Blood in a child's urine. Reasons for the appearance of traces and blood clots in the urine of a newborn and a child older than one year Blood in the urine of a teenage boy causes

This name refers to the formation of red blood cells in the blood. If this happens, this fact does not indicate any disease in the child, it is just symptoms related to a variety of painful conditions. For such conditions, a distinctive feature is damage to the vessels of the circulatory system, as well as the system for removing urine from the body. The result is an excessively large intake of red blood cells into the child’s urine. An excess of more than three red blood cells in the urine in the field of view can already be called hematuria.

Blood in a urine test in a child

With microscopic hematuria, there is an excess of the physiological norm for the content of red blood cells in the urine, however, there are no obvious changes in the composition of the blood. Such changes become visible only with the help of a microscope. However, studies carried out using a microscope can detect only a little more than three red blood cells in a single field of view. However, almost always in such a situation, the child’s body temperature rises and his urination increases. The child becomes somewhat more excitable than before; he often asks to go to the potty. Now this happens almost every couple of minutes, and the urge may be false.

If parents are dealing with a similar situation for the first time, it makes sense to seek the help of a urologist. In this case, a urine sample will be required to carry out certain tests, as a result of which the child may be prescribed a course of antibiotics. This course may take up to a week to complete.

To eliminate false urges, as well as to make the child go to the potty less often, it is recommended to give him tseklofar to drink. In addition, many pediatric doctors often recommend consulting a nephrologist, which will make it possible to immediately understand the degree of neglect of the baby’s painful condition, as well as prescribe adequate methods for resolving the situation.

Microhematuria is quite difficult to cure, but it may happen that as a result of the use of antibiotics, the child will develop hypersensitivity to the drugs taken. All medications taken must be approved for use by children of all ages. If a similar condition is observed in a child at the age of two, bacteriophages can be used for treatment. Lecithin also helps well if taken in a dosage appropriate to the age of the sick child.

With such a painful condition, the color of the child’s urine changes to red, which indicates a significant amount of blood in it. With the further development of this unpleasant situation, the color of urine may even change to black. Such metamorphoses are explained by a significant number of red blood cells in the child’s urine, which in the normal state of affairs should be absent from it.

This situation is quite serious, since its cause may be hidden in the oncological diseases manifested in the body. This applies primarily to cancer of the genitourinary system, in particular the bladder.

Causes of blood in a child's urine

This condition is much more common in children than in adults. The vessels of a child are much more fragile compared to the vessels of the circulatory system of an adult, therefore, if the load on them increases, disruption of their functioning is quite possible.

The most common cause of the described disease can be called a hemorrhagic form of diathesis. Such a disease can manifest itself in the spontaneous formation of bleeding without any apparent reason. The principles of treatment for such a disease vary, depending on whether it is acquired or congenital.

Very often children suffer from kidney or bladder diseases. Moreover, for the most part this applies specifically to inflammatory diseases. Most often, girls are susceptible to such diseases, since their short urethra can easily harbor infection. Very often, in addition, the child himself introduces an infection into his urethra during various games. In addition, the reason for the appearance of blood in a child’s urine may be due to improper care of his genitourinary system. The result may also be the introduction of infection into them. This can happen when swimming, from unexpected and accidental injury, or from unwashed hands.

The appearance of blood in a child's urine can be caused by a disease such as glomerulonephritis. In this case, the kidney glomeruli are damaged, and there is a high probability of developing kidney failure. The early start of the treatment process significantly reduces the risk of developing pathology.

Another reason for a child urinating with blood discharge may be hidden in a cold that the child previously suffered. This is how the body reacts to a decrease in the overall level of immunity. Less commonly, the reason may be physical activity that can be tolerated by the child’s body. The urinary organs can be injured as a result of a fall.

