Young nurses take a spermogram analysis. Specialized room for sperm donation

One of the stages of preparing a man for conception can be an assessment of the quality of sperm - a spermogram. This is especially true if it is not possible to conceive a child naturally within a reasonable time (about a year), and all other obstacles to conception are excluded.

What is a spermogram (spermatogram)?

Spermogram is a method of studying sperm to determine its fertility (ability to fertilize). The ability of ejaculate to fertilize is determined by a whole set of indicators. When assessing the quality of sperm, the volume of one ejaculation, its color, acidity, viscosity, liquefaction rate, the number of sperm per unit volume, their mobility, structure, the presence of agglutination (gluing of sperm to each other) and spermatogenic cells, as well as the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, presence of mucus in the sample. An important step in establishing sperm quality is assessing the morphology of sperm to determine the presence of sperm.

How to take a spermogram correctly?

Preparing for a spermogram includes several simple rules.

The analysis is taken after 3-4 days of sexual abstinence (at least 2 days, but no more than 7). During this period of time, it is prohibited to drink alcohol, take medications, or be exposed to severe overheating. Also, before taking the test, a man should not urinate for 2 hours.

If the spermogram is taken again, you should observe the same period of abstinence from sexual intercourse as the first time so that the results are more indicative.

How is a spermogram taken?

To take a spermogram, a man is provided with a separate room, or a part of the room separated by a screen. A sperm sample is obtained through masturbation. To make the process easier, you can invite your partner with you or use appropriate magazines (or videos, if the sperm test room in the medical center is equipped with a video player).

When taking a spermogram, it is necessary to collect all the sperm obtained during ejaculation (this is important when assessing the quantitative parameters of the sample). The ejaculate is collected in a sterile container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy (a regular container for urine tests), a special sterile container for sperm, or other containers offered by a medical institution. The use of condoms to collect materials for analysis is not allowed, since lubricant and other components of these contraceptives can negatively affect the interpretation of the result. It is also not recommended to use the method of interrupted coitus to stimulate ejaculation - to prevent the entry of vaginal microflora into the sample for analysis.

If it is psychologically difficult for a man to get tested at a medical center, it is possible to collect material for analysis at home (the requirements for the container are the same). On the container you should write your name, the exact time and date the analysis was taken. It is advisable to deliver the container with ejaculate to the laboratory within 20 minutes after ejaculation. During transportation, the container must be kept at a temperature of +27°C...+37°C (the best option is close to the body, under the armpit). Some medical centers provide the service of courier delivery of a container with an analysis to the clinic - you should collect the ejaculate into the container by masturbation 15 minutes before the courier arrives, in order to minimize the time between ejaculation and the analysis.

If masturbation was successful, but no ejaculate was obtained, you must immediately urinate and submit all urine obtained for analysis.

In any case, the laboratory specialist must begin the analysis no later than 2 hours after ejaculation, later the results of the analysis will be uninformative (incorrect).

If there is a deviation from the reference values, it is necessary to repeat the analysis after 7-10 days. If the repeated analysis confirms the results, then to find out the reasons for the deviation from the norm, the man should consult an andrologist.

If married couples cannot have a child for a long period of time, despite excellent health and a healthy lifestyle, both partners should be examined. The first rule to start diagnosing the causes of infertility in a man is to take a spermogram analysis. Many male representatives take a spermogram not only at the stage of preparation for conceiving a child, but also for the purpose of early diagnosis of possible health problems. Timely detection of problems in the body plays an important role in successful treatment. You can find out how a spermogram is done on any thematic Internet resource, but we will tell you in detail how to take a spermogram in our article.

Features of the procedure

Males who encounter this procedure for the first time often have no idea what the rules for the procedure are and what it is. Spermogram is a test in which sperm is analyzed to determine the quality of the ejaculate. In other words, the analysis performed allows us to determine a man’s fertility - the ability to have offspring.

A spermogram is necessary to determine the causes of infertility. Further study of the test results will reveal what needs to be done to improve the quality of the ejaculate. Of course, semen analysis is not the only way to resolve this issue and is one of the examinations carried out in men. Before taking sperm for testing, doctors often ask the patient about the reasons that brought him to the clinic. Further assignments depend on this.

Often, a timely visit to a urologist allows you to identify existing problems at an early stage, and most importantly, determine their source.

Using a spermogram, existing deviations from the norm are determined, and their cause is determined by a qualified specialist. To take a spermogram, you need the semen of the subject. Moreover, it is advisable to collect ejaculate directly in the clinic under specially prepared conditions. This is due to the fact that environmental conditions have a detrimental effect on the viability of sperm, and after 30-40 minutes the collected material is no longer suitable for the test.

Conditions for receiving material

Men undergoing the procedure for the first time often do not know how to take a spermogram so that the results obtained reflect the real picture of their health. There are certain conditions and rules under which sperm donation for analysis is carried out properly.

The rules for taking a spermogram in diagnostic centers are almost the same:

  • Strict abstinence from sexual activity for 3-5 days before the spermogram is taken. Violation of this clause may ultimately result in unreliable data. Sexual activity the day before will significantly affect how much sperm a man can collect.
  • Five days before sperm collection, refrain from smoking and other bad habits.
  • Do not expose your body to high temperatures before donating sperm - do not visit baths and saunas.
  • Before donating sperm, you must stop taking medications that could affect the test results.

In the evening, as well as in the morning, before you need to take a spermogram, it is recommended to carefully carry out hygienic preparation to exclude the ingress of bacteria or other factors that affect the examination parameters. The specified conditions and rules are mandatory, otherwise you will need to donate ejaculate again.

For some men, deciding to have a spermogram is an emotionally difficult step, given the method of obtaining sperm for research. Obtaining sperm for a spermogram is done by stimulating the male genital organ - masturbation. There is nothing wrong with this, given that taking the test is necessary to establish your health status. In such matters there is no place for embarrassment or other psychological discomfort. You can obtain the material in two ways.

Collection of material in the clinic

Taking a spermogram is quite simple. Thousands of men undergo this procedure every day, and medical staff are responsible for confidentiality. Moreover, modern diagnostic centers strive to create the most comfortable conditions for their visitors. The staff of the diagnostic center will definitely consult the patient about how a spermogram is performed. A special sterile container is purchased at the pharmacy or the clinic itself, into which the sperm is collected. The container should be sterile and have a wide neck for easy collection of sperm.

For more accurate tests, sperm must be donated immediately at the diagnostic center.

The entire procedure for collecting sperm for testing is done in a special room, which is equipped with:

  • Upholstered furniture.
  • A door with a lock.
  • The table where the container with the ejaculate is left is where the medical staff subsequently takes the sperm for analysis.

In a separate room, the patient, through masturbation, obtains sperm, which is collected in the above container, after which the staff of the diagnostic center takes it for examination.

It should be remembered that sperm should be taken only if the above conditions and rules have been met, otherwise the presence of undesirable elements may be detected in the sperm, which will not allow establishing a true picture of the state of health. The test will allow you to determine many indicators that together affect the possibility of fertilization of a female egg.

Preparation at home

Practice shows that men rarely decide to donate sperm of their own free will for a spermogram, based on the delicacy of the procedure. But in some cases, it is possible to prepare for a spermogram at home, if the very fact of masturbation in a diagnostic center causes moral discomfort or embarrassment.

To do this, certain rules must be observed:

  • It is necessary to use a sterile container with a wide neck, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can use any jar that fits the parameters, but it is recommended to pre-boil it for sterility.
  • It is forbidden to use any lubricants or creams during masturbation.
  • It is unacceptable to collect material by interrupting sexual intercourse or oral sex, in order to avoid microflora elements or bacteria from the woman’s oral cavity entering the container.
  • Observe the temperature conditions for storing the material during transportation - as a rule, this value is equal to the temperature of the human body.
  • The material must be submitted to the clinic within half an hour from the moment of sperm collection.
  • Considering that the volume of ejaculate is one of the indicators of the spermogram, it is important to collect and submit all the material obtained.
  • A sticker containing patient information (full name, year of birth) must be attached to the container. Additionally, you can display information about the time of abstinence from sexual intercourse.

If you decide to obtain sperm at home, you need to deliver the material to the laboratory within half an hour.

Knowing how to take a spermogram correctly is very important, since only in this case will accurate information about your health be obtained. Currently, there are a large number of videos or articles on the Internet containing reviews, rules and conditions, which describe in detail how to take a spermogram correctly, but it is worth remembering that self-medication and incorrect interpretation of medical concepts can lead to aggravation of the situation.

Thus, you can take a spermogram at any specialized diagnostic center that provides assistance in family planning. A spermogram can provide fairly detailed information about the condition of a patient's sperm. Timely intervention and proper treatment will contribute to a speedy recovery. Therefore, you need to take a spermogram first of all for a proper examination.

Every man of reproductive age may encounter the need for knowledge about how a spermogram is taken. Donation of ejaculate occurs both as part of voluntary monitoring of one’s own health, and to determine many serious diseases in representatives of the stronger sex, including the factor of infertility. Sperm analysis is performed under a microscope and involves identifying pathological and viable germ cells.

The process of taking a spermogram is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but it is necessary to understand that a man will have to carefully prepare for it. Only if all rules and requirements are observed can truly correct diagnostic results be obtained, which will allow doctors to prescribe the correct treatment. Therefore, below we will detail how to take a spermogram and what is required for this.

If a man has expressed a desire to undergo a preventive examination by doctors specializing in sexual health, then he will definitely need to donate seminal fluid for examination. People may wonder what is needed to take a spermogram, so we offer detailed information for your reference.

Actually, not so much is required:

  1. Select a clinic where the diagnostics will be performed;
  2. Make an appointment with a specialist;
  3. Receive a referral for testing from your doctor;
  4. Purchase shoe covers and a container for spermogram;
  5. Find out where the sperm analysis room and laboratory are located.

This is the entire list of what is needed to take a spermogram. Perhaps the doctor will give some more recommendations, but this set is standard. The spermogram jar must comply with sanitary standards and be sterile. It is best to purchase a special container for taking a spermogram at a pharmacy, but you can also get a glass container from the laboratory at the clinic.

The spermogram room is often located in close proximity to where the qualitative, quantitative and biochemical parameters of the seminal fluid will be assessed. Also, many are interested in the room itself for taking spermograms, what this room looks like and what it is equipped with.

The spermogram room has its own characteristics, represented by the following:

  • The room is presented in the form of a separate office, no different from the outside from other rooms;
  • A favorable climate atmosphere has been created inside, that is, warm and cozy, so that a man can relax;
  • Furniture must include a sofa or a comfortable chair;
  • There is also a place where you can put your things;
  • To speed up the results, there is literature in the room, and in some clinics, video media of an erotic nature;
  • The door must be closed from the inside;
  • There is also a washbasin in the room.

In most cases, the doctor always tells you what is needed for a spermogram and how the analysis is performed. The resulting ejaculate must be collected correctly, which is why some modern clinics have a special apparatus for taking a spermogram.


Donation of sperm for analysis must take place after following a number of preparatory procedures. When is the best time to take a spermogram depends on what diagnostic goal the patient is pursuing, but doctors always give recommendations on how to behave before collecting the ejaculate.

At least three days before the scheduled date of donation of biological fluid, a man must refrain from contact with toxic substances. This recommendation includes not only chemicals, but also the consumption of strong alcoholic drinks, as well as weak alcoholic drinks.

At this time, it is better to take time off from work if it is associated with production that is harmful to the body, and avoid using perfumes and household chemicals with strong odors. If it is not possible to take a day off, then a spermogram analysis is possible on the first day after the weekend.

The conditions for taking a spermogram are always the same. Therefore, experts pay attention to the fact that before diagnosis it is strictly forbidden to engage in any sexual relations. Those who have taken a spermogram more than once say that it is better to abstain for about 10 days.

Also, for a spermogram, the conditions for submitting include stopping smoking at least three hours before submitting the ejaculate. It will be necessary to stop taking hormonal drugs and cytostatic medications, even if they were prescribed by other specialists. The procedure for taking a spermogram after stopping medications is prescribed at intervals of six months.

Sperm analysis is not performed for those men who are currently undergoing a course of treatment for urological pathologies. The fact is that if at this time sperm are donated for diagnosis, then progressive inflammatory processes will significantly reduce the quality of the seminal fluid.

If the doctor has prescribed a sperm test, it is better to take it in a good psycho-emotional state. To do this, you need to lead a measured lifestyle during the day, avoid stress and nervousness, and not abuse physical activity. Also, about a week before diagnosis, you should avoid visiting baths, saunas and taking hot baths, since sperm do not feel well in such conditions.

A spermogram does not work for a cold. If you have recently suffered from a respiratory disease, then the diagnosis is postponed for some time to allow the body to recover. Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to take a spermogram if you have a cold, the answer is definitely negative.


When the doctor has ordered a spermogram, he will definitely tell you how the ejaculate is collected. There are different ways to take a spermogram, but the most practiced is masturbation. The presented method is recommended not only by medical professionals, it is approved by the World Health Organization. Sperm analysis, or more precisely, ejaculate collection, is best performed in a clinical setting, because this way a specialist will be able to begin examining the biological fluid as quickly as possible.

Some institutions practice sperm collection through interrupted sexual intercourse. This method is very rarely practiced, and all because during copulation and ejaculation some of the seminal fluid may be lost, and this will cause incorrect results. Also, the indicators will be distorted due to the admixture of female microflora.

You can take a spermogram at home, but doctors do not encourage this. This technique can be used if you are sure that all sanitary standards will be observed during the delivery of the ejaculate after collection. The doctor will also tell you how to properly take a spermogram at home, but you should be prepared that the results will not be entirely correct.

Features of taking a spermogram at home are:

  1. Collecting material in sterile containers;
  2. Avoid exposure of ejaculate to sunlight;
  3. Avoiding hypothermia;
  4. Collection of the entire volume of seminal fluid.

To get truly accurate results, doctors advise taking a spermogram test several times.

How to take it

How a spermogram is taken in the clinic and at home is relatively clear. If a man wants to see a clear example, then there is a video on the Internet on how to take a spermogram correctly. The most important thing in sperm analysis is undoubtedly the volume of ejaculate obtained, so it must be collected in its entirety, regardless of whether this happens at home or in the hospital.

A man in the clinic must visit a specially designated room. There, behind a closed door, there is everything necessary for comfortable obtaining seminal fluid. Before you begin, you should wash your hands thoroughly, and you should also take a shower at home and perform genital hygiene.

Then, through masturbation, you need to reach the moment of ejaculation. It is very important not to use any lubricants or condoms. In the first case, the diagnostic results are distorted, and in the second, the sperm simply die. The sperm is collected in a sterile container, then capped and sent to the laboratory for testing.

It is very important not to forget to indicate your data on the jar: last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth. Some institutions provide a special form that is similar to a questionnaire; all the necessary information about the patient will be collected there. After the doctor receives the test results, he will be able to make the correct diagnosis, which he will inform the patient about during a personal meeting.

Actions (video)

The first thing the doctor recommends is a semen analysis, which allows you to identify problems. A spermogram determines the motility and number of sperm in the ejaculate, as well as the presence of infections and diseases, which can also cause disturbances in a man’s reproductive function.


In order to pass this test, you must follow some rules for 3-4 days. You should avoid medications and alcoholic beverages for this period. Beer should also not be consumed, even if it replaces water. It is also necessary to exclude sexual intercourse on these days. Then the results of the analysis will be more objective. In case of pathological changes in the semen, it is recommended to repeat the spermogram for a more detailed consideration of the situation.
Two or three times at intervals of several weeks.

How to take it

There are several options for obtaining sperm for analysis. But masturbation is optimal for objectivity. Despite the fact that this method is the least liked, doctors strongly recommend it, since sperm from a condom, reacting with its components, can give a distorted analysis result. Also, the method with interrupted coitus is not the best. In this case, the partner’s cells become part of the seed, which also reduces the accuracy of the indicators.

It should be noted that no more than an hour should pass from the moment of ejaculation to the analysis. The optimal temperature, ensuring the life of sperm, is 20-36 degrees. Otherwise, they die very quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to take a spermogram in the room where the laboratory is located. In this case, you will not need to worry about transportation.
It is very important that the entire ejaculate gets into the laboratory glassware, since the loss of even a small part of it can lead to a distorted research result.

The loss of the first portion is especially undesirable.

Men's fears

Despite the fact that this procedure is absolutely painless, many men have doubts and fear before donating sperm. The thought that someone will see and find out, or the fact that there will be a line out the door, can discourage you from going to the clinic. But it should be remembered that problems with conception can be associated with both the woman and the woman. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a doctor, but get down to business right away. The time that was wasted on unreasonable fears could have been put to good use.

If a man is suspected of infertility, the doctor will prescribe a spermogram. This laboratory analysis makes it possible to determine the main indicators of the ejaculate. In order for the examination result to be as reliable as possible, it is important to properly prepare for taking it. What does a man who needs to take a spermogram need to know?

A spermogram is a biochemical analysis of sperm that allows one to identify the reasons for a couple’s inability to conceive a child. During its delivery the following is assessed:

  • The volume of ejaculate, its color and degree of viscosity.
  • Structure and motility of sperm.

  • The number of sperm in the seminal fluid.
  • The presence of infections and pathogenic bacteria in the ejaculate.

The difficulty in conducting the examination lies in the fact that collecting ejaculate requires certain conditions and special preparation, otherwise its composition and main indicators may change.

The study of the material takes place in two stages. First, its viscosity, quantity, liquefaction rate, color and acidity level are assessed. At the second stage, the sperm is examined under a microscope. At the same time, its main indicators are determined (sperm shape, their motility, the presence of inflammatory processes and the level of leukocytes).

Embryologist Alexandra Bartovna Struif explains how ejaculate analysis is carried out:

The result of the test makes it possible not only to establish the general picture of a man’s health, but also to identify various disorders in the composition or function of sperm, as well as the main causes of this condition.

Indications for donating sperm for analysis are:

  1. A couple planning a pregnancy.
  2. Preparation for IVF if conception naturally is not possible.
  3. The man has a history of various hormonal disorders, injuries and inflammatory processes of the appendages or prostate, varicocele, etc.
  1. Determining a man's ability to conceive.
  2. Diagnosis if fertilization has not occurred after more than 12 months of regular sexual activity without contraception.

It is mandatory for potential semen donors to submit sperm for analysis.

At what age can you take a spermogram? Every man who wants to have children, regardless of his age, can undergo the study.

Preparing for a spermogram

Whatever the reason why a man has to have his sperm checked, it is important to properly prepare for this procedure and submit the material. Only in this case can the research result be considered reliable.

Preparing for a spermogram

When prescribing a test for a man, the doctor will give certain recommendations that must be followed at the stage of preparation for the test. To do this you need:

  • Abstain from sex for several days. If you ignore this rule, the resulting volume of ejaculate will be reduced.
  • If abstinence before a spermogram is longer than 4 days, then sperm activity may be reduced.
  • For 7-10 days before taking a spermogram, you should not take a hot bath or visit saunas or steam baths.

Urologist-andrologist Igor Alekseevich Korneev tells how to prepare for the study of ejaculate:

  • Before the procedure, you should avoid stressful situations and heavy physical activity.
  • For 4 days before collecting ejaculate, it is prohibited to drink alcohol or take any medications. If a man is sick with a cold, the spermogram is postponed until complete recovery.
  • During the week before the test, you need to adhere to a certain diet. In this case, you should avoid eating fatty and fried foods, spicy and canned foods, and strong tea or coffee. Before taking a spermogram, you should have a light breakfast.

For several days before taking a spermogram, a man is advised to completely stop taking any medications. This is especially true for antibiotics. This is due to the fact that the effect of antibacterial agents has a significant impact on many functions of the male body, including leading to inhibition of sperm. Therefore, the results of the study may be unreliable. The quality of the ejaculate can be updated only 3 months after the end of taking such medications.

Alcohol has the same effect on sperm. Alcoholic drinks can worsen sperm count for a long period of time. If they were taken immediately before the study, then with a high degree of probability, the result of the analysis will be bad. Reviews from doctors prove that ethyl alcohol negatively affects the condition of all organ systems and metabolic processes in the body.

How does alcohol affect sperm? More details in the video:

If the test results of a man who regularly drinks alcohol are negative, then the doctor can conclude that serious changes in the functioning of the reproductive system have occurred in his body. With complete abstinence from alcohol, there is a possibility of a gradual restoration of the quality of seminal fluid.

It is important to remember that smoking can negatively affect the quality of sperm.

How to take a spermogram?

When prescribing a test for a man, the doctor will tell you in detail how a spermogram is done. It is impossible to collect ejaculate at home. The procedure is carried out in a hospital setting through masturbation. For this purpose, special rooms are created in medical centers with comfortable conditions for the patient. If a man has difficulty collecting material, he will be offered special magazines with erotic content or watch relevant videos. To collect sperm, a special container made of plastic or glass is used, which is immediately sent to the laboratory for testing. Seminal fluid must be examined within 1 hour from the date of analysis.

Analysis stages

How much it costs to donate sperm depends on the clinic where the analysis is performed and the type of spermogram (simple or extended).

The rules for taking a spermogram are the same for everyone:

  1. Before taking a spermogram, it is important to wash your hands and penis with soap.
  2. To take a spermogram, you cannot use interrupted sexual intercourse to collect material, since cells from the walls of the vagina can get here, and this can somewhat distort the result of the analysis. It is also not allowed to use a condom to collect sperm during a spermogram. This is due to the fact that the product may contain a lubricant, the components of which will get into the material for research.
  3. When handing over a container with ejaculate to a laboratory assistant, the patient must fill out a special form indicating his personal data (age, full name, etc.).

From the video with venereologist-urologist Ekaterina Makarova, you will learn how to take the test correctly:

  1. To exclude the possibility of immunological infertility, when taking a spermogram, a man will be advised to do a MAP test.
  2. For a more accurate picture of the condition of the male body, it is recommended to take a spermogram several times (2-3) over 1-2 months. If, as a result of the analysis, any violations were identified, the doctor will be able to determine their nature (permanent or temporary). In this case, the doctor will tell you how to prepare for a spermogram and when it needs to be taken again. To obtain more accurate data, the patient is advised to get tested in different clinics.

Analysis results

How long does the analysis take? Typically, a spermogram takes 2-3 days. Decryption gives the following data:

  • Sperm count.
  • Their mobility. It is important to remember that with each subsequent sexual intercourse, especially if they occur one after another, the number of mobile specimens decreases. Therefore, the doctor always explains to the couple that if they decide to conceive a child, then it is absolutely not necessary for sexual intercourse to be too frequent. As a result of repeated sexual contacts, “young” sperm are formed that are not able to overcome the long journey to the egg. Therefore, the male body needs rest. And it’s better to have only one full sexual intercourse. It has been established that after two days of abstinence, a man’s ejaculate contains the maximum number of viable sperm.

  • The structure of sperm. This indicator is considered one of the main ones, since its deviation provokes infertility. The shape of the cells can change as a result of impaired functioning of the gonads, prolonged abstinence, the presence of inflammatory processes and certain diseases (prostatitis, etc.).
  • Incorrect accumulation (). In this case, cell motility decreases. Violation may occur as a result of certain diseases. This condition requires mandatory treatment.
  • Leukocyte level. If this indicator is exceeded, we can talk about the presence of an inflammatory process in the male reproductive system.

It is important to remember that all indicators are purely individual. Therefore, doctors prefer to periodically recheck them, giving the patient advice that will help increase the likelihood of conception.

Even if the test results are negative, this is not a reason to panic. Today, medications have been developed that help to successfully overcome the diagnosis of infertility and give a man a chance to become a father.



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