Is it possible to constantly rinse your nose? Nasal rinsing solution: recipes and rules

Good afternoon

Autumn has already begun. True, in our southern regions it is still very warm, such pleasant warm days. But in the evenings and nights it is already cool.

With the beginning of autumn, unfortunately, cases of colds become more and more common. And I want to tell you about the best, in my opinion, remedy for a runny nose - nasal rinsing and how to properly rinse your nose at home using salt water.

This is the only way I always treat a runny nose in literally two days without using any drops. As a result of washing, so much mucus comes out! The nose and paranasal (maxillary, frontal) sinuses are cleansed. It becomes very easy to breathe, it seems that even your head has cleared up.

How can you rinse your nose?

You can also use special saline solutions to rinse your nose. But it is best to rinse your nose with salt dissolved in water.

You can use either sea salt or regular table salt. Sea salt is perhaps the best remedy, but it is not a prerequisite. Table salt also works great. In general, it can cure many diseases.

What cleaning equipment to use

People also rinse their noses using syringes, douches, bottles, and special teapots with a narrow spout. Some people suck salt water from their palms. But I don’t agree with this method at all; it seems to me that complete rinsing cannot be achieved this way.

I do what I once read in a book.

Many years ago I purchased a book by A.N. Zubkova and A.P. Ochapovsky "Hatha - yoga for beginners." I never joined this lifestyle system, but I remembered the lesson on rinsing the nose, printed in it, for the rest of my life.

For the nasal rinsing procedure at home, I use the most ordinary teapot. No special vessel is needed, and the teapot spout can be of any thickness. In order not to damage the nasal mucosa, I put a regular rubber nipple on the spout of the kettle, which is used for feeding children. Such pacifiers are always sold at the pharmacy, and maybe you can find them at home if you have small children.

I use scissors to cut out a small hole with a diameter of 3-5 mm on the nipple.

Naturally, the kettle and pacifier must be clean.

How to rinse your nose correctly

Now let's learn more about how to properly rinse your nose with water.

How often can you rinse your nose?

You can rinse your nose in the morning and/or evening before bed, but no more than 2 times a day.

When treating a runny nose and other problems, we perform the procedure for as many days as necessary for complete recovery, even throughout life.

For prevention during flu epidemics and other viral diseases, when people around you are sick, it is advisable to rinse your nose at least once a day.

And even if you are in perfect health, you should rinse your nose once a week, as yogis advise.

How to rinse your nose: video

I would also like to suggest watching a video on how to rinse your nose at home.

True, the man there says that this procedure is very unpleasant. I don’t agree with him, there’s nothing wrong with that, you just need to slowly choose the correct position of your head. If it doesn’t work right away, don’t despair, try again, then get used to it.

I still chose a video that wasn’t very successful, but I just couldn’t find another one on this topic, but I wanted to show the very procedure of rinsing the nose and exhaling after it. I consider it unsuccessful in the sense that it is recommended to use a kettle with a narrow spout (I advise anyone to put a pacifier on it), and some very complicated way of determining the amount of salt. In addition, this man also manages to talk while washing!

Why rinse your nose with salt water?

I always rinse my nose with a saline solution to prevent the flu.

By the way, there is another very effective remedy against the flu that I have tested -. I've been using it for several years now and don't get sick with the flu at all.

But the authors of the book claim that rinsing the nose with salt water is useful for acute and chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, the initial form of glaucoma, insomnia, drowsiness and poor memory. Rinsing your nose stimulates the development of intelligence and even prevents premature hair loss! It has a strong effect on the entire body, especially on the head.

Nasal rinsing normalizes nasal breathing, so it is very valuable for the health of the whole body.

Rinsing the nose with salt water. Contraindications and restrictions

The nasal rinsing procedure cannot be used:

  • for frequent nosebleeds
  • with otitis of the ear
  • if the nose is completely blocked, that is, both nostrils.

    In this case, to make your nose breathe, I advise you to tap your fingers on the bridge of your nose from above, left and right alternately for half a minute, lightly at first, harder the second time. Helps me.

For normal breathing, many experts recommend daily cleansing the nasal cavity using special solutions. One such remedy is sea salt for rinsing the nose.