Symptoms of diseases with blood in the urine

The appearance of blood in the urine is considered primarily a symptom of diseases of the urinary organs, as well as kidney damage. These may be low-quality tumors, cholelithiasis, traumatic injuries to the urethra. The fewest symptoms appear when kidney stones appear. At the same time, internal processes of inflammation in the kidneys begin to develop, which can be very difficult to recognize from the outside. Only appropriate tests can determine the appearance of blood in the patient’s urine. As kidney stones grow in the lower abdomen, cutting pains appear that do not go away over time. This is due to stones blocking the urinary tract.

In order to determine with a high degree of accuracy the diseases that manifest themselves when kidney stones are released, it is necessary to conduct a urographic examination. The process of treating kidney stones is very complex and lengthy. If the kidney stones are too large in size, only surgery can help.

Leukocytes in the blood and urine of a child

Under normal conditions, a certain amount of leukocytes should be present in the child’s blood. True, this amount should not be too large. Girls should have no more than ten leukocytes per unit of visual field, boys should have no more than seven. In the event that this indicator is exceeded, we may be talking about the presence of an infection in the human body in the urinary tract, as well as in other organs of the genitourinary system. Deviations may be characteristic of pyelonephritis.

If the child’s mother is aware of the normal number of leukocytes in the blood, she can respond in a timely manner if this indicator changes. In almost all cases, an increase or decrease in this indicator indicates the beginning of pathological changes in the child’s body. His age is also of great importance, since depending on it, the number of blood cells in the human body constantly changes. However, all deviations from the norm are a consequence of pathology that has affected the developing child’s body. In this case, the primary task is to quickly initiate the treatment process for the child in order to stop the development of the pathological condition.

Blood and protein in a child's urine

Protein is almost always absent in the urine of an adult and a child, so even a low concentration cannot indicate the onset of a disease. The reason may be hidden either in the manifestation of allergic reactions or caused by stress endured by the body. Also, the appearance of protein can be caused by dehydration of the child’s body or hypothermia. A significant increase in the amount of protein in the body can occur when the temperature rises or a person is exposed to viral infections.

It should be noted that compared to adults, children may have a greater degree of variability in the presence of protein in the body. In other words, metabolic processes in children allow for a slight increase in the amount of protein in the blood and urine. Mostly protein in the blood may be present in newborn babies. This happens when a child is simply fed too often.

A simultaneous increase in the level of protein and blood in the child’s urine indicates the development of some painful condition. This may be a consequence of a previous infection or observed during the development of cancer. In any case, to clarify the situation, you should consult a competent doctor. A timely medical examination will help to accurately determine the cause of what is happening and avoid consequences that could become dangerous to the child’s health.

Mucus with blood in the urine of a child

The appearance of mucus in the urine may indicate the development of a pathological condition, especially if there is a large amount of mucus. Mucus may be present in small quantities in the urine, but a decrease in its total volume below a certain value can also be considered a deviation from the norm, which can be explained by the onset of inflammation in the kidneys or urethra.

If blood appears in the urine along with mucus, this may indicate the development of a certain pathology. This is typical for kidney diseases, as well as for bladder infections. In such a situation, you should not postpone visiting a doctor; the sooner the situation is taken under control, the better the outcome will be.


An accurate diagnosis of the appearance of blood in a child’s urine can only be possible with timely consultation with a doctor. The very first thing that the attending physician may suspect in this case is kidney disease in the child. To carry out an accurate diagnosis, the child will need to undergo a series of tests that will shed light on the situation. Very often, doctors find it difficult to determine exactly why red blood cells appear in a child’s blood. This is often due to the child’s genetically determined predisposition to the appearance of red blood cells in his blood. In relation to infants, we can say that in approximately one third of all cases of diseases of the genitourinary system, the cause lies precisely in hereditary predisposition.

The diagnosis means timely determination of the cause of the painful condition. The most effective in this case is laboratory testing of the patient’s urine. Far-reaching conclusions should not be drawn if only the color of the patient's urine is taken into account. Certain pigments can give it a reddish tint, and in this case we may not even be talking about a disease.

To carry out differential diagnosis, an ultrasound of the patient’s kidneys and organs should be performed. X-rays and computed tomography are also recommended, which can detect the presence of foreign bodies in the urine.

Blood in a child's urine treatment

Treatment of the cause of blood in the patient’s urine is the responsibility of the doctor who conducts the examination. The pediatric urologist, guided by the examination data, determines the factors of hematuria and prescribes appropriate treatment. In particular, when an infection that has penetrated the genitourinary system is detected, the child takes antibiotics to have the desired effect. If the cause lies in stones that have appeared in the kidneys, surgery is required to remove them.

Why is there blood in a child's urine? In medical parlance, the presence of red blood cells in urine is called hematuria. There are many reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon; they can be both serious and safe for the baby’s life. Only a specialized specialist can determine the degree of danger of the pathology, so if you find the first signs of hematuria in either a boy or a girl, you should go to a medical facility and undergo the necessary diagnostic examination.

Causes of blood in a child's urine

If there are traces of blood in a child’s urine, then it is likely that he has kidney problems, but in some cases other reasons can also provoke this phenomenon. Thus, blood can be detected in the urine of young children in the following cases:

  • kidney dysfunction;
  • pathologies of the urinary tract transmitted by heredity;
  • damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys;
  • infection in the urinary system;
  • malignant formations;
  • urinary tract damage;
  • stone formation and salt in the bladder, kidneys;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • renal vein thrombosis;
  • decreased immune system due to previous colds and viral infections.

In a newborn

The appearance of blood in a child’s urine requires increased attention from parents.

If a young mother sees a change in the shade of her baby’s urinary fluid, then there is no need to panic right away; perhaps its redness is within normal limits and indicates a high urate content. However, such a reaction of urine when salts penetrate it is not a pathology if it occurs in the first days of the baby’s life. This condition is called uric acid infarction and is not classified as a disease. But, in addition, urination with blood in newborn boys and girls occurs when the baby’s urinary tract is infected, congenital renal pathologies and injuries that occur during childbirth. In this case, additional examination and treatment is required.

In a baby

What can blood in a baby’s urine indicate? In children under one year old, the blood vessels are still quite fragile and therefore all kinds of health problems can provoke their damage. Hematuria in children of the first year of life can occur even with a cold, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, as well as with severe physical exertion. Often, when a one-year-old child urinates, blood appears in the urine due to improper care. Then a urinary tract infection develops and urethritis and cystitis appear. In addition, hematuria in infancy may indicate congenital pathological changes, kidney diseases, which are characterized by damage to the glomeruli.

In an older child

The most common cause of blood in the urine is kidney disease.

What does a change in urine mean in older children, and is this normal? In most cases, an admixture of blood in the urine of adult children indicates diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys. Blood in the urine of a teenager is often a symptom of urolithiasis, when stones damage the mucous membrane of the bladder and provoke bleeding. In older children, hematuria is also possible due to injury to the urinary tract.

Additional symptoms

A change in the shade of urine is a sign of various pathologies, which, in addition to hematuria, are also accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • With inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), in addition to red blood cells in the urinary fluid, the baby may be bothered by sharp pain when emptying through the urethra.
  • With infectious-inflammatory kidney disease (pyelonephritis), a small patient may experience a strong increase in body temperature, pain in the lumbar region, and the presence of leukocytes in the urinary fluid.
  • If a baby is diagnosed with urolithiasis, then in addition to blood in the urine, severe pain appears in the lumbar region.
  • In kidney pathology, characterized by damage to the renal glomeruli, hematuria is accompanied by swelling and high blood pressure.

When should you not worry?

Intense physical activity can cause blood in the urine.

Urine fluid with bloody discharge is considered normal in the following cases:

  • If a catheter is placed in the baby’s urethra, then traces of blood are acceptable for another 2-3 days after it is removed.
  • If the child was involved in increased physical activity before submitting biological material for laboratory testing.
  • During a diagnostic examination using an endoscope, bleeding is possible immediately on the day of the procedure and a couple of days after it.
  • If the baby had stones crushed or removed from the kidneys.

