What are the consequences of medical abortion? Recovery after an abortion - how to quickly improve the functioning of the female body? Well-being after medical termination of pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy is always stressful for both the woman and her body. If the pregnancy is up to 6 weeks, then they resort to medical abortion. The shorter the pregnancy, the faster and more effective the procedure.

Abortion is performed on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a gynecologist. Direct indications are: HIV infection, sexually transmitted diseases, oncology, severe genetic heredity.

Features of medical abortion

Before an abortion, the doctor prescribes an examination to confirm intrauterine pregnancy and identify contraindications for its termination. The procedure is carried out in 2 stages:

  • At stage 1, the gynecologist gives medications, the effect of which is aimed at reducing the production of progesterone, destroying the connection between the fertilized egg and the uterine wall, and causing the death of the embryo.

Drugs and dosage are selected individually for each woman. The most effective at this stage are Mifepristone tablets.

  • Stage 2 - after 48 hours: prostaglandins are prescribed: Misoprostol, Dinoprost. They help increase the contractility of the uterus. The embryo is excreted with blood.

The drugs are taken in the presence of a gynecologist. They are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription. If an ultrasound revealed an ectopic pregnancy or large uterine fibroids, then medical abortion is not performed.

The first 2 hours after taking medications require constant medical supervision. During this period, the drugs begin to work. The woman feels nagging pain, like during menstruation, dizziness, and bleeding appears. After her condition has stabilized, she is allowed to leave the clinic. Otherwise, if complications are detected, hospital treatment is required.

2 days after the abortion, an ultrasound of the uterine cavity is prescribed to confirm the effectiveness of the procedure. If the amniotic egg is not completely released, then an abortion is performed using a vacuum method or surgically.

Bloody discharge, similar to menstruation, after a medical termination of pregnancy lasts 16-20 days. The duration of the period depends on how quickly the body responds to the effects of the medications.

The gynecologist must be informed about taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: they are used as painkillers.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are incompatible with the action of medications used to terminate pregnancy. The possibility of an abortion appears only after the complete removal of NSAIDs, after 12 days.

Bloody discharge in the first days after a medicated abortion

Blood discharge in the form of clots appears 2 hours after taking the first pills aimed at terminating pregnancy. They are brown in color.

After a woman has taken a prostaglandin drug, the discharge becomes profuse: it resembles menstruation. At first they have a dark red color, and later lighten to a scarlet and whitish hue. This indicates that the process of termination of pregnancy was successful.

If the color of the blood discharge has yellow impurities, this indicates the presence of infection. The disease occurs against the background of changes in the microflora in the vagina.

If you are interested in the question of how long your period lasts after a medical termination of pregnancy, be sure to pay attention to the color of the discharge and the presence of impurities in it. So, yellow impurities indicate infection

When terminating a pregnancy, this is especially dangerous: blood sepsis develops and the risk of infertility increases. If at this point the amniotic sac and endometrium have not yet left the uterine cavity, then an emergency abortion is performed surgically or by vacuum method.

Menstruation after medical termination of pregnancy is the norm, but as far as practice shows, it does not always occur. If no blood clots appear, this indicates cervical spasm. The muscles are compressed, preventing the embryo from leaving the cavity. There is no abortion. Pathology leads to an inflammatory process and further abnormal development of the embryo.

How long does bleeding last after medical abortion?

Brown clots are released for 2 days, until the prostaglandins were taken. At stage 2 of abortion, intense contraction of the uterus occurs, which is accompanied by bleeding. The process ends after 14 days.

In some cases, spotting continues until the onset of the first menstruation. The gynecologist prescribes therapy that reduces the process of uterine contractions.

Only pads are used as hygiene products. Cotton swabs will not allow the embryo to come out. The discharge on the pad must be carefully observed so as not to miss the release of the amniotic egg: it looks like a clot of 4-6 mm. After 10 days, the bleeding stops.

When does your period start after a medical abortion?

