Medicinal properties and contraindications of the uterus (orthilia) and its use in gynecology. Borovaya uterus - healing properties and effective use in gynecology

Hello, dear readers! In the article we are talking about the hog queen. We discuss medicinal properties and contraindications. You will learn what diseases the plant is used for, and what effective recipes are used for medicinal purposes. Let's consider the main contraindications and determine how to avoid the negative effects of the hog uterus on the body. By applying our recommendations, you can improve your health and cure serious diseases.

The perennial plant, which has received the affectionate name “hog queen” (in modern language it would sound like “forest mother”), is called “one-sided ortilia” in the scientific world. The plant has other names:

  • forest pear;
  • side flower;
  • boletus;
  • wintergreen;
  • wine grass;
  • hare salt;
  • boron grass.

The plant has always been considered a female herb. It was used to treat various diseases. But mainly for the treatment of infertility.

Description of the plant

The herbaceous crop has small shoots (about 5-25 cm). The root is branched, long, increasing in size every year.

Small oval leaves are located at the bottom of the thin stem. The racemose flowers, greenish-white, resemble jagged bells. They form one-sided drooping inflorescences.

Where does Ortilia lopsided grow?

The plant can be found in the Northern Hemisphere. It grows in Russia, Ciscaucasia, and the Far East. The hog queen can be found in France, England, USA, Germany or Canada. But Altai is recognized as the birthplace of ortilia. Here you can see entire glades overgrown with medicinal herbs.

The hog queen is a lover of the forest wet zone. You can see it in meadows and swamps. Sometimes it is found on the edges of forests. The plant can grow even in cool, shaded areas.

Harvesting grass

The entire above-ground part of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes. The leaves are especially healing. Orthilia root is not used in medicine.

The collection of raw materials occurs during flowering (this is approximately June-July) or in late autumn, before the first snow.

Dry the grass as follows:

  1. Spread the collected raw materials in a thin layer on a certain surface.
  2. Dry the grass in the fresh air.
  3. If you dry indoors, ensure good air exchange.
  4. Be sure to protect raw materials from the sun.
  5. Stir occasionally and turn the raw materials over.

Store the herb in paper bags or a linen bag for no more than 2 years.

Chemical composition and pharmacological action

The healing power of the boron uterus lies in its rich chemical composition:

  1. Phytohormones. They normalize blood pressure, prevent coronary heart disease, strengthen the cardiovascular system, provide a rejuvenating effect and inhibit the development of cancer cells.
  2. Vitamin C. Activates the work of the endocrine glands, ensures the absorption of iron, stimulates hematopoiesis. The vitamin has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.
  3. Hydroquinone. The substance has a diuretic and bactericidal effect.
  4. Coumarins. Provide antiseptic, diuretic and astringent properties.
  5. Arbutin. Strengthens the diuretic effect. The ingredient has an anti-inflammatory, moisturizing effect.
  6. Saponins. The substances are mildly irritating. They provide liquefaction and expectoration of mucus from the bronchi. Have a beneficial effect on vaginal secretions. By liquefying it, they help treat infertility. Saponins have a sedative and tonic effect.
  7. Resins. They strengthen the immune system, get rid of pathogens, and disinfect wounds well.
  8. Organic acids. The plant contains tartaric and citric acid. The first has a laxative effect, eliminates heaviness in the digestive tract and heartburn. Lemon – accelerates metabolism, regulates acidity, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, improves immunity.
  9. Flavonoids. The components have choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and laxative effects.
  10. Microelements. Ortilia contains manganese, copper, titanium, zinc. Microelements provide strengthening of the immune system, stimulation of mental activity, and relief from allergic reactions.
  11. Tannins. They have anti-inflammatory effects, have astringent, antimicrobial properties.
  12. Bitterness. Normalizes sugar and cholesterol levels in the body. They have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, reduce fermentation in the intestines, improve kidney function and stimulate metabolism.

The following phytohormones, which are part of the boron uterus, are especially useful for women:

  1. Phytoestrogen. The substance is identical to the female sex hormone, which is responsible for reproductive function and hormonal balance in the body. Thanks to phytoestrogen, ortilia helps reduce the severity of menopausal symptoms, normalizes sleep, reduces the frequency of hot flashes, and eases nervousness and excitability of women during menopause.
  2. Phytoprogesterone. This is an analogue of the male hormone. Progesterone deficiency leads to infertility. The use of boron uterus, thanks to phytoprogesterone, increases a woman’s chances of naturally conceiving a child, reduces the threat of miscarriage, and reduces the symptoms of toxicosis.

You will learn more about the treatment of female diseases with the hog uterus from the video:

Medicinal properties

Thanks to its unique composition, the plant has the following effects:

  • improves the functioning of the reproductive system;
  • increases the functionality of the ovaries and fallopian tubes;
  • stimulates the activity of the uterus;
  • increases immunity;
  • regulates hormonal balance;
  • eliminates chronic inflammation;
  • reduces the severity of PMS (premenstrual syndrome);
  • increases libido;
  • normalizes menstrual cycles;
  • increases sperm activity;
  • relieves infertility (both male and female);
  • activates sperm production and improves its quality;
  • helps restore the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • improves the quality and composition of blood;
  • prevents the formation of tumors (including malignant ones).

Application of the plant

Ortilia unilateral is actively used in endocrinology, nephrology, and urology. It is in demand in general therapeutic practice. But the main area of ​​application of medicinal herbs is gynecology.

For what diseases can it be used?

Main uses of the plant:

Gynecology. Ortilia unilateral helps with the following conditions and diseases:

  • colpitis (vaginitis);
  • uterine fibroids, myomas;
  • adnexitis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • menopause;
  • cervical erosions;
  • adhesions;
  • endometriosis;
  • infertility;
  • vulvitis;
  • obstruction of pipes;
  • polyps;
  • thrush;
  • infantility (underdevelopment) of the uterus.

Nephrology, urology. The plant is used for therapy:

  • urolithiasis;
  • cystitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostate adenomas;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • male infertility.

Endocrinology. Ortilia is included in the complex treatment of the following pathologies:

  • mastopathy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome);
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • adrenal and thyroid disorders.

General therapeutic practice. The herb is in demand in the treatment of:

  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • radiculitis;
  • gout;
  • ulcerative lesions of the digestive system;
  • tumor formations.

Features of application

The plant belongs to the category of potent drugs. Therefore, it can only be used as prescribed by the treating doctor.

  • diagnosis;
  • stages of the disease;
  • hormonal levels;
  • reasons that caused the pathology.

Only after a complete examination will the doctor prescribe you a dose of boron uterus, write down a regimen of use, and select the appropriate dosage.

Features of use in women

To prevent ortilia from causing harm to the female body, follow these rules:

  1. Consider your estrogen levels. The plant reduces the level of this hormone. If you have a lack of estrogen in your body, then using ortilia unilateral is allowed only in phase 2 of the cycle. If this hormone is normal, you can start treatment immediately after menstruation, but no later than the 7th day of the cycle.
  2. Take breaks. Do not use Ortilia while you are on your period. The drug can disrupt the cycle, cause deterioration in blood clotting, and provoke bleeding.
  3. Get ready for long-term treatment. The course of therapy depends on the disease. The minimum duration of treatment is 3 months. The maximum lasts six months. Then be sure to take a break for 1 month (1 full cycle).
  4. Consider the medications you take. Borovaya uterus contains natural analogues of hormones. Therefore, you should not combine it with hormonal medications. Ortilia can neutralize the effectiveness of contraceptives, which can lead to unplanned pregnancy.

Features of use in men

In order for ortilia to benefit the male body, use the following recommendations:

  1. Observe the duration of use. The course of treatment consists of several cycles. Use the medicine for 4 weeks. Then give your body 1 week of rest. Take Ortilia again for 4 weeks. The full course will be determined by the doctor (no more than 6 months).
  2. Get tested for hormones. The choice of dosage of the drug depends entirely on the hormonal balance in the man’s body.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant has contraindications for use and can cause unpleasant symptoms. Be sure to consider admission restrictions.

  • individual intolerance to raw materials;
  • blood clotting disorders - the uterus thins the blood, so it can cause bleeding;
  • gastritis occurring in the acute phase - the components of the plant provoke irritation of the stomach, increasing negative symptoms;
  • children's age - do not use Ortilia to treat children under 14 years of age;
  • pregnancy - if you used boron uterus for preventive purposes, then the course of therapy must be interrupted. But if you took the plant to treat infertility, then you need to continue taking it so as not to cause a premature miscarriage;
  • lactation period;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes is a relative contraindication; ortilia helps restore the patency of the fallopian tubes, but at the same time, it can cause the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Be sure to monitor your health during treatment.

Taking boron uterus can cause the appearance of:

  • headaches;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pain, heaviness in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea.

In addition, you may observe the following changes:

  • digestive disorders;
  • violation of cycle duration (decrease or increase);
  • change in menstrual flow (excessively heavy or very scanty);
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • shift in ovulation days;
  • uterine bleeding.

If you experience such symptoms, you must stop therapy so as not to provoke intoxication of the body.

Dosage forms

You can purchase boron uterus in a variety of forms:

  1. Dry grass. Such raw materials are suitable for making tinctures and decoctions.
  2. Pills. The drug contains dry ortilia extract. The medicine is classified as a dietary supplement. The course of treatment is approximately 4 months.
  3. Tea. It can only contain Ortilia unilateral. Sometimes green tea or a collection of medicinal herbs are added to the main component. Use herbal tea for medicinal or preventive purposes. Drink the drink once a day, preferably in the evening, 1 hour after eating.
  4. Alcohol tincture. It contains ortilia leaf extract and ethyl alcohol. Before taking, dilute the drops in 0.5 tbsp. water. Doctors usually recommend taking 35 drops three times a day.
  5. Candles. They are made from castor oil. Suppositories are in demand in gynecology. They are used for the treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis and other disorders of the urinary system.
  6. Syrup. Sugar acts as a preservative in this product. Therefore, syrup is contraindicated in diabetes. It is recommended to consume three times a day, half an hour before meals, 1 tsp. The duration of treatment can be up to 6 months (necessarily with breaks).

The therapeutic effect of the drug depends not on its form, but on the duration of treatment and dosage of the drug.

How to prepare medicine

You can prepare the medicine yourself using dry herbs. All remedies can be taken for both therapeutic and preventive purposes for a wide variety of pathologies.

Alcohol tincture


  • boron uterus grass – 50 g.
  • vodka – 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour vodka over dry raw materials. Leave in a warm, dry place for 14 days. Then strain through cheesecloth.

How to use: Take the tincture half an hour before meals, three times a day, 30-35 drops.

Result: Alcohol tincture helps treat fibroids and fibroids. It is effective in the fight against prostatitis and adenoma.



  • dry grass - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water – 300 ml.

How to cook: Fill the grass with water. Place the mixture on the fire and boil it for 10 minutes. Then leave for 30 minutes with the lid closed. Strain through cheesecloth.

How to use: Take 1 tbsp of decoction. l., 30-40 minutes before meals, 4 times a day.

Result: The decoction effectively treats gynecological diseases of an inflammatory nature (salpingitis, oophoritis, endometritis, adnexitis). It can be used to treat prostatitis, increase male erectile ability, and eliminate genitourinary infections.

Water infusion


  • raw materials – 2 tbsp. l.
  • water – 2 tbsp.

How to cook: Finely chop the herb. Pour boiling water over it. Wrap the container with the infusion with a warm towel. Leave to infuse for 2 hours. Strain the product well.

How to use: Take 100 ml of water infusion before meals 4 times a day.

Result: The infusion helps with cycle disorders, menopause, and gynecological diseases. It is suitable as a lotion for hemorrhoids.

Infusion for douching


  • boron uterus - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water – 250 ml.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the borovaya uterus. Leave the mixture for 3 hours. Then strain the infusion.

How to use: Use the infusion at room temperature. Using a syringe, inject the solution into the vaginal cavity. Hold it for 1 minute. Then relax your muscles. Repeat 3-5 times.

Result: Douching helps fight endometriosis, fibroids, and erosions. The procedure is prescribed for infertility, obstruction of the fallopian tubes (only on the recommendation of a gynecologist).

Recipes with boron uterus

Depending on the disease, it is necessary to slightly change the technology for preparing the medicine.

Tincture for the treatment of infertility


  • ortilia lopsided grass – 100 g.
  • alcohol (70%) – 1 l.

How to cook: Fill dry raw materials with alcohol. Leave the mixture for 1 month, shaking it daily. Strain the product through several layers of gauze.

How to use: Use tincture 40 drops. 3 times a day. The duration of treatment can be 3 months. Then be sure to take a break for 1 month.

Result: The tincture helps eliminate the main causes of infertility - adhesions, tubal obstruction, inflammation, infections, hormonal disorders, endometriosis.

Decoction for the treatment of endometriosis


  • dry grass - 2 tbsp. l.
  • water – 400 ml.

How to cook: Pour cool water over the chopped herbs. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes. After cooling, strain through a strainer.

How to use: Take the decoction on an empty stomach 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. The duration of treatment is on average 1-3 months.

Result: Endometriosis is based on an excess of estrogen in the 1st phase of the cycle and a deficiency of progesterone in the 2nd phase. Correct intake of the tincture (according to an individual regimen) allows you to restore hormonal levels, reducing the functioning of the ovaries and normalizing estrogen levels. Important! The correct regimen for taking the decoction should be developed by a gynecologist.

Decoction for the treatment of fibroids, fibroids


  • raw materials – 1 tbsp. l.
  • water – 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the herb. Place the mixture in a water bath and simmer for 15 minutes. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Strain the broth.

How to use: Drink 1/3 cup of the decoction three times a day. Continue treatment for 21 days. Then 1 week break. Be sure to adjust your dosage regimen depending on your menstrual cycle.

Result: The formation of fibroids and fibroids is dictated by hormonal imbalance. The decoction gently restores disorders. Sometimes the hog uterus completely eliminates fibroids.

Also used for conception.

What to remember

  1. Ortilia unilateral is a medicinal plant that helps in the fight against gynecological, urological, endocrine, gastrointestinal, nephrological, and general therapeutic diseases.
  2. The plant is considered a potent herb. Therefore, use it strictly as prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Take into account your hormonal levels and get tested for hormones before use.
  4. Take mandatory breaks after 3-4 weeks. For women, the break should coincide with menstruation.
  5. Monitor your well-being.

See you in the next article!

Borovaya uterus (Ortilia unilateral) is a unique plant, since ancient times famous for its ability to help with many diseases, even those that cannot be treated with traditional medicine. The popularity of the inconspicuous-looking herb in Ancient Rus' was explained simply: it was she who helped infertile women find the joy of motherhood, and protected pregnant women from miscarriages and early births. The use of the uterus, the use of which is not limited to gynecology, is not without reason called “the herb against 40 diseases.” Among doctors, even ardent supporters of a conservative approach recommend their patients to take a plant whose secrets were previously available only to select herbalists.

Borovaya uterus: composition and properties of the plant

The use of boron uterus as a means of herbal medicine is due to its rich composition, including various chemical compounds. The main ones are plant hormones - estrogens and progesterones. It is their deficiency or excess in the female body that affects the decrease in the ability to conceive, the development of unfavorable processes (disruptions in the menstrual cycle, ovulation disorders, the appearance of erosions and neoplasms, early menopause). In addition, as part of the boron uterus:

  • hydroquinone;
  • arbutin;
  • coumarins and saponins;
  • vitamin C;
  • minerals (manganese, zinc, copper, titanium, molybdenum);
  • vegetable;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness and resin.

The healing plant has many beneficial properties. The main ones that have found application in medical practice:

  1. Normalization of female hormonal levels, optimization of the function of the uterus and ovaries, increasing the safety of the fetus during pregnancy, reducing signs of toxicosis.
  2. Activation of spermatogenesis, increase in sexual desire in men.
  3. Elimination of the main symptoms of menopause.
  4. Sedative effect, improving sleep quality, eliminating depression and the effects of stress.
  5. Strengthening the heart, blood vessels, preventing cardiac ischemia, reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  6. Antioxidant effect, rejuvenation of the body, prevention of cancer.
  7. Diuretic effect, fight against inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary area.
  8. Stabilization of the endocrine system and bile ducts.
  9. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating dyspeptic symptoms.
  10. Helps in the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, expectorant, sputum thinning effect.
  11. Stimulates mental activity, prevents brain aging.

Thus, “herb for 40 diseases” rightfully bears such a bright name: there are practically no areas in medicine where it is not used.

Where is boron uterus used?

According to reviews, boron uterus is one of the best remedies for the prevention and treatment of female diseases. The plant is especially effective for the treatment of inflammatory gynecological processes - cervicitis, endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, adnexitis, thrush. Often, curing chronic nonspecific inflammation helps to completely improve the function of the female genital organs, which contributes to successful conception.

The hormonal balance, restored with the use of ortilia unilateral, affects the resorption of benign formations of the uterus and ovaries - fibroids, myomas, cysts, adhesions, and also helps to get rid of painful periods, amenorrhea, erosions, which is the first step on the path to motherhood. Pregnant women need boron uterus to prevent the threat of miscarriage, relieve symptoms of toxicosis, and for women during menopause - to smooth out hot flashes, headaches, irritability, and insomnia.

Borovaya uterus is a good herbal remedy for diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. It is often prescribed as a main or concomitant course in the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostate pathologies, and even urinary incontinence. The plant is known as a remedy for hemorrhoids, gallstones, liver and pancreas pathologies. Borovaya uterus is also useful for those suffering from diabetes - the product helps regulate metabolic processes and prevents severe complications of diabetes.

In mammology, ortilia lopsided is a faithful ally of women with formations in the breast (fibromas, fibroadenomas), with mastopathy and cystic disease. You can’t do without ortilia to regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Another area of ​​use of herbal remedies is gastroenterology. Borovaya uterus successfully reduces the manifestations of gastritis, colitis, enteritis, ulcers and erosions of the stomach and duodenum. The plant is also popular among rheumatologists, because it can treat arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. The healing qualities of the boron uterus and infectious diseases of the ENT organs have not been spared: it is simply irreplaceable in the complex therapy of bronchitis, tonsillitis, and otitis.

Borovaya uterus: contraindications

You should not self-prescribe a medicine such as boron uterus. The instructions for the drug do not always indicate that the plant is potent and may have side effects. Since the boron uterus contains phytoestrogens, it is better to visit a gynecologist before your appointment and get tested for the level of this group of hormones in the blood. Some women can take the drug only in the second phase of the cycle, others - from the first day after menstruation.

The boron uterus is also contraindicated for those who take synthetic hormonal drugs. You should not drink infusion, drops or tablets with boron uterus during menstruation, as they can provoke scanty blood discharge due to increased clotting. You will also have to refuse treatment if:

  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • individual intolerance;
  • in childhood.

Recipes with boron uterus

The duration of the course of treatment is individual and should be determined by a doctor. In any case, it does not exceed six months for an adult. Most often, this course is 14-21 days. The best folk recipes from ortilia (leaves, stems, flowers are used):

  1. To treat infertility, drink a spoonful of the plant infusion three times a day (2 weeks every month to six months). The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 10 g of ortilia with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. It is important to take it before meals. With the consent of the doctor, after conception, you can continue to prevent miscarriage and drink boron uterus for another 2-4 months.
  2. For diseases of gynecology, internal organs, joints, it is recommended to take a decoction of boron uterus to normalize blood pressure. 20 gr. raw materials are brewed in 400 ml. water, boil in a water bath for 5 minutes, cool and filter. Drink a spoon four times a day. You can gargle with the same remedy for sore throat and consume it for bronchitis and tracheitis.
  3. For the above purposes, you can take oil tinctures, extracts or pressed tablets from the boron uterus sold in pharmacies orally. In this case, you need to read the instructions and strictly follow the dosage.

Borovaya uterus: reviews

“I took 2 courses - I drank boron uterus and linden. To my surprise, during an examination with a gynecologist, I found out that the erosion had healed. My periods have become a day shorter, my stomach hurts much less, and before I could not do without painkillers. I haven’t had a cold in a year, maybe it’s a coincidence, but it’s a fact.”

“I couldn’t get pregnant for 4 years. It worked with the boron uterus after 5 months of use! I drank half a glass of the broth every day, divided by 2 times. For a month I took a break only during menstruation, as indicated by the doctor. Now I’m already in the 9th month, I didn’t take the drug during pregnancy, I was afraid that the child would become intolerant.”

“I cured endometriosis and got rid of sand in my kidneys. Now I do preventive courses twice a year - 21 days each, I buy a tablet plant, it’s more convenient for me.”

After such reviews, you already begin to take a closer look at the hog queen. But we must understand that the use of such strong drugs must be carried out with the consultation of the attending physician!

Herbal medicine is a generous gift of nature, which carries the power of medicinal herbs that can cure a large number of diseases. Herbal treatment has a milder effect than synthetic drugs, but the effect of some plants can be many times stronger than that of drugs. A large number of medicinal plants are recognized as traditional medicine and are widely produced by pharmaceutical companies in the form of infusions, drops, dry herbal extracts and other forms. Among the large list of medicinal herbs, a fairly popular herb is the boron uterus, which has been used by humanity for decades and is widely used for both medicinal and preventive purposes to treat ailments associated with the female reproductive system.

The hog uterus has several names - “Ortilia one-sided”, “Materinka” and others. This plant is recognized as official medicine and is often used in the production of dietary supplements; it is also available in the form of an alcohol tincture or herbs that have undergone primary processing. Borovaya uterus tincture - instructions for use allow you to get acquainted in more detail with the miracle plant, its properties, indications, contraindications, methods of administration. The boron uterus found its use hundreds of years ago, when ancient healers prepared drinks from this plant for women who could not get pregnant. Currently, the scope of application of this herb is wider, since it is used not only in gynecology, but also in urology and gastroenterology.

Borovaya uterus: properties

In herbal medicine, stems, leaves and flowers of the Borovaya uterus are used. They contain a large amount of useful substances, vitamins, flavonoids, as well as phytohormones, tannins, resins, sapotins and other components, which together have a powerful effect. Due to the unique composition of boron uterus, its use has a pronounced antibacterial, immunostimulating, antitumor and analgesic effect. The beneficial properties of boron uterus are as follows:

  • Stimulates the functioning of the reproductive system.
  • Improves the function of the ovaries, uterus and its appendages.
  • Increases immunity.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance.
  • Reduces the intensity of pain during menstruation.
  • Increases libido in men and women.
  • Improves sperm quality in men.
  • Improves sperm motility.
  • Eliminates the causes of female and male infertility;
  • Prevents the development of tumor-like processes.
  • Improves blood composition.

In addition to the above properties of boron uterus, its intake has a positive effect on the entire body: it reduces the development of allergic reactions, improves sleep, and stimulates mental and physical activity. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the hog uterus is a real panacea, but this is far from the case. This plant can be highly effective in the early stages of the development of almost any disease. In addition, hogweed is a fairly powerful plant that should be taken in accordance with strict dosage and only after consulting a doctor.

Areas of application of boron uterus

Basically, the boron uterus is used in gynecology, but it has also found its application in other areas of medicine: urology, gastroenterology. Also, infusions from boron uterus cope well with diseases of the respiratory tract or musculoskeletal system. Before using boron uterus as a medicine, it is important to pay attention to the fact that this herb has quite a few contraindications and side effects. Herb or infusion of boron uterus is used in the following areas of medicine:

  1. Gynecology. Mother's grass has found its use in the treatment of endometriosis, fibroids, polycystic disease, fibroma, infertility and other diseases. The use of boron uterus during menopause can reduce climatic symptoms and improve a woman’s well-being. Before using the boron uterus in gynecology, a woman must take hormone tests and be examined by a doctor.

  1. Gastroenterology: gastritis, colitis, enteritis, duodenitis, gastric or duodenal ulcer.
  2. Urology: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis.

Decoctions or infusions of boron uterus are used in the treatment of bronchitis, pleurisy, as well as rheumatism, gout and other diseases. In any case, you should take this herb after consulting a doctor, since it is considered a fairly powerful natural remedy and can both cure a large number of diseases and harm your health.

Borovaya uterus with fibroids

The course of treatment for fibroids with Borovaya uterus is quite long, but effective. You can take this herb in the form of a decoction or alcohol infusion orally, and you can also douche to increase the effect. During the period of using the herb, an exacerbation of the disease may develop, but despite the relapse, treatment must be continued.

Recipe No. 1. Douching. For cooking you will need 1 tbsp. spoon of boron uterus, pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 1 - 2 hours. The finished broth should be filtered and used for douching. You need to start the douching procedure after the end of menstruation for 7 days. Then they take a break and apply again after menstruation.

Recipe No. 2. For preparation, you can take either a pharmacy alcohol tincture or prepare it yourself from herbs. To prepare you will need 50 g of grass + 0.5 liters of vodka or 40 degrees alcohol. You need to pour the alcohol into the grass of the boron uterus, close it tightly and leave for 3 weeks in a dark and cool place. After the specified time has expired, the finished tincture should be filtered and taken from the 4th day of the menstrual cycle, 30 drops 1 time per day for 3 weeks.

Most women prefer to take an alcoholic infusion of boron uterus, but one must remember that the alcohol contained in the tincture dilates blood vessels and increases blood pressure, which is not recommended for those women who suffer from pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Borovaya uterus for fibroids is a fairly effective remedy, but it is not recommended to take this remedy without consulting a doctor.

Borovaya uterus with endometriosis

To treat endometriosis, Borovaya uterus can be used alone, or together with the red brush, which is also highly effective in treating this disease. Red brush and hogweed, how to take, you can consult your doctor or use our recipe. Treatment is carried out in 4 stages. At the beginning, each herb must be prepared separately and taken 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon of decoction for 2 weeks. Then they take a break for 1 week, then for 2 weeks they take only a decoction from the boron uterus, then again a break of 7 days and again take a decoction of the red brush for two weeks. To enhance the effect, you can do douching from a decoction of the herb of the hogweed uterus.

Recipe No. 1. You will need half a liter of 40 degree alcohol, pour in 50 grams of herbs, let it sit for 3 weeks and take 20 drops per day. Borovaya uterus for endometriosis is quite effective in the initial stages, but, as in other cases, its use should be carried out after consulting a doctor.

Borovaya uterus for infertility

Many women take an infusion or decoction of boron uterus for infertility, but before starting such treatment, you must know the level of hormones - estradiol and progesterone in the blood. Only then, together with your doctor, can you develop a treatment regimen. In addition, during the period of taking boron uterus, you need to monitor the level of hormones. Drinking a decoction of Borovaya uterus is recommended for those women who have increased estrogen levels. If the hormone levels are normal, then this herbal decoction is taken on time in phase 2. When there is a deficiency of hormones, then taking Borovaya uterus is not recommended.

Taking Borovaya uterus cannot be combined with taking hormonal drugs, since such a complex can lead to the development of side effects. You can prepare decoctions from boron uterus according to the same recipes described above.

Borovaya uterus during menopause allows you to regulate the level of sex hormones. This action reduces the appearance of climatic symptoms, as a result, a woman can better tolerate this period. During menopause, you can take both a decoction and an infusion of boron uterus, you can also buy ready-made drops at the pharmacy and take them 20 drops per glass of water 2 times a day for 1 month.

During premenopause or menopause, when menstruation is present, there is no need to use the infusion. It is important to remember that Borovaya uterus should be used in courses for any gynecological diseases. Usually one course lasts 1 - 2 weeks, then there is a break and 1 week and then take it again. Many doctors in the field of gynecology assure that a woman should drink no more than 200 mil of tincture per year. After each course of treatment, you need to see a doctor and take all the necessary tests. After examining the patient, the doctor will be able to assess the state of health and also tell whether it is necessary to extend treatment with Borovaya uterus.


Borovaya uterus is a unique natural plant that allows you to get rid of a large number of ailments associated with the female genital area, but despite the fact that it is quite effective, there are still several contraindications to its use.

  • poor blood clotting;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactation period;
  • frequent uterine bleeding.
  • taking hormonal drugs.

Everyone wants to find their continuation in children, so every married couple sooner or later comes to the conscious thought that they are ready to become parents. Some lucky people achieve their goal almost immediately, while others take much longer. It is even more offensive for a woman when there are no objective reasons for her infertility, but she still cannot get pregnant. The female half of humanity has faced problems with conception at all times. Today, one can get out of such a difficult situation with the support of modern medicine. And in the distant past, when women had to decide reproductive issues on their own, traditional medicine came to the rescue. Many miraculous recipes have survived to this day and women actively use them in parallel with the treatment methods of official medicine. Today we will talk about the use of boron uterus. Thanks to this plant, the dream of motherhood has become a reality for many.

The scientific name of the hog queen is Ortilia unilateral. The plant has a pronounced effect on the human endocrine system. According to statistics, hormonal problems underlie most cases of infertility. The boron uterus helps to gently “curb” hormones and put a woman’s reproductive system in order. But, in addition to this useful feature, the seemingly ordinary herb also has a number of other valuable properties. Among them we note:

  • absorbent action;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • disinfectant effect;
  • antitumor effect;
  • diuretic effect;
  • immunomodulatory effect;
  • restorative effect.

The flowers, stem and leaves of the plant act as medicinal raw materials. Raw materials are harvested from the beginning of June to the beginning of August or in the last autumn days on the eve of the first snow - the concentration of biologically active components in plant tissues is maximum at this time.

Borovaya uterus for conception. The influence of the chemical composition of the hogweed uterus on its properties

This plant received amazing properties due to its chemical composition. We list the main components and their features:


Phytoestrogen (female hormone) and phytoprogesterone (male hormone) act in a complex manner and provide the uterus with healing power. Phytoprogesterone deficiency in a woman’s body manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • pain during menstruation;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • high risk of miscarriage during pregnancy.

If a woman does not have her own progesterone, she is likely to suffer from infertility. Application of boron uterus:

  • replenishes the deficiency of an essential substance, against this background the synthesis of other hormones is normalized;
  • promotes more reliable strengthening of the fetus in the uterus;
  • reduces the intensity of toxicosis;
  • prevents miscarriage.

Phytoestrogens perform the same functions as female sex hormones, which regulate the reproductive properties of the body and restore order to the hormonal balance in it. Phytoestrogens cope well with the symptoms of menopause, including:

  • tides;
  • insomnia;
  • heavy sweating;
  • nervousness.

Pay attention! As a result of the use of boron uterus, the level of estrogen in the body decreases, therefore, if their concentration is low, it is better to take the plant in the second phase of the cycle.

In general, phytohormones are responsible for the following important processes:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing ischemia;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • prevention of the development of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • activation of the body’s regenerative ability, which leads to rejuvenation of the body;
  • assistance in the fight against infertility, which was caused by disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.


Has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.


A natural antioxidant that has bactericidal and diuretic effects. It is very toxic, therefore it has not been developed as an independent drug.


These substances inhibit blood clotting and are used as antiseptics, astringents and diuretics.

Vitamin C

The beneficial substance has a wide spectrum of action:

  • improves the activity of the central nervous system;
  • improves the body's ability to absorb iron;
  • stimulates the functions of the glands of the endocrine system;
  • improves the process of formation of red blood cells.


They have a disinfectant and bactericidal effect.


They have the property of diluting vaginal secretions, which is of great importance for infertility.

Organic acids

Tartaric and citric acids are excellent antioxidants. In addition, they normalize the activity of the endocrine system and increase immunity.


These low-toxic substances have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.


The juice and tissues of the hog uterus contain titanium, copper, zinc, and manganese. They strengthen the general condition of the body, increase its resistance to diseases and various allergens, and also ensure the normal functioning of the woman’s reproductive system.


They have anti-inflammatory, bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects.

Borovaya uterus for conception. The benefits of boron uterus when planning pregnancy

Possessing a unique composition, boron uterus will help a woman become a mother despite numerous unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant. Here is how the plant affects the reproductive function of the female and male body:

  • helps to increase the functional activity of the uterus and ovaries;
  • ensures the stability of hormonal balance;
  • reduces pain on critical days;
  • strengthens the body's immune forces;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • eliminates inflammation in chronic foci of infection;
  • normalizes the monthly cycle;
  • stimulates sperm motility;
  • helps increase sperm volume without loss of quality;
  • has a significant effect on restoring the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Moreover, boron uterus has an excellent therapeutic effect in the treatment of many gynecological diseases that can cause primary or secondary infertility. Among these pathologies, we note the most common:

  • violation of the monthly cycle;
  • the appearance of neoplasms in the tissue of the mammary glands;
  • cervical erosion;
  • formation of cysts on the ovaries;
  • adnexitis.

How to take boron uterus for conception

Since the plant affects the hormonal balance in the body, before starting treatment you need to take a hormone test. This is necessary so as not to unknowingly harm yourself even more.

If, as a result of a clinical study, it turns out that there is not enough female sex hormone in the body, then you will need to consult a doctor about the possibility of taking Ortilia unilateral. In some cases, with low estrogen levels, such treatment is generally contraindicated, since the uterus can lead to an even greater decrease in the concentration of female sex hormones and, as a result, the problem associated with the inability to conceive will only worsen. And if you do manage to conceive a child, the minimum level of estrogen will most likely lead to a miscarriage.

How to drink boron uterus for conception? First of all, remember that treatment with this plant is carried out only after ovulation, in the second phase of the menstrual cycle (regardless of the level of female sex hormones). Only in this case will the grass contribute to the speedy onset of pregnancy. Under the influence of “folk” treatment, the patency of the fallopian tubes will increase, and local immunity will decrease slightly - this is exactly what sperm need to besiege and conquer an impregnable “fortress”. Moreover, the use of a boron uterus helps to securely attach the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

If you decide to be treated with herbs for infertility, then the herbal tincture of boron uterus should be taken on the 4th – 5th day of the monthly cycle. In case of heavy menstruation, treatment begins a week after their onset. Such a scheme justifies itself if the woman’s hormonal levels are normal and can be described as stable. In case of hormonal imbalance, treatment with boron uterus should be supervised by a doctor.

Pay attention! It is prohibited to take Ortilia unilateral in its pure form or as part of any medications during menstruation! This may result in uterine bleeding. In addition, it is better not to combine the use of boron uterus with hormone therapy.

Tinctures and decoctions of plants with healing powers are taken in courses: treatment is carried out over 2 - 3 month cycles, then they rest for a month or a month and a half. 2 months after the start of therapy, a control test for hormones is taken.

Borovaya uterus for conception: instructions for use

For therapeutic purposes, boron uterus can be used in the form of tincture, decoction and douching solution. Here are several options for preparing boron uterus in different forms to stimulate speedy conception.

Tincture of boron uterus for conception

You will need 2 tbsp. l. herbs and 0.5 liters of vodka or medical alcohol. Fill the raw material with vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place. After 2 weeks, the tincture will be ready for use. You need to take 25 drops of boron uterus at a time to conceive. During the day, take the herbal tincture 3 times a quarter of an hour before meals.

Borovaya uterus decoction for conception

1 tbsp. l. ortilia unilateral pour 150 ml of boiling water and place on low heat for 10 - 15 minutes. The finished product is taken 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Infusion of boron uterus for douching

To prepare a medicinal solution, pour 2 tbsp. l. hogweed uterus 1 tbsp. boiling water After 3 hours, the product will infuse and be ready for use. For douching, use strained liquid at room temperature.

Possible reactions of the body to the boron uterus

Ortilia one-sided is a plant with a wide spectrum of action, which primarily affects the human endocrine system. During treatment with boron uterus, a woman may notice some changes in the functioning of her body. Let us note the most common of them:

  • at the beginning of treatment, sometimes a disturbance in the monthly cycle can be noted: menstruation begins either too early or with a long delay;
  • sometimes the volume of vaginal discharge changes: from scanty to abundant;
  • in some cases, a sharp change in basal body temperature occurs, and the ovulation period shifts. As a rule, after 1 – 2 menstrual cycles everything returns to normal;
  • Taking boron uterus can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases of the genital area. Signs of latent diseases often appear, the presence of which a woman had no idea before.

When some special sensations or symptoms arise during treatment with orthilia unilateralis, this is usually considered normal. A woman needs to carefully monitor her well-being in order to distinguish temporary harmless disorders from serious disorders in time.

Side effects when treated with boron uterus for conception

The instructions for using ortilia one-sided warn that the following undesirable effects may occur when using medications based on this herb:

  • general weakness;
  • nausea;
  • allergy;
  • relapses of indolent diseases;
  • migraine;
  • various manifestations of dyspepsia such as heartburn, belching or bloating;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • liver intoxication (the chemical composition of the hog uterus contains toxic components).

If any side effect occurs, stop using the boron uterus for a while and wait until all the unpleasant sensations go away. Then the treatment is resumed, but they drink less concentrated decoctions and tinctures of boron uterus for conception than before. If side effects appear again, the issue of treatment with herbal medicines should be discussed with your doctor. Perhaps the specialist will recommend the patient another natural remedy to which her body will not react so sharply.

Contraindications to the use of boron uterus for conception

When planning to take boron uterus, pay attention to the list of contraindications specified in the instructions for this herb. There are quite a few reasons why one-sided treatment based on orthilia is not worth it. This can be explained by the fact that this herbal remedy has a potent, broad-spectrum effect.

We list the main prohibitions on taking boron uterus:

  • individual acute reaction to any component of the product;
  • high sensitivity to the action of the boron uterus;
  • gastritis;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes (treatment with boron uterus can cause ectopic pregnancy);
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • cancer;
  • critical days (the uterus will provoke heavy bleeding).

As you can see, Ortilia lopsided is a herb with an ambiguous effect. It can bring you great benefit, but, nevertheless, we must not forget about the side effects and contraindications that this remedy has. To ensure that treatment with boron uterus is effective and positive, take several recommendations:

  1. Before starting treatment, donate blood for hormones. With hormonal imbalance, a big question arises about the use of ortilia, since it can only aggravate your situation.
  2. Alcohol tinctures of herbs, as a rule, are not used as monotherapy. They bring a visible effect if they are taken in parallel with some other herbal remedy. But not every herb is suitable for complex treatment in which ortilia lopsided is present. Seek advice from your doctor - a specialist will prescribe the appropriate medicine for you.
  3. Before treatment, carefully read the list of contraindications and side effects, study the chemical composition of boron uterus, as well as the composition of the drug in which boron uterus can be presented as one of the components. If nothing causes you doubt, proceed to treatment.

If you use the experience of traditional medicine wisely, you can undoubtedly achieve success. However, do not forget that frivolous use of some herbal remedies can lead to disaster. Listen to nature, with the support of competent specialists, and then you will certainly get the effect you were counting on.

Use of boron uterus. Video

Borovaya uterus (the official medical name is “ortilia lopsided”) is a plant that has gained popularity due to its irreplaceable medicinal properties. Its scope of application covers mainly various gynecological diseases. Thanks to the boron uterus, many people have cured their ailments without resorting to more serious measures. Let's find out what kind of plant this is and in what cases it can help improve health.

Botanical characteristics

Borovaya uterus is an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the Heather family.

The roots of the plant are long, thin, twisting, with pale scales. The trunk of the plant is medium in height, the color varies: from light green to brown. The leaves are green or light brown in color, located on long petioles. The shape of the leaves is oval, with a pointed tip. There are small teeth along the edges of the leaves. The inflorescence is in the form of a small brush. The corollas of the flowers are usually greenish-white.

The plant blooms in July; the flowers do not have a distinct scent. The fruit is a small round multi-seeded capsule that ripens by the end of August.

Did you know? Among the people, the hogweed was also called the herb for forty diseases.


Ortilia lopsided is distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. The area of ​​its natural growth extends from the Far East to the borders of Western Europe. This plant can also be seen in some Asian countries and the American continent. It prefers sandy soils and grows both in forest belts and in open areas.

Chemical composition

To understand why the effectiveness of ortilia is one-sided is recognized by official medicine, it is enough to find out what substances it contains:

  • plant hormones - estrogen and progesterone;
  • glycosides;
  • tartaric and citric acids;
  • coumarins;
  • flavonoids;
  • arbutin;
  • saponins;
  • hydroquinone;
  • resins;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins and microelements.

Each component of this medicinal herb has its own individual effect on a person, and when it all comes together, the positive effect increases significantly.

Medicinal properties

Due to the fact that boron uterus contains phytohormones, it is used to treat such an unpleasant ailment as infertility in women and men. The female sex takes it to get rid of premenstrual syndrome, periodic pain, and stabilize their emotional state. This herb is useful for both pregnant women and those who are just about to become mothers, since taking it increases the level of progesterone, and this increases the chances of getting pregnant, carrying the baby well without the threat of miscarriage, and also reduces the manifestation of toxicosis. Phytoprogesterone helps remove tumors of the genital organs.

The benefits for men also cannot be ignored, because this herb improves the production and quality of sperm, and also increases the chances of sperm for fertilization. It is also used for a number of other male diseases.
This herb is also useful for older people, because it normalizes sleep, strengthens blood vessels, stabilizes blood pressure and thins the blood.

Ortilia is used not only to treat the reproductive system, but also for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. All this is thanks, first of all, to arbutin, which relieves inflammation in the urinary tract and has a bactericidal effect. The complex of other substances in the composition gave this plant the ability to relieve spasms and stimulate the immune system.

Important! Moderation is good in everything, and this also applies to the use of medicines containing boron uterus. If taken for a long time, coumarins accumulate, which leads to the development of bleeding. Therefore, taking such medications is possible only after a mandatory discussion with a doctor!

Use in folk medicine

In addition to treating gynecological problems, ortilia is used by traditional healers to cure many other ailments.

For men

Treatment of various male genital diseases often involves the use of hormonal medications. But they often have not the most pleasant effects, and choosing the right drug is not an easy task even for an experienced specialist. That is why men often turn to traditional medicine for help, where they find a replacement for chemical drugs.
Taking infusions and decoctions from the boron uterus will have a gentle effect on the male body and will not lead to a disruption in the natural balance of hormones.

This plant has long been used in folk remedies to treat the following diseases:

  • prostate hyperplasia;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostatitis;
  • infertility;
  • urinary tract diseases.
Also, products from this herb improve liver function, stabilize the nervous system, increase libido and potency, eliminate inflammation and help quickly recover after intense physical exertion. Infusions (water or alcohol) are most often used, while oil tinctures and ointments are rare.

For women

Ortilia lopsided is used by traditional healers mainly to treat female problems related to the sexual sphere. In addition, medicines made from this herb are also suitable for mature women. The phytohormones of this plant help stabilize hormonal levels, which means the symptoms of menopause, which include restless sleep, mood swings, increased blood pressure, and others, decrease or disappear altogether.
There are also problems of a different nature that can be perfectly treated with the boron uterus:

  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys and bladder;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • ear inflammation in the acute stage.

In gynecology

The range of gynecological ailments that Ortilia lopsided cures is very extensive. These include various inflammations, uterine bleeding, toxicosis in pregnant women, as well as cervical erosion and menstrual irregularities. And for endometriosis, the boron uterus is especially effective. Typically, traditional methods of treatment involve the use of water or alcohol infusion, as well as decoction. These liquids can not only be consumed orally, but can also be successfully used for douching for the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • oophoritis;
  • fibroids;
  • adhesions in the pelvis;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • mastopathy;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome, which often leads to infertility.

For conception: to get pregnant

Even in ancient times, women noted that the hog uterus helps to conceive a child and bear it without much difficulty.

However, in this case, they usually resort to the help of another herb called sage.

The regimen for taking these two herbs for successful conception of a child looks like this:

  1. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle before ovulation, you need to drink sage, which, according to experienced herbalists, can increase estrogen levels.
  2. But starting from the second phase of the cycle, after ovulation, one-sided ortilia should be used. It improves the patency of the fallopian tubes, suppresses the immune system, which promotes sperm rejection, and also helps the egg to gain a foothold in the uterine cavity.

As for the further use of these herbs, when a long-awaited pregnancy occurs, this should be stopped, as they can have a bad effect on the embryo. But, perhaps, the doctor will later prescribe additional intake of some herbs - for example, the same boar's uterus - for a better progress of pregnancy. However, this can all be decided exclusively with a specialist; self-medication here is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for the unborn child!

Indications for use

A large number of ailments are treated with boron uterus, and we have already mentioned many of them. But for convenience, it is better to write out the list of indications separately.
So, treatment with drugs containing ortilia unilateral is possible in the following cases:

  • female and male infertility, which arose as a result of an inflammatory process or hormonal imbalance;
  • mastopathy;
  • endometriosis;
  • adnexitis;
  • amenorrhea;
  • fibroids;
  • cycle disorders;
  • adhesions in the pelvis (at the initial stage);
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.
Besides this, This herb is used for menopause in mature women.

In addition to a wide list of diseases that mainly relate to the field of gynecology, unilateral ortilia can be indicated in other cases, namely:

  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • enuresis;
  • gastritis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands, pancreas and thyroid glands;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • gout.
And the anticoagulants that this medicinal herb contains will help with ischemia, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Diuretic compounds will help the body cope with urinary tract problems.

The boron uterus has several other useful properties that can be used in certain cases. These include:

  • calming effect;
  • improving the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems;
  • mucolytic effect.

Did you know? In the language of our ancestors, “hog queen” meant “forest mother.”

Possible harm

It must be borne in mind that Ortilia unilateral contains compounds that can affect the human body both positively and negatively.

That's why Possible side effects:

  • severe headache;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the genitals;
  • liver damage.

As we can see, the consequences are quite serious. To avoid them, it is necessary to discuss taking the herb with a specialist.


If you have certain diseases, a person should not take products containing this herb at all. These include:

  • stomach ulcers;
  • liver failure;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • tumors of the genital organs.
Regarding use for a disease such as uterine fibroids, opinions differ. Many patients note that it helped them, while some, on the contrary, claim that it only got worse. The human body is unique, so remember that just because it worked for someone else, it won't necessarily work for you.

This plant is also contraindicated:

  • children whose age does not exceed 14 years;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people taking hormonal medications;
  • people with individual intolerance;
  • women during menstruation.

Collection, preparation and storage of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, only the aboveground part of the plant, that is, leaves, stems and flowers, is used. Raw materials are collected either during the flowering period, which is mid-summer, or in late autumn. Before winter, the plant accumulates maximum healing power, and therefore acquires maximum value.

It should be borne in mind that parts of the plant that are wet from rain or snow cannot be dried well; they can only be used immediately. If you want to prepare high-quality raw materials, then you need to collect them in dry weather.

Important! Harvest grass in ecologically clean areas that are far from industrial zones and highways.

It is necessary to dry the grass in the open air, spreading it out in a thin layer, but only naturally. The presence of the sun or other additional heat is contraindicated, because in this case the valuable substances will lose their properties.

It is necessary to store medicinal raw materials in containers that allow enough air to pass through. Cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, or fabric or paper bags may be suitable for this. In the room where you will store your dry herb, it is important to maintain low humidity and good ventilation. If you follow all these measures, the harvested plant will retain all its properties for another whole year.

Preparation instructions: how to take

Now let's look at how to prepare and how to drink tincture, decoction and infusion correctly.

Tincture: how to drink

To prepare the tincture, you will need vodka and dry raw materials. Mix 50 g of dry herb and half a liter of vodka and leave to infuse for a month. After this, the finished product must be filtered, after which you can begin taking it.

It is recommended to take 15-30 drops three times a day about an hour before meals. The duration of the course depends on the specific situation and can last several weeks or several months.
The tincture is recommended for:

  • fibromas;
  • inflammation in the fallopian tubes;
  • adhesive process in the pelvis;
  • infertility;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • urinary incontinence.

Decoction: how to brew

To decoct 20 g of dry raw materials, add 400 ml of water. Then place the container in a water bath for about 5 minutes. When the broth is brewed, you need to strain it through cheesecloth.

It is recommended to take for inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system, respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract in the following dosage: one tbsp. l. 4 times a day. For respiratory diseases, it is recommended to rinse.

Infusion: how to infuse

For this drink, 10 g of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water. After 60 minutes, the infusion will be ready for use. You need to drink it 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after meals.

This infusion is used mainly for infertility. If the treatment was successful and pregnancy occurred, the medication should be stopped immediately.
Now you are aware of both the healing properties of the hogweed and the necessary precautions. Medicinal plants are a gift given to us by nature itself, but this gift must be used correctly and wisely. We wish you good health and long life!

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