Smoking is an administrative violation article. On the ban on smoking in public places

In accordance with the current norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, smoking in public places forbidden. Ignoring this prohibition is fraught with administrative liability, accompanied by the payment of a fine of the established amount.

In this article we will answer the following questions: what does the law on smoking in public places say? What is the penalty for non-compliance with this law? Read on.

Legislative regulation

The main function of the law on smoking in public places is to protect non-smoking citizens from the harmful effects of tobacco smoke and, in some way, complicate the lives of smokers who have to look for special place for smoking, instead of smoking wherever you feel like it.

According to the law, smoking in public places (where many people are present at the same time) is prohibited. Besides, no smoking:

  • right at the entrance to a public building. However, smoking is allowed fifteen meters away from it;
  • at railway and river stations;
  • on trains, ships, etc.;
  • on children's playgrounds;
  • in the entrances;
  • in close proximity to bus, tram and trolleybus stops;
  • in cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments. With the exception of specially designated areas located in the catering area;
  • on the territory educational institutions different types. With the exception of specially designated areas;
  • in parks;
  • on the territory of cultural and entertainment institutions.

In other words, smoking is allowed only where there is no large cluster people, as well as in specially designated “Smoking Areas”.

The law also allows smoking in one's own place of residence.

As for holding people accountable for violating the law on smoking in public places, it threatens not only unscrupulous smokers, but also those persons who are obliged to equip public places with special signs prohibiting smoking, as well as to promptly notify violators of the consequences.

Those. administration of the establishment public type is obliged to take care to place special signs indicating current ban smoking in this place.


Smoking areas located in catering areas must be equipped with special hoods and also comply with fire safety requirements.

What sanctions are provided for breaking the law?

For violating the law on smoking in public places, immediate measures will follow, including bringing the guilty person to administrative responsibility and paying a fine in the prescribed form. The size of the fine depends on the place where the heavy smoker is caught. So:

  • when smoking in public places where the appropriate prohibition signs are located, the amount of the fine will be from 500 to 1,500 rubles;
  • if a smoker is caught doing a harmful activity right on the playground, the amount of the fine will double and amount to from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles;
  • If smoking citizen involves a child (a person under eighteen years of age) in the process, the fine will be from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles;


Involvement in the process of smoking involves buying cigarettes for a child, giving cigarettes at the request of a minor, as well as offering to try (propaganda).

  • if the promotion of tobacco smoking comes from the parents of a minor, the amount of penalties will be from 2,000 to 3,000 rubles.

We all know that smoking is good for your health. great harm. What’s especially scary is that teenagers start smoking in early age when the child’s body begins to form. And this can affect the physical and mental development children.

Realizing the harm and threat this habit brings to humanity, the government Russian Federation accepted new law. The decree gives the right to punish those who allow themselves to drag themselves in public places. After all, such people harm not only their health, but also all the people around them.

Law on banning smoking in public places 2018

Based on Federal Law No. 15, there are public places where smoking is strictly prohibited. Let's list the main public places:

  • sports, educational, cultural institutions;
  • medical institutions and sanatoriums;
  • all types of transport;
  • airport, train stations, ports, bus stops, passenger platforms;
  • hotels, residential buildings, including entrances and elevators;
  • all commercial establishments;
  • catering places;
  • government building;
  • beaches, playgrounds, parks;
  • gas stations.

It is also prohibited to procrastinate at the workplace if this is desired by the organization's management. In other cases, it is both permissible and punishable. For this purpose, there must be ventilation systems in a specially designated place.

From January 1, 2018, some provisions of the Federal Law on this issue will come into force.

How does it sound?

Under the new smoking ban rule, manufacturers tobacco products must be indicated on the packaging detailed composition, as well as a warning about the health hazards of these products; To persons under 18 years of age, the sale of cigarette products is strictly prohibited. According to the new law, not only sellers, but also parents of teenagers are responsible for selling cigarettes to children under 18 years of age.

In all programs, theatrical productions, and cartoons for children, the demonstration of cigarettes and the process itself are prohibited. And, of course, according to the new decree, the places where this can be done are limited.

What punishment can you expect?

If you violate a rule and the definitions established in it, you can get punished for it. New principle tightened and increased administrative penalties for smoking in public places.

The minimum fine for individuals is 500 rubles. If you break the rule and do it at the station, then everything can cost 1.5 thousand rubles. For holding a cigarette in your hands on a playground, you can pay a fine of 2-3 thousand rubles.

Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs receive much higher fines for violating the law. If individual entrepreneurs forgot to install a “no smoking” sign, they face a fine of 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Legal entities will receive a fine of 30 to 60 thousand rubles for violation.

Approximately the same fines are imposed for rooms for such entertainment, where there is no proper insulation and good ventilation. For selling cigarette products to children legal entities faces a fine of up to 100 thousand rubles. Individual entrepreneurs Selling cigarettes to minors can result in a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles.

A fine of 80 to 150 thousand rubles has been imposed for illegal sponsorship of tobacco products. Getting caught in the wrong places with cigarettes will be too expensive for many. That is why, before taking a drag in a public place, you should be thoroughly familiar with all the provisions of the new resolution.

Law on smoking in public places 2018 fines

According to the new resolution, a fine is considered the main punishment for smoke in public institutions. For a Russian, a fine of 1,500 rubles is quite a significant punishment. Until 2018, cafes and restaurants were not considered a restricted area.

You can download the resolution

Such resolutions and monetary contributions are intended to prevent the promotion of smoking among the younger generation and, of course, to protect the health of all non-smoking citizens. Since June 1, 2015, Russia has been developing a law banning tobacco smoking.

Does this apply to electronic cigarettes?

Having familiarized yourself with the Federal Law, you can understand that the ban has been introduced only on tobacco products that cause tobacco smoke. After all, this smoke is contained in the atmosphere and is inhaled by the rest of the population. The smoking ordinance says nothing about banning e-cigarettes.

When I left, check out

On June 1, 2013, the “Anti-tobacco” law came into force, which prohibits the use of cigarettes in public places, sponsorship and advertising of tobacco, and the involvement of children in this process. The ban was introduced gradually.

Since 2013 it is prohibited to smoke in schools, universities, medical institutions, organ buildings state power, elevators, in public transport. Since June 2014, a smoking ban has been introduced on trains. long distance, ships, cafes, restaurants, shopping facilities, train platforms.

Federal Law on the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places 2018

This law was adopted in 2013, in February. In his active action entered into force on June 1, 2014. For several years now he has been helping to maintain law and order in the country. You can download the resolution

Addendum read

Anti-tobacco law, the purpose of which is to protect citizens from negative consequences smoking, was adopted in 2013. The law affects everyone, so it is important to know what restrictions on smoking it sets and who they apply to.

What is the fine for smoking in public places in 2018, where smoking is prohibited by law and where it is permissible, as well as what fines exist for other violations of the anti-tobacco law, you will learn from this article.

Where is smoking prohibited and where is it allowed?

Before you figure out what the fine is for smoking in in the wrong place, it is necessary to determine where, according to the anti-tobacco law, smoking is prohibited and where it is permitted.

Places where smoking is prohibited are indicated in Part 1 of Art. 12 of the Federal Law of February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.” In accordance with Federal Law, smoking is prohibited:

  1. On the territories of educational institutions, as well as culture and sports (schools, stadiums, etc.);
  2. In the territories of hospitals, hospitals, sanatoriums and other medical and recreational institutions;
  3. In passenger trains and long-distance ships, in public transport (urban and suburban);
  4. At a distance of less than 15 m from the entrances to premises (as well as indoors) of railway and bus stations, ports, airports, metro stations, on metro platforms and commuter trains;
  5. In premises of household and housing services, catering services, markets, retail facilities;
  6. At indoor workplaces;
  7. In elevators and entrances apartment buildings;
  8. On children's playgrounds;
  9. On the beaches;
  10. At gas stations, etc.

