Laser blood purification reviews for herpes. Treatment of herpes in the mouth with laser Dermatological syndrome of herpetic disease

Translated from Greek, the term “herpes” means “to sneak.” It was in 100 BC that the legendary Herodotus named a viral disease characterized by the appearance of small blisters filled with a clear liquid on the skin and mucous membranes. Today, science knows 8 types of herpes virus that can infect humans.

What is herpes

Herpes, or herpes infection, is a group of viral diseases that can affect almost all systems and organs of the human body. The causative agent of infectious diseases is HSV (herpes simplex virus) from the Herpes viridae family. Based on its gene structure, the family is divided into serotypes responsible for the occurrence of various forms of the disease.

Types of herpes virus

  1. HSV type I (labial) affects the skin and mucous membranes of the face, causing blisters to appear on the lips. In 15% of cases, type I herpes simplex is found on the genitals.
  2. HSV type II affects the genitals.
  3. HSV type III is the causative agent of chickenpox and herpes zoster.
  4. HSV type IV, or Epstein Barr virus, is the cause of mononucleosis.
  5. HSV type V is a cytomegalovirus that affects the genitourinary system and respiratory tract.
  6. HSV types VI, VII and VIII are poorly studied viruses. According to experts, types VI and VII of the herpes simplex virus can cause chronic fatigue syndrome, and VIII can cause the development of cancer pathologies.

The first three serotypes of the herpes virus are so widespread in nature that they can be considered a global pandemic (according to statistics, about 90-99% of the adult population of the planet is infected with herpes). At the same time, symptoms of the disease are found in only a fifth of those infected. It should be noted that infection with one type of HSV does not exclude infection with another or even several serotypes of herpesvirus.

HSV classification

  • According to clinical signs, herpes virus infection is divided into 2 main forms: typical (with visual manifestations in the form of characteristic blistering rashes of herpes on organs) and atypical (with mild manifestations);
  • According to the nature of the course: primary and chronic, acute and recurrent;
  • By severity: mild, moderate and severe;
  • According to the localization of the infectious process (damage to the central nervous system, skin, eyes, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, etc.).

Routes of transmission of the virus

The herpes simplex virus is very contagious, that is, it can be easily transmitted through close contact from a sick person to a healthy one.

Routes of transmission of infection include:

  • airborne;
  • sexual;
  • contact, or transcutaneous (through the skin);
  • transplacental;
  • intrapartum (during childbirth, through contaminated amniotic fluid).

Despite the fact that there are many risk factors and routes of transmission of infection, there is only one cause of herpes - the penetration of the virus into the human body.

Clinical manifestations of infection

The herpes virus quickly penetrates cells and integrates into their genetic apparatus, thus protecting itself from the effects of the immune system. Then the pathogen begins to actively reproduce, using the available resources of a healthy cell. Through the blood and lymph, the herpes virus spreads throughout all systems of the body, “settling” mainly in the endings of nerve fibers. It can “sleep” for years in the cells of the nervous system, making itself known only under factors unfavorable to the human body (hypothermia, stress, decreased immunity, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, etc.).

The average incubation period for herpes simplex is 6 days.

  1. At the earliest (prodromal) stage, lasting 24 hours, a burning, tingling and itching sensation occurs at the site of subsequent rashes. It is during this period, in order to avoid further development of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment of herpes.
  2. Subsequently, in the classic course of herpetic infection, the stage of inflammation occurs. Small painful blisters (1 or several) appear on the skin and mucous membranes, filled with transparent contents, which subsequently become cloudy. In addition to the occurrence of characteristic symptoms of herpes, deterioration of health, chills, and increased body temperature are possible.
  3. At the ulceration stage, the vesicles open (the fluid flowing from them contains billions of viral particles). It is during this period that a person is most contagious.
  4. At the stage of scab formation, the ulceration site dries out and becomes covered with a crust.

Depending on the serotype of the virus, rashes can be localized on various parts of the skin, in the eye area, on the red border of the lips, and quite often you can find simple herpes on the organs of the genitourinary system.

With the development of a herpetic infection caused by HSV type III, the rash, which is extensive, spreads from the midline of the back along the sensory nerves, usually on one side of the body. This condition is accompanied by high fever and severe pain. In the absence of adequate treatment for herpes zoster, destruction of the nerve sheath and the development of chronic neuralgia, often leading to disability, are possible.

The herpes virus can provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, eyes (causing persistent clouding of the cornea), damage to the medulla and membranes of the brain. There are also known cases of infection of other systems and organs of the body.

In HIV-infected patients, herpesvirus infection is characterized by a malignant course, accompanied by frequent relapses and necrosis of certain areas of the skin.

Infection with the herpes simplex virus during pregnancy is fraught with intrauterine infection of the fetus, miscarriages and congenital deformities.

Treatment methods for herpes

Unfortunately, there is no panacea for the herpes simplex virus. Therefore, treatment and control of the spread of infection throughout the body is quite complex, but nevertheless a solvable task. Therapy for herpes virus infection is carried out in a complex that includes the use of antiviral drugs, immunostimulants, restoratives, as well as therapeutic optical radiation.

Medications used in the treatment of herpes are divided into 3 main groups:

  • palliative agents intended to relieve symptoms of the disease (itching, burning and pain);
  • drugs that slow down the spread of infection and/or speed up treatment;
  • agents that prevent the formation of herpetic ulcers.

Antiviral drugs

  1. In 1974, the antiviral drug Acyclovir was synthesized. Being an artificial analogue of a nucleoside and having a suppressive effect against HSV types I, II and III, Acyclovir interrupts intracellular DNA synthesis, thereby stopping the reproduction of the pathogen. The drug, which is highly selective against cells infected with the herpes simplex virus, does not affect healthy cells of the body, is well tolerated and has low toxicity. Analogues of Acyclovir are Valaciclovir, Famciclovir, Ganciclovir and Valganciclovir. Acyclovir preparations are intended for local and systemic use.
  2. Foscarnet is an alternative to Acyclovir. It binds much more quickly to the enzyme system of the herpes simplex virus and selectively accumulates in infected cells. In addition to affecting HSV types I-III, it is able to fight other serotypes, that is, it is effective where Acyclovir fails. Based on Foscarnet, topical preparations, tablets and injection solutions are produced.


When treating herpes simplex to relieve pain, itching and burning, it is recommended to use external anesthetics, which contain active ingredients such as lidocaine, tetracaine, camphor, benzyl alcohol, benzocaine, etc. Also, if necessary, painkillers and antipyretic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs of systemic action can be used.

Auxiliary agents that slow down the formation of herpetic ulcers and accelerate their scarring

This group includes ointments, sprays and creams containing zinc, phenol, lysine, tannic acid, etc. (Panthenol spray, Depanthenol and their analogues). They enhance epithelization of the skin and accelerate wound healing.

Emollients and moisturizers

Ointments and creams that improve hydration. They contain lipophilic and hydrophilic components that prevent drying and tightening of the skin and reduce its sensitivity to irritating agents. Most often, when treating the herpes virus, petroleum jelly and external agents that contain white liquid paraffin are used.

Antiseptic drugs

They are recommended for use in case of extensive skin lesions, in order to avoid the addition of a secondary bacterial infection. Herpetic rashes can be treated with zinc ointment, Chlorhexidine, Streptocide, Miramistin.

Preparations of interferons and immunoglobulins

Immunotherapy cannot completely replace antiviral drugs, but, at the same time, the simultaneous use of immune drugs significantly increases the effectiveness of herpes treatment, reduces the duration of medication use, and also prevents the development of resistance to Acyclovir and its analogues.

In the treatment of herpes simplex virus, α-interferon drugs are used. By acting on the intracellular virus, they have an etiotropic and pathogenetic effect, and also act as a basic therapy for isolated deficiency of T-lymphocytes, which are natural killer cells.

Immunoglobulin preparations, unlike interferons, act on virions (extracellular viruses). Just like interferons, they have a pathogenetic and etiotropic effect and are a means of basic therapy for primary immunodeficiencies that activate herpesvirus infection.

Laser therapy

Treatment of herpes with a diode laser (wavelength 810 nm) is the most progressive and safe technique, approved for use at almost all stages of the development of inflammation. At an early stage, laser radiation inactivates the herpes virus and eliminates pain. At the rash stage, this technique stops the further spread of infection and accelerates the formation of a crust. At the stage of ulceration, the laser beam helps eliminate pain and inflammation and reduces the risk of infection to those around the patient, and at the stage of crust formation it has a biostimulating and sterilizing effect. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, laser treatment of herpetic eruptions should be carried out in combination with other therapeutic techniques.

Stages of treatment

  1. In the acute stage, therapeutic tactics are aimed at stopping the local inflammatory process. In this situation, for rapid treatment of herpes, antiviral agents for local and systemic use, as well as drugs and interferon inducers, are prescribed. For severe symptoms of herpes, it is recommended to take inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis (peripheral pain mediators). On average, treatment lasts 1-2 weeks.
  2. In the remission stage, immunomodulatory and immunostimulating therapy is carried out. In parallel, short courses are prescribed to take adaptogens of plant origin (ginseng, cat's claw preparations, rosea radiola, eleutherococcus, astragalus, etc.) The duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks. Also, if necessary, sanitation of a secondary bacterial infection is carried out.
  3. To prevent relapses of herpes infection, experts recommend getting vaccinated against herpes simplex 2-3 months after an exacerbation. Today, the most commonly used vaccine is Vitagerpavac. This immunobiological drug, which contains inactivated viral antigens, is effective against HSV types I and II. It stimulates cellular immunity and reduces the degree of immune disorders. Vaccination should be carried out in a medical institution under the supervision of a specialist.
  4. For patients who experience frequent exacerbations of herpesvirus infection (more than 4 times a year), clinical observation is recommended. Every 2–6 months, a routine examination and laboratory diagnostic tests should be performed to determine the likelihood of relapse. If there is an increased risk, a course of preventive treatment for herpes simplex is prescribed, aimed at strengthening the immune system.

Additional information

Treatment of herpetic infection is a rather complex and lengthy process that can last for several months and even years. Achieving compliance will help to facilitate it, that is, the patient’s compliance with the prescribed therapy regimen and the formation of a partnership between the doctor and the patient. Also, with a protracted recurrent course of herpetic infection, the help of a qualified psychotherapist will not be superfluous.

Laser treatment of herpes on the lips (adults and children) at the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center

Herpes– a viral disease that is characterized by vesicular rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Every living thing on this planet is sick herpes with the exception of the simplest microorganisms. In total, more than 80 types of virus have been discovered to date. herpes. A person can get sick due to 9 viruses herpes. The most common one is herpes virus first type. This herpes popularly called "cold on the lips" ABOUT herpes virus type 1 and the fight against it will be discussed in this article.

Nine out of ten people carry herpes virus. Most often a virus "cold lips" those. herpes virus of the first type, enters the human body in childhood. Infection occurs through contact, herpes virus from one person should, upon contact, reach susceptible areas of the body of a healthy person. The virus then penetrates the skin or mucous membranes and penetrates the nerve endings. Along the course of the nerve, the virus penetrates the nerve ganglion, which is located in the skull. In the nerve node herpes virus is in a dormant state. The very fact of having a virus in the body is not something to be afraid of. The human body coexists perfectly with a large number of viruses and bacteria, both beneficial and harmful. Problems arise when the body behaves “incorrectly” in relation to these neighbors. The body behaves incorrectly when its protective immune forces are reduced.

Activation of “cold lips” can occur for two reasons:

The first reason is a decrease in the human body’s immunity.

The second reason is injury to the lips, mucous membranes, oral organs, and gums.

Sometimes these reasons act together.

Decreased immunity is the first reason for the activation of “colds on the lips”

Stress, general illnesses, heavy physical labor, complex psychological stress, fears, dissatisfaction with life, fatigue, ultraviolet radiation and much more can lead to the fact that the body’s strength cannot cope, and herpes virus"wakes up." Along the nerve endings, it again descends from the nerve ganglion to the skin and mucous membranes, most often affecting the lips.

Trauma to the lips, gums, and mucous membranes of the oral cavity is the second reason for the activation of “cold lips”

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that if the immune system is in good shape and the body’s defenses are not exhausted, then the second reason may not work. That's why we put trauma as the second reason for activation “cold lips.”

Typical injuries to the lips and mucous membranes, which can lead to the activation of “cold lips”

— Lip tattoo. Permanent lip makeup. The trauma to the lips during permanent makeup is so great that even a healthy immune system is not strong enough to protect it. Herpetic lesions can be extensive. Appearance herpes after lip tattooing can deteriorate the quality of permanent makeup. For people who have "cold on the lips" As a preventive measure, it is recommended to take a course of antiherpes medication during tattooing.

Dental treatment. During long-term dental treatment or during frequently repeated visits to the dentist (when a person undergoes complex treatment or dental prosthetics), microtraumas of the lips, mucous membranes, and gums inevitably occur, which can lead to activation herpes virus .

Stages of development of “cold lips”. When activated, herpes goes through four stages:

1. "The stage of first signs." A place of different sensitivity appears on the lip. Nothing can be seen with the eyes yet. There may be pain, itching, numbness, tingling or pinching of the lip, etc.

2. "The stage of visible manifestations". The skin on the lip turns red, then very quickly bubbles filled with white liquid appear. There may be one or several bubbles. Sometimes they merge into large clusters. Bubbles herpes very painful.

3. The “ulcer” stage. Bubble herpes ruptures, liquid flows out of it. At the site of the herpetic vesicle, an ulcer first forms. This is the most contagious period. Also during this period herpes causes maximum discomfort to a person, because very painful and causes aesthetic discomfort.

4. "Crust" stage. A crust forms at the site of the ulcer, which upon contact is easily damaged and can bleed. This is the final stage of manifestation herpes on the lips. After the crust disappears, pigmentation may remain on the skin. This pigmentation in most cases completely disappears after a few days.

Treatment of herpes virus type 1 - “cold sores”

Herpes virus remains in the human body for life. To date, there are no ways to completely “drive” the pathogen out of the body. “cold lips.”

There are a number of people, about 5%, who are not susceptible to herpes virus, and do not get sick with it under any circumstances. The reason for this unresponsiveness is unknown.

Treatment of herpes at the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center is to influence "cold lips" energy of laser radiation.

Laser radiation from our laser with a wavelength of 810 nm leads to the destruction of viruses in huge quantities. The wavelength is very important. There are different types of dental lasers that use different wavelengths. Accordingly, the effect of laser radiation on tissue is different. The most modern and safe laser today is considered to be a laser with a wavelength of 810 nm. Under its influence, viruses and bacteria die and the body’s own tissues are not injured. This effect is used in the treatment of periodontitis and sterilization of tooth canals. In this case, the laser action has shallow penetration. A virus “sleeping” in a nerve node in the skull will not be killed by a laser, because it just won't reach him. But on the lips and in the oral cavity, millions of viruses die under the influence of a laser.

The effect of a laser beam is effective at all stages of herpes development:

At the first stage - the “stage of first signs”— the use of a laser allows you to remove pain and extinguish the activation of the herpes virus in the bud.

At the second stage - “stage of first visible manifestations”using laser to treat herpes allows you to stop further development “cold lips.” Herpes on the lips immediately goes to the fourth stage of the crust and begins to heal.

At the third stage - the “ulcer” stage - the use of a laser at the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center can reduce the likelihood of infection of others and relieve pain and inflammatory manifestations of herpes.

In the fourth period - the “crust” stage - laser radiation gives the effect of biostimulation and sterilization. Faster healing occurs.

About laser treatment of herpes In short, we can say this: the use of a laser allows herpes to disappear in 2-4 days and makes its course painless and mild.

Treat herpes only with laser possible only in simple cases herpes. Laser treatment of herpes does not cancel treatment aimed at stimulating the body's immune forces. In some cases laser treatment for herpes may replace taking antiviral drugs or reduce their dose.

In cases of frequently recurring herpes. the extent of herpetic lesions, or a form of herpes that cannot be treated, it is necessary to undergo a detailed diagnosis, because herpes may be a symptom of more serious immunodeficiency conditions. If necessary, specialists of the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center refer for accurate diagnosis to specialized Herpetic centers for complex treatment of herpes. During the passage herpes treatment, associated with taking drugs, mainly antiherpes (such as Zavirax) and taking immunostimulating drugs, you can also use laser treatment for herpes. In this case, treatment proceeds faster.


At the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center, the following specialists treat herpes with laser:

Treatment of all types of herpes (1, 2, Zoster virus, Epstein-Barr, CMV, 6, 7 and 8)

There are 8 types of herpes virus that affect the human body. The symptoms of some of them are similar, for others they vary greatly - the diseases manifest themselves as skin rashes, fevers, sore throat, mental damage and even oncology.

Treatment in most cases is the same: it is aimed at suppressing viral activity with certain drugs and increasing immunity. For different types of infection, complex therapy requires additional medications to combat specific symptoms.

What drugs are used in therapy against herpes infection?

To treat the herpes virus in modern domestic medicine, the following drugs are usually used:

Ointments and creams against herpes. Zovirax. Acyclovir. Triapten, Gevisosh, interferon ointments (Viferon, Cycloferon), Panavir. Apply topically to the skin and mucous membranes 3-6 times every day, the course duration is usually 5-10 days.

Pills. Acyclovir and its analogues - 1-1.2 g per day for treatment, 0.8 g - for prevention, duration of use - up to 7 days. Famvir - 0.5 g daily, for prevention - 0.25 g for 5 days. Alpizarin - only for the prevention of frequent relapses - 0.6-0.8 g per day.

Injections. Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, immunomodulatory drugs - immunoglobulin 3-4 days, Taktivin, Timalin, Splenin - 10 injections each, Ridostin 5 days, Methylurocil, Dibazol, Viferon, Cycloferon, etc.

Candles. Rectal and vaginal suppositories Viferon, Panavir, Genferon.

For different types of disease and affected areas, different forms of drugs are prescribed. So, for labial (simple) herpes, external agents are usually used, for extensive rashes - tablets and injections. In case of genital infection, suppositories also come into play. Low-dose injections are recommended for newborns because they cannot take other forms of medication.

Attention! If a herpetic infection is complicated by additional fungal or bacterial diseases, antibiotics are additionally prescribed. In other cases, these drugs are dangerous to take; they can only worsen the patient’s condition. When prescribing, they try to limit themselves only to forms for local/external use; oral medications are prescribed only for particularly extensive internal bacterial damage.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, primary infection with herpes is most dangerous. If a woman has already encountered this disease, her body produces antibodies that are transferred to the embryo, thereby protecting it (albeit not 100%) from infection. Recurrences of herpes infection are also not so scary; with adequate treatment, the risk of infecting a child is minimal.

First of all, therapy is aimed at suppressing the activity of the virus and reducing the duration of the acute period of the disease.

In the first 24 hours after the onset of herpes symptoms, you should start taking antiviral drugs:

  • Valaciclovir;
  • Penciclovir;
  • Famciclovir.
  • You can take any analogues of these drugs. Safer and more effective than others for treating pregnant women are acyclovir medications, which include Zovirax, Gerpevir, Supraviran, Acigerpin. These substances are active against herpes viruses types 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

    Typically, the prescription of antiviral drugs in pregnant women is limited to local administration - in the form of ointments, gels, creams. This is justified by the low percentage of penetration of the active substance into the mother’s body, since at the same time it passes through the placental barrier (enters the child’s body). Antibacterial ointments are also recommended for external use - oxolinic, tetracycline, erythromycin and tebrofen, Neosporin, Vidarabine, Riodoxol.

    Important to know! In case of significant damage to the body by herpes, in case of primary infection or a particularly acute relapse, drugs are prescribed in tablets: 500 mg of Valaciclovir twice a day for 10 days or 200 mg of Acyclovir three times a day for 5 days.

    For severe pain, women are advised to lubricate their skin with Xylocaine 2%. To speed up the regeneration of affected areas, you can take sitz herbal baths with chamomile or string, and then apply drying ointments, such as zinc, to the damaged areas.

    Features of treatment of newborns and children up to one year

    If the mother has a herpes infection, the newborn must be isolated during the incubation period of the virus. It does not matter whether the child has clinical symptoms or not. However, if the mother was healthy, the baby is isolated only if characteristic signs are present.

    Traditionally, treatment is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • If symptoms of herpes occur, 30 mg of Acyclovir per kilogram of body weight is prescribed intravenously daily for 10 days.
  • Generalized infection is treated with increased doses of Acyclovir - up to 60-90 mg - for 2-3 weeks.
  • Human immunoglobulin is also used at a dose of 4-6 mg per kilogram intravenously through a dropper in the first 3 days. The drug can be replaced with Viferon, Roncoleukin or Reaferon.
  • If the organs of vision are damaged or there are skin rashes on the newborn’s body, in addition to intravenous therapy, local antiviral agents are used - Acyclovir ophthalmic ointment and interferon-based gels. Herpetic rashes on the gums (stomatitis) and the inner sides of the lips are treated with hydrogen peroxide 3%. To anesthetize feeding, anesthesin or lidocaine is used before feeding.

    Treatment of labial and genital herpes (types 1 and 2) in men and women (on the butt)

    Labial herpes simplex usually “spreads” over the skin of the face, neck, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and touches the eyes. Scratching and frequently touching affected areas can spread the infection throughout the body.

    Genital herpes is mainly located in the groin area: on the external genitalia, inner thighs, and butt. The disease can spread to the vagina in women or to the urethra and testicles in men. Touching also transfers the infection to any other parts of the body - to the stomach, armpits, face.

    Treatment for both of these types of herpes is similar. Therapy is usually carried out in three stages:

  • Taking antiviral drugs for 5-10 days: Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, Cytarabine, Famciclovir, Ribavirin, Trifluorothymidine, Bofanton, Tromandathrin, Oxolin, Tebrofen, Amiksin in the form of injections, ointments or tablets.
  • Raising immunity during a period of remission of 30-60 days: human immunoglobulin, Pentaglobin, Cytotect, Vesikbulin, Camedon, Kagocel, Viferon, Cycloferon, Ridostin, Leukinferon, Neovir, etc.
  • Prevention of relapse of the disease once every 6 months: Amiksin + polyvalent vaccine against herpes is prescribed (a total of 5 subcutaneous injections of 0.2 ml every other day).
  • With labial herpes, it is often enough to carry out the first stage of treatment, while the genital form is treated with a full course. Often, only boosting immunity (simplified second stage of treatment) without vaccination is used to prevent relapses.

    How to treat herpes zoster (type 3)?

    Shingles often goes away on its own, but treatment against the zoster virus is still used to improve the immune system, relieve uncomfortable symptoms, and reduce the risk of relapses. Therapy is especially necessary for elderly people (over 50) and with severe immunodeficiency. In this case the following is prescribed:

    • Antiviral drugs. Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir, Penciclovir. It is advisable to start treatment in the first 3 days.
    • Painkillers. To alleviate the physical and psychological condition of the patient, narcotic analgesics (for example, Oxycodone) are prescribed in the USA; in Russia, non-narcotic analgesics are prescribed: Ketoprofen, Ketorolac, Ibuprofen, Naproxen.
    • Anticonvulsants. Sometimes, for severe neuropathic pain, patients are recommended to take Gabapentin or Pregabalin.
    • Several drugs should be noted separately, since their use is most effective and is often prescribed by doctors: deoxyribonuclease, Isoprinosine, acyclovir drugs, ganglion blockers (Gangleron). Additionally, patients are recommended to take vitamin B complexes and interferon ointments/aerosols (Eridin, Alpizarin, Florenal, Helepin). If herpes reaches a gangrenous form, antibiotics and Solcoseryl are added to therapy.

      Recovery from shingles is usually incomplete - neuralgic symptoms of the disease remain (postherpetic neuralgia). Treatment continues with the same anticonvulsants and analgesics, opioid drugs are added, but antiviral drugs are no longer required. Neurological therapy is aimed primarily at eliminating the pain syndrome.

      Antiviral therapy for ophthalmoherpes (in the eyes)

      In the treatment of herpetic eye lesions, the same antiviral drugs are used, but in the forms of eye ointments, drops, or for internal use. The clinic actively uses drugs based on 5-iodo-2-deoxyuridine:

    • Keretsid;
    • Stoxyl;
    • Idukollal;
    • Herplex;
    • Dendryl;
    • Oftan-I'm coming.
    • Patients are also prescribed other compounds of this group- acyclovir, ganciclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir, sorivudine, vidarabine, TFT, brivudine and foscarnet. Florenal, Riodoxol, Tebrofen can be added to the list of antiviral drugs against eye herpes. Interferon-type drugs include leukocyte interferon, Poludan, Cycloferon, Timalin, Taktivin and Amiksin.

      Treatment of Epstein-Barr virus (herpes type 4) and herpetic sore throat

      There is no specific treatment regimen for patients with EBV infection; the therapeutic complex is determined according to the individual indications of the patient’s condition. Persons with high fever, severe tonsillitis/sore throat, jaundice, anemia and airway obstruction should be hospitalized. In other cases, treatment can be done at home.

      Patients need maintenance therapy with rinsing the mouth with antiseptic solutions (for severe pain, 2% lidocaine or xylocaine is added to the solution). It is important to ensure you drink plenty of fluids.

      First of all, the prescription of antiviral drugs is required:

    • Acyclovir, Ganciclovir, Valaciclovir and other acyclic nucleoside analogues;
    • Cidofovir, Adefovir and other acyclic nucleotide analogues;
    • Foscavir, Foscarnet, phosphonoacetylic acid and other pyrophosphate analogues.
    • Additionally, the following groups of drugs are prescribed:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: Tylenol, acetaminophen, paracetamol;
    • antibacterial(in the presence of concomitant infections): selected depending on the sensitivity of the microflora, mainly cephalosporins, macrolides, lincosamides;
    • antifungal: fluconazole, metronidazole;
    • glucocorticosteroids(for severe disease): orazone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, deltazone, hydrocortisone;
    • immunoglobulins and immunomodulators: Alphaglobin, Gamma-P, Sandoglobulin, Intron A, Reaferon, Cycloferon, Viferon.
    • Cytomegalovirus infection (herpes 5): treatment for adults and children

      There is also no correct separate treatment regimen for CMV. Symptoms of the acute phase of the disease are treated with the same antiviral drugs as other herpes viruses. More often, however, Ganciclovir and Valganciclovir are used.

      Additionally, immunomodulatory therapy is required, including vitamin support and stimulation of the immune system with interferons and globulins. Cycloferon, Viferon and other similar drugs are prescribed, the course of treatment is several weeks. The patient also needs to improve their lifestyle: change their diet, exercise, take enough fluids, and walk in the fresh air.

      Often the acute form of cytomegalovirus infection “attaches” other diseases that require adequate treatment with antibiotics. This therapy is concomitant and does not reduce the severity of the symptoms of the herpes virus itself, so it is used only as an addition to the complex of antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.

      Features of herpes treatment 6

      When a child or adult exhibits symptoms of this form of herpes, a typical antiviral therapy regimen is prescribed. Comprehensive treatment usually includes Ganciclovir, the most effective drug against HHV-6 from the group of acyclic nucleoside analogues, as well as Foscarnet and Cidofovir. For children under 12 years of age, only the latter is allowed to be used.

      Acyclovir is ineffective against herpes type 6. Adefovir and Lubocavir are sometimes used, and experimental vaccines are being developed. To relieve the symptoms of infection, use antipyretics (Paracetamol or Ibuprofen), drink a lot of water and diuretic herbal teas.

      Herpetic rashes in children practically do not itch, so external antibacterial ointments are not required to prevent additional infection. However, care should be taken to take vitamin complexes in order to strengthen the body’s natural defenses and speed up the production of a sufficient amount of antibodies against HHV-6.

      In adulthood, the infection manifests itself with severe immunodeficiency, so suppression of symptoms should be carried out primarily with interferon immunomodulators. However, such treatment is prohibited if the disease manifests itself after an organ transplant, since during this period a weak immune system is necessary to prevent tissue rejection.

      How are herpes types 7 and 8 treated?

      These two types of herpes have been studied so little that there are no definite treatment regimens. In individual therapeutic complexes, classical antiherpetic drugs are used in combination with medications aimed at eliminating the symptoms of concomitant diseases.

      Thus, in the presence of oncological diseases from herpes type 8, treatment with interferons is contraindicated, however, chemotherapeutic antitumor drugs can be added to the complex. Surgery and radiation therapy may be required. If the mental state of a patient is affected by herpesvirus-7, adequate psychotherapy is necessary with the possible use of antidepressants and psychoanalysis sessions.

      Treatment of herpes of internal organs

      Herpes on internal organs is treated according to the classical scheme, but the drugs are prescribed orally - there is no place to use them locally.

      The most commonly prescribed antiviral drugs are:

    • Acyclovir;
    • Famvir;
    • Valtrex;
    • Ganciclovir;
    • Cytarabine et al.
    • They are used in the form of suppositories, tablets and injections. Immunomodulators are also used in the same forms:

    • Viferon;
    • Isoprinosine;
    • Lycopid.
    • Attention! It is highly not recommended to self-prescribe medications that affect the immune system. This should be done by the attending physician or immunologist.

      In addition to classical therapy, auxiliary drugs are prescribed: for the liver - hepetoprotectors, for severe inflammatory processes - anti-inflammatory drugs, for those with concomitant fungal or bacterial diseases - antimycotics and antibiotics.

      Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes

      Folk antiviral remedies are becoming increasingly popular in medical circles every year. In case of minor damage, treatment with natural herbal preparations can give an excellent result; in case of extensive spread of the disease, it is recommended to combine them with drug treatment.

      Domestic doctor L.V. Pogorelskaya offers the following treatment regimen for recurrent herpes:

    • Decoction from a collection of herbs. Mix lemon balm, thyme, raspberry leaves, wormwood, juniper and oregano in a ratio of 4:3:4:2:3:3. Brew 1 tsp daily for an hour. in a glass of boiling water and drink in two doses for 14-28 days.
    • Alpizarin in the amount of 0.1 g three times a day for 21 days.
    • Twice before lunch, 40 drops of Eleutherococcus extract before meals.
    • Alpizarin or helepin ointment for rashes three times a day for 14-28 days.
    • Infusions, decoctions and compresses from the following plants also help against herpes: Amur velvet, pinnate Kalanchoe, Canadian desmodium, medicinal calendula, warty birch, yellowing kopek, common juniper and pine, kopek lespesda, buckthorn, cotton, twig-shaped eucalyptus and western tu I.

      Treatment of herpes on the body

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      Some types of herpes cause damage to certain parts of the body. Herpes types 1, 2 and 6 cause a person to develop rashes on the lips, genitals, as well as small pinpoint rashes similar to rubella. The varicella zoster virus causes chickenpox or shingles. Herpes on the body is difficult to tolerate, especially if the affected area is large. In addition to the fact that herpes looks unaesthetic, it is accompanied by itching and neuralgic pain.

      The herpes virus has the ability to spread throughout the body, become complicated and cause significant discomfort.

      Herpes: varieties, causes of appearance

      Types of herpes on the human body have a specific location and a certain specificity of occurrence, so recognizing the disease is not difficult.

      The simple herpes virus is localized mainly on the lip line (cold herpes) and genitals. Relatively rarely, a herpetic rash appears:

    • on the buttocks, legs, lower back;
    • on the eyes, eyebrows, scalp;
    • on the neck and ears;
    • at the base of the nails;
    • all over the body (similar to small sores).
    • The reasons for the appearance of a body rash in humans is a tendency to dermatitis.

      When the zoster virus first appears in a child’s body, it causes an easily recognizable disease - chickenpox. Pimples appear all over the body, quickly turning into blisters that burst and dry out. The same virus, remaining in the body, causes shingles in an adult, the herpetic rash in which is grouped on the sides, on the left or right side of the back, on the shoulder. Ringworm takes a long time to cure.

      Virus type 6 causes roseola infantum (pseudo-rubella). This variety is characterized by bright red pimples that are located in groups throughout the body.

      Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus, having become a disease, may not cause a rash. The reason for its appearance is antibiotics, which had to be taken due to a bacterial infection in the body.

      Reasons for the appearance and activation of herpes in the human body:

    • long-term stressful conditions;
    • hypothermia;
    • previous illness;
    • chronic disease, including diabetes;
    • taking medications that suppress the immune system.
    • Ways of transmission of herpes

      The disease is contagious during exacerbation, when a person has watery pimples. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, sexual contact, and household contact. It is resistant to external temperatures.

      The first infection occurs in childhood and manifests itself as chickenpox. Children develop immunity to herpes, so in adulthood the virus does not appear, or the disease is mild. Infecting a person with herpes through unprotected sexual contact is more dangerous. For a long time, the disease is asymptomatic, and without knowing it, you can become a source of infection.

      Primary herpes disease during pregnancy is dangerous not for the mother, but for the fetus. The virus can give rise to the development of abnormalities or the occurrence of neonatal herpes, which is dangerous for the newborn. If during childbirth a woman suffered from genital herpes, it is possible that the newborn will become infected.

      When the signs of the disease begin to subside and the crusts dry out, the risk of infection decreases, but does not disappear. The patient should be in some isolation from the rest of the family, have his own dishes, bed linen, and personal hygiene items.

      Symptoms of herpes on the body

      The main and distinctive signs are characteristic grouped blisters, redness of the skin and soreness. The most indicative in this regard is shingles. The formation of pimples is preceded by the following symptoms:

      Scratching, malaise and fever are symptoms of the herpes virus that has infected the body.

    • itching on the skin;
    • burning sensation;
    • pain from contact with clothing;
    • body temperature rises or remains within normal limits;
    • weakness.
    • After this, a herpetic rash appears on the sides, which can spread further. The skin around her turns red. After a few days, the blisters turn into ulcers, which gradually dry out and go away.

      If the disease is complicated, the symptoms are more pronounced:

    • high fever, weakness, severe headache;
    • nausea turning into vomiting;
    • fainting.
    • When such signs begin to appear in children, urgent hospitalization is required. Mature patients will also not be able to do without medical care.

      Virus in children

      The risk of contracting herpes in children is as high as in adults. The manifestation of herpes on the lip is accompanied by deterioration of health and pain. Stomatitis often develops. Genital herpes in children is also more severe; complications in the form of herpangina cannot be ruled out. Fortunately, this type of herpes appears infrequently in children.

      It is much easier to cure chickenpox in children than in adults, even if it is accompanied by high temperature and fever. Secondary infection with herpes zoster provokes herpes zoster, which is treated under the supervision of doctors. The disease is accompanied by itching, pain at the site of the lesion, and high fever.

      Infantile roseola, caused by herpes type 6, manifests itself in children under 2–3 years of age. The main indicator is a high temperature, which decreases on the 3rd or 5th day. After this, a herpetic rash appears. It is easy to distinguish a herpes rash from rubella - it turns pale when pressed.

      Symptoms are determined by fever, moodiness, and pain in the affected areas. The virus in children is dangerous not in itself, but because of the complications that arise after the initial infection if it is not cured. These are viral encephalitis, cerebral palsy, stomatitis, hepatitis, herpes sore throat.

      Herpes in pregnant women

      Herpes simplex on the body requires immediate treatment if it breaks out during pregnancy. The threat to the child is posed by a virus that first appears in the body of a pregnant woman. The mother has not developed immunity, which is passed on to the child, so negative effects on the course of pregnancy are possible. While waiting for a child, immunity decreases, so relapses are possible. But repeated herpes simplex goes away without consequences.

      Primary infection at the beginning of pregnancy can cause miscarriage and affect the development of the fetus. In the second half of the gestation period, the virus can cause a delay in the development of the child or lead to premature birth, in which infection cannot be ruled out.


      A viral disease is diagnosed visually, based on the specifics of the rash and its location. Tests are prescribed to determine the presence or absence of antibodies to herpes. During pregnancy, such an analysis is required.

      Diagnosis of herpes in newborns involves careful monitoring of the mother's health during pregnancy and at the time of birth. Then unwanted symptoms will help to identify the virus in a timely manner. If children have causeless seizures, this is a characteristic feature of the disease.


      The manifestation of herpes in children and adults requires urgent initiation of therapy. How to treat herpes on the body?


      Medicines based on acyclovir are prescribed. These are tablets and ointment for external use. In case of complicated course, intravenous injections are recommended. Famciclovir, Zovirax, Herpevir or Fenistil Pencivir ointments are indicated. You can use these medications on your own if you do not go to the doctor.

      For children or pregnant women, never prescribe medications yourself, but consult your doctor. He will recommend treatment with the same Acyclovir or Famvir, but will adjust the dosage.

      Start using antiviral gels immediately. To treat shingles, pain-relieving ointments based on lidocaine are recommended. In case of infection, an antibiotic is prescribed.


      Special nutrition is the key to a speedy recovery from any illness.

      During treatment, to reduce symptoms, follow a diet that is high in lysine. These are milk and fermented milk products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt (preferably unsweetened). Eat seaweed salad, it is rich in iodine. Give preference to dishes made from poultry, potatoes, and eggs. Don't forget about fresh vegetables and fruits. Consume legumes in moderation. Additionally, take vitamins A, E and C, this will help fight the disease.

      Avoid fatty foods, chocolate, cocoa, nuts and seeds for a while. Replace coffee in the morning with green tea. Exclude tomatoes from vegetables.


      One of the methods of treating herpes is physical therapy. It is prescribed for lichen in children and elderly patients. This is ultraviolet radiation or laser therapy. This treatment of herpes on the body relieves pain, disinfects wounds and stimulates the immune system.

      Folk remedies

      Treatment of herpes on the body is possible not only with medications, but also with folk remedies, for example:

      Do not neglect “grandmother’s” recipes to speed up recovery and prevent herpes.

    • To make herpes go away, make lotions from infusion of calendula or chamomile.
    • An alcohol tincture of propolis will dry out the bubbles and speed up the formation of a crust.
    • Validol tablets moistened with water and applied to wounds relieve itching.
    • A simple treatment is toothpaste. It should be applied to the rash at night, it dries well.
    • A good medicine is garlic juice. Once a day it should be applied to the damaged area, in addition to the main treatment.
    • Use tea tree essential oil. By lubricating wounds with it, it is easier to avoid infection.
    • To relieve the painful syndrome, it is often enough to take a warm bath with a decoction of pine needles and a few drops of fir oil. Stay in the water for no more than 15 minutes.
    • Hygiene

      Patients should remember that the herpes virus in the acute stage is contagious. For such a person, you need to allocate a separate towel, dishes, and, if possible, a room. Try to avoid soaking rashes with water, but keep your body clean. Do not use gels, scrubs and other cosmetics. Wear clothes only made from natural fabric.

      How to prevent disease and relapses

      There is no clear scheme for preventing herpes rash on the body. There is a vaccine used against herpes zoster, but there are a number of contraindications for its administration: allergies, pregnancy, acute respiratory disease.

      Special drugs - immunomodulators, which are prescribed by an immunologist after the results of an examination and special tests, will help improve the functioning of the immune system.

      Based on the fact that the virus manifests itself in a weakened body, great attention should be paid to health. To strengthen your immune system, make it a habit to eat right and on time. Exercising in the fitness center and gym will improve your health. A sauna and steam bath will also not be superfluous and will play a positive role in the prevention of herpes. No miracle drug can compete with a healthy lifestyle.

      Treatment of herpes: considering effective methods

      Treatment of herpes is a problem that worries many doctors (and ordinary people), because herpes infection is one of the most common: more than 90% of the world's population is infected with the herpes virus.

      Unfortunately, today medicine does not have means that can completely eliminate the herpes simplex virus from the body, therefore the main goal of therapeutic measures is to reduce the severity of the manifestations of the disease.

      Goals and objectives of herpes treatment

      Treatment of herpes is carried out taking into account the localization of the rash and the characteristics of the course of the infectious process. The goals pursued are:

    • reducing the duration of the acute period;
    • weakening of symptoms;
    • reducing the number of relapses;
    • protection of the fetus from infection (during pregnancy);
    • prevention of the development of postpartum complications (in newborns).
    • It is worth noting that drugs actively used in modern medical practice can be divided into broad-spectrum drugs (allowing one to achieve all of the above tasks) and highly specialized ones (to achieve a single goal).

      Brief overview of drugs used in the treatment of herpes

      According to the form of release, antiviral drugs are divided into means for external use (ointments, gels and creams) and for internal use (tablets, solutions). Medicinal substances aimed at providing “first aid” can be classified as follows:

      Antiviral drugs

      In this group, the most effective are the so-called cyclovirs, which are prescribed for external, oral and parenteral administration. Acyclovir and its analogues are active against herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 (that is, in the treatment of cold sores and genital herpes), and are also effective in the treatment of herpes zoster and generalized herpes infection of newborns.

      In addition to Acyclovir, this group includes:

    • Valaciclovir (Valtrex);
    • Penciclovir (Vectavir);
    • Famciclovir (Famvir);
    • Foscaret sodium (Gefin);
    • Sea buckthorn extract (Hiporamin);
    • Triiodresorcinol (Rhiodoxol ointment);
    • Bromonaphthoquinone (Bonafton);
    • Katsogel.
    • Ointments are applied several times a day (4-5), the minimum course of treatment is 5 days.


      One of the reasons for the appearance of herpes is a decrease in the immune response. Often the disease occurs against the background of suppression of the body’s defenses, accompanied by a decrease in the number of B and T lymphocytes and a change in their activity. Given these circumstances, the use of immunostimulating drugs becomes mandatory. The following tools have performed well in this area:

    • Inosine pranobex (Isoprinosine);
    • Sodium ribonuclead (Ridostin);
    • Neovir;
    • Cycloferon;
    • Interferon (Viferon);
    • Tiloron (Amiksin, Lavomax);
    • Arbidol;
    • Alpizarin;
    • Tromantadine (Viru-merz);
    • Rimantadine (Remantadine, Algirem).
    • Reception should be started from the first days after the onset of symptoms of herpes. The listed drugs have anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, antiviral and immunostimulating effects.

      Folk remedies

      “Grandma’s” recipes have existed for decades and even with the availability of modern drugs they do not lose their relevance:

    • aloe juice, Kalanchoe;
    • sea ​​buckthorn and rosehip oil;
    • Corvalol, Valocardin.
    • Vegetable oils help dry out inflammation, eliminate itching and alleviate the general condition of the patient.

      Now let's take a closer look at the individual drugs most commonly used to treat herpes.

      Treatment of herpes with Acyclovir

      This drug was developed in 1976 by the English pharmacologist Gertrude Elion. Gertrude's work was devoted to pyrimidine and purine nucleotides. The works of this active woman, who devoted her entire life to science, did not go unnoticed - for her outstanding contribution to the development of physiology and medicine, the researcher was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1988.

      The mechanism of action of the drug is the incorporation of acyclovir metabolites into the DNA of the herpes virus. This causes the appearance of a “defective” agent that inhibits the replication (multiplication) of new viruses.

      Acyclovir is available as:

    • tablets (200 and 400 mg);
    • eye ointment;
    • ointments for external use;
    • creams for external use;
    • lyophilisate for the preparation of infusion solutions.
    • Acyclovir is metabolized in the liver and is capable of forming active crystals, so its use in renal failure is not recommended. Otherwise, monitoring blood urea and creatine levels is mandatory.

      Acyclovir dosage

      Adults and children over 2 years of age are prescribed 200-400 mg 3-5 times a day. When treating children under 2 years of age, the adult dose is divided in half. Course duration is 5-10 days.

      Acyclovir in the form of an ointment is applied topically 5 times a day.

      In general, the duration of therapy depends on the use of a particular dosage form and the severity of symptoms.

      Contraindications to the use of Acyclovir:

    • intolerance to Acyclovir and Valacyclovir.
    • Side effects of Acyclovir:

    • abdominal pain, diarrhea;
    • headache, dizziness;
    • skin rash;
    • weakness, increased fatigue;
    • hallucinations;
    • insomnia or, conversely, drowsiness;
    • fever.
    • When applied topically, a burning sensation, redness of the skin, peeling, and a small rash may occur.

      Acyclovir penetrates the placental barrier, so the advisability of use during pregnancy is determined by the doctor. During lactation, the use of the drug is contraindicated.

      Treatment of herpes with Valaciclovir

      This is a drug that replaced Acyclovir. Used to treat herpes labialis, genital herpes, herpes zoster. After absorption into the blood under the action of the enzyme valacyclovir hydrolase, the active substance is transformed into Acyclovir. More than 80% of the dose in the form of Acyclovir and 9-carboxymethoxymethylguanine is excreted in the urine, about 1% is excreted unchanged.

      Release form:

    • tablets 500 mg.
    • Single dose for adults - 0.25-2 g. The frequency and duration of administration is determined by the doctor. For patients with renal impairment, the dosage regimen should be adjusted.


    • allergic reactions to Acyclovir, Valacyclovir.
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • diarrhea;
    • dizziness, increased fatigue, confusion;
    • itching, urticaria;
    • renal dysfunction;
    • dyspnea;
    • photosensitivity.
    • During pregnancy, Valacyclovir is used as prescribed by a doctor; during lactation, use should be discontinued.

      Treatment of herpes with Famvir

      Famvir, unlike other antiviral drugs, is able to reside in a harmful cell after a single dose for 12 hours. This ensures continuous suppression of viral DNA replication. The active substance is Famciclovir.

      Indications for use:

    • acute and recurrent infections caused by herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2;
    • acute and recurrent infections caused by Herpes zoster (shingles);
    • postherpetic neuralgia.
    • The drug is an oral modification of Penciclovir. Absorbed immediately after administration, turning into active Penciclovir.

    • tablets 125, 250 and 500 mg.
    • For herpes simplex, Famvir is prescribed 500 mg 3 times a day (7 days). For a primary episode of genital herpes - 250 mg 3 times a day (7 days), for relapse of genital herpes - 250 mg 2 times a day (5 days). For postherpetic neuralgia - 500 mg 3 times a day (5 days). For the treatment of herpes zoster, 250 mg is used 3 times a day (7 days). Patients with impaired renal function require dose adjustment.

      Contraindications to the use of the drug Famvir:

    • hypersensitivity to the active substance - Famciclovir.
    • Side effects:

    • nausea;
    • dizziness, headache;
    • stomach ache;
    • itching, skin rashes;
    • granulocytopenia;
    • thrombocytopenia.
    • Famvir is not used during lactation; you should consult your doctor about the possibility of using it during pregnancy.

      Treatment of herpes with Panavir

      Panavir is a Russian herbal drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is an extract of Solanum tuberosum (potato) shoots. It has antiviral, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and wound-healing effects.

    • herpes of various localization (recurrent genital herpes, ophthalmic herpes, herpes zoster);
    • secondary immunodeficiency infections;
    • cytomegalovirus infection;
    • papillomavirus infection.
    • As part of complex therapy, it is used for stomach ulcers, tick-borne encephalitis, rheumatoid arthritis, influenza, and ARVI.

    • solution for intravenous injection in ampoules of 5.0 ml;
    • gel for external use in tubes of 3 and 30 g;
    • rectal and vaginal suppositories, 5 pieces per package;
    • spray in a bottle of 40 ml.
    • Each form contains an active substance - plant polysaccharide “GG17”.

      The injection solution is administered slowly, in a stream (with an interval of 24 or 48 hours). Therapeutic dose - 200 mcg. Repeat after 1 month.

      The gel and spray are applied to the skin in a thin layer 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

      Rectal and vaginal suppositories are used 1 suppository with an interval of 24 hours for 5 days.

      Contraindications to the use of the drug Panavir:

    • individual intolerance;
    • allergy to additional components of the drug (glucose, rhamnose, xylose, mannose, arabinose);
    • breastfeeding period;
    • age up to 12 years.
    • Side effects are associated with hypersensitivity to the constituent components of the drug, which is manifested by redness of the skin, itching, and angioedema of the tissues.

      Fenistil Pencivir

      Fenistil Pentsivir is an analogue of Famvir, which, according to advertising, guarantees getting rid of “colds” on the lips in 4 days.

      Similar to the above-mentioned drug Famvir.

    • ointment in tubes of 2 and 5 grams.
    • Treatment should be started as early as possible. A small amount of cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin every 2 hours. The course of treatment is 4 days.

    • hypersensitivity to Famciclovir, Penciclovir;
    • age up to 12 years;
    • pregnancy;
    • lactation period.
    • Use during pregnancy is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

      Side effect:

      In rare cases, local reactions are observed - peeling of the skin, itching, redness, and a feeling of numbness.

      Immunoglobulins as important antiviral drugs

      Correction of the immune system is an important part of the treatment of herpes simplex. Nonspecific immunotherapy involves the use of:

    • immunoglobulin;
    • drugs that stimulate phagocytosis and B- and T-links;
    • interferon and its inducers.
    • Immunomodulators are divided into exogenous, endogenous and synthetic. The first are of fungal and bacterial origin, the second are obtained from the central organs of the immune system (bone marrow and thymus), and the third are the result of chemical synthesis.

      The following drugs deserve the greatest popularity among immunomodulators:

    • Taktivin;
    • Timalin;
    • Thymogen;
    • Imunofan;
    • Myelopid;
    • Leukinferon;
    • Lokferon;
    • Human leukocyte interferon;
    • Glutoxim;
    • Lycopid;
    • Tiloron and others.
    • These drugs normalize the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the immune system, as well as improve other indices of cellular immunity. Therapy is carried out under the control of an immunogram.

      Antibacterial ointments and gels for the treatment of herpes

      Antibacterial ointments are used to prevent the spread of infection and accelerate regeneration processes. Among them, the most popular are the following:

      Tetracycline ointment

      Contains tetracycline - a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Available in the form of 3% (for application to the skin) and 1% (eye) ointment. Helps when a purulent infection joins the herpes simplex virus - with the development of furunculosis or streptoderma.

      Erythromycin ointment

      Has antimicrobial, wound-healing, disinfectant effects. The ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​skin in a thin layer 3 times a day. The course of treatment is long - 1-2 months.

      Tembrofen ointment

      Used as an adjuvant for simple recurrent herpes, herpes zoster, herpes keratitis and conjunctivitis, lichen planus. For application to the skin, apply 2% or 5% ointment (3 times a day for 7 days). In ophthalmic practice, 0.5% ointment is used (3 times a day for 2 weeks).

      Additional remedies for relieving herpes symptoms

      Treatment of herpes should be comprehensive. Only in this case can stable remission of the disease be achieved. In addition to antiviral, immunostimulating and antibacterial drugs, analgesics (aspirin, paracetamol, sedalgin, pentalgin, diclofenac, indomethacin, butadione) are used to relieve the symptoms of herpes. For prolonged pain, gamma-aminobutyric acid (gabalentin), anticonvulsants and sedatives (diazepam, finlepsin, fevarin) are prescribed.

      Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes

      Traditional medicine has in its arsenal many remedies for treating herpetic infections (mainly colds on the lips). However, they should be used with a certain degree of caution and with the understanding that some methods are aimed, rather, not at eliminating the symptoms of herpes, but at reducing the infectivity of the affected surfaces and the patient as a whole.

      So, let's look at the most effective folk remedies for herpes on the lips:

    • fir oil. Apply to areas affected by herpes every 2 hours until symptoms disappear completely.
    • Kalanchoe juice. It is squeezed out of the plant and applied to the skin every 3 hours.
    • Celandine juice. It must be prepared in advance. Fresh herbs are passed through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out and poured into dark glass bottles, sealed tightly. Leave for a week, opening the cap from time to time to release the formed gases. Lubricate areas damaged by herpes 3 times a day.
    • Salt. Regular table salt will speed up the healing of wounds. You just need to apply small grains of salt to the inflamed areas. Repeat several times a day.
    • Valocordin. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the skin for a few seconds. Repeat every 3 hours.
    • Ice. Take a piece of ice out of the freezer and apply it to the inflamed skin. Hold for 5-10 minutes.
    • Egg film. Carefully remove the shell and the film adjacent to it from a hard-boiled egg. A thin film is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that will help get rid of the discomfort that accompanies herpes on the lips.
    • Garlic. Cut a clove of garlic and lubricate the herpes blisters on your lips several times a day. At night, you can apply honey mixed with apple cider vinegar to the rash.
    • Lemon juice, cinquefoil oil, sea buckthorn oil, tea tree oil, and propolis tincture are also quite effective. Apply natural remedies 3-4 times a day and the painful symptoms will subside faster than if they healed on their own.

      The listed folk recipes significantly alleviate the general condition, relieve itching, inflammation, pain, dry and disinfect the skin.

      Extracts of some plants have a pronounced immunostimulating effect. For example, echinacea, golden root, and ginseng accelerate recovery processes and increase the production of white blood cells. These plant substances have been used for many decades and have earned the recognition of doctors and patients. They can be produced not only in the form of extracts, but also in the form of tinctures and tablets.

      Medicinal teas are no less popular for relieving herpes symptoms. You can add burdock leaves, sassafras, and meadow clover to the teapot. The following collection has a beneficial effect:

    • chamomile flowers;
    • thyme;
    • raspberry leaves;
    • motherwort;
    • juniper fruits;
    • Melissa;
    • Adonis;
    • sagebrush;
    • St. John's wort.
    • Mix the ingredients, taken 1 teaspoon at a time. Pour a tablespoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Take half a glass 4 times a day. Course - 1-2 weeks.

      If you have herpes on the lips, don’t forget about baths. A lip bath with the addition of salt or soda can soften the burning sensation. It is useful to add a few drops of essential oils of lemon, eucalyptus, geranium, bergamot, and tea tree to the water. Water temperature - at least 36 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

      Features of nutrition in the treatment of herpes

      Proper nutrition is an important point in the treatment of herpes. It has been proven that there are a number of products that can provoke a relapse of the disease. These are sugar, alcohol and fatty foods. The list of “pests” also included raisins, peanuts, gelatin, sunflower seeds and wheat. This, of course, does not mean that by eating these products, we provide ourselves with herpes on the lips. We are talking only about a slight statistical increase in the likelihood of relapse of the disease.

      In order to increase the intervals between relapses, people suffering from herpetic manifestations need to include in their diet foods rich in lysine, which prevents the activation of the herpes simplex virus. Scientific studies show that daily consumption of lysine in the amount of 1248 mg reduces the risk of exacerbations by 2.5 times. Natural sources of lysine include:

    • egg white;
    • casein;
    • potato broth;
    • lentils;
    • white chicken;
    • fish;
    • shrimps;
    • natural yogurt;
    • skim milk;
    • fruits and vegetables.
    • To strengthen the body's defenses, you should consume foods rich in phytoncides - garlic, onions, ginger, lemons.

      Of the vitamins, vitamins C and E are considered the most important for those suffering from herpes. Among microelements, special attention should be paid to zinc.

    • vitamin C. Daily intake of 600 mg of vitamin C in combination with B vitamins leads to the rapid disappearance of herpes on the lips. Vitamins should be taken at the very beginning of the disease, 3 times a day for 3 days.
    • Vitamin E. Taking vitamin E for herpes simplex reduces pain and speeds up the healing of ulcers. You can take vitamin E capsules orally, or you can use an oil solution to lubricate the blisters.
    • Zinc. In combination with vitamin C, it also reduces the likelihood of herpes recurrence.
    • During the period of primary exacerbation of infection or relapse of herpes, the following nutritional rules should be observed:

    • eliminate fatty foods completely;
    • drink at least 1 liter of water per day;
    • eat more fruits and vegetables;
    • avoid eating seeds, peanuts, hazel, and alcoholic beverages;
    • reduce the amount of salt;
    • limit intake of caffeine-containing and carbonated drinks, chocolate.
    • In conclusion, it must be emphasized that the peculiarities of the pathogenesis of herpes require the use of drugs of different mechanisms of action in the treatment. In this case, complex therapy should be selected individually depending on the characteristics and severity of the process.

    Herpes is a disease of viral origin in which small blisters form on the surface of the lips or genitals.

    Types of Herpes

    The disease is classified based on which herpes virus caused it. There are eight such types of viruses in total.

    Type 1 virus is the causative agent of the so-called herpes simplex, a sign of which is a rash in the mouth area.

    Type 2 virus - causes genital herpes, which manifests itself as blisters in the genital area.

    Virus type 3 is the virus that causes chickenpox and also causes shingles.

    Type 4 virus is called Epstein-Barr virus and causes mononucleosis.

    The 5th type of virus is called cytomegalovirus - it causes an infection that affects internal organs, most often the genitourinary area.

    The remaining three types of virus are rare, and their role as pathogens has not yet been fully studied.

    Herpes symptoms

    The first 3 types of virus are the most common.

    Here are the symptoms of the diseases they cause:

    Simple herpes. Small transparent blisters in the corners of the mouth are a sign of this disease. The same rashes can appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Before the rash appears, the skin itches, there is a burning and tingling sensation, and the patient may feel weak.

    Genital herpes (genital). Rashes in the form of bubbles are located in the genital area. These places itch, become red, and after seven days the blisters burst and ulcers appear in their place, which soon heal. Lymph nodes in the groin may be enlarged and the temperature rises.

    Herpes zoster (shingles). Initially, the patient feels unwell and neuralgic pain. Then, in places along the location of the nerves on the body (most often on the torso), rashes appear: pink spots with transparent blisters, which dry out after 5-7 days. Temperature increased, weakness. Neuralgic pain often lasts for a very long time, up to six months.

    Causes of herpes

    You can become infected with herpes, depending on the type of virus, through contact, through household appliances, or through sexual intercourse. If a person has herpes on the lips, he can pass it on to another through a kiss or sharing utensils.

    A baby can inherit the virus from its mother during childbirth.
    90% of people are carriers of some type of herpes virus, but in most of them it “dormant” and causes illness only in certain circumstances. The trigger for the development of the virus is a weakened immune system, pregnancy, stress, overheating or severe cooling of the body, alcohol, and a number of infectious diseases.

    Herpes in children

    If a child was infected in the first hours after birth (while passing through the mother's birth canal), such herpes is called neonatal. This form of herpes occurs without complications for the most part, but in about a third of infants it affects the nervous system, which has serious consequences.

    Older children are more susceptible to infection with type 3 virus, which causes chickenpox. This disease is easily tolerated by them and often does not even require treatment.

    Herpes in adults

    In adults, the greatest danger is the type 3 virus. People who had chickenpox in childhood are at risk, since the virus remains in their body for many years. When the body's defenses decrease, for example, due to serious illness or old age, the virus becomes more active and manifests itself in the form of shingles. This disease is difficult to diagnose and is often fraught with complications such as postherpetic neuralgia.

    Herpes simplex occurs in adults in 60% of cases, genital herpes in 12-15%.

    Medicine does not yet know how to get rid of herpes 100%. Modern remedies for herpes are aimed mainly at suppressing and alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

    Laser therapy for herpes

    Treatment of herpetic skin lesions begins with non-invasive effects on the blood in close proximity to the lesion. If there is damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the face, then the blood is processed at the site of pulsation of the carotid arteries for 2 minutes on each side at a frequency of 50 Hz per zone 1.

    If the lesion is localized on the genitals, the same procedure is performed over the femoral arteries.

    Local exposure is performed at a frequency of 1000 Hz directly above the lesion. When localized in the face area, the effect is carried out for 5 minutes on zone 2, when the genital organs are affected - 10 minutes.

    When treating herpetic lesions of the face, 2-5 sessions twice a day are sufficient. When the lesion is localized on the genitals, the course of treatment usually consists of 7-10 sessions, carried out 1-2 times a day.

    Herpes is a virus. Moreover, the virus is cunning and nasty: it not only causes illness, but literally “registers” inside us forever. Up to 99% of people on Earth are carriers of herpes.

    It enters the body through the mucous membranes, moves towards the nerve fibers and begins to climb along them into the cranial cavity. There it invades clusters of nerve cells and waits for the immune system to fail. This is where the herpes becomes impudent and runs along the nerve endings to the site of its penetration, and you get a painful blister.

    Immune failure occurs in the following cases:

    The intense work of the immune system during hypothermia, acute respiratory infections and other diseases deprives it of the strength to control dormant herpes.

    Immunity imbalance due to sudden changes in time zones and climate “from winter to summer,” overheating in the sun, stress, and alcohol intake.

    There are as many as 8 varieties of herpes viruses. The most common are types 1 and 2 viruses. The first type leaves blisters around the mouth, the second - on the genitals. True, there is an interesting situation - the first type of virus can easily jump to the genitals during oral sex.

    But herpes does not always = blister. Sometimes there are no symptoms of virus activity at all, and sometimes it disguises itself very skillfully. It turns out that type 7 of the virus or HHV-6 can manifest itself as chronic fatigue syndrome. Yes, yes, when everything is annoying, poor sleep and weakness without physical activity. The viral nature of fatigue can be caused by enlarged lymph nodes and an incomprehensible body temperature of 37-37.1, which lasts for several months.

    How to get rid of herpes?

    It is almost impossible to remove herpes from its place of residence in the body. It penetrates right into the DNA of the nerve cell. But geneticists have already obtained good results: with the help of special molecules, a cut can be made in the viral DNA, which will lead to a decrease in the number of infected cells. If you make two cuts, the viruses are completely killed.

    But we still can't chop up DNA whenever we want. Therefore, we will deal with herpes as follows:

    1.Taking an antiviral drug when there are skin manifestations in the form of blisters. It does not remove the virus itself from the body, but prevents its development in the blood, helping to prevent it from infecting someone else, shortens the duration of the disease, and softens the symptoms.

    The most popular drug is acyclovir. He is like the granddaddy of all antiviral drugs. However, it remains one of the most effective. It has a targeted effect and very low toxicity.

    Everything would be fine, but if you treat herpes only with acyclovir, resistance to it quickly develops. This means that in subsequent episodes of exacerbation of herpes, the drug will help less and less. And most importantly, such a resistant virus can be transmitted further through sexual contact or kissing.

    2.Therefore, in addition to drugs, other methods are needed: ozone, plasmapheresis, bioresonance, autohemotherapy, laser.

    These methods can be used regardless of the stage of herpes. And all of them help improve the balance of your own defenses. As a result, the production of interferon and antibodies toxic to the virus increases, and the activity of killer cells improves.

    We will tell you about two methods that we successfully use in Neo Vita.

    Ozone therapy

    Medical ozone is a universal stimulator of biochemical processes inside cells. Its active effect on the immune system is used in the treatment of herpes simplex, especially with frequent relapses. If herpes bothers you every month, then after a course of ozone you can forget about it for six months to a year. There is evidence that ozone therapy in complex treatment can lead to the complete removal of viruses.

    In the acute period, ozone directly destroys viruses in the blood, and local use of ozonized solutions helps eliminate inflammation, reduce pain and restore skin damage.

    Ozone therapy is very helpful in treating the mysterious chronic fatigue syndrome caused by the herpes virus type 7.

    ILBI– intravenous laser irradiation of blood

    Laser therapy does not remove the herpes virus or cure it completely. But due to the activation of the body’s own forces, the course of the disease becomes mild, the effect of medications is enhanced, and the healing of skin injuries is accelerated. Swelling, itching and pain go away faster. Therefore, you need to start a course of procedures as soon as an unpleasant burning sensation and pain appear - the effect will be maximum.

    The combination of intravenous and external laser exposure shortens the time of swelling and itching to 2 days, and healing occurs in 4 days. After a preventive course of ILBI, the time of remission increases significantly.

    Clinical indicators Group I (antiviral treatment only) Group II (antiviral + external laser therapy) Group III (antiviral + ILBI, Ural irradiation) Group IV (combined laser therapy: ILBI + external laser therapy)
    Relieving swelling, pain, itching 4-5 day Day 2 3-4 day Day 2
    Stopping new rashes 5-6 day 1-2 days Day 3 1-2 days
    Disappearance of papules, vesicles, healing 7-8 day 3-4 day 5-6 day 3-4 day
    Relapses 70% 50 % 5-10 % 5-10 %

    Herpes is a skin disease that manifests itself on a viral basis and looks like a blistering rash on the skin and its mucous membranes. Currently, about 80 types of herpes viruses are recognized. But only 8 of them can be found in humans. But the most common is herpes type 1 or herpes simplex, which leads to a rash on the lips. This disease is also popularly referred to as cold sores or herpes fever.

    It is also worth noting that today 9 out of 10 people carry this virus in their DNA. In this case, infection with the virus occurs through various types of contacts, touching objects, or even through airborne droplets. Carriers of the virus may not even know about it, and this condition is not dangerous for the person himself. However, this infection can manifest itself with various colds, with reduced immunity or with frequent stress. In addition, when the lips or oral cavity are injured, blisters may appear, which are accompanied by malaise, itching and pain. Ultraviolet radiation can also cause colds on the lips.

    Features of laser treatment of herpes

    Here, first of all, it must be said that today there is no such drug that would remove the herpes virus from the human body once and for all. But at the same time, there are methods that prevent the proliferation of virus cells. Such medications should be taken at an early stage of infection. This way you can prevent the virus from manifesting itself in the form of bubbles. However, it must be taken into account that treatment with tablets or ointments alone is unpromising, because relapses of herpes will still be present and care must be taken to ensure that they appear as rarely as possible. Naturally, you first need to work on strengthening your immune system.

    In addition, today there is a method for treating herpes with laser. It is important to know here that laser exposure can be carried out in several ways. This can be an internal laser effect, which is called ILBI and stands for internal laser irradiation of blood. Laser therapy can also be carried out in the form of percutaneous laser exposure. There may also be an intracavitary effect on the lesion itself. Laser therapy can be an element of complex treatment or be an independent method.

    Such radiation is destructive for this type of virus, but at the same time has a good effect on local and general immunity. And the clinical result is obtained not from the effect on the virus itself, but from the inclusion of sanogenetic processes in the patient. However, the laser cannot completely remove the virus and therefore will not lead to a complete cure for the patient. At the same time, laser therapy leads to a more asymptomatic course of this disease and enhances the effect of taking various medications. Laser therapy can also reduce the number of relapses and the possibility of complications. Remission time is also reduced.


    Thanks to this method of treatment, you can get rid of the symptoms of herpes in just a couple of procedures. And the recovery period will be reduced by 2-4 days. The laser penetrates deep into the tissue, destroying the virus completely and having no negative effect on the tissue itself. This method is also effective at any stage of herpes, namely:

    • at the initial stage, the laser relieves pain and reduces the number of bubbles;
    • at the next stage, laser therapy eliminates the possibility of new rashes;
    • in the third phase of this disease, pain and inflammation are eliminated with the help of a laser;
    • at the fourth stage, the laser heals the affected tissue.

    Thus, it is important to say that laser treatment for herpes is extremely effective, but do not forget that even this method will not lead to complete elimination of this virus. It is also better to use laser therapy together with taking medications.



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