Lytic mixture from temperature in tablets. “Lytic mixture” - what is it?

Elevated body temperature accompanies many diseases. However, some people tolerate it quite normally, without experiencing any particular discomfort. Others react very painfully to fever (with the appearance of severe headaches, muscle pain, cramps, delirium, etc.). In such cases, it is advisable to take.

But the usual medications for high fever (paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc.) do not always bring the desired effect. Then, as an emergency remedy, you can use a special multicomponent remedy - a lytic mixture, which simultaneously has an antipyretic and analgesic effect, and acts quite quickly (the effect is noted after 15-25 minutes).

How to make a lytic mixture for an adult?

The lytic mixture is a potent mixture of three active components that combine well with each other and are relatively safe for the human body. So, the ingredients of the lytic mixture are:

  1. Metamizole sodium (Analgin)– a substance from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that has a powerful antipyretic and pronounced analgesic effect.
  2. Papaverine hydrochloride (No-spa)- a drug with antispasmodic and hypotensive effects, belonging to the group of opium alkaloids, which, due to vasodilation, increases the heat transfer of the body.
  3. Diphenhydramine ()– a first-generation antihistamine that also has a local anesthetic and sedative effect. This substance enhances the effect of Analgin.

For adult patients, the dosages of no-shpa, analgin and diphenhydramine for a lytic mixture per use are as follows:

  • Analgin 50% - 2 ml;
  • No-spa 2% - 2 ml;
  • Diphenhydramine 1% - 1 ml.

This dosage of the medicine is designed for an adult weighing 60 kg. For every additional 10 kg of weight you should take 1/10 of the above dosage. All components are mixed in one syringe; before opening the ampoules, they should be wiped with alcohol.

The lytic mixture is injected intramuscularly (usually into the outer upper square of the buttock), and the temperature of the solution should correspond to body temperature. The injection should be done in compliance with the rules of asepsis, deep into the muscle, and the medicine should be administered slowly. After the injection, the next administration of the medicinal solution is allowed no earlier than 6 hours later.

Dosage of lytic mixture for adults in tablets

If the use of the lytic mixture in ampoules is not possible, you can use tablets in the dosage for adults:

  • 1 tablet of Analgin (or Baralgin);
  • 1 tablet No-shpa (Papaverine);
  • 1 tablet of Diphenhydramine (Diazolin, Suprastin).

The drugs are taken orally with a sufficient amount of water. It is worth considering that this method of administering a lytic mixture does not give as quick a result as after an injection (no earlier than 30-60 minutes).

Contraindications to the use of the lytic mixture

There are cases when the use of a lytic mixture is prohibited:

  1. For abdominal pain of unknown etiology, accompanied by elevated body temperature, seek medical attention. This can be dangerous, for example, in case of appendicitis, because... after taking the lytic mixture, the pain subsides and the symptoms of the disease become hidden.
  2. If before this, at least one of the components of the lytic mixture (orally or by injection) was used to relieve fever or pain within 4 hours.
  3. In case of individual intolerance to the components of the medicinal mixture.

The appearance of a high temperature in a child seriously frightens parents. Often, in young children, the temperature rises to high levels, and already at these numbers you really need to sound the alarm. It is important to remember that a temperature above 38 is already an alarming symptom, because at 42 degrees denaturation occurs - an irreversible change in protein in the body. In order to prevent the mercury from stepping up another four positions, the child needs to be administered a lytic mixture (three-fold for temperature).

Every parent should have knowledge about the lytic mixture, its composition and rules of use. If the ambulance is late and the baby is on fire, an injection of the lytic mixture can be life-saving for the baby and should be done by those who find themselves next to the baby in such a situation.

Indications for use of the lytic mixture

The main indication for the use of a lytic mixture is an increase in the child’s temperature to extremely high levels. Here it is worth clarifying for parents that not all increases in temperature should be considered life-threatening. Therefore, you should not zealously persuade your baby to take an “injection” even at 38 - this is the temperature that needs to be brought down. Ibufen or Paracetamol can successfully cope with it.