After a medical termination of pregnancy, your period will come at its natural time. Each woman has her own individual monthly cycle: as far as we know, it is 28-30 days.

If the cycle is irregular, then wait 35 days. Otherwise, therapy is prescribed to restore the reproductive function of the body and normalize the blood supply to the uterus: hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Before the onset of the first menstruation, it is prohibited to take hormonal contraceptives. They abstain from sexual intercourse.

After menstruation, contraceptives are selected together with a gynecologist. Previously taken medications reduce their effectiveness after medical abortion

The abundance of blood discharge and the duration of menstruation depend on the restoration of the blood vessels supplying the uterus and on the microflora of the cavity.

Normally, menstruation continues in the usual manner for a woman, 5-7 days. At first, the discharge differs in intensity. In the subsequent period they become normal.

How long does your period last after medical termination of pregnancy?

after taking 1 group of drugs

2 days weak discharge

2 group of drugs

14 days of heavy bleeding

on28-35 day

1 day of menstruation – 7 days

7-10 days after the first day of menstruation, the discharge stops. Longer periods indicate pathology in the processes occurring inside the uterus. The gynecologist prescribes a blood test, an extraordinary ultrasound, and takes a smear to detect inflammatory processes.

Bleeding after medical termination of pregnancy: causes

During a drug-induced abortion, bleeding in the form of heavy periods helps expel the embryo from the uterine cavity. The condition is defined as normal if the pad contains 5 drops in the first days and is filled every 3 hours.

“Menstruations” after medical termination of pregnancy come with painful manifestations in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. The discharge continues for the same number of days as menstruation occurred before pregnancy.

If the pad fills within an hour, abdominal pain is accompanied by fever, nausea, and dizziness, then this is a reason to call an ambulance and urgent hospitalization.

If you experience dizziness, nausea, lower abdominal pain or excessive bleeding, consult a doctor immediately

Bloody discharge developed into intrauterine bleeding. This happens for several reasons:

  • unsuccessful termination of pregnancy; parts of the amniotic egg remain in the uterus;
  • attached infection; lack of hygiene;
  • physical activity during an abortion;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • non-compliance with the gynecologist’s recommendations: taking hormonal medications, physical activity, sexual intercourse;
  • lack of information about abortion: the use of painkillers, how long the “period” lasts after medical termination of pregnancy, and what is its intensity;
  • stress, psychological instability.

With reduced immunity and a low pain threshold, “menstruation” passes with severe pain. Self-use of painkillers, without consulting a gynecologist, is one of the main reasons for the development of intrauterine bleeding.

Delay after medical abortion: reasons

Termination of pregnancy affects the stability of a woman’s hormonal levels. Abortion medications suppress the production of estrogen, which affects the functioning of the ovaries and the entire endocrine system. The natural menstrual cycle is disrupted: a delay of 10 days is acceptable.

After an artificial miscarriage, a woman experiences stress. Depression provokes an increase in prolactin levels. The hormone delays the ovulation process, which directly affects the timing of menstruation.

One of the reasons for a delay in menstruation after an abortion is the resulting pregnancy. Gynecologists warn that the opinion about the absence of ovulation 1 month after the removal of the embryo is erroneous. In women with good immunity, it begins 2 weeks after the procedure.

Consequences of medical abortion

A medical abortion is more preferable for a woman than a surgical operation. The consequences of the procedure are related to the tolerability of the drugs and their effectiveness. In the first hours after taking the pills, in some cases, allergic manifestations on the skin, dizziness, and nausea are noted. At stage 2 of abortion, there is a risk of intrauterine bleeding.

Before an abortion, the gynecologist is obliged to warn about serious consequences, which are defined as remote and do not appear immediately:

  • Placental polyp: part of the embryo remains in the uterine cavity; bleeding develops.
  • Hematometra: blood clots accumulate in the cavity; the disease develops with cervical spasm.
  • Hormonal instability.
  • Depressive state.

If complications occur after a medical abortion, surgery may be necessary.

Severe complications require surgery and hospital treatment.

