Our menstrual cycle. What happens in the female body - a detailed analysis day by day

Each representative of the fair sex has to deal with the phases of her menstrual cycle every month, with their own characteristics and characteristic symptoms. These phases are significant stages that are responsible for the reproductive function of the female body. The duration and nature of the menstrual phases are largely individual, but the basics and order of their occurrence remain unchanged and have their corresponding names. This entire significant process is cyclical, and begins with the onset of menstrual bleeding, which is considered to be the first of the three phases of the menstrual cycle.

Any girl or woman in the age range from puberty to menopause must understand the work of her body and understand the purpose of all three phases of the menstrual cycle. With the help of this knowledge, you can easily calculate the favorable period for conceiving a child or, on the contrary, protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and some health problems.

Main phases of the cycle

Every month, with regular cyclicity, three alternating phases of the menstrual cycle occur in a woman’s body. They are characterized by a logical sequence and serve one big purpose - creating favorable conditions for fertilization of the egg and procreation. The menstrual cycle is divided into three main phases:

  • Follicular (first phase);
  • Ovulation (second phase);
  • Luteal (third phase).

These stages perform the functions based on their name. These phases are based on hormonal regulation, which promotes the process and controls its outcome. The beginning of the menstrual cycle is the beginning of the very first phase - the follicular one, which is what gives rise to such an important process as education and.

The first is the follicular phase

The initial phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by intensive growth of follicles and the formation of eggs in them. The first day of menstruation marks the start of a new follicular phase of the cycle and intensive production of follicle-stimulating hormone and estrogen begins. During this period, follicles are growing, which a little later will become a container and a place for maturation of the egg.

Estrogen provides support to the follicles and this continues for about 7 days, until one of the follicular vesicles reaches the necessary parameters for the maturation of the egg in it. Further growth is focused only on the egg, and the “extra” follicles stop functioning. A high concentration of estrogen gives a signal for the start of the production of luteinizing hormone, which, in turn, prepares for future ovulation. The duration of the first phase is individual for each woman, but it should not exceed 20 days.

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The second phase is ovulation

The second phase of the menstrual cycle is quite short, but at the same time very significant. Ovulation is the achievement for which the menstrual cycle actually exists. It is intended for the possibility of fertilization and the realization of the main purpose of a woman - procreation. The ability and possibility of fertilization is possible within just 48 hours, and sometimes less. During this short period of 2 days, the woman’s reproductive system faces a responsible task, and if fertilization does not occur, the egg dies.

An increased concentration of luteinizing hormone promotes enhanced maturation and subsequent release of the egg from the follicle. Under its influence, important processes occur that ensure the preparation of the endometrial walls. When the egg reaches full maturity and is ready for fertilization, the follicular vesicle ruptures and the full egg is released into the fallopian tube to fuse with the sperm. In the cavity of the ruptured follicle, intensive growth of the corpus luteum begins, which, in turn, intensively produces progesterone and provides favorable conditions for successful fertilization and implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. The next cycle can have 2 outcomes, depending on whether fertilization occurred or not.

The third phase is the luteal phase

The development of the third phase of the menstrual cycle can occur in two scenarios: with a fertilized egg or if fertilization has not occurred. This time, special attention is paid to the resulting yellow body. In case of successful conception, it actively produces luteal hormone, which supports and nourishes the fertilized egg until the placenta is formed. Due to the importance of the purpose of this hormone, the third phase has its characteristic name - luteal. Together with the luteal hormone, active production of progesterone continues during this period, which also takes an active part in supporting the fertilized egg. Ultimately, the harmonious and mutually beneficial production of female hormones ensures complete preparation for fertilization, fusion, and subsequent nutrition and protection of the already fertilized egg.

If fertilization still does not occur, the corpus luteum stops its development and atrophies. The prepared, loosened mucous membrane of the uterus and the dead egg are rejected and come out in the form of menstrual bleeding, which, in turn, already means the beginning of a new, first phase and the entire described process is repeated anew.

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Cycle phases by day

The phases of the menstrual cycle by day are conventionally divided into 3 intervals. The first and third phases are considered the longest. It is interesting that the follicular and ovulation phases have an individual and unfixed duration, and the luteal phase always corresponds in duration - 2 weeks or 14 days. As many people know, the entire menstrual cycle can last from 20 to 35 days, and this will be considered the norm. Menstrual bleeding is also individual in nature, but it is mandatory for every lady.

To understand what happens and when during these +/- 28 days, it is necessary to consider the duration of each specific phase.