Note that we are not talking about a temperature below 38 at all - such a temperature is not brought down, because it is a sign that the body is fighting an infection and T-lymphocytes are attacking the pathogen. It is with an adequate increase in temperature that similar processes occur.

You need to approach the use of a lytic mixture and determine the indications for its use with a cool mind. Maximum composure and consistency in the actions of parents is the key to successfully helping a child in a difficult situation. The lytic mixture is used in the following cases:

  • when the temperature rises to forty degrees and above;
  • in case of unsuccessful use of other drugs - tablets, syrups, rectal suppositories;
  • if the child experiences convulsions or chills against the background of fever;
  • in case of disturbance of consciousness - stupor, state of delirium, hallucinations.

Most often, such an increase in temperature is caused by respiratory viruses or intestinal pathogens. To relieve painful symptoms and alleviate the child’s condition before the doctors arrive, you need to give injections of a lytic mixture.

Of course, if the baby’s temperature rises, parents should immediately call a doctor, but in a situation where the temperature literally rises to the limit in a matter of hours, and the doctor has not yet arrived, a lytic mixture is a justifiable necessity.

Important! In children under one year of age, the use of a lytic mixture is undesirable, but if the need arises, it must be used!

Composition of the lytic mixture depending on temperature

The lytic mixture, or “lytic” as it is affectionately called, can be used both in tablets and ampoules. Thrifty parents should have the most convenient “kit” for their child, but in some cases, when all the pharmacies are closed and there are only pills, there is no time to hesitate - that means the pills are taken. Ideally, injections are better, since the drug enters the systemic bloodstream faster and does not have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.

The “golden composition” of the lytic mixture is Analgin and Diphenhydramine. The work of Analgin is an analgesic and antipyretic effect. Together with Diphenhydramine, which enhances the effect of the first substance, the mixture acquires unique properties. Within 10-15 minutes after intramuscular administration, the child will feel much better, the temperature will begin to drop, the adequacy of consciousness will return, etc.

If necessary, Diphenhydramine can be replaced with another drug that is available in the parents' medicine cabinet. This could be Tavegil, Suprastin or Fenistil, which also enhance the activity of the main savior - Analgin.

Dosage and proportions of drug solutions in ampoules for preparing a mixture for injections

The dosage of the lytic mixture is determined by the age and weight of the child.

Analgin 50% solution:

  • 0.1-0.2 ml for every 10 kg of weight.

Diphenhydramine, 1% or Suprastin, 2% solution:

  • up to 7 years - 0.1 ml for each year of life;
  • after 7 years - 1 ml.

Papaverine or No-shpa, 2% solution:

  • up to 6 months - not administered;
  • from 6 months to 6 years - at the rate of 0.1 ml per year of life;
  • over 6 years old - 2 ml.

To avoid an overdose, it is also necessary to observe the total volume of a single and daily dose of the lytic mixture, depending on the weight of the child.

Video on how to properly give an injection in the buttock

How to give an injection for fever

  1. First, small doses of these drugs are drawn into one sterile syringe, and then Analgin is added.
  2. Before giving the injection, it is necessary to release excess air from the syringe to avoid embolism.
  3. For more comfortable administration of the medicine, the syringe can be heated in your hands to body temperature.
  4. The injection site is the gluteal muscle. It must be wiped with alcohol to disinfect and prevent abscess.
  5. The needle is positioned at an angle of 60 degrees to the surface of the buttock.
  6. The injection must be given in the upper right quadrant of the gluteal muscle, since the great vessels do not pass through here and the risk of complications is minimal.
  7. The solution is injected very slowly, since the injection itself is quite painful.
  8. If the baby is small, you need to turn him over on his tummy on the changing table, or place him on your lap, tightly clasping him with your other hand so that the child does not interfere with the injection.