How to restore your cycle after a medical abortion

During artificial termination of pregnancy, ovarian function is disrupted. This occurs due to a decrease in estrogen and progestogen levels. During the rehabilitation period after an abortion, the gynecologist prescribes combined contraceptives such as "Regulon", "Mikrogynon". The drugs help restore hormonal levels and the monthly cycle.

In order for the development of the fetus to proceed without complications, it is necessary to determine how long menstruation lasts after medical termination of pregnancy.

Only after 6 menstrual cycles, which appear regularly, do they begin to plan a pregnancy.

If a woman decides to terminate her pregnancy, then her desire must be thoughtful and justified. Medically induced abortion is considered the most gentle way to get rid of an embryo, but it also has serious complications. Gynecologists urge women to plan their pregnancy in advance so as not to subsequently decide on an abortion.

To find out how long your period lasts after a medical termination of pregnancy, watch this video:

How is medical abortion performed and what are its advantages:

You will need

  • - doxycycline;
  • - metronidazole or trichopolum;
  • - fluconazole or flucostat;
  • - tsiprolet or digital;
  • - bifi-forms;
  • - vitamins;
  • - oral contraceptives.


Termination of pregnancy at any stage is always stressful for the female body. After all, abortion is a complex and very painful process that a woman has to go through during the intervention. After the operation, the doctor must, in order to avoid complications after an abortion, prescribe medications, the use of which should help the body recover and prevent the development of possible inflammation.

Among the mandatory medications that help protect a woman’s body from infections that cause inflammation are powerful antibiotics and antimicrobials, such as doxycycline, metronidazole, and fluconazole. They are affordable, however, it should be remembered that the drugs often seriously damage the liver and other vital organs. But at the same time, they are very effective, which is why they are prescribed in most cases of termination of pregnancy. However, if you strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the negative consequences of taking the drugs can be avoided.

Doxycycline is very powerful and should be started immediately after an abortion. Take the drug twice a day, 100 mg or 0.1 g (1 capsule) after meals. But you can drink it for no more than 7 days. Usually 5 days is enough.

In combination with you should also take the antimicrobial metronidazole or, which are prescribed as a preventive measure for the development of various infections after surgery. The dosage is usually two tablets (250 mg each) per day three times a day. It is best to drink them with water or milk.

On the fifth day of taking the medications, a single use of fluconazole or is necessary, which will help preserve the vaginal microflora and prevent the development of thrush and a number of other infections.

The doctor may also prescribe other antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs, including analgin-quinine. Of the modern generation drugs, or are recommended. They should be taken two tablets a day for 5 days. On the fifth day after the abortion, take a flucostat tablet. Then you should take care of the intestinal microflora. To do this, use bifi-form capsules - 2 pieces per day. To restore hormonal levels, you can immediately start taking oral microdose contraceptives on the first day after an abortion, for example. You should drink them OK according to the plan.

To maintain the body as a whole, start taking vitamin supplements, include fresh vegetables and fruits, and natural juices in your diet.

Tip 2: What are the health consequences after an abortion?

Abortion has long been legal and is not considered a crime either for doctors or for the women who turn to them. Moral and ethical condemnation of abortion is gradually fading away. On the contrary, public opinion often condemns those women who refuse abortions: “They breed poverty, they breed freaks, they sit on the state’s neck.” All this creates a situation where in some cases it is easier for a woman to decide to have an abortion than to have a child.

Clinics offering such services to women are interested in increasing the number of clients. It is beneficial for them to convince them of the safety of abortions performed using modern technologies, and even that childbirth is much more harmful and dangerous than abortion.
In fact, childbirth is a natural biological process, and if it occurs without complications, then it cannot cause any harm to the female body. Abortion is a violation of the natural course of events, so there are no safe and harmless abortions.