Hematuria in children is a pathological phenomenon when blood is found in the urine. The appearance of blood in a child’s urine is possible for various reasons. A large number of red blood cells in this case is not considered a separate disease, but it is a symptom of various disorders.

When figuring out why a child has blood in his urine, the doctor takes into account all the points that can provoke the occurrence of this pathology. Sometimes the causes of hematuria can be associated with dangerous diseases developing in the baby’s body.

Traces of blood in a child’s urine are an alarming symptom that can manifest as:

  • macrohematuria - bloody impurities in children's urine can be seen with the naked eye, since they make up a significant part of the discharge;
  • microhematuria - manifestations of the disease are visually invisible; red blood cells are detected in the analysis only under a microscope.

The presence of red blood cells in a child’s urine test, in quantities different from the norm, indicates a malfunction in the baby’s body.

Depending on at what stage of urination blood appears, hematuria occurs:

  1. Initial stage - droplets of blood can be noticed only at the beginning of the urination process, which most often indicates various diseases of the urethra.
  2. Terminal - bloody discharge appears at the end of urination.
  3. Total - the baby’s urine has completely turned a rich red color.

Answering the question of what hematuria is, doctors emphasize that the normal level of red blood cells in the urine in boys is 1, in girls - from 3 to 5-6 in the field of view.

Any deviations in the greater direction require immediate consultation with a doctor.

Causes of blood in children's urine

Hematuria in children, the causes of which are very diverse, can develop against the background of various pathologies in the child’s body. If a baby pees with blood, this can be caused by the following pathologies:

  • urethritis or cystitis;
  • tuberculosis of the bladder and kidneys;
  • urinary tract infection;
  • various inflammatory diseases of the urinary system;
  • injuries to the bladder and other urinary organs.

Sometimes bleeding when urinating in a child may occur due to damage to the urethra.

This pathology also often appears due to increased stress during sports immediately before testing. Hematuria is often associated not only with kidney disease, but also with the use of an endoscope for various diagnostic activities.

Blood in the urine of a newborn

Most worried parents mistake the appearance of blood in the urine of a newborn child for hematuria. But most often, increased red blood cells in the urine are a characteristic sign of uric acid infarction. Despite the scary sound of this term, it means a normal physiological process that does not require any treatment.

The scarlet color of the baby's discharge may persist throughout the first few days of life. As a rule, this is associated with increased levels of uric acid in the blood.

In some of the most severe situations, bloody spots in the urine of newborn boys and girls appear due to infection of the urinary ducts, kidney pathologies, or as a result of severe birth injuries.

Hematuria in an infant

Blood in the urine of a child under 1 year of age can be a symptom of increased fragility of blood vessels, which develops against the background of infectious or viral diseases.

The appearance of blood in a child can be caused by a simple increase in body temperature. Bloody spots in the urine of a baby are a common sign of congenital pathologies.

Urine with blood in children sometimes appears due to improper personal hygiene, which results in infectious processes in the urinary tract. In infants of the first year of life, spotting may also appear due to glomerulonephritis.

In an older child

If a child pees blood, it is most often a sign of serious kidney or bladder disease. In a girl or boy over two years old, blood clots during urination most often appear due to inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. With increased physical activity, this condition is normal.

Common causes of hematuria are damage to the urethral mucosa associated with the release of stones due to urolithiasis.

Associated symptoms

The appearance of blood in the urine of children is accompanied by other signs. Additional symptoms are as follows:

  • pain during urination;
  • burning, itching and discomfort in the urethra;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • frequent attacks of headache;
  • puffiness and swelling of the face;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pain in the lower back.

Such symptoms may indicate the presence of various pathologies of the urinary system in a child.


To find out the causes of hematuria in a child, urine and blood tests are prescribed, as well as other examinations, during which the kidneys and bladder are completely examined.

In order to identify possible pathologies in the urinary tract, the cystoscopy method is used. An ultrasound examination of the bladder and kidneys is mandatory.

What to do

In order to choose the most effective method of treatment for hematuria in children, you need to consult a specialist. Parents should pay close attention to the nutrition of their children - it is quite possible that the appearance of red drops in the urine is associated with poor diet or consumption of certain foods containing red pigment.

Such products include blueberries and other berries, beets, and dishes with dyes and preservatives.

Hematuria in children is treated in various ways, depending on the cause of the disease. If the appearance of blood was noted after physical activity, parents can adjust their child’s lifestyle.

In some cases, the development of childhood hematuria is caused by the use of certain medications. To normalize the color of urine, it is enough to stop taking medications or replace them with analogues.

Basic rules of behavior for parents if a child has hematuria:

  • the baby should drink at least 0.5-0.7 liters of clean drinking water throughout the day;
  • parents need to strictly monitor the child’s physical activity;
  • If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should definitely seek qualified medical help, since only a doctor will be able to determine the exact cause of the disease and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Severe infectious lesions of the urinary system are treated with antibacterial drugs. If hematuria appears due to serious injuries or damage to internal organs, the small patient may require surgical intervention.

In the presence of glomerulonephritis, the patient must follow a special diet, and treatment is carried out using medications from the group of cytostatics and hormones.

Blood in urine in children can be a normal physiological phenomenon or indicate serious pathological processes in the growing body. Timely and properly selected treatment allows you to solve this problem, and the color of urine returns to normal.

Blood found in a child's urine is an important reason to seek medical attention immediately. The fact is that such a situation can never be considered the norm. Blood in a child’s urine may indicate serious problems, and the sooner they are identified and eliminated, the better for the baby’s health.

The vast majority of parents take the health of their children with the utmost responsibility, even better than their own, although this is not very good. Therefore, the slightest negative changes in the baby’s health status quite rightly cause them some anxiety.

This fully applies to blood found in urine. It must be said right away that this is not a disease - it is a symptom that can and, as a rule, indicates some kind of pathology.

Urine turns into a characteristic color due to a sharp increase in the concentration of erythrocytes - red blood cells, which give the blood the corresponding shade.

Red urine in a child is a symptom that can and, as a rule, indicates some pathology

Normally, red blood cells are always present in the urine secreted by the kidneys, but there are very few of them, and they cannot be seen with the naked eye - only under a microscope. A sharp increase in their content in medicine is called hematuria. And this is already a problem.

Regardless of what pathology provoked the appearance of blood impurities in the urine, red blood cells in any case can enter it only due to damage to blood vessels - not necessarily large, but also small capillaries. These vessels are located in the genitourinary system, there are a lot of them, so the problem can lie in a huge number of reasons. Damage to the bloodstream is an integral symptom of many diseases of the genitourinary system. What kind of disease we are talking about, doctors will have to find out.

Features of hematuria

Pink urine in a child is a clear sign of hematuria. Experts classify it into two types:

  1. Microhematuria

As a rule, this condition is characterized by the absence of visual changes in the color and consistency of urine. The presence of an increased number of red blood cells can only be determined using appropriate laboratory tests.

  1. Gross hematuria

The presence of red blood cells in urine is noticeable to the naked eye. Urine may take on a pink, red, dark red, or even dark brown hue. Macrohematuria is considered a more complex case, since its occurrence is usually associated with serious dysfunction of the urinary system. To be fair, it must be said that this type of pathology is quite rare in children.

In addition, hematuria is also distinguished by the method of staining the urine:

Type of hematuriaFeatures of acquiring a pathological shadeDescription of the problem
InitialAt the very beginning of urination. That is, an unusual color of urine appears along with the first portion of urine.Determining the cause of the problem here is quite simple - it lies in damage to the urethra. This can happen even if a foreign object enters the urethra.
TerminalAt the very end of the urination process. Initially, urine has a normal color, but the last portion is already colored red.Terminal hematuria may be associated with damage to the urethra at its exit from the bladder. The problem may lie in the bubble itself. This requires detailed diagnostics.
TotalThe entire volume of urine is colored pathologically.The reasons for blood in a child’s urine in this case can be completely different. In any case, the pathology affects the genitourinary system, and finding it is very important.

