Cloudberry grows in swampy and peaty areas, in the tundra and in the northern regions, and is a close relative of raspberries and blackberries. Cloudberry is a “reverse berry”, since when unripe it is red in color, and as it ripens it acquires an amber-golden color. Peat berry, northern orange, moss currant, arctic raspberry and swamp amber all belong to the “royal berry” cloudberry.

It can be found in the tundra, in swamps in the most difficult places. They are most collected in the Far East, in the North (Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions), in the Republic of Karelia, and in Siberia. Peat berries are collected in the Leningrad, Pskov, and Novgorod regions. And also abroad: in the Republic of Belarus, Canada and the Scandinavian countries.

In order to reap a good harvest, you need to know what cloudberries look like and when cloudberries are harvested.

Tundra berry is a perennial plant reaching a height of up to 30 centimeters. It blooms with small white flowers from late May to June. Ripe fruits are golden yellow in color and have a sweet and sour taste. Berry, appearance very similar to raspberries and blackberries.

Moss currants are harvested from late July to early August. The collection period is only 2 weeks, so How does a berry ripen quickly? and starts to flow. It is better to remove swamp amber from the bush along with the sepals when it is still immature. At home, cloudberries ripen in a short time (2-3 days) and do not lose their taste.

Ripe berries spoil very quickly and therefore you need to make preparations for the winter (jam, jam, juice, compote or jelly) from it as quickly as possible.

Cloudberry: beneficial properties

Cloudberry is a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and omega fatty acids, on which the normal functioning of all internal organs depends

It belongs to low-calorie products: per 100 grams - 40 kcal

What are the benefits of cloudberries:

Despite its rich healing properties, peat berry has contraindications:

  1. Cannot be used by people with allergies
  2. With gastrointestinal disease in the midst of an exacerbation
  3. For chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases
  4. Together with other drugs that help reduce blood pressure, since cloudberries have antihypertensive properties.

The use of cloudberries in folk medicine

For diseases of the cardiovascular system

3 tbsp. Mix spoons of crushed leaves and rhizomes with half a liter of boiling water. Place on low heat for 15 minutes. Wrap the finished broth in a towel and leave for an hour. Then filter and cool. The decoction is taken 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

How to diet food

Berries are added to desserts, yoghurts, salads and used as a dressing for meat dishes.

For the treatment of hypertension

Add 5 tbsp to 700 ml of hot water. tablespoons finely chopped leaves and roots. Wrap the container with the infusion well and leave it for several hours. Take 100 ml between meals.


Take a tablespoon of crushed leaves for a glass of boiling water. Strain the broth, cool and take half an hour before meals.

Treatment of purulent wounds

Dry leaves must be crushed into powder and applied as a powder to the festering wound.

For children, tundra berries can be given from the age of one year in the form of compote, fruit drink or jelly. It is ideal for the treatment of rickets and diarrhea in children.

Cloudberries in cooking

Cloudberries are widely used to make jam, compotes, jams and jellies. In Scandinavia, liqueur, liqueur and wine are made from it.

When making compotes, the beneficial properties of this berry are reduced, but still, when consumed, the body is enriched with nutrients that tone and improve health. To preserve vitamins, the compote is boiled for 15 minutes. Compote can be prepared for the winter.

Cloudberry jam is a very healthy product. It cures colds, improves immunity, improves skin, and in limited quantities is ideal for pregnant women and children.

To improve health, it is very important to consume vitamins and microelements contained in plant foods. It is especially important to stock up on nutrients for the winter in the summer, when they are available in their natural form, in vegetables, fruits and berries. A real storehouse of vitamins and microelements is the royal berry - cloudberry, endowed with medicinal properties and an attractive appearance.

We will talk about this product, as well as its effect on the human body, in our article, weighing the beneficial properties and possible harm.

Cloudberries resemble raspberries in appearance, because they are from the same pink family, but have an amber-orange hue. The plant is low, like grass. For this reason, it was often called swamp amber. Tourists call it the orange of the north or the raspberry of the Arctic. For a long time, kings loved to eat cloudberries, which is why they call them the royal berry. It was eaten fresh, soaked, and stored in sugar.

Cloudberry collection

This plant is widespread in the swampy areas of the tundra and arctic latitudes. Despite this, she is afraid of frost, rain and wind. The berry blooms in May and ripens in July.

Cloudberries are harvested for only 2 weeks in mid-summer. Considering the fact that the northern berries quickly deteriorate when overripe, knowledgeable people begin picking in advance, while the reddish berries are not yet fully ripe. They ripen in just a couple of days. Properly collected cloudberries remain with sepals, which can later also be useful for treating coughs. If the berry needs to be preserved, for this purpose it is worth collecting it with the stalks.

Berry composition

All the beneficial properties of cloudberries are inherent in it because it is rich in various components, for example, minerals and pectins. It contains many minerals: potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, silicon, cobalt, tannins and pectin, as well as organic acids.

The northern sour berry contains more ascorbic acid than lemons, and more carotene than carrots. It also contains vitamins A, B, E, PP.


Cloudberry has beneficial properties and contraindications, but knowing them, you can not be afraid to eat it and use it for medicinal purposes.

  • Strengthens the immune system and ensures the body's resistance to infections.
  • If you do not separate the stalks from the berries and preserve them, you will get an excellent diuretic drug. In addition, the product will help with blood clotting and inflammation.
  • It is the best remedy against scurvy.
  • Juice from the berry, diluted with water, is given to children to improve appetite.
  • To improve the well-being and performance of weakened people, it is useful with honey or sugar.
  • Vitamin E contained in the berry helps improve blood circulation, as well as restore vision and alleviate the condition after burns.
  • Contains potassium, which is necessary for heart disease.
  • Juices and fruit drinks made from this product quench your thirst.
  • Prevents cancer.
  • Helps fight excess weight.
  • Useful for hypertension.
  • Helps heal wounds and kills bacteria.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • The oil squeezed from the seeds of the berry is the basis of shampoos, creams, and preserves the youth and beauty of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • The effect of cloudberries during pregnancy is important, because the vitamins A and E contained in it are responsible for the development of the fetus.
  • Helps prevent atherosclerosis and diabetes.

The royal berry also has medicinal properties for kidney diseases, cystitis, and edema. To do this, you need to collect and dry its leaves and roots. You can buy ready-made dry preparations at the pharmacy.


Not all of the properties of cloudberries are beneficial to the human body. If you are completely healthy, you can eat whatever you want. The situation is completely different for people with certain diseases.

Let's consider cases when eating the royal berry is not recommended:

  1. Allergic reaction to the product.
  2. Stomach disease, increased amount of acid in the stomach.
  3. Ulcerative diseases.
  4. For inflammation of the large and small intestines.
  5. You cannot use anti-hypertension pills at the same time as berries.
  6. Kidney diseases.

It is worth noting that for children under 2 years of age and people suffering from stomach diseases, it is better to limit themselves in the use of this product. It doesn’t hurt to consult a doctor before tasting so as not to harm your own health.

Royal berry for ENT diseases

Let's look at how cloudberries help with coughs. It can kill harmful microorganisms, relieve inflammation, and acts as a diaphoretic. Vitamin C contained in the berry helps treat coughs, colds in children, flu, fever, and sore throat.

Dried cloudberry sepals help get rid of blues and depression. At the same time 1 hour. l. sepals, dried in advance, are simply added to the teapot. Sepals are also useful in expectorating sputum, helping with severe coughs, whooping cough, and bronchitis. For this, 1 tsp. collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, and then continue to steep for 3 hours.

Cloudberry leaves are a wonderful remedy for coughs, hemoptysis, and bronchitis. Here is a very simple but effective recipe. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. dried leaves, throw into boiling water and leave in the dark for 4 hours. When it is ready, you need to strain it and take 3 sips after meals.

Let's now look at how to brew leaves and roots. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves and roots and throw into boiling water. Then you need to cook it all for 5 minutes. After removing from the heat, you need to put a towel on the cup and place a saucer on top. Let the broth sit for 2 hours. Using cheesecloth, separate the herb from the cooled medicinal drink. You need to drink the decoction 4 times a day, 3 sips.

Cloudberry jam is very useful for ENT diseases. To prepare it, first boil 1 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes to obtain syrup, add 1 kg of washed berries, boil for an hour, wipe, and then put it on the fire again for a few minutes. Royal berry compote is also useful for throat diseases. It is very easy to prepare, but in winter it will delight all family members. We wash the berries, fill them with syrup for 3 hours, then boil the syrup for 10 minutes and fill the sterilized jars with berries.

Berry jelly will not only appeal to children, but will also help relieve sore throats. To do this, put the mashed cloudberries on the fire for 6 minutes, separate the broth, add sugar in a ratio of 2:1, 1 tbsp. l. gelatin, boil for 30 minutes, and then pour into jars.

The cloudberry tincture recipe will also bring a lot of benefits to your stomach by increasing acidity. The tincture also has antitumor properties. To do this, pour 2 tsp of boiling water into a glass. berry leaves. We insist for several hours. This amount of tincture should be enough for 1 day. You need to drink small sips every 3 hours.

Naturally, the best option is to use fresh product. You can also prepare jam, juices, mousses, because even in processed form, cloudberries retain a lot of useful substances needed by our body.

We wish you and your loved ones good health and good spirits. Stock up on vitamins for your health!

For northern residents, cloudberries have become a natural source of vitamins. It is introduced into therapeutic diets, medicinal drinks are prepared on its basis, and the extract is added to cosmetics. However, residents of temperate latitudes often underestimate this berry. Therefore, it would be useful to learn more about the beneficial properties of cloudberries and contraindications to its use.

Chemical composition, calorie content

The berry grows in the swamps of the northern regions. The fruits resemble yellow raspberries in appearance and contain 84% water and 6.3% fiber. The share of carbohydrates, fats, proteins accounts for 7.4%, 0.8% and 0.7%, respectively.

  • phenolcarbolic acids – natural antioxidants and antiseptics;
  • flavonoids;
  • coumarins;
  • pectins;
  • carotenoids;
  • phytoncides;
  • organic acids: citric, malic.

The fruits are valued for their rich vitamin and mineral composition:

Cloudberry is a northern berry with valuable properties. Where does cloudberry grow?

Useful properties and uses of cloudberry

There are quite a lot of berries growing in the northern regions. Cloudberry is considered one of them. Cloudberry berries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. This is a favorite delicacy of the inhabitants of the tundra and the Arctic. People who eat cloudberries are firmly convinced that the plant has miraculous properties.

It is worth admitting that they are right, because doctors note the high content of vitamins, minerals and other useful components in its composition. In this article we will try to talk about the beneficial properties of cloudberries and how to use them to treat ailments.

Useful composition of berries

Ripe cloudberry fruits contain a large amount of proteins, fiber and organic acids. It contains sugar, citric and malic acids, a huge amount of vitamin C and A, moderate amounts contain vitamin PP and group of vitamins B. Among the mineral substances, cloudberries contain:

- iron and potassium;

- phosphorus and cobalt;

- pectin and tannins.

In addition, the composition includes anthocyanins, which are particularly beneficial for the body. Cloudberry berries contain vitamin C, the content of which is 4 times higher than the amount of this vitamin in oranges, as well as vitamin A, which is more than in carrots.

Useful properties of cloudberries

So, now about the beneficial properties of cloudberries. In order to appreciate its benefits, just look at the useful composition given above. Cloudberry is an excellent product for preventing the health of the circulatory system. It improves blood circulation, saturates cells with oxygen and promotes accelerated tissue regeneration. Eating cloudberries helps restore vision, and in the north, the berries are used to treat scurvy and vitamin deficiency.

Cloudberries improve blood clotting, are effective against diarrhea, and remove excess fluid from the body, thereby eliminating swelling. Since the berries also contain potassium, this makes cloudberries indispensable for cardiovascular diseases.

The berries of the plant cope well with colds. Cloudberry, by its nature, is a strong diaphoretic and antimicrobial agent, so for getting rid of high temperature or heat, the fruits of the plant are more suitable than ever. Juices and fruit drinks based on cloudberries perfectly quench thirst, help restore strength, and help cope with a huge range of diseases.

Application of cloudberries

Berry fruits are considered strong antioxidants, so cloudberries prevent the formation of cancer cells and slow down premature aging. It significantly strengthens the immune system, and if you had the opportunity to consume 100 g of cloudberries per day, you would definitely forget about what diseases are.

Cloudberries help remove harmful cholesterol from the body. It is also popular for the treatment of ailments associated with the genitourinary system. Used as a wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. Cloudberry juice has the ability to quickly and effectively heal wounds and also disinfects against bacteria.

It is recommended to eat cloudberries for chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, as well as for stomach or intestinal disorders. Used as an astringent, useful for hypertension. The pectins and tanning organic products included in the composition are beneficial for the mucous membrane, covering it with a film, preventing bacteria from being absorbed into the blood.

Berry is useful for obesity. The biologically active substances in its composition help normalize metabolic processes and also relieve swelling. Moreover, the berry has a fairly low calorie content (about 40 kcal), so this is another factor in the anti-obesity treasury.

To prepare a remedy to stop bleeding, take 1 tablespoon of dried cloudberry leaves and steam them with one glass of boiling water. After the mixture has cooled, filter it and consume 70 ml orally at least three times a day. To prepare a remedy for kidney stones, the amount of water must be doubled. The course of treatment involves taking the infusion up to four times a day, 100 ml.

Cloudberry tincture. A tincture of such a magnificent plant as cloudberry is drunk for metabolic disorders and gout, as well as for kidney stones. To prepare the product, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of leaves into 250 ml of boiling water. After 4 hours of infusion, the drink can be consumed in equal doses throughout the day. Regular use of this healing tincture helps relieve gastritis with low acidity and all kinds of malignant tumors.

Cloudberry tea. To prepare medicinal tea, you need to take cloudberry leaves and add the same number of strawberry leaves to them. The mixture should be mixed thoroughly and used as a replacement for regular tea.

In addition, you can prepare a general tonic. Take 1 part of dry cloudberry leaves and 2 parts of rose hips. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about one hour, you can add a little honey. It is recommended to drink the drink in an amount of no more than 2 glasses per day.

Against colds and coughs. Used against coughs and colds, to treat tuberculosis. Cloudberry not only has an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, but also has hemostatic properties. To prepare the tincture, you will need 2 teaspoons of plant leaves and one glass of boiling water.

Let the product sit for at least 4-5 hours. After straining, drink the tincture in equal portions throughout the day. When coughing, also drink an infusion of medicinal dried sepals. It is recommended to brew them daily like ordinary tea and consume them for at least 7 days.

These are the beneficial properties cloudberries have. As for contraindications, it is worth noting only individual intolerance, as well as people with gastritis of high acidity (including ulcers).

More about useful products:

VitaminsContent mg ​​per 100 gMacro, microelementsAmount of mg per 100 g
C29 Potassium180
E1,5 Magnesium29
Beta carotene0,9 Phosphorus28
PP0,5 Calcium15
A0,15 Sodium1
B20,07 Iron0,7

The seeds contain polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6. The calorie content of 100 g of fruit is 40 kcal.

Useful and medicinal properties of cloudberries

The perennial is famous for the healing effects of its berries, sepals, leaves, roots, and stalks:

  • improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels, reduces capillary permeability;
  • removes free radicals, binds and inactivates carcinogens;
  • heals wounds and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces spasms, cramps;
  • increases blood clotting;
  • prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • accelerates the outflow of excess fluid, removes harmful substances.

In case of physical and mental stress, cloudberry berry restores strength, stimulates the brain, and tones the muscles.

What diseases does the berry help with?

Cloudberries complement the treatment of the following diseases:

DiseasesHealing properties of berries
ARVI, coldIncreases sweating and reduces fever.
Eating disorders, dysbiosis, diarrhea.Relieves inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens the intestinal walls, suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora.
Wounds, burnsStops bleeding, suppuration.
Obesity, diabetesNormalizes metabolism.
Cystitis, urolithiasisReduces inflammation, spasms, fights pathogenic microbes of the urinary tract.
Heart failureStrengthens the heart muscle, capillary walls, prevents fibrous formations, atherosclerotic deposits in blood vessels.
HypertensionLowers blood pressure.
Scurvy, vitamin deficienciesReplenishes micronutrient deficiencies.
AnemiaIncreases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

To be honest, I have never tried a berry like cloudberry. I live in the south and have never been to the north.

I first learned about cloudberries from a computer game. In the computer game I had to plant these berries in the Arctic.

I decided to find out more about this berry. Now trying cloudberries has become my dream. I was very interested in this berry. In addition, cloudberries have many beneficial properties. It’s a pity that this berry has become unpopular now. Previously, the beneficial properties of cloudberries were widely known, and they were always present on the royal table.

Morozska ​​or Cloudberry - beneficial properties and contraindications

In the north, where summer is shorter and the flora is more sparse than in warm latitudes, plants try to absorb the maximum amount of necessary substances and vitamins. Therefore, cloudberries are superior in the content of some vitamins to some southern fruits and vegetables. For example, in terms of vitamin A content, cloudberries are ahead of carrots. A handful of berries contains 4 times more vitamin C than a medium-sized orange.

Cloudberries also contain vitamins E, PP and group B. There is fiber, tannins, organic acids, microelements: iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon.

Full mug of cloudberries

And not only the berries, but also the roots, leaves and stems have healing properties for 30 ailments.

It is used if there are vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminosis.

Cloudberry also has a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. It is used as a thirst quencher for colds.

And cloudberry mixed with honey is an excellent remedy for restoring strength and boosting immunity.

The following diseases are treated with this berry:

  • Upper respiratory tract diseases: sore throat, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, cough, pneumonia.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system: gastritis, in which there is low acidity, constipation, cystitis, urolithiasis, inflammatory processes of the kidneys, urinary incontinence at night.
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Women's diseases: erosion, inflammation of the vagina, uterus or its appendages, painful periods.
  • Problems with the nervous system: lack of sleep, hysteria, neuralgia.
  • Skin diseases: acne, boils, rashes, diathesis, eczema, insect bites, burns, etc.
  • Even scurvy recedes before cloudberries.

Rinse hair with a decoction of leaves, roots and stems to prevent dandruff or seborrhea. In addition, this decoction is used for bladder problems.

A tincture from all parts of the plant is used if you are worried about gout, vitamin deficiency, or dropsy.

A tincture of sepals or calyxes (these are the leaves around the berry) is used for heart pain or fever.

Also, cloudberry sepals (calyxes) are mixed with regular tea and drunk. This tea is not only tasty, but also very healthy.


There may be individual intolerance to the product, as well as a disease such as chronic enterocolitis.

Where does it grow and how to collect cloudberries?

This wild berry grows in swampy tundra areas in the arctic and boreal forest belts of the northern hemisphere. If he talks about the countries where it grows, then these are the following states:

North and central Russia, northern Belarus, Canada, Scandinavian countries, northern regions of the USA, Greenland, England.

Cloudberry harvest time is July - August, after cranberries, but before blueberries. If the summer is warm, then the berries ripen in July, if the summer is cold, by mid-August.

Cloudberries differ from their closest relatives, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries, not only in their region of growth, but also in their ripening characteristics. Other berries, when ripe, first have a green fruit color, and then acquire their natural ripe color: red, black, blue. Cloudberries, when still green, have a red color. And when it dares, it acquires an amber, almost transparent color.

The berry grows in clearings. Usually such clearings are small or medium in size with medium-sized cloudberries. But there are also huge clearings with large cloudberries.

In the old days, this berry was stored in earthen cellars in leather bags. For storage, it was mixed with other berries, since it was believed that it was so delicate that it could ferment or become moldy very quickly.

Video: Collecting cloudberries in swamps in Sweden.

Cloudberry in cooking - recipes

Today, mainly only northern peoples eat this berry: they infuse cloudberry water, bake shangs, make jam, jelly, make soaks, liqueurs, tinctures and kvass.

Fresh berries keep well fresh.

The fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. They are consumed raw or cooked.

Cloudberries can be stored for a long time when soaked.

You need 1 liter of water, 1 kg of sugar, citric acid and 250 grams of cloudberries. Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid with the tip of a knife, then cook until syrup is prepared. When the syrup boils, cook it over reduced heat for another 10 minutes.

Place the cloudberries into jars or glasses. Pour the prepared syrup over the cloudberries. Then let it brew for 50 minutes. The compote is ready.

Cloudberry liqueur is produced in Sweden, which is very popular especially among foreigners.

For this you need the following ingredients:

Alcohol 90% - 0.5 liters

Sugar - 0.5 kg

Water – 250 ml

Cloudberries - 0.5 kg

Method of preparation.

The berries need to be crushed with a blender. Pour the crushed mass with alcohol. Then leave in a dark place for 10 days. After 10 days, prepare sugar syrup. The syrup must be mixed with chopped berries and alcohol. Leave the resulting mixture for 16 days in a dark place. The mixture should be shaken thoroughly every day. After 16 days, strain the liqueur and pour into clean bottles. Keep refrigerated.

This northern berry is so popular in Scandinavian countries that its image can even be found on banknotes. For example, in Finland, a 2 euro coin is minted with the image of a cloudberry.

There are even poems and a song dedicated to Cloudberry.

"Moroshin berry - aren't you in honor?

You were thrown to the north from a holy handful..."

(Angelina Prudnikova)

“If in the fall in the woods

The cloudberry will start -

Will take you to prison

ripe cloudberries."

(Korinets Yu.)

It was A. Pushkin’s favorite berry. In the last days of his life, it was pickled cloudberries that Alexander Sergeevich asked for.

Where to buy.

If you are a resident of northern latitudes, then you can easily buy it frozen or fresh in supermarkets. And also buy cloudberry jam or jam. In warm regions it is difficult to even find frozen berries or jam based on them.



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