulip petals;)

Information from the Internet about what can be done with celandine oil:

Useful properties of celandine
Celandine oil can have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing and anti-allergic effects.

Of course it has beneficial effect on the skin and for such common diseases as acne vulgaris, furunculosis, microbial eczema, seborrhea, etc.
An interesting fact is that celandine oil works even in an environment that has managed to develop resistance to antibiotics.

Sometimes a folk remedy becomes a more effective remedy.
For diseases accompanied by skin itching, celandine oil will also come to the rescue.

It effectively soothes the skin, relieving itching.

It also helps with polyps and papillomatosis.
Celandine oil can also be used as an antifungal and antiviral agent. Therefore, it can also be used as a medicine for herpes, warts and even lichen. Thanks to antibacterial properties This remedy is sometimes used in dentistry in the treatment of periodontal disease.

In order to remove a callus or wart, apply the oil undiluted directly to the problem areas, two times a day. To treat acne or irritated skin, enrich the cream with celandine oil. daily care for the skin - for 10 ml of cream there are 3-4 drops of oil. In addition, to treat acne and relieve irritation, you can apply a few drops of oil to the skin for 10-15 minutes, then gently blot the skin with a napkin.

Celandine oil for face for prevention early aging skin, eliminate pigmentation can be used daily - in the form of an enriched cream or in pure form.

To relieve irritation on children's skin, wipe the inflamed areas with a swab moistened with oil.

For treatment gynecological diseases Tampons with oil, as recommended by a doctor, are inserted into the vagina once or twice a day. In dentistry, oil applications are used to treat lesions of the oral mucosa.

Anna basis

It is unknown when celandine began to be used to treat many human diseases. Most likely, it was so long ago that no one remembers it. This plant has delicate green leaves and yellow flowers, similar to small butterflies.

It is this juice that has all those healing properties that are so valued in medicine and cosmetology.

Celandine oil – properties, reviews

The beneficial properties of celandine oil are extensive. Among them are the following:

— Anti-inflammatory;

— Antibacterial;

— Wound healing;

- Antigestamine.

In traditional medicine, many preparations for treating skin are made based on celandine oil. The list of these ailments includes the following:

- Psoriasis;

— Dermatitis;

- Callous formations on the soles of the feet;

- Furunculosis;

— Acne;

- Eczema and many others.

Most skin diseases are accompanied by unbearable itching and burning in areas where the skin is affected. Treatment with antibiotics and anthistamines is not always successful and quick. In this case, you should try celandine oil, reviews of which say that it helps where even traditional medicine powerless.

One of the most difficult to treat and serious illnesses skin - fungus. There is a reliable and proven recipe for a remedy in which the main component is celandine oil, against fungus. It is necessary to make a hot salt (soda) foot bath. To do this, pour 5 liters into a basin hot water, dilute 5 tablespoons of salt (soda) in it. Steam the skin and nails well, clean and cut off the affected parts. Thoroughly dry your soles, fingers and nails with a towel. Apply celandine oil to the ulcers. Repeat the procedure regularly until the symptoms and manifestations of the disease completely disappear.

Using celandine oil - beauty lessons

Celandine oil is used to make skin and hair care products. It has a wonderful effect on inflamed skin covered with acne and pimples, helps eliminate old scars from acne, relieves irritation and redness. For hair - this is a healing elixir that perfectly nourishes hair, gives it shine and stimulates it.

Skin care.

Celandine oil helps in as soon as possible get rid of acne, pimples and ulcers on the skin of the face, enlarged pores and oily shine. Rinse the skin thoroughly, dry, spread celandine oil in a thin layer and wait 10 minutes. Do not rinse off the residue, blot gently paper napkin or soft cotton cloth.

If you don't like freckles or have appeared after childbirth age spots, use simple recipe:

— Parsley (dried or fresh) - 2 tbsp;

— Water – 1 l;

— Celandine oil – 10 drops;

— Lemon juice – 2 tbsp.

Bring water to a boil, add parsley, let it boil and set aside to cool. Strain the infusion, add celandine oil and lemon juice. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze. Use ice cubes to wipe your face after a bath in the evening and after morning procedures. This product perfectly tones and restores the natural beauty of the skin, slows down the aging process and makes the skin velvety and matte.

After a few days, the effect of this product will be noticeable - the darkening under the eyes will disappear, the tone will even out, and fine wrinkles will become less noticeable.

For the treatment and prevention of diaper rash and allergic rash in infants, celandine oil is used instead of cream after bathing. It is not advisable to abuse this remedy; it will be enough to use it once every three days.

Hair care.

One of the most the best means for hair care – shampoos and conditioners enriched with celandine oil. It is enough to add 10 drops of product to a bottle of shampoo.

To get rid of dandruff and seborrhea, you need to rub celandine oil into the scalp 2 times a week, massaging it with light movements. The same remedy is used to improve hair growth and prevent hair loss.

A good mask for improving hair structure and making it silky and smooth - burdock oil with celandine oil. Pour 5 drops of celandine elixir into 2 tablespoons of burdock oil and apply the product to your hair. Cover your head with cellophane and wrap it in a warm cloth. Wash off after 30 minutes.

Celandine oil - make it at home

You can buy celandine oil at a pharmacy. It's not expensive, but healing properties has a great variety. But you can make celandine oil at home. The process is not long or complicated, but you have home medicine cabinet there will always be an elixir of beauty and youth.