Penetration of infection into the uterus

One of the inevitable companions of abortion is infection. Of course, medical instruments are sterilized before an abortion, but bacteria are in the vagina and can be carried from there into the uterus. The infection may not be the most dangerous, there will be no immediate painful manifestations, but the bacteria will penetrate the fallopian tubes, and over time their activity will lead to the formation of adhesions. They will not stop sperm from moving down the fallopian tube or prevent fertilization, but they will prevent the embryo from reaching the uterus. The result will be an ectopic pregnancy - a serious complication that threatens rupture of the fallopian tube and peritonitis, which requires surgical intervention.

In some cases, they lead to complete overgrowth of the lumen of the fallopian tube, which makes the woman infertile. The infection can also affect the vessels in the area of ​​the uterosacral ligaments. Inflammation of these ligaments leads to a decrease in sexual sensitivity and sexual coldness. In more severe cases, women complain of constant pain in the lower back and pain during sexual intercourse. All this may appear in a few years. It is not easy to cure the disease.

Mechanical damage

When performing uterine curettage, the doctor is forced to act blindly, so mechanical damage is inevitable. In their place, scars, folds and even polyps remain, as a result of which in subsequent pregnancies the implantation of the embryo occurs in a different place. This leads to incorrect localization of the placenta. In some cases, it closes the cervix, and then you have to resort to cesarean, natural childbirth becomes impossible.

In some cases, the resulting scars change the internal structure, which prevents the outflow of menstrual blood. In such cases, surgical treatment is required.

The cervix, injured as a result of an abortion, cannot withstand prolonged strong pressure, so the likelihood of miscarriages and premature births in subsequent pregnancies after an abortion increases sharply.

Hormonal disorders

During pregnancy, a radical hormonal change occurs in the female body. When pregnancy occurs naturally and is interrupted suddenly, it becomes a colossal stress for the body. It takes 3-4 months for women who have given birth to restore hormonal levels, and more than a year for nulliparous women.

It is difficult to name an endocrine gland that would not be affected by such a hormonal “blow”. Both the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland suffer. The level of male hormones increases, which can affect appearance and reduce resistance to stress.

Particularly affected by hormonal imbalance are the mammary glands, whose cells undergo a number of changes during pregnancy in preparation for producing milk. Changes in hormonal levels sharply return them to their previous state, and nodules and tumors may appear. The risk of developing breast cancer in the future increases by 50%. The likelihood of cancer in other organs also increases: the cervix, thyroid gland.

"Safe" abortions

All of the above applies to instrumental. Currently, there are other types of abortion - vacuum and medication, which seem less dangerous. But they also have negative consequences.

Hormonal disruption occurs with such abortions, as with instrumental ones, and with medication ones - it is even specially provoked for the purpose of terminating the pregnancy. In some cases, part of the fertilized egg remains in the uterus, and it is necessary to resort to the same curettage as with instrumental abortion. Inflammatory processes during a vacuum abortion are also not excluded.

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With any type of pregnancy termination is one of the main consequences. It takes time for the reproductive system to recover after an abortion. In this case, the method of termination of pregnancy and the timing of the procedure are important.

Consequences of abortion for a woman

It is worth noting that all existing negative consequences of abortion can be divided into those observed immediately after the procedure and long-term ones. At the same time, the consequences of a medical abortion are not as pronounced as those observed after surgical curettage. Among the common consequences of any abortion:

  1. Bloody discharge. Light discharge with blood after an abortion is observed for 2 weeks from the date of the procedure. They are accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  2. Perforation of the uterus. Violation of the integrity of the reproductive organ, accompanied by severe... Occurs during a surgical abortion and requires emergency care.
  3. Uterine bleeding. Possible if large vessels are damaged by the abortive instrument.
  4. Incomplete abortion. A complication of the abortion process, in which particles of fetal tissue remain in the uterine cavity. The uterus needs to be surgically cleaned out.
  5. Infection of the reproductive system. It is observed when abortion technique is violated, or when unsterile instruments are used.

