Calcium gluconate instructions for use of the tablet. Medical care and treatment

Everyone knows that calcium performs important functions in the human body. Ions of this element are necessary for contraction in skeletal muscles and smooth muscles, for the transmission of nerve impulses, blood clotting, bone formation and for other vital processes. Thus, with a significant decrease in the content of calcium ions in the blood plasma, tetany develops (a state of convulsive readiness, characterized by increased neuromuscular tension).

One of the calcium-containing drugs is “Calcium Gluconate”, the instructions for use of which allow us to become familiar with its therapeutic effect and adverse side properties. Many will be surprised to learn that this completely harmless (at first glance) remedy can cause harm to the body if used incorrectly.

Medicine "Calcium gluconate". Indications for use

The drug is used in the treatment of a number of diseases, as it promotes desensitization of the body. In its properties it is very similar to the “Calcium Chloride” solution and is used in similar cases:

  • Allergic diseases (serum sickness, urticaria, hay fever).
  • To reduce the effect of vascular permeability (with radiation sickness, hemorrhagic vasculitis, endometritis, adnexitis, pleurisy, pneumonia).
  • For skin inflammations (eczema, itching, psoriasis).
  • For toxic liver damage, as well as nephritis, parenchymal hepatitis.
  • For bleeding (pulmonary, uterine, nasal, gastrointestinal).
  • As an antidote for poisoning with oxalic acid, magnesium sulfate, when interacting with soluble salts of fluoric acid, it forms non-toxic compounds of oxalate and calcium fluoride.

The use of the drug "Calcium Gluconate" for allergies is explained by its desensitizing effect, but the mechanism of the antiallergic action has not yet been studied in detail.

There is a common misconception that Calcium Gluconate is used to strengthen bones and teeth. This is understandable, since everyone knows that when calcium is not absorbed in the body, tooth decay begins and osteoporosis may develop. However, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug “Calcium Gluconate”. Indications for use, although they contain information about the use of the drug with enhanced removal of the chemical element from the body, we draw attention to the fact that the drug is used only as an adjuvant.

In fact, in order for calcium to be absorbed and become a building material for bone tissue, it is important to comply with certain conditions. Nobody eats iron nails if they have iron deficiency anemia. For the same reason, there is no point in chewing calcium tablets in the hope of strengthening your teeth. After all, even a very useful or urgently needed chemical element for the body must be included in food products in the correct ratio with other substances.

In the treatment of bone diseases, Calcium Gluconate tablets are used as an additional remedy during the prescription of another drug called Calcitrin, which is a full-fledged donor of this element. However, do not use medications on your own under any circumstances. Remember that these drugs have side effects.

The drug "Calcium gluconate": indications for use and contraindications

The described medication can be taken orally, intravenously, subcutaneously and intramuscularly. However, it is necessary to know and remember that calcium-containing medications can cause pain when administered intramuscularly. Unlike the drug "Calcium chloride", the drug "Calcium Gluconate" has a less irritating effect. Indications for use described in the instructions contain information about the possibility of prescribing the calcium salt of gluconic acid (the full name of the substance of the drug “Calcium Gluconate”) even for children, but intramuscular administration should be avoided.

The tablet form is prescribed to children before meals (up to 1 year and upon reaching the age of two, 0.5 g; from 2 years to four years of age - 1 g; five to six year old children, 1-1.5 g; from seven to nine years 1.5-2 g; from ten to fourteen years, 2-3 g) two to three times a day.

Side effects: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, slow heart rate.

Calcium gluconate solution: indications for use

Adults are usually prescribed five to ten ml of a 10% solution intravenously every day, every other day, or every two days. The ampoule with the solution must first be heated to body temperature. Care must be taken to ensure that there are no alcohol residues in the syringe before filling, otherwise the drug substance will precipitate. The medication is injected into a vein very slowly.

The drug "Calcium Gluconate", the indications for use of which were described in the article, is available without a prescription. However, self-medication is unacceptable. Contact your doctor.

