Lactacyd Pharma for thrush and candidiasis: clinically proven effectiveness for prevention and treatment! Instructions for the use of lactacid for the treatment of thrush.

Lactacyd is a whole series of products for feminine intimate hygiene. They are created in order to maintain the health of the genital area and relieve some unpleasant sensations. The most popular cleanser is Lactacid gel for intimate hygiene. Women appreciated its beneficial properties, and the manufacturer is constantly trying to expand the line of products and improve their quality.

Features of Lactacid gel

Today there is a wide range of Lactacid gels, among which every woman can choose something for herself. There are a number of features that distinguish these intimate gels from conventional detergents:

  • Lactacid gels do not contain soap, which can destroy the natural acidic environment, which is optimal for the life of intimate microflora. Therefore, they do not cause dryness and discomfort that are inevitable after using traditional soap.
  • All Lactacid products contain lactic acid, which helps maintain the natural acidic environment of the genitals. This promotes the growth of lactobacilli and strengthens the body's defenses.
  • The exceptionally soft detergent component of these gels guarantees gentle cleansing without disturbing the acid-base balance or irritating the mucous membranes.
  • All products in the series are hypoallergenic.
  • Lactacid gels are easily washed off. They do not leave an unpleasant “film” on the skin or a heavy, pungent aroma of fragrances.
  • The products are suitable for women of all ages and even girls over 12 years old. They can be safely used immediately after childbirth and during menstruation.
  • The products are available in a wide range, so every woman can choose the best option that suits her.

All Lactacid products are manufactured in European countries in compliance with the highest standards.

To choose the best gel for yourself, you need to study the characteristics of different products in this line. They have minor differences in composition and help solve different problems. Moreover, everything is of high quality and packaged in easy-to-use containers. Prices for products may vary slightly depending on the composition, on average they range from 250-300 rubles.

This product is intended for daily basic care of a woman's genitals. It contains lactic acid and whey. Today's Lactacid for basic care is slightly different from the classic version. It has an updated and improved formula that even more gently cleanses the skin and mucous membranes and stimulates the growth of natural beneficial microflora that protects women's health.

Many women respond positively to the light powdery aroma of the product. It is practically invisible and does not cause discomfort for people with increased sensitivity to odors.

This gel is universal. It can be used at any convenient time, and it will give you a feeling of cleanliness and freshness throughout the day. In addition, it helps get rid of unpleasant odor, itching and other problems caused by dysbiosis of the genital organs and improper washing.

This gel is designed to eliminate mild irritations on the genitals. In addition to natural lactic acid, which restores natural microflora, it contains rice protein and arnica extract, which help heal damaged skin.

Most girls are familiar with irritation in the intimate area. Its main causes are wearing uncomfortable or too tight underwear, depilation in the bikini area, playing sports and swimming in the pool, as well as intimacy. Such irritation leads to discomfort, deterioration of mood and quality of life in general.

Arnica extract contained in the Lactacid Soothing gel has truly miraculous properties. It helps cope with redness and soothes irritated skin. At the same time, arnica enhances the protective properties of the skin and prevents subsequent irritation. Rice protein moisturizes the skin and saturates it with beneficial minerals. This gel restores the mucous membranes and skin of intimate areas and stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora that protects against the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms.

The product is available in a convenient bottle with a dispenser. It can be used not only when there are problems, but also for daily hygiene. It will also be useful to use Lactacid immediately after contact with factors that provoke irritation.

This is a deodorizing gel for intimate hygiene that helps eliminate unpleasant odors using a special deo-active complex. Like all Lactacid products, this gel contains lactic acid, which maintains a normal pH level on the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs. It guarantees gentle cleansing and freshness throughout the day.

Typically, women prefer to use this particular product in the summer heat, as well as during menstruation, when it is especially difficult to maintain freshness.

The secret of the refreshing effect of this gel is in its deo-active complex, as well as in the presence of menthol in the composition. It guarantees a feeling of slight coolness, which is provided by the influence of the metol. Some women worry that deodorizing components will negatively affect their health, so they use such a gel only when necessary, for example, during menstruation, in the heat or when playing sports. In fact, it can be used daily.

This is a moisturizing gel that eliminates the feeling of dryness and softens the skin and mucous membranes of the genitals. Besides natural lactic acid, it also contains lotus flower extract. Its light and unobtrusive floral aroma is highly appreciated by all gentle and romantic ladies.