Physical recovery after medical abortion

Rehabilitation after begins with restoration of the uterus. During this procedure, the inner layer of the organ is rejected, which after a while begins to recover. Endometrial cells, through division, lead to the gradual restoration of the endometrium. Almost simultaneously, there is a release of old cellular structures that were damaged during the abortion.

To speed up the cleaning process, the uterine muscle layer periodically contracts. In this case, the woman may feel a squeezing pain in the lower abdomen. The attacks are of short duration and stop on their own. Doctors do not recommend using strong analgesics, as this may disrupt the recovery process. It is important to monitor your health and if pain increases or new symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

Restoring a cycle after an abortion

How quickly hormonal levels are restored after an abortion depends on the type of intervention performed. Thus, minimal consequences associated with cycle disruption are observed with medical termination of pregnancy. In most cases, menstrual flow is observed at the right time, according to the established cycle. The next period comes in 28–35 days.

Recovery after vacuum removal occurs within 3–7 months. According to medical observations, this takes 3–4 months for women who have given birth before. In this case, the first cyclic discharge can be observed as early as a month after the procedure. However, they are not abundant, irregular, often painful and may be absent next month. This phenomenon is a variant of the norm: this is how gradual recovery occurs after a vacuum abortion.

The most unpredictable periods are those after a surgical abortion. Due to severe trauma to the endometrium, a woman may notice light bleeding for 3–4 months. This is due to insufficient thickness of the endometrium. Bloody discharge in the first days after an abortion has no connection with menstrual discharge. Recovery after an abortion of this type with resumption occurs within a month.

Restoration of the uterus after abortion

Recovery of the endometrium after an abortion takes 3–4 weeks. At this time, active cell division processes occur in the uterus. The norm is the presence of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which is caused by contraction of the muscular structures of the uterus. Throughout this period, a woman may observe light, bloody vaginal discharge.

Complete restoration of the body after an abortion consists of returning to the state of the reproductive system that was observed before the abortion: menstruation acquires the same frequency, they are of the same volume and duration. According to doctors, this process can take from 1–3 months to six months. A longer recovery period requires medical supervision.

How to recover psychologically after an abortion?

Artificial termination of pregnancy is accompanied by a complex of mental disorders called post-abortion syndrome (PAS). A woman is often haunted by memories of the procedure she underwent, and intense mental pain arises associated with the circumstances of the incident. Because of this, many people need the help of a specialist. Psychological recovery after an abortion should be carried out with the direct participation of a psychologist who will give the woman specific advice and prescribe medications if necessary.

A woman can try to ease her well-being on her own. Psychologists advise following a few simple steps:

  1. Forgive yourself out loud.
  2. Be in society more often, don’t isolate yourself.
  3. Talk to your spouse, partner.
  4. Contact the church.

How to speed up the body's recovery after an abortion?

Women who have undergone an abortion procedure are often interested in the question of how to quickly recover after an abortion. In order to shorten the recovery period, doctors advise adhering to the following rules:

  1. Sexual intercourse is allowed after the first menstruation.
  2. It is not recommended to use gels, ointments, or douching.
  3. You should use pads instead of tampons.
  4. Avoid sports for a month.
  5. Take a shower instead of a bath

At the same time, you can take vitamins to recover after an abortion:

  • Complivit-anti-stress;
  • Vitrum performance;
  • Vitrum-super-stress.

Recovery after medical abortion

Recovery after medical termination of pregnancy occurs quickly and requires virtually no intervention from doctors. After 2–4 weeks, the uterus returns to its previous state and is ready for a new conception. Therefore, an important point to avoid recurrent pregnancy is the use of contraceptives.

Many women after a medical abortion (MA) are concerned about how to avoid complications and maintain their health.

Despite the apparent safety of the medical abortion procedure. Just like any other hormonal intervention in a woman’s reproductive health, abortion has a number of consequences.

Medical abortion is performed without surgical intervention in the uterine cavity in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 6 weeks). It is carried out using drugs that block the action of progesterone, which contributes to the normal development of pregnancy.