Full breathing through the nose is the main guarantee of good health and excellent prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases. A healthy nose effectively moisturizes and warms the inhaled air, and is the first line of defense against allergens, bacteria, viruses and pathogens in the air.

What is the difference between different types of salt?

The base of these two types of salt is two simple trace elements: sodium and chlorine (sodium chloride). What is the difference between the two types of this product?

Sea salt is obtained by purifying and evaporating it from sea water, which is taken from various environmentally friendly areas (southern France, Israel, the Dead Sea).

In addition to sodium and chlorine, it contains many other useful microelements, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and others. It has a specific taste and is saltier than ordinary table salt.

Table salt is mined from underground deposits. It undergoes multi-stage purification, due to which it is freed from all impurities.

Thus, it contains only sodium and chlorine. Additionally, it can be enriched with iodine or magnesium. And its marine rival, its concentration fluctuates depending on the place of water intake.

Therefore, sea water for the nose is much healthier than rinsing with a solution of ordinary table salt. It is not for nothing that patients with a sore nose and diseases of the paranasal sinuses are recommended to travel to the sea annually.

Considering this usefulness, its cost is several times higher than usual, but its use for patients with respiratory tract pathology is more effective.


  1. Acute and chronic rhinitis as part of complex treatment.
  2. Elimination of dry nose under unfavorable living and working conditions.
  3. Cleansing of allergens in patients with chronic allergic rhinitis.
  4. Getting rid of mucus and snot in infants and pregnant women.
  5. Diseases of the paranasal sinuses, both acute and chronic.
  6. The development of atrophic processes in the nose, accompanied by the formation of dry purulent and bloody crusts.

A relatively safe remedy such as salt water is used in the treatment of most diseases in this area. It is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that will help avoid illness during the season of exacerbation of viral activity.

Sea salt for runny nose

What are its benefits, and what medicinal properties of sea salt for rinsing can be used in the treatment of the disease:

  1. Unique composition. The iodine included in it dries out the edematous membrane and has a detrimental effect on bacteria. Potassium promotes the healing of small wounds and microdamages. Zinc has an antiseptic effect. Manganese strengthens the vascular wall and prevents the formation of edema.
  2. Stimulation of metabolic processes and restoration of mucous membranes.
  3. Elimination of swelling and symptoms of congestion;
  4. Mechanical washing out of dust and other microparticles;
  5. Hypoallergenic properties.

Treatment with these procedures can be much more effective than with a solution of table salt.

Patients with severe concomitant diseases, pregnant women and mothers of babies often ask whether there is harm from such procedures. Despite the relative safety, such treatment can cause certain problems if the rules for use are not followed.

First, it must be a quality product purchased from a reputable place, such as a pharmacy, that does not include fragrances or other synthetic ingredients. Secondly, the salt concentration in the solution should not exceed the permissible limit, especially for children with thin, vulnerable mucous membranes.

In such cases, instead of benefit, an overly concentrated solution will cause additional damage to the mucous membrane and cause a lot of discomfort. In patients with a history of allergies, even this natural remedy can in rare cases cause allergies.


When used correctly, there is no harm from such manipulations; on the contrary, they help maintain the natural immunity of the nasal cavity, stimulate its activity and protect against microbes.

For sinusitis

Rinsing your nose with salt water when the maxillary sinus is affected can significantly reduce the duration of the inflammatory process. This manipulation will wash away all pathological discharge and remove manifestations of congestion and swelling.

Such procedures can be performed independently or in a doctor's office. A specialist can give the patient a Proetz lavage () using a saline solution.

For young children, it is recommended to use nasal drops for sinusitis so that self-washing does not injure the child’s mucous membranes. For sinusitis in combination with inflammation of other parts of the respiratory system, steam inhalations can be performed, but only at the initial stage of the disease. Source: website

Patients who are keen on such treatment methods should not forget about possible contraindications to this manipulation:

  • With purulent processes in the nose, there is a possibility of bacteria being carried into the middle ear cavity and the development of otitis media;
  • In the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases of the ears, there is a possibility of water entering the ear and exacerbation of the inflammatory process;
  • The infection along with the fluid can penetrate the nasolacrimal duct and cause inflammation of the eye.