Dry skin and mucous membranes of the genitals can be caused by too frequent washing with alkaline detergents. Another common reason is age-related changes. This is a common occurrence in women after menopause. Dryness is always accompanied by discomfort; itching and even small cracks may appear on the surface of the mucous membranes.

Lotus extract in Lactacid moisturizing helps eliminate all problems associated with dryness. At the same time, lactic acid stimulates the restoration and growth of beneficial microflora. If you are prone to dryness, it is recommended to use this product during each wash.

All owners of sensitive skin know how difficult it is to choose suitable cosmetics. It is especially difficult to choose detergents for the care of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital organs, since they are much more delicate than other parts of the body. Most of them, even high-quality and natural ones, cause dryness, irritation and itching. This causes constant discomfort and reduces the quality of life.

To care for such skin, you should choose special gentle products. These include Lactacyd Sensitive - a gel for intimate hygiene.

Lactacid for sensitive skin contains cotton extract, which helps soothe the skin and increase its resistance to negative external influences. Natural lactic acid restores the natural pH level of the genitals and stimulates the growth of beneficial microflora. Therefore, Lactacyd Sensitive not only gently cleanses the skin, but also helps it stay healthy. It is also worth noting that this product contains a minimum of perfume fragrances, so you can be sure that it itself will not cause irritation.

This remedy effectively helps eliminate itching, redness and irritation. The active ingredients in it are bisabolol, blue daisy extract and lactic acid. Bisabolol has anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, it perfectly moisturizes the skin, makes it more elastic, and accelerates the regeneration processes in it. Blue daisy extract also eliminates inflammation, soothes and softens the irritated area. Natural lactic acid helps normalize the microflora of the genital organs by optimizing acidity.

This Lactacid gel is sold in pharmacies and is recommended as an adjuvant in the treatment of vaginal infections. It can also be used for daily hygiene.

All Lactacid gels are produced in convenient bottles with dispensers. They are approved by domestic gynecologists and can be used without any restrictions. This also applies to Lactacyd Pharma Soothing gel.

This Lactacid gel is enriched with thyme extract and special antibacterial components. This detergent is designed to enhance antibacterial protection of a woman’s intimate areas. It can be used daily to prevent bacterial infections or during treatment to enhance the effect of therapy. It is useful to use this gel during menstruation and pregnancy, when the likelihood of developing infections increases.

Unlike most antibacterial agents, Lactacid Pharma does not kill the natural microflora of the genital organs, but, on the contrary, stimulates its development by optimizing the pH level. The addition of natural lactic acid helps achieve this.

Thyme extract is not the strongest antiseptic, but it has a very gentle effect without irritating the skin. It prevents the development of bacterial infections and gives Lactacid Pharma gel a delicate summer herbal aroma. Using this product gives freshness and protection for 24 hours.

This intimate hygiene product intensively moisturizes and nourishes the skin with the help of a unique L2G-complex. This substance restores the hydrolipidic protective layer of the skin, so it works absolutely without disturbing the natural course of processes. This product is suitable for girls and women with very dry skin or during menopause, when dry intimate areas occur in almost everyone. Of course, this Lactacid Moisturizing, like all previous products, contains lactic acid to stimulate the body's natural defenses.

This intimate hygiene gel is suitable for women with the most sensitive skin. It contains a minimum of components and no perfumes. This allows you to make Lactacid Pharma Sensitive as soft and gentle as possible. Its pH is 3.5, this allows you to maintain an acidic environment in the vagina, even if it is slightly reduced in a woman.

Lactacyd Pharma Sensitive gel has a very light texture, which allows it to be washed off completely, but at the same time cleans very well.

When to use Lactacid gels

Manufacturers of intimate hygiene gels recommend that all women use them daily, choosing for each the product that is most suitable for her. But it’s no secret that many ladies go their entire lives without any special detergents and do not suffer from discomfort. Indeed, there are practically no cases when one cannot do without such a gel. But there are a number of situations in which the use of Lactacid will be very desirable:

  • During menstruation and immediately after its cessation;
  • During menopause;
  • Before and after visits to the pool or public sauna;
  • Immediately after sexual intercourse;
  • During active sports;
  • During hot weather;
  • In parallel with taking oral hormonal contraceptives;
  • During and after taking antibiotics;
  • For inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and urinary system as part of complex therapy;
  • Before and after gynecological examinations.

How to use Lactacid gels correctly

All Lactacid gels must be shaken slightly before use. Then you need to squeeze a little product onto your hand and mix it with water. All gels are sufficiently concentrated, so their effectiveness will not decrease after dilution. The resulting solution should be carefully treated with the skin in the intimate area, as well as the mucous membranes of the external genitalia. It is not recommended to push the product deeper. Then it should be washed off with warm water. The skin should be blotted with a clean, dry towel.

special instructions

All Lactacid intimate hygiene gels are quite versatile and absolutely safe. The only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to the components of a particular hygiene product. But we must remember that until now the manufacturer has not received information about any negative consequences associated with their use. At the same time, the possibility of developing skin reactions due to an allergy to the components of the product cannot be excluded. The possibility of overdose with these drugs is excluded, since they are used externally.

So far, no clinically significant effects of Lactacid gels with any pharmacological drugs have been identified. Also, their interaction with alcohol has not been recorded.

Lactacid intimate gels can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Moreover, at this time they will be especially useful, as they will help prevent the development of infections. They are not contraindicated in adolescence either.

Lactacid for intimate hygiene is a whole series of innovative products intended for everyday use. Thanks to their unique composition, these products allow women to maintain normal acid-base balance in the genital area. They help get rid of unpleasant odor, as well as itching and irritation. The components of the preparations help create a kind of protective barrier on the skin, which minimizes the impact of external factors.

Lactacid for intimate hygiene: components and release forms

The active ingredients of the Lactacid series for intimate hygiene are 1% lactoserum and 0.07% lactic acid. Other important ingredients include nut butter, milk sugar (lactose), and casein (milk protein). An important feature of the innovative series is the complete absence of soap and alcohol in the composition of the products. This circumstance excludes a sharp shift in vaginal pH to the alkaline side. The impregnation of the wipes includes allantoin, which softens and moisturizes delicate skin. The unique Lactacid Fresh gel contains menthol and Deo-active complex, which provide a feeling of freshness for a long time. Currently, women are offered Lactacid napkins (20 pieces each in a convenient multi-pack), Lactacid Femina Plus mousse (in 150 ml polyethylene bottles) and gel (200 ml bottles with a dispenser tip). In the pharmacy chain you can also purchase a product intended for hypersensitive skin.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of unique Lactacid products for intimate hygiene are:

  • the period after the end of menstruation;
  • (menopause);
  • visiting a swimming pool or public sauna;
  • period after intimacy;
  • active sports and fitness;
  • staying outdoors in hot weather;
  • taking oral hormonal drugs;
  • taking antibiotics (to restore normal vaginal microbiocenosis);
  • inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system (as part of complex therapy to stabilize the acid-base balance);
  • diagnostic procedures in gynecological practice.

Lactacid: instructions for use

Vials with liquid forms of drugs should be shaken before use to maximize homogenization of the contents.

It is recommended to dilute the Lactacid liquid and emulsion with water in a ratio of 1:2 before use, since these products are characterized by a fairly high concentration. According to the instructions, the resulting Lactacid solution should be carefully treated with the mucous membranes of the external genitalia and the skin in the intimate area.

Napkins, which are based on natural plant fiber, are an ideal personal hygiene product for use in the country, on the road, or under other circumstances that do not allow you to take a shower. According to reviews, after using Lactacid wipes, additional rinsing of the treated areas of the body with water is not required.

Lactacid products can be used according to instructions daily, without supplementing with other personal hygiene products.


There are no contraindications for use, except in cases where a woman has an increased sensitivity to one of the components of hygiene products.

Special instructions for the use of Lactacid

Products that are produced in the form of mousse and gel are weaker in concentration and do not require dilution before use. Liquid forms and gels are washed off with running water after application.

How do Lactacid Femina products work?

The therapeutic effect of hygiene products is due to the complex effect of biologically active components included in their composition. Low pH promotes the proliferation of lactic acid microorganisms (lactobacteria), which are representatives of the normal microflora of the vagina. According to reviews, gels and mousses can significantly reduce or completely eliminate irritation. A woman can quickly get rid of the feeling of itching and discomfort and eliminate other negative consequences of taking pharmacological drugs and using other personal hygiene products. When used in accordance with the instructions, Lactacid Femina wipes and emulsion for intimate hygiene do not dry out, but rather moisturize the skin, prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the genital area and do not allow pathogenic microflora to multiply.

Side effects

To date, there has been no information about any negative consequences of using this series of products. The development of skin allergic reactions due to hypersensitivity to one of the components is possible.

Interaction with other drugs

Antagonism and other clinically significant forms of interaction with any pharmacological drugs have not been identified.

Interaction with alcohol

No data are provided on interactions with products containing ethyl alcohol.


The possibility of an overdose of the drugs is excluded, since they are used for external hygienic treatment and none of the components can have a systemic effect.

Lactacid during pregnancy and lactation

Hygienic mousses, gels and wipes Lactacid Femina instructions can be used by women during pregnancy and the postpartum period, as well as during breastfeeding the baby.

Lactacid for children and adolescents

There are no contraindications for use in childhood and adolescence.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is recommended to keep hygiene products from the Lactacid Femina series in places shielded from light in factory containers at a temperature of no more than +25°C.

According to the instructions, the shelf life of Lactacid gels, mousses and wipes is 3 years from the date of release.

More detailed information about Lactacyd on the official website (

Lactacid Femina - a product that restores the acid-base balance of the genital organs.

Pharmacological action Lactacid Femina

Lactacid Femina products contain lactic acid 1%, which maintains the protective barrier of the skin of the mucous membranes, the skin of the external genitalia, as well as lactose, nut oil, milk protein and other excipients.

Thanks to its composition, Lactacid Femina eliminates itching, unpleasant odor, irritation, pain and other discomfort in the external genital area caused by taking other intimate hygiene products, medications, etc.

Judging by the reviews of Lactacid Femina, the product does not irritate and does not dry out the skin, and its additional positive property is that it suppresses the development of pathogenic microorganisms and prevents the occurrence of inflammation of the female genital organs.

There is no soap or alcohol in Lactacid Femina.

Release form

Lactacid Femina is produced in the form of a gel, mousse, liquid, emulsion, and wipes for intimate hygiene.

Indications for use

The instructions for Lactacid Femina indicate that the product can be included in complex therapy for inflammation of the female genital organs to stabilize the acid-base balance.

Good reviews about Lactacid Femina, used to prevent inflammation after antibiotic therapy, while taking hormonal contraceptives, after minor gynecological interventions, during menopause.

Instructions Lactacid Femina: method of application

The emulsion and liquid are quite concentrated, so before washing they are diluted 1:2 and the mucous membranes and skin of the external genital organs are treated with the solution, after which they are washed off.

Gel and mousse are ready-to-use, non-concentrated intimate hygiene products.

Without exception, all varieties of the drug can be used daily for intimate hygiene; there is no need to supplement them with other detergents.

Side effects

No side effects were observed after using the drug.


There are no contraindications to the use of Lactacid Femina. It can be used during pregnancy.

No significant drug interactions have been recorded.


Often, after the first successful treatment of thrush, the disease relapses more than once. The reason for this lies in the fact that the infection causing the disease was eliminated, but not the causes and provoking factors of the disease. The thing is that fungal microorganisms and conditionally pathogenic bacteria constantly live on the mucous membranes and skin of a healthy person, but under favorable conditions they actively multiply. A change in the acidity of the vagina is such a favorable factor for the recurrence of thrush. You can maintain a normal vaginal environment with the help of the right intimate hygiene product, which is Lactacid. In our article we will tell you everything about Lactacid: what it is, how to use it, contraindications and adverse reactions.

Release form and composition

Lactacid is available in different forms. Gel for intimate hygiene is especially popular. LACTACYD is also produced in the form of mousse, liquid lotion and intimate hygiene wipes. As for the gel itself, there are several varieties of it:

  • antibacterial gel;
  • moisturizing;
  • for sensitive skin;
  • softening balm.

Important! The effectiveness of all products in the Lactacid line has been confirmed by clinical trials and laboratory studies.

As for the composition of Lactacid, the instructions for use for each form of this product contain detailed information about the components used and their action. The main ingredients of any form of Lactacid are lactic acid, which is present there in a volume of 0.07%, as well as lactoserum in a volume of 1 percent.

The drug is sold in bottles with a capacity of 150, 200 and 250 ml. As for napkins, there are 15 pieces in a package. LACTACYD is a special line of intimate area care products. All products have low acidity (no more than 3.5). Thanks to the use of lactic acid in the composition, the growth of beneficial lactobacilli, which are the normal microflora of the vaginal environment of a healthy woman, is stimulated. The product also contains active natural ingredients that have a local anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.


The use of Lactacid for intimate hygiene and its mild effect is due to the fact that the medication does not contain soap or other detergents that can irritate and dry out the mucous membranes and skin of the genital organs. Despite the absence of detergent components, Lactacid must be used for toileting the external genitalia. It does not cause irritation and maintains normal vaginal acidity due to its lactic acid content.

The instructions for use contain the following information about the use of Lactacid:

  1. Shake the bottle before use;
  2. It is necessary to squeeze a small amount of mousse, gel or lotion onto a sponge or hands and dilute it with a minimum amount of water;
  3. Next, the resulting foam is applied to the genitals, after which it is thoroughly rinsed with water;
  4. The drug is not recommended for use with soap.

Use for thrush

It’s worth saying right away that a gel or mousse will not be able to cure you of thrush in the acute stage. But their use against the background of the disease will create favorable conditions for a speedy recovery. However, the main treatment of the disease is carried out using antimycotic ointment, cream or suppositories. The use of this hygiene product during illness will help smooth out the symptoms of the disease and eliminate discomfort from burning and itching.

Those who are prone to frequent relapses of thrush use this drug for preventive purposes. Its use is especially indicated during menstruation, when the acidity of the vagina changes. It is also useful to use during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Lactacid will be no less effective after playing sports or visiting the pool.

It is worth adding that there should be no adverse reactions from using intimate gel, mousse or lotion. If you experience discomfort, itching, or irritation, this indicates an individual intolerance to any ingredient in the hygiene product and is a direct and only contraindication to its use.

Lactacid Femina– a recognized expert in the field of intimate hygiene. This is the only series recommended by the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists for daily intimate hygiene and the prevention of dysbacteriosis. European quality, wide range and affordable price make Lactacid Femina products indispensable in the care of modern women and girls starting from 12 years old. The absence of soap in the composition of Lactacid Femina and the presence of lactic acid help maintain the correct healthy acidic environment of the external genitalia.

Lactacid Femina FreshGel for intimate hygiene with pH 5.2. This new product in the Lactacid Femina line not only provides natural protection for the vaginal microflora, but also eliminates unpleasant odor thanks to special antibacterial components. Lactacid Femina Fresh is suitable for daily care, hygiene procedures before and after intimacy, during menstruation, as well as during pregnancy and after childbirth. The gel can be used from the age of 12, and can also be used after sports, visiting the pool, or active walks in hot weather. The new product gently cleanses and is easily washed off with water, leaving no irritation or “film.” Lactacid Femina Fresh is an ideal product for daily hygiene and protection against bacteria, which guarantees a feeling of freshness and cleanliness for a long time.

Lactacid Femina – Intimate hygiene wipes with pH 5.2. Thanks to the content of lactic acid, Lactacid Femina wipes gently cleanse the genitals, restoring and maintaining a favorable acidic environment. This is an ideal format for those who spend a lot of time outside the home. You can take napkins with you to work, school, sports, on the road, traveling and when going outdoors. They do not take up much space and are very convenient for daily use, especially in the hot season, when freshness is so lacking!

Lactacid Femina - Mousse for intimate hygiene with pH 5.2. This mousse of delicate consistency is intended for daily hygiene procedures and maintaining pH balance. The product does not irritate the skin and provides delicate, correct and gentle care. Lactacid Femina Mousse is economical and easy to use thanks to the dispenser and is easy to wash off.

Lactacid Femina – Intimate hygiene product with pH 5.2. Gently cleanses and helps maintain the pH balance of the vagina. It can be used for daily care, after sports, swimming in the pool, during menstruation, before and after intimacy, etc.

Lactacid Femina Plus – Intimate hygiene product with pH 3.5. Contains a higher concentration of lactic acid and is designed for those with sensitive skin. The product restores the natural pH level of the vaginal mucosa and eliminates discomfort associated with irritation. Lactacid Femina Plus is recommended for use by women with sensitive skin, during and after pregnancy, after gynecological interventions, when taking antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives, as well as for women of the older age group, during menopause and menopause.

Release form

Gel for intimate hygiene with pH 5.2 - bottle 200 ml.
Lactacid femina wipes for intimate hygiene - 20 pcs.
Lactacid femina mousse - 150 ml.

Main settings



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