Important: Local legislatures have the power to further restrict smoking in certain public places.

In accordance with the same law, smoking is permitted by decision of the property owner in specially equipped places in:

  1. Long-distance passenger ships;
  2. Common areas of residential buildings.

“Based on the decision of the owner of the property or another person authorized by the owner of the property, tobacco smoking is allowed:

1) in specially designated places in the open air or in isolated rooms that are equipped with ventilation systems and are organized on ships on long voyages when providing services for the transportation of passengers;

2) in specially designated places in the open air or in isolated rooms public use apartment buildings that are equipped with ventilation systems.” (Part 2 of Article 12 Federal Law dated February 23, 2013 No. 15-FZ)

What is the fine for smoking in public places?

The administrative fine for smoking in the entrance, on the playground and other public places is specified in Article 6.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The amount of punishment will be from 500 to 3000 rubles. and depends on the severity of the violation, as well as on the place where it was committed:

  • Smoking on long-distance trains, on beaches, in entrances, on the grounds of hospitals, schools and other public places where it is prohibited federal law, will cost the violator from 500 to 1500 rubles. according to Part 1 of Art. 6.24 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

“Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco established by federal law in certain territories, premises and facilities, with the exception of cases provided for in Part 2 of this article, entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand five hundred rubles.”

  • Smoking on children's playgrounds is subject to a fine of 2,000 to 3,000 rubles. in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 6.24 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

“Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco on children’s playgrounds established by federal law entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles.”

Is it possible to offer cigarettes to minors or smoke while driving?

In addition to penalties for smoking in public places, there are also other fines for violations of the anti-tobacco law in 2018.

Article 6.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation talks about administrative responsibility for involving minors in the process of smoking. It is prohibited to buy, transfer or offer cigarettes to a minor. For such a violation, a fine of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles is provided. according to Part 1 of Art. 6.23 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

“Involving a minor in the process of tobacco consumption entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand rubles.”

If a minor is involved in smoking by his parent, the punishment will be from 2000 to 3000 rubles. in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 6.23 Code of Administrative Offences:

“The same actions committed by parents or other legal representatives of a minor will entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles.”

Smoking while driving own car not prohibited. Only the driver of a bus or other vehicle involved in the transportation of passengers will receive a fine for smoking while driving, since smoking is prohibited in public transport. The amount of the fine in this case will be from 500 to 1500 rubles. according to Part 1 of Art. 6.24 Code of Administrative Offences.

Where to see the fine for smoking

You can find out if there is a fine for smoking on the website Federal service bailiffs of Russia. To do this, on the main page of the site, select “Services” and go to the “Data Bank of Enforcement Proceedings” section. In the “Search” subsection individuals» Enter the required information and wait until the request is processed. In this subsection you can also pay debts.

There are other ways to pay a fine for smoking online. This can be done:

If you have been issued a fine for smoking, the legality of which you do not agree with, you have the right to appeal it in court. To correctly draw up a complaint against a decision in an administrative offense case, seek the help of a lawyer.

On October 14, 2017, new anti-tobacco measures come into force. Smokers will even have to fresh air look for a specially designated area.

Anti-tobacco law FZ-15: smoking is harmful

According to available statistics, every year almost half a million Russians die due to cancer and other serious illnesses which are caused by smoking or inhalation cigarette smoke- the so-called smoke swallowing. This is a huge and terrifying figure, and the purpose of adopting such a law is one of the steps in the fight against scary statistics along with measures such as propaganda healthy image life and education of young people in an “anti-tobacco” spirit.

Smoking in Russia is a real scourge of our time, the worst thing is that every year more and more teenagers and women take up smoking. The latter don't quit bad habit even when in a position. Therefore, one should not be surprised that the younger generation, together with newborns, are, to put it mildly, not very healthy.

In 2013, the Russian Government decided to tackle the problem of smoking in the country. A law banning smoking in public places was signed and put into effect. The smoking bill is intended to solve two problems:

  1. To differentiate between smokers and non-smokers, protecting the interests of the latter.
  2. Take care of the health of citizens who do not smoke.

If in 2013 the law regulated a small list of places where you can be fined for smoking a cigarette, then in 2017 it was expanded to the maximum.

However, we are unlikely to be able to find out whether the law will fulfill the functions planned by the deputies in the near future: according to experts, Russia will be able to feel the positive changes in the improvement of the nation caused by anti-tobacco bans and corresponding propaganda no earlier than in 5 years.

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Fines for smoking in the wrong place

As for fines for individuals - you and me, ordinary citizens, their amounts are given in Article 6.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: for smoking in an unauthorized place they will charge 500-1,500 rubles. The exception is cigarette smoking on the playground, which is extremely harmful for children, and this is logical - here the violating smoker will have to fork out 2,000-3,000 rubles.

Where you can't smoke

Reading Federal Law-15, one gets the impression that it is easier to name places where you can smoke than those where it is prohibited. But let us still turn to the text of the law, to Article 12. So, now it is not allowed to “smoke”:

  • Wherever there are young people - in educational and other institutions that deal with issues affecting the younger generation.
  • In sports, medical and sanatorium-resort institutions.
  • On electric trains and passenger trains, on passenger ships and aircraft, on any type of public transport.
  • Closer than 15 meters from any train stations (railway and bus), airports, river and sea ports, metro stations, as well as inside these transport institutions and on passenger platforms.
  • In residential, household, social, retail (including markets and tents), hotel establishments, and catering establishments.
  • In government agencies.
  • At work (indoors).
  • In building elevators, as well as in any other common areas in the house.
  • On beaches and playgrounds.
  • At gas stations.

As you can see, the list of prohibitions is quite impressive. To summarize, smoking is now prohibited in or near any public places and institutions, including inside shopping and leisure centers and even in restaurants and cafes. Places and territories where smoking is prohibited are equipped with a special prohibition sign.

When will smoking be banned near entrances?

The Ministry of Health has formed a project positive feedback government on amendments to Article 12 of the law “On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of environmental tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption.”

The Ministry of Health supports the ban on smoking in the open air at a distance of less than 10 m from the entrance to the entrances of residential buildings.

The situation when neighbors or guests smoke at the entrance to an apartment building is widespread, according to the explanatory note to the bill. At the same time, all citizens living in the entrance, including children, elderly citizens and especially citizens suffering from asthma and other diseases respiratory tract, are forced to constantly inhale tobacco smoke when entering their own homes. And residents of the lower floors of apartment buildings become “hostages” of this situation, not being able to open the windows at all, according to the Federation Council.

The law works - the budget is replenished

According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2016, internal affairs bodies reviewed 449,201 materials about administrative offenses under Art. 6.24 of the Code of Administrative Offenses “Violation of the ban on smoking tobacco established by federal law in certain territories, premises and facilities.” There were 5,371 decisions on oral reprimands and 415,260 decisions on the imposition of an administrative fine. The total amount of fines under this article amounted to 211.8 million rubles. Compared to the previous year, the figure decreased by approximately 8%.

Requirements for the equipment of smoking areas

Isolated rooms for smoking tobacco are equipped with:

  • a door or similar device that prevents contaminated air from entering adjacent rooms, with outside which is placed
  • "Smoking area" sign;
  • ashtrays;
  • artificial lighting;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation system with mechanical drive, ensuring the assimilation of contaminants released during the consumption of tobacco products, as well as preventing the penetration of polluted air into adjacent rooms;

Special outdoor places for smoking tobacco are equipped with:

  • "Smoking area" sign;
  • ashtrays;
  • artificial lighting (at night);
  • information materials about the dangers of tobacco consumption and harmful effects ambient tobacco smoke.

Video on smoking ban



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