Severe inflammatory processes accompanied by profuse suppuration are best not treated in this way. You need to rinse your nose carefully, following all the rules and being scrupulous about the concentration of salt water.

How to dilute sea salt for nasal rinsing?

You can make a sea salt solution yourself or buy a package directly at the pharmacy. To do this, you need to dilute warm boiled water at the following rate: half a teaspoon of salt per glass of water. The specified proportions may vary individually. They are influenced by the patient’s age and his subjective preferences, as well as its composition.

You can buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy. The pharmaceutical market offers many drugs based on sea water:

Contains undiluted sea water and sprays it into the nose using a special spray nozzle.

Aquamaris. Sea water of a certain concentration, which moisturizes, cleanses the mucous membrane and relieves swelling and inflammation.

Dolphin. Mineral - plant complex, which, in addition to useful minerals, includes extracts of licorice and rose hips. It is recommended for children and adults.

Salin, Rinolux and others.

To the child

So, for children under one year old, it is preferable to choose ready-made solutions so as not to overdo the concentration. Moreover, such products must be equipped with a special dropper attachment.

It is necessary to spray sea water under pressure into the nose of children very carefully, because of the possibility of damaging the delicate mucous membrane.

When making a solution at home for a baby, you need to reduce the concentration. For 100 gr. Add a quarter teaspoon of salt to warm boiled water.

For an infant

Is it possible to clean the nose of an infant with this solution? Yes, you can, but the concentration of salts should be minimal (a pinch of salt in half a glass of water).

Such crumbs need to be buried in the solution, and not splashed. For these purposes, you can use a regular pipette or syringe without a needle. After this, the nostrils are cleaned with a cotton swab to remove any remaining water.

For adults

The average dosage for an adult is a teaspoon of salt per glass of water at a comfortable temperature. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can additionally dissolve a drop of medicinal essential oil of fir, pine or citrus in water.

Additional ingredients must be used carefully, since it is impossible to predict a person’s reaction to a particular product. If there is tendency to allergies, then it is better to avoid multicomponent formulations.

During pregnancy

The use of this remedy during pregnancy has a beneficial effect on the functioning of a woman’s nose. Such solutions not only relieve the feeling of dryness, but also eliminate swelling, which often develops during this period due to hormonal changes in the body.

This manipulation is considered safe and is not contraindicated during pregnancy. A woman can buy a ready-made product or make it herself according to the scheme for an adult.

How to properly rinse your nose with sea salt

Any container that has a spout with a narrow, smooth neck is suitable for this procedure. The spout of the dish should easily fit into one nostril.

This could be a teapot or a special Dolphin system or a simple syringe. It doesn’t matter what device a person chooses for himself, the main thing is convenience.

Before rinsing, it is advisable to first clear your nose of snot and mucous secretions. The manipulation is carried out over a washbasin, basin or other utensils.

Progress of the procedure:

The patient leans over the sink so that the head is tilted slightly in the direction opposite to the nostril being washed. It turns out that the nasal passages are at different levels in height.

The solution from the kettle begins to pour into the nostril, which is located slightly higher. In this case, the liquid flows through the opposite nostril.

If that doesn't work out, then the tilt of the head is corrected, achieving free flow of fluid from the upper nostril to the lower.

After which the slope is changed and repeat everything for the second side.

After completion, you need to blow out the remaining drops of liquid and rest. It is not recommended to walk or engage in physical activity for 35-40 minutes after the procedure.

Is it possible to rinse your nose with sea bath salts?

Many people know about sea bath salts, which are used to relieve fatigue, eliminate swelling and other cosmetic procedures. Hence the question arises: can it be used as an alternative remedy?

Yes, you can. But do not forget that some types of such salt do not undergo a full degree of purification. In addition, it may contain fragrances and fragrances that will negatively affect the condition of the mucous membrane. When dissolved in water, some species leave a large residue that can damage the nasal cavity.

When choosing sea salt, you need to pay attention to its composition and structure. For rinsing it is suitable without fragrances and preservatives, it is better if it is finely ground, since it should dissolve well in water.

If you still don’t have normal sea water at hand, then it’s quite possible to rinse with regular table salt. It is in every home. To improve the drying and antiseptic effect, you can take iodized one.