It is necessary to collect celandine at the moment when it is at the peak of flowering. Ideally, the collection will take place during the full moon. It is necessary to cut the stems at a distance of 10-15 cm from the roots. It is advisable to work with gloves, because the juice of the plant in its pure form can cause allergic reactions or paint your hands and nails permanently brown. The collection should take place in the morning or evening.

Cut celandine stems must be tied in bunches and hung upside down in a cool, dry place. Make sure that the plants do not rot, stir and twist them. When the grass dries, it needs to be chopped (cut into pieces 2-3 cm in size). Place the raw materials tightly in a clean glass container. Boil or any other vegetable and pour it into a container so that it covers the celandine by 1 cm. Cover the jar with oil with a warm cloth for 1.5 hours. After this, transfer the jar to a cool, dark place and leave for 10 days. Strain and add the same amount of oil used for the base to the resulting volume. It is advisable to store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator.

There are not many contraindications for the use of celandine oil. Among them are personal intolerance to the components that make up celandine.

12 January 2014, 15:53


The healing properties of such a widespread plant have long been used in medicine. Since celandine is a poisonous plant, the official pharmacopoeia has now abandoned its use.

However, in homeopathy and folk medicine This plant is successfully used to treat many diseases. At the same time, traditional medicine does not deny the effectiveness of external use of celandine for the treatment of skin diseases.

Healing plant alkaloids

Bitter taste pungent odor and the toxicity of celandine are due to high concentration And a large number(more than twenty) alkaloids contained in it. Among them, a special place is occupied by:

  • chelidonine, which is similar in action to morphine;
  • homochelidonin, which has an anesthetic effect;
  • chelerythrine and sanguinarine, which cause local irritation, and other components.

Celandine has very strong bactericidal properties, reduces pain, and promotes the restoration of healthy tissue.

Since ancient times, this plant has been used to treat wounds, fight fungal diseases, eczema, skin mites; Bathing in celandine was used for children with scrofula. Celandine preparations were used to remove papillomas, warts and calluses, and they were used to destroy freckles.

Back in the 19th century, the effectiveness of this herb was proven for leprosy, cutaneous tuberculosis, lupus, and also for malignant tumors.

For external use maximum effect gives fresh juice celandine, but it is not always at hand. Year-round treatment can be carried out medicines based on this plant. Among such means as canned juice, decoction, alcohol tincture, wide application received oil-based preparations, and first of all, celandine oil.

Plant collection

Collection should be done in dry weather, and metal objects should not be used. It is also advisable to wear gloves, since prolonged exposure of the juice to the skin can lead to the formation of not only difficult to wash off stains, but also blisters. The collected herbs are dried in the shade and stored separately from other medicinal plants.

The largest therapeutic effect Possesses celandine collected in May, at the beginning of flowering.

How to prepare butter?

For treatment, an oil infusion of celandine is used, active action which is based on the alkaloids and other active ingredients of this herb. At the same time, celandine oil softens the skin and prevents it from drying out due to the action of caustic substances that this plant contains. Ready-made celandine oil is commercially available, but it is not difficult to prepare it yourself, which will allow you to individually select oil base, and, importantly, save money.

Although celandine root contains the highest concentration of active ingredients, dry herbs are used to prepare the oil infusion. It is desirable that the dry raw materials for making oil consist of young tops.

The basis for the oil infusion of celandine can be any liquid vegetable oil. For cosmetic purposes, you can use olive, almond, peach or other base oil suitable for your skin. If food grade is used, e.g. sunflower oil, then it must be unrefined; It is also advisable to heat it in a water bath for at least half an hour and use it warm.

Preparation of oil:

  1. To prepare the oil infusion, a glass container is filled with dry raw materials, then filled with oil so that the celandine is covered by 2 cm.
  2. This mixture needs to be kept warm for an hour, then transferred to a cool, dark place, where it needs to infuse for a week (with periodic shaking).
  3. Then the oil is drained and filtered, after which it is stored in the cold without access to light.

The remaining celandine raw materials can be filled with oil again.

Use of oil for various skin diseases

Celandine oil finds calluses, papillomatosis, lichen, microbial eczema, furunculosis, psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, neurodermatosis. Treatment instructions involve applying this product locally twice a day for 15 minutes, after which the remaining oil is carefully removed.

In the same way, you can precisely apply this product to age spots, pimples, and single blackheads.

If there are inflamed areas of the skin, acne, etc. The affected area is wiped twice a day with a swab soaked in celandine oil, and after 15 minutes, carefully blotted with a napkin. Celandine oil has no contraindications, except individual intolerance, it can be used to combat skin diseases even in children, but a skin test should be done before using it.

For treatment problem skin, peeling, acne prevention It is recommended to add celandine oil to the cream (3 drops of oil per 10 g of cream base). This cream slightly lightens the skin, it is very effective in treating facial aging and preventing early aging. When treated with celandine cream, sometimes after the first use there may be a slight exacerbation of existing inflammatory processes on the skin, which soon disappear and the skin becomes healthy and smooth. The course of using this cream is 3-4 weeks, after which you need to take a break.

Use of oil for other diseases

In addition to skin care, celandine oil is widely used. Treatment instructions require that the legs are first steamed in soda solution(a tablespoon per three liters of water). After this, you should, if possible, remove the peeling parts of the nails and rough skin, then apply celandine oil to the nails, and, if necessary, to the feet.

This procedure should be done daily before bed. The use of celandine oil is also effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases (in the form of tampons), external hemorrhoids (lubrication), dental diseases(applications and smudging).



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