Books on psychiatry (domestic and foreign classics). Psychiatry

  • Psychiatry. Guide for doctors and students .
    • V.A. Gilyarovsky
    • The Manual of Psychiatry is published as the main textbook for medical students, as well as a manual for doctors. This second edition has been revised by the author and expanded in accordance with the latest advances in psychiatry.
  • The Doctrine of Hallucinations .
    • V.A. Gilyarovsky, PDF, 4.5Mb
    • Soviet psychiatry for recent years enriched with many valuable studies on the clinic of traumatic psychoses, convulsive diseases, psychogenies and somatogenic disorders. Researchers have paid less attention to the problems of general psychopathology, in particular to theoretical issues cognitive activity mentally ill. When analyzing clinical pictures, attention was paid mainly to the highest mental processes: for disorders of synthetic activity, integration, interfunctional disorders; it was implied that separate, more elementary functions themselves are little changed or even not damaged at all
  • Clinical psychiology.
    • A.V.Snezhnevsky
  • Schizophrenia. Lecture series.
    • A.V.Snezhnevsky
  • Lectures on general psychopathology ,
    • Snezhnevsky A.V..
    • The peculiarity and advantage of the proposed course of lectures is that general psychopathology is presented not as a simple description of psychopathological symptoms in statics, but as system of modern knowledge about general clinical patterns structures and movements mental illness(pathokinesis), about the movement of psychopathological syndromes during the development of the disease, about the connections of psychopathological phenomena with the state of the whole organism. They show the organic unity of the syndrome and the nosological form in their dynamics, in their progressive and reverse development.
      Lectures presented good school clinical knowledge and clinical thinking thanks to their commitment to clinical truth. Along with this, they force us to rethink other previous habitual, but sometimes insufficiently thought out, and sometimes far-fetched, erroneous ideas.
  • Schizophrenia. Edited by A.V. Snezhnevsky .
    • PDF,32Mb
  • Guide to psychiatry, edited by A.V. Snezhnevsky (1983). Volume 1
    • PDF,35Mb
  • Guide to psychiatry, edited by A.V. Snezhnevsky (1983). Volume 2
    • PDF,32Mb
  • Guide to psychiatry, edited by A.S. Tiganov (1999). Volume 1
    • PDF,6.7Mb
  • Guide to psychiatry, edited by A.S. Tiganov (1999). Volume 2
    • PDF,7.5Mb
  • General psychopathology: Course of lectures. A. S. Tiganov
    • PDF, 5.2Mb
  • Gerontological psychiatry .
    • E.Ya.Sternberg
    • PDF,25Mb
  • Acute endogenous psychoses ,
  • Glossary of psychopathological syndromes and conditions
    • Anufriev A.K., Liberman Yu.I., Ostroglazov V.G.
    • PDF, 9.2Mb
  • Depression and comorbid disorders ,
    • A.B. Smulevich (ed.).
    • The collective monograph summarizes research data on the psychopathological picture depressive disorders, which made it possible to identify seven main syndromic types of depression: melancholic, anxious, anesthetic, adynamic, apathetic, dysphoric, senesto-hypochondriacal, as well as complex depression with the development of delusions, hallucinations, and catatonic disorders in their structure. Further research and analysis of each of the identified variants of the conditions under study may help create a continuous typological continuum endogenous depressions from the simplest and easiest to the deepest and most complex.
  • Biological psychiatry ,
    • Vartanyan M.E.
    • Collection of works of a prominent Russian psychiatrist
  • Autism in childhood ,
    • Bashina V.M.
    • The book summarizes more than 30 years of research into autism in childhood. The work highlights new modern approaches to determine the typology of autism, its multifactorial nature, course, prognosis, therapy and rehabilitation are discussed. For the first time, the results of a neurophysiological examination of children with different forms of autism are presented. The domestic taxonomy of autism in childhood is compared with its taxonomy in ICD-10 (1994, 1995) in connection with the introduction of the latter into domestic healthcare practice. For child psychiatrists, pediatricians and related specialists.
  • Early childhood schizophrenia (statics and dynamics) ,
    • Bashina V.M.
    • The monograph presents the results of many years of research into early childhood schizophrenia. The work highlights new data on the forms of early schizophrenia based on an analysis of its clinical picture, progression, typology of the course, dynamics of psychopathological disorders in the process of age-related ontogenesis and the course of the disease, outcomes and structure of remissions. The development of a typology of attacks, final states, as well as a systematics of the semiology of early childhood schizophrenia in the ontogenetic aspect, with different forms course of the disease. The material on Kanner's early infantile autism is discussed, as extreme option delayed dysontogenesis of an evolutionary nature. The book is intended for child psychiatrists, neurologists, defectologists, psychologists, and pediatricians.
  • Pathology of mental activity in schizophrenia: motivation, communication, cognition ,
    • Kritskaya V.P., Meleshko T.K., Polyakov Yu.F..
  • Problems of schizophrenia in childhood and adolescence ,
    • M. Sh. Vrono (ed.).
    • The collection presents the results of many years of research into schizophrenia in childhood and adolescence, carried out by employees of the Research Institute of Clinical Psychiatry and the Research Institute of Preventive Psychiatry of the All-Russian Scientific Center of Public Health of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. The materials in the collection combine a wide range of problems related to the study various forms schizophrenia in a wide age range - from infancy to adolescence. The articles examine the clinical and psychopathological aspect of such disorders specific to childhood and adolescence as pathological fantasy, metaphysical intoxication, dysmorphophobic and heboid syndromes, describe the structure of remissions in recurrent and paroxysmal-progressive schizophrenia in adolescents, show age characteristics delusional and affective attacks, attention is paid to the development of differential diagnostic and prognostic criteria. Along with clinical studies The collection includes works on genetics, pathopsychology and electrophysiology. The collection is intended for child psychiatrists and psychoneurologists, adolescent psychiatrists, and also scientific workers- clinicians, psychologists and electrophysiologists dealing with the problems of childhood and puberty.
  • Heboid schizophrenia ,
    • Panteleeva G.P., Tsutsulkovskaya M.Ya., Belyaev B.S..
    • The monograph presents a detailed psychopathological analysis of the heboid syndrome, its typology, and determines its place among the psychopathological manifestations of adolescence. The clinical independence of the juvenile heboid form in relation to other types of low-progressive schizophrenia is substantiated. Features of the dynamics of heboid disorders in this form are determined and the relationship is shown active period diseases with phases puberty. Criteria presented early diagnosis and delimitation of heboid disorders in schizophrenia from crisis puberty manifestations and decompensation of psychopathy in puberty as well as indicators of clinical and social and labor prognosis of schizophrenia with heboid conditions. The principles of treatment and various aspects of social readaptation measures for juvenile heboid schizophrenia are discussed.
  • Brain and viruses (Virusogenetic hypothesis of the origin of mental illnesses) ,
    • Oifa A. I.. Monograph
    • an attempt at a new approach to the genetics of mental illness and the role of inherited, endogenous viruses. The words have become popular: a virus is a gene on the loose. It is much more difficult to understand the position of the long-term presence of a psychogene in the cell nucleus (neuron or glia), and from generation to generation. Using the example of febrile (fatal) schizophrenia, the book examines the role of virogenic mutations, both congenital and acquired. Scientific literature on viral nature epilepsy.
  • Low-progressive schizophrenia and borderline states ,
    • Smulevich A.B..
    • The monograph is devoted to the clinical picture of low-progressive schizophrenia in comparison with borderline schizophrenia. mental pathology. Dan comprehensive clinical analysis painful forms, the nosology of which remains a subject of debate or presents the greatest differential diagnostic difficulties. Issues considered biological therapy, differentiated indications and specific treatment methods are given.
  • Depression in General Medicine: A Guide for Physicians ,
    • Smulevich A.B.
    • In the book offered to the reader's attention by Dr. med. Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation A. B. Smulevich presents the latest data on biological basis, epidemiology, psychopathology, clinical picture and diagnosis of depression observed in general medical practice. The work is the second, revised and expanded edition of the monograph Depression in general medical practice (M., 2000). The relevant sections have been expanded and supplemented with information reflecting the development of ideas about the typological structure of depression, their nosology, connection with precipitating factors, which is of fundamental importance for the choice adequate therapy. The section devoted to the treatment of depression in general medical institutions occupies a special place in the book. Aspects such as algorithms for therapy with psychotropic drugs, their alternative administration, and the use of herbal medicine are considered in the work for the first time. For clarity of presentation, the monograph contains tables, diagrams and drawings illustrating the main clinical principles. Both literature data and many years of research experience carried out by the teams of the Department for the Study of Borderline Mental Pathology and Psychosomatic Disorders of the National Center for Mental Health (Director - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences A. S. Tiganov) of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics, Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, are summarized. vocational education, Interclinical Psychosomatic Department of the Cardiology Clinic (Head - Prof. A.L. Syrkin) Moscow medical academy them. I. M. Sechenov (Rector - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M. A. Paltsev) and in collaboration with other leading scientific and practical institutions of general medicine.
  • Psychosomatic disorders ,
  • Borderline mental disorders ,
    • Smulevich A.B.
    • Neurotic disorders (neuroses) and personality disorders (psychopathy): prevalence, classification, issues of pathogenesis.
  • Hypochondria and somatomorphic disorders ,
    • Smulevich A.B. (ed.)
    • The collective monograph is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of widespread and diagnostically complex forms of mental pathology, including somatoform disorders and non-delusional hypochondria.
  • Psychogenic diseases ,
    • Smulevich A.B., Rotshtein V.G.
    • Psychogenic (reactive) psychoses, post-traumatic stress syndrome.
  • The problem of paranoia ,
    • Smulevich A.B., Shchirina M.G.
    • The book presents the results of a study of paranoid states in the endogenous group of psychoses (mainly within the framework of schizophrenia) and some psychoses of organic origin. Considered common problems psychopathology of delirium. Along with the nosological classification of paranoid syndromes, issues of their clinical typology within individual nosological forms are discussed. Arguments are given in favor of the hypothesis about the relationship between stable states with interpretive delusions and an erased schizophrenic attack (fur coat) suffered in childhood. The final chapter summarizes the experience rational treatment paranoid psychoses. The monograph does not examine the sanity and legal capacity of paranoid patients, however, the book is of interest not only in the general clinical, but also in the forensic psychiatric aspect.
  • Exogenous-organic mental illnesses ,
    • Tiganov A.S. (ed.).
    • Mental disorders with traumatic brain injury, with brain tumors, with infectious diseases (encephalitis, slow viral infections, AIDS) and demyelinating diseases.
  • Exogenous mental disorders ,
    • Tiganov A.S. (ed.).
    • Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, symptomatic psychoses.

N.M. Zharikov, Yu.G. Tyulpin

ZHARIKOV Nikolay Mikhailovich

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychiatry at the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. Widely known in Russia and abroad for his work in the field of epidemiology mental illness. Scientific supervisor of 14 doctoral and 36 candidate dissertations, laureate of the prize named after. S.S. Korsakov. From 1971 to 1999 - Head of the Department of Psychiatry. For many years he has headed interuniversity methodological commissions for improvement teaching psychiatryV our country. Editor-in-chief of psychiatry programs for medical universities 1983, 1990, 1996 Author 160 printed works, co-author of 2 guides for doctors and 3 textbooks.

Yuri Gennadievich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry at the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. In his Ph.D. thesis defended in 1989, he studied clinical and psychological aspects alcoholism. In recent years, he has been actively involved in the development of new methods of teaching psychiatry, V including the use of computer technology. Co-author government programs in psychiatry and narcology for medical, preventive and pediatric faculties, as well as for faculties of higher nursing education and for postgraduate training of psychiatrists. Author of 23 publications, co-author of 2 textbooks for postgraduate students and doctors.

Educational literature

Moscow Medicine" 2002

for medical students

N.M. Zharikov, Yu.G. Tyulpin


Approved by the Department of Research and Education medical institutions Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as a textbook for medical students

UDC 616.89(075.8) BBK 56.1 Zh34

Reviewer head Department of Psychiatry RUDN Doctor of Medicine. science professor ML.Tsivilko

Federal Book Publishing Program of Russia

Zharikov N.M., Tyulpin Yu.G.

T34 Psychiatry: Textbook. - M.: Medicine, 2002. - 544 p. - ISBN5-225-04189-2

A new textbook on psychiatry for medical universities has been created in accordance with the latest international classification ICD-10. The most important historical information and traditional provisions of the Russian psychiatric school are also presented. The most important sections of psychiatry are covered in detail: general psychopathology, major mental illnesses, methods of therapy and rehabilitation, social and legal issues of psychiatry. What is new is the allocation of separate chapters devoted to the description somatic symptoms mental illnesses, features of mental disorders in childhood and urgent conditions in psychiatry. The principles of using psychopharmacological agents are presented in detail. Much attention focuses on the psychology of communication between doctor and patient. The textbook can also be used as a guide for postgraduate training.

For psychiatrists and doctors of other specialties.

BBK 56.1

ISBN5-225-04189-2 © N.M. Zharikov, Yu.G. Tyulpin,


N.M. Zharikov, Yu.G. Tyulpin 9


Part II general psychopathology 97



3.1. Psychopathological symptoms 98

3.2. Psychopathological syndromes 100

3.3. The concept of neurotic and psychotic level 101

3.4. The concept of productive and negative symptoms 102

3.5. Understanding mental disorder registers 104


4.1. Sensation disorders 82

4.2. Deceptions of Perception 85

4.2.1. Illusions 85

4.2.2. Hallucinations 86

4.3. Psychosensory disorders (sensory synthesis disorders) 97

4.4. Derealization and depersonalization 98

4.5. Hallucinosis syndrome 100


5.1. Disorders of the associative process 102

5.2. Pathology of judgments and inferences 107

5.2.1. Brad 107

5.2.2. Highly valuable ideas 114

5.2.3. Obsessions 115

5.3. Thought disorder syndromes 116

Chapter 6. Mnestic disorders 122

6.1. Dysmnesia 123

6.2. Paramnesia 125

6.3. Korsakoff amnestic syndrome 127


7.1. Syndromes of underdevelopment of intelligence 130

7.2. Syndromes of decreased intelligence 132


8.1. Symptoms emotional disorders 139

8.2. Symptoms of disorders of will and desires 143

Chapter 9. MOTOR DISORDERS 161

9.2. Other syndromes accompanied by agitation 165

9.3. Other syndromes accompanied by stupor 167


10.1. Syndromes of decreased level of consciousness 172

10.2. Syndromes of confusion 173

10.2.1. Delirium 173

10.2.2. Amentia 175

10.2.3. Oneiric (dreamy) stupefaction 176

10.2.4. Twilight stupefaction 178

Chapter 11. Paroxysmal disorders 180

11.1. Epileptiform paroxysms 180

11.2. Anxiety attacks with somatovegetative symptoms 185

11.3. Hysterical fits 187



12.1. Eating disorders 194

12.2. Sleep disorders 195

12.3. Pain 197

12.4. Disorders sexual functions 199

12.5. The concept of hypochondria 200

12.6. Masked depression 201

12.7. Hysterical conversion disorders 202

12.8. Asthenic syndrome 203

13.1. Accented personalities 209

13.2. Pathological development personalities 218

13.3. Personality change 220

13.3.1. Schizophrenic defect 220

13.3.2. Organic defect 222

Chapter 14. CLASSIFICATION 225


14.1. Basic approaches to taxonomy mental disorders 225

14.2. Principles of constructing a nosological classification 226

14.3. Basic provisions of ICD-10 229

15.1. Psychopharmacotherapy 235

15.1.1. Neuroleptic (antipsychotic) drugs 236

15.1.2. Antidepressants 241

15.1.3. Tranquilizers (anxiolytics) 245

15.1.4.Psychostimulants 251

15.1.5.Nootropics 251

15.1.8. Drug treatment insomnia 264

15.2. Methods of non-drug biological therapy 267

15.3. Psychotherapy 270

Name: Psychiatry
Neznanov N.G.
Year of publication: 2009
Size: 32.17 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian

Practical guide"Psychiatry" ed., Neznanova N.G., examines clinical guidelines on supervision and pharmacotherapy of patients with mental pathology. An algorithm for diagnosis, therapy, rehabilitation and prevention of psychiatric pathology is presented. For medical students, psychiatrists, neurologists, therapists, pediatricians.

This book has been removed at the request of the copyright holder

Name: Psychosomatic spectrum disorders. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment
Storozhakov G.I., Shamrey V.K.
Year of publication: 2014
Size: 1.38 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide "Psychosomatic spectrum disorders. Pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment" edited by Storozhakova G.I., et al., discusses the anatomical and physiological foundations of psycho... Download the book for free

Name: Psychiatry. Scientific and practical reference book
Tiganov A.S.
Year of publication: 2016
Size: 50.5 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The reference guide "Psychiatry. A scientific and practical reference book" edited by Tiganova A.S., examines the entire spectrum of psychiatric pathology, which is a practical guide for practitioners... Download the book for free

Name: Clinical guidelines for mental disorders. 3rd edition.
Barlow D., Eidemiller E.G.
Year of publication: 2008
Size: 9.17 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book "Clinical Manual of Mental Disorders" examines how a modern clinical manual for psychiatry practical issues disciplines where they are reflected panic disorder and... Download the book for free

Name: Handbook of Psychiatry.
Zharikov N.M., Khritinin D.F., Lebedev M.A.
Year of publication: 2014
Size: 1.06 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: Theoretical and practical issues of psychiatry in the reference book "Handbook of Psychiatry" give the most complete picture of this section medical science. The reference book discusses the diagnosis of... Download the book for free

Name: Border neuropsychiatric disorders in children.
Fesenko Yu.A.
Year of publication: 2010
Size: 5.88 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The presented book, “Borderline Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Children,” examines quite current problem child psychiatry - borderline disorders. The publication describes diagnostic... Download the book for free

Name: General psychopathology
Marilov V.V.
Year of publication: 2002
Size: 4.06 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The book “General Psychopathology”, edited by V.V. Marilov, examines general questions studying psychiatric disorders. Presented pathological conditions perception, thinking disorders... Download the book for free

Name: Practical guide to the use of ICD-10 in psychiatry and narcology
Churkin A.A., Martyushov A.N.
Year of publication: 2010
Size: 31.03 MB
Format: pdf
Language: Russian
Description: The book “A Practical Guide to the Application of ICD-10 in Psychiatry and Narcology,” edited by A.A. Churkin, et al., examines an abbreviated version of diagnostic criteria in psychiatric practice from to... Download the book for free

Name: Analytical psychopathology. 3rd edition
Tsirkin S.Yu.
Year of publication: 2012
Size: 2.1 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian
Description: The practical guide “Analytical Psychopathology”, edited by S.Yu. Tsirkin, examines the main psychopathological categories that help to significantly complement the basic ideas about the psyche...

A new textbook on psychiatry for medical universities was created in accordance with the latest international classification ICD-10. The most important historical information and traditional provisions of the Russian psychiatric school. The most important sections of psychiatry are covered in detail: general psychopathology, major mental illnesses, methods of therapy and rehabilitation, social and legal issues of psychiatry. What is new is the allocation of separate chapters devoted to the description of somatic symptoms of mental illness, features of mental disorders in childhood and urgent conditions in psychiatry. The principles of using psychopharmacological agents are presented in detail. Much attention is paid to the psychology of communication between doctor and patient. The textbook can also be used as a guide for postgraduate training.
For psychiatrists and doctors of other specialties.

Biochemistry and immunology of mental disorders.
Modern biochemical and neurochemical research, the development of psychopharmacology and analysis of the influence of narcotic and psychotomimetic drugs on the psyche confirm the existence of a connection between leading mental diseases and biochemical, endocrine and immune processes in the brain and the body as a whole. In particular, it has been shown that the effect of the main psychotropic drugs is closely related to the blockade of brain cell receptors and their influence on the main CNS mediators (dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, GABA, etc.). In this regard, it is useful to consider basic information about the work of mediators (neurotransmitters).

Transfer of information to nervous system carried out through synapses in which interaction occurs between receptor proteins located on the pre- and postsynaptic membrane and corresponding to them chemical compounds(mediators). The result of such interaction is either the excitation of the neuron or the inhibition of its activity. Transmitters are produced by the presynaptic part of the neuron. After interacting with the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane located on the contacting neuron, the neurotransmitter may undergo chemical transformation and be deactivated or reuptaken by the presynaptic membrane (reuptake).

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Download the book Psychiatry, Zharikov N.M., Tyulpin Yu.G., 2002 -, fast and free download.

  • Caring for surgical patients, Kuznetsov N.A., Brontwein A.T., 2011
  • Children's massage and therapeutic exercises, Methodology and practice, Bogatyreva N., 2018
  • Textbook on military medical training, Kuvshinsky D.D., 1972
  • Textbook for sanitary instructors, Kuvshinsky D.D., 1973

The following textbooks and books.

The textbook complies with the accepted state educational standards and curriculum.

The 19 chapters of the textbook, traditionally divided into general and special parts, describe clinical picture, etiopathogenesis, treatment and prevention of mental illness.

When naming diseases, we used modern International classification(10th revision). The problems of drug addiction, mental disorders in somatic clinics and mental disorders in people in extreme situations are widely covered. The textbook contains information about new, recently introduced medical practice psychotropic drugs, O modern methods rehabilitation of the mentally ill.

First described nursing process, which is for modern nurse a guide to action. Set out general provisions and the nursing process for each mental illness.

Designed for students of medical schools and colleges, for working nurses and paramedics of psychiatric institutions and general medical institutions.

On our website you can download the book “Psychiatry” by O. F. Eryshev for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.



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