It is also important to understand that the red color of your baby’s urine may have nothing to do with blood and, moreover, any disease. It is possible that this is the result of eating certain foods that can temporarily discolor urine, such as beets.

Speaking about provoking factors, you need to understand that there are actually a lot of them. Most causes are associated with kidney pathologies, but there are also extrarenal problems. In addition, the intensity of urine color is also of great importance:

  • the scarlet color indicates the freshness of the problem, that is, the bleeding occurred recently;
  • dark shades, even black, speak of an old pathological process;
  • Thick impurities are a symptom of severe profuse bleeding.

Causes of pink urine in a child (as well as more saturated shades):

  • renal failure;
  • various diseases of the urinary tract (as a rule, they are hereditary);
  • penetration of infection into the genitourinary system;
  • immunological diseases;
  • urolithiasis;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • thrombosis of the vessels supplying the kidneys;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • decreased immunity due to respiratory diseases;
  • tuberculous tissue damage;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • various hereditary diseases;
  • tumor processes.

Most causes are associated with kidney pathologies, but there are also extrarenal problems

Some diseases can be pre-diagnosed at home. This is due to the presence of severe symptoms, as well as their prevalence. For example, with cystitis (and it happens even in children), frequent and painful urination is noted. Glomerulonephritis is characterized by surges in blood pressure, tissue swelling, and the presence of white flakes in the urine. In addition, this disease often develops after an infectious disease, such as influenza or sore throat.

Urolithiasis is accompanied by sharp and extremely painful attacks that involve the entire lower back. In this case, salt deposits will be found in the urine. If there is a trauma to the genital organs, then along with the blood there is swelling of the damaged area and its pain. has a pronounced symptom in the form of a stable pain syndrome on one side, where the kidney is located. Body temperature may also increase, which indicates an inflammatory process.

It is clear that here the reasons for this phenomenon will be specific, since the body is not yet properly functioning for any pathologies to develop. However, such babies may still have blood in their urine. And here's why:

  • due to urinary tract infection. Various bacteria can get there due to unprofessional actions of obstetricians or by “moving” to a new place of residence from the mother’s body;
  • due to birth injuries. Damage to the mother's uterus or vagina leads to excessive bleeding and reduced sterility of labor. Accordingly, the risk of infecting the baby with some nasty thing increases significantly;
  • congenital kidney pathologies - if such a problem is serious, it begins to manifest itself immediately after the birth of the child. In this case, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment and register.

The causes of blood in the urine will be specific, since the body is not yet properly functioning

Pink urine in a newborn may be due to excess urate. This situation is called a uric acid infarction, and there is nothing dangerous to the baby’s health. Over time, everything will return to normal, the urinary system will begin to function normally.

In a baby

The body of an infant is very weak, it constantly needs support. Look at your child, appreciate how small and defenseless he is. Now imagine how thin and weak his blood vessels are. Their breakup at this age is common. Even sneezing or coughing can result in small amounts of blood in the urine.

Normally, this situation passes quickly. If blood impurities appear constantly, the intensity of the color becomes more pronounced, and the baby is clearly worried about some problems, you should immediately consult your doctor. It is possible that glomerulonephritis or hemorrhagic diathesis develops. In addition, improper care for infants can cause urinary tract infection and, accordingly, lead to diseases such as cystitis and even pyelonephritis.

In preschool children

In such patients, the appearance of blood in the urine is mainly associated with infection of the genitourinary system and the development of inflammatory processes. Already at this age, cystitis, nephritis, urethritis and other diseases can manifest themselves.

The cause may also be trauma to the genital organs or traumatic damage to internal organs, such as the kidneys. A similar problem can occur due to a strong impact.

Preschool children can also develop urolithiasis. But the stones are still small, and therefore are intensively washed out along with urine. Getting into urine, they can damage its mucosa and, accordingly, small vessels, causing minor bleeding.

If a child has pink urine, there is no need to think about the cause of this pathology. This task should be carried out by specialized specialists. In the case of children, there can be no question of any delay. If you identify a similar problem in your baby, you should immediately visit the nearest clinic.

As soon as parents notice an admixture of blood in their child’s urine, they immediately contact a pediatrician or urologist. This condition is usually a reason to immediately consult a doctor, since the appearance of blood can be a sign of serious illness.


Most often, the detection of blood in a child’s urine test indicates renal disease, but extrarenal causes can also lead to hematuria. Blood may appear when:

  • Hereditary diseases of the urinary tract.
  • Infectious lesions of the excretory system.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Depositing salts and stones in the kidneys or bladder.
  • Glomerulonephritis.
  • Damage to the urinary tract.
  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Decreased immunity due to viral infections and colds.
  • Problems with the blood supply to the kidneys, in particular with thrombosis of the kidney veins.
  • Systemic diseases.
  • Tumor processes.

The presence of blood in the urine is a reason to consult a doctor

In a newborn

Often, parents mistake the redness of a newborn baby’s urine for blood, which normally occurs in the first days of a baby’s life due to the ingestion of an excess amount of urate. This condition is called uric acid infarction and is not a sign of illness in the baby.

However, blood can actually get into the urine of a newborn baby, for example, due to birth injuries, congenital kidney pathologies, or infection of the baby’s urinary tract.

In a baby

In the first year of life, the blood vessels in the baby’s body are still very fragile, so any health problems can lead to their damage. Even a cold with a high fever or intense physical activity can cause you to urinate blood.

Due to improper care of the baby, a urinary tract infection may develop; for example, an infant may develop cystitis or urethritis.

In addition, hematuria detected in infancy may indicate congenital pathologies, the development of glomerulonephritis or hemorrhagic diathesis.

Blood in the urine is usually not the only symptom of the disease.

In older children

Bloody urination in older children often indicates kidney or bladder disease. This is a common symptom of cystitis or nephritis.

Blood can also appear when a stone forms in the urinary tract - it can damage the mucous membranes and cause bleeding. Bleeding from the urinary tract caused by injuries is also common in older children.


A large number of red blood cells in the urine changes the color of the urine (it becomes red) and is called gross hematuria. Her parents notice visually and immediately seek medical help. However, a child may also have another condition called microhematuria, when blood enters the urine, but outwardly it is not noticeable. This problem can only be identified by laboratory testing of urine.

If you suspect the presence of blood in the baby’s urine, it is important to take a general urine test, as well as Kakovsky-Addis and Nechiporenko tests. The child will also undergo an ultrasound and blood test. In some cases, the doctor sends the baby for a tomography, cystoscopy or x-ray.

If blood appears when the child begins to urinate, then the cause is a problem with the urethra. If blood discharge is noted at the end of urination, this happens with lesions of the bladder.

Additional detection of protein in a urine test confirms kidney damage. If blood clots get into the urine, this is also typical for kidney disease, but can also occur with bleeding from other parts of the excretory system.

Analyze your child's diet over the past day and think about whether any foods could have turned the urine red.

What to do?

The first thing that is important for parents who notice blood in their child’s urine is to make sure that the urine actually contains blood cells. First, you need to remember whether the child the day before ate any foods with red pigments (beets, blueberries, sweets, etc.), and also whether he started taking any new medications. If this is the case, make sure your child drinks enough and very soon the urine will turn yellow again.

If no connection with medications or products is found, you should go to the doctor. The specialist will prescribe a urine test, as well as a blood test of the child, which will identify the cause of the problem and begin eliminating it in a timely manner.

Treatment of diseases should only be carried out under the supervision of a competent physician

Reasons why you shouldn't worry about blood in your urine

Excretion of blood in the urine is considered acceptable if:

  • A catheter is inserted into the child's urethra. The appearance of blood is possible several days after its removal.
  • The child underwent cystoscopy. Blood may be released on the day of the procedure and for several days after it.
  • A procedure was performed to crush or remove kidney stones.
  • On the eve of the analysis, the child had very intense physical activity.



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