Dosage for oral administration in the form of tablets or solution

Giving lytic mixture in tablet form is not recommended for children under 6 years of age. The dosage should be strictly agreed with the doctor, but most often ¼ tablets of Analgin, Suprastin and No-shpa are combined. Having crushed the drugs into powder, the mixture is diluted with water in a spoon, given to drink at once with a glass of water, so that the medicine is absorbed by the gastric mucosa and begins to act as quickly as possible. Usually the child's condition improves after about half an hour.

Important! When using the lytic mixture for the first time, you can do an allergy test. The finished drop of the lytic mixture should be placed behind the lower eyelid and observed for the reaction - if the eye turns red and the child begins to scratch it, then an allergic reaction has developed and the use of the mixture should be stopped.

Contraindications for use

The use of a lytic mixture is a responsible step, since a solution or tablet mixture is not a panacea for all ills, and in some cases the use of such a medicine is simply contraindicated. You should not use a lytic mixture:

  • in the presence of high temperature with pain in the peritoneum, stomach (possibly peritonitis, perforation of internal organs and other serious diseases requiring immediate hospitalization);
  • if the baby is less than six months old;
  • if the child is prone to allergies, especially to medications;
  • in case of intolerance to one of the components of the triad;
  • if there are serious gastrointestinal pathologies that could recur (for example, an attack of pancreatitis).

Important! In case of urgent need, the lytic mixture can be used in children from the age of six months. The administration of such drugs to babies under this age is strictly prohibited.

If a child has a stomach ache, then analgin in the lytic mixture can relieve the spasm, but not eliminate the problem, and therefore the symptoms will be incorrect and it will be difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. Severe pain in the abdomen, “lubricated” with analgesics, may indicate the onset of peritonitis, suppuration of the appendix or intestinal obstruction. Surgical care for these diseases should be provided in the first 24 hours after the onset of the attack, since the baby’s life depends on it. Therefore, giving a lytic mixture in this case is strictly prohibited!

Side effects of triad from temperature

In order not to overdo it with the introduction of the lytic mixture, parents should remember an important rule - only three injections of the mixture with the same composition can be given per day. Otherwise, adults may experience side effects of the mixture, which include the following:

  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, which manifests itself as pain in the stomach after taking the mixture in tablet form;
  • lethargy, loss of coordination of movements if the mixture was injected.

Lytic mixture for children is a life-saving remedy for many children with fever. However, it must be remembered that the lytic mixture itself only removes the symptom of the disease, but does not treat its cause. Therefore, it is necessary to call a doctor for the child, and it is important to indicate when, what medications and how often were given to the baby.

In contact with

It is a combined drug that is intended to eliminate the feverish state of the patient as quickly as possible and relieve fever. In addition, the mixture can be used as a mild pain reliever.

Thanks to this solution, you can achieve relief of your well-being within 15 minutes after taking the drug.

In this case, the mixture can be used by both adult patients and children.

When is lytic mixture used for children and adults?

The main indications for the use of this solution include the following:

  1. ARVI, which is accompanied by elevated body temperature. A temperature of more than 38.5 degrees is considered high.
  2. Fever that does not decrease even after taking antipyretic medications.
  3. Vomiting, stool upset.

Lytic mixture is able to promptly lower the temperature and alleviate the patient’s condition.

How and from what to prepare a lytic mixture?

If antipyretic drugs do not bring a positive effect, then you can prepare such a mixture, it is only important to maintain the correct proportions.

The mixture contains analgin, which effectively reduces temperature in combination with diphenhydramine And papaverine. Thanks to this complex, the heat will be reduced within 10 minutes.

If you or your child do not have allergic reactions to the above components, you can safely use this medicine.

The traditional composition includes papaverine in an amount of 2 ml, diphenhydramine in an amount of 1 ml and analgin (2 ml is enough). Thanks to such proportions, it is possible not only to eliminate fever, but also to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions, which is important for children with hypersensitivity.

If the drug is used orally, simply crush the tablets into powder and combine them in the required quantities.

Injections are made using disposable syringes, the volume of which should be 5 ml. It is believed that injections are much more effective than the oral method, since the components in this case begin to act much faster.

What form does the lytic mixture come in, and is it possible to buy a ready-made one?

Lytic mixture It is used in the form of tablets or injections; it is up to you to decide which method of application to choose.

In most pharmacies you will not be able to find a ready-made mixture, so it is important for parents to learn how to prepare such a drug themselves and always keep ampoules with diphenhydramine, papaverine and analgin in their medicine cabinet.

Can lytic mixture cause harm?

This solution is a fairly safe product if you take into account the individual characteristics of the adult and child’s body, and also take the mixture in exactly the specified proportions. However, there are also contraindications for which such drugs should not be used. These are the restrictions:

  1. Fever is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen. The fact is that the product has a pronounced analgesic effect, so abdominal pain will be eliminated, and this is very dangerous, because the cause of the temperature may be. Using the solution before being examined by a doctor can mask dangerous symptoms and lead to complications that will be life-threatening.
  2. If medications that contain the same components as those in the mixture have already been used to eliminate fever. In this case, an overdose is possible. Most often we are talking about antipyretic drugs with analgin.
  3. An allergic reaction to the active ingredients is another contraindication to the use of the product. Allergies may cause a rash, itchy skin, swelling of the skin, and in rare cases.
  4. It is not recommended to use if the child is under six months old.

Features of using lytic mixture for children

Lytic mixture It is also effectively used by young patients to quickly eliminate fever and alleviate well-being. The simplest and most reliable method of use is 0.1 ml of medication for each year that the child has lived.

For example, if a child has reached the age of one year, take analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine, 0.1 ml of each substance. The product must be mixed in one syringe and administered intramuscularly.

Can the lytic mixture be taken orally?

Theoretically, this is possible, but then the drugs will act more slowly. In addition, analgin is not recommended for oral use by children, since this drug has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, which can lead to abdominal pain and other unpleasant consequences.

In what ways can you relieve fever without a lytic mixture?

What to do if for some reason this mixture of antipyretic components is contraindicated for you or your child?

Modern pharmaceuticals produce many other products that effectively reduce fever. Such drugs are available in the form of syrups and tablets, including special effervescent tablets.

If you are afraid of the adverse effects of analgin on the digestive system, you can use special suppositories, which are also available for children. Such rectal suppositories act as quickly as possible, and they have virtually no contraindications for use.

Most syrups and tablets for reducing fever include, and are also effective. The choice of a specific active ingredient depends on the individual characteristics of your body, as well as contraindications. Practice shows that in some patients the temperature decreases precisely from paracetamol, while others respond only to ibuprofen or nimesulide.

Syrups and tablets for children are produced with a pleasant herbal and fruity taste, so if the child feels unwell and has a fever, he will not have any problems taking the medicine. Below are the most common fever medications that can be taken instead of the lytic mixture:

  1. Fervex.
  2. Panadol.
  3. Ibuprofen and medications based on it.

If you and your child cannot take medications for any reason, you can reduce the temperature in other ways, but they will be less effective. So, you can try rubbing with a vinegar solution (9 percent vinegar is suitable, a tablespoon of which should be dissolved in a glass of warm water). If necessary, the rubbing procedure can be carried out several times, as it is completely safe for the body. To relieve the condition, it is recommended to apply cold compresses to the forehead and temples.

Another method that can be used both instead of drinking the lytic mixture and simultaneously with it is to drink plenty of fluids. A large amount of warm liquid helps to quickly remove toxins from the body and eliminate the inflammatory process. Suitable drinks include raspberry infusion, water with lemon juice, and so on.

In order to quickly relieve fever, you can lie down in a cool bath for 10 minutes (the water should not be cold!). Thanks to this technique, it is possible to improve the patient’s well-being, but the effect of this procedure is short-lived, after a while the temperature rises again. During the treatment process, be sure to remove tight clothes; do not cover yourself with a heavy blanket, which will only retain heat and slow down the decrease in temperature. You can also use a fan, which will cool the patient's body and promote a reflex reduction in temperature.

Thus, a decrease in the patient’s body temperature– this is an important stage in the treatment of colds and other diseases, which makes the patient feel better and reduces the load on the heart and other organs, preventing complications. Experts recommend bringing down high temperatures, that is, above 38.5 degrees. In this case, you can use both conventional medications based on paracetamol, analgin and other components, and a lytic mixture, which simultaneously contains several active ingredients that effectively complement each other.

VIDEO Why can't you lower your temperature with analgin? — Dr. Komarovsky

VIDEO Elena Malysheva. How to reduce a child's temperature?

When a child has a high temperature, parents have to act immediately, because the doctor called to the house takes time to arrive. It is precisely in order to bring down extremely high temperatures that a lytic mixture is used; It has different dosages for children and adults.

Indications for use of lytic mixture for children

The lytic mixture is prescribed at high temperatures if it:

  • more than 40°C;
  • does not get confused by other means (tablets, suppositories, physical cooling);
  • accompanied by chills;
  • against its background, disturbances of consciousness developed - delirium, stupor or stupor, hallucinations

Viral respiratory infections, influenza and intestinal diseases are usually the cause of such dangerous temperatures. In such cases, a lytic mixture for children allows you to reduce the temperature when it begins to threaten the life and health of the baby.

The action of the lytic mixture occurs quickly, and its effect is quite strong, therefore The use of this combination of drugs is prescribed only at very high temperatures(40-41ºС), which is not knocked down by other means. The use of a lytic mixture for children is allowed no more than once a day (in extreme cases - after 6 hours) if the temperature has risen to a critical level.

How to use it correctly

The lytic mixture can be administered in different ways.

Usually the necessary drugs are used in ampoules, which are taken into one syringe and an injection is given in the gluteus maximus muscle.

The drug must be administered slowly, because When administered quickly, this injection is very painful.

Lytic mixture for children in tablets is used if the child can take tablets, but injections are undesirable (for example, the child is very afraid of injections). For this use, the tablets included in the mixture are crushed into crumbs, mixed with water and given to the child.

Composition, dosage and use of the mixture

The lytic mixture for children consists of several drugs; the composition depends on the method of administration of the mixture.

For intramuscular administration, this is a mixture of Analgin (50% solution in ampoules), Diphenhydramine (1% solution in ampoules) and Papaverine (0.1% solution in ampoules). When a lytic mixture is used for children in ampoules, its dosage depends on age - 0.1 ml of the drug for each year of the child’s life.

The dosage divider is convenient for dividing the tablets and crushing them before use.

For oral use (in tablets), the lytic mixture consists of Analgin (1/4 tablet), No-shpa (1/4 tablet) and (1/3 tablet), some experts advise adding 1 drop of Corvalol.

All of the listed tablets, as already mentioned, need to be crushed into fine crumbs and mixed with water. If the child is able to take the tablets, you can give them to him without rubbing them.

The lytic mixture not only helps with fever, which is very important for children, but also relieves smooth muscle spasms, which may accompany intestinal diseases, reduces the risk of developing bronchospasm during respiratory infections, and has a positive effect on brain activity. Sometimes it turns out to be a truly life-saving remedy.

The use of a lytic mixture in children under one year of age is undesirable, but sometimes the need arises. However, its application has several features - Papaverine cannot be used in the composition, and the use of tablets is impossible.

The dosage of the lytic mixture in children under one year of age is 0.1 ml of Analgin and 0.1 ml of Diphenhydramine. Corvalol can be used for six months; contraindications for its use are allergic reactions to the components of the drug, kidney or liver pathology.

It would be worth repeating that the lytic mixture must be administered very slowly to avoid severe pain.


Lytic mixture for children is not a magic pill, like any remedy, it has its contraindications.

The very first of them is allergies. It can occur on any of the components of the mixture, and it happens quite often.

