How to eat sesame. Seeds for weight loss

Sesame or sesame is a herbaceous annual plant with white, oily and aromatic seeds. The plant looks like an oblong box filled with colorful seeds.

Variety of sesame

Sesame seeds are divided into black and white. The variety affects the quality and aroma of the product. The darker the seeds, the healthier the sesame.

Benefits of black sesame

Black sesame contains: vitamins, copper, manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc. 100 g of product contains 1474 mg of calcium, which is easily absorbed by the body.

Black sesame contains 49% fat, 20% protein, 12% carbohydrates and 6% dietary fiber. Consumption of the product normalizes oxygen processes in the body, cells are renewed.

Benefits of white sesame

White sesame seeds are peeled before use. The variety is used in the preparation of desserts, baked goods, and bars.

The product contains: proteins, fats, vitamins E, K and C. The chemical substance phytosterol in sesame prevents the entry of bad cholesterol into the blood.

Differences between black and white sesame

  • Black seeds have a strong, pleasant aroma, bitter taste, and do not require pre-cleaning.
  • White sesame has a neutral odor and is peeled before use.
  • Black seeds contain more iron and are used for medicinal purposes. Prescribed to people with body weakness, anemia.
  • White sesame is effective in combating constipation.
  • Black sesame improves the taste of salads and desserts.
  • White sesame seeds are used to decorate baked goods and bars.

Useful properties

Sesame has:

  • organic and fatty acids,
  • vitamins,
  • antioxidants,
  • proteins,
  • carbohydrates,
  • phytoestrogens,
  • macro and microelements.

Antioxidants extend the shelf life of the product. Seeds do not lose their beneficial qualities for up to 10 years.

  1. Calcium in the plant improves blood clotting, normalizes acidity, strengthens hair and nails. The element removes toxins from the body and regulates the production of hormones.
  2. The substance sesamin is an antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer.
  3. Phytin restores the mineral balance of the body.
  4. Thiamine improves nervous function and normalizes metabolism.
  5. Vitamin PP improves the functioning of the digestive tract.
  6. Phytoestrogen is a substitute for female sex hormones.

The benefits of sesame for women

Regular consumption of sesame regulates a woman’s hormonal levels, relieves pain during menopause, and delays the manifestations of menopause. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. The disease “osteoporosis” is a weakening of bone tissue, not a death sentence; eating sesame strengthens bones.

Sesame is used for cosmetic purposes. Sesame-based products refresh the skin, relieve irritation, and rejuvenate.

Beneficial properties of sesame for men

Sesame improves potency, prevents the development of prostate cancer, and affects male hormonal levels. Amino acids in sesame increase testosterone production and improve reproductive function.

B vitamins, phosphorus and lipids relieve depression, improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and affect brain function.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds have such beneficial properties.

  • Remove harmful substances. Waste and toxins accumulate in the organs and poison them.
  • Sesame seeds provide a mild laxative effect. Seeds in your daily diet will relieve constipation.
  • Sesame seeds are not an allergenic product.
  • Useful properties are used in folk medicine.
  • The content (0.21-0.30 mg) rejuvenates the body.
  • Fiber – prevention of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Regular consumption of a handful of seeds increases the body's protective functions.
  • The seeds are used to treat colds, asthma, and bronchitis.
  • The vegetable protein in the product is easily absorbed by the body and is useful after intense training.
  • Sesame seeds improve intestinal motility, which has a positive effect on weight.
  • Steamed sesame is useful in early pregnancy. It improves digestion, supplies the body with necessary elements, and normalizes the nervous system.

There are no contraindications to the use of sesame seeds, although individual intolerance to the product is possible.

Use of sesame seeds

Daily consumption rate is 2g. Abuse of sesame leads to digestive problems and extra pounds on the body.

Meat and fish are breaded in sesame seeds. Heat treatment removes beneficial properties, but minimizes the aggressive effects of elements on the body. Sesame is added to vegetable salads.

Uses of sesame oil

Unrefined oil is characterized by a dark brown hue, sweet taste and pronounced aroma. To obtain this oil, the seeds are fried. From raw seeds, an oil of a light yellow hue is obtained, the taste and smell are weak.