Thus, termination of pregnancy occurs in the form of menstrual-like bleeding, accompanied by moderate pain in the lower abdomen.

The effectiveness of the method is about 95% with no complications inherent in surgical abortion.

What complications can occur after a medical abortion?

After this medical procedure, a number of complications are possible. Let's list them:

  • ongoing pregnancy;
  • heavy uterine bleeding;
  • pronounced cramping sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • dyspeptic disorders in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • allergic reactions such as urticaria;
  • migraine;
  • general malaise, hot flashes, chills;
  • increase in body temperature.

We will look in more detail at what signs may indicate the presence of complications and what to do if this happens, and we will also try to answer the most frequently asked questions of women.

The probability of developing pregnancy can occur in 1-2.5% of cases. Its presence will be indicated by a positive test after a medical abortion, which is recommended to be carried out no earlier than a week after the procedure.

An earlier test may give a positive result due to the fact that the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) decreases gradually after an abortion.

If the test shows pregnancy 7-10 days after the abortion, contact your gynecologist immediately.

Why does heavy bleeding occur?

It is possible that the pregnancy is terminated, but the fertilized egg does not come out or is not completely expelled from the uterine cavity. Clinically, this condition is accompanied by bleeding. Or the cause is the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity. In both cases, an ultrasound examination is indicated, which will show the nature of the problem.

To stop bleeding, drug therapy is prescribed: “Dicinone”, aminocaproic acid. And among traditional medicine methods, tincture of water pepper is suitable.

When is cleaning necessary after a medical abortion?

Cleaning will be required if the ultrasound revealed remnants of the fertilized egg or blood clots. A doctor will help clarify this problem during a routine examination 10–14 days after MA. And of course, the patient will note prolonged bleeding.

Do I need to take antibiotics after MA?

After a medical abortion, there is no need for antibacterial drugs, because the procedure does not involve surgical intervention in the uterine cavity.

But conditions may arise for which antibiotics are indicated. In particular, this indication may be elevated temperature after medical abortion.

If you have a temperature above 38°C that lasts longer than four hours, consult a doctor immediately, even if you want to stay in your usual home environment.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after MA

The onset of menstruation usually occurs 30–32 days after the procedure, but a delay of up to 10 days is possible, which is associated with hormonal imbalance in the body. In this case, you need to do a test and continue taking the medications prescribed by your doctor.

What medications are prescribed in the post-abortion period?

Most often prescribed:

  • "Duphaston" normalizes the neuroendocrine function of the ovaries and uterus, replenishes progesterone deficiency.
  • Antispasmodics (“No-shpa”, “Drotaverine”) reduce pain caused by contractions of the uterus.
  • Means for regulating the motility of the digestive tract (Motilium, Motinol, Metoclopramide) for the treatment of side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
  • Antidiarrheals (“Loperamide”, “Imodium”), if the post-abortion period is accompanied by stool disorder.
  • Antihistamines (“Claritin”, “Cetrin”) for allergic manifestations and urticaria.
  • Sedatives (Diazepam, valerian extract) to reduce the manifestations of neuropsychic stress caused by the nature of the procedure.
  • Multivitamin complexes containing antioxidants ("Multi-Tabs", "Vitrum"), general strengthening (royal jelly "Apilak") to maintain immunity and restore the body's defenses.
  • Hemostatics for heavy bleeding.

What medications are prohibited after a medical abortion?

You should not take painkillers (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac), as they increase bleeding.

When can you breastfeed?

After a medical abortion, concentrations of drugs harmful to the baby remain in breast milk for another week. Therefore, during the period of removal of medications after the procedure, which is about 6–7 days, it is recommended to suspend breastfeeding.

The administered drugs do not affect the quantity and quality of breast milk, and you will be able to successfully resume breastfeeding after the recommended period.

Recovery period

The recovery period after a medical abortion lasts about a month and includes several rehabilitation methods. These include taking medications prescribed by a doctor after an abortion and following the following recommendations:

  • Complete nutrition. To prevent anemia caused by bleeding, you need to eat beef and beef liver, which are a source of iron. Alcohol is prohibited for 2 weeks. Drinking alcohol leads to increased bleeding and weakened immunity.
  • Work and rest schedule. Eliminate heavy physical labor, going to the gym and solarium.
  • Sexual activity is recommended no earlier than after a month.

Is it possible to swim in the sea after MA?

Swimming in the sea or pool is prohibited for 2 weeks. As a hygiene procedure, taking a shower is recommended.

For more than 25 years, it has been possible to non-surgically terminate an unwanted pregnancy. The use of special medications makes it possible to perform an abortion even in the earliest stages of pregnancy. What are the advantages and disadvantages of medical abortion?

What is medical abortion: a brief description of the procedure

(or abortion without surgery) is the termination of an unwanted pregnancy without surgery, but with the help of special drugs.

The idea of ​​terminating a pregnancy with the help of drugs has been nurtured by doctors and scientists for a long time, but only in the 70s of the last century there was a real opportunity to do this effectively and relatively safely for the woman. At this time, the drug mifepristone, which is an antiprogestin, was developed in France. In the early 80s, large-scale studies of mifepristone as an abortion drug began in Geneva, and already in the late 80s in France they began to use the method of medical termination of unwanted pregnancies using mifepristone, prostaglandins and other drugs.

As social and medical studies conducted in European countries show, women prefer medical abortion for various reasons. On the one hand, there is fear of surgery. And secondly, it is easier to hide a medical abortion from loved ones if a woman does not want her relatives or friends to know about this procedure.

What are the main advantages of medical abortion over surgical abortion?

In addition to the absence of the need for surgical intervention and the ability to hide the abortion from your loved ones, medical abortion has many advantages, including:

  • Medical abortion can be performed in the earliest stages of pregnancy: from the first day of missed menstruation until 6-7 weeks. At this time, the fertilized egg is still quite poorly attached to the uterus, and pronounced hormonal changes have not yet been observed. After a set period, the effectiveness of medical abortion decreases markedly. Terminating pregnancy at a very early stage allows you to minimize hormonal stress on the body.
  • With a medical abortion, the risk of infection, the development of adhesions, injuries to the uterine cavity, the development of endometritis and other gynecological complications that occur with a surgical abortion are eliminated.
  • Medical abortion is a painless procedure (especially for women who have given birth). In nulliparous women, minor pain may occur that does not require pain relief.
  • The risk of contracting severe viral diseases (for example, hepatitis or) is eliminated.
  • The risk of developing secondary infertility is eliminated.
  • Medical abortion is very similar to heavy menstruation, and a woman psychologically perceives it as a natural process.
  • To have a medical abortion, a woman does not need to go to an inpatient department.
  • Medical abortion is also suitable for women at a young age who are forced to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

How does medical abortion occur - description of the procedure

Medical abortion is a procedure that must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor after all the necessary examinations. A medical abortion takes place in several stages, including:

  1. Preliminary inspection. After pregnancy is detected, the woman goes to a gynecologist for a preliminary examination. The doctor examines the patient and performs an ultrasound to determine the gestational age and establish the fact that the fetus is developing in the uterus. Then the patient must confirm her desire to terminate the pregnancy and sign the appropriate documents.
  2. Analyzes. After establishing the pregnancy period, a woman should undergo blood tests (for blood type, Rh factor), Wasserman reaction and a smear for flora. If the tests are normal and there are no contraindications, then the doctor gives the woman a drug to drink (usually 3 tablets of 200 mg each). You should not eat food 2 hours before and 2 hours after taking mifepristone.
  3. Second visit to the doctor 36-48 hours after taking the drug. The next stage of medical abortion is the expulsion of the fertilized egg from the uterus. To do this, women are given prostaglandins and clearly instructed about all possible sensations that may occur when the fetus is expelled from the uterus. Typically, the woman is asked to remain in the clinic for 24 hours to monitor her condition. Sometimes a woman is allowed to go home on the condition that she strictly adheres to all recommendations, and if severe pain occurs, she will definitely contact her doctor or take the permitted ones.
  4. First control ultrasound. 3 days after taking the drug, the woman should appear for the first control ultrasound. If remnants of the fertilized egg are found in the uterus, the doctor decides how to proceed.
  5. Second control ultrasound and examination. The second time, the woman should appear for a second examination 7-14 days after taking the drug (the doctor will inform you exactly about the timing). If necessary, the doctor will order various tests, in particular, determination of human chorionic gonadotropin.

Medical abortion: pregnancy periods at which it is permissible to terminate the pregnancy

Medical abortion can be performed up to 42-49 days from the first day of the last menstruation. The effectiveness of medical abortion increases when it is performed in the early stages. After the allotted 42-49 days, the effectiveness of medical termination of pregnancy is noticeably reduced, due to which there may be a need for other methods of termination of pregnancy (vacuum aspiration, surgical abortion).

After taking mifepristone, a woman should take prostaglandins 36-48 hours later. Then, after 3 days, you need to come for a follow-up examination. Another examination is carried out 7-14 days after taking mifepristone.

Consequences of medical abortion

What happens during a medical abortion? After taking 600 mg of mifepristone, a process is started aimed at the death of the fetus. Mifepristone binds to progesterone receptors, thereby blocking the action of the hormone, which stimulates endometrial growth. In this case, the woman restores the sensitivity of the myometrium to the hormone oxytocin. The myometrium begins to contract intensively, which leads to termination of pregnancy.

36-48 hours after taking mifepristone, a woman takes prostaglandins, under the influence of which the uterus begins to contract vigorously, which leads to the expulsion of the fetus from its cavity.

Complications of medical abortion

Medical abortion is considered the safest method of ending a pregnancy, and at the same time, it is not without its drawbacks. In particular, when taking drugs (especially large doses of prostaglandins), adverse reactions are possible, among which the following most often occur:

  • Painful sensations. During a medical abortion, various painful sensations are possible that require pain relief. In this case, everything will depend on the characteristics of the woman’s body, her emotional state and pain sensitivity threshold. The doctor will first tell the woman about possible pain and recommend antispasmodics and analgesics. It is strictly not recommended to take medications on your own.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Pregnancy itself, which causes toxicosis, can lead to such symptoms. However, prostaglandins prescribed by your doctor can also cause nausea and vomiting. As a rule, such side effects occur extremely rarely. They go away on their own, but in some cases the use of antiemetic drugs is also acceptable.
  • High temperature. In some cases, prostaglandins prescribed to a woman to increase the contractile activity of the uterus promote the body. As a rule, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees and lasts for several hours. If a high temperature lasts more than 4 hours, then this, as a rule, is not associated with taking medications, but rather is a consequence of an infectious-inflammatory process. You should tell your doctor about these symptoms. Special treatment may be required.
  • Diarrhea- occurs relatively often, but is short-term in nature and does not require taking antidiarrheal drugs.
  • Heavy bleeding. As with, medical abortion is accompanied by heavy bleeding. Heavy bleeding is possible in cases where a woman has problems with blood clotting.
  • Hematometra. This is an accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity, which can occur after a medical abortion. This condition develops due to cervical spasm, and hematometra can be eliminated with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications for medical abortion

There are some circumstances in which medical abortion is contraindicated:

  • long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • impressive size;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • extragenital pathologies of severe forms;

After a medical abortion

Immediately after a medical abortion, a woman should start using contraceptives, since a subsequent pregnancy may occur before her period appears.

It is worth keeping in mind that in very rare cases, after a medical abortion, the pregnancy is not terminated. And if a woman then decides not to terminate the pregnancy, then she should understand that the fetus may have some congenital pathologies while taking medications for medical abortion. In particular, there are known cases of teratogenic effects of prostaglandins on the fetus. According to statistics, for every 1,000 births after an unsuccessful medical abortion, there are 10 congenital defects.



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