The drug calcium gluconate in tablets, its use, side effects, why it is prescribed, contraindications, overdose - this is the topic of further consideration. To begin with, a few words should be given about the pharmacological action of the drug.

What is the effect of Calcium gluconate?

Calcium gluconate is a drug intended to help a patient diagnosed with a lack of calcium in the body. The biological role of this mineral in a living organism is extremely multifaceted. By and large, there is no system whose operation does not depend on this element.

Calcium is a mineral involved in demoralization reactions, that is, the appearance and propagation of an electrical impulse in biological tissues. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and other important systems.

Calcium is a major component of bone structure. In combination with phosphorus, it forms at least 80 percent of the structure of the supporting apparatus. A lack of calcium in the body leads to the development of a significant number of serious diseases.

This element of the periodic system is absolutely necessary for the efficient functioning of blood clotting processes. Its deficiency will inevitably lead to increased bleeding.

Why is Calcium gluconate prescribed?

The instructions for use allow taking the medication Calcium Gluconate in the following cases:

Any disease accompanied by hypocalcemia (low mineral content in the blood). This group includes many pathological conditions, in particular: pathology of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and other systems.
Conditions in which the need for calcium increases. This includes pregnancy, a period of rapid growth, heavy physical activity, the postmenopausal period, and so on.
Conditions in which the processes of calcium removal from the body are enhanced. In particular, prolonged diarrhea, kidney failure, taking specific medications, burn disease, and so on.
Poisoning with heavy metal salts or organic acids.

In addition, hypoparathyroidism, rickets, pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

What are the contraindications for use of Calcium gluconate?

Taking calcium supplements intended for replacement therapy is contraindicated in the following cases:

Excessively high levels of calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia);
The need to take cardiac glycosides;
Hypersensitivity to the drug;
Age less than 3 years.

Relative contraindications (when the ability to take the medicine is limited):

Diarrhea, especially long-term;
Increased calcium levels in urine;
Chronic heart failure;
Severe atherosclerosis;

In addition, any electrolyte disturbances.


There are other calcium supplements designed to correct deficiency, such as calcium chloride. It should be emphasized that the use of calcium gluconate is more preferable, since this salt has almost no irritating effect on the digestive tract.

What is the use and dosage of Calcium gluconate?

For the most complete absorption of the drug, the tablets should be crushed before use. They crush quite easily. To obtain a homogeneous powder, in most cases it is enough to crush the medicine between two spoons.

It is recommended to take the medicine in an amount of 1 to 3 grams per day, in 2 to 3 doses. The maximum daily dosage of 9 grams should not be exceeded. The optimal time for the procedure is one and a half hours before a meal or 2 hours after it.

For children aged 3 to 4 years, the maximum daily dosage is 3 grams. At the age of 5 - 6 years - 4.5 g. From 7 to 9 years - 6 grams. From 10 to 14 years, the dosage regimen is completely similar to that in adult patients.

Calcium gluconate - overdose

In case of an overdose of the drug, hypercalcemia occurs, usually manifested by the following symptoms: vomiting, nausea, drowsiness, depressive mood, psychosis, convulsions, confusion, coma, heart rhythm disturbances, and so on.

Treatment: immediate administration of calcitonin solutions in an amount of 10 IU per kilogram of body weight. The solution should be diluted in 500 milliliters of isotonic sodium chloride. Administered intravenously. The duration of the procedure is 6 hours.

In addition, it is important to monitor cardiac performance indicators and, if dangerous heart rhythm disturbances occur, carry out symptomatic therapy aimed at maintaining the effective functioning of the heart muscle.

What are the side effects of Calcium gluconate?

Taking calcium gluconate tablets can cause the following side effects: bloating, increased gas formation, heartburn, belching, loose stools or constipation, headaches, vomiting and nausea, allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes or itching.

In rare cases, as a rule, if the dosage is exceeded, mental disorders, heart rhythm pathology, and so on may occur. Extremely dangerous conditions that require immediate treatment.