  1. The follicular phase is the period from the beginning of menstruation until the egg is fully ready for release from the follicle (ovulation). Depending on the characteristics of the body, it can last from 7 to 20 days. At the beginning of this phase, the woman experiences malaise and discomfort in the lumbar region and lower abdomen. Later, strength is restored and unpleasant symptoms recede.
  2. – it’s time for the egg to be ready for fertilization. This phase is the shortest and most important. The ability of an egg to fuse with a sperm and fertilize lasts from 20 to 48 hours, which is also highly individual and depends on many factors. Some women feel ovulation and even notice characteristic discharge on their underwear.
  3. . Regardless of whether fertilization has occurred or not, this phase continues for the last 14 days. If pregnancy does not occur, then its end and, therefore, the beginning of a new cycle will be monthly bleeding. During this period, many ladies suffer from premenstrual syndrome () and experience not the most pleasant physical and psychological symptoms and sensations in their body. If, after all, the menstrual cycle has fulfilled its intended purpose, and fertilization has occurred, then pregnancy occurs and the further actions of female hormones will focus on the growth, nutrition and development of the fetus.

What can affect the cycle shift

The considered phases of menstruation are a very clear and fragile mechanism that can be disrupted due to many factors. The main supporters of these phases are hormones, which mutually replace each other to achieve a single goal - conception and birth of a child. A disruption in the production of any of the hormones will lead to a break in the sequential chain and affect the final outcome and duration of the cycle.

Is it possible to get pregnant on day 17 of the M-cycle? (please don't make fun of this, this is a serious question) and got the best answer

Answer from Vika[guru]
come here and calculate

Reply from Katya Kuzmina[newbie]
Please tell me the cycle is 27-28 days, ovulation is supposedly on the 13-14th day of the cycle, but it was on the 16th day. Is pregnancy possible? I really want to. Unfortunately, before and during ovulation it was not possible to pa ((thanks in advance!

Reply from Marta Iksanova[active]
Of course it's possible. it all depends on the duration of the cycle as a whole. With a 28-day cycle, ovulation may occur on days 12-14. But, you should always take into account that each organism is individual. And it may be that with a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs precisely on the 17th day, or it may shift to an earlier date. You can truly find out exactly about a ovulated ovary by performing folliculometry on an ultrasound scan over a period of several days.

Reply from Repzrf[guru]
To determine on what day of the cycle you ovulate, you need to subtract 14 days from the number of days of the MC. This will be the day on which ovulation occurs.
(12-16 days is the duration of the luteal phase (corpus luteum phase), which is the same for everyone, independent of the duration of the menstrual cycle and averages 14 days). For example, if your MC lasts 30 days, then ovulation occurs (30-14=16) on the 16th day.
Considering that in a favorable environment, sperm can live up to 5 days. Sometimes it is even possible to preserve active sperm for up to 6 or even 8 days. The more watery the cervical mucus, the longer the lifespan of sperm. And the lifespan of an egg is 24 hours.
This means that the dangerous period begins 8 days before ovulation and ends two days after it. But this is only theoretical, but in practice it is possible to shift the ovulation lines in one direction or the other for several days.
So draw your conclusions.

Reply from JUDYNAMAT[guru]
Pts even possible - mid-cycle, ovulation... 🙂
wait for your period and take a test, if it is late - then you will know almost for sure

Reply from His Infernal Majesty[guru]
Well, if you don’t joke, then in medicine there are known cases of conception during menstruation (let alone the 17th day), this usually happens when a woman has both ovaries working independently of each other (this is simplified according to folklore). Normally, one ovary produces an egg one month, and the next month the other! But when they work independently, this is also not a problem (no need to worry, you just need to protect yourself more carefully), but an individual feature of the female body!
The cycle (duration) and many other factors also play a role, even previously using birth control pills).
One of the ways to “calculate” ovulation is to measure the temperature (Anally and Vaginally) over several cycles, when it rises (a little) you are ovulating - the best period for fertilization (or the most dangerous period, you choose)
Just in case, Anal and Vaginal temperatures are higher than body temperature in the armpit and different from the temperature of the mouth!
Good luck.

Reply from Џ Oksana[guru]
maybe you'll get lucky?
If you're lucky and you don't need it, then move on. Just think first, and then get down to business.
In any case, pregnancy is not the end of the world and not the end of life!

Reply from User deleted[newbie]
Anything is possible! This is life!

Reply from Elena[guru]
Each person has his own body and ability to conceive; the dangerous and safe periods are relative. It is possible to get pregnant any day. I know many people whose conception period was contrary to prevailing opinions. I even happened to know a woman whose pregnancy occurred only during her period.

Reply from *Marmelad*[expert]
Hmmm... count the time from the beginning of your cycle... to the beginning of another... and divide by two *)) AND THIS IS THE DAY OF OVULATION... THIS IS THE DAY WHEN THE PROBABILITY OF FALTY IS 98%, so judge for yourself...

Reply from Grotesk Macheta[guru]
What is the 17th day of the M cycle???

Reply from Galia Toluenko[guru]
I apologize, but I became pregnant on the 5th day. A friend of mine said to herself: “Show me around the corner and I’m already pregnant.”