Price in pharmacy

Sea salt is sold in almost every pharmacy. The cost ranges from 40-90 rubles. The difference in prices depends on the manufacturer and the place where it was mined.

Pharmacy solutions of sea water are more expensive. So, the average price for Humer is 500-600 rubles, and Aquamaris costs 200-300 rubles.


What can replace sea salt? To do this, take mineral water without gas and perform rinsing with it.

You can use any mild antiseptic, for example, furatsilin or a decoction of medicinal herbs that traditional medicine loves so much. A good analogue would be a regular saline solution that contains sterile sodium chloride.

Inhalations with sea salt

For inhalation, such liquid cannot be used in hardware devices. It is better to pour regular saline solution into the nebulizer for inhalation.

Water with salt is suitable for steam inhalation. You can also add essential oils, herbal decoctions and other ingredients.
Inhalations are carried out in a course of 7-10 minutes throughout the week.


Steam inhalations should not be done at high temperatures and purulent processes.

Questions for a specialist

Question: How much sea salt do you need to rinse your nose?
Answer: For one procedure, an adult needs one teaspoon. A course of rinsing 2-3 times a day for a week. A 50 gram package is enough for the entire course.

Question: Do you need to prepare a sea salt nasal rinse solution fresh or can you keep it in the refrigerator?

Rinsing the nose with salt water is popular today and is considered a good treatment for a runny nose. The procedure cleanses the nasal cavity of any kind of pathogenic microorganisms, prevents the further development of a cold or eliminates it completely. You can also rinse your nose to maintain normal functioning of the respiratory system in healthy people. The final result depends on the correct preparation of the solution and the procedure.


Therapeutic effect of the rinsing procedure

  1. An aqueous solution of salt disinfects the nasopharynx, reduces inflammation, significantly reducing the likelihood of developing an infectious disease.
  2. Completely eliminates various allergic irritants, reducing the risk of an allergic reaction.
  3. Reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, facilitating nasal breathing.
  4. Strengthens the vessels of the nasal cavity, increases local immunity.

Proper rinsing of the nose with salt water during the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, runny nose, etc. helps speed up the recovery process, and also prevents the development of complications in advanced cases of the disease.

Preparing the rinsing solution

A saline solution for rinsing the nose is considered absolutely harmless and can be used even by children and pregnant women, which cannot be said about medications, the use of which is associated with a risk of side effects.

The solution can be prepared from both table salt and sea salt, but without additives (you can buy it at a regular pharmacy for a low price). The latter option is more preferable, since sea salt contains a number of useful minerals and has a therapeutic and preventive effect on the mucous membrane.

Options for sea salt rinsing solutions

For 1 glass of boiled water at room temperature, take ½ tsp. sea ​​salt.

For 1 glass of boiled water at a comfortable temperature, take 2 tsp. sea ​​salt. This dosage is relevant for people working in very dusty rooms.

For 1 liter of warm boiled water, take 2 tsp. sea ​​salt. The product is good to use for gargling, cleansing the nose in case of inflammatory diseases, acute and chronic sinusitis. To rinse a child’s nose, the solution is prepared from ¼ tsp. salt and a glass of boiled water at room temperature.

If for some reason you were unable to find sea salt, you can use regular table salt. For 0.5 liters of warm water, take 1 tsp.

To prepare a salt solution to cleanse the nasal cavity, you can also use salt in combination with baking soda, take ½ tsp for 1 glass of warm boiled water. products. The solution will have a bactericidal effect. The solution cannot be used to prevent disease, only for medicinal purposes.

How often can you rinse your nose?

For preventive purposes, 2-3 procedures per week are sufficient. It is recommended to use 200-250 ml of solution per procedure. In order to treat an inflammatory disease, rinsing the nasal cavity should be done daily 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks, depending on the condition. For people who have chronic upper respiratory tract diseases, or who are forced to work in very dusty areas, the procedure is recommended for continuous use.

Technique of the procedure

Today there are many methods and devices for cleansing the nose of pathogenic contents. In pharmacies you can buy a special watering can, which resembles an ordinary small teapot with an elongated neck and a narrow spout. You can use a regular bulb syringe, which is very convenient if used carefully and correctly.

Video: Rinse your nose correctly.

To rinse your nose with salt water, you need to lean over the sink, slightly turn your head to the side and open your mouth. Next, slowly pour saline solution from a watering can into the nasal passage, which is higher. If the rinse is performed correctly, the liquid should flow out of the nostril below. During manipulation, you should hold your breath so as not to “pour” the solution into the lungs or bronchi. Then turn your head slightly in the other direction and repeat the manipulation with the other nostril.

It is not recommended for children to rinse before the age of 6 years. Until this age, the solution can be irrigated into the nasal cavity several times a day. To do this, pour the solution into a bottle with a spray dispenser. Change the solution daily. After each irrigation, 5-10 minutes later, you should let the child blow his nose, if possible.

Before using this method of treatment and prevention of runny nose and other colds, it is important to consult a specialist.

Rinsing is not recommended if there is existing nasal congestion; it will not have any effect. In this case, you should use a product with a vasoconstrictor effect, and then rinse. After washing, you should not go outside for the next two hours. This is necessary to prevent the development of a runny nose due to hypothermia due to the remaining fluid in the sinuses.

The only contraindication to rinsing your nose with salt water is a tendency to otitis media.

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, otolaryngological, as well as colds, it is recommended to rinse the nose with salt water. This method has many advantages. In addition to the fact that this remedy can be prepared at home, there are many drugs on the pharmaceutical market that are analogues of saline solution.

  • Sphenoiditis

The method of washing with a solution based on boiled or sea salt is used to eliminate such an unpleasant symptom as rhinorrhea (runny nose) in infectious and inflammatory diseases:

  • ARVI
  • Bronchotracheitis
  • Pneumonia

You can easily make a saline solution yourself from boiled salt or sea salt.

Recipes for saline solutions:

  • To prepare a non-concentrated liquid based on sea salt you will need: phalf a liter of water and 1 tsp. salt.The water should be boiled and poured into a glass or enamel container. Add salt to the hot liquid and stir until completely dissolved. The product is used after cooling.
  • When using water that has not boiled for a solution, it is advisable to filter the solution.This salt water can be prepared by taking four glasses of boiled water to two and a half teaspoons of salt (teaspoons). The solution prepared in this way can be used to gargle for colds.
  • To prepare a highly concentrated solution, take a glass of boiled water and two teaspoons of sea salt. The preparation technique is the same as for a weak solution. This product is recommended for cleansing the nose for people who work in very dusty conditions.
  • To prepare a medicinal solution of low salt concentration, take from a quarter to half a teaspoon per glass of liquid. The cooking method is the same. This solution is used to rinse the nose of children.

To make the treatment more effective, you can add a little baking soda or a drop of iodine to the usual solution. This product has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

It is important to add that the sea salt used for the solution must be free of additives or any impurities.

From the cooking methods described above, you can choose the option that is most suitable for each case.

Nasal rinsing technique

For treatment to be effective, it is important to learn how to do it correctly. To do this, you first need to close one nostril with your finger, and simultaneously pour salt water into the second. This should be done carefully, there is no need to rush to prevent discomfort.

It is important to ensure that the solution does not enter the lower respiratory organs during rinsing. To do this, you need to hold your breath for a while.

When properly washed, the healing liquid is poured out through the mouth. If it is strong, this may not happen quickly. The action is repeated with the other nasal passage. The solution that remains in the nostril must be removed by exhaling sharply through the nose.

There are other options for nasal rinsing:

  • You can pour the solution into your palm and draw it in with your nostrils, and pour it out through your mouth. This method effectively cleanses the nasopharynx.
  • For the procedure, bend over the sink and turn your head to the side. The mouth should be open. Pour the liquid into one nasal passage. It will flow out of something else. Then change the position of the head.
  • The procedure can be carried out using a small pipette or syringe, especially for rinsing a child’s nose. In addition, you can purchase at the pharmacy a special device designed for this treatment method. To rinse the baby's nose, place him on the bed and inject a drop of saline solution with a pipette. After some time, the child can get up. At this time, the liquid passes into the oropharynx.

You can learn more about how to properly rinse your nose from the video:

  1. For therapeutic purposes, the minimum number of procedures per day is four. The duration of treatment using the washing method is at least 7 days.
  2. The solution should be slightly warmed before use. Using cold liquid for the procedure can only aggravate the pathological process. The water must be warm.
  3. For chronic upper respiratory tract diseases, it is recommended to rinse your nose every day.
  4. It is not allowed to rinse if the nasal passages are blocked. They must first be cleaned and only then washed.
  5. After performing the procedure, you should avoid hypothermia, inhaling cold air, and drafts.

If you follow these tips, the effectiveness of washing increases several times.

Advantages of the treatment method

Rinsing the nasal passages with a solution containing salt is an effective method in the treatment of colds and infectious and inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity.

  • Cleansing the nose from pathogenic microorganisms and allergens.
  • Increasing local immunity.
  • Disinfection of the nasal cavity.
  • Improving the functions of the nasal mucosa.
  • Strengthening capillaries.
  • Reducing swelling.
  • Reducing the inflammatory process.
  • Moisturizing the sinuses.
  • Facilitation of nasal breathing.

This procedure significantly shortens the duration of the disease and speeds up the recovery process. In addition, it is an excellent measure for the prevention of colds and otolaryngological diseases.

However, it is important to remember that only with the correct washing technique and following the rules for preparing the product can a beneficial effect be obtained.

Rinsing the nasal passages has other benefits:

  • The method is safe, because it does not have any harmful effects. Therefore, the procedure can be performed on children, pregnant and lactating women.
  • This remedy is as accessible as possible - when you don’t have a seawater-based medication on hand, you can prepare the medicine yourself.
  • The procedure is painless.
  • It is considered a method of nasal hygiene.

Washing is used in the complex treatment of diseases, and is not the main method of therapy. With this approach, recovery occurs faster.

These medicinal analogues are excellent for the treatment of runny nose in children, and are also used for preventive purposes. Some of them contain additional substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. These products are affordable and safe for the rinsing procedure.

A runny nose is not a particularly pleasant symptom. Especially if it is accompanied by a sore throat or pain in the ear area. If you know how to rinse your nose, as well as how you can do it and in what cases this procedure really works, you can learn how to quickly get rid of a runny nose.

Rinsing the nose cleanses the nasal sinuses of germs and other harmful microorganisms and removes them mechanically. Thanks to this, it is possible to defeat a virus or bacterial infection even in the early stages, when there are still no visible signs. Daily rinsing of the nose is especially important in the autumn-winter period - it is at this time of year that the likelihood of developing a runny nose is highest.

If rhinitis cannot be avoided, cleansing the nasal space simultaneously with the use of other medications will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result - recovery. First you need to clear the nasal passages, and only then apply the medicine - this will be most effective. Some people prefer not to treat a runny nose, relying on the fact that it will go away on its own. But if nasal congestion persists for 5 days or longer, there is a possibility of developing sinusitis - a classic complication that is treated on an outpatient basis with unpleasant medical procedures (puncture or “cuckoo”).

One of the complications of a common runny nose may be the spread of swelling to the auditory tube or middle ear, which ultimately results in otitis media.

Flushing removes mucus, pus and plaque, which helps protect the body from further development of the disease.

Contraindications to nasal rinsing. When is rinsing ineffective?

Despite the productivity of this procedure, you need to know that not everyone can wash their nose at home when they have a runny nose. There is a so-called “risk group” - its representatives can harm themselves by rinsing like this.

  • severe swelling of the nasal tissues;
  • tumors in the nasal cavity;
  • deviated septum;
  • location of capillaries close to the surface (high risk of nosebleeds);
  • perforation of the eardrum;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction to the drug used for rinsing.

Do not rinse your nose if there are contraindications! For example: severe swelling of the nose

If at least one of the listed factors is present, you should not wonder how and what to rinse your nose with - you need to choose alternative methods of treatment, and even better, consult a doctor so that he can make a choice, taking into account the picture of the disease as a whole. The first three factors make the washing procedure ineffective, the last ones can lead to more serious complications.

It is also necessary to remember that nasal rinsing is performed no later than half an hour before leaving home- otherwise, a protective membrane will not have time to form on the inner surface of the nostrils, and visiting the street can significantly worsen the health condition.

Options for nasal rinsing at home

How to rinse your nose at home? There are several methods.

Method No. 1

It is notable for the fact that it does not require any equipment. The solution for rinsing the nose should be scooped into your palms, lean over the sink and suck in the liquid through your nose. Then spit it out and blow your nose thoroughly - this will remove the remnants of the rinse along with the snot from the body.

Method No. 2

Requires more careful preparation, but the effectiveness of such washing is higher. Here you can choose which device to rinse your nose with - a syringe, a teapot (Neti pot) or a syringe without a needle. The solution is drawn into the selected device. After this, you need to bend over the sink, turning your head to the side, and carefully, slowly introduce the product into one nostril - thanks to tilting your head, it will flow out of the other. If part of the solution comes out through the mouth, you should not look for information on how to properly rinse your nose at home, suspecting that something has been wrong - this is also the norm. In addition, it is with this outcome that not only the nasal cavity is washed, but also the entire nasopharynx.

Technique for rinsing the nose using “Neti Pot” - Method No. 2

This way you can rinse the nose of both an adult and a child. True, it is necessary to explain to the baby that at the moment of injection it is better to hold his breath, and then, when the solution is inside, he needs to breathe through his nose.

You can also purchase a product at the pharmacy with a specific bottle design - either with a drip spout or with a spray tip. In this case, everything is even simpler - the bottle will be a device for rinsing your nose. But sprays are not recommended for use by children under 7 years of age, since they spray the medicine under high pressure, which can damage the delicate capillary network inside the nostrils.

How to rinse correctly?

If there is nasal congestion and the liquid does not pour out completely, but remains in the nasal cavity, you must stop the procedure and consult your doctor. In fact, this is why it is not recommended for children to rinse their nose with a runny nose at home: they may not report a stuffy nose, and this will lead to complications. And in order to prevent colds, this procedure is quite acceptable.

Nasal rinsing solutions

How to rinse your nose is a question no less important than how exactly to do it. A sinus treatment can be purchased at a pharmacy or you can prepare it yourself.

All pharmaceutical preparations for washing the upper respiratory tract are made on the basis of a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or on the basis of sea water.

How to prepare a solution at home

How to rinse your nose with a runny nose if there is nothing suitable in the first aid kit? Surely every home has water and table salt. Better, of course, is iodized, but if you don’t have it, you can use any other one. 1/2 tsp. salts are dissolved in 1 glass of warm (not hot) water and allowed to cool.

This proportion is approximate: the amount of salt can be increased or decreased, depending on individual sensations. If the solution seems to sting too much, the concentration should be reduced.

You can also prepare nasal rinses based on decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, sage, coltsfoot. 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs pour 1 glass of cold water, bring to a boil, then filter and cool. Before use, the product can be slightly warmed up to body temperature (36.6 o).

Which drug to buy at the pharmacy

Among ready-made preparations, the following salt water-based products are most common:

  • "Aqua Maris";
  • "Humer";
  • "No-salt";
  • "Marimer";
  • "Otrivin-sea";
  • "Solin";
  • "Dolphin"

Despite the similar composition, prices for nasal rinses differ, depending on the manufacturer, as well as on the type of sea water - more precisely, its source.

Many drugs have different release forms and different dosages. This is convenient, since for regular use you will need a large bottle, and if the reason to think about the best way to rinse your nose is an already actively developing cold, and the product is needed purely for its treatment, a small dosage of the bottle will be quite enough.

Nasal rinsing with Furacilin

Another option for washing is the Furacilin solution. Furacilin tablets are probably in every first aid kit.

Recipe: Grind 2 tablets into powder (this can be done using a kitchen rolling pin or by placing the tablet on a spoon and pressing it on top with the same spoon), add 200 ml of warm water. If necessary, filter the solution through gauze - this will help get rid of lumps, which not only complicate the rinsing process, but can also injure the delicate skin inside the nose.

This solution has a pronounced antiseptic agent, and therefore not only washes out harmful bacteria from the nasal cavity, but also prevents new ones from “taking root” in this area.

How many times can you rinse your nose?

It is important to know not only how to rinse your nose correctly, but also how many times this can or should be done. The nose is washed not only when the need arises (rhinitis) - doctors recommend performing this procedure daily - during the morning toilet, since such a disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

If you already have a cold, your nose should be washed every 4-6 hours - this is the optimal interval to quickly flush out harmful microflora from the sinuses.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs