Laennec method of application. Laennec: injections and droppers, how to inject, reviews, analogues

The drug "Laennec", developed in Japan, helps stimulate the activity of the immune system and improve liver function. But the product has gained particular popularity among women due to its ability to rejuvenate the body.

Description of the drug

Thanks to its powerful effect on the body, Laennec has acquired a reputation as a kind of dropper of youth. The drug is sterile, non-toxic, and undergoes special treatment against viruses and microbes potentially contained in it. The list of diseases that the product successfully fights includes about 80 items.

Composition and release form

The main component of Laennec is the hydrolyzate of human placenta. The manufacturing process of the drug involves several stages of purification of natural material. There is a common misconception that the medicine contains stem cells, but in addition to the main active substance, the treatment complex contains:

  • vitamins PP, C, D, group B;
  • proteins and amino acids;
  • low molecular weight peptides;
  • trace elements (zinc, sulfur, cobalt, copper, phosphorus);
  • glycosaminoglycans;
  • organic and nucleic acids.

Also present are auxiliary components - water and sodium hydroxide. The substance is available in 2 ml dark glass ampoules, 10 pieces in a cardboard package. The solution is intended for injection. The color of the liquid varies from pale yellow to brown, and it also has a specific odor.

Pharmacological action

The medicine stimulates humoral immunity, increases the activity of cells of the immune system of phagocytes and the bactericidal effect of leukocytes, enhancing the protective functions of the body. Thanks to cytokine molecules, metabolic processes in skin cells are activated, their antiviral and antibacterial protection is improved. Tissue growth factors are responsible for stimulating regeneration processes and restoring an active cell population.

The content of cholesterol and lipids in liver cells decreases, metabolism improves.

The use of Laennec promotes:

  • general detoxification of the body;
  • lifting and refreshing effect of facial skin;
  • normalization of blood circulation and viscosity and, as a result, prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • improving cerebral circulation;
  • sharpening of vision, memory, hearing;
  • losing weight;
  • reducing stress and tension;
  • combating insomnia;
  • prevention of pathologies of the pelvic organs;
  • synthesis of “male” and “female” hormones.

The drug is effective in the fight against sexual dysfunction in both sexes (frigidity, decreased potency). Against the background of injections with Laennec, the activity of all internal organs improves, and fatigue disappears. The drug actively fights alcohol, drug and environmental intoxication. Other indications for use include anemia, psoriasis and hepatitis. Some doctors may advise using the drug for oncology.

Application in cosmetology for face and hair

As an anti-aging therapy, Laennec is used in cosmetology for local and general effects. Experts recommend it:

  • in the fight against acne;
  • with severe alopecia (hair loss);
  • when selecting an anti-cellulite complex;
  • to reduce the severity of age spots;
  • for carrying out lifting procedures and;
  • for rehabilitation of the epidermis after acid peels, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing;
  • to prepare for contouring;
  • during plastic surgery: for preparation for the procedure and in the postoperative recovery period.

In hair and skin cells, the aging process slows down, the synthesis of elastin and collagen improves, and the acid-base and hydrolipid balance is normalized.

Methods of drug administration

Depending on the purpose of administering the medicine, the patient may be offered different ways to take the substance:

  • intravenous through a drip;
  • intramuscular injections;
  • injections into acupuncture points using mesotherapy.

The latest method of introducing laennec is used in cosmetology under the name “pharmacoacupuncture using the drug “Laennec”. The composition in microdoses is injected locally into individual biologically active points using a special syringe.

Medicine supplied in this way has a systemic effect on the body, helping to improve the general condition and normalize the physiological interaction of organs and all systems of the human body.

For a systemic effect, the procedure is performed intramuscularly. The full course lasts three weeks, the medicine is administered every other day. Intravenous drips are considered the most effective way to treat Laennec.

10 procedures are prescribed, which are carried out twice a week. They may also offer the option of complex treatment - combining IVs and mesotherapy. The dosage regimen and dosage are prescribed by a doctor or cosmetologist.

When are the results of the procedure visible and what to expect?

After using the skin rejuvenation product, the elasticity and turgor of the dermis increases, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, the color improves, and acquires a natural healthy shade.

After surgical procedures, the use of the substance helps accelerate the healing process and shortens the rehabilitation period.

Most people who have undergone treatment note an improvement in their mood and performance.

The result of the drug is noticeable after the first course - the skin is moisturized, acne and pigment defects disappear, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and hair falls out less.

Contraindications and side effects

The instructions for use indicate that the product is prohibited from use:

  • children;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with increased sensitivity to the components included in the composition.

Patients with multivalent allergies to medications and the elderly should treat treatment with caution and inform the person performing the procedure about the occurrence of negative reactions.

According to the instructions, side effects occur in almost 4% of patients. Consequences include allergic reactions (itching, redness), pain or numbness at the injection site, and gynecomastia.

The liver and kidneys ensure the smooth functioning of the heart and other internal organs, cleansing the blood of harmful chemical compounds (toxins). Most hepatoprotectors are powerless during long-term therapy with glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics, and blood ionization during radiotherapy. Laennec will protect the liver from the effects of the most powerful medications and radiation.

This drug also improves immunity, prolongs the life of hepatocytes (liver cells) and accelerates their regeneration. Laennec is also used in cosmetology to rejuvenate the skin and to stimulate immune processes, making it possible to completely destroy a number of previously incurable viruses, such as herpes.

Instructions for use

Manufacturer - Japan Bio Products Company, Japan. The package contains an insert with a brief description of the drug and instructions for use, translated into Russian or Ukrainian. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging.

Pharmacological action

Active ingredients of the drug:

  • accelerate the regeneration of hepatocytes and cells of other body systems;
  • prolong the life of liver cells and connective tissues (proliferation);
  • have an antiallergic effect, up to eliminating the immune system’s reaction to a particular allergen;
  • accelerate phospholipid metabolism, especially in the tissues of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • accelerate the breakdown of cholesterol, starch dextrins;
  • slow down the development of hepatocytes that do not participate in the blood purification process;
  • stimulate bone marrow tissue that produces blood cells.


Laennec is prescribed in the following cases:

As a hepatoprotector During a course of glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics, a long course of antibiotics of the macrolide class, aminoglycosides, synthetic penicillins or Olethrin (complex antibiotic).
As an immunomodulator Before taking a course of toxic therapy, except for hormonal drugs.
As part of complex therapy For recurrent herpes, severe atopic dermatitis.
As the main drug For alcoholic, metabolic and toxic hepatitis.
In cosmetology To give elasticity to the skin - an alternative to lifting.
As an alternative to glucocorticosteroids For severe allergic reactions.

Important! Since hormonal drugs are immunomodulators, their dosage should be reduced if they are taken in combination with Laennec.

Composition and release form

Release form: dark glass ampoules of 2 ml of solution. White spot at the fracture site. Packaging: packaging of 5, 10, 50, 200 ampoules. A package of 200 ampoules is designed for hospitals. Not available for free sale.

The active substance is human placenta hydrolyzate. The placenta contains:

  • more than 4000 proteins; collagen, elastin, etc.;
  • more than 100 enzymes; cell growth factors, the main of which are the “cytokines” group;
  • trace elements: zinc, magnesium, selenium, cobalt.

Excipients for maximum absorption: water (sodium hydrochloride).

Directions for use

Herpes, dermatitis: per 500 ml of dextrose solution or saline solution, 10 ml (5 ampoules). Infusion lasting 1.5-2 hours. Course of treatment: 10 infusions with an interval of 2-3 days.

Toxic or alcoholic hepatitis - 4-6 ml intramuscularly or 10 ml infusion. Daily 14-21 days. The interval between intramuscular injections is at least 6 hours.

Interaction with other drugs

With glucocorticosteroids, hydrocortisones, testosterone or estrogens; increased hormone concentration; reduce the dosage by 1.5-2 times or abandon simultaneous therapy.

The effectiveness of Laennec decreases when interacting with drugs that increase pH; sorbents, diuretics.

Side effects

According to statistics, side effects are observed in 3.7% of patients.

  • Allergic manifestations - itching, red spots, rash, anaphylactic reactions.
  • Gynecomastia.
  • Weakness, dizziness due to improper nutrition.
  • Numbness, swelling and pain at the injection site.


Since Laennec is used only under the supervision of a doctor, no cases of overdose have been identified. Judging by the composition and effect of the drug, the following are possible: anemia, disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system due to the formation of blood clots, increased levels of estrogen or testosterone.


The main contraindication is allergic manifestations. Due to the speed of action and method of administration, allergic reactions may begin 15-30 seconds after intramuscular administration or 5-10 minutes after the start of infusion. It is advisable to conduct an allergy test; inject 0.5 ml of Laennec under the skin; wait 10-15 minutes.

Other contraindications.

  • Autoimmune diseases, regardless of etiology.
  • Dystrophy and rickets.
  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Heart disease and other diseases or pathologies of the cardiovascular system in which changes in blood pressure pose a threat to life.

Important! The manufacturer's instructions do not contain information about the donor's blood type. Incompatibility on this indicator; cause of drug rejection and allergic reactions.

Special instructions

The manufacturer's instructions do not contain data on the use of Laennec for benign and malignant formations. Since the drug accelerates cell regeneration and is an immunomodulator, it cannot be used in these processes. And during chemotherapy only after a negative test for tumor markers.

Laennec activates the body's internal reserves and speeds up all processes. During therapy, eat low-fat, high-calorie foods: boiled veal liver, boiled and baked fish, dairy products, if there is no lactose intolerance.

If testosterone or estrogen levels are elevated, drug rejection may occur. Use Laennec with caution.

Laennec is not a substitute for antibiotics or antiviral drugs, in particular for the treatment of viral hepatitis and HIV.

If there are abnormalities of bone tissue in the form of growths, you should not take Laennec. There may be an increase in formation or a crack. If there are abnormalities in the back muscles, rupture of muscle fibers is possible. The myofibrils included in the drug are not adapted to the stress of an adult.

You cannot combine the drug with celandine, hogweed, as blood poisoning is possible due to the rotting of foreign proteins. With chamomile and nettle – deposits in the large intestine.

When playing sports, the body may become exhausted due to accelerated metabolism. Take protein-rich foods and sports supplements (proteins). Avoid anabolic steroids, as this threatens to enlarge the liver and cause a sudden accumulation of fluid!

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Defocus of attention is possible with an overdose or poor nutrition during therapy.

Pregnancy and lactation

Taking the drug can lead to impaired fetal development due to uneven formation of the central nervous system and endocrine system, to calcium deficiency or death. The maternal body is not able to satisfy the increased needs of the fetus for fats and carbohydrates. Laennec passes through mother's milk. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, use analogues.

Use in children with impaired liver and kidney function

The manufacturer limits the use of the drug to people over 18 years of age. But there are cases when doctors prescribe Laennec starting from the age of 12.

  • Chemical damage to the liver and kidneys, causing irreversible changes in 20% or more tissues.
  • Severe intoxication due to excessive treatment with toxic antibiotics (oletethrin, azithromycin, Kanamycin) - these antibiotics are contraindicated in childhood, but are prescribed if the benefit outweighs the harm.
  • In combination in the treatment of Moon's disease and other metabolic disorders.
  • Congenital hypotrophy of kidney and liver functions, but only from the age of 12, if the level of testosterone or estrogen does not exceed the norm for a given age, there is no tendency to dystrophy and or rickets.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Laennec can only be purchased with a prescription. Packs of 200 ampoules are sold exclusively to hospitals or clinics if they provide inpatient treatment.

Storage conditions and periods

Store at a temperature of 18-25oC in a dark place. Restrict access to children. Shelf life: 36 months. Use after the expiration date is not permissible.


The average cost for 1 ampoule is 900 UAH. 2800 rub. The cost of an ampoule does not depend on their quantity in the package.


There are analogues only for pharmacological action.

According to ancient legend, the philosopher's stone turns any substance into gold. Many scientists of the Middle Ages devoted their lives to its unsuccessful search.

The Japanese picked up the baton of alchemists. And judging by the outstanding results, they still managed to discover the philosopher's stone. This is a hydrolyzed placenta "Laennec" (Laennec Placenta Extract) - an extremely effective stimulator of vital energy, created on the basis of the placenta.

It safely rejuvenates, renews and heals the body from the inside:

    • strengthens your own immunity,
    • restores the liver and promotes general detoxification of the body,
    • has a powerful lifting effect,
    • significantly refreshes the quality of the skin,
    • systematically improves the functioning of all internal organs,
    • normalizes blood viscosity and thereby serves as a prevention of heart attacks and strokes,
    • improves cerebral circulation, vision, memory, hearing,
    • relieves stress and insomnia, general tension;
    • effectively affects the pelvic organs and the synthesis of sex hormones, eliminates frigidity and sexual weakness.

You already know that happiness is not determined by money. You already realized that after a certain level, a passionate desire to be healthy and live long appears to enjoy what you have achieved. This is precisely the problem that Laennec solves.

In a sense, Laennec can be compared to vitamins. However, even the most “advanced” vitamins contain no more than 30 artificially synthesized elements, which are absorbed by a maximum of 80%.

This unique composition has a diverse effect on humans.

Placenta Laennec is used worldwide to treat more than 80 different diseases

    • allergies and asthma,
    • prostate adenoma,
    • hair loss,
    • symptoms of menopause, especially in women who refuse HRT,
    • male menopause,
    • metastases,
    • metabolic disorders, enuresis,
    • high and low blood pressure,
    • ulcers and stomach cancer,
    • effectively heals wounds, fights keloid scars,
    • chronic fatigue,
    • painful menstruation,
    • infertility,
    • ovarian dysfunction,
    • skin diseases,
    • constipation,
    • neuralgia, migraines and neuroses,
    • anemia,
    • osteochondorosis, etc.

At Platinental, we achieve amazing aesthetic results using Laennec IVs for preoperative patient preparation and rapid postoperative rehabilitation.

Why has Laennec gained such recognition in world medicine? Not only for its rich composition.

We all know that when taking medications, other organs suffer in one way or another. And we “by default” accept these rules of the game.

Being a new generation product, Laennec is radically different from drugs! This is a very high quality drug with intelligence. “Laennec” itself finds weak links in the body and takes measures to eliminate them. So he shows excellent results in treating various diseases without causing any harm!

Nonsense, you say? Rave?

Are you smiling skeptically because there is no cure for all diseases?

Let's look at the facts.

Have you noticed that the higher you climb the mountain of success, the fewer competitors there are? On this difficult path, many competitors “burn out”: they develop neuroses, become drunkards, and exhaust their strength with artificial stimulants.

Only the healthiest and smartest are at the top of the world. Those who make full use of the achievements of modern medicine to their advantage.

The secret of Laennec's effectiveness is in its production

The production of Laennec is based on a whole philosophy.

Thus, the placenta for the drug is taken only after prosperous natural childbirth But this is not the only condition. It is important that the pregnancy is desired by both parents, and that the born child is full-term and healthy.

To ensure safety, the placenta undergoes many tests at different stages of its processing. The finished placental extract is additionally subjected to sterilization.

Donors who consented to the use of the placenta are healthy and are monitored by a doctor throughout the pregnancy. Subsequently, they are under close medical supervision for several years and are regularly tested for infections.

Placental IVs Laennec

Different methods are used to administer Laennec:

    • intravenous;
    • intramuscular;
    • injections mesotherapy method to acupuncture points.

Droppers are considered the most effective.

Laennec droppers affect problem areas of the body at the cellular level.

Placenta-based drugs improve heart function and increase calcium absorption (which is especially important during the period after menopause), stimulate insulin production and metabolic processes, and prevent the deposition of salts and cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Laennec restores vitality, performance, psychological stability and significantly improves the quality of life.

In fact, Laennec droppers awaken the body's reserves, stimulate the active synthesis of enzymes and hormones, thereby reducing your biological age.

What you need to start treatment

Placental therapy is carried out after reaching 18 years of age as prescribed by a doctor.

The examination includes:

  • general blood test,
  • tests for infections (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, C),
  • hormones (GH, ACTH, thyroid hormones, sex hormones),
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, kidneys, thyroid gland, pelvic organs,
  • immune status,
  • detailed biochemical blood test.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period,
  • childhood,
  • hypersensitivity to the drug,
  • allergies to medications.


The effectiveness of Laennec in rehabilitation after plastic surgery

According to various sources, over the past 10 years the number of plastic surgeries has increased several thousand times. The availability of aesthetic surgery has raised the issue of rapid rehabilitation.

The effectiveness of "Laennec" for the correction of aesthetic problems proven by clinical trials. The complex composition of the placenta causes active movement of growth factors to the area of ​​damage and accelerates healing by 15%.

Laennec effect in detoxification

"Laennec" today earned himself the reputation of an unsurpassed hepatoprotector– means of treating and strengthening the liver. It removes waste and toxins from the body and mobilizes the body's defenses.

The drug is used to treat various hepatitis, cirrhosis and alcoholic liver damage, normalize fat metabolism in the liver in case of excess weight.

Rejuvenation "Laennec"

Rejuvenation is a complex process. It’s not just our toned face that speaks of youth. Mobility, activity, flexibility, strength, reaction speed - the body's internal resources also need to be recharged.

Do you live in the city? Then you are familiar with insomnia, stress, gas pollution, chronic lack of sleep, eating on the go, headaches, allergies... In combination with alcohol and smoking, these factors contribute to early aging. They literally kill the immune system, dry out the skin, lead to chronic fatigue, and wear out the body.

The placenta components in Laennec are a rare case when one medicine helps in the treatment of big city syndrome. They activate and nourish their own strength of the body, returning it to a state of youth.

Even one Laenek procedure triggers the renewal of body cells. Sick, defective, worn out, old and damaged are replaced. It is also important that Laennec does not allow the division of such defective cells. Thus, Laennec not only rejuvenates, it effectively prevents the appearance of tumors and slows down the growth of cancerous formations.

"Laennec" in cosmetology

"Laennec" is effective against psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, herpes, acne, age skin pigmentation.

For intensive hydration, another unique property of the placenta is used - it retains water in the skin in a volume six times greater than the volume of the injected drug.

But these are not all the advantages of the new drug. It turns out that the color of our skin is largely determined by the condition of the liver. In this case, the unpleasant shade cannot be affected by cosmetic procedures. Only Laennec, acting simultaneously on the liver and skin, is guaranteed to return our face to the color of spring sakura.


"Laennec" - lifting

"Laennec" is used in droppers for tightening the skin of the whole body.

The drug has a powerful effect: noticeably improves the quality of the skin, smoothes wrinkles, increases its elasticity and hydration, and lightens age spots.

Facial mesotherapy shows an equally pronounced lifting and strengthening effect on the skin.

The Platinental Aesthetic Lounge clinic is the official partner of the RHANA Medical Corporation in Russia.

Price "Laennec"

The cost of a course of placental IVs is determined individually and depends on the nature of your disease.

To find out how much the Laennec course costs for standard diseases, visit the clinic’s price list.

The most popular, preventive, course "Laennec" is carried out 2 times a year (autumn and spring), consists of 5 procedures 2 times a week.

"Laennec" is the shortest way to make an accurate Swiss chronometer from your body.

To undergo the Laennec procedure, please call +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16 in Moscow and (+7 843) 236-66-66 in Kazan.

Or make an appointment online and receive 30% discount for a consultation! Or buy

Immunomodulator and hepatoprotector

Active ingredient

Human placenta hydrolyzate

Release form, composition and packaging

Solution for injection in the form of a transparent liquid from light yellow to brown, with a characteristic odor.

Excipients: water for injection, sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid (for pH correction).

2 ml - dark glass ampoules (10) - cardboard packs with partitions.

Pharmacological action

Laennec exhibits immunomodulatory properties due to the ability to stimulate humoral immunity and increase the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells. Increases the bactericidal activity of peripheral blood leukocytes, manifested in their ability to destroy the captured pathogen. The cytokines included in the drug activate the metabolic and supervisory functions of skin cells.

Biologically active substances contained in the hydrolyzate stimulate the regeneration (proliferation) of hepatocytes, exhibit detoxification properties, reduce the deposition of lipids and cholesterol in liver cells, increase the activity of tissue respiration, activate metabolism in the liver, and reduce the intensity of development of connective tissue in the liver.


It is not possible to study the pharmacokinetic parameters of Laennec using pharmacokinetic methods, since it consists only of physiological components that are normally present in the body.



  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • childhood;
  • lactation period.

With caution should be used in patients with polyvalent allergies to drugs and in the elderly.


At chronic relapsing and atopic dermatitis the drug is administered IV drip: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the drug (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of 5% dextrose solution or saline and administered through the cubital vein over 1.5-2 hours. Injections are carried out 3 times a week with an interval of 2 days . The course of treatment is 10 injections.

At chronic liver diseases - steatohepatitis (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology) the drug is administered i/m 2 ml/day (112 mg of placenta hydrolyzate). Depending on the severity of the disease, the frequency of injections can be increased up to 2-3 times (up to 6 ml) per day. IV drip administration: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the drug (5 ampoules) are dissolved in 250-500 ml of 5% dextrose solution or saline and administered through the cubital vein over 1.5-2 hours. Injections are carried out daily. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

Side effects are observed in 3.7% of patients.

Clinically significant adverse reactions: allergic reactions are possible, incl. anaphylactic.

Other adverse events: pain at the injection site (2.56%), allergic reactions (redness, itching) (0.37%), numbness at the injection site (0.37%); gynecomastia (0.37%) - a cause-and-effect relationship with the administration of the drug has not been established.


Currently, no cases of overdose with Laennec have been reported.

Drug interactions

Pharmaceutical interactions

When mixing Laennec solution with other drugs that are strong bases (pH above 8.5), the activity of the drug is reduced.

To date, no other clinically significant drug interactions have been identified.

Special instructions

According to currently available data, advanced age is not a contraindication for the use of Laennec. However, since physiological functions deteriorate in the elderly, the use of the drug should be carefully monitored.

Use in pediatrics

Studies on the safety of Laennec in newborns (including premature infants) and minors have not been conducted. Use in children is not recommended.

Immunomodulatory and hepatoprotective drug.

The drug exhibits immunomodulatory properties due to the ability to stimulate humoral immunity and increase the functional activity of phagocytes and natural killer cells. Increases the bactericidal activity of peripheral blood leukocytes, manifested in their ability to destroy the captured pathogen. The cytokines included in the drug activate the metabolic and supervisory functions of skin cells.

Biologically active substances contained in the hydrolyzate stimulate the regeneration (proliferation) of hepatocytes, exhibit detoxification properties, reduce the deposition of lipids and cholesterol in liver cells, increase the activity of tissue respiration, activate metabolism in the liver, and reduce the intensity of development of connective tissue in the liver.


Pharmacokinetic data not provided.

Release form

Solution for injection in the form of a clear liquid from light yellow to brown in color, with a characteristic odor.

Excipients: water for injection, sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid (for pH correction).

2 ml - dark glass ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.


For chronic recurrent herpes and atopic dermatitis, the drug is administered intravenously: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the drug (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of 5% dextrose solution or saline and administered through the cubital vein for 1.5-2 h. Injections are carried out 3 times a week with an interval of 2 days. The course of treatment is 10 injections.

For chronic liver diseases (steatohepatitis /alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology/), the drug is administered intramuscularly at 2 ml/day (112 mg of placenta hydrolyzate). Depending on the severity of the disease, the frequency of injections can be increased to 2-3 times (6 ml)/day. The drug can be administered intravenously by drip: 10 ml (560 mg of placenta hydrolyzate) of the drug (5 ampoules) is dissolved in 250-500 ml of 5% dextrose solution or saline and administered through the cubital vein over 1.5-2 hours. Injections are carried out 2 times. per week. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.


Currently, no cases of overdose with Laennec have been reported.


Pharmaceutical interactions

When mixing Laennec solution with other drugs that are strong bases (pH above 8.5), the activity of the drug is reduced.

To date, no other clinically significant drug interactions have been identified.

Side effects

Side effects are observed in 3.7% of patients.

Clinically significant adverse reactions: allergic reactions are possible.

Other adverse events: pain at the injection site (2.56%), allergic reactions (redness, itching) (0.37%), numbness at the injection site (0.37%), gynecomastia (0.37%) - a cause-and-effect relationship with the administration of the drug has not been established .


  • chronic recurrent herpes (as part of complex therapy);
  • atopic dermatitis of moderate and severe severity, incl. complicated (as part of complex therapy);
  • chronic liver diseases: steatohepatitis (alcoholic, metabolic and mixed etiology) - as monotherapy.


  • childhood;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug.

It should be used with caution in patients with polyvalent allergies to drugs and in the elderly.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Use in children

Use in elderly patients

Use with caution in elderly patients.

Special instructions

According to currently available data, the drug can be prescribed to elderly people. However, given that physiological functions deteriorate in the elderly, the drug should be used under close supervision.

Use in pediatrics

Studies on the safety of Laennec in newborns (including premature infants) and minors have not been conducted. Use in children is not recommended.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The effect on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery has not been established.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs