Medicinal properties of common oak. Using the healing properties of oak

Oak(Quércus róbur) - this well-known, very hardy and powerful deciduous tree with a dense crown has other names - pedunculate oak, nelin, English oak, stezhar. It grows in deciduous and mixed forests, preferably on moist soils.

From a medical point of view, oak is interesting because of the bark of young branches that have not yet become covered with cork (up to six centimeters), young leaves and branches. Old bark contains less tannins and is not as effective.

Harvesting bark and young branches occurs during sap flow, and leaves after their formation, until the fifteenth of May.

Drying of bark and young branches with leaves occurs in the shade, while the branches should be suspended in small bundles. Raw materials are stored in a dry room in paper and canvas bags or boxes. The bark can be stored for up to five years, but one should not forget that over time the amount of healing substances in it decreases. Leaves are stored for no more than a year.

The benefits of common oak in medicine

Oak bark is especially used and valued in medicine, mostly shiny and young, it contains a lot of catechin -. Other components are of lesser value. It is used mainly externally, but also for douching and enemas. Less commonly, it also finds internal use in the form of decoctions, infusions, and tea.

Oak bark and leaves exhibit astringent, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and soothing effects.

The healing properties of common oak infusion are used for:

  • stomach diseases,
  • gastritis,
  • diarrhea,
  • inflammation of the intestines,
  • colic,
  • ulcerative colitis,
  • gastrointestinal bleeding,
  • diseases of the liver and spleen.

A warm infusion of the bark promotes digestion.

Oak bark infusion

A strong infusion is prepared at the rate of a teaspoon of crushed bark per glass of boiling water. Next, you should infuse for an hour and you can use this infusion to make enemas for ulcerative colitis, dysentery, and hemorrhoids.

A decoction of the leaves and bark of common oak in a ratio of ten to one is taken for:

  • frequent urination in small doses,
  • bloody urine,
  • for kidney diseases and kidney bleeding,
  • inflammation of the urinary tract.

Using the healing properties of oak

An infusion of oak leaves is effective for bedwetting. Externally, decoctions are used for inflammatory processes on the oral mucosa in the form of rinses. This also helps with inflammation of the tongue, for applying lotions for bedsores and baths for frostbite of the hands and feet, wounds, burns, eczema, skin inflammation, scrofula.

For weeping eczema, you need mixed lotions made from a decoction of a mixture of pine and oak bark.

To eradicate sweating feet, wash them in a decoction of bark, prepared at the rate of two tablespoons per glass of water, boiled for two minutes. In this case, it is useful to put crushed bark in your socks for the day. The medicinal properties of common oak allow it to be made from a decoction and a bath.

Strong decoction of oak bark good for lotions for varicose veins and boils on the neck.

Baths made from oak bark decoction have a strengthening effect on the body, improving blood circulation. In combination with other remedies, a decoction of oak bark also treats goiter. At the same time, lotions are applied to the goiter tumor.

Infusion of bark and leaves used both internally and for douching for gynecological diseases such as:

  • pain during menstruation,
  • uterine bleeding,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • inflammation of the female genital organs.

In addition, douching, baths and tampons from the infusion are effective for cervical erosion.

Oak bark quite often it is a component of gargling mixtures.

Recipe for making a decoction of common oak

To prepare a decoction for external use, take a tablespoon of mixed raw materials (leaves and bark) and place it in a glass of water, boil for up to three minutes and filter.

For making oak tea a teaspoon of bark is brewed with two glasses of boiling water, left for two hours in a warm place, removed from the sediment before use, and consumed half a glass three times a day before meals. Drinking more than two glasses of tea per day is not recommended.

Traditional coffee is made from acorns, for which the acorns are peeled and cut into large fragments, which are fried until browned. After cooling, they can be ground into powder and brewed like coffee. This remedy is used as a food supplement, and is given to children for diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Helps oak bark decoction, which is mixed with vodka. Pour a tablespoon of bark into a glass of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, the broth is filtered and vodka is added to it in the proportion of one part of the broth and two parts of vodka. This lotion should be used on your face.

When using oak preparations, dosages should not be exceeded, since these are mainly tannins that can cause vomiting. Children should not take the decoction or infusion orally.

Now I rarely go to the oak grove; I don’t have time. But this fall
We decided to go for acorns and see some forgotten places. The oak trees may have been happy, but we were upset: about three years ago there was a hurricane here, many old

trees fell, and some were washed away by the fast, cold Linda River.

The heroes don't give up!