Sesame oil consists of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other components. Consumption of oil improves the cardiovascular system, normalizes metabolic processes, and strengthens the immune system.

Sesame oil is used for prevention purposes. The product strengthens the body's protective functions and prevents the development of tumors. Oil is used to treat skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, mycosis).

Together with other ingredients, sesame softens, moisturizes, and saturates the skin with nutrients.

The oil maintains the daily dose of calcium in the body. Drink a tablespoon of oil per day. This will strengthen the immune system, eliminate dry cough, improve the functioning of the ovaries, regulate the menstrual cycle, and minimize the manifestations of gastritis.

Composition and calorie content

This is a high-calorie product, containing 890 kcal per 100g. Sesame oil consists of:

  1. organic acids,
  2. calcium,
  3. zinc,
  4. gland,
  5. phosphorus,
  6. magnesium,
  7. vitamin E.

Healing properties are provided by:

  • Phytin (the element restores the balance of minerals).
  • Sesamol (antioxidant properties).
  • Beta-sitosterol (normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood).

Sesame oil in cosmetology

Anti-dandruff mask


  1. Sesame oil - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Egg yolks - 2 pcs.

How to cook: Combine the yolks, butter and honey.

How to use: Apply the mixture to your hair and rub into your scalp. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Wash your hair with shampoo.

Result: Restores hair shine, prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

Sesame oil makes hair soft, moisturizes, and protects against harmful environmental influences.


The product is suitable for dry skin prone to flaking. Add to moisturizer, masks or toner.

You will need:

  1. Sesame oil - 3 drops.
  2. Glycerin - 40 g.

How to cook: Connect the components. Apply to dry, clean skin. After 20 minutes, pat your face dry with a napkin.

Sesame oil eliminates puffiness on the eyelids, moisturizes delicate skin, and saturates it with beneficial elements.

Face mask

The mask is suitable for daily use. The skin is smoothed, facial wrinkles disappear.


  1. Sesame oil - 1 teaspoon.
  2. Cocoa - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Heat the oil until warm. Add cocoa. Apply the product for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Complete the procedure by applying a suitable cream.

Sesame in cooking

In the video: how to make sesame milk, pasta, salad dressing, crispbread and date candies.

Contraindications and harm

Sesame and products based on it are contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Rash, itching and redness on the skin are allergic manifestations indicating intolerance to the product by the body.

Children under 5 years old should not eat sesame. A young body slowly absorbs and breaks down fats.

Women in the last months of pregnancy should not take sesame. There is a risk of premature birth.

The use of sesame is contraindicated for people with high blood clotting, blood clots in blood vessels and urolithiasis.

Sesame or sesame belongs to herbaceous plants of the Pedaliaceae family, and has been used as an oilseed crop since ancient times. It should be noted that sesame comes in white and black. The seeds of these plants differ in taste and concentration of biologically active substances. As a rule, black sesame is more prized among spice connoisseurs. Today we will take a detailed look at how to take sesame seeds for good, possible harm and contraindications for use.

Sesame is an integral component of Arab and Jewish cuisines. Sesame seeds are a unique product widely used in cooking (adding to cold appetizers, sprinkling on baked goods, making tahini halva and kozinaki), cosmetology (mostly sesame oil rich in healing components is used), traditional and folk medicine.

Numerous seeds of the crop are located in an elongated multifaceted capsule that ripens at the top of the stem. Valuable oil is squeezed out of them - a universal vegetable oil that has found both internal and external use.

The seeds, with a subtle nutty taste and delicate piquant aroma, have a unique biochemical composition, thanks to which they are endowed with powerful healing powers. Their inclusion in the diet as a seasoning and oriental sweets can significantly improve health. Water- and fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, bioavailable lipids, PUFAs, amino acids, etc. are found in the seeds.

The benefits and harms of sesame seeds for women and men

white and black sesame seeds (photo)

The benefits of sesame seeds have been confirmed in numerous scientific works; they are endowed with truly mystical characteristics. In ancient times, it was believed that sesame was one of the important components of the elixir of youth.

Today it is known for certain that the seeds have medicinal properties that allow them to cope with many diseases of the human body.

Useful properties of seeds:

  • Immunomodulatory (the inclusion of sesame seeds in the diet increases the body's resistance to various infections);
  • Expectorant (sesame oil is used to treat colds accompanied by cough);
  • Cleansing (the product helps remove accumulated toxins, carcinogens, heavy metals, metabolites and toxic substances from the body);
  • Anticholesterol (omega-3 PUFAs in the seeds help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood);
  • Hematopoietic (seeds improve blood composition);
  • Metabolic (inclusion of seeds in the diet normalizes all types of metabolism, primarily phosphorus-calcium);
  • Sedative (the product has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system and helps resist stress);
  • General strengthening (vitamins and microelements prevent the development of hypovitaminosis and microelement deficiency in the body).

In addition, it has been proven that the systematic consumption of small portions of seeds is a powerful prevention of malignant cell degeneration, and therefore the development of cancer.

The product is indispensable for the health of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, musculoskeletal and reproductive systems.

The benefit of sesame seeds for women is to improve the condition of the genital area. In addition, the biologically active phytonutrients of the product have a beneficial effect on the female body during hormonal imbalances and menopause, prevent the development of mastopathy and prevent the leaching of calcium from the bones (prevention of osteoporosis).

Sesame is also a powerful remedy for maintaining beauty, since its components significantly improve the condition of the skin and skin appendages (nail plates, hair).

The benefit of sesame seeds for men is to activate the process of building muscle mass, which is especially important during intense training. Sesame is also useful for male menopause, which is accompanied by insomnia, irritability and decreased sexual activity.

About harm and contraindications

To date, the benefits and harms of sesame seeds have been studied quite well, and despite their value, nutritionists recommend including them in the diet in limited quantities. Firstly, the product is high in calories, and secondly, excessive consumption of seeds can lead to the development of allergic reactions (skin rashes, itching, flushing, urticaria) and digestive disorders (constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region).

You should not get carried away with oriental sweets made from sesame, the main of which are kozinaki (grains pressed into plates in sweet molasses syrup) and tahini halva. The combination of sesame and refined sugar is contraindicated in diabetes, obesity, pancreatitis, and exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Women should not forget about the calorie content of such a delicacy.

Sesame is harmful for patients who are prone to the formation of blood clots and have increased blood clotting.

It is also undesirable to consume the seeds if you have a history of urolithiasis. Experts do not recommend eating sesame on an empty stomach, as it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to take sesame seeds?

We eat and benefit!

To get the maximum benefit, nutritionists recommend consuming seeds and oil in the first half of the day, when calcium and other microelements are maximally absorbed.

Eat sesame seeds in the amount of 1-3 teaspoons per day. They are added to salads, vegetable dishes, and baked goods.

Healthy dishes with sesame seeds

A very healthy drink for both adults and children

The easiest way to consume the seeds is raw (not roasted). To diversify the menu, experienced housewives recommend trying to prepare savory and original dishes from sesame seeds - I will give several recipes below.

Sesame milk

Sesame milk is considered one of the healthiest sesame-based dishes. This is an amazing remedy that is useful for children and adults. Just one glass of this milk a day can satisfy the body’s daily need for calcium and improve the functioning of all organs and systems.

The drink is especially popular among vegetarians, anyone who suffers from lactose intolerance and cannot drink cow's milk, as well as Orthodox Christians who observe long fasts.

A glass of seeds is poured with water overnight. In the morning, strain the swollen seeds, place them in a blender bowl, add 15 ml of sesame oil, 2-3 dates (without seeds), and a pinch of sea salt. The mass is ground, gradually adding drinking water (a total of 0.8 liters is required) until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The drink should acquire a characteristic milky color.

  • Before use, the liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze, removing the cake. Milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days without loss of quality.

Vitamin salad with sesame seeds

This salad is an excellent cold appetizer, served before main courses for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You will need washed lettuce leaves (1 bunch), celery root (100 g), a medium apple, sesame oil, herbs for decoration, a teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-3 teaspoons of sesame seeds.