Before using the lytic mixture to test for an allergic reaction, you need to drop a drop of the mixture into the conjunctival sac

To avoid serious consequences, if the child has not been prescribed a lytic mixture before, then Before giving the injection, you need to drop a drop of the prepared mixture into the conjunctival sac.

In this case, if the child is allergic to any of the components of the drug, then after a few minutes the eye will turn red and begin to itch.

Secondly, if a child complains of abdominal pain, then the lytic mixture can be given only when the doctor prescribes it. This is due to the fact that analgin, which is part of the mixture, relieves pain, and this makes it difficult to diagnose diseases such as acute intestinal obstruction, peritonitis, and with them, incorrect diagnosis can be fatal.

Thirdly, if parents used any of the products included in the mixture, then you need to wait at least 6 hours to avoid an overdose. Otherwise, it is dangerous due to disruption of the central nervous system - lethargy, loss of coordination.

And the last thing - lytic mixture is contraindicated in children under six months of age, because it is impossible to choose an adequate dosage that does not harm the baby’s health.

In all cases when the use of the mixture is contraindicated, it is necessary to bring down the temperature with other drugs - Ibuprofen and Paracetamol in various syrups, tablets and suppositories for children, and use physical cooling.

You can learn more about antipyretic drugs, release forms, dosages from.

When using a lytic mixture for children, the dosage is very important, so you cannot measure the drugs “by eye” - this will do much more harm than good.

If drugs are administered intramuscularly, Komarovsky advises pre-heating the lytic mixture for children to room temperature. To do this, you need to hold the ampoules in your hands until they warm up.

The lytic mixture in ampoules is more effective and safe, than the same mixture in tablets, because The dosage is calculated more accurately and the effect occurs faster.

When using the lytic mixture intramuscularly, the temperature decreases within 10-15 minutes, in tablets - from half an hour or more.

You should not use the mixture more than once a day and try to reduce the temperature below 38°C.

It's important to remember that the cause of the fever, and this is most often an infection, the lytic mixture does not fight, it only allows you to reduce the temperature if it has reached critical values.

For the same reason, you should not use the mixture without a doctor’s prescription. If the mixture has not been used in a child before, then an allergy test with instillation into the conjunctival sac is required. Otherwise, a generalized allergic reaction may negate all the beneficial properties of the mixture. The mixture from the eye is almost not absorbed into the blood, so this test is safe, although unpleasant.

Increased body temperature or fever is the most common symptom of most infectious and a number of non-infectious diseases. This is a protective-adaptive reaction of the body to the action of harmful factors (bacteria, viruses).

At elevated body temperatures, the child’s metabolism increases, the body’s need for oxygen increases, and the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems increases. This condition is not only unpleasant for the baby, but also dangerous, especially for children with diseases of the respiratory, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

Usually, modern antipyretic drugs can bring down a high temperature in a short time. However, there are times when the usual remedies do not help, and you still need to wait for a doctor.

You can combat high fever with the help of a self-prepared lytic mixture.

Description and preparation

You can prepare the drug in the form of an injection solution and give your child an injection yourself.

If this is not possible (the baby is afraid of injections, you don’t know how to give them, there is no syringe at hand), the lytic mixture should be prepared in tablets.

Basics active ingredient is analgin. It reduces fever and relieves pain at the same time.

The composition of the lytic mixture for children in tablets includes, which has an antihistamine effect, and No-spa, which helps relieve vasospasm. Many doctors advise adding a drop of Corvalol to the antipyretic composition.

Indications for use

Lytic mixture used in the following cases:

  • body temperature 38.5 °C and above;
  • inability to reduce the temperature with other antipyretics;
  • convulsions;
  • pale skin, joint and muscle pain, chills;
  • disturbances of consciousness, hallucinations.

A condition in which the baby's temperature is high, but his feet and hands remain cold, is called cold hyperthermia. Sometimes there is a blue discoloration of the nail holes and lips.

This is a very dangerous situation, because small blood vessels are closed, the patient does not sweat, and heat transfer does not occur.

In this condition, the child may develop severe tachycardia, convulsions and delirium are possible. Cold hyperthermia – clear indication for use lytic mixture.

Such a potent drug cannot be used uncontrollably. It is best if your doctor prescribes this medicine for you.


In some cases the drug cannot be used even at very high temperatures:

  • the child is less than 6 months old;
  • fever is accompanied by abdominal pain - this can be dangerous in acute appendicitis;
  • over the last 4 hours the patient has already taken the drugs included in the product (Analgin, No-Shpu, Suprastin);
  • the baby is allergic to one of the medicinal components.

Before the injection, it is easy to check for allergic reactions - just drop a drop of medicine under the child’s lower eyelid. If you are preparing the mixture in tablets, you will have to rely on what you already know about your baby’s allergic reactions.

How does the drug work, how long does it take to notice the effect?

Medicines included in the lytic mixture work together, comprehensively. No-spa relieves spasm of blood vessels and opens them. Analgin reduces body temperature. Suprastin prevents the body's allergic reaction.

Lytic mixture in tablets takes effect in approximately thirty minutes. The antipyretic effect lasts 4-6 hours.

It is difficult to reduce the temperature to the usual 36.6 °C, and it is also impractical. The child's body fights the disease with increased temperature.

Therefore, if half an hour after taking the medicine the thermometer shows no more than 38 °C – the result is achieved, heat exchange in the body has been restored, everything is fine.

Dose, permissible frequency of administration

Dosage of lytic mixture for children in tablets does not depend on age and weight.

To prepare one portion of the medicine you need ¼ tablet of Analgin, ¼ t. No-Shpa and 1/3 tablet of Suprastin.

Plus 1 drop of Corvalol, if you decide to add it to the medicine.

Lytic mixture can be used 1 time within 6 hours. The permissible duration of taking the drug is one day.

You can reduce your temperature with this drug only four times.

On the pages of our website you will learn about the antiviral drug, contraindications and dosage.

Directions for use, special instructions

The tablets should be crushed into powder, mixed and given to the child in a spoon. If your baby has difficulty swallowing this powder, you can combine it with jam, honey or other thick and sweet product. You can take the medicine with water, fruit drink or juice.

No-shpu is added to the prepared product if the child’s limbs are cold, the nose and ears are cold and pale. If these symptoms are not present, It’s better to replace no-shpa with Paracetamol.

Interaction with other tools

The use of a lytic mixture while taking other medications may lead to exacerbation of toxic side effects.

The drug enhances the effects of sedatives, hypnotics, and local painkillers. The effect of antispasmodics is enhanced.

Among the negative consequences of systematic use of the drug are possible addiction of the body and immunity to other antipyretic drugs.

Overdose and side effects

Taking the mixture may cause side effects:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • reduction in diuresis;
  • dry mouth;
  • drowsiness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • nausea.

If the dosage of the drug is exceeded or repeated use occurs earlier than after 6 hours, likelihood of side effects rises.

Remember: within 6 hours you cannot take individual components of the mixture - Analgin, No-Shpu, Suprastin. This can also lead to an overdose and negative effects on the child's body.

Overdose of medication leads to to the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • vomiting and nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • bleeding;
  • convulsions.

If an overdose occurs, you need to call an ambulance. Then you need to rinse the stomach or induce vomiting, give the child sorbents (for example, activated carbon).

The arriving doctors need to tell in detail about all the symptoms that have arisen, clarify the frequency of administration and dosage of the medication taken.

In our material we will talk about a popular antiviral drug - you will learn about dosage rules and contraindications.

What effect do Anaferon antiviral tablets have for children? Read reviews about the use of the drug.


The mixture is prepared for one serving. Further it is not stored. You should not prepare several portions of the medicine for the next dose: if there is a lot of powder, it can be difficult to accurately measure the required dose.



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