Common oak: description

In general, the common oak is a very powerful tree, reaching a height of 40 meters and two meters in diameter. A place where many oak trees grow is called a very beautiful oak grove. The Latin name comes from two Celtic words, quer and cyer, meaning beautiful tree. The Slavs, ancient Greeks, and Romans considered the oak to be a sacred, useful tree; they composed legends, songs, omens, and sayings about it.

Hold on to the oak tree: the oak tree goes deep into the ground.

Not this wheat before the oak leaf.

Oak, photo of tree:

In our north of the Nizhny Novgorod region, common oak is very rare; there are more and more coniferous forests here. It’s all the more interesting to watch the mighty oaks and small oak trees. The life of an oak tree is long, more than a thousand years. What did he see, what did he hear, what did he feel while he was alive? What animals and people lived with him 500 years ago? What kind of frost did it withstand 100 years ago, what kind of fish were there in the fast Linda River?

In the spring, the oak blooms its leaves later than other trees - it is afraid of freezing.

When the leaves just appear, unisexual inflorescences emerge from their axils simultaneously on the same tree. men's earrings, like those of a hazel tree, or women's, so inconspicuous that they can be overlooked. But it is from them that acorns grow by autumn, hanging one, two or three at a time. It is also interesting that oak trees begin to bloom at about 20 years of age.

In addition to the fact that oak is a long-liver, very tenacious. If a tree is cut down, strong shoots will appear on the stump from dormant buds. These dormant buds can lie dormant for decades, only blooming due to extreme stress. There are such buds on the branches. If for some reason the oak leaves fall off or are eaten. then new leaves will grow from the buds!

Why is it useful?

Another feature of oak: the wood from the center of the trunk to the periphery is impregnated with a preservative substance produced by the tree itself and protects it from rotting. That is why oak wood was widely used for shipbuilding. Barrels for wine, pickles, furniture, and house foundations were and are made from it.

In Russia, oak bark was used in huge quantities for tanning leather, which was aged in the bark, acquiring a brown-red color.

For medical purposes, the bark of branches and young trunks of common oak is used. It is collected at the beginning of sap flow, that is, in spring and early summer. Bark is allowed to be collected from trunks during sanitary logging. Air dry it in the shade. The bark and leaves contain tannin components, coumarins, pectins, steroids, and the flavonoid quercetin. Acorns contain a lot of starch and tannins.

Tannins have anti-inflammatory, astringent, antimicrobial effects.

An oak leaf can be applied to a wound or burn to prevent inflammation. The bark has the same properties. Its decoctions are useful for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, in the treatment of enterocolitis, bladder, liver, hemorrhoids (for hemorrhoids only externally).

To prepare the decoction, take two tablespoons of bark and pour a glass of boiling water. Simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Gargle more often. For diarrhea, drink half a glass twice a day.

For bedsores and eczema, take not a glass, but two glasses of boiling water for the decoction. Lotions are made from the decoction for two weeks.

Contraindications: tendency to constipation.

They say that people began to use acorn flour earlier than wheat. Acorns contain the poisonous compound quercetin. it is dangerous for humans, but not for animals. Acorn flour is used in confectionery. The acorns are first soaked and then fried, which destroys the quercetin. This way you can get a “coffee” drink that is useful for anemia.

We'll try it this year.

Oak is a mighty tree of the beech family, reaching a height of 30 meters or more. It is characterized by a high life expectancy - up to 500 years, and this is far from the age limit. According to some sources, the Stelmuk oak, which comfortably “lives” in Lithuania, is more than two thousand years old.

The oak crown, consisting of leathery leaves, is spreading, powerful, and has an ovoid or cylindrical shape. The tree bark is smooth, with a characteristic gray tint; however, over the years it becomes rougher, darkens and acquires typical cracking. Oak shoots are brown or red-brown, the buds are shaped like an inverted egg.

The oak begins to bloom half a century after its birth. As a rule, this happens in the spring – from April to May. The fruits - single-nest acorns - ripen in the first half of autumn. Oak is a light-loving plant that constantly reaches for the light, changing its direction depending on the lighting. This is why some oak trees have bizarrely twisted curves.

Oak - types and places of growth

In the world flora, the genus includes about 600 species. The natural habitats of the evergreen tree have become areas of the Northern Hemisphere. To survive, oak requires a temperate or warm climate, so oak does not grow in some countries. You will also not find a single copy in South America, Australia and Africa, with the exception of the Mediterranean strip.

In Russia, two types of oak are most often found: pedunculate oak (common) and sessile oak. The first is distributed throughout almost the entire territory, the second - mainly in the western part. Both species make up the main composition of Russian oak forests, the number of which is steadily decreasing every year.

Oak - medicinal properties

The bark and leaves of pedunculate oak are widely used in folk medicine and homeopathy. They have anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic, sedative and anthelmintic effects. Decoctions and tinctures are used for gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea, colic, colitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcers, bleeding, varicose veins, liver and spleen diseases.

Oak bark is also used as a remedy for hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence, eczema (made as lotions), frostbite (in the form of baths), burns, scrofula, and bleeding gums. You can’t do without it if you have bad breath or excessive sweating of your feet. And baths with the addition of oak extract improve blood circulation, give good health, strengthen the immune system and the body as a whole.

Oak – dosage forms

Young oak bark is used as a healing raw material, since old oak bark loses its strength due to a decrease in the concentration of tannins over the years. Less commonly used are leaves that are collected before mid-May. Young branches and bark are harvested during the period of sap flow.

The raw materials are dried under a canopy in the shade, and the young branches are dried in small hanging piles. The best preservation of finished ingredients is provided by paper-cardboard or wooden containers. The shelf life of oak bark is five years, dry leaves – up to 1 year.

Oak - recipes

The bark is used both internally in the form of decoctions, infusions, tea, enemas, douching, and externally - in the form of lotions, poultices and rinses.

A strong decoction for external use: a tablespoon of fresh or dry raw materials (leaves and bark in equal proportions) is added to 200 ml of boiling water, boiled for 1-3 minutes. Next, the broth needs to be cooled and strained.

For internal use (universal): pour 200 ml of water into an enamel bowl, add 20 g of dry bark extract, close the lid and process the contents in a water bath for half an hour, not forgetting to stir frequently. Then cool, squeeze, dilute the broth with boiled water to obtain a volume of 200 ml. Drink half a glass two times a day. per day.

Strengthening tea: a teaspoon of crushed leaves (or 3-4 whole leaves) is poured into 400-500 g. boiling water, leave for a couple of hours and distribute the tea into 3-8 doses per day.

Tincture to eliminate acne: a universal decoction of oak bark is mixed with vodka (in a ratio of 1:2, for example, 20 ml of decoction and 40 g of vodka). The resulting lotion is used to wipe the face and other problem areas.

Oak - contraindications

- children's age (up to 12 years);
— individual intolerance;
- thrombosis;
- persistent constipation.

Overdose should not be allowed, since tannins, if used inappropriately, cause vomiting, bloating, colic and other gastrointestinal problems.

Oak is a very complex tree, but for some reason it is always associated with longevity, villa and eternity. Many are also amazed at the lifespan of the tree itself, because an oak tree can grow for about half a century, and besides, it has a special aura that often attracts people to lean against the crown and stand there.

Oak is a powerful and majestic tree that blooms only in the first 40 years of its life. Its growth in height continues for 150 years, but its thickness increases until it dies.

The healing properties of oak have been known since ancient times; its use has proven effective in treatment. But we should not forget that there are also contraindications to the use of oak and its medicinal properties, and it is better to learn about them before therapy is started.

Oak tree - medicinal properties

In ancient times, oak was used by many healers to treat one or another disease. The healing properties of oak are currently used not only by healers, but also by doctors in medical institutions. Most often, oak extract is used, but other equally useful drugs can be prepared from it. Oak bark does an excellent job of treating throat diseases. Oak bark also copes well with burns, profuse sweating, and diarrhea. In addition, its medicinal properties effectively cope with pathologies of the female genital organs.

The healing properties of oak are due to the fact that the composition contains a huge amount of tannins, which, when interacting with proteins, remove irritation on tissues, thus creating a kind of protective barrier. It also contains other components that are therapeutic for the human body: starch, pectins and flavonoids with an actively expressed antioxidant effect. It is also worth mentioning other useful components of oak bark: phlobaphenes, beneficial acids, easily digestible proteins, catechins, starch and a large number of others.

Thanks to the healing properties of oak bark, it copes well with such problems in the human body.

  • for dysentery, taken orally as an excellent means for binding microbes, in case of improper digestion, bleeding from hemorrhoids;
  • gargle and treat the mouth and larynx for stomatitis, sore throat and if there is bad breath;
  • in the form of compresses for inflammation of the skin, burns and long-term non-healing wounds;
  • baths are excellent for coping with profuse sweating in the lower extremities;
  • oak bark even copes with pathologies of the female reproductive system;
  • helps restore hair growth.