Since ancient times, humanity has used various seeds for the treatment and prevention of diseases, one of such seeds is sesame. Its benefits for women are very great, despite the fact that these seeds are not very popular in our country. Sesame has many varieties and is grown in India. The plant is used in cooking and folk medicine and has a huge number of valuable properties, especially for women’s health, which will be discussed in the article.

Composition and effect on the female body

Its composition will tell you how sesame is beneficial for women. It includes a large amount of fats, as well as proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Despite the high calorie content, it is difficult to gain weight from sesame. To do this, you need to eat it every day in huge quantities, because the fats contained in the seeds are extremely healthy.

Sesame is rich in saturated and unsaturated fats, dietary fiber, vitamins E and PP, group B. Saturated with minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, which allows you to use sesame during pregnancy.

The oil that sesame seeds contain is rich in special active substances - phytosterols. They have enormous benefits for the human body, and for women, products containing them are especially recommended. Phytosterols rejuvenate and cleanse the body, help lower blood cholesterol levels, improve immunity and normalize the activity of the endocrine system. A distinctive feature of phytosterols is their ability to prolong the period of reproductive function in women.

Sesame contains a substance - sesamin, which has high antioxidant properties. Due to them, sesame oil can be stored for a long time and not oxidize. Sesame seeds and oil are beneficial for women and are valued by them for their anti-aging properties.

It should be noted the high calcium content in the seeds. During breastfeeding or pregnancy, sesame will help compensate for the deficiency of this mineral without the use of medications. Many women suffer from calcium deficiency, whether during their reproductive years or during menopause. One hundred grams of seeds or a couple of tablespoons of sesame oil will fill the daily requirement.

Eating seeds helps with many diseases. The benefits of sesame for women are to reduce the occurrence or development of mastopathy. It helps with diabetes or pulmonary diseases, asthma, bronchitis. The seeds are good at eliminating constipation, treating shortness of breath and increasing blood clotting; they are recommended by doctors for anemia.

Valuable seeds regulate the level of hormones in the blood, which allows them to be successfully used during pregnancy, menopause or other hormonal disorders. There is no need to doubt whether a nursing mother can eat sesame seeds. After all, it not only normalizes hormones, but also saturates the body of mother and child with essential vitamins and minerals.

Sesame helps with problems with the thyroid gland, which is often observed among the fair sex. In addition, it is a strong aphrodisiac.

Due to the content of more than fifty percent oil, as well as vitamins and amino acids, the seeds have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and nails. This undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the appearance of a girl or woman. The seeds will help when consumed internally, and the oil can not only be added to food, but also made into face or hair masks. You will be provided with a luxurious mane and soft velvety skin.

In adulthood, you should also consume sesame. The beneficial properties for older women are also very high. It improves memory, eliminates excess cholesterol, and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and vision. It has a positive effect on blood vessels, the functioning of the heart and the digestive system.

Harm and contraindications

Undoubtedly, the beneficial properties of sesame for women are very high, however, like all products, it has its contraindications. The negative properties of seeds are minimal, but they also need to be taken into account:

  1. You should not eat sesame on an empty stomach or if there is a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Do not consume sesame if you are at risk of miscarriage.
  3. Seeds are not recommended if you are prone to thrombophlebitis.

Healing seeds are increasingly gaining popularity, so many mothers are wondering whether sesame seeds can be used while breastfeeding. In the absence of the diseases and symptoms listed above, use it without fear.

How to use sesame

Sesame seeds taste sweetish, with a nutty undertone. It is often used to make oils, and in the seeds themselves its share reaches sixty percent. Sesame is valued during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

In Asian countries, sesame is more common than here. It is added to various dishes, meat and vegetables. In our country, it is more often used in the production of confectionery and bakery products, bread or oriental sweets.

However, it can also be added to various vegetable salads; oil from it can easily replace sunflower or olive oil and be used as a sauce ingredient or salad dressing. It is added to meat or fish, and sushi and rolls are prepared with it.

Sesame, which has very high benefits for women, should be included in your daily diet. It can be used not only in baking, but also in preparing meat and vegetable dishes. And eating it will help maintain women's health and youth.

Watch the video recipe for the food of the gods:

Among the wide variety of oriental spices and seasonings, sesame seeds occupy a special place. Their subtle, light nutty taste is indispensable in the preparation of many dishes. They are especially often used in Oriental and Asian cuisine. Also, very useful oil is squeezed out of the seeds, which is actively used in cosmetology and used in medicine.

In general, small sesame seeds have powerful healing powers. People have known and used them for many centuries. In eastern countries, sesame was considered an ingredient in the recipe for the ancient elixir of youth. The many valuable components that make up the seeds give sesame seeds high healing properties that allow them to cope with many ailments.

How sesame seeds are used for medicinal purposes, benefits and harms, beneficial properties, uses of its seeds and oils - I will tell you about all this today:

What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

These small, tasty seeds contain many minerals. For example, there is calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. There are many vitamins, for example, vitamin A, which is necessary for the eyes. It contains a lot of phytin, a substance involved in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Therefore, sesame is very useful to use for prevention, and also to use in the treatment of diseases of the skeletal system: osteoporosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, as well as articular and muscular neuralgia.

But the most important thing is that the seeds contain sesamin - a very rare, unique substance. Sesamin is a powerful plant antioxidant. Once in the body, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol and also activates metabolic processes in the body.

The seeds and oil are very useful for preventing the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. They are used in the treatment of asthma, thyroid gland, and anemia. Used to stop bleeding.

They are useful for women who are breastfeeding if there is congestion in the mammary glands or inflammation (mastitis). To treat the inflammatory process, the seeds, crushed to a powder, are moistened with warm vegetable oil. Then soak a gauze pad generously and apply it to the mammary gland.

Healing oil is used to treat colds and indigestion. Taken orally for gastritis and ulcers. The oil is taken to strengthen the skeletal system, improve the body's defenses and increase vitality.

How to extract the power that sesame seeds contain? Application in medicine

To cleanse and heal the body, grind the seeds fried in a dry frying pan to a powder using a coffee grinder. Take 1-2 tsp. before meals with a small amount of warm water. The course of admission is 2 weeks.

If you have a cold, heat the oil in a water bath (up to 38-40 degrees). Rub it on your back and chest. Then put on warm clothes and lie down under the blanket.

The beneficial properties of the oil are also used to treat sore throat and pharyngitis. Add a few drops to a cup of warm milk and drink three times a day.

For inflammation of the middle ear, 1-2 drops of warm oil are instilled into the ear canals.

Benefit, the use of seeds is effective for food poisoning accompanied by diarrhea. They have the ability to cleanse the body of poisons and toxic substances. Therefore, in case of poisoning, chop 1 tsp. seeds to powder, mix with a quarter glass of honey. Add 1 tsp. mixture per cup of warm boiled water. It is recommended to drink every 1-2 hours until the condition improves.

To increase blood clotting, take 1 tbsp every morning, immediately after waking up. l. sesame oil. This recipe is also effective in treating gastritis and relieving persistent constipation.

If you have a toothache, the oil of this wonderful plant will also help. Just rub just a few drops into the area of ​​the gum where the sore tooth is located.

For complex treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissures, prepare a decoction: Add 1 tbsp. l. seeds into a small saucepan. Pour half a glass of boiling water. Boil at very low temperature for only 3 minutes. Cool. Use warm broth to wash and lotion the anus.

Who shouldn't eat sesame seeds? Harm

The benefits and harms of sesame have been studied quite well. Therefore, experts warn that frequent use can cause a serious allergic reaction. So people prone to allergies need to pay serious attention to this.

Eating large amounts of seeds can cause stomach and intestinal upset. Treatment with sesame is strictly contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis.

People who do not have these contraindications should also not overuse sesame. This may bring harm rather than benefit. To improve your health, it is enough to eat no more than 20-30 g per day.

Moderate consumption will provide the body with all the necessary substances. Therefore, use sesame for treatment, but do not exceed the dosage when preparing medicinal products and be healthy!

Sesame has gained high popularity and is actively used in cosmetology, cooking, and medicine. Sesame seed has gained popularity due to its unique composition. The benefits and harms of a product depend on how you take the raw materials. Wise use can significantly improve your health. But, first things first.

Benefits of sesame seeds for the body

1. The main positive quality of the product is its ability to resist anti-aging changes. The abundance of polyunsaturated fatty acids in seeds prevents the development of oncological diseases.

2. Systematic intake of the product will help fight the activity of free radicals in the human body. The seeds also remove bad cholesterol from the body. Due to this effect, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.

3. Special microelements in the composition promote the production of blood cells. The blood is also quickly cleared of heavy metal impurities. Sesame helps prevent the development of anemia and increases blood clotting.

4. Sesame is recommended to be taken regularly by the fair sex. The benefit of the raw material is that after some time the condition of the skin, nail plate, hair and vision significantly improves. Harm for women can only be caused if there are contraindications.

5. Due to the high calcium content in the composition, the seeds have a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue. The product is considered an excellent preventative against osteoporosis. The seeds are also recommended for athletes to build muscle mass.

6. Active enzymes in sesame have a positive effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Valuable substances help the stomach absorb the necessary elements. Systematic intake of raw materials prevents the development of obesity. Sesame restores mineral balance in the body.

7. Sesame seeds contain phytoestrogens. The benefit of enzymes is that they act as a substitute for female hormones. The product simply cannot do any harm. Before taking it, you need to set your daily intake.

8. The natural substance, which was mentioned earlier, resists the development of inflammatory processes of various types. Sesame fights cancer. In addition, the raw material effectively relieves pain during the menstrual cycle.

Sesame - benefits and harm for women

1. In some cases, women develop mastitis during lactation. To cope with this unpleasant problem, it is recommended to resort to compresses. For this, oil is used, which is prepared from seed powder.

2. Simple procedures will help prevent the development of breast cancer. Also, systematic intake of sesame increases blood flow into the pelvis.

3. If you combine the seeds of the presented plant with poppy or flaxseeds, you can make a strong aphrodisiac. The main benefit of the product for the fairer sex is phytoestrogen, which replaces the female hormone. Therefore, the seeds are especially useful for women 45+.

Rules for taking sesame seeds. Treatment of diseases with sesame

1. Before including a product in your daily diet, you should make sure of its quality. Sesame seeds should be clean and not bitter.

2. The benefits will only come from high-quality and fresh raw materials. If the composition is spoiled, significant harm is caused to the body. Before taking the composition, you need to take into account the degree of the disease.

3. To fully improve your health and prevent the development of pathologies, it is enough to take 20 grams. sesame powder three times a day before meals. Dilute the composition with water.

4. If you regularly suffer from digestive disorders, 25 grams will help you cope with the problem. crushed seeds. Enter the raw material in 40 ml. water and 15 gr. honey. Stir the ingredients and use. Repeat the process if necessary.

5. If you regularly suffer from neuralgic pain in the lower back, arms and legs, you should lightly fry the seeds. Take a mixture of 30 g once a day. seeds and an equal amount of honey. Take the product with non-hot water.

6. To cope with hemorrhoids and overcome painful sensations, it is worth preparing a simple remedy. For this you will need 50 grams. plant seeds and 500 ml. boiling water Combine the ingredients and boil for a few minutes. After cooling, the product should be drunk throughout the day.

Harm of sesame to human health

1. After numerous studies, it was revealed that sesame seeds have no serious contraindications for the body. The benefits and harms largely depend on how to take the raw materials and in what quantity.

2. It is prohibited to use the product in cases of individual intolerance or allergic reaction. You should also be extremely careful if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

3. Seeds should be temporarily excluded from the daily diet of the fairer sex during pregnancy. Also, you do not need to eat the product on an empty stomach or if you have increased blood clotting. Seeds are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age.

Sesame seeds have a lot of beneficial properties with a minimal list of contraindications. To strengthen the body and prevent various pathologies, it is enough to include raw materials in the daily diet. If in doubt, visit a specialist.



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