Reply from Anna[active]
Girl, remember, you can get pregnant any day.

Every month, a woman’s reproductive system undergoes certain changes that leave an imprint on both her physiological and psychological state. They are necessary so that the female body can prepare for conception - and then for pregnancy. Such changes are regular and are called the menstrual cycle - which, in turn, consists of several phases.

Let's take a closer look at how they pass, how long they last, and what signs indicate the onset of each phase.

The first phase of the menstrual cycle is called menstruation

What should you know about menstruation?

Its duration is approximately 3-7 days.

It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Bloody vaginal discharge.
  2. Breast augmentation.
  3. Pain in the abdomen.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Pain in the lumbar region.
  6. Changeability of mood.
  7. Nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  8. Headaches.

Not all of the above signs will necessarily accompany “critical” days. For many girls, they pass quietly, and the only thing that indicates menstruation is the presence of uterine bleeding.

The cause of painful and heavy periods, nausea, chills, and headaches may be an increased level of prostaglandins in the blood during this phase. These chemicals are produced by the tissue of the uterus and cause it to contract.

The menstrual cycle begins from the day on which the spotting began from the genitals. During it, the old endometrium is rejected.

Uterine bleeding indicates that pregnancy did not occur in the previous cycle.

At the same time, the ovaries begin to develop follicles. This is the name given to bubbles filled with liquid. Each of them contains one egg. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone, they begin to mature.

How thick should the uterine mucosa be during menstruation?



What happens during the second, follicular (proliferative) phase of the cycle?

After the end of menstruation, the female body begins to prepare for the possible conception of a baby. All processes occurring during this period are caused by follicle-stimulating hormone - which, in turn, is produced by the pituitary gland.

Thus, FSH has a huge impact on the level of estrogen in the blood. Starting from the 1st day of menstruation, it rapidly grows upward. Thanks to this, the endometrium, which has grown in the new cycle, is saturated with blood and various nutrients. This is necessary so that, in the event of a successful conception, the fertilized egg can receive in the uterus everything it needs for further growth and development.

Immediately after the end of menstruation, one follicle “overtakes” its comrades in its development, as a result of which the latter stop growing and return to their previous state. The “winning” vial of liquid continues to grow the egg.

Size of liquid bubble in diameter



About a woman’s well-being during this period

During the second phase the girl:

  1. Efficiency increases.
  2. Your mood improves.
  3. Sexual desire increases.

Endometrial thickness in the proliferative phase



Third, ovulatory phase of the cycle

The ovulatory phase, unlike the others, lasts very little - approximately 24-36 hours. It is during this phase that women have a chance to get pregnant.

The level of the hormone estrogen in the third phase is at its highest level. During ovulation, the level of luteinizing hormone in the blood increases, but the concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone decreases.

What happens to the mature egg during this phase?

First, it destroys the wall of the follicle - and, with the help of epithelial villi, begins to move into the fallopian tube.

Then, if she meets a sperm, she is fertilized.

Otherwise, the egg dies just a day after leaving the ovary, after which it dissolves in the uterine mucosa.

In addition, you can determine the presence or absence of ovulation using home tests.

The beginning of the ovulatory phase can also be detected on ultrasound examination, during which the doctor will have to find out what the size of the ovaries and cervix is, and in what condition they are now.

The thickness of the endometrium during the ovulatory phase should be within 1-1.3 cm.

The fourth phase of the menstrual cycle is the corpus luteum phase, or luteal phase.

Its duration is fourteen days.

After the egg leaves the vial of liquid, a yellow body begins to grow at the site of its rupture. It produces estrogens, androgens, and the “pregnancy hormone” progesterone.

If the corpus luteum produces progesterone in small quantities, then fertilization of the egg may not occur for a long time.

In order for a woman to become pregnant and then give birth to a child on time, doctors may prescribe her to take special hormonal drugs.

What other function does progesterone perform?

Thanks to it, the endometrium softens, becomes loose, and increases in thickness. This is necessary so that the fertilized egg can penetrate into it.

Whether pregnancy has occurred or not can only be determined at the end of the luteal phase. Menstruation, if conception has occurred, will not begin. Basal temperature will remain at 37.3.

You can use home test, which can be bought at any pharmacy, or by donating blood at the clinic to check the hCG level.

Nausea, dizziness and other signs of conception that have occurred appear much later.

Signs and symptoms of the luteal phase

If the egg was not fertilized by a sperm, then in the first days of the luteal phase the girl will feel great. A “pregnant” woman will feel the same way.

The only sign that can indicate to her that conception has occurred is the appearance of a few drops of blood on her underwear - 7-10 days after intimacy.

If pregnancy does not occur, then a few days before menstruation the woman’s condition may change. She may have PMS syndrome, which is often associated with a woman’s irritability and anxiety. Her mammary glands may swell and she may experience minor abdominal pain.

How thick should the endometrium be during the luteal phase?





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