Application of oak in various areas

As already mentioned, the effectiveness of oak has been proven more than once; its medicinal properties are used for therapeutic purposes for various types of pathologies, but in each individual case you need to know exactly how to make a decoction correctly.

Infusion for diarrhea Based on the medicinal properties of oak, it is prepared in this way: a spoonful of bark is poured with 250 ml of boiling water. The infusion should stand for an hour, take carefully, no more than a tablespoon at a time, the decoction should be enough for a day.

Alcohol tincture prepared according to this recipe: pour 10 g of oak with 400 ml of 40% vodka and leave for a week. Take a tincture based on the properties of oak, 1 spoon twice a day.

A decoction of oak bark for treating gums is prepared according to the recipe below.

Recipe decoction based on the medicinal properties of oak: pour 75 g of oak with a glass of water, after which the broth will need to be steamed for about half an hour. Thus, by preparing a decoction, you can preserve all the beneficial properties of this medicinal tree. After preparation, the broth is filtered, the grounds are squeezed out through cheesecloth and water is added so that the resulting broth is 300 ml. The shelf life of the decoction is no more than two days, and rinsing procedures must be carried out every two hours. This decoction is effective not only for gum disease, but also for stomatitis.

Hair treatment with oak bark

To restore strength and beauty to hair that has lost its attractiveness due to illness or the harmful effects of the environment, you can prepare such a decoction, the main component in it is oak and its medicinal properties.

And the method is actually very simple - rinse your washed hair. This method will not only restore beauty to your hair, but also prevent dandruff from appearing. In addition, oak is often added to hair care masks, balms and conditioners.

Use of oak for excessive sweating

A lot of people know what it is like when your feet sweat. Such people often feel uncomfortable in the company of friends, they often refuse to go out to visit, because taking off their shoes is a big problem for them - there is a strong smell from sweaty feet. But the problem can be solved by keeping your feet in water with oak decoction, which has many medicinal properties. You can prepare a medicinal potion like this: mix 50 grams of oak with water in the amount of a liter. Cool to room temperature and you can take baths for 20 minutes. Carry out the procedures for 10 days and you will be able to forget that your feet sweated profusely and caused discomfort.

The use of the medicinal properties of oak in childhood

It is worth remembering that children under two years of age should not take oak bark in any form. But for older children, it is better to take oak and medications based on its medicinal properties only after you have agreed on this issue with your doctor. It is recommended to treat the throat with stomatitis with a decoction.

There is also a recipe for bathing babies; it removes heat rash, which often affects newborns, but this recipe is best used only after the doctor gives permission. But it is worth remembering about contraindications to the use of oak, and they exist, even despite all its unique abilities.

Contraindications for the use of oak

It is worth remembering that decoctions and infusions of dry oak bark cannot be used for a long time; the course of therapy generally lasts about two weeks, no more. If oak is recommended for the treatment of serious pathologies, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.

You also need to remember that if you rinse your mouth with oak too often, you may end up temporarily losing your sense of smell, and an overdose of the decoction can cause a gag reflex. In rare cases, allergic manifestations occur.

Women carrying babies need to take with extreme caution all medications that contain oak and its medicinal properties; very often gynecologists recommend using a decoction in the treatment of candidiasis, which often bothers a pregnant woman.

The healing properties of Oak: video

Among the hardwoods, oak has been used for medicinal purposes for many centuries. Oak bark is officially included in the list of medicines in many countries as an astringent and antiseptic, including ours. Oak bark decoction is known to many as an excellent remedy against diarrhea. But not only for the treatment of this disease, it has found application in official and folk medicine. Preparations from the bark of this mighty tree are used to treat other diseases. Which ones? Read about the beneficial and medicinal properties of oak bark in this article.

Oak belongs to the beech genus, which has about 600 species of plants. Oak grows in the Northern Hemisphere with a temperate climate. Its various varieties are distributed throughout the globe, with the exception of countries that are located below the equator.

On our territory, mainly only one species of this plant is found - pedunculate oak. In the Far East and Amur region you can find Mongolian oak and serrated oak. In the Caucasus - sessile oak.

Unfortunately, in recent years there are fewer and fewer oak groves every year. Meanwhile, it is not only a valuable medicinal plant, but one of the most durable building materials for furniture production. Musical instruments are also made from it.

Acorns are used to produce acorn coffee. During the war they were mixed into flour when baking bread.

Useful properties of oak bark

Oak bark is a valuable medicinal raw material. Sometimes the leaves of the plant are used in folk medicine. The active components of oak bark are tannins (phlobatanin, ellagitannin, galic acid) and quercetin. It is the tannin content that gives the bark tanning properties and plays an important role in binding tissue proteins, strengthening them and making them impermeable to bacterial infections and invasions. These properties are especially important for the stomach and digestive system, and for skin health.

Quercetin is used to strengthen capillaries and veins.

Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc are also present in oak bark.

Oak, or rather its bark, is considered one of the best astringents, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and tightens tissue. This property makes it an ideal remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids, diarrhea, and varicose veins.

The bark has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Other beneficial properties of oak bark include:






It is used for skin wounds, bee stings, burns, diarrhea, fever, nosebleeds, bronchitis, varicose veins.

The bark helps strengthen the gums. It is used externally as poultices and washes, internally, in the form of enemas and baths.

When used internally, decoction and tea from oak bark normalizes the functioning of the liver, spleen and kidneys, and helps with tumors and edema.

Medicinal properties of oak bark

In folk medicine, oak bark, as well as its leaves and acorn calyxes, have long been used in the treatment of diseases. Currently, oak bark is officially recognized in the treatment of certain diseases, mainly due to its astringent properties. Its preparations have a slightly tonic effect on the body.

Decoctions and extracts from oak bark are used to treat:

Intestinal diseases (mainly as an astringent and hemostatic agent);

Bacterial and viral infections (for baths and rinses);

Diarrhea, chronic mucous discharge, passive hemorrhages;

Some skin diseases;

Scrofula (in the form of acorn coffee);

Gingivitis and periodontal disease;

Gynecological diseases;

Varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

Oak bark has found even wider use in folk medicine. Traditionally, oak bark decoction was used in the treatment of:


Runny nose and sinusitis;


Intestinal bleeding;

Skin diseases;

Childhood diathesis;

Bladder infections;

Stomatitis, strengthening bleeding gums;

Liver diseases;


A poultice made from wheat flour with powdered oak bark helps draw out splinters. Oak bark decoction is one of the best ways to reduce or get rid of sweating feet.

Watch a video about the healing properties of oak bark

Application of oak bark

Oak bark is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, and tinctures. They make an ointment with it. The drugs can be used orally and topically in the form of lotions and poultices, baths and baths.

Oak bark decoction

To prepare the decoction, pour one tablespoon of crushed oak bark into 2 cups of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for an hour. Add the strained broth with boiled water to the original volume.

Oak bark infusion

To prepare the infusion, pour a teaspoon of crushed bark into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour, wrapped in a towel. Then strain and use for treatment.

You can prepare a stronger infusion by taking a tablespoon of crushed bark and a glass of boiling water.

Oak bark tincture

To prepare an alcohol tincture, take a teaspoon of crushed bark and pour 400 ml of vodka. Close the bottle with a cork and put it in a dark place for a week. Shake the container periodically. After infusion, strain and store in a cool place in a tightly closed dark glass container.

Ointment with oak bark

To prepare the ointment, grind oak bark into powder. Take 2 parts bark and 7 parts homemade butter. Mix well and leave in the room for 12 hours. Then place the container in a water bath for half an hour. Strain and pour into a jar with a lid. Keep refrigerated.

The ointment can be prepared with pork fat.

Ointment for bedsores

Prepare a strong decoction. To do this, pour 30 grams of crushed oak bark into a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat until the volume is halved.

Strain through 2-3 layers of gauze.

Take 120 grams of zinc pharmaceutical ointment and mix well. Store in the refrigerator in a tightly sealed jar.

Before use, soak clean sterile wipes with this ointment and apply to the affected area 5 times a day.

For information on the use of oak bark and how to prepare medicinal preparations, watch the video

What does oak bark help with?

In folk medicine, oak bark is used to treat many ailments.

Oak bark for diarrhea

For diarrhea, a decoction of oak bark is used. The decoction is prepared stronger than indicated in the recipe above and used throughout the day. Take a tablespoon of bark per glass of boiling water. Next, insist and strain.

Take one or two teaspoons several times a day. Use by children only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Also, to treat diarrhea, you can drink an alcohol tincture of oak bark, 20 drops, on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. Treatment of children with this tincture is prohibited.

Oak bark for oral diseases

Oak bark is taken for gingivitis, periodontal disease, and stomatitis. Rinsing with a decoction of oak bark reduces bleeding gums and strengthens them, relieves inflammation.

To rinse the mouth, prepare a stronger decoction of three tablespoons of oak bark per glass of boiling water. Boil the broth in a water bath or low heat for another 25 minutes.

Strain the resulting broth and add so that its volume is 300 ml. Rinse your mouth at least 8 times a day. Store the prepared broth for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.

Oak bark for sore throat

To reduce pain and inflammation with a sore throat, it is useful to gargle with a decoction of oak bark. Prepare a decoction according to the basic recipe given above, i.e. from 1 teaspoon and a glass of water.

You need to gargle at least three or four times a day.

Oak bark in gynecology

The use of oak bark for the treatment of gynecological diseases is due to its anti-inflammatory, astringent and antiseptic properties. In gynecology, preparations from oak bark are used in the form of douches, baths and orally in the treatment of:


Cervical erosions;

Uterine prolapse;



To treat thrush, use a decoction prepared from 20 grams of bark and a glass of boiling water. Then the liquid must be boiled for 30 minutes over low heat and strained.

Dilute the strained broth with boiled water, bringing it to 1 liter.

Use the decoction for douching during pregnancy or orally only after consulting a gynecologist.

A weaker infusion of the bark, prepared from 1 teaspoon of bark and a glass of boiling water, can be drunk during heavy periods.

Oak bark for skin diseases

A decoction of oak bark is good for various skin diseases, including acne, reducing and relieving inflammation. Its antiseptic and astringent properties help wounds heal faster, accelerating their healing.

In this case, preparations from oak bark are used in the form of lotions, compresses, washing or rubbing. They can be used for eczema, fungal skin infections, acne, pimples and more.

For acne and oily, porous skin, it is useful to wipe your face with an alcohol tincture diluted with water.

To prepare a decoction for treating skin lesions, brew 2 tablespoons of bark in 250 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Strain and use to treat the affected skin area.

Oak bark for sweaty feet and hands

Oak bark is one of the best natural home remedies for excessive sweating of hands and feet. To solve such problems, baths with bark decoction are used. To prepare it, pour 50 grams of bark into 1 liter of hot water and boil for 5 minutes at low boil. Leave to cool slightly and strain.

Before using the bath, wash your feet or hands well with soap and dry. Pour the broth into a bowl and keep your feet or hands in it for 15-20 minutes.

Do baths for at least 10 days daily.

Oak bark for hair

Using oak bark for hair care is an ancient, proven remedy. It will help you get rid of:

From excessive oiliness and greasiness of hair;

Prevent hair loss and strengthen hair follicles;

For seborrhea and dandruff.

Oak bark preparations can be used in the form of masks or rinsing hair after washing your hair.

To strengthen hair follicles, masks are made from bark pulp.

For such a mask you will need mint, plantain, dandelion leaves and oak bark. All components, taken in equal proportions, must be crushed and burdock oil added to obtain a paste-like mass. Heat it in a water bath and apply it warm to your hair, evenly distributing it over the entire length.

Put on a hat and wrap your head with a terry towel. Leave for 30 minutes and then rinse by washing your hair as usual.

After such a mask, it is useful to rinse your hair with a decoction of oak bark, which will help remove fat and greasiness from your hair.

You can't make this mask for blondes, because... oak colors hair. To get a lasting result, you need to make at least 10 masks.

Oak bark for treating children

Oak bark can be used to treat children, be it diarrhea or diathesis, only after consultation with a pediatrician. Small children under 2 years of age are generally prohibited from using preparations containing oak bark.

When to collect oak bark

The most powerful healing properties are found in oak bark collected from young branches in early spring, when the leaves have not yet blossomed. You can collect the bark after the leaves have fallen from young branches with a diameter of no more than 2-3 centimeters.

The bark is cut along the branch and gradually separated. Grind and dry in a well-ventilated area.

The dried bark is stored in paper bags or linen bags away from light.

You can buy ready-made oak bark at the pharmacy. It has a shelf life of 5 years.

Contraindications to the use of oak bark

Oak bark is considered a safe natural remedy. But there are several contraindications when treatment is not recommended.

Do not take oak bark preparations orally for more than two weeks, or for diarrhea - more than 3 days.

With long-term use, there may be side effects that may include vomiting, nausea, problems with the kidneys, liver and gall bladder.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use oak bark only after consulting a doctor.

Do not use for people prone to constipation.

It is prohibited to use oak bark preparations by young children without consulting a doctor.



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