Calcium gluconate should be taken only if there is an indication for it. To normalize the functioning of the body and improve the absorption of this mineral, it is recommended to adhere to an integrated approach: a rational and balanced diet, physical activity, proper rest, and giving up bad habits.

active ingredient: 1 tablet contains calcium gluconate in terms of 100% substance - 500 mg;

excipients: potato starch, croscarmellose sodium, talc, calcium stearate.

Dosage form


Tablets are white, flat-cylindrical, scored and chamfered.

Manufacturer name and location

PJSC "Kievmedpreparat" Ukraine, 01032, Kyiv, st. Saksaganskogo, 139.

PJSC "Galichfarm", Ukraine, 79024, m. Lvov, st. Opryshkivska, 6/8.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Calcium preparations. ATS code 12 A03.

Calcium gluconate is a calcium salt of gluconic acid, which contains 9% calcium. Calcium ions take part in the transmission of nerve impulses, the contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles, the functioning of the myocardium, and blood clotting processes; they are necessary for the formation of bone tissue and the normal functioning of other systems and organs. The concentration of calcium ions in the blood decreases in many pathological processes; Severe hypocalcemia contributes to the occurrence of tetany. Calcium gluconate, in addition to eliminating hypocalcemia, reduces vascular permeability, has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effects, and also reduces exudation. Calcium ions are a plastic material for the skeleton and teeth, participate in various enzymatic processes, regulate the speed of nerve impulses and the permeability of cell membranes. Calcium ions are necessary for the process of neuromuscular transmission and to maintain the contractile function of the myocardium. Unlike calcium chloride, calcium gluconate has a weaker muscle irritant effect.

When taken orally, calcium gluconate is partially absorbed, mainly in the small intestine. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved after 1.2-1.3 hours. The half-life of ionized calcium from blood plasma is 6.8-7.2 hours. Penetrates through the placental barrier and into breast milk. It is excreted from the body with urine and feces.

Indications for use

Diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell membranes, and disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses in muscle tissue. Hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis), vitamin D metabolism disorders (rickets, spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure. Increased need for calcium (period of intensive growth in children and adolescents, pregnancy, breastfeeding), insufficient Ca 2+ in food, impaired calcium metabolism in the postmenopausal period, bone fractures. Increased excretion of Ca 2+ (prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, hypocalcemia with long-term use of diuretics, antiepileptic drugs, glucocorticosteroids). In complex therapy: bleeding of various etiologies, allergic diseases (serum sickness, urticaria, febrile syndrome, itchy dermatoses, angioedema); bronchial asthma, dystrophic alimentary edema, pulmonary tuberculosis, eclampsia, parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver damage, nephritis. Poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic acid, soluble salts of fluoric acid (when interacting with calcium gluconate, insoluble and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride are formed).


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hypercalcemia, severe hypercalciuria, hypercoagulation (increased blood clotting), tendency to thrombus formation, severe atherosclerosis, nephrourolithiasis (calcium), severe renal failure, sarcoidosis, taking digitalis drugs.

Proper safety precautions for use

When used in patients receiving cardiac glycosides and/or diuretics, as well as during long-term treatment, the concentration of calcium and creatinine in the blood should be monitored. If their concentration increases, the dose of the drug should be reduced or its use should be temporarily stopped. Due to the fact that vitamin D 3 increases the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract, in order to avoid an overdose of calcium, it is necessary to take into account the intake of vitamin D 3 and calcium from other sources.

Patients with mild hypercalciuria (more than 300 mg/day = 7.5 mmol/day), mild renal dysfunction, and a history of urolithiasis should be prescribed with caution and the level of urinary calcium excretion should be regularly monitored. If necessary, reduce the dose of the drug or discontinue it. Patients with a tendency to form stones in the urinary tract are advised to increase the volume of fluid consumed during treatment.

When treating with the drug, you should avoid taking high doses of vitamin D or its derivatives, unless there are special indications for this.

An interval of at least 3 hours should be maintained between taking calcium gluconate tablets and oral medications estramustine, etidronate and other bisphosphonates, phenytoin, quinolones, tetracycline antibiotics, oral iron supplements and fluoride supplements.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding

The use of the drug is permissible taking into account the ratio of benefit to the woman/risk to the fetus (child), which is determined by the doctor. When using calcium supplements during breastfeeding, it may pass into breast milk.

The ability to influence reaction speed when driving vehicles or operating other mechanisms

The drug does not affect the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with complex mechanisms.


The drug is used for children aged 3 years and older.

Directions for use and doses

Prescribed orally before meals. The tablet must be chewed or crushed.

For adults and children over 14 years of age, the drug is prescribed in a single dose of 1-3 g (2-6 tablets), for children aged 3 to 4 years - 1 g (2 tablets), from 5 to 6 years - 1-1. 5 g (2-3 tablets), from 7 to 9 years - 1.5-2 g (3-4 tablets), from 10 to 14 years - 2-3 g (4-6 tablets) 2-3 times per day. The daily dose for elderly patients should not exceed 2 g (4 tablets) per day.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the patient’s condition.


With long-term use in high doses, hypercalcemia with the deposition of calcium salts in the body is possible, and dyspepsia is possible. The likelihood of developing hypercalcemia increases with simultaneous treatment with high doses of vitamin D or its derivatives.

Symptoms of hypercalcemia: drowsiness, weakness, anorexia, abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, constipation, polydipsia, polyuria, increased fatigue, irritability, poor health, depression, dehydration, possible heart rhythm disturbances, myalgia, arthralgia, arterial hypertension.

Treatment: drug withdrawal; in severe cases - parenteral calcitonin at a dose of 5-10 IU/kg body weight per day (diluted in 500 ml of sterile physiological sodium chloride solution, intravenously drip over 6 hours. Slow intravenous jet administration is possible 2-4 times a day).

Side effects

The drug is usually well tolerated, but sometimes disturbances are possible:

from the digestive tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pain in the epigastric region, constipation; with long-term use in high doses - the formation of calcium stones in the intestines;

from the cardiovascular system: bradycardia;

from the side of metabolism: hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria;

from the urinary system: impaired renal function (frequent urination, swelling of the lower extremities).

Allergic reactions may occur.

These phenomena quickly disappear after reducing the dose or discontinuing the drug.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions.

The drug slows down the absorption of estramustine, etidronate and other bisphosphonates, quinolones, tetracycline antibiotics, oral iron supplements and fluoride preparations (the interval between doses should be at least 3 hours). Calcium gluconate reduces the bioavailability of phenytoin. When taken simultaneously with vitamin D or its derivatives, calcium absorption increases. Cholesterolamine reduces calcium absorption in the digestive tract. When the drug is used together with cardiac glycosides, the cardiotoxic effects of the latter are enhanced. GCS reduce calcium absorption. When combined with thiazide diuretics, it may increase the risk of developing hypercalcemia. The drug may reduce the effect of calcitonin in hypercalcemia, the bioavailability of phenytoin, and the effect of calcium channel blockers. When used simultaneously with quinidine, intraventricular conduction may slow down and the toxicity of quinidine may increase.

Forms insoluble or slightly soluble calcium salts with carbonates, salicylates, and sulfates.

Calcium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract can be reduced by certain types of food (spinach, rhubarb, bran, grains).

Best before date

Storage conditions

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Calcium gluconate is a general strengthening drug. In many pathologies, including those of an allergic nature, the concentration of Ca ions decreases, metabolic processes are disrupted, and the immune system weakens. A mineral supplement is prescribed when there is a deficiency of the beneficial substance in the body.

Why is calcium gluconate recommended for adults and children for allergies? How to take the drug for the treatment and prevention of diseases against the background of increased sensitization of the body? What is more effective: tablets or calcium gluconate injections? The answers are in the article.

Composition and action

The active ingredient is calcium gluconate. An effective general tonic is supplied to pharmacies uninterruptedly: the drug is in demand by patients of all ages.

Taking a useful mineral supplement provides a therapeutic effect:

  • capillary permeability decreases, the penetration of allergens sharply decreases, negative reactions appear weaker;
  • transcapillary exchange is normalized;
  • processes of neuromuscular transmission are activated;
  • active hemostatic and antiallergic effects are manifested;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the work of the heart muscle improves;
  • the effectiveness of therapy for many diseases of allergic origin increases;
  • the condition of dental tissue and enamel improves.

Note! Normalizing the level of Ca in the body accelerates recovery from many diseases of an allergic nature, damage to the respiratory tract, liver pathologies, and prevents the risk of bleeding.

Release form

Calcium gluconate is available in tablets and injections. The doctor selects the optimal dosage form depending on the severity of the disease. The liquid product quickly replenishes calcium deficiency and quickly reduces swelling in acute forms of allergies. Oral administration is indicated for the treatment of diseases with hypersensitivity of the body and for preventive purposes.

Ampoules or injections

Characteristics of calcium gluconate injections:

  • solution concentration 10%;
  • in a cardboard box there are 10 ampoules of the drug, each volume is 10 ml;
  • In case of severe allergic diseases, intravenous administration of the solution is recommended. Intramuscular injections are not prescribed, especially for children with allergies;
  • “hot injection” - this is how patients and doctors characterize the administration of calcium gluconate. After the procedure, warmth spreads throughout the body, and fever often appears. After a short time, the signs disappear;
  • Calcium gluconate is administered intramuscularly only by a health care worker. It is important to administer the medicine over two to three minutes, making sure that the substance does not penetrate into neighboring tissues: necrosis of these areas is possible.


General information:

  • active ingredient content - 0.5 g per unit;
  • in case of calcium deficiency, tablets are taken in the evening;
  • flat-cylindrical shape, color - white, perhaps a slight yellowish tint;
  • a prerequisite during administration is a sufficient amount of milk or water for better absorption of the drug components;
  • contour packaging contains 10 tablets.

Indications for use

The mineral supplement is effective as an aid for allergic diseases:

  • serum sickness;
  • atopic

Note! During pregnancy, a mineral supplement should only be taken on the advice of a physician if the benefit to the mother far outweighs the risk of side effects. In each case, an individual approach is important.


The mineral supplement is not prescribed for the following conditions:

  • atherosclerosis (severe form);
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • sensitivity to the ingredients of tablets and injection solution;
  • lactation period;
  • renal failure (severe form);
  • excess of blood clotting indicators;
  • use of cardiac glycosides;
  • increased risk of blood clots.

Instructions for use and dosage

For allergic diseases, calcium gluconate tablets are prescribed in most cases. The duration of the appointment is determined by the doctor, the average duration is one to two weeks. The dosage depends on the patient's age.

According to the instructions for use, calcium gluconate tablets must be taken before meals, always with water or milk (150-200 ml). Crumb or chew the mineral supplement before swallowing.

After oral administration, the drug is partially absorbed, mainly in the small intestine. The maximum concentration of Ca was observed in the blood plasma after one and a half hours. Most of it is excreted by the kidneys, a smaller part is excreted with the contents of the intestines. The half-life is about seven hours.

Calcium gluconate for children

Optimal dosage:

  • age 3-4 years- 2 tablets per day are enough;
  • age 5-6 years- prescribe 2 or 3 tablets;
  • age 7-9 years- allowed to take 3 or 4 tablets;
  • age 10-14 years- on the recommendation of the doctor, the young patient receives from 4 to 6 tablets daily.

Possible side effects

Mineral supplementation rarely causes unwanted effects. Sometimes patients complain of discomfort in the intestines, the development of diarrhea or constipation.

Rarely other side effects occur:

  • the appearance of calcium stones in the intestinal area. The main reason is high doses of the drug over a long period;
  • frequent urination, noticeable swelling in the legs;
  • nausea, pain in the epigastric region, vomiting;
  • hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria. Analyzes show deviations when the frequency and dosage of taking a mineral supplement is violated;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.

Note! Patients feel heat in the mouth and throughout the body, redness of the epidermis after a “hot injection”.


Calcium gluconate is a safe mineral supplement, but exceeding the daily requirement brings little benefit to the body. Regular violation of the instructions, taking more tablets over time can cause an increase in Ca levels. With a single overdose, negative symptoms do not appear.


One of the advantages of a general tonic with an antiallergic effect is the low cost of the tablets:

  • package No. 10 - 12 rubles;
  • package No. 20 - 30 rubles;
  • package No. 30 - 40 rubles.

The injection solution is also inexpensive: 10 ampoules - 175 rubles.

Learn how to recognize and treat rashes.

For a list and characteristics of effective ointments for eczema on the legs, see the page.

Go to the address and read about the rules for using antibiotics for allergic laryngitis.


There are many drugs in pharmacies containing gluconic acid salts. The substance is less active compared to, but for the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases, medicines and vitamin-mineral complexes with a beneficial component are most suitable.

Calcium gluconate analogues:

  • Vitacalcin.
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed.
  • Kaltsinova.
  • Vitrum.
  • Elevit.
  • Calcium Sandoz.

Calcium gluconate is used to eliminate calcium deficiency in the body. This element is necessary not only for the formation of bone and cartilage tissue, it is also responsible for muscle contraction and the conduction of nerve impulses. In addition, it is involved in many metabolic processes of the human body.


The tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape, they should have a noticeable chamfer, and a line should be applied to one of the sides, intended to divide the tablet in half. Their color is white. Each tablet contains 500 mg of calcium gluconate. They also contain additional components:

  • talc;
  • starch obtained from potato tubers;
  • calcium stearate.

The tablets are placed in contour packs of 10 pieces. There can be 1, 2 or 10 such packages in a cardboard pack.


Solution for injection is a transparent, homogeneous, colorless liquid. 1 ml of injection solution contains 0.1 g of active substance. Its auxiliary components are:

  • calcium sucrose;
  • water.

The solution is placed in ampoules made of white glass. The capacity of one ampoule is 3, 5 or 10 ml. The ampoules are in contour packages made of plastic (5 or 10 pieces each). A pack contains 1 or 2 packages of the drug. Calcium gluconate is also available in chewable tablet and powder forms.

What is it used for?

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • deficiency of calcium ions in the body confirmed by the results of laboratory tests;
  • hypoparathyroidism (functional insufficiency of the parathyroid glands, leading to a clinically significant decrease in calcium content in the body tissues);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • parenchymal hepatitis;
  • damage to liver cells caused by exposure to toxic substances;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, as a result of which calcium is actively excreted in the urine;
  • pathologies of the nervous system occurring against the background of calcium deficiency;
  • diseases of the lower respiratory system (bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis);
  • bone fractures;
  • dental lesions due to calcium deficiency in dental tissues;
  • rickets;
  • osteoporosis;
  • paroxysmal myoplegia;
  • inflammatory diseases of various etiologies, in which significant exudation is observed due to increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels due to the disease (as part of complex therapy);
  • allergic reactions (simultaneously with the use of antihistamines);
  • intensive removal of calcium from the body caused by serious illness, poisoning or taking certain medications;
  • nasal, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, uterine bleeding (as an additional means to stop bleeding).

Calcium gluconate is also used as an antidote for poisoning with magnesium salts, oxalic acid and oxalic acid oxalates.

Pharmacological action

Taking the drug allows you to:

  • improve contraction of skeletal muscles and smooth muscles;
  • normalize myocardial function;
  • provide the necessary conditions for the passage of impulses of the nervous system;
  • improve the condition of bones, cartilage and teeth;
  • restore normal blood clotting parameters.

Calcium gluconate tablets, after entering the small intestine, begin to be absorbed into the blood. The degree of its absorption is 20-35%, it is largely determined by the content of vitamin D in the blood, the pH value and the characteristics of the patient’s diet. The absorption of calcium ions occurs more intensely if the food does not contain enough of this element or if the patient’s body is deficient in it.

Approximately 20% of the drug is excreted from the body through the kidneys, and most of the dose taken is eliminated through the intestines. When the drug is administered intravenously, there is increased excitation of the sympathetic nervous system and an increase in the release of adrenaline by the adrenal glands.

The medicine has a moderate diuretic effect.

Instructions for use


Tablets should be taken 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after. It is recommended to crush them into powder first. The medicine is better absorbed if washed down with water with lemon juice or tea with lemon. You can also take the drug with milk.

To achieve a stable therapeutic effect, calcium gluconate must be taken for a fairly long time, at least 1 month.


Injections are given intramuscularly or intravenously. Before use, the drug must be warmed to 36-37°C. The medicine must be administered slowly, over 2-3 minutes.

A single dose for an adult is usually set within 5-10 ml of solution (the doctor may prescribe a different dosage). Injections are given once a day or at intervals of 2-3 days. The duration of therapy for each patient is determined individually.

Contraindications and side effects

Calcium gluconate should not be prescribed:

  • with hypercalcemia (excessive calcium in the blood);
  • if the patient has a severe form of hypercalciuria;
  • patients with severe forms of functional renal failure;
  • if the patient is diagnosed with sarcoidosis;
  • patients with blood hypercoagulation;
  • with an increased likelihood of developing thrombosis;
  • in case of hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the drug.

Taking the medicine may cause the following side effects:

  • the appearance of signs of irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, constipation (when using tablets);
  • indigestion (abdominal pain, intense gas formation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • the appearance of a feeling of heat;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system (a drop in blood pressure below normal values, a slow pulse, heart rhythm disturbances, fainting, and extremely rarely, cardiac arrest);
  • tissue necrosis at the injection site.

Side effects dangerous to the health and life of the patient are extremely rare, but any negative phenomena should be reported to the doctor immediately if they occur.

Application for children

When prescribing this medication to children, the same recommendations as for adult patients should be followed, with the exception of dosage. It is determined taking into account the age of the child.

Here is a table showing the dosage of calcium gluconate for children of different age groups.

Injections for children can only be given intravenously or by drip; intramuscular administration creates a significant likelihood of necrotic tissue damage at the injection site. Depending on the age and medical indications, the child is administered from 1 to 5 ml of solution at intervals of 2-3 days.

For children under 3 years of age, the drug is prescribed in extreme cases with extreme caution.

Special instructions

Calcium gluconate can be prescribed:

  • children and adolescents during the period of active growth;
  • women during pregnancy (starting from the 2nd trimester);
  • nursing mothers.

In such cases, the schedule for taking the drug and its dosage are selected by the doctor on an individual basis.

Pregnant women should stop taking this medication 2 weeks before giving birth to prevent premature ossification of the baby's cranial sutures and to minimize the likelihood of injury during childbirth.

Patients with kidney disease should be treated under medical supervision. It is necessary to periodically monitor calcium levels in the blood and urine. While taking the medicine, you need to drink a lot of water (at least 1.5 liters per day).

Drug interactions

If calcium gluconate is used with other medications, a change in the pharmacological properties of the drugs may occur:

  • the effectiveness of tetracycline antibiotics decreases, while insoluble compounds are simultaneously formed;
  • the use of calcium channel blockers neutralizes the therapeutic effect of the drug;
  • taking the drug together with quinidine reduces intraventricular conductivity and increases its toxic properties;
  • Calcium gluconate slows down the absorption of digoxin, tetracyclines, and iron supplements;
  • thiazide diuretics increase the likelihood of developing hypercalcemia;
  • the drug reduces the effectiveness of calcitonin when used against the background of hypercalcemia;
  • taking cardiac glycosides can provoke an attack of arrhythmia;
  • When interacting with Phenytoin, the bioavailability of the drug decreases.

Taking calcium gluconate simultaneously with salicylates, sulfates and carbonates is strictly prohibited. You should not take other calcium supplements at the same time.


Analogues of the drug include:

  • Hydroxyapatite;
  • Calcium lactate;
  • Calcium pangamate;
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed;
  • Calcemin.

They are also designed to replenish calcium in the body, but they contain this element in the form of other chemical compounds. The advisability of switching to an analogue should be discussed with your doctor.

Drug price

Calcium gluconate is one of the most affordable medications. A pack of tablets (10 pieces) can be purchased at a price of 4 rubles, and a box of ampoules (10 pieces of 10 ml) - from 100 rubles.



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